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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Defining IPC Messages
      6 //
      7 // Your IPC messages will be defined by macros inside of an XXX_messages.h
      8 // header file.  Most of the time, the system can automatically generate all
      9 // of messaging mechanism from these definitions, but sometimes some manual
     10 // coding is required.  In these cases, you will also have an XXX_messages.cc
     11 // implemation file as well.
     12 //
     13 // The senders of your messages will include your XXX_messages.h file to
     14 // get the full set of definitions they need to send your messages.
     15 //
     16 // Each XXX_messages.h file must be registered with the IPC system.  This
     17 // requires adding two things:
     18 //   - An XXXMsgStart value to the IPCMessageStart enum in ipc_message_start.h
     19 //   - An inclusion of XXX_messages.h file in a message generator .h file
     20 //
     21 // The XXXMsgStart value is an enumeration that ensures uniqueness for
     22 // each different message file.  Later, you will use this inside your
     23 // XXX_messages.h file before invoking message declaration macros:
     24 //     #define IPC_MESSAGE_START XXXMsgStart
     25 //       ( ... your macro invocations go here ... )
     26 //
     27 // Message Generator Files
     28 //
     29 // A message generator .h header file pulls in all other message-declaring
     30 // headers for a given component.  It is included by a message generator
     31 // .cc file, which is where all the generated code will wind up.  Typically,
     32 // you will use an existing generator (e.g. common_message_generator.cc
     33 // in /chrome/common), but there are circumstances where you may add a
     34 // new one.
     35 //
     36 // In the rare cicrucmstances where you can't re-use an existing file,
     37 // your YYY_message_generator.cc file for a component YYY would contain
     38 // the following code:
     39 //     // Get basic type definitions.
     40 //     #define IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
     41 //     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
     42 //     // Generate constructors.
     43 //     #include "ipc/struct_constructor_macros.h"
     44 //     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
     45 //     // Generate destructors.
     46 //     #include "ipc/struct_destructor_macros.h"
     47 //     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
     48 //     // Generate param traits write methods.
     49 //     #include "ipc/param_traits_write_macros.h"
     50 //     namespace IPC {
     51 //     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
     52 //     }  // namespace IPC
     53 //     // Generate param traits read methods.
     54 //     #include "ipc/param_traits_read_macros.h"
     55 //     namespace IPC {
     56 //     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
     57 //     }  // namespace IPC
     58 //     // Generate param traits log methods.
     59 //     #include "ipc/param_traits_log_macros.h"
     60 //     namespace IPC {
     61 //     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
     62 //     }  // namespace IPC
     63 //
     64 // In cases where manual generation is required, in your XXX_messages.cc
     65 // file, put the following after all the includes for param types:
     66 //     #define IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
     67 //     #include "XXX_messages.h"
     68 //        (... implementation of traits not auto-generated ...)
     69 //
     70 // Multiple Inclusion
     71 //
     72 // The XXX_messages.h file will be multiply-included by the
     73 // YYY_message_generator.cc file, so your XXX_messages file can't be
     74 // guarded in the usual manner.  Ideally, there will be no need for any
     75 // inclusion guard, since the XXX_messages.h file should consist soley
     76 // of inclusions of other headers (which are self-guarding) and IPC
     77 // macros (which are multiply evaluating).
     78 //
     79 // Note that #pragma once cannot be used here; doing so would mark the whole
     80 // file as being singly-included.  Since your XXX_messages.h file is only
     81 // partially-guarded, care must be taken to ensure that it is only included
     82 // by other .cc files (and the YYY_message_generator.h file).  Including an
     83 // XXX_messages.h file in some other .h file may result in duplicate
     84 // declarations and a compilation failure.
     85 //
     86 // Type Declarations
     87 //
     88 // It is generally a bad idea to have type definitions in a XXX_messages.h
     89 // file; most likely the typedef will then be used in the message, as opposed
     90 // to the struct iself.  Later, an IPC message dispatcher wil need to call
     91 // a function taking that type, and that function is declared in some other
     92 // header.  Thus, in order to get the type definition, the other header
     93 // would have to include the XXX_messages.h file, violating the rule above
     94 // about not including XXX_messages.h file in other .h files.
     95 //
     96 // One approach here is to move these type definitions to another (guarded)
     97 // .h file and include this second .h in your XXX_messages.h file.  This
     98 // is still less than ideal, because the dispatched function would have to
     99 // redeclare the typedef or include this second header.  This may be
    100 // reasonable in a few cases.
