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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {
      6   'target_defaults': {
      7      # Disable narrowing-conversion-in-initialization-list warnings in that we
      8      # do not want to fix it in data file "webcursor_gtk_data.h".
      9      'cflags+': ['-Wno-narrowing'],
     10      'cflags_cc+': ['-Wno-narrowing'],
     11   },
     12   'variables': {
     13     'chromium_code': 1,
     14   },
     15   'targets': [
     16     {
     17       'target_name': 'glue',
     18       'type': '<(component)',
     19       'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
     20       'defines': [
     23       ],
     24       'dependencies': [
     25         '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base',
     26         '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base_i18n',
     27         '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base_static',
     28         '<(DEPTH)/base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations',
     29         '<(DEPTH)/gpu/gpu.gyp:gles2_c_lib',
     30         '<(DEPTH)/gpu/gpu.gyp:gles2_implementation',
     31         '<(DEPTH)/net/net.gyp:net',
     32         '<(DEPTH)/skia/skia.gyp:skia',
     33         '<(DEPTH)/third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n',
     34         '<(DEPTH)/third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc',
     35         '<(DEPTH)/third_party/npapi/npapi.gyp:npapi',
     36         '<(DEPTH)/ui/gfx/gfx.gyp:gfx',
     37         '<(DEPTH)/ui/gl/gl.gyp:gl',
     38         '<(DEPTH)/url/url.gyp:url_lib',
     39         '<(DEPTH)/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8',
     40         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/common/user_agent/webkit_user_agent.gyp:user_agent',
     41         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/common/webkit_common.gyp:webkit_common',
     42         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/renderer/compositor_bindings/compositor_bindings.gyp:webkit_compositor_support',
     43         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/storage_browser.gyp:webkit_storage_browser',
     44         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/storage_common.gyp:webkit_storage_common',
     45         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/webkit_resources.gyp:webkit_resources',
     46         '<(DEPTH)/webkit/webkit_resources.gyp:webkit_strings',
     47       ],
     48       'include_dirs': [
     49         '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)',
     50         '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit',
     51         '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/ui',
     52       ],
     53       'sources': [
     54         'simple_webmimeregistry_impl.cc',
     55         'simple_webmimeregistry_impl.h',
     56         'webfileutilities_impl.cc',
     57         'webfileutilities_impl.h',
     58         'webkit_glue.cc',
     59         'webkit_glue.h',
     60         'webkit_glue_export.h',
     61       ],
     62       # When glue is a dependency, it needs to be a hard dependency.
     63       # Dependents may rely on files generated by this target or one of its
     64       # own hard dependencies.
     65       'hard_dependency': 1,
     66       'conditions': [
     67         ['toolkit_uses_gtk == 1', {
     68           'dependencies': [
     69             '<(DEPTH)/build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
     70           ],
     71           'sources/': [['exclude', '_x11\\.cc$']],
     72         }],
     73         ['use_aura==1 and use_x11==1', {
     74           'link_settings': {
     75             'libraries': [ '-lXcursor', ],
     76           },
     77         }],
     78         ['OS=="win"', {
     79           'include_dirs': [
     80             '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include',
     81           ],
     82           # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations.
     83           'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4800, 4267 ],
     84           'conditions': [
     85             ['component=="shared_library"', {
     86               'dependencies': [
     87                  '<(DEPTH)/third_party/WebKit/public/blink.gyp:blink',
     88                ],
     89                'export_dependent_settings': [
     90                  '<(DEPTH)/third_party/WebKit/public/blink.gyp:blink',
     91                  '<(DEPTH)/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8',
     92                ],
     93             }],
     94           ],
     95         }],
     96         ['chrome_multiple_dll!=1', {
     97           'dependencies': [
     98             '<(DEPTH)/third_party/WebKit/public/blink.gyp:blink',
     99           ],
    100         }],
    101         ['enable_printing!=0', {
    102           'dependencies': [
    103             '<(DEPTH)/printing/printing.gyp:printing',
    104           ],
    105         }],
    106       ],
    107     },
    108   ],
    109   'conditions': [
    110     ['use_third_party_translations==1', {
    111       'targets': [
    112         {
    113           'target_name': 'inspector_strings',
    114           'type': 'none',
    115           'variables': {
    116             'grit_out_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/resources/inspector/l10n',
    117           },
    118           'actions': [
    119             {
    120               'action_name': 'inspector_strings',
    121               'variables': {
    122                 'grit_grd_file': 'inspector_strings.grd',
    123               },
    124               'includes': [ '../../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
    125             },
    126           ],
    127           'includes': [ '../../build/grit_target.gypi' ],
    128         },
    129       ],
    130     }],
    131   ],
    132 }