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libclang.so _ZNK4llvm12AttributeSet12hasAttributeEjNS_9Attribute8AttrKindE _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout15getStructLayoutEPNS_10StructTypeE _ZN4llvm7APFloatC1ERKS0_ _ZNK5clang12Preprocessor17getIdentifierInfoEN4llvm9StringRefE _ZNK4llvm6Module11getFunctionENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm18createVerifierPassENS_21VerifierFailureActionE _ZNK4llvm12DenseMapBaseINS_8DenseMapIjNS_16PointerAlignElemENS_12DenseMapInfoIjEEEEjS2_S4_E4findERKj _ZN4llvm15SmallPtrSetImpl10insert_impEPKv _ZN5clang12Preprocessor16AddPragmaHandlerEN4llvm9StringRefEPNS_13PragmaHandlerE _ZTVN4llvm10DataLayoutE _ZN4llvm8CallInst6CreateEPNS_5ValueENS_8ArrayRefIS2_EERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZNK4llvm22ConstantDataSequential20getElementAsConstantEj _ZN4llvm15BitstreamWriter13EnterSubblockEjj _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorBase8grow_podEPvjj _ZN4llvm18IntrusiveRefCntPtrIN5clang19PreprocessorOptions16FailedModulesSetEED1Ev _ZN5clang13SourceManager27createMemBufferContentCacheEPKN4llvm12MemoryBufferE _ZNSt6vectorIN5clang15DirectoryLookupESaIS1_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EERKS1_ _ZNK5clang4Expr10getExprLocEv _ZNK4llvm8Function10getContextEv _ZN4llvm6ModuleD1Ev _ZNK4llvm9StringRef3strEv _ZN4llvm9StringSetINS_15MallocAllocatorEED1Ev _ZN5clang7VarDecl7setInitEPNS_4ExprE _ZNK5clang12FunctionDecl13getResultTypeEv _ZN5clang11ASTConsumer31HandleTagDeclRequiredDefinitionEPKNS_7TagDeclE _ZN4llvm15ValueHandleBaseD2Ev _ZNK5clang5Token17getIdentifierInfoEv _ZN5clang19PreprocessorOptionsD2Ev _ZN5clang12ModuleLoaderD2Ev _ZN5clang14IdentifierInfoC1Ev _ZN5clang13DiagnosticIDsD1Ev _ZN4llvm6APSIntD2Ev _ZN4llvm4Type9getInt8TyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm16BumpPtrAllocator8AllocateEjj _ZN5clang18DiagnosticConsumer6finishEv _ZN5clang18DiagnosticConsumerD2Ev _ZN4llvm8MDString3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_9StringRefE _ZNK5clang8QualType18getUnqualifiedTypeEv _ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEEaSERKS1_ _ZNK4llvm7APFloat14bitcastToAPIntEv 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_ZN4llvm3Use3setEPNS_5ValueE _ZN4llvm10CallbackVHD1Ev _ZSt13__adjust_heapIPPKN4llvm4UserEiS3_PFbS3_S3_EEvT_T0_S8_T1_T2_ _ZN4llvm22createLoopSimplifyPassEv _ZN4llvm15BitstreamWriter12EncodeAbbrevEPNS_13BitCodeAbbrevE _ZN4llvm4Pass14doFinalizationERNS_6ModuleE _ZTVN4llvm13FindUsedTypesE _ZN4llvm30createAliasAnalysisCounterPassEv _ZNSt3mapISsjSt4lessISsESaISt4pairIKSsjEEEixERS3_ _ZNK4llvm12DenseMapBaseINS_8DenseMapINS_12AttributeSetEjNS_12DenseMapInfoIS2_EEEES2_jS4_E4findERKS2_ _ZN4llvm30createStripNonDebugSymbolsPassEv _ZN4llvm10CallbackVHD2Ev _ZN4llvm12FunctionPassD0Ev _ZN4llvm15BitstreamWriter10EmitRecordIjEEvjRNS_15SmallVectorImplIT_EEj _ZN4llvm27initializeFindUsedTypesPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZSt16__insertion_sortIPPKN4llvm4UserEPFbS3_S3_EEvT_S7_T0_ _ZNK4llvm5Value8hasNUsesEj _ZN4llvm19createMemCpyOptPassEv _ZN4llvm25createPrintBasicBlockPassEPNS_11raw_ostreamEbRKSs _ZTVN4llvm10ModulePassE _ZN4llvm15BitstreamWriter4EmitEjj 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_ZN4llvm15AliasSetTrackerD1Ev _ZN4llvm26createInstructionNamerPassEv LLVMInitializeX86Target _ZN4llvm13llvm_shutdownEv _ZN4llvm26createFunctionInliningPassEv _ZSt16__introsort_loopIPPKN4llvm4UserEiPFbS3_S3_EEvT_S7_T0_T1_ _ZN4llvm27createPathProfileLoaderPassEv _ZNK4llvm10StructType7getNameEv _ZNK4llvm6MDNode10getOperandEj _ZN4llvm21formatted_raw_ostreamD0Ev _ZN4llvm17createPruneEHPassEv _ZTVN4llvm17IntervalPartitionE _ZN4llvm23createNoProfileInfoPassEv _ZN4llvm21formatted_raw_ostreamD2Ev _ZN4llvm15AliasSetTracker13ASTCallbackVHD2Ev _ZN4llvm4Pass18preparePassManagerERNS_7PMStackE _ZNK4llvm15SmallPtrSetImpl9count_impEPKv _ZN4llvm15VectorizeConfigC1Ev _ZN4llvm12DenseMapBaseINS_8DenseMapIPKNS_5ValueEjNS_12DenseMapInfoIS4_EEEES4_jS6_E4growEj _ZN4llvm15AliasSetTracker13ASTCallbackVHD0Ev _ZN4llvm4Pass18getAsPMDataManagerEv _ZN4llvm19createGlobalDCEPassEv _ZN4llvm18PassManagerBuilderC1Ev _ZNK4llvm8DebugLoc20getScopeAndInlinedAtERPNS_6MDNodeES3_RKNS_11LLVMContextE 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_ZN4llvm23createLazyValueInfoPassEv _ZN4llvm38createScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysisPassEv _ZN4llvm29createOptimalEdgeProfilerPassEv _ZNK4llvm4Type16isFPOrFPVectorTyEv _ZN4llvm21createMetaRenamerPassEv _ZN4llvm12FunctionPassD2Ev _ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsjESt10_Select1stIS2_ESt4lessISsESaIS2_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSB_RKS2_ _ZN4llvm25createPartialInliningPassEv _ZN4llvm9IRBuilderILb1ENS_14ConstantFolderENS_24IRBuilderDefaultInserterILb1EEEE17CreateInBoundsGEPEPNS_5ValueENS_8ArrayRefIS6_EERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm15AliasSetTrackerD2Ev _ZN4llvm17createPostDomTreeEv _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolutionC1Ev _ZN4llvm23createGlobalsModRefPassEv _ZThn16_N4llvm13RGPassManagerD1Ev _ZN4llvm36createCorrelatedValuePropagationPassEv _ZNK4llvm12AttributeSet3RawEj _ZNK4llvm5Value4dumpEv _ZSt19__move_median_firstIPPKN4llvm4UserEPFbS3_S3_EEvT_S7_S7_T0_ _ZNK4llvm4Type17isFloatingPointTyEv _ZN4llvm13RGPassManagerD0Ev _ZN4llvm29createSingleLoopExtractorPassEv _ZNK4llvm12ConstantExpr12getPredicateEv _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInst14CreateInBoundsEPNS_5ValueENS_8ArrayRefIS2_EERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZNSt6vectorIPKN4llvm10BasicBlockESaIS3_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS3_S5_EERKS3_ _ZTVN4llvm13RGPassManagerE _ZN4llvm13FindUsedTypes2IDE _ZN4llvm30createObjCARCAliasAnalysisPassEv _ZN4llvm15BitstreamWriter24EmitRecordWithAbbrevImplIjEEvjRNS_15SmallVectorImplIT_EENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4Pass13releaseMemoryEv _ZSt8__rotateIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSt4pairIPKN4llvm5ValueEjESt6vectorIS7_SaIS7_EEEEEvT_SD_SD_St26random_access_iterator_tag _ZN4llvm31initializeIntervalPartitionPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm24createCodeGenPreparePassEPKNS_13TargetMachineE _ZN4llvm29createStripDeadPrototypesPassEv _ZNSt6vectorIN4llvm7IntItemESaIS1_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EERKS1_ _ZN4llvm17RegisterScheduler8RegistryE _ZN4llvm13CompositeType14getTypeAtIndexEj _ZN4llvm23createPostDomViewerPassEv _ZN4llvm5APIntC1ERKS0_ 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_ZN4llvm25createCallGraphViewerPassEv _ZN4llvm21createLowerSwitchPassEv _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry15getPassRegistryEv _ZN4llvm16tool_output_file16CleanupInstallerD1Ev _ZN4llvm12FunctionPassD1Ev _ZN4llvm12DenseMapBaseINS_8DenseMapIPKNS_5ValueEjNS_12DenseMapInfoIS4_EEEES4_jS6_EixERKS4_ _ZNK4llvm4Type4dumpEv _ZN4llvm23createLoopVectorizePassEv _ZN4llvm23createConstantMergePassEv _ZN4llvm19createInstCountPassEv _ZNSt17_Temporary_bufferIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSt4pairIPKN4llvm5ValueEjESt6vectorIS7_SaIS7_EEEES7_EC1ESC_SC_ LLVMInitializeX86AsmPrinter _ZN4llvm15createLCSSAPassEv _ZN4llvm21createLowerAtomicPassEv _ZN4llvm23createProfileLoaderPassEv _ZN4llvm23createFunctionAttrsPassEv _ZN4llvm21createBBVectorizePassERKNS_15VectorizeConfigE libdl.so.2 libpthread.so.0 pthread_cancel libstdc++.so.6 _ZNKSs5c_strEv _ZNKSs5rfindEPKcj _ZNSt15_List_node_base4hookEPS_ _Znaj _ZNSt15_List_node_base6unhookEv _ZNKSs4dataEv _ZNSsixEj _ZdaPv _ZNSsaSERKSs _ZNSt14basic_ofstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4openEPKcSt13_Ios_Openmode _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc _ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4goodEv _ZSt20__throw_length_errorPKc _ZNKSs7compareERKSs __cxa_guard_release _ZdlPv _ZNSaIcEC1Ev _ZSt18_Rb_tree_decrementPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZNSs4_Rep9_S_createEjjRKSaIcE _ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE _ZNKSs13find_first_ofEcj _ZNSolsEx _ZSt4cerr _ZNSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE3strERKSs __cxa_pure_virtual _ZNSsD1Ev _ZNSsC1EPKcjRKSaIcE _ZNSs13_S_copy_charsEPcS_S_ _ZNSs12_S_empty_repEv _ZNSs7reserveEj _ZStlsIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES7_RKSbIS4_S5_T1_E _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_ _ZNKSs4sizeEv _ZNSs5eraseEjj _ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t _ZSt29_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalancebPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS0_RS_ _ZNSt14basic_ofstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEE5closeEv _ZNSspLEPKc _ZNKSs7compareEPKc _ZSt7nothrow _ZNSs6appendEPKcj _ZSt17__throw_bad_allocv _ZNSsC2IPcEET_S1_RKSaIcE _ZNSs6appendERKSs _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev _ZNSs6appendEPKc _ZNSs12_Alloc_hiderC1EPcRKSaIcE _ZNSs5clearEv _ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E _ZSt18_Rb_tree_incrementPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZNSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev _ZNSsaSEPKc __cxa_guard_acquire _ZNSsC1IPcEET_S1_RKSaIcE _ZNSs7replaceEjjPKc _ZNKSsixEj _ZNSolsEj _ZNSs4_Rep26_M_set_length_and_sharableEj _ZNSs9push_backEc _ZNKSs6lengthEv _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev _ZNSs6appendEjc _ZNSs4_Rep10_M_refdataEv _ZNSspLERKSs _ZSt19__throw_logic_errorPKc _ZNKSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE3strEv _ZNSsC1Ev _ZSt4cout _ZSt18_Rb_tree_decrementPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZNSaIcED1Ev _ZNSs6assignERKSs _ZNSs6insertEjPKc _ZNSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE5clearESt12_Ios_Iostate _ZNSolsEi _ZNSt14basic_ofstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEEC1Ev _Znwj _ZNKSs5emptyEv _ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t _ZNSsC1ERKSs _ZNKSs4findEcj _ZNSs6assignEPKcj _ZNSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1ESt13_Ios_Openmode libm.so.6 libgcc_s.so.1 __umoddi3 __udivdi3 libc.so.6 _IO_stdin_used strncmp strrchr abort tolower isspace strlen __cxa_atexit memset isalnum memcmp fputc fputs memcpy fclose malloc getenv stderr fwrite fread fprintf memmove fopen64 strcmp __libc_start_main snprintf free _edata __bss_start _end $ORIGIN/../lib _ZN5slang5Slang17GlobalInitializedE _ZN4llvm14object_creatorINS_9StringMapIN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType8DataTypeENS_15MallocAllocatorEEEEEPvv _ZTVN5slang18RSExportVectorTypeE _ZTVN5slang5SlangE _ZTVN5slang11RSExportVarE _ZN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType20SizeOfDataTypeInBitsE _ZTVN5slang12RSExportTypeE _ZN5slang16RSObjectRefCount15RSClearObjectFDE _ZGVZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isRootRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncRoot _ZTVN5slang9RSBackendE _ZTVN5slang14PragmaRecorderE _ZTVN5slang15RSReflectionCppE _ZN5slang16RSObjectRefCount13RSSetObjectFDE _ZN5slang5Slang8LangOptsE _ZTVN5slang18RSExportRecordTypeE _ZN5slang5Slang11CodeGenOptsE _ZZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isDtorRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncDtor _ZTVN5slang7BackendE _ZTVN5slang12RSExportableE _ZN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType16RSObjectLLVMTypeE _ZGVZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isDtorRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncDtor _ZTVN5slang19RSExportPointerTypeE _ZTVN5slang16DiagnosticBufferE _ZGVZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isInitRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncInit _ZN5slang15RSExportElement14ElementInfoMapE _ZN5slang5Slang16LLVMErrorHandlerEPvRKSsb _ZTVN5slang7SlangRSE _ZTVN5slang15RSExportForEachE _ZN5slang12RSReflection7Context17ApacheLicenseNoteE _ZTVN5slang12RSExportFuncE _ZTVN5slang18RSExportMatrixTypeE _ZTVN5slang25RSExportConstantArrayTypeE _ZZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isRootRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncRoot _ZN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType17RSSpecificTypeMapE _ZN4llvm9StringMapIPKN5slang15RSExportElement11ElementInfoENS_15MallocAllocatorEED1Ev _ZTVN5slang16RSReflectionBaseE _ZN5slang15RSExportElement11InitializedE _ZN5clang14CodeGenOptionsD1Ev _ZTVN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveTypeE _ZN5slang5Slang18PragmaMetadataNameE _ZZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isInitRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncInit _ZTVN5slang15RSPragmaHandlerE _ZN4llvm14object_deleterINS_9StringMapIN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType8DataTypeENS_15MallocAllocatorEEEE4callEPv GLIBC_2.0 GLIBC_2.1.3 GLIBC_2.1 GLIBCXX_3.4.5 CXXABI_1.3 GLIBCXX_3.4 
armv7-none-linux-gnueabi mFeatures.empty() frameworks/compile/slang/llvm-rs-cc.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' +long64 false && "Invalid option in M group!" false && "Invalid option in output type group!" ar jc /dev/null .d .S .ll .o .bc false && "Invalid output type!" fk k k k k k llvm-rs-cc: Renderscript compiler (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript) based on LLVM (http://llvm.org): Built Aug 30 2013 ( 18:10:53). Target APIs: - Build type: eng with assertions . Renderscript source compiler vector::_M_insert_aux - -- M group>    I Add directory to include search path  MD Emit .d dependency files M O  can be one of '0' or '3' (default)  S W additional-dep-target Additional targets to show up in dependencies output allow-rs-prefix Allow user-defined function prefixed with 'rs' a bitcode-storage  should be 'ar' or 'jc'  d emit-asm Emit target assembly files emit-bc Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .bc file emit-dep emit-llvm Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .ll file emit-nothing Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, but emit nothing g Emit LLVM Debug Metadata help Print this help text h include-path java-reflection-package-name Specify the package name that reflected Java files belong to java-reflection-path-base Base directory for output reflected Java files j no-link output-dep-dir Specify output directory for dependencies output o Specify output directory p reflect-c++ Reflect C++ classes rs-package-name= rs-package-name package name for referencing RS classes  s target-api= target-api Specify target API level (e.g. 14) version Print the assembler version w Suppress all warnings  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  fs implicit-function-declaration invalid parameter for output dependencies files. type '%0' in different translation unit (%1 v.s. %2) has incompatible type definition target API level '%0' is out of range ('%1' - '%2') #define RS_VERSION #include "rs_core.rsh" rs_allocation.rsh rs_atomic.rsh rs_cl.rsh rs_core.rsh rs_debug.rsh rs_element.rsh rs_graphics.rsh rs_math.rsh rs_mesh.rsh rs_matrix.rsh rs_object.rsh rs_program.rsh rs_quaternion.rsh rs_sampler.rsh rs_time.rsh rs_types.rsh / .java vector::_M_insert_aux  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ mNewExpr && "Cannot replace an expression if we don't have a new expression" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_ast_replace.h slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' mOldStmt false && "Both case and default have specialized handlers" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_ast_replace.cpp  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ 0 I b { * C \ u $ = o V * C \ u E E ^ w & ? X q 1 J c | + D ] v % > W p 8 Q j 2 K d } , E ^ w & ? X q 9 R k 3 L e ~ - F _ x ' @ Y r + rsSetElementAt float double char short int long uchar ushort uint ulong untyped rsSetElementAt() can reduce performance. Use rsSetElementAt_%0%1() instead. % ^ ^ ^ 1 = I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Non-const static variables are not allowed in kernels: '%0' invalid implicit vector cast invalid vector cast @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @  M= f= = = = = = = > .