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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 syntax = "proto2";
      7 option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
      9 package enterprise_management;
     11 // Request from device to server to register device.
     12 message DeviceRegisterRequest {
     13   // Reregister device without erasing server state.  It can be used
     14   // to refresh dmtoken etc.  Client MUST set this value to true if it
     15   // reuses an existing device id.
     16   optional bool reregister = 1;
     18   // Device register type.  This field does not exist for TT release.
     19   // When a client requests for policies, server should verify the
     20   // client has been registered properly.  For example, a client must
     21   // register with type DEVICE in order to retrieve device policies.
     22   enum Type {
     23     TT   = 0;             // Register for TT release.
     24     USER = 1;             // Register for Chrome OS user polices.
     25     DEVICE = 2;           // Register for device policies.
     26     BROWSER = 3;          // Register for Chrome user policies.
     27     ANDROID_BROWSER = 4;  // Register for Android Chrome browser user policies.
     28     IOS_BROWSER = 5;      // Register for iOS Chrome browser user policies.
     29   }
     30   // NOTE: we also use this field to detect client version.  If this
     31   // field is missing, then the request comes from TT.  We will remove
     32   // Chrome OS TT support once it is over.
     33   optional Type type = 2 [default = TT];
     35   // Machine hardware id, such as serial number.
     36   // This field is required if register type == DEVICE.
     37   optional string machine_id = 3;
     39   // Machine model name, such as "ZGA", "Cr-48", "Nexus One".  If the
     40   // model name is not available, client SHOULD send generic name like
     41   // "Android", or "Chrome OS".
     42   optional string machine_model = 4;
     44   // When true, indicates that the |machine_id| has been identified as auto-
     45   // enrollment candidate on the client and the server can use it to verify
     46   // that the client is to be enrolled in the correct mode.
     47   // Defaults to false when not present.
     48   optional bool auto_enrolled = 5;
     50   // Indicates a requisition of the registering entity that the server can act
     51   // upon. This allows clients to pass hints e.g. at device enrollment time
     52   // about the intended use of the device.
     53   optional string requisition = 6;
     54 }
     56 // Response from server to device register request.
     57 message DeviceRegisterResponse {
     58   // Device management token for this registration.  This token MUST be
     59   // part of HTTP Authorization header for all future requests from
     60   // device to server.
     61   required string device_management_token = 1;
     63   // Device display name.  By default, server generates the name in
     64   // the format of "Machine Model - Machine Id".  However, domain
     65   // admin can update it using CPanel, so do NOT treat it as constant.
     66   optional string machine_name = 2;
     68   // Enum listing the possible modes the device should be locked into when the
     69   // registration is finished.
     70   enum DeviceMode {
     71     // In ENTERPRISE mode the device has no local owner and device settings are
     72     // controlled through the cloud policy infrastructure. Auto-enrollment is
     73     // supported in that mode.
     74     ENTERPRISE = 0;
     75     // Devices in RETAIL mode also have no local owner and get their device
     76     // settings from the cloud, but additionally this mode enables the demo
     77     // account on the device.
     78     RETAIL = 1;
     79   }
     80   optional DeviceMode enrollment_type = 3 [default = ENTERPRISE];
     81 }
     83 // Request from device to server to unregister device.
     84 // GoogleDMToken MUST be in HTTP Authorization header.
     85 message DeviceUnregisterRequest {
     86 }
     88 // Response from server to device for unregister request.
     89 message DeviceUnregisterResponse {
     90 }
     92 // Request from device to server to upload device EMCert
     93 // (enteprise machine cert used for remote attestation).
     94 // GoogleDMToken MUST be in HTTP Authorization header.
     95 message DeviceCertUploadRequest {
     96   // EMCert in X.509 format.
     97   optional bytes device_certificate = 1;
     98 }
    100 // Response from server to device for cert upload request.
    101 message DeviceCertUploadResponse {
    102 }
    104 // Request to access a Google service with the given scope.