    101 //
    102 // Failing all of the above, then you will want to bracket the smallest
    103 // possible section of your XXX_messages.h file containing these types
    104 // with an include guard macro.  Be aware that providing an incomplete
    105 // class type declaration to avoid pulling in a long chain of headers is
    106 // acceptable when your XXX_messages.h header is being included by the
    107 // message sending caller's code, but not when the YYY_message_generator.c
    108 // is building the messages. In addtion, due to the multiple inclusion
    109 // restriction, these type ought to be guarded.  Follow a convention like:
    110 //      #ifndef SOME_GUARD_MACRO
    111 //      #define SOME_GUARD_MACRO
    112 //      class some_class;        // One incomplete class declaration
    113 //      class_some_other_class;  // Another incomplete class declaration
    114 //      #endif  // SOME_GUARD_MACRO
    115 //      #ifdef IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
    116 //      #inlcude "path/to/some_class.h"        // Full class declaration
    117 //      #inlcude "path/to/some_other_class.h"  // Full class declaration
    118 //      #endif  // IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
    119 //        (.. IPC macros using some_class and some_other_class ...)
    120 //
    121 // Macro Invocations
    122 //
    123 // You will use IPC message macro invocations for three things:
    124 //   - New struct definitions for IPC
    125 //   - Registering existing struct and enum definitions with IPC
    126 //   - Defining the messages themselves
    127 //
    128 // New structs are defined with IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(), IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(),
    129 // IPC_STRUCT_END() family of macros.  These cause the XXX_messages.h
    130 // to proclaim equivalent struct declarations for use by callers, as well
    131 // as later registering the type with the message generation.  Note that
    132 // IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER() is only permitted inside matching calls to
    133 // IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN() / IPC_STRUCT_END(). There is also an
    134 // IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN_WITH_PARENT(), which behaves like IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(),
    135 // but also accomodates structs that inherit from other structs.
    136 //
    137 // Externally-defined structs are registered with IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(),
    138 // IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(), and IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() macros. These
    139 // cause registration of the types with message generation only.
    140 // There's also IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_PARENT, which is used to register a parent
    141 // class (whose own traits are already defined). Note that
    142 // IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER() and IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_PARENT are only permitted
    143 // inside matching calls to IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN() /
    145 //
    146 // Enum types are registered with a single IPC_ENUM_TRAITS_VALIDATE() macro.
    147 // There is no need to enumerate each value to the IPC mechanism. Instead,
    148 // pass an expression in terms of the parameter |value| to provide
    149 // range-checking.  For convenience, the IPC_ENUM_TRAITS() is provided which
    150 // performs no checking, passing everything including out-of-range values.
    151 // Its use is discouraged. The IPC_ENUM_TRAITS_MAX_VALUE() macro can be used
    152 // for the typical case where the enum must be in the range 0..maxvalue
    153 // inclusive. The IPC_ENUM_TRAITS_MIN_MAX_VALUE() macro can be used for the
    154 // less typical case where the enum must be in the range minvalue..maxvalue
    155 // inclusive.
    156 //
    157 // Do not place semicolons following these IPC_ macro invocations.  There
    158 // is no reason to expect that their expansion corresponds one-to-one with
    159 // C++ statements.
    160 //
    161 // Once the types have been declared / registered, message definitions follow.
    162 // "Sync" messages are just synchronous calls, the Send() call doesn't return
    163 // until a reply comes back.  To declare a sync message, use the IPC_SYNC_
    164 // macros.  The numbers at the end show how many input/output parameters there
    165 // are (i.e. 1_2 is 1 in, 2 out).  Input parameters are first, followed by
    166 // output parameters.  The caller uses Send([route id, ], in1, &out1, &out2).
    167 // The receiver's handler function will be
    168 //     void OnSyncMessageName(const type1& in1, type2* out1, type3* out2)
    169 //
    170 // A caller can also send a synchronous message, while the receiver can respond
    171 // at a later time.  This is transparent from the sender's side.  The receiver
    172 // needs to use a different handler that takes in a IPC::Message* as the output
    173 // type, stash the message, and when it has the data it can Send the message.
    174 //
    176 //     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(ViewHostMsg_SyncMessageName,
    177 //                                     OnSyncMessageName)
    178 //
    179 // The handler function will look like:
    180 //     void OnSyncMessageName(const type1& in1, IPC::Message* reply_msg);
    181 //
    182 // Receiver stashes the IPC::Message* pointer, and when it's ready, it does:
    183 //     ViewHostMsg_SyncMessageName::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, out1, out2);
    184 //     Send(reply_msg);
    186 // Files that want to export their ipc messages should do
    187 //   #undef IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT
    189 // after including this header, but before using any of the macros below.
    190 // (This needs to be before the include guard.)
    191 #undef IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT
    192 #define IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT
    194 #ifndef IPC_IPC_MESSAGE_MACROS_H_
    195 #define IPC_IPC_MESSAGE_MACROS_H_
    197 #include "base/profiler/scoped_profile.h"
    198 #include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
    199 #include "ipc/param_traits_macros.h"
    201 #if defined(IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL)
    202 #include "ipc/ipc_message_utils_impl.h"
    203 #endif
    205 // Convenience macro for defining structs without inheritance. Should not need
    206 // to be subsequently redefined.