> G> `> y> > > > > > ? (? A? Z? s? ? ? ? ? ? @ ;@ "@ T@ @ @ @ @ A (A AA ZA sA A A A A B B *B CB \B uB B B B B B C $C =C VC oC C C C C C D /D HD aD zD D D D D D E )E BE [E tE E E E E E F #F N WN pN N N N N N N init .rs.dtor mGeneratedFileNames && "Must supply GeneratedFileNames" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection.h slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' android.renderscript frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_context.cpp rs !VD->getName().empty() && "Variable name should not be empty" !FD->getName().empty() && "Function name should not be empty" RSContext::processExportFunc : cannot export extern or static function '%s' TUDecl != NULL && "Translation unit declaration (top-level " "declaration) is null object" root RSContext::reflectToJava : failed to do reflection (%s)  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ pragma for version in source file must be set to 1 export_type java_package_name set_reflect_license version PragmaToken.isNot(clang::tok::eod) frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_pragma_handler.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' expected a ')'  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ rs invalid function name prefix, "rs" is reserved: '%0' exported function parameters may not have array type: %0 rs_fp_relaxed missing pragma for version in source file version == 1 frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_backend.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' missing "#pragma rs java_package_name(com.foo.bar)" in source file #rs_export_var * #rs_object_slots Q Y Y Y #rs_export_func .helper_ F && "Function marked as exported disappeared in Bitcode" Failed to export function %s: parameter type mismatch during creation of helper function. Expected: Got: entry #rs_export_foreach_name #rs_export_foreach #rs_export_type % StructInfoMetadata->getNumOperands() == 0 && "Metadata with same name was created before" vector::_M_insert_aux basic_string::_S_construct null not valid  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ 8 Q j 2 K d } , E ^ w 2 K d } , E   . G ` y ! 9! R! k! ! ! ! ! ! " " 3" L" e" ~" " " " " " # -# F# _# x# # # # # # $ '$ @$ Y$ r$ $ $ $ $ $ % !% :% S% l% % % % % % & & 4& M& f& & & & & & & ' .' G' `' y' ' ' ' ' ' ( (( A( Z( s( ( ( ( ( ( ) ") ;) T) m) ) ) ) ) ) * * 5* N* g* * * * * * * + /+ H+ a+ z+ + + + + + , #, 9, O, e,  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ @@INVALID@@ _  ScriptField_ FLOAT_16 F16 half Half FLOAT_32 F32 float Float FLOAT_64 F64 double Double SIGNED_8 I8 int8_t byte Byte SIGNED_16 I16 int16_t short Short SIGNED_32 I32 int32_t int Int SIGNED_64 I64 int64_t long Long UNSIGNED_8 U8 uint8_t UByte UNSIGNED_16 U16 uint16_t UShort UNSIGNED_32 U32 uint32_t UInt UNSIGNED_64 U64 uint64_t ULong BOOLEAN bool boolean UNSIGNED_5_6_5 UNSIGNED_5_5_5_1 UNSIGNED_4_4_4_4 MATRIX_2X2 rsMatrix_2x2 Matrix2f MATRIX_3X3 rsMatrix_3x3 Matrix3f MATRIX_4X4 rsMatrix_4x4 Matrix4f RS_ELEMENT ELEMENT Element RS_TYPE TYPE Type RS_ALLOCATION ALLOCATION Allocation RS_SAMPLER SAMPLER Sampler RS_SCRIPT SCRIPT Script RS_MESH MESH Mesh RS_PATH PATH Path RS_PROGRAM_FRAGMENT PROGRAM_FRAGMENT ProgramFragment RS_PROGRAM_VERTEX PROGRAM_VERTEX ProgramVertex RS_PROGRAM_RASTER PROGRAM_RASTER ProgramRaster RS_PROGRAM_STORE PROGRAM_STORE ProgramStore RS_FONT FONT Font false && "Variables should be validated before exporting" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_type.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' multidimensional arrays cannot be exported: '%0' vectors of non-primitive types cannot be exported: '%0' arrays of width 3 vector types cannot be exported: '%0' unions cannot be exported: '%0' false && "Unknown type cannot be exported" struct is not defined in this module anonymous structures cannot be exported bit fields are not able to be exported: '%0.%1' structures containing pointers cannot be exported: '%0' multiple levels of pointers cannot be exported: '%0' E a ~ a a a a a a a a a f a a a a a a a a a a arrays/structures containing RS object types cannot be exported in target API < %1: '%0' unions containing RS object types are not allowed Builtin types > 32 bits in size are forbidden in Filterscript: '%0' Builtin types > 32 bits in size are forbidden in Filterscript Pointers are forbidden in Filterscript: '%0' structs containing vectors of dimension 3 cannot be exported at this API level: '%0' anonymous types cannot be exported uchar ushort uint ulong char false && "Unknown data type of the builtin" *RI != NULL && "cannot be NULL object" 5 y - < Z x , J h unknown type cannot be exported: '%0' i Y < rs_matrix2x2 rs_matrix3x3 rs_matrix4x4 rs_element rs_type rs_allocation rs_sampler rs_script rs_mesh rs_path rs_program_fragment rs_program_vertex rs_program_raster rs_program_store rs_font @ @ @ $ @ ((EPT->getType() > DataTypeUnknown) && (EPT->getType() < DataTypeMax)) && "RSExportPrimitiveType::GetSizeInBits : unknown data type" built-in type cannot be exported: '%0' primitive type cannot be exported: '%0' Y c m w false && "Unknown data type" bool2 bool3 bool4 uchar2 uchar3 uchar4 short2 short3 short4 int2 int3 int4 ushort2 ushort3 ushort4 uint2 uint3 uint4 ulong2 ulong3 ulong4 char2 char3 char4 long2 long3 long4 float2 float3 float4 double2 double3 double4 v & ~ . 