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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {
      6   'variables': {
      7     'conditions': [
      8       ['OS=="linux"', {
      9         'compile_suid_client': 1,
     10         'compile_credentials': 1,
     11       }, {
     12         'compile_suid_client': 0,
     13         'compile_credentials': 0,
     14       }],
     15       ['((OS=="linux" or OS=="android") and '
     16              '(target_arch=="ia32" or target_arch=="x64" or '
     17               'target_arch=="arm"))', {
     18         'compile_seccomp_bpf': 1,
     19       }, {
     20         'compile_seccomp_bpf': 0,
     21       }],
     22       ['OS=="linux" and (target_arch=="ia32" or target_arch=="x64")', {
     23         'compile_seccomp_bpf_demo': 1,
     24       }, {
     25         'compile_seccomp_bpf_demo': 0,
     26       }],
     27     ],
     28   },
     29   'target_defaults': {
     30     'target_conditions': [
     31       # All linux/ files will automatically be excluded on Android
     32       # so make sure we re-include them explicitly.
     33       ['OS == "android"', {
     34         'sources/': [
     35           ['include', '^linux/'],
     36         ],
     37       }],
     38     ],
     39   },
     40   'targets': [
     41     # We have two principal targets: sandbox and sandbox_linux_unittests
     42     # All other targets are listed as dependencies.
     43     # FIXME(jln): for historial reasons, sandbox_linux is the setuid sandbox
     44     # and is its own target.
     45     {
     46       'target_name': 'sandbox',
     47       'type': 'none',
     48       'dependencies': [
     49         'sandbox_services',
     50       ],
     51       'conditions': [
     52         [ 'compile_suid_client==1', {
     53           'dependencies': [
     54             'suid_sandbox_client',
     55           ],
     56         }],
     57         # Compile seccomp BPF when we support it.
     58         [ 'compile_seccomp_bpf==1', {
     59           'dependencies': [
     60             'seccomp_bpf',
     61             'seccomp_bpf_helpers',
     62           ],
     63         }],
     64       ],
     65     },
     66     {
     67       # The main sandboxing test target.
     68       'target_name': 'sandbox_linux_unittests',
     69       'includes': [
     70         'sandbox_linux_test_sources.gypi',
     71       ],
     72       'type': 'executable',
     73     },
     74     {
     75       # This target is the shared library used by Android APK (i.e.
     76       # JNI-friendly) tests.
     77       'target_name': 'sandbox_linux_jni_unittests',
     78       'includes': [
     79         'sandbox_linux_test_sources.gypi',
     80       ],
     81       'type': 'shared_library',
     82       'conditions': [
     83         [ 'OS == "android" and gtest_target_type == "shared_library"', {
     84           'dependencies': [
     85             '../testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_test_native_code',
     86           ],
     87           'ldflags!': [
     88               # Remove warnings about text relocations, to prevent build
     89               # failure.
     90               '-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel'
     91           ],
     92         }],
     93       ],
     94     },
     95     {
     96       'target_name': 'seccomp_bpf',
     97       'type': 'static_library',
     98       'sources': [
     99         'seccomp-bpf/basicblock.cc',
    100         'seccomp-bpf/basicblock.h',
    101         'seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc',
    102         'seccomp-bpf/codegen.h',
    103         'seccomp-bpf/die.cc',
    104         'seccomp-bpf/die.h',
    105         'seccomp-bpf/errorcode.cc',
    106         'seccomp-bpf/errorcode.h',
    107         'seccomp-bpf/instruction.h',
    108         'seccomp-bpf/linux_seccomp.h',
    109         'seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc',
    110         'seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.h',
    111         'seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf_policy.h',
    112         'seccomp-bpf/syscall.cc',
    113         'seccomp-bpf/syscall.h',
    114         'seccomp-bpf/syscall_iterator.cc',
    115         'seccomp-bpf/syscall_iterator.h',
    116         'seccomp-bpf/trap.cc',
    117         'seccomp-bpf/trap.h',
    118         'seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc',
    119         'seccomp-bpf/verifier.h',
    120       ],
    121       'dependencies': [
    122         '../base/base.gyp:base',
    123         'sandbox_services_headers',
    124       ],
    125       'include_dirs': [
    126         '../..',
    127       ],
    128     },
    129     {
    130       'target_name': 'seccomp_bpf_helpers',
    131       'type': 'static_library',
    132       'sources': [
    133         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc',
    134         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.h',
    135         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc',
    136         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h',
    137         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/syscall_parameters_restrictions.cc',
    138         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/syscall_parameters_restrictions.h',
    139         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/syscall_sets.cc',
    140         'seccomp-bpf-helpers/syscall_sets.h',
    141       ],
    142       'dependencies': [
    143       ],
    144       'include_dirs': [
    145         '../..',
    146       ],
    147     },
    148     {
    149       # A demonstration program for the seccomp-bpf sandbox.
