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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      5 // Copyright (C) 2010 Jitse Niesen <jitse (at) maths.leeds.ac.uk>
      6 //
      7 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      8 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      9 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     14 #include "./Tridiagonalization.h"
     16 namespace Eigen {
     18 template<typename _MatrixType>
     19 class GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver;
     21 namespace internal {
     22 template<typename SolverType,int Size,bool IsComplex> struct direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues;
     23 }
     25 /** \eigenvalues_module \ingroup Eigenvalues_Module
     26   *
     27   *
     28   * \class SelfAdjointEigenSolver
     29   *
     30   * \brief Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of selfadjoint matrices
     31   *
     32   * \tparam _MatrixType the type of the matrix of which we are computing the
     33   * eigendecomposition; this is expected to be an instantiation of the Matrix
     34   * class template.
     35   *
     36   * A matrix \f$ A \f$ is selfadjoint if it equals its adjoint. For real
     37   * matrices, this means that the matrix is symmetric: it equals its
     38   * transpose. This class computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a
     39   * selfadjoint matrix. These are the scalars \f$ \lambda \f$ and vectors
     40   * \f$ v \f$ such that \f$ Av = \lambda v \f$.  The eigenvalues of a
     41   * selfadjoint matrix are always real. If \f$ D \f$ is a diagonal matrix with
     42   * the eigenvalues on the diagonal, and \f$ V \f$ is a matrix with the
     43   * eigenvectors as its columns, then \f$ A = V D V^{-1} \f$ (for selfadjoint
     44   * matrices, the matrix \f$ V \f$ is always invertible). This is called the
     45   * eigendecomposition.
     46   *
     47   * The algorithm exploits the fact that the matrix is selfadjoint, making it
     48   * faster and more accurate than the general purpose eigenvalue algorithms
     49   * implemented in EigenSolver and ComplexEigenSolver.
     50   *
     51   * Only the \b lower \b triangular \b part of the input matrix is referenced.
     52   *
     53   * Call the function compute() to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
     54   * a given matrix. Alternatively, you can use the
     55   * SelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType&, int) constructor which computes
     56   * the eigenvalues and eigenvectors at construction time. Once the eigenvalue
     57   * and eigenvectors are computed, they can be retrieved with the eigenvalues()
     58   * and eigenvectors() functions.
     59   *
     60   * The documentation for SelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType&, int)
     61   * contains an example of the typical use of this class.
     62   *
     63   * To solve the \em generalized eigenvalue problem \f$ Av = \lambda Bv \f$ and
     64   * the likes, see the class GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver.
     65   *
     66   * \sa MatrixBase::eigenvalues(), class EigenSolver, class ComplexEigenSolver
     67   */
     68 template<typename _MatrixType> class SelfAdjointEigenSolver
     69 {
     70   public:
     72     typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
     73     enum {
     74       Size = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
     75       ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
     76       Options = MatrixType::Options,
     77       MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime
     78     };
     80     /** \brief Scalar type for matrices of type \p _MatrixType. */
     81     typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
     82     typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
     84     /** \brief Real scalar type for \p _MatrixType.
     85       *
     86       * This is just \c Scalar if #Scalar is real (e.g., \c float or
     87       * \c double), and the type of the real part of \c Scalar if #Scalar is
     88       * complex.
     89       */
     90     typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
     92     friend struct internal::direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues<SelfAdjointEigenSolver,Size,NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex>;
     94     /** \brief Type for vector of eigenvalues as returned by eigenvalues().
     95       *
     96       * This is a column vector with entries of type #RealScalar.
     97       * The length of the vector is the size of \p _MatrixType.
     98       */
     99     typedef typename internal::plain_col_type<MatrixType, RealScalar>::type RealVectorType;
    100     typedef Tridiagonalization<MatrixType> TridiagonalizationType;
    102     /** \brief Default constructor for fixed-size matrices.
    103       *
    104       * The default constructor is useful in cases in which the user intends to
    105       * perform decompositions via compute(). This constructor
    106       * can only be used if \p _MatrixType is a fixed-size matrix; use
    107       * SelfAdjointEigenSolver(Index) for dynamic-size matrices.
