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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict;
     19 import com.android.inputmethod.annotations.UsedForTesting;
     20 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants;
     21 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.BinaryDictDecoderUtils.DictBuffer;
     22 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.FormatSpec.FileHeader;
     23 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.FormatSpec.FormatOptions;
     24 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.FusionDictionary.WeightedString;
     25 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.CollectionUtils;
     27 import java.io.IOException;
     28 import java.io.OutputStream;
     29 import java.util.ArrayList;
     30 import java.util.Arrays;
     32 /**
     33  * The utility class to help dynamic updates on the binary dictionary.
     34  *
     35  * All the methods in this class are static.
     36  */
     37 @UsedForTesting
     38 public final class DynamicBinaryDictIOUtils {
     39     private static final boolean DBG = false;
     40     private static final int MAX_JUMPS = 10000;
     42     private DynamicBinaryDictIOUtils() {
     43         // This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
     44     }
     46     /* package */ static int markAsDeleted(final int flags) {
     47         return (flags & (~FormatSpec.MASK_CHILDREN_ADDRESS_TYPE)) | FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_DELETED;
     48     }
     50     /**
     51      * Update a parent address in a PtNode that is referred to by ptNodeOriginAddress.
     52      *
     53      * @param dictUpdater the DictUpdater to write.
     54      * @param ptNodeOriginAddress the address of the PtNode.
     55      * @param newParentAddress the absolute address of the parent.
     56      * @param formatOptions file format options.
     57      */
     58     private static void updateParentAddress(final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater,
     59             final int ptNodeOriginAddress, final int newParentAddress,
     60             final FormatOptions formatOptions) {
     61         final DictBuffer dictBuffer = dictUpdater.getDictBuffer();
     62         final int originalPosition = dictBuffer.position();
     63         dictBuffer.position(ptNodeOriginAddress);
     64         if (!formatOptions.mSupportsDynamicUpdate) {
     65             throw new RuntimeException("this file format does not support parent addresses");
     66         }
     67         final int flags = dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
     68         if (BinaryDictIOUtils.isMovedPtNode(flags, formatOptions)) {
     69             // If the node is moved, the parent address is stored in the destination node.
     70             // We are guaranteed to process the destination node later, so there is no need to
     71             // update anything here.
     72             dictBuffer.position(originalPosition);
     73             return;
     74         }
     75         if (DBG) {
     76             MakedictLog.d("update parent address flags=" + flags + ", " + ptNodeOriginAddress);
     77         }
     78         final int parentOffset = newParentAddress - ptNodeOriginAddress;
     79         BinaryDictIOUtils.writeSInt24ToBuffer(dictBuffer, parentOffset);
     80         dictBuffer.position(originalPosition);
     81     }
     83     /**
     84      * Update parent addresses in a node array stored at ptNodeOriginAddress.
     85      *
     86      * @param dictUpdater the DictUpdater to be modified.
     87      * @param ptNodeOriginAddress the address of the node array to update.
     88      * @param newParentAddress the address to be written.
     89      * @param formatOptions file format options.
     90      */
     91     private static void updateParentAddresses(final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater,
     92             final int ptNodeOriginAddress, final int newParentAddress,
     93             final FormatOptions formatOptions) {
     94         final int originalPosition = dictUpdater.getPosition();
     95         dictUpdater.setPosition(ptNodeOriginAddress);
     96         do {
     97             final int count = dictUpdater.readPtNodeCount();
     98             for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
     99                 updateParentAddress(dictUpdater, dictUpdater.getPosition(), newParentAddress,
    100                         formatOptions);
    101                 dictUpdater.skipPtNode(formatOptions);
    102             }
    103             if (!dictUpdater.readAndFollowForwardLink()) break;
    104             if (dictUpdater.getPosition() == FormatSpec.NO_FORWARD_LINK_ADDRESS) break;
    105         } while (formatOptions.mSupportsDynamicUpdate);
    106         dictUpdater.setPosition(originalPosition);
    107     }
    109     /**
    110      * Update a children address in a PtNode that is addressed by ptNodeOriginAddress.