    150       'target_name': 'seccomp_bpf_demo',
    151       'conditions': [
    152         ['compile_seccomp_bpf_demo==1', {
    153           'type': 'executable',
    154           'sources': [
    155             'seccomp-bpf/demo.cc',
    156           ],
    157           'dependencies': [
    158             'seccomp_bpf',
    159           ],
    160         }, {
    161           'type': 'none',
    162         }],
    163       ],
    164       'include_dirs': [
    165         '../../',
    166       ],
    167     },
    168     {
    169       # The setuid sandbox, for Linux
    170       'target_name': 'chrome_sandbox',
    171       'type': 'executable',
    172       'sources': [
    173         'suid/common/sandbox.h',
    174         'suid/common/suid_unsafe_environment_variables.h',
    175         'suid/linux_util.c',
    176         'suid/linux_util.h',
    177         'suid/process_util.h',
    178         'suid/process_util_linux.c',
    179         'suid/sandbox.c',
    180       ],
    181       'cflags': [
    182         # For ULLONG_MAX
    183         '-std=gnu99',
    184       ],
    185       'include_dirs': [
    186         '../..',
    187       ],
    188     },
    189     { 'target_name': 'sandbox_services',
    190       'type': 'static_library',
    191       'sources': [
    192         'services/broker_process.cc',
    193         'services/broker_process.h',
    194         'services/init_process_reaper.cc',
    195         'services/init_process_reaper.h',
    196         'services/thread_helpers.cc',
    197         'services/thread_helpers.h',
    198       ],
    199       'dependencies': [
    200         '../base/base.gyp:base',
    201       ],
    202       'conditions': [
    203         ['compile_credentials==1', {
    204           'sources': [
    205             'services/credentials.cc',
    206             'services/credentials.h',
    207           ],
    208           'dependencies': [
    209             # for capabilities.cc.
    210             '../build/linux/system.gyp:libcap',
    211           ],
    212         }],
    213       ],
    214       'include_dirs': [
    215         '..',
    216       ],
    217     },
    218     { 'target_name': 'sandbox_services_headers',
    219       'type': 'none',
    220       'sources': [
    221         'services/android_arm_ucontext.h',
    222         'services/android_ucontext.h',
    223         'services/android_i386_ucontext.h',
    224         'services/arm_linux_syscalls.h',
    225         'services/linux_syscalls.h',
    226         'services/x86_32_linux_syscalls.h',
    227         'services/x86_64_linux_syscalls.h',
    228       ],
    229       'include_dirs': [
    230         '..',
    231       ],
    232     },
    233     {
    234       # We make this its own target so that it does not interfere
    235       # with our tests.
    236       'target_name': 'libc_urandom_override',
    237       'type': 'static_library',
    238       'sources': [
    239         'services/libc_urandom_override.cc',
    240         'services/libc_urandom_override.h',
    241       ],
    242       'dependencies': [
    243         '../base/base.gyp:base',
    244       ],
    245       'include_dirs': [
    246         '..',
    247       ],
    248     },
    249     {
    250       'target_name': 'suid_sandbox_client',
    251       'type': 'static_library',
    252       'sources': [
    253         'suid/common/sandbox.h',
    254         'suid/common/suid_unsafe_environment_variables.h',
    255         'suid/client/setuid_sandbox_client.cc',
    256         'suid/client/setuid_sandbox_client.h',
    257       ],
    258       'dependencies': [
    259         '../base/base.gyp:base',
    260         'sandbox_services',
    261       ],
    262       'include_dirs': [
    263         '..',
    264       ],
    265     },
    266   ],
    267   'conditions': [
    268     # Strategy copied from base_unittests_apk in base/base.gyp.
    269     [ 'OS=="android" and gtest_target_type == "shared_library"', {
    270       'targets': [
    271         {
    272         'target_name': 'sandbox_linux_jni_unittests_apk',
    273         'type': 'none',
    274         'variables': {
    275           'test_suite_name': 'sandbox_linux_jni_unittests',
    276           'input_shlib_path':
    277               '<(SHARED_LIB_DIR)/<(SHARED_LIB_PREFIX)'
    278               'sandbox_linux_jni_unittests'
    279               '<(SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX)',
    280         },
    281         'dependencies': [
    282           'sandbox_linux_jni_unittests',
    283         ],
    284         'includes': [ '../../build/apk_test.gypi' ],
    285         }
    286       ],
    287     }],
    288   ],
    289 }