    108       *
    109       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver.cpp
    110       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver.out
    111       */
    112     SelfAdjointEigenSolver()
    113         : m_eivec(),
    114           m_eivalues(),
    115           m_subdiag(),
    116           m_isInitialized(false)
    117     { }
    119     /** \brief Constructor, pre-allocates memory for dynamic-size matrices.
    120       *
    121       * \param [in]  size  Positive integer, size of the matrix whose
    122       * eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed.
    123       *
    124       * This constructor is useful for dynamic-size matrices, when the user
    125       * intends to perform decompositions via compute(). The \p size
    126       * parameter is only used as a hint. It is not an error to give a wrong
    127       * \p size, but it may impair performance.
    128       *
    129       * \sa compute() for an example
    130       */
    131     SelfAdjointEigenSolver(Index size)
    132         : m_eivec(size, size),
    133           m_eivalues(size),
    134           m_subdiag(size > 1 ? size - 1 : 1),
    135           m_isInitialized(false)
    136     {}
    138     /** \brief Constructor; computes eigendecomposition of given matrix.
    139       *
    140       * \param[in]  matrix  Selfadjoint matrix whose eigendecomposition is to
    141       *    be computed. Only the lower triangular part of the matrix is referenced.
    142       * \param[in]  options Can be #ComputeEigenvectors (default) or #EigenvaluesOnly.
    143       *
    144       * This constructor calls compute(const MatrixType&, int) to compute the
    145       * eigenvalues of the matrix \p matrix. The eigenvectors are computed if
    146       * \p options equals #ComputeEigenvectors.
    147       *
    148       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver_MatrixType.cpp
    149       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver_MatrixType.out
    150       *
    151       * \sa compute(const MatrixType&, int)
    152       */
    153     SelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType& matrix, int options = ComputeEigenvectors)
    154       : m_eivec(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols()),
    155         m_eivalues(matrix.cols()),
    156         m_subdiag(matrix.rows() > 1 ? matrix.rows() - 1 : 1),
    157         m_isInitialized(false)
    158     {
    159       compute(matrix, options);
    160     }
    162     /** \brief Computes eigendecomposition of given matrix.
    163       *
    164       * \param[in]  matrix  Selfadjoint matrix whose eigendecomposition is to
    165       *    be computed. Only the lower triangular part of the matrix is referenced.
    166       * \param[in]  options Can be #ComputeEigenvectors (default) or #EigenvaluesOnly.
    167       * \returns    Reference to \c *this
    168       *
    169       * This function computes the eigenvalues of \p matrix.  The eigenvalues()
    170       * function can be used to retrieve them.  If \p options equals #ComputeEigenvectors,
    171       * then the eigenvectors are also computed and can be retrieved by
    172       * calling eigenvectors().
    173       *
    174       * This implementation uses a symmetric QR algorithm. The matrix is first
    175       * reduced to tridiagonal form using the Tridiagonalization class. The
    176       * tridiagonal matrix is then brought to diagonal form with implicit
    177       * symmetric QR steps with Wilkinson shift. Details can be found in
    178       * Section 8.3 of Golub \& Van Loan, <i>%Matrix Computations</i>.
    179       *
    180       * The cost of the computation is about \f$ 9n^3 \f$ if the eigenvectors
    181       * are required and \f$ 4n^3/3 \f$ if they are not required.
    182       *
    183       * This method reuses the memory in the SelfAdjointEigenSolver object that
    184       * was allocated when the object was constructed, if the size of the
    185       * matrix does not change.
    186       *
    187       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_compute_MatrixType.cpp
    188       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_compute_MatrixType.out
    189       *
    190       * \sa SelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType&, int)
    191       */
    192     SelfAdjointEigenSolver& compute(const MatrixType& matrix, int options = ComputeEigenvectors);
    194     /** \brief Computes eigendecomposition of given matrix using a direct algorithm
    195       *
    196       * This is a variant of compute(const MatrixType&, int options) which
    197       * directly solves the underlying polynomial equation.