6 l P EVT != NULL && EVT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::ExtVector (RT != NULL) && (RT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Record) (Dim > 1) && "Invalid dimension of matrix" invalid matrix struct: must have 1 field for saving values: '%0' invalid matrix struct: first field should be an array with constant size: '%0' invalid matrix struct: first field should be a float array: '%0' invalid matrix struct: first field should be an array with size %0: '%1' invalid matrix struct: must have exactly 1 field: '%0' false && "Matrix type with unsupported dimension." CAT != NULL && CAT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::ConstantArray (CAT->getSize().getActiveBits() < 32) && "array too large" (Size > 0) && "Constant array should have size greater than 0" RT != NULL && RT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Record RD->isStruct() false && "struct is not defined in this module" (RL != NULL) && "Failed to retrieve the struct layout from Clang." FI->getKind() == clang::Decl::Field field type cannot be exported: '%0.%1' (Dim >= 2) && (Dim <= 4) !"RSExportType::ExportClassRecord not implemented" false && "Unknown class of type" I vector::_M_insert_aux  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ ; ; ; b rs_pixel_l rs_pixel_a rs_pixel_la rs_pixel_rgb rs_pixel_rgba rs_pixel_rgb565 rs_pixel_rgb5551 rs_pixel_rgb4444 EI != NULL && "Element info not found" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_element.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' EI->vsize == 1 && "Element not a primitive class (please " "check your macro)" EI->type == EPT->getType() && "Element has unexpected type" EI->vsize > 1 && "Element not a vector class (please check " "your macro)" EI->type == EVT->getType() && "Element has unexpected type" EI->vsize == EVT->getNumElement() && "Element has unexpected " "size of vector" RSExportElement::Create : type '%s' is not exportable @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @  initializer is not an R-value Unable to find initializer list Reflection of initializer to variable '%0' (of type '%1') is unsupported currently. false && "Unknown class of type" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_var.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' ) ) ) , + ,  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ DiagEngine && FD frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_func.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' invokable non-static functions are required to return void !Name.empty() && "Function must have a name"  Note: parameter '%s' in function '%s' has default value which is not supported !T.isNull() Failed to export the function %s. There's at least one parameter whose type is not supported by the reflection (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassRecord) && "Parameter packet must be a record" mParamPacketType != NULL  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ init root .rs.dtor DiagEngine && PVD frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_foreach.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' Duplicate parameter entry (by position/name): '%0' Context && FD Non-root compute kernel %0() is not supported in SDK levels %1-%2 numParams > 0 Compute kernel %0() is required to return a void type Compute kernel %0() must have at least one parameter for in or out Unexpected kernel %0() parameter '%1' of type '%2' x y Compute kernel %0() targeting SDK levels %1-%2 may not skip parameters Compute kernel %0() targeting SDK levels %1-%2 may not use pass-by-value with __attribute__((kernel)) Compute kernel %0() cannot return a pointer type: '%1' Compute kernel %0() cannot have parameter '%1' of pointer type: '%2' Compute kernel %0() must have at least one input parameter or a non-void return type mOut == NULL mUsrData == NULL !Name.empty() && "Function must have a name"  QT->isPointerType() && QT->getPointeeType().isConstQualified() !T.isNull() Failed to export the function %s. There's at least one parameter whose type is not supported by the reflection (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassRecord) && "Parameter packet must be a record" FE->mInType FE->mOutType Context DiagEngine && FD Invalid use of attribute kernel with static function declaration: %0 invalid parameter type for legacy graphics root() function: %0 root() is required to return an int for graphics usage %0(void) is required to have no parameters %0(void) is required to have a void return type false && "must be called on root, init or .rs.dtor function!"  