    111      *
    112      * @param dictUpdater the DictUpdater to write.
    113      * @param ptNodeOriginAddress the address of the PtNode.
    114      * @param newChildrenAddress the absolute address of the child.
    115      * @param formatOptions file format options.
    116      */
    117     private static void updateChildrenAddress(final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater,
    118             final int ptNodeOriginAddress, final int newChildrenAddress,
    119             final FormatOptions formatOptions) {
    120         final DictBuffer dictBuffer = dictUpdater.getDictBuffer();
    121         final int originalPosition = dictBuffer.position();
    122         dictBuffer.position(ptNodeOriginAddress);
    123         final int flags = dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
    124         BinaryDictDecoderUtils.readParentAddress(dictBuffer, formatOptions);
    125         BinaryDictIOUtils.skipString(dictBuffer, (flags & FormatSpec.FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS) != 0);
    126         if ((flags & FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_TERMINAL) != 0) dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
    127         final int childrenOffset = newChildrenAddress == FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS
    128                 ? FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS : newChildrenAddress - dictBuffer.position();
    129         BinaryDictIOUtils.writeSInt24ToBuffer(dictBuffer, childrenOffset);
    130         dictBuffer.position(originalPosition);
    131     }
    133     /**
    134      * Helper method to move a PtNode to the tail of the file.
    135      */
    136     private static int movePtNode(final OutputStream destination,
    137             final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater, final PtNodeInfo info,
    138             final int nodeArrayOriginAddress, final int oldNodeAddress,
    139             final FormatOptions formatOptions) throws IOException {
    140         final DictBuffer dictBuffer = dictUpdater.getDictBuffer();
    141         updateParentAddress(dictUpdater, oldNodeAddress, dictBuffer.limit() + 1, formatOptions);
    142         dictBuffer.position(oldNodeAddress);
    143         final int currentFlags = dictBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
    144         dictBuffer.position(oldNodeAddress);
    145         dictBuffer.put((byte)(FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_MOVED | (currentFlags
    146                 & (~FormatSpec.MASK_MOVE_AND_DELETE_FLAG))));
    147         int size = FormatSpec.PTNODE_FLAGS_SIZE;
    148         updateForwardLink(dictUpdater, nodeArrayOriginAddress, dictBuffer.limit(), formatOptions);
    149         size += BinaryDictIOUtils.writeNodes(destination, new PtNodeInfo[] { info });
    150         return size;
    151     }
    153     @SuppressWarnings("unused")
    154     private static void updateForwardLink(final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater,
    155             final int nodeArrayOriginAddress, final int newNodeArrayAddress,
    156             final FormatOptions formatOptions) {
    157         final DictBuffer dictBuffer = dictUpdater.getDictBuffer();
    158         dictUpdater.setPosition(nodeArrayOriginAddress);
    159         int jumpCount = 0;
    160         while (jumpCount++ < MAX_JUMPS) {
    161             final int count = dictUpdater.readPtNodeCount();
    162             for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    163                 dictUpdater.readPtNode(dictUpdater.getPosition(), formatOptions);
    164             }
    165             final int forwardLinkAddress = dictBuffer.readUnsignedInt24();
    166             if (forwardLinkAddress == FormatSpec.NO_FORWARD_LINK_ADDRESS) {
    167                 dictBuffer.position(dictBuffer.position() - FormatSpec.FORWARD_LINK_ADDRESS_SIZE);
    168                 BinaryDictIOUtils.writeSInt24ToBuffer(dictBuffer, newNodeArrayAddress);
    169                 return;
    170             }
    171             dictBuffer.position(forwardLinkAddress);
    172         }
    173         if (DBG && jumpCount >= MAX_JUMPS) {
    174             throw new RuntimeException("too many jumps, probably a bug.");
    175         }
    176     }
    178     /**
    179      * Move a PtNode that is referred to by oldPtNodeOrigin to the tail of the file, and set the
    180      * children address to the byte after the PtNode.
    181      *
    182      * @param fileEndAddress the address of the tail of the file.
