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      1 <html>
      2 <head>
      3   <script type="text/javascript" src="webrtc_test_utilities.js"></script>
      4   <script type="text/javascript" src="webrtc_test_audio.js"></script>
      5   <script type="text/javascript">
      6   $ = function(id) {
      7     return document.getElementById(id);
      8   };
     10   var gFirstConnection = null;
     11   var gSecondConnection = null;
     12   var gTestWithoutMsid = false;
     13   var gLocalStream = null;
     14   var gSentTones = '';
     16   var gRemoteStreams = {};
     18   // Default transform functions, overridden by some test cases.
     19   var transformSdp = function(sdp) { return sdp; };
     20   var transformRemoteSdp = function(sdp) { return sdp; };
     21   var transformCandidate = function(candidate) { return candidate; };
     22   var onLocalDescriptionError = function(error) { };
     24   // When using external SDES, the crypto key is chosen by javascript.
     25   var EXTERNAL_SDES_LINES = {
     26     'audio': 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 ' +
     27         'inline:PS1uQCVeeCFCanVmcjkpPywjNWhcYD0mXXtxaVBR',
     28     'video': 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 ' +
     29         'inline:d0RmdmcmVCspeEc3QGZiNWpVLFJhQX1cfHAwJSoj',
     30     'data': 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 ' +
     31         'inline:NzB4d1BINUAvLEw6UzF3WSJ+PSdFcGdUJShpX1Zj'
     32   };
     34   // When using GICE, the ICE credentials can be chosen by javascript.
     35   var EXTERNAL_GICE_UFRAG = '1234567890123456';
     36   var EXTERNAL_GICE_PWD = '123456789012345678901234';
     38   setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() {
     39     document.title = 'OK';
     40   });
     42   // Test that we can setup call with an audio and video track.
     43   function call(constraints) {
     44     createConnections(null);
     45     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints,
     46       addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
     47     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
     48     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
     49   }
     51   // First calls without streams on any connections, and then adds a stream
     52   // to peer connection 1 which gets sent to peer connection 2. We must wait
     53   // for the first negotiation to complete before starting the second one, which
     54   // is why we wait until the connection is stable before re-negotiating.
     55   function callEmptyThenAddOneStreamAndRenegotiate(constraints) {
     56     createConnections(null);
     57     negotiate();
     58     waitForConnectionToStabilize(gFirstConnection);
     59     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints,
     60       addStreamToTheFirstConnectionAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
     61     // Only the first connection is sending here.
     62     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
     63   }
     65   // First makes a call between pc1 and pc2, and then makes a call between pc3
     66   // and pc4 where the remote streams from pc1 and pc2 will be used as the local
     67   // streams of pc3 and pc4.
     68   function callAndForwardRemoteStream(constraints) {
     69     createConnections(null);
     70     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints,
     71                                  addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate,
     72                                  printGetUserMediaError);
     73     var gotRemoteStream1 = false;
     74     var gotRemoteStream2 = false;
     76     var onRemoteStream1 = function() {
     77       gotRemoteStream1 = true;
     78       maybeCallEstablished();
     79     }
     81     var onRemoteStream2 = function() {
     82       gotRemoteStream2 = true;
     83       maybeCallEstablished();
     84     }
     86     var maybeCallEstablished = function() {
     87       if (gotRemoteStream1 && gotRemoteStream2) {
     88         onCallEstablished();
     89       }
     90     }
     92     var onCallEstablished = function() {
     93       thirdConnection = createConnection(null, 'remote-view-3');
     94       thirdConnection.addStream(gRemoteStreams['remote-view-1']);
     96       fourthConnection = createConnection(null, 'remote-view-4');
     97       fourthConnection.addStream(gRemoteStreams['remote-view-2']);
     99       negotiateBetween(thirdConnection, fourthConnection);
    101       waitForVideo('remote-view-3');
    102       waitForVideo('remote-view-4');
    103     }
    105     // Do the forwarding after we have received video.
    106     detectVideoPlaying('remote-view-1', onRemoteStream1);
    107     detectVideoPlaying('remote-view-2', onRemoteStream2);
    108   }
    110   // Test that we can setup call with an audio and video track and
    111   // simulate that the remote peer don't support MSID.
