1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikita Vasilyev. All rights reserved. 3 * Copyright (C) 2010 Joseph Pecoraro. All rights reserved. 4 * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 5 * 6 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 7 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 8 * met: 9 * 10 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 12 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 13 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer 14 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 15 * distribution. 16 * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its 17 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 18 * this software without specific prior written permission. 19 * 20 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 21 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 22 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR 23 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT 24 * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, 25 * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT 26 * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 27 * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 28 * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 29 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 30 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 31 */ 32 33 /** 34 * @constructor 35 * @param {!Array.<!CSSAgent.CSSPropertyInfo|string>} properties 36 */ 37 WebInspector.CSSMetadata = function(properties) 38 { 39 this._values = /** !Array.<string> */ ([]); 40 this._longhands = {}; 41 this._shorthands = {}; 42 for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) { 43 var property = properties[i]; 44 if (typeof property === "string") { 45 this._values.push(property); 46 continue; 47 } 48 49 var propertyName = property.name; 50 this._values.push(propertyName); 51 52 var longhands = properties[i].longhands; 53 if (longhands) { 54 this._longhands[propertyName] = longhands; 55 for (var j = 0; j < longhands.length; ++j) { 56 var longhandName = longhands[j]; 57 var shorthands = this._shorthands[longhandName]; 58 if (!shorthands) { 59 shorthands = []; 60 this._shorthands[longhandName] = shorthands; 61 } 62 shorthands.push(propertyName); 63 } 64 } 65 } 66 this._values.sort(); 67 } 68 69 /** 70 * @type {!WebInspector.CSSMetadata} 71 */ 72 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.cssPropertiesMetainfo = new WebInspector.CSSMetadata([]); 73 74 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.isColorAwareProperty = function(propertyName) 75 { 76 return WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colorAwareProperties[propertyName] === true; 77 } 78 79 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.colors = function() 80 { 81 if (!WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colorsKeySet) 82 WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colorsKeySet = WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colors.keySet(); 83 return WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colorsKeySet; 84 } 85 86 // Taken from http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html. 87 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.InheritedProperties = [ 88 "azimuth", "border-collapse", "border-spacing", "caption-side", "color", "cursor", "direction", "elevation", 89 "empty-cells", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font", "letter-spacing", 90 "line-height", "list-style-image", "list-style-position", "list-style-type", "list-style", "orphans", "pitch-range", 91 "pitch", "quotes", "resize", "richness", "speak-header", "speak-numeral", "speak-punctuation", "speak", "speech-rate", "stress", 92 "text-align", "text-indent", "text-transform", "text-shadow", "visibility", "voice-family", "volume", "white-space", "widows", 93 "word-spacing", "zoom" 94 ].keySet(); 95 96 // These non-standard Blink-specific properties augment the InheritedProperties. 