    105 message DeviceServiceApiAccessRequest {
    106   // The list of auth scopes the device requests from DMServer.
    107   repeated string auth_scope = 1;
    109   // OAuth2 client ID to which the returned authorization code is bound.
    110   optional string oauth2_client_id = 2;
    111 }
    113 message DeviceServiceApiAccessResponse {
    114   // The OAuth2 authorization code for the requested scope(s).
    115   // This can be exchanged for a refresh token.
    116   optional string auth_code = 1;
    117 }
    119 message PolicyFetchRequest {
    120   // This is the policy type, which maps to D3 policy type internally.
    121   // By convention, we use "/" as separator to create policy namespace.
    122   // The policy type names are case insensitive.
    123   //
    124   // Possible values for Chrome OS are:
    125   //   google/chromeos/device => ChromeDeviceSettingsProto
    126   //   google/chromeos/user => ChromeSettingsProto
    127   //   google/chromeos/publicaccount => ChromeSettingsProto
    128   //   google/chrome/extension => ExternalPolicyData
    129   //   google/android/user => ChromeSettingsProto
    130   //   google/ios/user => ChromeSettingsProto
    131   optional string policy_type = 1;
    133   // This is the last policy timestamp that client received from server.
    134   optional int64 timestamp = 2;
    136   // Tell server what kind of security signature is required.
    137   enum SignatureType {
    138     NONE = 0;
    139     SHA1_RSA = 1;
    140   }
    141   optional SignatureType signature_type = 3 [default = NONE];
    143   // The version number of the public key that is currently stored
    144   // on the client. This should be the last number the server had
    145   // supplied as new_public_key_version in PolicyData.
    146   // This field is unspecified if the client does not yet have a
    147   // public key.
    148   optional int32 public_key_version = 4;
    150   // Machine hardware id, such as serial number.
    151   // This field is should be set only if the serial number for the device is
    152   // missing from the server, as indicated by the valid_serial_number_missing
    153   // field in the last policy fetch response.
    154   optional string machine_id = 5;
    156   // This field is used for devices to send the additional ID to fetch settings.
    157   // Retrieving some settings requires more than just device or user ID.
    158   // For example, to retrieve public account, devices need to pass in
    159   // public account ID in addition to device ID. To retrieve extension or
    160   // plug-in settings, devices need to pass in extension/plug-in ID in
    161   // addition to user ID.
    162   // policy_type represents the type of settings (e.g. public account,
    163   // extension) devices request to fetch.
    164   optional string settings_entity_id = 6;
    166   // If this fetch is due to a policy invalidation, this field contains the
    167   // version provided with the invalidation. The server interprets this value
    168   // and the value of invalidation_payload to fetch the up-to-date policy.
    169   optional int64 invalidation_version = 7;
    171   // If this fetch is due to a policy invalidation, this field contains the
    172   // payload delivered with the invalidation. The server interprets this value
    173   // and the value of invalidation_version to fetch the up-to-date policy.
    174   optional bytes invalidation_payload = 8;
    175 }
    177 // This message is included in serialized form in PolicyFetchResponse
    178 // below.  It may also be signed, with the signature being created for
    179 // the serialized form.
    180 message PolicyData {
    181   // See PolicyFetchRequest.policy_type.
    182   optional string policy_type = 1;
    184   // [timestamp] is milliseconds since Epoch in UTC timezone. It is
    185   // included here so that the time at which the server issued this
    186   // response cannot be faked (as protection against replay attacks).
    187   // It is the timestamp generated by DMServer, NOT the time admin
    188   // last updated the policy or anything like that.
    189   optional int64 timestamp = 2;
    191   // The DM token that was used by the client in the HTTP POST header
    192   // for authenticating the request. It is included here again so that
    193   // the client can verify that the response is meant for him (and not
    194   // issued by a replay or man-in-the-middle attack).
    195   optional string request_token = 3;
    197   // The serialized value of the actual policy protobuf.  This can be
    198   // deserialized to an instance of, for example, ChromeSettingsProto,
    199   // ChromeDeviceSettingsProto, or ExternalPolicyData.