    112   function callWithoutMsidAndBundle() {
    113     createConnections(null);
    114     transformSdp = removeBundle;
    115     transformRemoteSdp = removeMsid;
    116     gTestWithoutMsid = true;
    117     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    118         addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    119     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    120     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    121   }
    123   // Test that we can't setup a call with an unsupported video codec
    124   function negotiateUnsupportedVideoCodec() {
    125     createConnections(null);
    126     transformSdp = removeVideoCodec;
    127     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    128         addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    129     onLocalDescriptionError = function(error) {
    130       var expectedMsg = 'SetLocalDescription failed: Failed to' +
    131           ' update session state: ERROR_CONTENT';
    132       expectEquals(expectedMsg, error);
    134       // Got the right message, test succeeded.
    135       document.title = 'OK';
    136     };
    137   }
    139   // Test that we can't setup a call if one peer does not support encryption
    140   function negotiateNonCryptoCall() {
    141     createConnections(null);
    142     transformSdp = removeCrypto;
    143     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    144         addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    145     onLocalDescriptionError = function(error) {
    146       var expectedMsg = 'SetLocalDescription failed: Called with a SDP without'
    147                          + ' crypto enabled.';
    148       expectEquals(expectedMsg, error);
    150       // Got the right message, test succeeded.
    151       document.title = 'OK';
    152     };
    153   }
    155   // Test that we can setup call with legacy settings.
    156   function callWithLegacySdp() {
    157     transformSdp = function(sdp) {
    158       return removeBundle(useGice(useExternalSdes(sdp)));
    159     };
    160     transformCandidate = addGiceCredsToCandidate;
    161     createConnections({
    162       'mandatory': {'RtpDataChannels': true, 'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': false}
    163     });
    164     setupDataChannel({reliable: false});
    165     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    166         addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    167     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    168     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    169   }
    171   // Test only a data channel.
    172   function callWithDataOnly() {
    173     createConnections({optional:[{RtpDataChannels: true}]});
    174     setupDataChannel({reliable: false});
    175     negotiate();
    176   }
    178   function callWithSctpDataOnly() {
    179     createConnections({optional: [{DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true}]});
    180     setupSctpDataChannel({reliable: true});
    181     negotiate();
    182   }
    184   // Test call with audio, video and a data channel.
    185   function callWithDataAndMedia() {
    186     createConnections({optional:[{RtpDataChannels: true}]});
    187     setupDataChannel({reliable: false});
    188     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    189       addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate,
    190       printGetUserMediaError);
    191     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    192     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    193   }
    195   function callWithSctpDataAndMedia() {
    196     createConnections({optional: [{DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true}]});
    197     setupSctpDataChannel({reliable: true});
    198     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    199       addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate,
    200       printGetUserMediaError);
    201     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    202     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    203   }
    206   // Test call with a data channel and later add audio and video.
    207   function callWithDataAndLaterAddMedia() {
    208     createConnections({optional:[{RtpDataChannels: true}]});
    209     setupDataChannel({reliable: false});
    210     negotiate();
    212     // Set an event handler for when the data channel has been closed.
    213     setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() {
    214       // When the video is flowing the test is done.
    215       setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() {
    216         document.title = 'OK';
    217       });
    218       navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    219         addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    220       waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    221       waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    222     });
    223   }
    225   // Test that we can setup call and send DTMF.
    226   function callAndSendDtmf(tones) {
    227     createConnections(null);
    228     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    229       addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    230     var onCallEstablished = function() {
    231       // Send DTMF tones.
    232       var localAudioTrack = gLocalStream.getAudioTracks()[0];
    233       var dtmfSender = gFirstConnection.createDTMFSender(localAudioTrack);
    234       dtmfSender.ontonechange = onToneChange;
    235       dtmfSender.insertDTMF(tones);
    236       // Wait for the DTMF tones callback.