    183      * @param codePoints the characters to put inside the PtNode.
    184      * @param length how many code points to read from codePoints.
    185      * @param flags the flags for this PtNode.
    186      * @param frequency the frequency of this terminal.
    187      * @param parentAddress the address of the parent PtNode of this PtNode.
    188      * @param shortcutTargets the shortcut targets for this PtNode.
    189      * @param bigrams the bigrams for this PtNode.
    190      * @param destination the stream representing the tail of the file.
    191      * @param dictUpdater the DictUpdater.
    192      * @param oldPtNodeArrayOrigin the origin of the old PtNode array this PtNode was a part of.
    193      * @param oldPtNodeOrigin the old origin where this PtNode used to be stored.
    194      * @param formatOptions format options for this dictionary.
    195      * @return the size written, in bytes.
    196      * @throws IOException if the file can't be accessed
    197      */
    198     private static int movePtNode(final int fileEndAddress, final int[] codePoints,
    199             final int length, final int flags, final int frequency, final int parentAddress,
    200             final ArrayList<WeightedString> shortcutTargets,
    201             final ArrayList<PendingAttribute> bigrams, final OutputStream destination,
    202             final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater, final int oldPtNodeArrayOrigin,
    203             final int oldPtNodeOrigin, final FormatOptions formatOptions) throws IOException {
    204         int size = 0;
    205         final int newPtNodeOrigin = fileEndAddress + 1;
    206         final int[] writtenCharacters = Arrays.copyOfRange(codePoints, 0, length);
    207         final PtNodeInfo tmpInfo = new PtNodeInfo(newPtNodeOrigin, -1 /* endAddress */,
    208                 flags, writtenCharacters, frequency, parentAddress, FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS,
    209                 shortcutTargets, bigrams);
    210         size = BinaryDictIOUtils.computePtNodeSize(tmpInfo, formatOptions);
    211         final PtNodeInfo newInfo = new PtNodeInfo(newPtNodeOrigin, newPtNodeOrigin + size,
    212                 flags, writtenCharacters, frequency, parentAddress,
    213                 fileEndAddress + 1 + size + FormatSpec.FORWARD_LINK_ADDRESS_SIZE, shortcutTargets,
    214                 bigrams);
    215         movePtNode(destination, dictUpdater, newInfo, oldPtNodeArrayOrigin, oldPtNodeOrigin,
    216                 formatOptions);
    217         return 1 + size + FormatSpec.FORWARD_LINK_ADDRESS_SIZE;
    218     }
    220     /**
    221      * Converts a list of WeightedString to a list of PendingAttribute.
    222      */
    223     public static ArrayList<PendingAttribute> resolveBigramPositions(final DictUpdater dictUpdater,
    224             final ArrayList<WeightedString> bigramStrings)
    225                     throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
    226         if (bigramStrings == null) return CollectionUtils.newArrayList();
    227         final ArrayList<PendingAttribute> bigrams = CollectionUtils.newArrayList();
    228         for (final WeightedString bigram : bigramStrings) {
    229             final int pos = dictUpdater.getTerminalPosition(bigram.mWord);
    230             if (pos == FormatSpec.NOT_VALID_WORD) {
    231                 // TODO: figure out what is the correct thing to do here.
    232             } else {
    233                 bigrams.add(new PendingAttribute(bigram.mFrequency, pos));
    234             }
    235         }
    236         return bigrams;
    237     }
    239     /**
    240      * Insert a word into a binary dictionary.
    241      *
    242      * @param dictUpdater the dict updater.
    243      * @param destination a stream to the underlying file, with the pointer at the end of the file.
    244      * @param word the word to insert.
    245      * @param frequency the frequency of the new word.
    246      * @param bigramStrings bigram list, or null if none.
    247      * @param shortcuts shortcut list, or null if none.
    248      * @param isBlackListEntry whether this should be a blacklist entry.
    249      * @throws IOException if the file can't be accessed.
    250      * @throws UnsupportedFormatException if the existing dictionary is in an unexpected format.