    200   optional bytes policy_value = 4;
    202   // The device display name assigned by the server.  It is only
    203   // filled if the display name is available.
    204   //
    205   // The display name of the machine as generated by the server or set
    206   // by the Administrator in the CPanel GUI. This is the same thing as
    207   // |machine_name| in DeviceRegisterResponse but it might have
    208   // changed since then.
    209   optional string machine_name = 5;
    211   // Version number of the server's current public key. (The key that
    212   // was used to sign this response. Numbering should start at 1 and be
    213   // increased by 1 at each key rotation.)
    214   optional int32 public_key_version = 6;
    216   // The user this policy is intended for. In case of device policy, the name
    217   // of the owner (who registered the device).
    218   optional string username = 7;
    220   // In this field the DMServer should echo back the "deviceid" HTTP parameter
    221   // from the request.
    222   optional string device_id = 8;
    224   // Indicates which state this association with DMServer is in. This can be
    225   // used to tell the client that it is not receiving policy even though the
    226   // registration with the server is kept active.
    227   enum AssociationState {
    228     // Association is active and policy is pushed.
    229     ACTIVE = 0;
    230     // Association is alive, but the corresponding domain is not managed.
    231     UNMANAGED = 1;
    232   }
    233   optional AssociationState state = 9 [default = ACTIVE];
    235   // Indicates if the the server cannot find a valid serial number for the
    236   // device.  If this flag is set, the device should send the valid serial
    237   // number with a device policy fetch request.  Note that this only
    238   // applies to device policy.
    239   optional bool valid_serial_number_missing = 10;
    241   // Indicates which public account or extension/plug-in this policy data is
    242   // for. See PolicyFetchRequest.settings_entity_id for more details.
    243   optional string settings_entity_id = 11;
    245   // Indicates the identity the device service account is associated with.
    246   // This is only sent as part of device policy fetch.
    247   optional string service_account_identity = 12;
    249   // The object source which hosts policy objects within the invalidation
    250   // service. This value is combined with invalidation_name to form the object
    251   // id used to register for invalidations to this policy.
    252   optional int32 invalidation_source = 13;
    254   // The name which uniquely identifies this policy within the invalidation
    255   // service object source. This value is combined with invalidation_source to
    256   // form the object id used to register for invalidations to this policy.
    257   optional bytes invalidation_name = 14;
    258 }
    260 message PolicyFetchResponse {
    261   // Since a single policy request may ask for multiple policies, we
    262   // provide separate error code for each individual policy fetch.
    264   // We will use standard HTTP Status Code as error code.
    265   optional int32 error_code = 1;
    267   // Human readable error message for customer support purpose.
    268   optional string error_message = 2;
    270   // This is a serialized |PolicyData| protobuf (defined above).
    271   optional bytes policy_data = 3;
    273   // Signature of the policy data above.
    274   optional bytes policy_data_signature = 4;
    276   // If the public key has been rotated on the server, the new public
    277   // key is sent here. It is already used for |policy_data_signature|
    278   // above, whereas |new_public_key_signature| is created using the
    279   // old key (so the client can trust the new key). If this is the
    280   // first time when the client requests policies (so it doesn't have
    281   // on old public key), then |new_public_key_signature| is empty.
    282   optional bytes new_public_key = 5;
    283   optional bytes new_public_key_signature = 6;
    284 }
    286 // Request from device to server for reading policies.
    287 message DevicePolicyRequest {
    288   // The policy fetch request.  If this field exists, the request must
    289   // comes from a non-TT client.  The repeated field allows client to
    290   // request multiple policies for better performance.
    291   repeated PolicyFetchRequest request = 3;
    292 }
    294 // Response from server to device for reading policies.
    295 message DevicePolicyResponse {
    296   // The policy fetch response.
    297   repeated PolicyFetchResponse response = 3;
    298 }
    300 message TimePeriod {
    301   // [timestamp] is milli seconds since Epoch in UTC timezone.