    207 #define IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(struct_name) \
    208   IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN_WITH_PARENT(struct_name, IPC::NoParams)
    210 // Macros for defining structs. Will be subsequently redefined.
    211 #define IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN_WITH_PARENT(struct_name, parent) \
    212   struct struct_name; \
    213   IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(struct_name) \
    215   struct IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT struct_name : parent { \
    216     struct_name(); \
    217     ~struct_name();
    218 // Optional variadic parameters specify the default value for this struct
    219 // member. They are passed through to the constructor for |type|.
    220 #define IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(type, name, ...) type name;
    221 #define IPC_STRUCT_END() };
    223 // Message macros collect specific numbers of arguments and funnel them into
    224 // the common message generation macro.  These should never be redefined.
    225 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(msg_class) \
    226   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(EMPTY, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())
    228 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(msg_class, type1) \
    229   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1), ())
    231 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(msg_class, type1, type2) \
    232   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1, type2), ())
    234 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(msg_class, type1, type2, type3) \
    235   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1, type2, type3), ())
    237 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4) \
    238   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4), ())
    240 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5) \
    241   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4, type5), ())
    243 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(msg_class) \
    244   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(EMPTY, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())
    246 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(msg_class, type1) \
    247   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1), ())
    249 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(msg_class, type1, type2) \
    250   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1, type2), ())
    252 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(msg_class, type1, type2, type3) \
    253   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1, type2, type3), ())
    255 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4) \
    256   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4), ())
    258 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5) \
    259   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4, type5), ())
    261 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_0(msg_class) \
    262   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())
    264 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_1(msg_class, type1_out) \
    265   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 1, (), (type1_out))
    267 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_2(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out) \
    268   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 2, (), (type1_out, type2_out))
    270 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_3(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    271   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 3, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    273 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_4(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    274   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 4, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    276 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(msg_class, type1_in) \
    277   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1_in), ())
    279 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out) \
    280   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 1, (type1_in), (type1_out))
    282 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    283   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 2, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    285 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_3(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    286   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 3, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    288 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_4(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    289   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 4, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    291 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in) \
    292   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1_in, type2_in), ())
    294 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out) \
    295   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 1, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out))
    297 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    298   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 2, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    300 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    301   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 3, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    303 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    304   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 4, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    306 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in) \
    307   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), ())
    309 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out) \
    310   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out))
    312 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    313   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    315 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    316   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    318 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    319   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    321 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in) \
    322   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), ())
    324 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out) \
    325   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out))
    327 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    328   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    330 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    331   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    333 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    334   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    336 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in) \
    337   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), ())
    339 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out) \
    340   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out))
    342 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    343   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    345 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    346   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    348 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_0(msg_class) \
    349   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())
    351 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(msg_class, type1_out) \
    352   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 1, (), (type1_out))
    354 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_2(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out) \
    355   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 2, (), (type1_out, type2_out))
    357 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_3(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    358   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 3, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    360 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_4(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    361   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 4, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    363 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(msg_class, type1_in) \
    364   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1_in), ())
    366 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out) \
    367   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 1, (type1_in), (type1_out))
    369 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    370   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 2, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    372 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_3(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    373   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 3, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    375 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_4(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    376   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 4, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    378 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in) \
    379   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1_in, type2_in), ())
    381 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out) \
    382   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 1, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out))
    384 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    385   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 2, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    387 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    388   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 3, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    390 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    391   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 4, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    393 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in) \
    394   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), ())
    396 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out) \
    397   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out))
    399 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    400   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    402 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    403   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    405 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    406   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    408 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in) \
    409   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), ())
    411 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out) \
    412   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out))
    414 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    415   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    417 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    418   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    420 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
    421   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))
    423 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in) \
    424   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), ())
    426 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out) \
    427   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out))
    429 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
    430   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out))
    432 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
    433   IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))
    435 // The following macros define the common set of methods provided by ASYNC
    436 // message classes.
