_ZNKSs7compareEjjPKc _ZNSs4_Rep10_M_destroyERKSaIcE __gmon_start__ _Jv_RegisterClasses _ZNSs12_M_leak_hardEv _ZNKSs5rfindEcj _ZdlPv _ZNSs7replaceEjjPKcj _ZNSsC1ERKSsjj _ZSt18_Rb_tree_decrementPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE __cxa_pure_virtual _ZNSsD1Ev _ZNSsC1EPKcjRKSaIcE _ZNSs7reserveEj _ZNSs4_Rep20_S_empty_rep_storageE _ZSt29_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalancebPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS0_RS_ _ZNKSs7compareEPKc _ZNKSs6substrEjj _ZNSs6appendEPKcj _ZSt17__throw_bad_allocv _ZNSs6appendERKSs _ZNSs6appendEPKc _ZSt18_Rb_tree_incrementPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE _ZNSs9push_backEc _ZNSs7_M_leakEv _ZNSs6appendEjc _ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEESbIT_T0_T1_EPKS3_RKS6_ pthread_cancel _ZSt18_Rb_tree_decrementPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZNSs6insertEjPKcj _ZNSs6assignEPKc _ZNSs6assignERKSs _Znwj _ZNSsC1ERKSs _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE _ZNKSs4findEcj _ZNSs6assignEPKcj _IO_stdin_used sprintf unlink mkdir realloc stdin strdup isspace strtol isatty feof fgets strlen __cxa_atexit __errno_location memcmp toupper clearerr stdout fputc fputs memcpy fclose malloc sscanf stderr fileno getcwd fwrite fread strchr fprintf memmove fopen64 access _IO_getc strcmp __libc_start_main ferror free $ORIGIN/../lib _ZTV5Field _ZTV10ParcelType PRESENTER_LISTENER_BASE_TYPE g_document RPC_RESULT_HANDLER_TYPE _ZTV14IInterfaceType _ZTV5Class IBINDER_TYPE _ZTV4Type _ZTV16FinallyStatement _ZTV17LiteralExpression NAMES _ZTV12UserDataType _ZTV8Variable _ZTV20RuntimeExceptionType _ZTV23ParcelableInterfaceType DOUBLE_TYPE _ZTV4Cast _ZTV4Case _ZTV10Expression INT_TYPE _ZTV13InterfaceType SERVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE _ZTV15BinderProxyType _ZTV11GenericType _ZTV13ListenerClass _ZTV23StringLiteralExpression _ZTV8Document VOID_TYPE yyout _ZTV11BooleanType BINDER_PROXY_TYPE _ZTV11IBinderType _ZTV16CharSequenceType MAP_TYPE yyleng _ZTV10Assignment _ZTV14StatementBlock _ZTV10ProxyClass g_extraText _ZTV19RemoteExceptionType _ZTV7Ternary _ZTV10BinderType _ZTV11IfStatement g_callbacks yytext _ZTV12ClassElement g_imports RPC_CONTAINER_TYPE yychar _ZTV14CatchStatement LONG_TYPE g_error _ZTV7MapType REMOTE_EXCEPTION_TYPE FALSE_VALUE _ZTV19VariableDeclaration RPC_ENDPOINT_INFO_TYPE _ZTV13NewExpression PARCELABLE_INTERFACE_TYPE RPC_BROKER_TYPE PLACE_INFO_TYPE EVENT_FAKE_TYPE _ZTV19ExpressionStatement NULL_VALUE RPC_DATA_TYPE _ZTV15ClassLoaderType _ZTV9BasicType _ZTV8ListType _ZTV15GenericListType _ZTV13RpcProxyClass _ZTV18EventListenerClass yyin g_currentFilename PRESENTER_BASE_TYPE RPC_CONTEXT_TYPE FLOAT_TYPE _ZTV13FieldVariable RPC_CONNECTOR_TYPE _ZTV21ResultDispatcherClass _ZTV10Comparison BOOLEAN_TYPE BYTE_TYPE _ZTV10StringType TEXT_UTILS_TYPE CHAR_TYPE _ZTV5Break _ZTV11RpcDataType g_nextExtraText _ZTV15DispatcherClass g_currentPackage TRUE_VALUE PARCEL_TYPE CHAR_SEQUENCE_TYPE _ZTV6Method _ZTV9Statement yylval yylineno RPC_ERROR_TYPE yy_flex_debug OBJECT_TYPE yynerrs IINTERFACE_TYPE _ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEED1Ev _ZTV18NewArrayExpression CLASSLOADER_TYPE STRING_TYPE BINDER_NATIVE_TYPE LIST_TYPE _ZTV15SwitchStatement _ZTV9StubClass RPC_ERROR_LISTENER_TYPE _ZTV10MethodCall _ZTV8CharType _ZTV17EndpointBaseClass SUPER_VALUE _ZTV15ReturnStatement THIS_VALUE _ZTV12TryStatement _ZN9NamespaceD1Ev RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_TYPE CXXABI_1.3 GLIBCXX_3.4 GLIBC_2.1 GLIBC_2.1.3 GLIBC_2.0
.java .aidl an interface a user data ERROR aidl: internal error %s:%d .Stub .Stub.Proxy .ServiceBase rb // %s %[^; ]; parcelable flattenable { } %s:%d: bad type in line: %s out .d wb %s: \ : \ %s %s %s : %s:%d unknown return type %s parcelable flattenable interface aidl: internal error abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char const continue default do double else enum final finally float for goto if import instanceof long native new package private protected public return short static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws transient try void volatile while true false null %s:%d interface %s should be declared in a file called %s. aidl: internal error unkown document type %d. frameworks/base/tools/aidl/aidl.cpp %s:%d attempt to redefine built in class %s %s:%d attempt to redefine %s as %s, %s:%d previously defined here as %s. aidl: can't open preprocessed file: %s %s:%d: error reading file, line to long. %s:%d: couldn't find import for class %s %s:%d event methods only supported