97 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.NonStandardInheritedProperties = [ 98 "-webkit-font-smoothing" 99 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"fonts", a: "descdef-unicode-range" }, 686 "widows": { m: "page" }, 687 "width": { m: "box" }, 688 "z-index": { m: "visuren" } 689 } 690 691 /** 692 * @param {string} propertyName 693 * @return {!WebInspector.CSSMetadata} 694 */ 695 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.keywordsForProperty = function(propertyName) 696 { 697 var acceptedKeywords = ["inherit", "initial"]; 698 var descriptor = WebInspector.CSSMetadata.descriptor(propertyName); 699 if (descriptor && descriptor.values) 700 acceptedKeywords.push.apply(acceptedKeywords, descriptor.values); 701 if (propertyName in WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colorAwareProperties) 702 acceptedKeywords.push.apply(acceptedKeywords, WebInspector.CSSMetadata._colors); 703 return new WebInspector.CSSMetadata(acceptedKeywords); 704 } 705 706 /** 707 * @param {string} propertyName 708 * @return {?Object} 709 */ 710 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.descriptor = function(propertyName) 711 { 712 if (!propertyName) 713 return null; 714 var unprefixedName = propertyName.replace(/^-webkit-/, ""); 715 var entry = WebInspector.CSSMetadata._propertyDataMap[propertyName]; 716 if (!entry && unprefixedName !== propertyName) 717 entry = WebInspector.CSSMetadata._propertyDataMap[unprefixedName]; 718 return entry || null; 719 } 720 721 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.requestCSSShorthandData = function() 722 { 723 function propertyNamesCallback(error, properties) 724 { 725 if (!error) 726 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.cssPropertiesMetainfo = new WebInspector.CSSMetadata(properties); 727 } 728 CSSAgent.getSupportedCSSProperties(propertyNamesCallback); 729 } 730 731 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.cssPropertiesMetainfoKeySet = function() 732 { 733 if (!WebInspector.CSSMetadata._cssPropertiesMetainfoKeySet) 734 WebInspector.CSSMetadata._cssPropertiesMetainfoKeySet = WebInspector.CSSMetadata.cssPropertiesMetainfo.keySet(); 735 return WebInspector.CSSMetadata._cssPropertiesMetainfoKeySet; 736 } 737 738 // Weight of CSS properties based their usage on few popular websites https://gist.github.com/3751436 739 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.Weight = { 740 "-webkit-animation": 1, 741 "-webkit-animation-duration": 1, 742 "-webkit-animation-iteration-count": 1, 743 "-webkit-animation-name": 1, 744 "-webkit-animation-timing-function": 1, 745 "-webkit-appearance": 1, 746 "-webkit-background-clip": 2, 747 "-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing": 1, 748 "-webkit-border-vertical-spacing": 1, 749 "-webkit-box-shadow": 24, 750 "-webkit-font-smoothing": 2, 751 "-webkit-transform": 1, 752 "-webkit-transition": 8, 753 "-webkit-transition-delay": 7, 754 "-webkit-transition-duration": 7, 755 "-webkit-transition-property": 7, 756 "-webkit-transition-timing-function": 6, 757 "-webkit-user-select": 1, 758 "background": 222, 759 "background-attachment": 144, 760 "background-clip": 143, 761 "background-color": 222, 762 "background-image": 201, 763 "background-origin": 142, 764 "background-size": 25, 765 "border": 121, 766 "border-bottom": 121, 767 "border-bottom-color": 121, 768 "border-bottom-left-radius": 50, 769 "border-bottom-right-radius": 50, 770 "border-bottom-style": 114, 771 "border-bottom-width": 120, 772 "border-collapse": 3, 773 "border-left": 95, 774 "border-left-color": 95, 775 "border-left-style": 89, 776 "border-left-width": 94, 777 "border-radius": 50, 778 "border-right": 93, 779 "border-right-color": 93, 780 "border-right-style": 88, 781 "border-right-width": 93, 782 "border-top": 111, 783 "border-top-color": 111, 784 "border-top-left-radius": 49, 785 "border-top-right-radius": 49, 786 "border-top-style": 104, 787 "border-top-width": 109, 788 "bottom": 16, 789 "box-shadow": 25, 790 "box-sizing": 2, 791 "clear": 23, 792 "color": 237, 793 "cursor": 34, 794 "direction": 4, 795 "display": 210, 