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT) frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_object_ref_count.h slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' rsSetObject (FD->getNumParams() == 2) && "Invalid rsSetObject function prototype (# params)" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_object_ref_count.cpp rsClearObject (FD->getNumParams() == 1) && "Invalid rsClearObject function prototype (# params)" PVT->isPointerType() && "Invalid rs{Set,Clear}Object function prototype (pointer param)" RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT) && "must be RS object type" CompoundStmtCount == NewStmtCount CS Once <= 1 Once == 0 false && "Both case and default have specialized handlers" RefRSVar !T->isArrayType() && "Should not be destroying arrays with this function" (ClearObjectFD != NULL) && "rsClearObject doesn't cover all RS object types" BaseType->isArrayType() rsIntIter StmtCtr == 2 T false && "can't have unions with RS object types!" !BaseType->isArrayType() RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(BaseType) == RSExportPrimitiveType::DataTypeUnknown FieldsToDestroy != 0 StmtCount < FieldsToDestroy StmtCount > 0 (SetObjectFD != NULL) && "rsSetObject doesn't cover all RS object types" T->isStructureType() !RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(T) Arrays of RS object types within structures cannot be copied false StmtCount < FieldsToSet VD (RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT)) && "Should be RS object" VD && DT && InitExpr false && "Not RS object type!" ! z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z ' ' ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! z (getCurrentScope() == S) && "Corrupted scope stack!" .rs.dtor E ^ w & ? X q 9 R k 3 L 9 R k " ; T m 5 N g ' @ Y r ! : S l 4 M f  . G ` y ( A Z s " ; T m 5 N g / H a z ) B [ t # < U n 6 O h  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ getIndentLevel() > 0 && "No indent" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection.h slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' (mFieldIndexMap.find(F) == mFieldIndexMap.end()) && "Nested structure never occurs in C language." (I != mFieldIndexMap.end()) && "Requesting field is out of scope." i < mNumInits frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_var.h (mParamPacketType != NULL) && "Get parameter from export foreach having no parameter!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_foreach.h (mParamPacketType != NULL) && "Get parameter from export function having no parameter!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_func.h - false && "GetMatrixTypeName : Unsupported matrix dimension" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection.cpp (Index < (sizeof(VectorAccessorMap) / sizeof(const char*))) && "Out-of-bound index to access vector member" false && "GetPackerAPIName : Unknown primitive data type" Allocation [] .Item false && "Unknown class of type" BI I 8J J 'K K null false 0 Element. Element.F32_2 Element.F32_3 Element.F32_4 Element.U8_4 Element.MATRIX_2X2 Element.MATRIX_3X3 Element.MATRIX_4X4 false && "Unsupported dimension of matrix" \\ ScriptC private static final String __rs_resource_name = " "; // Constructor rs RenderScript this(rs, rs.getApplicationContext().getResources(), rs.getApplicationContext().getResources().getIdentifier( __rs_resource_name, "raw", rs.getApplicationContext().getPackageName())); id int resources Resources super(rs, resources, id); mExportVar_ = new [ ]; ] private Element __ ; private FieldPacker __rs_fp_ !Val.isUninit() && "Not a valid initializer" (Val.getKind() == clang::APValue::Int) && "Bool type has wrong initial APValue" = true Initializer which is non-NULL to pointer type variable will be ignored . (); false && "Unexpected type of value of initializer." false && "Unsupported initializer for record/matrix/constant " "array type variable currently" ` $a a fe fe fe private final static int mExportVarIdx_ f f f g 7g Ug private final static int mExportFuncIdx_ invoke_ void invoke(mExportFuncIdx_ ); _fp , //private final static int mExportForEachIdx_ private final static int mExportForEachIdx_ EF->getNumParameters() > 0 || EF->hasReturn() ain aout getKernelID_ Script.KernelID return createKernelID( mExportForEachIdx_ , null, null); forEach_ ( ain, aout, null); sc Script.LaunchOptions // Verify dimensions Type tIn = ain.getType(); Type tOut = aout.getType(); if ((tIn.getCount() != tOut.getCount()) || (tIn.getX() != tOut.getX()) || (tIn.getY() != tOut.getY()) || (tIn.getZ() != tOut.getZ()) || (tIn.hasFaces() != tOut.hasFaces()) || (tIn.hasMipmaps() != tOut.hasMipmaps())) { throw new RSRuntimeException("Dimension mismatch between input and output parameters!"); } forEach(mExportForEachIdx_ , ain , null , aout , sc); __ = Element. (rs); .createElement(rs); // check if (! .getType().getElement().isCompatible(__ )) { throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with !"); (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive) && "Variable should be type of primitive here" public final static const_ set_ v __rs_fp_ if ( != null) { .reset(); } else { = new FieldPacker( setVar(mExportVarIdx_ , v); = v; (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPointer) && "Variable should be type of pointer here" bind_ if (v == null) bindAllocation(null, mExportVarIdx_ else bindAllocation(v.getAllocation(), mExportVarIdx_ else bindAllocation(v, mExportVarIdx_ (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassVector) && "Variable should be type of vector here" (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix) && "Variable