for rpc interfaces %s:%d return type %s can't be marshalled. %s:%d return type %s%s only one dimensional arrays are supported %s:%d parameter %s (%d) unknown type %s %s:%d parameter %s (%d) event can not be used as a parameter %s %s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s' can't be marshalled. %s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s' can be an out parameter, so you must declare it as in, out or inout. %s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s %s' can only be an in parameter. %s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s%s %s' only one dimensional arrays are supported %s:%d parameter %d %s is named the same as a Java or aidl keyword %s:%d attempt to redefine method %s, %s:%d previously defined here. %s:%d aidl can only handle one interface per file %s:%d aidl can only generate code for interfaces, not parcelables or flattenables, %s:%d .aidl files that only declare parcelables or flattenablesmay not go in the Makefile. %s:%d Found duplicate method id (%d) for method: %s %s:%d Found out of bounds id (%d) for method: %s Value for id must be between %d and %d inclusive. %s: You must either assign id's to all methods or to none of them. aidl: could not open file for write: %s aidl: error writing to file %s %s:%d return type %s%s can't be an array. %s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s' All paremeters on events must be 'in'. %s:%d parameter %d: '%s %s%s %s' can't be an array. usage: aidl OPTIONS INPUT [OUTPUT] aidl --preprocess OUTPUT INPUT... OPTIONS: -I
search path for import statements. -d generate dependency file. -a generate dependency file next to the output file with the name based on the input file. -p file created by --preprocess to import. -o base output folder for generated files. -b fail when trying to compile a parcelable. INPUT: An aidl interface file. OUTPUT: The generated interface files. If omitted and the -o option is not used, the input filename is used, with the .aidl extension changed to a .java extension. If the -o option is used, the generated files will be placed in the base output folder, under their package folder -I option (%d) requires a path. -d option (%d) requires a file. -p option (%d) requires a file. -o option (%d) requires a path. --preprocess unknown option (%d): %s INPUT is not an .aidl file. unknown option%s: INPUT required "%s" break; finally try return if ( ) else (( )?( ):( )) } switch ( ) { \\ package %s; case %s: default: ((%s) new %s[ = .%s @Override public private protected static final abstract class extends %s implements extends = %s , new %s( %s. [] %s%s %s %s%s throws catch /* * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY. * Original file: %s */ 12ClassElement 10Expression 17LiteralExpression 23StringLiteralExpression 8Variable 13FieldVariable 5Field 9Statement 14StatementBlock 19ExpressionStatement 10Assignment 10MethodCall 10Comparison 13NewExpression 18NewArrayExpression 7Ternary 4Cast 19VariableDeclaration 11IfStatement 15ReturnStatement 12TryStatement 14CatchStatement 16FinallyStatement 4Case 15SwitchStatement 5Break 6Method 5Class 8Document android.os.Parcel.arrayListCreator android.os.Parcel.STRING_CREATOR implement GenericType::ReadFromParcel implement GenericType::CreateFromParcel implement GenericType::WriteToParcel frameworks/base/tools/aidl/Type.cpp CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel this.getClass().getClassLoader() type: package=%s name=%s qualifiedName=%s aidl:internal error %s:%d qualifiedName=%s /* CreateArrayFromParcel error aidl:internal error %s:%d qualifiedName=%sn java.util.ArrayList aidl:internal error %s:%d getRpcData putRpcData putFlattenable getList putList writeList writeMap readBinderArray writeBinderArray writeStrongBinder getString putString readStringArray writeStringArray writeString getChar putChar readCharArray writeCharArray getBoolean putBoolean readBooleanArray writeBooleanArray createBinderArray readStrongBinder createStringArray readString createCharArray createBooleanArray 0 != readInt asBinder writeInt getFlattenable readFromParcel CREATOR.createFromParcel cl readList readArrayList readMap readHashMap .CREATOR readTypedArray createTypedArray .RPC_CREATOR readStringList readBinderList readTypedList createStringArrayList createBinderArrayList createTypedArrayList writeStringList writeBinderList writeTypedList PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE writeTypedArray writeToParcel java.lang CharSequence RemoteException android.os RuntimeException IBinder IInterface BinderProxy Parcelable