    237       document.title = 'Waiting for dtmf...';
    238       addExpectedEvent();
    239       var waitDtmf = setInterval(function() {
    240         if (gSentTones == tones) {
    241           clearInterval(waitDtmf);
    242           eventOccured();
    243         }
    244       }, 100);
    245     }
    247     // Do the DTMF test after we have received video.
    248     detectVideoPlaying('remote-view-2', onCallEstablished);
    249   }
    251   //TODO(phoglund): do this for all tests on android if this works on bots.
    252   /** @private */
    253   function forceIsac16k_(sdp) {
    254     // Remove all other codecs (not the video codecs though).
    255     sdp = sdp.replace(/m=audio (\d+) RTP\/SAVPF.*\r\n/g,
    256                       'm=audio $1 RTP/SAVPF 103\r\n');
    257     sdp = sdp.replace('a=fmtp:111 minptime=10', 'a=fmtp:103 minptime=10');
    258     sdp = sdp.replace(/a=rtpmap:(?!103)\d{1,3} (?!VP8|red|ulpfec).*\r\n/g, '');
    259     return sdp;
    260   }
    262   function callAndEnsureAudioIsPlaying(force_isac_16k) {
    263     if (force_isac_16k)
    264       transformSdp = forceIsac16k_;
    265     createConnections(null);
    266     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    267       addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate, printGetUserMediaError);
    269     // Wait until we have gathered samples and can conclude if audio is playing.
    270     addExpectedEvent();
    271     var onCallEstablished = function() {
    272       gatherAudioLevelSamples(gSecondConnection, 300, 100,
    273                               function(samples) {
    274         verifyAudioIsPlaying(samples);
    275         eventOccured();
    276       });
    277     };
    279     detectVideoPlaying('remote-view-2', onCallEstablished);
    280   }
    282   function callAndEnsureAudioMutingWorks() {
    283     callAndEnsureAudioIsPlaying();
    284     setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() {
    285       var audioTrack =
    286         gSecondConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0].getAudioTracks()[0];
    288       // Call is up, now mute the track and check everything goes silent (give
    289       // it a small delay though, we don't expect it to happen instantly).
    290       audioTrack.enabled = false;
    292       setTimeout(function() {
    293         gatherAudioLevelSamples(gSecondConnection, 200, 100, function(samples) {
    294           verifyIsSilent(samples);
    295           document.title = 'OK';
    296         });
    297       }, 500);
    298     });
    299   }
    301   // Test call with a new Video MediaStream that has been created based on a
    302   // stream generated by getUserMedia.
    303   function callWithNewVideoMediaStream() {
    304     createConnections(null);
    305     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    306         createNewVideoStreamAndAddToBothConnections, printGetUserMediaError);
    307     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    308     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    309   }
    311   // Test call with a new Video MediaStream that has been created based on a
    312   // stream generated by getUserMedia. When Video is flowing, an audio track
    313   // is added to the sent stream and the video track is removed. This
    314   // is to test that adding and removing of remote tracks on an existing
    315   // mediastream works.
    316   function callWithNewVideoMediaStreamLaterSwitchToAudio() {
    317     createConnections(null);
    318     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    319         createNewVideoStreamAndAddToBothConnections, printGetUserMediaError);
    321     waitForVideo('remote-view-1');
    322     waitForVideo('remote-view-2');
    324     // Set an event handler for when video is playing.
    325     setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() {
    326       // Add an audio track to the local stream and remove the video track and
    327       // then renegotiate. But first - setup the expectations.
    328       local_stream = gFirstConnection.getLocalStreams()[0];
    330       remote_stream_1 = gFirstConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0];
    331       // Add an expected event that onaddtrack will be called on the remote
    332       // mediastream received on gFirstConnection when the audio track is
    333       // received.
    334       addExpectedEvent();
    335       remote_stream_1.onaddtrack = function(){
    336         expectEquals(remote_stream_1.getAudioTracks()[0].id,
    337                      local_stream.getAudioTracks()[0].id);
    338         eventOccured();
    339       }
    341       // Add an expectation that the received video track is removed from
    342       // gFirstConnection.
