1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #ifndef UI_VIEWS_IME_INPUT_METHOD_H_ 6 #define UI_VIEWS_IME_INPUT_METHOD_H_ 7 8 #include <string> 9 10 #include "base/basictypes.h" 11 #include "base/event_types.h" 12 #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" 13 #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h" 14 #include "ui/views/views_export.h" 15 16 namespace ui { 17 class KeyEvent; 18 class TextInputClient; 19 } // namespace ui 20 21 namespace views { 22 23 namespace internal { 24 class InputMethodDelegate; 25 } // namespace internal 26 27 class View; 28 class Widget; 29 30 // An interface implemented by an object that encapsulates a native input method 31 // service provided by the underlying operation system. Input method services 32 // are typically bound to individual native windows (HWND, aura::Window, etc.). 33 // In Views, only the top-level Widgets get keyboard focus, so this API is 34 // designed to be bound to top-level Widgets. 35 class VIEWS_EXPORT InputMethod { 36 public: 37 // TODO(yukawa): Move these typedef into ime_constants.h or somewhere. 38 #if defined(OS_WIN) 39 typedef LRESULT NativeEventResult; 40 #else 41 typedef int32 NativeEventResult; 42 #endif 43 44 virtual ~InputMethod() {} 45 46 // Sets the delegate used by this InputMethod instance. 47 // This should only be called by the owner Widget or testing code. 48 virtual void SetDelegate(internal::InputMethodDelegate* delegate) = 0; 49 50 // Initialize the InputMethod object and attach it to the given |widget|. 51 // The |widget| must already be initialized. 52 virtual void Init(Widget* widget) = 0; 53 54 // Called when the top-level Widget gains or loses keyboard focus. 55 // These should only be called by the Widget that owns this InputMethod. 56 virtual void OnFocus() = 0; 57 virtual void OnBlur() = 0; 58 59 // Called when the focused window receives native IME messages that are not 60 // translated into other predefined event callbacks. Currently this method is 61 // used only for IME functionalities specific to Windows. 62 // TODO(ime): Break down these messages into platform-neutral methods. 63 virtual bool OnUntranslatedIMEMessage(const base::NativeEvent& event, 64 NativeEventResult* result) = 0; 65 66 // Dispatch a key event to the input method. The key event will be dispatched 67 // back to the caller via InputMethodDelegate::DispatchKeyEventPostIME(), once 68 // it has been processed by the input method. It should only be called by the 69 // top-level Widget that owns this InputMethod instance, or other related 70 // platform-specific code, such as a message dispatcher. 71 virtual void DispatchKeyEvent(const ui::KeyEvent& key) = 0; 72 73 // Called by the focused |view| whenever its text input type has changed. 74 // Before calling this method, the focused |view| must confirm or clear any 75 // existing composition text and call InputMethod::CancelComposition() when 76 // necessary. This method has no effect if |view| is not focused. 77 virtual void OnTextInputTypeChanged(View* view) = 0; 78 79 // Called by the focused |view| whenever its caret bounds have changed. 80 // This method has no effect if |view| is not focused. 81 virtual void OnCaretBoundsChanged(View* view) = 0; 82 83 // Called by the focused |view| to cancel the ongoing composition session. 84 // This method has no effect if |view| is not focused. 85 virtual void CancelComposition(View* view) = 0; 86 87 // Called by the focused client whenever its input locale is changed. 88 // This method is currently used only on Windows. 89 // This method does not take a parameter of View for historical reasons. 90 // TODO(ime): Consider to take a parameter of View. 91 virtual void OnInputLocaleChanged() = 0; 92 93 // Returns the locale of current keyboard layout or input method, as a BCP-47 94 // tag, or an empty string if the input method cannot provide it. 95 virtual std::string GetInputLocale() = 0; 96 97 // Returns the text direction of current keyboard layout or input method, or 98 // base::i18n::UNKNOWN_DIRECTION if the input method cannot provide it. 99 virtual base::i18n::TextDirection GetInputTextDirection() = 0; 100 101 // Returns true if the input method is ready to process keyboard events and 102 // generate composition or text results. It is not necessary to notify 103 // inactive input methods of caret bounds or text input type changes. 104 // Note: TextInputClient::InsertChar() may be called to send input to the text 105 // input client even if the input method is not active. 106 virtual bool IsActive() = 0; 107 108 // Returns the focused text input client, or NULL if the Widget is not active, 109 // has no focused View, or if the focused View does not support text input. 110 virtual ui::TextInputClient* GetTextInputClient() const = 0; 111 112 // Gets the text input type of the focused text input client. Returns 113 // ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE if there is no focused text input client. 114 virtual ui::TextInputType GetTextInputType() const = 0; 115 116 // Returns true if we know for sure that a candidate window (or IME suggest, 117 // etc.) is open. Returns false if no popup window is open or the detection 118 // of IME popups is not supported. 119 virtual bool IsCandidatePopupOpen() const = 0; 120 121 // Returns true if the input method is a mock instance used for testing. 122 virtual bool IsMock() const = 0; 123 124 // TODO(suzhe): Support mouse/touch event. 125 }; 126 127 } // namespace views 128 129 #endif // UI_VIEWS_IME_INPUT_METHOD_H_ 130