    302   optional int64 start_timestamp = 1;
    303   optional int64 end_timestamp = 2;
    304 }
    306 message ActiveTimePeriod {
    307   optional TimePeriod time_period = 1;
    309   // The active duration during the above time period.
    310   // The unit is milli-second.
    311   optional int32 active_duration = 2;
    312 }
    314 // This captures launch events for one app/extension or other installments.
    315 message InstallableLaunch {
    316   optional string install_id = 1;
    318   // Time duration where this report covers. These are required
    319   // and the record will be ignored if not set.
    320   optional TimePeriod duration = 2;
    322   // Client will send at most 50 timestamps to DM. All the rest
    323   // launch activities will be summed into the total count.
    324   // We will distribute the count evenly among the time span when
    325   // doing time based aggregation.
    326   repeated int64 timestamp = 3;
    327   optional int64 total_count = 4;
    328 }
    330 // Used to report the device location.
    331 message DeviceLocation {
    332   enum ErrorCode {
    333     ERROR_CODE_NONE                 = 0;
    335   }
    337   // Latitude in decimal degrees north (WGS84 coordinate frame).
    338   optional double latitude = 1;
    340   // Longitude in decimal degrees west (WGS84 coordinate frame).
    341   optional double longitude = 2;
    343   // Altitude in meters (above WGS84 datum).
    344   optional double altitude = 3;
    346   // Accuracy of horizontal position in meters.
    347   optional double accuracy = 4;
    349   // Accuracy of altitude in meters.
    350   optional double altitude_accuracy = 5;
    352   // Heading in decimal degrees clockwise from true north.
    353   optional double heading = 6;
    355   // Horizontal component of device velocity in meters per second.
    356   optional double speed = 7;
    358   // Time of position measurement in milisecons since Epoch in UTC time.
    359   optional int64 timestamp = 8;
    361   // Error code, see enum above.
    362   optional ErrorCode error_code = 9;
    364   // Human-readable error message.
    365   optional string error_message = 10;
    366 }
    368 // Details about a network interface.
    369 message NetworkInterface {
    370   // Indicates the type of network device.
    371   enum NetworkDeviceType {
    372     TYPE_ETHERNET = 0;
    373     TYPE_WIFI = 1;
    374     TYPE_WIMAX = 2;
    375     TYPE_BLUETOOTH = 3;
    376     TYPE_CELLULAR = 4;
    377   }
    379   // Network device type.
    380   optional NetworkDeviceType type = 1;
    382   // MAC address (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. This is
    383   // formatted as an ASCII string with 12 hex digits. Example: A0B1C2D3E4F5.
    384   optional string mac_address = 2;
    386   // MEID (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. Formatted as
    387   // ASCII string composed of 14 hex digits. Example: A10000009296F2.
    388   optional string meid = 3;
    390   // IMEI (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. 15-16 decimal
    391   // digits encoded as ASCII string. Example: 355402040158759.
    392   optional string imei = 4;
    393 }
    395 // Details about a device user.
    396 message DeviceUser {
    397   // Types of device users which can be reported.
    398   enum UserType {
    399     // A user managed by the same domain as the device.
    400     USER_TYPE_MANAGED = 0;
    402     // A user not managed by the same domain as the device.
    403     USER_TYPE_UNMANAGED = 1;
    404   }
    406   // The type of the user.
    407   required UserType type = 1;
    409   // Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed.
    410   optional string email = 2;
    411 }
    413 // Report device level status.
    414 message DeviceStatusReportRequest {
    415   // The OS version reported by the device is a platform version
    416   // e.g. 1435.0.2011_12_16_1635.
    417   optional string os_version = 1;
    418   optional string firmware_version = 2;
    420   // "Verified", "Dev". Same as verified mode.
    421   // If the mode is unknown, this field should not be set.
    422   optional string boot_mode = 3;
    424   // Device active times collection since last report rpc call.