    198       *
    199       * Currently only 3x3 matrices for which the sizes are known at compile time are supported (e.g., Matrix3d).
    200       *
    201       * This method is usually significantly faster than the QR algorithm
    202       * but it might also be less accurate. It is also worth noting that
    203       * for 3x3 matrices it involves trigonometric operations which are
    204       * not necessarily available for all scalar types.
    205       *
    206       * \sa compute(const MatrixType&, int options)
    207       */
    208     SelfAdjointEigenSolver& computeDirect(const MatrixType& matrix, int options = ComputeEigenvectors);
    210     /** \brief Returns the eigenvectors of given matrix.
    211       *
    212       * \returns  A const reference to the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors.
    213       *
    214       * \pre The eigenvectors have been computed before.
    215       *
    216       * Column \f$ k \f$ of the returned matrix is an eigenvector corresponding
    217       * to eigenvalue number \f$ k \f$ as returned by eigenvalues().  The
    218       * eigenvectors are normalized to have (Euclidean) norm equal to one. If
    219       * this object was used to solve the eigenproblem for the selfadjoint
    220       * matrix \f$ A \f$, then the matrix returned by this function is the
    221       * matrix \f$ V \f$ in the eigendecomposition \f$ A = V D V^{-1} \f$.
    222       *
    223       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_eigenvectors.cpp
    224       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_eigenvectors.out
    225       *
    226       * \sa eigenvalues()
    227       */
    228     const MatrixType& eigenvectors() const
    229     {
    230       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
    231       eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
    232       return m_eivec;
    233     }
    235     /** \brief Returns the eigenvalues of given matrix.
    236       *
    237       * \returns A const reference to the column vector containing the eigenvalues.
    238       *
    239       * \pre The eigenvalues have been computed before.
    240       *
    241       * The eigenvalues are repeated according to their algebraic multiplicity,
    242       * so there are as many eigenvalues as rows in the matrix. The eigenvalues
    243       * are sorted in increasing order.
    244       *
    245       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_eigenvalues.cpp
    246       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_eigenvalues.out
    247       *
    248       * \sa eigenvectors(), MatrixBase::eigenvalues()
    249       */
    250     const RealVectorType& eigenvalues() const
    251     {
    252       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
    253       return m_eivalues;
    254     }
    256     /** \brief Computes the positive-definite square root of the matrix.
    257       *
    258       * \returns the positive-definite square root of the matrix
    259       *
    260       * \pre The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a positive-definite matrix
    261       * have been computed before.
    262       *
    263       * The square root of a positive-definite matrix \f$ A \f$ is the
    264       * positive-definite matrix whose square equals \f$ A \f$. This function
    265       * uses the eigendecomposition \f$ A = V D V^{-1} \f$ to compute the
    266       * square root as \f$ A^{1/2} = V D^{1/2} V^{-1} \f$.
    267       *
    268       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_operatorSqrt.cpp
    269       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_operatorSqrt.out
    270       *
    271       * \sa operatorInverseSqrt(),
    272       *     \ref MatrixFunctions_Module "MatrixFunctions Module"
    273       */
    274     MatrixType operatorSqrt() const
    275     {
    276       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
    277       eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
    278       return m_eivec * m_eivalues.cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal() * m_eivec.adjoint();
    279     }
    281     /** \brief Computes the inverse square root of the matrix.
    282       *
    283       * \returns the inverse positive-definite square root of the matrix
    284       *
    285       * \pre The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a positive-definite matrix
    286       * have been computed before.
    287       *
    288       * This function uses the eigendecomposition \f$ A = V D V^{-1} \f$ to
    289       * compute the inverse square root as \f$ V D^{-1/2} V^{-1} \f$. This is
    290       * cheaper than first computing the square root with operatorSqrt() and
    291       * then its inverse with MatrixBase::inverse().
    292       *
    293       * Example: \include SelfAdjointEigenSolver_operatorInverseSqrt.cpp
    294       * Output: \verbinclude SelfAdjointEigenSolver_operatorInverseSqrt.out
    295       *
    296       * \sa operatorSqrt(), MatrixBase::inverse(),
    297       *     \ref MatrixFunctions_Module "MatrixFunctions Module"
    298       */
    299     MatrixType operatorInverseSqrt() const
    300     {
    301       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
    302       eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
    303       return m_eivec * m_eivalues.cwiseInverse().cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal() * m_eivec.adjoint();
    304     }
    306     /** \brief Reports whether previous computation was successful.
