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      1 {
      2   "description": "Gmail endure test: compose and discard an email.",
      3   "archive_data_file": "data/gmail_compose_discard.json",
      4   "credentials_path": "data/credentials.json",
      5   "user_agent_type": "desktop",
      6   "pages": [
      7     {
      8       "url": "https://mail.google.com/mail/",
      9       "why": "Compose and discard a new email",
     10       "credentials": "google",
     11       "compose_click": [
     12         {"action": "javascript", "expression": "var button=document.evaluate('//div[text()=\"COMPOSE\"]',document,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue;var mousedownevent=new MouseEvent('mousedown',true,true,window,0,0,0,0,0,false,false,false,false,0,null);var mouseupevent=new MouseEvent('mouseup',true,true,window,0,0,0,0,0,false,false,false,false,0,null);button.dispatchEvent(mousedownevent);button.dispatchEvent(mouseupevent);"}
     13       ],
     14       "navigate_steps": [
     15         { "action": "navigate" },
     16         { "action": "wait", "javascript": "window.gmonkey !== undefined && document.getElementById('gb') !== null" }
     17       ],
     18       "endure": [
     19         { "action": "wait", "condition": "element", "xpath": "//div[text()=\"COMPOSE\"]" },
     20         { "action": "compose_click" },
     21         { "action": "wait", "seconds": 1 },
     22         { "action": "wait", "condition": "element", "selector": "div[class~=\"oh\"][data-tooltip=\"Discard draft\"]" },
     23         { "action": "click_element", "selector": "div[class~=\"oh\"][data-tooltip=\"Discard draft\"]" },
     24         { "action": "wait", "seconds": 1 }
     25       ]
     26     }
     27   ]
     28 }