    425   // No longer used -- use active_period instead.
    426   repeated TimePeriod active_time = 4 [deprecated = true];
    428   // The browser version string as shown in the About dialog.
    429   // e.g. 17.0.963.18.
    430   optional string browser_version = 5;
    432   // A list of periods when the device was active, aggregated by day.
    433   repeated ActiveTimePeriod active_period = 6;
    435   // The device location.
    436   optional DeviceLocation device_location = 7;
    438   // List of network interfaces.
    439   repeated NetworkInterface network_interface = 8;
    441   // List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time.
    442   repeated DeviceUser user = 9;
    443 }
    445 // Report session (a user on one device) level status.
    446 message SessionStatusReportRequest {
    447   // Installed apps for this user on this device.
    448   repeated string installed_app_id = 1;
    450   // Installed extensions for this user on this device.
    451   repeated string installed_extension_id = 2;
    453   // One stat per app for top 30 apps.
    454   repeated InstallableLaunch app_launch_stat = 3;
    455 }
    457 // Response from DMServer to update devices' status.
    458 // It is possible that status report fails but policy request succeed.  In such
    459 // case, the DeviceStatusReportResponse will contain an error code and the
    460 // device should re-send status report data in the next policy request.  The
    461 // device should re-send report data if policy request fails, even if
    462 // DeviceStatusReportResponse contains no error code.
    463 message DeviceStatusReportResponse {
    464   optional int32 error_code = 1;
    466   // Human readable error message for customer support purpose.
    467   optional string error_message = 2;
    468 }
    470 // Response from DMServer to update user devices' status.
    471 // It is possible that status report fails but policy request succeed.  In such
    472 // case, the SessionStatusReportResponse will contain an error code and the
    473 // device should re-send status report data in the next policy request.  The
    474 // device should re-send report data if policy request fails, even if
    475 // SessionStatusReportResponse contains no error code.
    476 message SessionStatusReportResponse {
    477   optional int32 error_code = 1;
    479   // Human readable error message for customer support purpose.
    480   optional string error_message = 2;
    481 }
    483 // Request from device to server to determine whether the device should
    484 // go through enterprise enrollment. Unlike the other requests, this request is
    485 // not authenticated.
    486 message DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest {
    487   // SHA-256 hash of the device's serial number, mod |modulus|.
    488   // Should always be present.
    489   optional int64 remainder = 1;
    491   // Modulus of the hash used by the client. Should always be present. This
    492   // is the number of buckets the client thinks the server has. For now,
    493   // it is a power of 2, but due to the strict constraint on how many serial
    494   // numbers a bucket can contain, it may become non power of 2. If that
    495   // happens, client-side needs to change its assumption.
    496   optional int64 modulus = 2;
    497 }
    499 // Response from server to auto-enrollment detection request.
    500 message DeviceAutoEnrollmentResponse {
    501   // If this field is present, the other fields are ignored and the client
    502   // should send a new DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest with a new |remainder|
    503   // computed using this new |modulus|. If this field is empty, the client's
    504   // request was accepted.
    505   // DMServer guarantees that if the modulus sent by client in
    506   // DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest matches server's expectation, this field
    507   // is unset.
    508   optional int64 expected_modulus = 1;
    510   // List of hashes in the client's hash bucket. If the client's hash matches
    511   // any in this list, the client device should do enterprise enrollment.
    512   // If it matches none, enrollment should be optional.
    513   // Each entry has exactly 256 bits (32 bytes).
    514   repeated bytes hash = 2;
    515 }
    517 // Request from the DMAgent on the device to the DMServer.  This is
    518 // container for all requests from device to server.  The overall HTTP
    519 // request MUST be in the following format:
    520 //
    521 // * HTTP method is POST
    522 // * Data mime type is application/x-protobuffer
    523 // * HTTP parameters are (all required, all case sensitive):
    524 //   * request: MUST BE one of
    525 //     * cert_upload
    526 //     * enterprise_check
    527 //     * ping
    528 //     * policy
    529 //     * register
    530 //     * status
    531 //     * unregister
    532 //     * api_authorization
    533 //
    534 //   * devicetype: MUST BE "1" for Android or "2" for Chrome OS.