    437 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                     \
    438   template<class T, class S, class Method>                                    \
    439   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender, Method func) {  \
    440     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    441     if (Read(msg, &p)) {                                                      \
    442       DispatchToMethod(obj, func, p);                                         \
    443       return true;                                                            \
    444     }                                                                         \
    445     return false;                                                             \
    446   }
    447 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_1                                           \
    448   IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                           \
    449   template<class T, class S, typename TA>                                     \
    450   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender,                 \
    451                        void (T::*func)(const Message&, TA)) {                 \
    452     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    453     if (Read(msg, &p)) {                                                      \
    454       (obj->*func)(*msg, p.a);                                                \
    455       return true;                                                            \
    456     }                                                                         \
    457     return false;                                                             \
    458   }
    459 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_2                                           \
    460   IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                           \
    461   template<class T, class S, typename TA, typename TB>                        \
    462   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender,                 \
    463                        void (T::*func)(const Message&, TA, TB)) {             \
    464     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    465     if (Read(msg, &p)) {                                                      \
    466       (obj->*func)(*msg, p.a, p.b);                                           \
    467       return true;                                                            \
    468     }                                                                         \
    469     return false;                                                             \
    470   }                                                                           \
    471   template<typename TA, typename TB>                                          \
    472   static bool Read(const IPC::Message* msg, TA* a, TB* b) {                   \
    473     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    474     if (!Read(msg, &p))                                                       \
    475       return false;                                                           \
    476     *a = p.a;                                                                 \
    477     *b = p.b;                                                                 \
    478     return true;                                                              \
    479   }
    480 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_3                                           \
    481   IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                           \
    482   template<class T, class S, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC>           \
    483   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender,                 \
    484                        void (T::*func)(const Message&, TA, TB, TC)) {         \
    485     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    486     if (Read(msg, &p)) {                                                      \
    487       (obj->*func)(*msg, p.a, p.b, p.c);                                      \
    488       return true;                                                            \
    489     }                                                                         \
    490     return false;                                                             \
    491   }                                                                           \
    492   template<typename TA, typename TB, typename TC>                             \
    493   static bool Read(const IPC::Message* msg, TA* a, TB* b, TC* c) {            \
    494     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    495     if (!Read(msg, &p))                                                       \
    496       return false;                                                           \
    497     *a = p.a;                                                                 \
    498     *b = p.b;                                                                 \
    499     *c = p.c;                                                                 \
    500     return true;                                                              \
    501   }
    502 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_4                                           \
    503   IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                           \
    504   template<class T, class S, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC,           \
    505            typename TD>                                                       \
    506   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender,                 \
    507                        void (T::*func)(const Message&, TA, TB, TC, TD)) {     \
    508     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    509     if (Read(msg, &p)) {                                                      \
    510       (obj->*func)(*msg, p.a, p.b, p.c, p.d);                                 \
    511       return true;                                                            \
    512     }                                                                         \
    513     return false;                                                             \
    514   }                                                                           \
    515   template<typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename TD>                \
    516   static bool Read(const IPC::Message* msg, TA* a, TB* b, TC* c, TD* d) {     \
    517     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    518     if (!Read(msg, &p))                                                       \
    519       return false;                                                           \
    520     *a = p.a;                                                                 \
    521     *b = p.b;                                                                 \
    522     *c = p.c;                                                                 \
    523     *d = p.d;                                                                 \
    524     return true;                                                              \
    525   }
    526 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_5                                           \
    527   IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                           \
    528   template<class T, class S, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC,           \
    529            typename TD, typename TE>                                          \
    530   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender,                 \
    531                        void (T::*func)(const Message&, TA, TB, TC, TD, TE)) { \
    532     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    533     if (Read(msg, &p)) {                                                      \
    534       (obj->*func)(*msg, p.a, p.b, p.c, p.d, p.e);                            \
    535       return true;                                                            \
    536     }                                                                         \
    537     return false;                                                             \
    538   }                                                                           \
    539   template<typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename TD, typename TE>   \
    540   static bool Read(const IPC::Message* msg, TA* a, TB* b, TC* c, TD* d,       \
    541                    TE* e) {                                                   \
    542     Schema::Param p;                                                          \
    543     if (!Read(msg, &p))                                                       \
    544       return false;                                                           \
    545     *a = p.a;                                                                 \
    546     *b = p.b;                                                                 \
    547     *c = p.c;                                                                 \
    548     *d = p.d;                                                                 \
    549     *e = p.e;                                                                 \
    550     return true;                                                              \
    551   }
    553 // The following macros define the common set of methods provided by SYNC
    554 // message classes.
    555 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_GENERIC                                      \
    556   template<class T, class S, class Method>                                    \
    557   static bool Dispatch(const Message* msg, T* obj, S* sender, Method func) {  \
    558     Schema::SendParam send_params;                                            \
    559     bool ok = ReadSendParam(msg, &send_params);                               \
    560     return Schema::DispatchWithSendParams(ok, send_params, msg, obj, sender,  \
    561                                           func);                              \
    562   }                                                                           \
    563   template<class T, class Method>                                             \
    564   static bool DispatchDelayReply(const Message* msg, T* obj, Method func) {   \
    565     Schema::SendParam send_params;                                            \
    566     bool ok = ReadSendParam(msg, &send_params);                               \
    567     return Schema::DispatchDelayReplyWithSendParams(ok, send_params, msg,     \
    568                                                     obj, func);               \
    569   }
    570 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_0 \
    572 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_1 \
    574   template<typename TA> \
    575   static void WriteReplyParams(Message* reply, TA a) { \
    576     Schema::WriteReplyParams(reply, a); \
    577   }
    578 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_2 \
    580   template<typename TA, typename TB> \
    581   static void WriteReplyParams(Message* reply, TA a, TB b) { \
    582     Schema::WriteReplyParams(reply, a, b); \
    583   }
    584 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_3 \
    586   template<typename TA, typename TB, typename TC> \
    587   static void WriteReplyParams(Message* reply, TA a, TB b, TC c) { \
    588     Schema::WriteReplyParams(reply, a, b, c); \
    589   }
    590 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_4 \
    592   template<typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename TD> \
    593   static void WriteReplyParams(Message* reply, TA a, TB b, TC c, TD d) { \
    594     Schema::WriteReplyParams(reply, a, b, c, d); \
    595   }
    596 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_5 \
    598   template<typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename TD, typename TE> \
    599   static void WriteReplyParams(Message* reply, TA a, TB b, TC c, TD d, TE e) { \
    600     Schema::WriteReplyParams(reply, a, b, c, d, e); \
    601   }
    603 // Common message macro which dispatches into one of the 6 (sync x kind)
    604 // routines.  There is a way that these 6 cases can be lumped together,
    605 // but the  macros get very complicated in that case.
