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      1 Flatland is a benchmark for measuring GPU performance in various 2D UI
      2 rendering and window compositing scenarios.  It is designed to be used early
      3 in the device development process to evaluate GPU hardware (e.g. for SoC
      4 selection).  It uses OpenGL ES 2.0, gralloc, and the Android explicit
      5 synchronization framework, so it can only be run on devices with drivers
      6 supporting those HALs.
      9 Preparing a Device
     11 Because it's measuring hardware performance, flatland should be run in as
     12 consistent and static an environment as possible.  The display should be
     13 turned off and background services should be stopped before running the
     14 benchmark.  Running 'adb shell stop' after turning off the display is probably
     15 sufficient for this, but if there are device- specific background services
     16 that consume much CPU cycles, memory bandwidth, or might otherwise interfere
     17 with GPU rendering, those should be stopped as well (and ideally they'd be
     18 fixed or eliminated for production devices).
     20 Additionally, all relevant hardware clocks should be locked at a particular
     21 frequency when running flatland.  At a minimum this includes the CPU, GPU, and
     22 memory bus clocks.  Running flatland with dynamic clocking essentially
     23 measures the behavior of the dynamic clocking algorithm under a fairly
     24 unrealistic workload, and will likely result in unstable and useless results.
     26 If running the benchmark with the clocks locked causes thermal issues, the -s
     27 command line option can be used to insert a sleep (specified in milliseconds)
     28 in between each benchmark sample run.  Regardless of the scenario being
     29 measured, each sample measurement runs for between 50 and 200 ms, so a sleep
     30 time between 10 and 50 ms should address most thermal problems.
     33 Interpreting the Output
     35 The output of flatland should look something like this:
     37  cmdline: flatland
     38                Scenario               | Resolution  | Time (ms)
     39  16:10 Single Static Window           | 1280 x  800 |   fast
     40  16:10 Single Static Window           | 2560 x 1600 |  5.368
     41  16:10 Single Static Window           | 3840 x 2400 | 11.979
     42  16:10 App -> Home Transition         | 1280 x  800 |  4.069
     43  16:10 App -> Home Transition         | 2560 x 1600 | 15.911
     44  16:10 App -> Home Transition         | 3840 x 2400 | 38.795
     45  16:10 SurfaceView -> Home Transition | 1280 x  800 |  5.387
     46  16:10 SurfaceView -> Home Transition | 2560 x 1600 | 21.147
     47  16:10 SurfaceView -> Home Transition | 3840 x 2400 |   slow
     49 The first column is simply a description of the scenario that's being
     50 simulated.  The second column indicates the resolution at which the scenario
     51 was measured.  The third column is the measured benchmark result.  It
     52 indicates the expected time in milliseconds that a single frame of the
     53 scenario takes to complete.
     55 The third column may also contain one of three other values:
     57     fast - This indicates that frames of the scenario completed too fast to be
     58     reliably benchmarked.  This corresponds to a frame time less than 3 ms.
     59     Rather than spending time trying (and likely failing) to get a stable
     60     result, the scenario was skipped.
     62     slow - This indicates that frames of the scenario took too long to
     63     complete.  This corresponds to a frame time over 50 ms.  Rather than
     64     simulating a scenario that is obviously impractical on this device, the
     65     scenario was skipped.
     67     varies - This indicates that the scenario was measured, but it did not
     68     yield a stable result.  Occasionally this happens with an otherwise stable
     69     scenario.  In this case, simply rerunning flatland should yield a valid
     70     result.  If a scenario repeatedly results in a 'varies' output, that
     71     probably indicates that something is wrong with the environment in which
     72     flatland is being run.  Check that the hardware clock frequencies are
     73     locked and that no heavy-weight services / daemons are running in the
     74     background.