    307       *
    308       * \returns \c Success if computation was succesful, \c NoConvergence otherwise.
    309       */
    310     ComputationInfo info() const
    311     {
    312       eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
    313       return m_info;
    314     }
    316     /** \brief Maximum number of iterations.
    317       *
    318       * The algorithm terminates if it does not converge within m_maxIterations * n iterations, where n
    319       * denotes the size of the matrix. This value is currently set to 30 (copied from LAPACK).
    320       */
    321     static const int m_maxIterations = 30;
    323     #ifdef EIGEN2_SUPPORT
    324     SelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType& matrix, bool computeEigenvectors)
    325       : m_eivec(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols()),
    326         m_eivalues(matrix.cols()),
    327         m_subdiag(matrix.rows() > 1 ? matrix.rows() - 1 : 1),
    328         m_isInitialized(false)
    329     {
    330       compute(matrix, computeEigenvectors);
    331     }
    333     SelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType& matA, const MatrixType& matB, bool computeEigenvectors = true)
    334         : m_eivec(matA.cols(), matA.cols()),
    335           m_eivalues(matA.cols()),
    336           m_subdiag(matA.cols() > 1 ? matA.cols() - 1 : 1),
    337           m_isInitialized(false)
    338     {
    339       static_cast<GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType>*>(this)->compute(matA, matB, computeEigenvectors ? ComputeEigenvectors : EigenvaluesOnly);
    340     }
    342     void compute(const MatrixType& matrix, bool computeEigenvectors)
    343     {
    344       compute(matrix, computeEigenvectors ? ComputeEigenvectors : EigenvaluesOnly);
    345     }
    347     void compute(const MatrixType& matA, const MatrixType& matB, bool computeEigenvectors = true)
    348     {
    349       compute(matA, matB, computeEigenvectors ? ComputeEigenvectors : EigenvaluesOnly);
    350     }
    351     #endif // EIGEN2_SUPPORT
    353   protected:
    354     MatrixType m_eivec;
    355     RealVectorType m_eivalues;
    356     typename TridiagonalizationType::SubDiagonalType m_subdiag;
    357     ComputationInfo m_info;
    358     bool m_isInitialized;
    359     bool m_eigenvectorsOk;
    360 };
    362 /** \internal
    363   *
    364   * \eigenvalues_module \ingroup Eigenvalues_Module
    365   *
    366   * Performs a QR step on a tridiagonal symmetric matrix represented as a
    367   * pair of two vectors \a diag and \a subdiag.
    368   *
    369   * \param matA the input selfadjoint matrix
    370   * \param hCoeffs returned Householder coefficients
    371   *
    372   * For compilation efficiency reasons, this procedure does not use eigen expression
    373   * for its arguments.
    374   *
    375   * Implemented from Golub's "Matrix Computations", algorithm 8.3.2:
    376   * "implicit symmetric QR step with Wilkinson shift"
    377   */
    378 namespace internal {
    379 template<int StorageOrder,typename RealScalar, typename Scalar, typename Index>
    380 static void tridiagonal_qr_step(RealScalar* diag, RealScalar* subdiag, Index start, Index end, Scalar* matrixQ, Index n);
    381 }
    383 template<typename MatrixType>
    384 SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType>& SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType>
    385 ::compute(const MatrixType& matrix, int options)
    386 {
    387   eigen_assert(matrix.cols() == matrix.rows());
    388   eigen_assert((options&~(EigVecMask|GenEigMask))==0
    389           && (options&EigVecMask)!=EigVecMask
    390           && "invalid option parameter");
    391   bool computeEigenvectors = (options&ComputeEigenvectors)==ComputeEigenvectors;
    392   Index n = matrix.cols();
    393   m_eivalues.resize(n,1);
    395   if(n==1)
    396   {
    397     m_eivalues.coeffRef(0,0) = internal::real(matrix.coeff(0,0));
    398     if(computeEigenvectors)
    399       m_eivec.setOnes(n,n);
    400     m_info = Success;
    401     m_isInitialized = true;
    402     m_eigenvectorsOk = computeEigenvectors;
    403     return *this;
    404   }
    406   // declare some aliases
    407   RealVectorType& diag = m_eivalues;
    408   MatrixType& mat = m_eivec;
    410   // map the matrix coefficients to [-1:1] to avoid over- and underflow.