    606 // Note: intended be redefined to generate other information.
    607 #define IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(sync, kind, msg_class,                               \
    608                          in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)                  \
    609   IPC_##sync##_##kind##_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
    610   IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)
    612 #define IPC_EMPTY_CONTROL_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list) \
    613   class IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT msg_class : public IPC::Message {                  \
    614    public:                                                                    \
    615     typedef IPC::Message Schema;                                              \
    616     enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    617     msg_class() : IPC::Message(MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL) {}   \
    618     static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \
    619   };
    621 #define IPC_EMPTY_ROUTED_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
    622   class IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT msg_class : public IPC::Message {                  \
    623    public:                                                                    \
    624     typedef IPC::Message Schema;                                              \
    625     enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    626     msg_class(int32 routing_id)                                               \
    627         : IPC::Message(routing_id, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL) {}                    \
    628     static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \
    629   };
    631 #define IPC_ASYNC_CONTROL_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list) \
    632   class IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT msg_class : public IPC::Message {                  \
    633    public:                                                                    \
    634     typedef IPC::MessageSchema<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list> Schema;         \
    635     typedef Schema::Param Param;                                              \
    636     enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    637     msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                                  \
    638     virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    639     static bool Read(const Message* msg, Schema::Param* p);                   \
    640     static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \
    641     IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_##in_cnt                                        \
    642   };
    644 #define IPC_ASYNC_ROUTED_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
    645   class IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT msg_class : public IPC::Message {                  \
    646    public:                                                                    \
    647     typedef IPC::MessageSchema<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list> Schema;         \
    648     typedef Schema::Param Param;                                              \
    649     enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    650     msg_class(int32 routing_id IPC_COMMA_##in_cnt                             \
    651               IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                                  \
    652     virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    653     static bool Read(const Message* msg, Schema::Param* p);                   \
    654     static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \
    655     IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_##in_cnt                                        \
    656   };
    658 #define IPC_SYNC_CONTROL_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
    659   class IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT msg_class : public IPC::SyncMessage {              \
    660    public:                                                                    \
    661     typedef IPC::SyncMessageSchema<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list,             \
    662                                    IPC_TUPLE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list> Schema;  \
    663     typedef Schema::ReplyParam ReplyParam;                                    \
    664     typedef Schema::SendParam SendParam;                                      \
    665     enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    666     msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                                    \
    667               IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)                     \
    668               IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list);                               \
    669     virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    670     static bool ReadSendParam(const Message* msg, Schema::SendParam* p);      \
    671     static bool ReadReplyParam(                                               \
    672         const Message* msg,                                                   \
    673         TupleTypes<ReplyParam>::ValueTuple* p);                               \
    674     static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \
    675     IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_##out_cnt                                        \
    676   };
    678 #define IPC_SYNC_ROUTED_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
    679   class IPC_MESSAGE_EXPORT msg_class : public IPC::SyncMessage {              \
    680    public:                                                                    \
    681     typedef IPC::SyncMessageSchema<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list,             \
    682                                    IPC_TUPLE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list> Schema;  \
    683     typedef Schema::ReplyParam ReplyParam;                                    \
    684     typedef Schema::SendParam SendParam;                                      \
    685     enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    686     msg_class(int32 routing_id                                                \
    687               IPC_COMMA_OR_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)                      \
    688               IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                                    \
    689               IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)                     \
    690               IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list);                               \
    691     virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    692     static bool ReadSendParam(const Message* msg, Schema::SendParam* p);      \
    693     static bool ReadReplyParam(                                               \
    694         const Message* msg,                                                   \
    695         TupleTypes<ReplyParam>::ValueTuple* p);                               \
    696     static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \
    697     IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_METHODS_##out_cnt                                        \
    698   };
    700 #if defined(IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL)
    702 // "Implementation" inclusion produces constructors, destructors, and
    703 // logging functions, except for the no-arg special cases, where the
    704 // implementation occurs in the declaration, and there is no special
    705 // logging function.