should be type of matrix here" fp (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray) && "Variable should be type of constant array here" (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassRecord) && "Variable should be type of struct here" private mExportVar_ int []__dimArr = new int[1]; __dimArr[0] = , __ , __dimArr); get_ return mExportVar_ getFieldID_ Script.FieldID return createFieldID( mExportVarIdx_ , null); FieldPacker .addI32( .getPtr()); .getAllocation().getPtr()); .addMatrix( ct for (int = 0; < ; ++) .skip( m m 5 = null; for (int $ct = 0; $ct < ; $ct++) [$ct] Z if (mItemArray == null) mItemArray = new Item[getType().getX() /* count */]; if (mItemArray[ ] == null) mItemArray[ ] = new Item(); if (mIOBuffer == null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(Item.sizeof * getType().getX()/* count */); .Script.FieldBase private Item mItemArray[]; private FieldPacker mIOBuffer; private static java.lang.ref.WeakReference mElementCache = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference(null); static public class Item public static final int sizeof = Item() createElement Element eb return eb.create(); mItemArray = null; mIOBuffer = null; mElement = createElement( count init( , count); usages , count, usages); create1D dimX obj = new obj.mAllocation = Allocation.createSized(rs, obj.mElement, dimX, usages); return obj; return create1D( , dimX, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT); create2D dimY return create2D( , dimX, dimY, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT); Type.Builder b = new Type.Builder(rs, obj.mElement); b.setX(dimX); b.setY(dimY); Type t = b.create(); obj.mAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(rs, t, usages); createTypeBuilder Type.Builder Element e = createElement( return new Type.Builder(rs, e); createCustom tb Type t = tb.create(); if (t.getElement() != obj.mElement) { throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Type.Builder did not match expected element type."); copyToArray index i Item mIOBuffer.reset(index * Item.sizeof); copyToArrayLocal(i, mIOBuffer); copyToArrayLocal FieldPacker set copyNow boolean mItemArray[index] = i; if (copyNow) copyToArray(i, index); FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(Item.sizeof); copyToArrayLocal(i, fp); mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, fp); get if (mItemArray == null) return null; return mItemArray[index]; mItemArray[index]. mIOBuffer.reset(index * Item.sizeof + mIOBuffer FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker( mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, , fp); if (mItemArray == null) return return mItemArray[index]. copyAll for (int ct = 0; ct < mItemArray.length; ct++) copyToArray(mItemArray[ct], ct); mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(0, mIOBuffer); resize newSize if (mItemArray != null) int oldSize = mItemArray.length; int copySize = Math.min(oldSize, newSize); if (newSize == oldSize) return; Item ni[] = new Item[newSize]; System.arraycopy(mItemArray, 0, ni, 0, copySize); mItemArray = ni; mAllocation.resize(newSize); if (mIOBuffer != null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(Item.sizeof * getType().getX()/* count */); Element.Builder = new Element.Builder( return .create(); .add( ) , " " Element.createUser( , Element.DataType. (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassVector) && "Unexpected type." Element.createVector( .create() Element.U32( Element.U16( Element.U8( #padding_ #rs_padding_    ScriptC_ Failed to generate class ( Failed to generate type class for struct ' ' ( /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ / .java failed to open file ' ' for write public protected private public synchronized Generating .java ... /* * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! * The source Renderscript file: */ package import .*; import android.content.res.Resources; /** * @hide static class extends { { public static class static vector::_M_insert_aux basic_string::_S_construct null not valid  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ addF32 addF64 addI8 addI16 addI32 addI64 addU8 addU16 addU32 addU64 addBoolean addMatrix addObj x y z w Matrix2f Matrix3f Matrix4f /* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Generating %s /* * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! * The source Renderscript file: */ .rs / wt Error: could not write file %s %s false true L .f f false && "Primitive type cannot have such kind of initializer" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection_base.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' false && "Unknown kind of initializer" (Index < (sizeof(VectorAccessorMap) / sizeof(const char*))) && "Out-of-bound index to access vector member" vector::_M_insert_aux  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ x y z w (mParamPacketType != NULL) && "Get parameter from export foreach having no parameter!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_foreach.h slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' (mParamPacketType != NULL) && "Get parameter from export function having no parameter!