    343       addExpectedEvent();
    344       remote_stream_1.onremovetrack = function() {
    345         eventOccured();
    346       }
    348       // Add an expected event that onaddtrack will be called on the remote
    349       // mediastream received on gSecondConnection when the audio track is
    350       // received.
    351       remote_stream_2 = gSecondConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0];
    352       addExpectedEvent();
    353       remote_stream_2.onaddtrack = function() {
    354         expectEquals(remote_stream_2.getAudioTracks()[0].id,
    355                      local_stream.getAudioTracks()[0].id);
    356         eventOccured();
    357       }
    359       // Add an expectation that the received video track is removed from
    360       // gSecondConnection.
    361       addExpectedEvent();
    362       remote_stream_2.onremovetrack = function() {
    363         eventOccured();
    364       }
    365       // When all the above events have occurred- the test pass.
    366       setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() { document.title = 'OK'; });
    368       local_stream.addTrack(gLocalStream.getAudioTracks()[0]);
    369       local_stream.removeTrack(local_stream.getVideoTracks()[0]);
    370       negotiate();
    371     });  // End of setAllEventsOccuredHandler.
    372   }
    374   // This function is used for setting up a test that:
    375   // 1. Creates a data channel on |gFirstConnection| and sends data to
    376   //    |gSecondConnection|.
    377   // 2. When data is received on |gSecondConnection| a message
    378   //    is sent to |gFirstConnection|.
    379   // 3. When data is received on |gFirstConnection|, the data
    380   //    channel is closed. The test passes when the state transition completes.
    381   function setupDataChannel(params) {
    382     var sendDataString = "send some text on a data channel."
    383     firstDataChannel = gFirstConnection.createDataChannel(
    384         "sendDataChannel", params);
    385     expectEquals('connecting', firstDataChannel.readyState);
    387     // When |firstDataChannel| transition to open state, send a text string.
    388     firstDataChannel.onopen = function() {
    389       expectEquals('open', firstDataChannel.readyState);
    390       firstDataChannel.send(sendDataString);
    391     }
    393     // When |firstDataChannel| receive a message, close the channel and
    394     // initiate a new offer/answer exchange to complete the closure.
    395     firstDataChannel.onmessage = function(event) {
    396       expectEquals(event.data, sendDataString);
    397       firstDataChannel.close();
    398       negotiate();
    399     }
    401     // When |firstDataChannel| transition to closed state, the test pass.
    402     addExpectedEvent();
    403     firstDataChannel.onclose = function() {
    404       expectEquals('closed', firstDataChannel.readyState);
    405       eventOccured();
    406     }
    408     // Event handler for when |gSecondConnection| receive a new dataChannel.
    409     gSecondConnection.ondatachannel = function (event) {
    410       var secondDataChannel = event.channel;
    412       // When |secondDataChannel| receive a message, send a message back.
    413       secondDataChannel.onmessage = function(event) {
    414         expectEquals(event.data, sendDataString);
    415         expectEquals('open', secondDataChannel.readyState);
    416         secondDataChannel.send(sendDataString);
    417       }
    418     }
    419   }
    421   // SCTP data channel setup is slightly different then RTP based
    422   // channels. Due to a bug in libjingle, we can't send data immediately
    423   // after channel becomes open. So for that reason in SCTP,
    424   // we are sending data from second channel, when ondatachannel event is
    425   // received. So data flow happens 2 -> 1 -> 2.
    426   function setupSctpDataChannel(params) {
    427     var sendDataString = "send some text on a data channel."
    428     firstDataChannel = gFirstConnection.createDataChannel(
    429         "sendDataChannel", params);
    430     expectEquals('connecting', firstDataChannel.readyState);
    432     // When |firstDataChannel| transition to open state, send a text string.
    433     firstDataChannel.onopen = function() {
    434       expectEquals('open', firstDataChannel.readyState);
    435     }
    437     // When |firstDataChannel| receive a message, send message back.
    438     // initiate a new offer/answer exchange to complete the closure.
    439     firstDataChannel.onmessage = function(event) {
    440       expectEquals('open', firstDataChannel.readyState);
    441       expectEquals(event.data, sendDataString);
    442       firstDataChannel.send(sendDataString);
    443     }
    446     // Event handler for when |gSecondConnection| receive a new dataChannel.