    706 #define IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class,                              \
    707                           in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)                 \
    708   IPC_##sync##_##kind##_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
    709   IPC_##sync##_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)
    711 #define IPC_EMPTY_CONTROL_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)
    712 #define IPC_EMPTY_ROUTED_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)
    714 #define IPC_ASYNC_CONTROL_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list) \
    715   msg_class::msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list) :                        \
    716       IPC::Message(MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL) {                \
    717         Schema::Write(this, IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                    \
    718       }                                                                       \
    719   msg_class::~msg_class() {}                                                  \
    720   bool msg_class::Read(const Message* msg, Schema::Param* p) {                \
    721     return Schema::Read(msg, p);                                              \
    722   }
    724 #define IPC_ASYNC_ROUTED_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
    725   msg_class::msg_class(int32 routing_id IPC_COMMA_##in_cnt                    \
    726                        IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list) :                        \
    727       IPC::Message(routing_id, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL) {                         \
    728         Schema::Write(this, IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                    \
    729       }                                                                       \
    730   msg_class::~msg_class() {}                                                  \
    731   bool msg_class::Read(const Message* msg, Schema::Param* p) {                \
    732     return Schema::Read(msg, p);                                              \
    733   }
    735 #define IPC_SYNC_CONTROL_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
    736   msg_class::msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                           \
    737                        IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)            \
    738                        IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list) :                     \
    739       IPC::SyncMessage(MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL,              \
    740                        new IPC::ParamDeserializer<Schema::ReplyParam>(        \
    741                            IPC_NAME_OUT_##out_cnt out_list)) {                \
    742         Schema::Write(this, IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                    \
    743       }                                                                       \
    744   msg_class::~msg_class() {}                                                  \
    745   bool msg_class::ReadSendParam(const Message* msg, Schema::SendParam* p) {   \
    746     return Schema::ReadSendParam(msg, p);                                     \
    747   }                                                                           \
    748   bool msg_class::ReadReplyParam(const Message* msg,                          \
    749                                  TupleTypes<ReplyParam>::ValueTuple* p) {     \
    750     return Schema::ReadReplyParam(msg, p);                                    \
    751   }
    753 #define IPC_SYNC_ROUTED_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
    754   msg_class::msg_class(int32 routing_id                                       \
    755                        IPC_COMMA_OR_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)             \
    756                        IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                           \
    757                        IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)            \
    758                        IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list) :                     \
    759       IPC::SyncMessage(routing_id, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL,                       \
    760                        new IPC::ParamDeserializer<Schema::ReplyParam>(        \
    761                            IPC_NAME_OUT_##out_cnt out_list)) {                \
    762         Schema::Write(this, IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                    \
    763       }                                                                       \
    764   msg_class::~msg_class() {}                                                  \
    765   bool msg_class::ReadSendParam(const Message* msg, Schema::SendParam* p) {   \
    766     return Schema::ReadSendParam(msg, p);                                     \
    767   }                                                                           \
    768   bool msg_class::ReadReplyParam(const Message* msg,                          \
    769                                  TupleTypes<ReplyParam>::ValueTuple* p) {     \
    770     return Schema::ReadReplyParam(msg, p);                                    \
    771   }
    773 #define IPC_EMPTY_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)                                \
    774   void msg_class::Log(std::string* name,                                \
    775                       const Message* msg,                               \
    776                       std::string* l) {                                 \
    777     if (name)                                                           \
    778       *name = #msg_class;                                               \
    779   }
    781 #define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)                                \
    782   void msg_class::Log(std::string* name,                                \
    783                       const Message* msg,                               \
    784                       std::string* l) {                                 \
    785     if (name)                                                           \
    786       *name = #msg_class;                                               \
    787     if (!msg || !l)                                                     \
    788       return;                                                           \
    789     Schema::Param p;                                                    \
    790     if (Schema::Read(msg, &p))                                          \
    791       IPC::LogParam(p, l);                                              \
    792   }
    794 #define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)                                 \
    795   void msg_class::Log(std::string* name,                                \
    796                       const Message* msg,                               \
    797                       std::string* l) {                                 \
    798     if (name)                                                           \
    799       *name = #msg_class;                                               \
    800     if (!msg || !l)                                                     \
    801       return;                                                           \
    802     if (msg->is_sync()) {                                               \
    803       TupleTypes<Schema::SendParam>::ValueTuple p;                      \
    804       if (Schema::ReadSendParam(msg, &p))                               \
    805         IPC::LogParam(p, l);                                            \
    806       AddOutputParamsToLog(msg, l);                                     \
    807     } else {                                                            \
    808       TupleTypes<Schema::ReplyParam>::ValueTuple p;                     \
    809       if (Schema::ReadReplyParam(msg, &p))                              \
    810         IPC::LogParam(p, l);                                            \
    811     }                                                                   \
    812   }
    814 #elif defined(IPC_MESSAGE_MACROS_LOG_ENABLED)
    816 #ifndef IPC_LOG_TABLE_ADD_ENTRY
    817 #error You need to define IPC_LOG_TABLE_ADD_ENTRY(msg_id, logger)
    818 #endif
    820 // "Log table" inclusion produces extra logging registration code.