    411   RealScalar scale = matrix.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
    412   if(scale==RealScalar(0)) scale = RealScalar(1);
    413   mat = matrix / scale;
    414   m_subdiag.resize(n-1);
    415   internal::tridiagonalization_inplace(mat, diag, m_subdiag, computeEigenvectors);
    417   Index end = n-1;
    418   Index start = 0;
    419   Index iter = 0; // total number of iterations
    421   while (end>0)
    422   {
    423     for (Index i = start; i<end; ++i)
    424       if (internal::isMuchSmallerThan(internal::abs(m_subdiag[i]),(internal::abs(diag[i])+internal::abs(diag[i+1]))))
    425         m_subdiag[i] = 0;
    427     // find the largest unreduced block
    428     while (end>0 && m_subdiag[end-1]==0)
    429     {
    430       end--;
    431     }
    432     if (end<=0)
    433       break;
    435     // if we spent too many iterations, we give up
    436     iter++;
    437     if(iter > m_maxIterations * n) break;
    439     start = end - 1;
    440     while (start>0 && m_subdiag[start-1]!=0)
    441       start--;
    443     internal::tridiagonal_qr_step<MatrixType::Flags&RowMajorBit ? RowMajor : ColMajor>(diag.data(), m_subdiag.data(), start, end, computeEigenvectors ? m_eivec.data() : (Scalar*)0, n);
    444   }
    446   if (iter <= m_maxIterations * n)
    447     m_info = Success;
    448   else
    449     m_info = NoConvergence;
    451   // Sort eigenvalues and corresponding vectors.
    452   // TODO make the sort optional ?
    453   // TODO use a better sort algorithm !!
    454   if (m_info == Success)
    455   {
    456     for (Index i = 0; i < n-1; ++i)
    457     {
    458       Index k;
    459       m_eivalues.segment(i,n-i).minCoeff(&k);
    460       if (k > 0)
    461       {
    462         std::swap(m_eivalues[i], m_eivalues[k+i]);
    463         if(computeEigenvectors)
    464           m_eivec.col(i).swap(m_eivec.col(k+i));
    465       }
    466     }
    467   }
    469   // scale back the eigen values
    470   m_eivalues *= scale;
    472   m_isInitialized = true;
    473   m_eigenvectorsOk = computeEigenvectors;
    474   return *this;
    475 }
    478 namespace internal {
    480 template<typename SolverType,int Size,bool IsComplex> struct direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues
    481 {
    482   static inline void run(SolverType& eig, const typename SolverType::MatrixType& A, int options)
    483   { eig.compute(A,options); }
    484 };
    486 template<typename SolverType> struct direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues<SolverType,3,false>
    487 {
    488   typedef typename SolverType::MatrixType MatrixType;
    489   typedef typename SolverType::RealVectorType VectorType;
    490   typedef typename SolverType::Scalar Scalar;
    492   static inline void computeRoots(const MatrixType& m, VectorType& roots)
    493   {
    494     using std::sqrt;
    495     using std::atan2;
    496     using std::cos;
    497     using std::sin;
    498     const Scalar s_inv3 = Scalar(1.0)/Scalar(3.0);
    499     const Scalar s_sqrt3 = sqrt(Scalar(3.0));
    501     // The characteristic equation is x^3 - c2*x^2 + c1*x - c0 = 0.  The
    502     // eigenvalues are the roots to this equation, all guaranteed to be
    503     // real-valued, because the matrix is symmetric.