    251      */
    252     // TODO: Support batch insertion.
    253     // TODO: Remove @UsedForTesting once UserHistoryDictionary is implemented by BinaryDictionary.
    254     @UsedForTesting
    255     public static void insertWord(final Ver3DictUpdater dictUpdater,
    256             final OutputStream destination, final String word, final int frequency,
    257             final ArrayList<WeightedString> bigramStrings,
    258             final ArrayList<WeightedString> shortcuts, final boolean isNotAWord,
    259             final boolean isBlackListEntry)
    260                     throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
    261         final ArrayList<PendingAttribute> bigrams = resolveBigramPositions(dictUpdater,
    262                 bigramStrings);
    263         final DictBuffer dictBuffer = dictUpdater.getDictBuffer();
    265         final boolean isTerminal = true;
    266         final boolean hasBigrams = !bigrams.isEmpty();
    267         final boolean hasShortcuts = shortcuts != null && !shortcuts.isEmpty();
    269         // find the insert position of the word.
    270         if (dictBuffer.position() != 0) dictBuffer.position(0);
    271         final FileHeader fileHeader = dictUpdater.readHeader();
    273         int wordPos = 0, address = dictBuffer.position(), nodeOriginAddress = dictBuffer.position();
    274         final int[] codePoints = FusionDictionary.getCodePoints(word);
    275         final int wordLen = codePoints.length;
    277         for (int depth = 0; depth < Constants.DICTIONARY_MAX_WORD_LENGTH; ++depth) {
    278             if (wordPos >= wordLen) break;
    279             nodeOriginAddress = dictBuffer.position();
    280             int nodeParentAddress = -1;
    281             final int ptNodeCount = BinaryDictDecoderUtils.readPtNodeCount(dictBuffer);
    282             boolean foundNextNode = false;
    284             for (int i = 0; i < ptNodeCount; ++i) {
    285                 address = dictBuffer.position();
    286                 final PtNodeInfo currentInfo = dictUpdater.readPtNode(address,
    287                         fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    288                 final boolean isMovedNode = BinaryDictIOUtils.isMovedPtNode(currentInfo.mFlags,
    289                         fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    290                 if (isMovedNode) continue;
    291                 nodeParentAddress = (currentInfo.mParentAddress == FormatSpec.NO_PARENT_ADDRESS)
    292                         ? FormatSpec.NO_PARENT_ADDRESS : currentInfo.mParentAddress + address;
    293                 boolean matched = true;
    294                 for (int p = 0; p < currentInfo.mCharacters.length; ++p) {
    295                     if (wordPos + p >= wordLen) {
    296                         /*
    297                          * splitting
    298                          * before
    299                          *  abcd - ef
    300                          *
    301                          * insert "abc"
    302                          *
    303                          * after
    304                          *  abc - d - ef
    305                          */
    306                         final int newNodeAddress = dictBuffer.limit();
    307                         final int flags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(p > 1,
    308                                 isTerminal, 0, hasShortcuts, hasBigrams, false /* isNotAWord */,
    309                                 false /* isBlackListEntry */, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    310                         int written = movePtNode(newNodeAddress, currentInfo.mCharacters, p, flags,
    311                                 frequency, nodeParentAddress, shortcuts, bigrams, destination,
    312                                 dictUpdater, nodeOriginAddress, address, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    314                         final int[] characters2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(currentInfo.mCharacters, p,
    315                                 currentInfo.mCharacters.length);
    316                         if (currentInfo.mChildrenAddress != FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS) {
    317                             updateParentAddresses(dictUpdater, currentInfo.mChildrenAddress,
    318                                     newNodeAddress + written + 1, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    319                         }
    320                         final PtNodeInfo newInfo2 = new PtNodeInfo(
    321                                 newNodeAddress + written + 1, -1 /* endAddress */,
    322                                 currentInfo.mFlags, characters2, currentInfo.mFrequency,
    323                                 newNodeAddress + 1, currentInfo.mChildrenAddress,
    324                                 currentInfo.mShortcutTargets, currentInfo.mBigrams);
    325                         BinaryDictIOUtils.writeNodes(destination, new PtNodeInfo[] { newInfo2 });
    326                         return;
    327                     } else if (codePoints[wordPos + p] != currentInfo.mCharacters[p]) {
    328                         if (p > 0) {