    821 #define IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class,                        \
    822                           in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)           \
    823   class LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class {                               \
    824  public:                                                                \
    825     LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class() {                                 \
    826       const uint32 msg_id = static_cast<uint32>(msg_class::ID);         \
    827       IPC_LOG_TABLE_ADD_ENTRY(msg_id, msg_class::Log);                  \
    828     }                                                                   \
    829   };                                                                    \
    830   LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class g_LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class;
    832 #else
    834 // Normal inclusion produces nothing extra.
    835 #define IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class,                \
    836                           in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)
    838 #endif // defined(IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL)
    840 // Handle variable sized argument lists.  These are usually invoked by token
    841 // pasting against the argument counts.
    842 #define IPC_TYPE_IN_0()
    843 #define IPC_TYPE_IN_1(t1)                   const t1& arg1
    844 #define IPC_TYPE_IN_2(t1, t2)               const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2
    845 #define IPC_TYPE_IN_3(t1, t2, t3)           const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2, const t3& arg3
    846 #define IPC_TYPE_IN_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)       const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2, const t3& arg3, const t4& arg4
    847 #define IPC_TYPE_IN_5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)   const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2, const t3& arg3, const t4& arg4, const t5& arg5
    849 #define IPC_TYPE_OUT_0()
    850 #define IPC_TYPE_OUT_1(t1)                  t1* arg6
    851 #define IPC_TYPE_OUT_2(t1, t2)              t1* arg6, t2* arg7
    852 #define IPC_TYPE_OUT_3(t1, t2, t3)          t1* arg6, t2* arg7, t3* arg8
    853 #define IPC_TYPE_OUT_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)      t1* arg6, t2* arg7, t3* arg8, t4* arg9
    855 #define IPC_TUPLE_IN_0()                    Tuple0
    856 #define IPC_TUPLE_IN_1(t1)                  Tuple1<t1>
    857 #define IPC_TUPLE_IN_2(t1, t2)              Tuple2<t1, t2>
    858 #define IPC_TUPLE_IN_3(t1, t2, t3)          Tuple3<t1, t2, t3>
    859 #define IPC_TUPLE_IN_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)      Tuple4<t1, t2, t3, t4>
    860 #define IPC_TUPLE_IN_5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)  Tuple5<t1, t2, t3, t4, t5>
    862 #define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_0()                   Tuple0
    863 #define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_1(t1)                 Tuple1<t1&>
    864 #define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_2(t1, t2)             Tuple2<t1&, t2&>
    865 #define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_3(t1, t2, t3)         Tuple3<t1&, t2&, t3&>
    866 #define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)     Tuple4<t1&, t2&, t3&, t4&>
    868 #define IPC_NAME_IN_0()                     MakeTuple()
    869 #define IPC_NAME_IN_1(t1)                   MakeRefTuple(arg1)
    870 #define IPC_NAME_IN_2(t1, t2)               MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2)
    871 #define IPC_NAME_IN_3(t1, t2, t3)           MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    872 #define IPC_NAME_IN_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)       MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
    873 #define IPC_NAME_IN_5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)   MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
    875 #define IPC_NAME_OUT_0()                    MakeTuple()
    876 #define IPC_NAME_OUT_1(t1)                  MakeRefTuple(*arg6)
    877 #define IPC_NAME_OUT_2(t1, t2)              MakeRefTuple(*arg6, *arg7)
    878 #define IPC_NAME_OUT_3(t1, t2, t3)          MakeRefTuple(*arg6, *arg7, *arg8)
    879 #define IPC_NAME_OUT_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)      MakeRefTuple(*arg6, *arg7, *arg8, *arg9)
    881 // There are places where the syntax requires a comma if there are input args,
    882 // if there are input args and output args, or if there are input args or
    883 // output args.  These macros allow generation of the comma as needed; invoke
    884 // by token pasting against the argument counts.
    885 #define IPC_COMMA_0
    886 #define IPC_COMMA_1 ,
    887 #define IPC_COMMA_2 ,
    888 #define IPC_COMMA_3 ,
    889 #define IPC_COMMA_4 ,
    890 #define IPC_COMMA_5 ,
    892 #define IPC_COMMA_AND_0(x)
    893 #define IPC_COMMA_AND_1(x) x
    894 #define IPC_COMMA_AND_2(x) x
    895 #define IPC_COMMA_AND_3(x) x
    896 #define IPC_COMMA_AND_4(x) x
    897 #define IPC_COMMA_AND_5(x) x
    899 #define IPC_COMMA_OR_0(x) x
    900 #define IPC_COMMA_OR_1(x) ,
    901 #define IPC_COMMA_OR_2(x) ,
    902 #define IPC_COMMA_OR_3(x) ,
    903 #define IPC_COMMA_OR_4(x) ,
    904 #define IPC_COMMA_OR_5(x) ,
    906 // Message IDs
    907 // Note: we currently use __LINE__ to give unique IDs to messages within
    908 // a file.  They're globally unique since each file defines its own
    910 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ID() ((IPC_MESSAGE_START << 16) + __LINE__)
    911 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ID_CLASS(id) ((id) >> 16)
    912 #define IPC_MESSAGE_ID_LINE(id) ((id) & 0xffff)
    914 // Message crackers and handlers.