java.util getRpcDataList getFlattenableList .class putRpcDataList putFlattenableList ClassLoader asInterface /* ReadFromRpcData error */ /* WriteToRpcData error /* ReadArrayFromParcel error /* WriteArrayToParcel error /* ReadFromParcel error /* CreateFromParcel error /* WriteToParcel error < XXX writeByte readByte writeByteArray createByteArray readByteArray putByte getByte putByteArray getByteArray writeIntArray createIntArray readIntArray putInteger getInteger putIntegerArray createIntegerArray getIntegerArray writeLong readLong writeLongArray createLongArray readLongArray putLong getLong putLongArray getLongArray writeFloat readFloat writeFloatArray createFloatArray readFloatArray putFloat getFloat putFloatArray getFloatArray writeDouble readDouble writeDoubleArray createDoubleArray readDoubleArray putDouble getDouble putDoubleArray getDoubleArray Object android.text TextUtils android.content RpcError event 4Type 9BasicType 11BooleanType 8CharType 10StringType 16CharSequenceType 19RemoteExceptionType 20RuntimeExceptionType 11IBinderType 14IInterfaceType 10BinderType 15BinderProxyType 10ParcelType 23ParcelableInterfaceType 7MapType 8ListType 12UserDataType 13InterfaceType 11GenericType 11RpcDataType 15GenericListType 15ClassLoaderType /* %s%d - unable to open %s for write mRemote remote obj interface, == queryLocalInterface DESCRIPTOR iin instanceof && attachInterface code flags onTransact TRANSACTION_ enforceInterface _arg _length writeNoException _result _data obtain _reply writeInterfaceToken -1 transact Stub. readException recycle INTERFACE_TRANSACTION getInterfaceDescriptor /** * Cast an IBinder object into an * generating a proxy if needed. */ /** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */ /** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */ android.os.IBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + %d) frameworks/base/tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp 9StubClass 10ProxyClass frameworks/base/tools/aidl/generate_java_rpc.cpp aidl: implement generate_write_to_data for arrays%s:%d aidl: implement generate_create_from_data for arrays%s:%d /** Extend this to listen to the events from this class. */ aidl: implement generate_new_array %s:%d /** Extend this to implement a link service. */ getView action requestParam context errorParam request resultData equals onResult methId cbObj container placeInfo .EndpointBase _listener .Presenter getEndpointInfo _broker _endpoint serialize _ResultDispatcher methodId callback On _errors sendRpc rv push pushEvent _presenter startListening stopListening EventListener EventListener.Listener Broker ConnectorContainer PlaceInfo Connector RpcResultHandler RpcErrorHandler RpcContext 15DispatcherClass 13RpcProxyClass 18EventListenerClass 13ListenerClass 17EndpointBaseClass 21ResultDispatcherClass %s:%d: %s syntax error memory exhausted %s:%d: syntax error don't know what to do with "%s" %s:%d syntax error in parcelable declaration. Expected type name. %s:%d syntax error in parcelable declaration. Expected type name, saw "%s". %s:%d syntax error in flattenable declaration. Expected type name. %s:%d syntax error in flattenable declaration. Expected type name, saw "%s". %s:%d: syntax error in interface declaration. Expected type name, saw "%s" %s:%d: syntax error before ';' (expected method declaration) %s:%d: syntax error in parameter list f' H' ' & 4 4 ($ & g& % y% $ # # # " " 6" ! Q! \ ! $ & @ c @ ' < $ 1%4 =8 05 67 9 ;A 3 > ?:@ & 3' E G IBD , > % A 7 8) 3 * +9:;)9:;*,+ - B D, 0E %& H I * +@CAA 45(!"#2G$1J6K F L7M? )+ * '-./ % , &(! "# !!"""###$$$$%%%%&'''(((( 2L '.<=/>bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes() UNKNOWN(%s) input in flex scanner failed out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer() out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack() out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer() out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes() fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow out of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer() fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found aidl: unable to open file for read: %s 7 7 Y7 5 5 Z5 ? 5 5 Z5 = ? e> > = 6 WB A RA @ <= < 6< ; 0; : *: 9 $9 8 8 B C ]C ? ^@ 6 8 8 8 ! " # $ % & ' $ " " " " # ! & ' ( ) * c d , 3 ^ d d d 0 d - d d D 9 / $ 3 0 5 d d E G ? 1 L I O M V % d G O ; ` f 4 P R X \ ^ ] k & , b g < d ; s d q d d : d ~ l | ~ n d d d B d d & - 4 : @ F L S Z # # & & ( ( , , 1 2 . . 1 3 / / 4 6 5 7 7 3 : 2 6 2 ; ? ? 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