    329                             /*
    330                              * splitting
    331                              * before
    332                              *   ab - cd
    333                              *
    334                              * insert "ac"
    335                              *
    336                              * after
    337                              *   a - b - cd
    338                              *     |
    339                              *     - c
    340                              */
    342                             final int newNodeAddress = dictBuffer.limit();
    343                             final int childrenAddress = currentInfo.mChildrenAddress;
    345                             // move prefix
    346                             final int prefixFlags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(p > 1,
    347                                     false /* isTerminal */, 0 /* childrenAddressSize*/,
    348                                     false /* hasShortcut */, false /* hasBigrams */,
    349                                     false /* isNotAWord */, false /* isBlackListEntry */,
    350                                     fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    351                             int written = movePtNode(newNodeAddress, currentInfo.mCharacters, p,
    352                                     prefixFlags, -1 /* frequency */, nodeParentAddress, null, null,
    353                                     destination, dictUpdater, nodeOriginAddress, address,
    354                                     fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    356                             final int[] suffixCharacters = Arrays.copyOfRange(
    357                                     currentInfo.mCharacters, p, currentInfo.mCharacters.length);
    358                             if (currentInfo.mChildrenAddress != FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS) {
    359                                 updateParentAddresses(dictUpdater, currentInfo.mChildrenAddress,
    360                                         newNodeAddress + written + 1, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    361                             }
    362                             final int suffixFlags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(
    363                                     suffixCharacters.length > 1,
    364                                     (currentInfo.mFlags & FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_TERMINAL) != 0,
    365                                     0 /* childrenAddressSize */,
    366                                     (currentInfo.mFlags & FormatSpec.FLAG_HAS_SHORTCUT_TARGETS)
    367                                             != 0,
    368                                     (currentInfo.mFlags & FormatSpec.FLAG_HAS_BIGRAMS) != 0,
    369                                     isNotAWord, isBlackListEntry, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    370                             final PtNodeInfo suffixInfo = new PtNodeInfo(
    371                                     newNodeAddress + written + 1, -1 /* endAddress */, suffixFlags,
    372                                     suffixCharacters, currentInfo.mFrequency, newNodeAddress + 1,
    373                                     currentInfo.mChildrenAddress, currentInfo.mShortcutTargets,
    374                                     currentInfo.mBigrams);
    375                             written += BinaryDictIOUtils.computePtNodeSize(suffixInfo,
    376                                     fileHeader.mFormatOptions) + 1;
    378                             final int[] newCharacters = Arrays.copyOfRange(codePoints, wordPos + p,
    379                                     codePoints.length);
    380                             final int flags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(
    381                                     newCharacters.length > 1, isTerminal,
    382                                     0 /* childrenAddressSize */, hasShortcuts, hasBigrams,
    383                                     isNotAWord, isBlackListEntry, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    384                             final PtNodeInfo newInfo = new PtNodeInfo(
    385                                     newNodeAddress + written, -1 /* endAddress */, flags,
    386                                     newCharacters, frequency, newNodeAddress + 1,
    387                                     FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS, shortcuts, bigrams);
    388                             BinaryDictIOUtils.writeNodes(destination,
    389                                     new PtNodeInfo[] { suffixInfo, newInfo });
    390                             return;
    391                         }
    392                         matched = false;
    393                         break;
    394                     }
    395                 }
    397                 if (matched) {
    398                     if (wordPos + currentInfo.mCharacters.length == wordLen) {
    399                         // the word exists in the dictionary.
    400                         // only update the PtNode.