796 "fill": 2, 797 "filter": 1, 798 "float": 105, 799 "font": 174, 800 "font-family": 25, 801 "font-size": 174, 802 "font-style": 9, 803 "font-weight": 89, 804 "height": 161, 805 "left": 54, 806 "letter-spacing": 3, 807 "line-height": 75, 808 "list-style": 17, 809 "list-style-image": 8, 810 "list-style-position": 8, 811 "list-style-type": 17, 812 "margin": 241, 813 "margin-bottom": 226, 814 "margin-left": 225, 815 "margin-right": 213, 816 "margin-top": 241, 817 "max-height": 5, 818 "max-width": 11, 819 "min-height": 9, 820 "min-width": 6, 821 "opacity": 24, 822 "outline": 10, 823 "outline-color": 10, 824 "outline-style": 10, 825 "outline-width": 10, 826 "overflow": 57, 827 "overflow-x": 56, 828 "overflow-y": 57, 829 "padding": 216, 830 "padding-bottom": 208, 831 "padding-left": 216, 832 "padding-right": 206, 833 "padding-top": 216, 834 "position": 136, 835 "resize": 1, 836 "right": 29, 837 "stroke": 1, 838 "stroke-width": 1, 839 "table-layout": 1, 840 "text-align": 66, 841 "text-decoration": 53, 842 "text-indent": 9, 843 "text-overflow": 8, 844 "text-shadow": 19, 845 "text-transform": 5, 846 "top": 71, 847 "unicode-bidi": 1, 848 "vertical-align": 37, 849 "visibility": 11, 850 "white-space": 24, 851 "width": 255, 852 "word-wrap": 6, 853 "z-index": 32, 854 "zoom": 10 855 }; 856 857 858 WebInspector.CSSMetadata.prototype = { 859 /** 860 * @param {string} prefix 861 * @return {!Array.<string>} 862 */ 863 startsWith: function(prefix) 864 { 865 var firstIndex = this._firstIndexOfPrefix(prefix); 866 if (firstIndex === -1) 867 return []; 868 869 var results = []; 870 while (firstIndex < this._values.length && this._values[firstIndex].startsWith(prefix)) 871 results.push(this._values[firstIndex++]); 872 return results; 873 }, 874 875 /** 876 * @param {!Array.<string>} properties 877 * @return {number} 878 */ 879 mostUsedOf: function(properties) 880 { 881 var maxWeight = 0; 882 var index = 0; 883 for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { 884 var weight = WebInspector.CSSMetadata.Weight[properties[i]]; 885 if (weight > maxWeight) { 886 maxWeight = weight; 887 index = i; 888 } 889 } 890 return index; 891 }, 892 893 _firstIndexOfPrefix: function(prefix) 894 { 895 if (!this._values.length) 896 return -1; 897 if (!prefix) 898 return 0; 899 900 var maxIndex = this._values.length - 1; 901 var minIndex = 0; 902 var foundIndex; 903 904 do { 905 var middleIndex = (maxIndex + minIndex) >> 1; 906 if (this._values[middleIndex].startsWith(prefix)) { 907 foundIndex = middleIndex; 908 break; 909 } 910 if (this._values[middleIndex] < prefix) 911 minIndex = middleIndex + 1; 912 else 913 maxIndex = middleIndex - 1; 914 } while (minIndex <= maxIndex); 915 916 if (foundIndex === undefined) 917 return -1; 918 919 while (foundIndex && this._values[foundIndex - 1].startsWith(prefix)) 920 foundIndex--; 921 922 return foundIndex; 923 }, 924 925 keySet: function() 926 { 927 if (!this._keySet) 928 this._keySet = this._values.keySet(); 929 return this._keySet; 930 }, 931 932 next: function(str, prefix) 933 { 934 return this._closest(str, prefix, 1); 935 }, 936 937 previous: function(str, prefix) 938 { 939 return this._closest(str, prefix, -1); 940 }, 941 942 _closest: function(str, prefix, shift) 943 { 944 if (!str) 945 return ""; 946 947 var index = this._values.indexOf(str); 948 if (index === -1) 949 return ""; 950 951 if (!prefix) { 952 index = (index + this._values.length + shift) % this._values.length; 953 return this._values[index]; 954 } 955 956 var propertiesWithPrefix = this.startsWith(prefix); 957 var j = propertiesWithPrefix.indexOf(str); 958 j = (j + propertiesWithPrefix.length + shift) % propertiesWithPrefix.length; 959 return propertiesWithPrefix[j]; 960 }, 961 962 /** 963 * @param {string} shorthand 964 * @return {?Array.<string>} 965 */ 966 longhands: function(shorthand) 967 { 968 return this._longhands[shorthand]; 969 }, 970 971 /** 972 * @param {string} longhand 973 * @return {?Array.<string>} 974 */ 975 shorthands: function(longhand) 976 { 977 return this._shorthands[longhand]; 978 } 979 } 980