    504     Scalar c0 = m(0,0)*m(1,1)*m(2,2) + Scalar(2)*m(1,0)*m(2,0)*m(2,1) - m(0,0)*m(2,1)*m(2,1) - m(1,1)*m(2,0)*m(2,0) - m(2,2)*m(1,0)*m(1,0);
    505     Scalar c1 = m(0,0)*m(1,1) - m(1,0)*m(1,0) + m(0,0)*m(2,2) - m(2,0)*m(2,0) + m(1,1)*m(2,2) - m(2,1)*m(2,1);
    506     Scalar c2 = m(0,0) + m(1,1) + m(2,2);
    508     // Construct the parameters used in classifying the roots of the equation
    509     // and in solving the equation for the roots in closed form.
    510     Scalar c2_over_3 = c2*s_inv3;
    511     Scalar a_over_3 = (c1 - c2*c2_over_3)*s_inv3;
    512     if (a_over_3 > Scalar(0))
    513       a_over_3 = Scalar(0);
    515     Scalar half_b = Scalar(0.5)*(c0 + c2_over_3*(Scalar(2)*c2_over_3*c2_over_3 - c1));
    517     Scalar q = half_b*half_b + a_over_3*a_over_3*a_over_3;
    518     if (q > Scalar(0))
    519       q = Scalar(0);
    521     // Compute the eigenvalues by solving for the roots of the polynomial.
    522     Scalar rho = sqrt(-a_over_3);
    523     Scalar theta = atan2(sqrt(-q),half_b)*s_inv3;
    524     Scalar cos_theta = cos(theta);
    525     Scalar sin_theta = sin(theta);
    526     roots(0) = c2_over_3 + Scalar(2)*rho*cos_theta;
    527     roots(1) = c2_over_3 - rho*(cos_theta + s_sqrt3*sin_theta);
    528     roots(2) = c2_over_3 - rho*(cos_theta - s_sqrt3*sin_theta);
    530     // Sort in increasing order.
    531     if (roots(0) >= roots(1))
    532       std::swap(roots(0),roots(1));
    533     if (roots(1) >= roots(2))
    534     {
    535       std::swap(roots(1),roots(2));
    536       if (roots(0) >= roots(1))
    537         std::swap(roots(0),roots(1));
    538     }
    539   }
    541   static inline void run(SolverType& solver, const MatrixType& mat, int options)
    542   {
    543     using std::sqrt;
    544     eigen_assert(mat.cols() == 3 && mat.cols() == mat.rows());
    545     eigen_assert((options&~(EigVecMask|GenEigMask))==0
    546             && (options&EigVecMask)!=EigVecMask
    547             && "invalid option parameter");
    548     bool computeEigenvectors = (options&ComputeEigenvectors)==ComputeEigenvectors;
    550     MatrixType& eivecs = solver.m_eivec;
    551     VectorType& eivals = solver.m_eivalues;
    553     // map the matrix coefficients to [-1:1] to avoid over- and underflow.
    554     Scalar scale = mat.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
    555     MatrixType scaledMat = mat / scale;
    557     // compute the eigenvalues
    558     computeRoots(scaledMat,eivals);
    560     // compute the eigen vectors
    561     if(computeEigenvectors)
    562     {
    563       Scalar safeNorm2 = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon();
    564       safeNorm2 *= safeNorm2;
    565       if((eivals(2)-eivals(0))<=Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon())
    566       {
    567         eivecs.setIdentity();
    568       }
    569       else
    570       {
    571         scaledMat = scaledMat.template selfadjointView<Lower>();
    572         MatrixType tmp;
    573         tmp = scaledMat;
    575         Scalar d0 = eivals(2) - eivals(1);
    576         Scalar d1 = eivals(1) - eivals(0);
    577         int k =  d0 > d1 ? 2 : 0;
    578         d0 = d0 > d1 ? d1 : d0;
    580         tmp.diagonal().array () -= eivals(k);
    581         VectorType cross;
    582         Scalar n;
    583         n = (cross = tmp.row(0).cross(tmp.row(1))).squaredNorm();
    585         if(n>safeNorm2)
    586           eivecs.col(k) = cross / sqrt(n);
    587         else
    588         {
    589           n = (cross = tmp.row(0).cross(tmp.row(2))).squaredNorm();
    591           if(n>safeNorm2)
    592             eivecs.col(k) = cross / sqrt(n);
    593           else
    594           {
    595             n = (cross = tmp.row(1).cross(tmp.row(2))).squaredNorm();
    597             if(n>safeNorm2)
    598               eivecs.col(k) = cross / sqrt(n);
    599             else
    600             {
    601               // the input matrix and/or the eigenvaues probably contains some inf/NaN,
    602               // => exit
    603               // scale back to the original size.