    401                         final int newNodeAddress = dictBuffer.limit();
    402                         final boolean hasMultipleChars = currentInfo.mCharacters.length > 1;
    403                         final int flags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(hasMultipleChars,
    404                                 isTerminal, 0 /* childrenAddressSize */, hasShortcuts, hasBigrams,
    405                                 isNotAWord, isBlackListEntry, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    406                         final PtNodeInfo newInfo = new PtNodeInfo(newNodeAddress + 1,
    407                                 -1 /* endAddress */, flags, currentInfo.mCharacters, frequency,
    408                                 nodeParentAddress, currentInfo.mChildrenAddress, shortcuts,
    409                                 bigrams);
    410                         movePtNode(destination, dictUpdater, newInfo, nodeOriginAddress, address,
    411                                 fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    412                         return;
    413                     }
    414                     wordPos += currentInfo.mCharacters.length;
    415                     if (currentInfo.mChildrenAddress == FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS) {
    416                         /*
    417                          * found the prefix of the word.
    418                          * make new PtNode and link to the PtNode from this PtNode.
    419                          *
    420                          * before
    421                          * ab - cd
    422                          *
    423                          * insert "abcde"
    424                          *
    425                          * after
    426                          * ab - cd - e
    427                          */
    428                         final int newNodeArrayAddress = dictBuffer.limit();
    429                         updateChildrenAddress(dictUpdater, address, newNodeArrayAddress,
    430                                 fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    431                         final int newNodeAddress = newNodeArrayAddress + 1;
    432                         final boolean hasMultipleChars = (wordLen - wordPos) > 1;
    433                         final int flags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(hasMultipleChars,
    434                                 isTerminal, 0 /* childrenAddressSize */, hasShortcuts, hasBigrams,
    435                                 isNotAWord, isBlackListEntry, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    436                         final int[] characters = Arrays.copyOfRange(codePoints, wordPos, wordLen);
    437                         final PtNodeInfo newInfo = new PtNodeInfo(newNodeAddress, -1, flags,
    438                                 characters, frequency, address, FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS,
    439                                 shortcuts, bigrams);
    440                         BinaryDictIOUtils.writeNodes(destination, new PtNodeInfo[] { newInfo });
    441                         return;
    442                     }
    443                     dictBuffer.position(currentInfo.mChildrenAddress);
    444                     foundNextNode = true;
    445                     break;
    446                 }
    447             }
    449             if (foundNextNode) continue;
    451             // reached the end of the array.
    452             final int linkAddressPosition = dictBuffer.position();
    453             int nextLink = dictBuffer.readUnsignedInt24();
    454             if ((nextLink & FormatSpec.MSB24) != 0) {
    455                 nextLink = -(nextLink & FormatSpec.SINT24_MAX);
    456             }
    457             if (nextLink == FormatSpec.NO_FORWARD_LINK_ADDRESS) {
    458                 /*
    459                  * expand this node.
    460                  *
    461                  * before
    462                  * ab - cd
    463                  *
    464                  * insert "abef"
    465                  *
    466                  * after
    467                  * ab - cd
    468                  *    |
    469                  *    - ef
    470                  */
    472                 // change the forward link address.
    473                 final int newNodeAddress = dictBuffer.limit();
    474                 dictBuffer.position(linkAddressPosition);
    475                 BinaryDictIOUtils.writeSInt24ToBuffer(dictBuffer, newNodeAddress);
    477                 final int[] characters = Arrays.copyOfRange(codePoints, wordPos, wordLen);
    478                 final int flags = BinaryDictEncoderUtils.makePtNodeFlags(characters.length > 1,
    479                         isTerminal, 0 /* childrenAddressSize */, hasShortcuts, hasBigrams,
    480                         isNotAWord, isBlackListEntry, fileHeader.mFormatOptions);
    481                 final PtNodeInfo newInfo = new PtNodeInfo(newNodeAddress + 1,
    482                         -1 /* endAddress */, flags, characters, frequency, nodeParentAddress,
    483                         FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS, shortcuts, bigrams);
    484                 BinaryDictIOUtils.writeNodes(destination, new PtNodeInfo[]{ newInfo });
    485                 return;
    486             } else {
    487                 depth--;
    488                 dictBuffer.position(nextLink);
    489             }
    490         }
    491     }
    492 }