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_func.h false && "GetMatrixTypeName : Unsupported matrix dimension" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection_cpp.cpp android::RSC::sp [] .Item false && "Unknown class of type" % % & ' n' ' ScriptC_ android::RSC::ScriptC .h .cpp #include "RenderScript.h" using namespace android::RSC; class : public { private: mExportVar_ ; android::RSC::sp __rs_elem_ public: (android::RSC::sp rs); virtual ~ (); // No forEach_root(...) void forEach_ ( ain android::RSC::sp aout ); }; rb Error: could not read file %s static const unsigned char __txt[] = { 0x%02x, #include " .h" :: (android::RSC::sp rs): ScriptC(rs, __txt, sizeof(__txt), " ", , "/data/data/ /app", sizeof(" ")) { __rs_elem_ = android::RSC::Element:: (mRS); } ::~ () { void ::forEach_ ) { _fp forEach( , ain, NULL, aout, NULL, 0); __fp invoke( , __fp.getData(), , NULL, 0); V V V V W W void set_ v) { setVar( , &v, sizeof(v)); mExportVar_ = v; get_ () const { bool return return mExportVar_ (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPointer) && "Variable should be type of pointer here" void bind_ bindAllocation(v, (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassVector) && "Variable should be type of vector here" EVT != NULL false invoke_ FieldPacker .add( . .skip( // Type check for if (! ->getType()->getElement()->isCompatible( )) { mRS->throwError(RS_ERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Incompatible type"); return; !Val.isUninit() && "Not a valid initializer" Initializer which is non-NULL to pointer type variable will be ignored false && "Unexpected type of value of initializer." false && "Unsupported initializer for record/matrix/constant " "array type variable currently" : memset(&mExportVar_ , 0, sizeof( mExportVar_ )); = (Val.getKind() == clang::APValue::Int) && "Bool type has wrong initial APValue" true vector::_M_insert_aux  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ rs_matrix2x2 rs_matrix3x3 rs_matrix4x4 / /* * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! * The source Renderscript file: %s */ package %s; // return byte array representation of the bitcode. public static byte[] getBitCode() { private static byte[] getSegment_%d() { byte[] data = { %4d, }; return data; } rb Error: could not read file %s return getBitCodeInternal(); }; private static int bitCodeLength = %d; private static byte[] getBitCodeInternal() { byte[] bc = new byte[bitCodeLength]; int offset = 0; byte[] seg; seg = getSegment_%d(); System.arraycopy(seg, 0, bc, offset, seg.length); offset += seg.length; return bc; /** * @hide */ public class %s { } Error: could not create dir %s BitCode .java Generating %s ... w Error: could not write to file %s pic 402* bar (OutputFile != NULL) && (Error != NULL) && (DiagEngine != NULL) && "Invalid parameter!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' i686-unknown-linux / 0 && "Not implemented" . vector::_M_insert_aux #pragma  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ : @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  actualWrapperLen > 0 frameworks/compile/slang/slang_backend.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' mpModule == M && "Unexpected module change during LLVM IR generation" false && "Invalid target API value" false && "Unknown output type" * :' 0( ) * :'  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ expected value after '#pragma %0(' missing ')' after '#pragma %0(%1' no pragma name or value  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  : note: warning: error: fatal: 0 && "Diagnostic not handled during diagnostic buffering!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_diagnostic_buffer.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s'  @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  Bitcode Writer vector::reserve vector::_M_insert_aux @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ I I P P W W ^ e e l s s z , , < L \ l | d \  ; M M r ~ } q g m vector::_M_insert_aux @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ : Default MetaData Map Name: Size: Value: Value: [null] Uses( ): , [null] vector::_M_insert_aux vector::_M_fill_insert @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ Bitcode Writer vector::reserve vector::_M_insert_aux @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ Y ` g n u | % M T [ b i p w ~ % 5 E U e u ] % V r O H d k , 3 : A U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ( ^ ' + 7 ( Q ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! # ( % L' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ @ @ l r) " ^ ^ + f L vector::_M_insert_aux @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ : Default MetaData Map Name: Size: Value: Value: [null] Uses( ): , [null] vector::_M_insert_aux vector::_M_fill_insert @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ Bitcode Writer @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  I P W ^ e l s z = D K R Y ` g n u | U e u p P F \ x c j q  > E L S Z A O O t " ) | = C . vector::_M_insert_aux @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ : Default MetaData Map Name: Size: Value: Value: [null] Uses( ): , [null] vector::_M_insert_aux vector::_M_fill_insert @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  @ 
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