    604               eivals *= scale;
    606               solver.m_info = NumericalIssue;
    607               solver.m_isInitialized = true;
    608               solver.m_eigenvectorsOk = computeEigenvectors;
    609               return;
    610             }
    611           }
    612         }
    614         tmp = scaledMat;
    615         tmp.diagonal().array() -= eivals(1);
    617         if(d0<=Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon())
    618           eivecs.col(1) = eivecs.col(k).unitOrthogonal();
    619         else
    620         {
    621           n = (cross = eivecs.col(k).cross(tmp.row(0).normalized())).squaredNorm();
    622           if(n>safeNorm2)
    623             eivecs.col(1) = cross / sqrt(n);
    624           else
    625           {
    626             n = (cross = eivecs.col(k).cross(tmp.row(1))).squaredNorm();
    627             if(n>safeNorm2)
    628               eivecs.col(1) = cross / sqrt(n);
    629             else
    630             {
    631               n = (cross = eivecs.col(k).cross(tmp.row(2))).squaredNorm();
    632               if(n>safeNorm2)
    633                 eivecs.col(1) = cross / sqrt(n);
    634               else
    635               {
    636                 // we should never reach this point,
    637                 // if so the last two eigenvalues are likely to ve very closed to each other
    638                 eivecs.col(1) = eivecs.col(k).unitOrthogonal();
    639               }
    640             }
    641           }
    643           // make sure that eivecs[1] is orthogonal to eivecs[2]
    644           Scalar d = eivecs.col(1).dot(eivecs.col(k));
    645           eivecs.col(1) = (eivecs.col(1) - d * eivecs.col(k)).normalized();
    646         }
    648         eivecs.col(k==2 ? 0 : 2) = eivecs.col(k).cross(eivecs.col(1)).normalized();
    649       }
    650     }
    651     // Rescale back to the original size.
    652     eivals *= scale;
    654     solver.m_info = Success;
    655     solver.m_isInitialized = true;
    656     solver.m_eigenvectorsOk = computeEigenvectors;
    657   }
    658 };
    660 // 2x2 direct eigenvalues decomposition, code from Hauke Heibel
    661 template<typename SolverType> struct direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues<SolverType,2,false>
    662 {
    663   typedef typename SolverType::MatrixType MatrixType;
    664   typedef typename SolverType::RealVectorType VectorType;
    665   typedef typename SolverType::Scalar Scalar;
    667   static inline void computeRoots(const MatrixType& m, VectorType& roots)
    668   {
    669     using std::sqrt;
    670     const Scalar t0 = Scalar(0.5) * sqrt( abs2(m(0,0)-m(1,1)) + Scalar(4)*m(1,0)*m(1,0));
    671     const Scalar t1 = Scalar(0.5) * (m(0,0) + m(1,1));
    672     roots(0) = t1 - t0;
    673     roots(1) = t1 + t0;
    674   }
    676   static inline void run(SolverType& solver, const MatrixType& mat, int options)
    677   {
    678     eigen_assert(mat.cols() == 2 && mat.cols() == mat.rows());
    679     eigen_assert((options&~(EigVecMask|GenEigMask))==0
    680             && (options&EigVecMask)!=EigVecMask
    681             && "invalid option parameter");
    682     bool computeEigenvectors = (options&ComputeEigenvectors)==ComputeEigenvectors;
    684     MatrixType& eivecs = solver.m_eivec;
    685     VectorType& eivals = solver.m_eivalues;
    687     // map the matrix coefficients to [-1:1] to avoid over- and underflow.
