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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/logging.h"
      6 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
      7 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
      8 #include "ui/views/controls/single_split_view.h"
      9 #include "ui/views/controls/single_split_view_listener.h"
     11 using ::testing::_;
     12 using ::testing::Return;
     14 namespace {
     16 static void VerifySplitViewLayout(const views::SingleSplitView& split) {
     17   ASSERT_EQ(2, split.child_count());
     19   const views::View* leading = split.child_at(0);
     20   const views::View* trailing = split.child_at(1);
     22   if (split.bounds().IsEmpty()) {
     23     EXPECT_TRUE(leading->bounds().IsEmpty());
     24     EXPECT_TRUE(trailing->bounds().IsEmpty());
     25     return;
     26   }
     28   EXPECT_FALSE(leading->bounds().IsEmpty());
     29   EXPECT_FALSE(trailing->bounds().IsEmpty());
     30   EXPECT_FALSE(leading->bounds().Intersects(trailing->bounds()));
     32   if (split.orientation() == views::SingleSplitView::HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) {
     33     EXPECT_EQ(leading->bounds().height(), split.bounds().height());
     34     EXPECT_EQ(trailing->bounds().height(), split.bounds().height());
     35     EXPECT_LT(leading->bounds().width() + trailing->bounds().width(),
     36               split.bounds().width());
     37   } else if (split.orientation() == views::SingleSplitView::VERTICAL_SPLIT) {
     38     EXPECT_EQ(leading->bounds().width(), split.bounds().width());
     39     EXPECT_EQ(trailing->bounds().width(), split.bounds().width());
     40     EXPECT_LT(leading->bounds().height() + trailing->bounds().height(),
     41               split.bounds().height());
     42   } else {
     43     NOTREACHED();
     44   }
     45 }
     47 class MockObserver : public views::SingleSplitViewListener {
     48  public:
     49   MOCK_METHOD1(SplitHandleMoved, bool(views::SingleSplitView*));
     50 };
     52 class MinimumSizedView: public views::View {
     53  public:
     54   MinimumSizedView(gfx::Size min_size) : min_size_(min_size) {}
     56  private:
     57   gfx::Size min_size_;
     58   virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() OVERRIDE;
     59 };
     61 gfx::Size MinimumSizedView::GetMinimumSize() {
     62   return min_size_;
     63 }
     65 }  // namespace
     67 namespace views {
     69 TEST(SingleSplitViewTest, Resize) {
     70   // Test cases to iterate through for horizontal and vertical split views.
     71   struct TestCase {
     72     // Split view resize policy for this test case.
     73     bool resize_leading_on_bounds_change;
     74     // Split view size to set.
     75     int primary_axis_size;
     76     int secondary_axis_size;
     77     // Expected divider offset.
     78     int divider_offset;
     79   } test_cases[] = {
     80     // The initial split size is 100x100, divider at 33.
     81     { true, 100, 100, 33 },
     82     // Grow the split view, leading view should grow.
     83     { true, 1000, 100, 933 },
     84     // Shrink the split view, leading view should shrink.
     85     { true, 200, 100, 133 },
     86     // Minimize the split view, divider should not move.
     87     { true, 0, 0, 133 },
     88     // Restore the split view, divider should not move.
     89     { false, 500, 100, 133 },
     90     // Resize the split view by secondary axis, divider should not move.
     91     { false,  500, 600, 133 }
     92   };
     94   SingleSplitView::Orientation orientations[] = {
     95     SingleSplitView::HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
     96     SingleSplitView::VERTICAL_SPLIT
     97   };
     99   for (size_t orientation = 0; orientation < arraysize(orientations);
    100        ++orientation) {
    101     // Create a split view.
    102     SingleSplitView split(
    103         new View(), new View(), orientations[orientation], NULL);
    105     // Set initial size and divider offset.
    106     EXPECT_EQ(test_cases[0].primary_axis_size,
    107               test_cases[0].secondary_axis_size);
    108     split.SetBounds(0, 0, test_cases[0].primary_axis_size,
    109                     test_cases[0].secondary_axis_size);
    110     split.set_divider_offset(test_cases[0].divider_offset);
    111     split.Layout();
    113     // Run all test cases.
    114     for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(test_cases); ++i) {
    115       split.set_resize_leading_on_bounds_change(
    116           test_cases[i].resize_leading_on_bounds_change);
    117       if (split.orientation() == SingleSplitView::HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) {
    118         split.SetBounds(0, 0, test_cases[i].primary_axis_size,
    119                         test_cases[i].secondary_axis_size);
    120       } else {
    121         split.SetBounds(0, 0, test_cases[i].secondary_axis_size,
    122                         test_cases[i].primary_axis_size);
    123       }
    125       EXPECT_EQ(test_cases[i].divider_offset, split.divider_offset());
    126       VerifySplitViewLayout(split);
    127     }
    129     // Special cases, one of the child views is hidden.