    535 //   * apptype: MUST BE Android or Chrome.
    536 //   * deviceid: MUST BE no more than 64-char in [\x21-\x7E].
    537 //   * agent: MUST BE no more than 64-char long.
    538 // * HTTP Authorization header MUST be in the following formats:
    539 //   * For register and ping requests
    540 //     Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=<auth cookie for Mobile Sync>
    541 //
    542 //   * For unregister, policy, status, and cert_upload requests
    543 //      Authorization: GoogleDMToken token=<dm token from register>
    544 //
    545 //   * The Authorization header isn't used for enterprise_check
    546 //     request, nor for register requests using OAuth. In the latter case,
    547 //     the OAuth token is passed in the "oauth" parameter.
    548 //
    549 // DeviceManagementRequest should only contain one request which matches the
    550 // HTTP query parameter - request, as listed below. Other requests within the
    551 // container will be ignored.
    552 //   cert_upload: cert_upload_request
    553 //   enterprise_check: auto_enrollment_request
    554 //   ping: policy_request
    555 //   policy: policy_request
    556 //   register: register_request
    557 //   status: device_status_report_request or session_status_report_request
    558 //   unregister: unregister_request
    559 //
    560 //
    561 message DeviceManagementRequest {
    562   // Register request.
    563   optional DeviceRegisterRequest register_request = 1;
    565   // Unregister request.
    566   optional DeviceUnregisterRequest unregister_request = 2;
    568   // Policy request.
    569   optional DevicePolicyRequest policy_request = 3;
    571   // Update status.
    572   optional DeviceStatusReportRequest device_status_report_request = 4;
    573   optional SessionStatusReportRequest session_status_report_request = 5;
    575   // Auto-enrollment detection.
    576   optional DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest auto_enrollment_request = 6;
    578   // EMCert upload (for remote attestation)
    579   optional DeviceCertUploadRequest cert_upload_request = 7;
    581   // Request for OAuth2 authorization codes to access Google services.
    582   optional DeviceServiceApiAccessRequest service_api_access_request = 8;
    583 }
    585 // Response from server to device.
    586 //
    587 // The server uses the following numbers as HTTP status codes
    588 // to report top-level errors.
    589 //
    590 // 200 OK: valid response is returned to client.
    591 // 400 Bad Request: invalid argument.
    592 // 401 Unauthorized: invalid auth cookie or DM token.
    593 // 403 Forbidden: device management is not allowed.
    594 // 404 Not Found: the request URL is invalid.
    595 // 410 Device Not Found: the device id is not found.
    596 // 491 Request Pending: the request is pending approval.
    597 // 500 Internal Server Error: most likely a bug in DM server.
    598 // 503 Service Unavailable: most likely a backend error.
    599 // 901 Device Not Found: the device id is not found.
    600 // 902 Policy Not Found: the policy is not found.
    601 message DeviceManagementResponse {
    602   // Error message.
    603   optional string error_message = 2;
    605   // Register response
    606   optional DeviceRegisterResponse register_response = 3;
    608   // Unregister response
    609   optional DeviceUnregisterResponse unregister_response = 4;
    611   // Policy response.
    612   optional DevicePolicyResponse policy_response = 5;
    614   // Device status report response.
    615   optional DeviceStatusReportResponse device_status_report_response = 6;
    617   // Session status report response.
    618   optional SessionStatusReportResponse session_status_report_response = 7;
    620   // Auto-enrollment detection response.
    621   optional DeviceAutoEnrollmentResponse auto_enrollment_response = 8;
    623   // EMCert upload response.
    624   optional DeviceCertUploadResponse cert_upload_response = 9;
    626   // Response to OAuth2 authorization code request.
    627   optional DeviceServiceApiAccessResponse service_api_access_response = 10;
    628 }