__gmon_start__ libc.so.6 _IO_stdin_used strcpy exit sprintf strncmp optind strrchr __strdup fileno_unlocked ftell strncpy __stack_chk_fail fgets_unlocked realloc abort stdin strpbrk sbrk strtol calloc strlen fread_unlocked memset strstr strcspn fseek __fxstat64 stdout fputc memcpy freopen64 fclose malloc strcat __xstat64 sscanf optarg stderr getopt_long strncat fwrite fread strchr fdopen __fsetlocking memmove fopen64 setbuf fwrite_unlocked strcmp __libc_start_main ferror vfprintf __overflow fputs_unlocked free __environ GLIBC_2.4 GLIBC_2.2 GLIBC_2.1 GLIBC_2.0
Usage: gcov [OPTION]... SOURCEFILE... Print code coverage information. -h, --help Print this help, then exit -v, --version Print version number, then exit -a, --all-blocks Show information for every basic block -b, --branch-probabilities Include branch probabilities in output -c, --branch-counts Given counts of branches taken rather than percentages -m, --pmu-profile Output PMU profile data if available -n, --no-output Do not create an output file -l, --long-file-names Use long output file names for included source files -f, --function-summaries Output summaries for each function -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE -p, --preserve-paths Preserve all pathname components -q, --pmu_profile-path Path for PMU profile (default pmuprofile.gcda) -u, --unconditional-branches Show unconditional branch counts too -i, --intermediate-format Output .gcov file in an intermediate text format that can be used by 'lcov' or other applications. It will output a single .gcov file per .gcda file. No source file is required. -d, --display-progress Display progress information For bug reporting instructions, please see: %s. /i/toolchain-src//gcc/gcc-4.6/gcc/gcov-io.c %s:source file is newer than graph file '%s' (the message is only displayed one per source file) %s:version '%.4s', prefer '%.4s' %s:already seen blocks for '%s' %s:cannot open data file, assuming not executed %s:version '%.4s', prefer version '%.4s' %s:stamp mismatch with graph file %s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks %s:'%s' has arcs to entry block %s:'%s' has arcs from exit block %s:graph is unsolvable for '%s' unconditional %2d never executed %9s:%5d:Source is newer than graph %9s:%5d:PMU BRM: line: %s %s %s %9s:%5d: count: number of branch mispredicts sampled at this address %9s:%5d: self: branch mispredicts as percentage of the entire program %u %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %.2f%% %#llx %9s:%5u: count: %u self: %.2f%% addr: %#llx %s:error writing output file '%s' %s:could not open output file '%s' Copyright %s 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %s:cannot open pmu profile file r+b rb w+b
%s:cannot open graph file %s:not a gcov graph file %s:corrupted %s:no functions found %s:not a gcov data file %s:unknown function '%u' %s:profile mismatch for '%s' %s:overflowed %.*u%% %lld call %2d returned %s call %2d never executed (fallthrough) branch %2d taken %s%s branch %2d never executed unconditional %2d taken %s %s '%s' Lines executed:%s of %d No executable lines Branches executed:%s of %d Taken at least once:%s of %d No branches Calls executed:%s of %d No calls %s:no lines for '%s' Function .gcov %s%s File SF:%s FN:%d,%s FNDA:%s,%s DA:%u,%d BA:%d,%d /./ \.\ /../ \..\ %s:creating '%s' %9s:%5d:Source:%s %9s:%5d:Graph:%s %9s:%5d:Data:%s %9s:%5d:Runs:%u %9s:%5d:Programs:%u %s:cannot open source file %9s:%5d PMU_LL %9s:%5u: %s %9s:%5u: address self count function %s called %s returned %s blocks executed %s ##### %9s:%5u: $$$$$ %9s:%5u-block %2d %9s:%5u: PMU BRM %9s:%5u:%s /*EOF*/ gcov %s%s (C) abcdfhilno:pq:uv Processing file %d out of %d help version all-blocks branch-probabilities branch-counts pmu-profile no-output long-file-names function-summaries preserve-paths object-directory object-file unconditional-branches pmu_profile-path display-progress intermediate-format u f W H 9 * h v a b c m n l , f ? p N o _ o k u q d i gcov_open gcov_read_words gcov_sync B ?' 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) %s: Internal error: abort in %s, at %s:%d %s: warning: %s: /i/toolchain-src//gcc/gcc-4.6/gcc/errors.c _ada_ 'Input 'Output 'Read 'Write .Finalize .Adjust <%s> T%d const volatile const __restrict const volatile __restrict __ct __dt assign_ operator type operator _imp__ __imp_ _GLOBAL_ __std__ __sti__ __vtbl__ virtual table global constructors keyed to global destructors keyed to import stub for false true 0 JArray1Z , ~ [ unsigned __complex void bool wchar_t long double float %x int%u_t , ... -2147483648 U __pt__ __tm__ __ps__ __S {anonymous} template < > class 0123456789Qt __thunk_ __t type_info node type_info function static none Demangling disabled auto gnu GNU (g++) style demangling lucid Lucid (lcc) style demangling arm ARM style demangling hp HP (aCC) style demangling edg EDG style demangling gnu-v3 java Java style demangling gnat GNAT style demangling _elabb 'Elab_Body _elabs 'Elab_Spec _size 'Size _alignment 'Alignment _assign .":=" Oabs Oand Omod Onot Oor Orem Oxor Oeq One /= Olt Ole Ogt Oge Oadd Osubtract Oconcat Omultiply Odivide Oexpon ** nw new dl delete vn new [] vd delete [] as != == plus apl += minus ami -= mult amu *= aml convert negate trunc_mod amd %= trunc_div adv truth_andif && aa truth_orif || oo truth_not ! postincrement ++ pp postdecrement -- mm bit_ior aor |= bit_xor ^ aer ^= bit_and aad &= bit_not co cl alshift << als <<= arshift >> ars >>= component -> pt rf indirect method_call ->() addr array vc compound cm cond ?: cn max >? mx min * sz sizeof N U \ c j q x G r h 1 1 j ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I > I I I I I Y I I I I I ' I q V # > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > L > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > e# e# e# e# e# e# e# e# e# e# # $ " " i" " ! b! $ ! 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T pmuprofile.gcda /proc/self/cwd/./ \ \ $.$ P
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