    130     split.child_at(0)->SetVisible(false);
    131     split.Layout();
    133     EXPECT_EQ(split.size(), split.child_at(1)->size());
    135     split.child_at(0)->SetVisible(true);
    136     split.child_at(1)->SetVisible(false);
    137     split.Layout();
    139     EXPECT_EQ(split.size(), split.child_at(0)->size());
    140   }
    141 }
    143 TEST(SingleSplitViewTest, MouseDrag) {
    144   MockObserver observer;
    145   const int kMinimumChildSize = 25;
    146   MinimumSizedView *child0 =
    147       new MinimumSizedView(gfx::Size(5, kMinimumChildSize));
    148   MinimumSizedView *child1 =
    149       new MinimumSizedView(gfx::Size(5, kMinimumChildSize));
    150   SingleSplitView split(
    151       child0, child1, SingleSplitView::VERTICAL_SPLIT, &observer);
    153   ON_CALL(observer, SplitHandleMoved(_))
    154       .WillByDefault(Return(true));
    155   // SplitHandleMoved is called for two mouse moves and one mouse capture loss.
    156   EXPECT_CALL(observer, SplitHandleMoved(_))
    157       .Times(5);
    159   const int kTotalSplitSize = 100;
    160   split.SetBounds(0, 0, 10, kTotalSplitSize);
    161   const int kInitialDividerOffset = 33;
    162   const int kMouseOffset = 2;  // Mouse offset in the divider.
    163   const int kMouseMoveDelta = 7;
    164   split.set_divider_offset(kInitialDividerOffset);
    165   split.Layout();
    167   gfx::Point press_point(7, kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseOffset);
    168   ui::MouseEvent mouse_pressed(
    169       ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, press_point, press_point, 0);
    170   ASSERT_TRUE(split.OnMousePressed(mouse_pressed));
    171   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialDividerOffset, split.divider_offset());
    173   // Drag divider to the bottom.
    174   gfx::Point drag_1_point(
    175       5, kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseOffset + kMouseMoveDelta);
    176   ui::MouseEvent mouse_dragged_1(
    177       ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, drag_1_point, drag_1_point, 0);
    178   ASSERT_TRUE(split.OnMouseDragged(mouse_dragged_1));
    179   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseMoveDelta, split.divider_offset());
    181   // Drag divider to the top, beyond first child minimum size.
    182   gfx::Point drag_2_point(
    183       7, kMinimumChildSize - 5);
    184   ui::MouseEvent mouse_dragged_2(
    185       ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, drag_2_point, drag_2_point, 0);
    186   ASSERT_TRUE(split.OnMouseDragged(mouse_dragged_2));
    187   EXPECT_EQ(kMinimumChildSize,
    188             split.divider_offset());
    190   // Drag divider to the bottom, beyond second child minimum size.
    191   gfx::Point drag_3_point(
    192       7, kTotalSplitSize - kMinimumChildSize + 5);
    193   ui::MouseEvent mouse_dragged_3(
    194       ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, drag_3_point, drag_3_point, 0);
    195   ASSERT_TRUE(split.OnMouseDragged(mouse_dragged_3));
    196   EXPECT_EQ(kTotalSplitSize - kMinimumChildSize - split.GetDividerSize(),
    197             split.divider_offset());
    199   // Drag divider between childs' minimum sizes.
    200   gfx::Point drag_4_point(
    201       6, kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseOffset + kMouseMoveDelta * 2);
    202   ui::MouseEvent mouse_dragged_4(
    203       ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, drag_4_point, drag_4_point, 0);
    204   ASSERT_TRUE(split.OnMouseDragged(mouse_dragged_4));
    205   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseMoveDelta * 2,
    206             split.divider_offset());
    208   gfx::Point release_point(
    209       7, kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseOffset + kMouseMoveDelta * 2);
    210   ui::MouseEvent mouse_released(
    211       ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, release_point, release_point, 0);
    212   split.OnMouseReleased(mouse_released);
    213   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialDividerOffset + kMouseMoveDelta * 2,
    214             split.divider_offset());
    216   // Expect intial offset after a system/user gesture cancels the drag.
    217   // This shouldn't occur after mouse release, but it's sufficient for testing.
    218   split.OnMouseCaptureLost();
    219   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialDividerOffset, split.divider_offset());
    220 }
    222 }  // namespace views