    447     gSecondConnection.ondatachannel = function (event) {
    448       var secondDataChannel = event.channel;
    449       secondDataChannel.onopen = function() {
    450         secondDataChannel.send(sendDataString);
    451       }
    453       // When |secondDataChannel| receive a message, close the channel and
    454       // initiate a new offer/answer exchange to complete the closure.
    455       secondDataChannel.onmessage = function(event) {
    456         expectEquals(event.data, sendDataString);
    457         expectEquals('open', secondDataChannel.readyState);
    458         secondDataChannel.close();
    459         negotiate();
    460       }
    462       // When |secondDataChannel| transition to closed state, the test pass.
    463       addExpectedEvent();
    464       secondDataChannel.onclose = function() {
    465         expectEquals('closed', secondDataChannel.readyState);
    466         eventOccured();
    467       }
    468     }
    469   }
    471   // Test call with a stream that has been created by getUserMedia, clone
    472   // the stream to a cloned stream, send them via the same peer connection.
    473   function addTwoMediaStreamsToOneConnection() {
    474     createConnections(null);
    475     navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio: true, video: true},
    476         CloneStreamAndAddTwoStreamstoOneConnection, printGetUserMediaError);
    477   }
    479   function onToneChange(tone) {
    480     gSentTones += tone.tone;
    481     document.title = gSentTones;
    482   }
    484   function createConnections(constraints) {
    485     gFirstConnection = createConnection(constraints, 'remote-view-1');
    486     expectEquals('stable', gFirstConnection.signalingState);
    488     gSecondConnection = createConnection(constraints, 'remote-view-2');
    489     expectEquals('stable', gSecondConnection.signalingState);
    490   }
    492   function createConnection(constraints, remoteView) {
    493     var pc = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(null, constraints);
    494     pc.onaddstream = function(event) {
    495       onRemoteStream(event, remoteView);
    496     }
    497     return pc;
    498   }
    500   function displayAndRemember(localStream) {
    501     var localStreamUrl = webkitURL.createObjectURL(localStream);
    502     $('local-view').src = localStreamUrl;
    504     gLocalStream = localStream;
    505   }
    507   // Called if getUserMedia fails.
    508   function printGetUserMediaError(error) {
    509     document.title = 'getUserMedia request failed:';
    510     if (error.constraintName)
    511       document.title += ' could not satisfy constraint ' + error.constraintName;
    512     else
    513       document.title += ' devices not working/user denied access.';
    514     console.log(document.title);
    515   }
    517   // Called if getUserMedia succeeds and we want to send from both connections.
    518   function addStreamToBothConnectionsAndNegotiate(localStream) {
    519     displayAndRemember(localStream);
    520     gFirstConnection.addStream(localStream);
    521     gSecondConnection.addStream(localStream);
    522     negotiate();
    523   }
    525   // Called if getUserMedia succeeds when we want to send from one connection.
    526   function addStreamToTheFirstConnectionAndNegotiate(localStream) {
    527     displayAndRemember(localStream);
    528     gFirstConnection.addStream(localStream);
    529     negotiate();
    530   }
    532   function verifyHasOneAudioAndVideoTrack(stream) {
    533     expectEquals(1, stream.getAudioTracks().length);
    534     expectEquals(1, stream.getVideoTracks().length);
    535   }
    537   // Called if getUserMedia succeeds, then clone the stream, send two streams
    538   // from one peer connection.
    539   function CloneStreamAndAddTwoStreamstoOneConnection(localStream) {
    540     displayAndRemember(localStream);
    542     var clonedStream = null;
    543     if (typeof localStream.clone === "function") {
    544       clonedStream = localStream.clone();
    545     } else {
    546       clonedStream = new webkitMediaStream(localStream);
    547     }
    549     gFirstConnection.addStream(localStream);
    550     gFirstConnection.addStream(clonedStream);
    552     // Verify the local streams are correct.