    688     Scalar scale = mat.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
    689     scale = (std::max)(scale,Scalar(1));
    690     MatrixType scaledMat = mat / scale;
    692     // Compute the eigenvalues
    693     computeRoots(scaledMat,eivals);
    695     // compute the eigen vectors
    696     if(computeEigenvectors)
    697     {
    698       scaledMat.diagonal().array () -= eivals(1);
    699       Scalar a2 = abs2(scaledMat(0,0));
    700       Scalar c2 = abs2(scaledMat(1,1));
    701       Scalar b2 = abs2(scaledMat(1,0));
    702       if(a2>c2)
    703       {
    704         eivecs.col(1) << -scaledMat(1,0), scaledMat(0,0);
    705         eivecs.col(1) /= sqrt(a2+b2);
    706       }
    707       else
    708       {
    709         eivecs.col(1) << -scaledMat(1,1), scaledMat(1,0);
    710         eivecs.col(1) /= sqrt(c2+b2);
    711       }
    713       eivecs.col(0) << eivecs.col(1).unitOrthogonal();
    714     }
    716     // Rescale back to the original size.
    717     eivals *= scale;
    719     solver.m_info = Success;
    720     solver.m_isInitialized = true;
    721     solver.m_eigenvectorsOk = computeEigenvectors;
    722   }
    723 };
    725 }
    727 template<typename MatrixType>
    728 SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType>& SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType>
    729 ::computeDirect(const MatrixType& matrix, int options)
    730 {
    731   internal::direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues<SelfAdjointEigenSolver,Size,NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex>::run(*this,matrix,options);
    732   return *this;
    733 }
    735 namespace internal {
    736 template<int StorageOrder,typename RealScalar, typename Scalar, typename Index>
    737 static void tridiagonal_qr_step(RealScalar* diag, RealScalar* subdiag, Index start, Index end, Scalar* matrixQ, Index n)
    738 {
    739   RealScalar td = (diag[end-1] - diag[end])*RealScalar(0.5);
    740   RealScalar e = subdiag[end-1];
    741   // Note that thanks to scaling, e^2 or td^2 cannot overflow, however they can still
    742   // underflow thus leading to inf/NaN values when using the following commented code:
    743 //   RealScalar e2 = abs2(subdiag[end-1]);
    744 //   RealScalar mu = diag[end] - e2 / (td + (td>0 ? 1 : -1) * sqrt(td*td + e2));
    745   // This explain the following, somewhat more complicated, version:
    746   RealScalar mu = diag[end] - (e / (td + (td>0 ? 1 : -1))) * (e / hypot(td,e));
    748   RealScalar x = diag[start] - mu;
    749   RealScalar z = subdiag[start];
    750   for (Index k = start; k < end; ++k)
    751   {
    752     JacobiRotation<RealScalar> rot;
    753     rot.makeGivens(x, z);
    755     // do T = G' T G
    756     RealScalar sdk = rot.s() * diag[k] + rot.c() * subdiag[k];
    757     RealScalar dkp1 = rot.s() * subdiag[k] + rot.c() * diag[k+1];
    759     diag[k] = rot.c() * (rot.c() * diag[k] - rot.s() * subdiag[k]) - rot.s() * (rot.c() * subdiag[k] - rot.s() * diag[k+1]);
    760     diag[k+1] = rot.s() * sdk + rot.c() * dkp1;
    761     subdiag[k] = rot.c() * sdk - rot.s() * dkp1;
    764     if (k > start)
    765       subdiag[k - 1] = rot.c() * subdiag[k-1] - rot.s() * z;
    767     x = subdiag[k];
    769     if (k < end - 1)
    770     {
    771       z = -rot.s() * subdiag[k+1];
    772       subdiag[k + 1] = rot.c() * subdiag[k+1];
    773     }
    775     // apply the givens rotation to the unit matrix Q = Q * G
    776     if (matrixQ)
    777     {
    778       // FIXME if StorageOrder == RowMajor this operation is not very efficient
    779       Map<Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,StorageOrder> > q(matrixQ,n,n);
    780       q.applyOnTheRight(k,k+1,rot);
    781     }
    782   }
    783 }
    785 } // end namespace internal
    787 } // end namespace Eigen