    915 // Prefer to use the IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX to the older macros since they
    916 // allow you to detect when a message could not be de-serialized. Usage:
    917 //
    918 //   bool MyClass::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) {
    919 //     bool handled = true;
    920 //     bool msg_is_good = false;
    921 //     IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(MyClass, msg, msg_is_good)
    922 //       IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MsgClassOne, OnMsgClassOne)
    923 //       ...more handlers here ...
    924 //       IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MsgClassTen, OnMsgClassTen)
    925 //       IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
    926 //     IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP_EX()
    927 //     if (!msg_is_good) {
    928 //       // Signal error here or terminate offending process.
    929 //     }
    930 //     return handled;
    931 //   }
    934 #define IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(class_name, msg, msg_is_ok) \
    935   { \
    936     typedef class_name _IpcMessageHandlerClass; \
    937     const IPC::Message& ipc_message__ = msg; \
    938     bool& msg_is_ok__ = msg_is_ok; \
    939     switch (ipc_message__.type()) { \
    941 #define IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(class_name, msg) \
    942   { \
    943     typedef class_name _IpcMessageHandlerClass; \
    944     const IPC::Message& ipc_message__ = msg; \
    945     bool msg_is_ok__ = true; \
    946     switch (ipc_message__.type()) { \
    948 #define IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD(msg_class, obj, member_func)                       \
    949     case msg_class::ID: {                                                      \
    950         TRACK_RUN_IN_IPC_HANDLER(member_func);                                 \
    951         msg_is_ok__ = msg_class::Dispatch(&ipc_message__, obj, this,           \
    952                                       &member_func);                           \
    953       }                                                                        \
    954       break;
    956 #define IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(msg_class, member_func) \
    957   IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD(msg_class, this, _IpcMessageHandlerClass::member_func)
    959 #define IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD_DELAY_REPLY(msg_class, obj, member_func)           \
    960     case msg_class::ID: {                                                      \
    961         TRACK_RUN_IN_IPC_HANDLER(member_func);                                 \
    962         msg_is_ok__ = msg_class::DispatchDelayReply(&ipc_message__, obj,       \
    963                                                   &member_func);               \
    964       }                                                                        \
    965       break;
    967 #define IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(msg_class, member_func)                \
    968     IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD_DELAY_REPLY(msg_class, this,                           \
    969                                     _IpcMessageHandlerClass::member_func)
    971 // TODO(jar): fix chrome frame to always supply |code| argument.
    972 #define IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_GENERIC(msg_class, code)                           \
    973     case msg_class::ID: {                                                      \
    974         /* TRACK_RUN_IN_IPC_HANDLER(code);  TODO(jar) */                       \
    975         code;                                                                  \
    976       }                                                                        \
    977       break;
    979 #define IPC_REPLY_HANDLER(func)                                                \
    980     case IPC_REPLY_ID: {                                                       \
    981         TRACK_RUN_IN_IPC_HANDLER(func);                                        \
    982         func(ipc_message__);                                                   \
    983       }                                                                        \
    984       break;
    987 #define IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(code)                                            \
    988     default: {                                                                 \
    989         code;                                                                  \
    990       }                                                                        \
    991       break;
    995                               "Invalid message with type = " << \
    996                               ipc_message__.type())
    998 #define IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() \
    999   } \
   1000   DCHECK(msg_is_ok__); \
   1001 }
   1003 #define IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP_EX() \
   1004   } \
   1005 }
   1007 // This corresponds to an enum value from IPCMessageStart.
   1008 #define IPC_MESSAGE_CLASS(message) \
   1009   IPC_MESSAGE_ID_CLASS(message.type())
   1011 #endif  // IPC_IPC_MESSAGE_MACROS_H_
   1013 // The following #ifdef cannot be removed.  Although the code is semantically
   1014 // equivalent without the #ifdef, VS2013 contains a bug where it is
   1015 // over-aggressive in optimizing out #includes.  Putting the #ifdef is a
   1016 // workaround for this bug.  See http://goo.gl/eGt2Fb for more details.
   1017 // This can be removed once VS2013 is fixed.
   1018 #ifdef IPC_MESSAGE_START
   1019 // Clean up IPC_MESSAGE_START in this unguarded section so that the
   1020 // XXX_messages.h files need not do so themselves.  This makes the
   1021 // XXX_messages.h files easier to write.
   1022 #undef IPC_MESSAGE_START
   1023 #endif