    553     expectEquals(2, gFirstConnection.getLocalStreams().length);
    554     verifyHasOneAudioAndVideoTrack(gFirstConnection.getLocalStreams()[0]);
    555     verifyHasOneAudioAndVideoTrack(gFirstConnection.getLocalStreams()[1]);
    557     // The remote side should receive two streams. After that, verify the
    558     // remote side has the correct number of streams and tracks.
    559     addExpectedEvent();
    560     addExpectedEvent();
    561     gSecondConnection.onaddstream = function(event) {
    562       eventOccured();
    563     }
    564     setAllEventsOccuredHandler(function() {
    565       // Negotiation complete, verify remote streams on the receiving side.
    566       expectEquals(2, gSecondConnection.getRemoteStreams().length);
    567       verifyHasOneAudioAndVideoTrack(gSecondConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0]);
    568       verifyHasOneAudioAndVideoTrack(gSecondConnection.getRemoteStreams()[1]);
    570       document.title = "OK";
    571     });
    573     negotiate();
    574   }
    576   // Called if getUserMedia succeeds when we want to send a modified
    577   // MediaStream. A new MediaStream is created and the video track from
    578   // |localStream| is added.
    579   function createNewVideoStreamAndAddToBothConnections(localStream) {
    580     displayAndRemember(localStream);
    581     var new_stream = new webkitMediaStream();
    582     new_stream.addTrack(localStream.getVideoTracks()[0]);
    583     gFirstConnection.addStream(new_stream);
    584     gSecondConnection.addStream(new_stream);
    585     negotiate();
    586   }
    588   function negotiate() {
    589     negotiateBetween(gFirstConnection, gSecondConnection);
    590   }
    592   function negotiateBetween(caller, callee) {
    593     // Not stable = negotiation is ongoing. The behavior of re-negotiating while
    594     // a negotiation is ongoing is more or less undefined, so avoid this.
    595     if (caller.signalingState != 'stable')
    596       throw 'You can only negotiate when the connection is stable!';
    598     connectOnIceCandidate(caller, callee);
    600     caller.createOffer(
    601         function (offer) {
    602           onOfferCreated(offer, caller, callee);
    603         });
    604   }
    606   function onOfferCreated(offer, caller, callee) {
    607     offer.sdp = transformSdp(offer.sdp);
    608     caller.setLocalDescription(offer, function() {
    609       expectEquals('have-local-offer', caller.signalingState);
    610       receiveOffer(offer.sdp, caller, callee);
    611     }, onLocalDescriptionError);
    612   }
    614   function receiveOffer(offerSdp, caller, callee) {
    615     offerSdp = transformRemoteSdp(offerSdp);
    617     var parsedOffer = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: 'offer',
    618                                                   sdp: offerSdp });
    619     callee.setRemoteDescription(parsedOffer);
    620     callee.createAnswer(function (answer) {
    621                           onAnswerCreated(answer, caller, callee);
    622                         });
    623     expectEquals('have-remote-offer', callee.signalingState);
    624   }
    626   function removeMsid(offerSdp) {
    627     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace(/a=msid-semantic.*\r\n/g, '');
    628     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace('a=mid:audio\r\n', '');
    629     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace('a=mid:video\r\n', '');
    630     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace(/a=ssrc.*\r\n/g, '');
    631     return offerSdp;
    632   }
    634   function removeVideoCodec(offerSdp) {
    635     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace('a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000\r\n',
    636                                 'a=rtpmap:100 XVP8/90000\r\n');
    637     return offerSdp;
    638   }
    640   function removeCrypto(offerSdp) {
    641     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace(/a=crypto.*\r\n/g, 'a=Xcrypto\r\n');
    642     offerSdp = offerSdp.replace(/a=fingerprint.*\r\n/g, '');
    643     return offerSdp;
    644   }
    646   function removeBundle(sdp) {
    647     return sdp.replace(/a=group:BUNDLE .*\r\n/g, '');
    648   }
    650   function useGice(sdp) {
    651     sdp = sdp.replace(/t=.*\r\n/g, function(subString) {
    652       return subString + 'a=ice-options:google-ice\r\n';
    653     });
    654     sdp = sdp.replace(/a=ice-ufrag:.*\r\n/g,
    655                       'a=ice-ufrag:' + EXTERNAL_GICE_UFRAG + '\r\n');
    656     sdp = sdp.replace(/a=ice-pwd:.*\r\n/g,
    657                       'a=ice-pwd:' + EXTERNAL_GICE_PWD + '\r\n');
    658     return sdp;
    659   }
    661   function useExternalSdes(sdp) {
    662     // Remove current crypto specification.
    663     sdp = sdp.replace(/a=crypto.*\r\n/g, '');
    664     sdp = sdp.replace(/a=fingerprint.*\r\n/g, '');
    665     // Add external crypto.  This is not compatible with |removeMsid|.
    666     sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:(\w+)\r\n/g, function(subString, group) {
    667       return subString + EXTERNAL_SDES_LINES[group] + '\r\n';
    668     });
    669     return sdp;
    670   }
    672   function onAnswerCreated(answer, caller, callee) {
    673     answer.sdp = transformSdp(answer.sdp);
    674     callee.setLocalDescription(answer);
    675     expectEquals('stable', callee.signalingState);
    676     receiveAnswer(answer.sdp, caller);
    677   }
    679   function receiveAnswer(answerSdp, caller) {
    680     answerSdp = transformRemoteSdp(answerSdp);
    681     var parsedAnswer = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: 'answer',
    682                                                    sdp: answerSdp });
    683     caller.setRemoteDescription(parsedAnswer);
    684     expectEquals('stable', caller.signalingState);
    685   }
    687   function connectOnIceCandidate(caller, callee) {
    688     caller.onicecandidate = function(event) { onIceCandidate(event, callee); }
    689     callee.onicecandidate = function(event) { onIceCandidate(event, caller); }
    690   }
    692   function addGiceCredsToCandidate(candidate) {
    693     return candidate.trimRight() +
    694         ' username ' + EXTERNAL_GICE_UFRAG + ' password ' + EXTERNAL_GICE_PWD;
    695   }
    697   function onIceCandidate(event, target) {
    698     if (event.candidate) {
    699       var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate(event.candidate);
    700       candidate.candidate = transformCandidate(candidate.candidate);
    701       target.addIceCandidate(candidate);
    702     }
    703   }
    705   function onRemoteStream(e, target) {
    706     if (gTestWithoutMsid && e.stream.id != "default") {
    707       document.title = 'a default remote stream was expected but instead ' +
    708           e.stream.id + ' was received.';
    709       return;
    710     }
    711     gRemoteStreams[target] = e.stream;
    712     var remoteStreamUrl = webkitURL.createObjectURL(e.stream);
    713     var remoteVideo = $(target);
    714     remoteVideo.src = remoteStreamUrl;
    715   }
    717   </script>
    718 </head>
    719 <body>
    720   <table border="0">
    721     <tr>
    722       <td>Local Preview</td>
    723       <td>Remote Stream for Connection 1</td>
    724       <td>Remote Stream for Connection 2</td>
    725       <td>Remote Stream for Connection 3</td>
    726       <td>Remote Stream for Connection 4</td>
    727     </tr>
    728     <tr>
    729       <td><video width="320" height="240" id="local-view"
    730           autoplay="autoplay"></video></td>
    731       <td><video width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-1"
    732           autoplay="autoplay"></video></td>
    733       <td><video width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-2"
    734           autoplay="autoplay"></video></td>
    735       <td><video width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-3"
    736           autoplay="autoplay"></video></td>
    737       <td><video width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-4"
    738           autoplay="autoplay"></video></td>
    739       <!-- Canvases are named after their corresponding video elements. -->
    740       <td><canvas width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-1-canvas"
    741           style="display:none"></canvas></td>
    742       <td><canvas width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-2-canvas"
    743           style="display:none"></canvas></td>
    744       <td><canvas width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-3-canvas"
    745           style="display:none"></canvas></td>
    746       <td><canvas width="320" height="240" id="remote-view-4-canvas"
    747           style="display:none"></canvas></td>
    748     </tr>
    749   </table>
    750 </body>
    751 </html>