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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 # The optimization code is based on pngslim (http://goo.gl/a0XHg)
      7 # and executes a similar pipleline to optimize the png file size.
      8 # The steps that require pngoptimizercl/pngrewrite/deflopt are omitted,
      9 # but this runs all other processes, including:
     10 # 1) various color-dependent optimizations using optipng.
     11 # 2) optimize the number of huffman blocks.
     12 # 3) randomize the huffman table.
     13 # 4) Further optimize using optipng and advdef (zlib stream).
     14 # Due to the step 3), each run may produce slightly different results.
     15 #
     16 # Note(oshima): In my experiment, advdef didn't reduce much. I'm keeping it
     17 # for now as it does not take much time to run.
     19 readonly ALL_DIRS="
     20 ash/resources
     21 ui/resources
     22 chrome/app/theme
     23 chrome/browser/resources
     24 chrome/renderer/resources
     25 webkit/glue/resources
     26 remoting/resources
     27 remoting/webapp
     28 "
     30 # Files larger than this file size (in bytes) will
     31 # use the optimization parameters tailored for large files.
     34 # Constants used for optimization
     35 readonly DEFAULT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE=128
     36 readonly DEFAULT_LIMIT_BLOCKS=256
     37 readonly DEFAULT_RANDOM_TRIALS=100
     38 # Taken from the recommendation in the pngslim's readme.txt.
     39 readonly LARGE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE=1
     40 readonly LARGE_LIMIT_BLOCKS=2
     41 readonly LARGE_RANDOM_TRIALS=1
     43 # Global variables for stats
     46 TOTAL_FILE=0
     49 declare -a THROBBER_STR=('-' '\\' '|' '/')
     52 # Show throbber character at current cursor position.
     53 function throbber {
     54   echo -ne "${THROBBER_STR[$THROBBER_COUNT]}\b"
     56 }
     58 # Usage: pngout_loop <file> <png_out_options> ...
     59 # Optimize the png file using pngout with the given options
     60 # using various block split thresholds and filter types.
     61 function pngout_loop {
     62   local file=$1
     63   shift
     64   local opts=$*
     65   if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL == 1 ]; then
     66     for j in $(seq 0 5); do
     67       throbber
     68       pngout -q -k1 -s1 -f$j $opts $file
     69     done
     70   else
     71     for i in 0 128 256 512; do
     72       for j in $(seq 0 5); do
     73         throbber
     74         pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b$i -f$j $opts $file
     75       done
     76     done
     77   fi
     78 }
     80 # Usage: get_color_depth_list
     81 # Returns the list of color depth options for current optimization level.
     82 function get_color_depth_list {
     83   if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL == 1 ]; then
     84     echo "-d0"
     85   else
     86     echo "-d1 -d2 -d4 -d8"
     87   fi
     88 }
     90 # Usage: process_grayscale <file>
     91 # Optimize grayscale images for all color bit depths.
     92 #
     93 # TODO(oshima): Experiment with -d0 w/o -c0.
     94 function process_grayscale {
     95   echo -n "|gray"
     96   for opt in $(get_color_depth_list); do
     97     pngout_loop $file -c0 $opt
     98   done
     99 }
    101 # Usage: process_grayscale_alpha <file>
    102 # Optimize grayscale images with alpha for all color bit depths.
    103 function process_grayscale_alpha {
    104   echo -n "|gray-a"
    105   pngout_loop $file -c4
    106   for opt in $(get_color_depth_list); do
    107     pngout_loop $file -c3 $opt
    108   done
    109 }
    111 # Usage: process_rgb <file>
    112 # Optimize rgb images with or without alpha for all color bit depths.
    113 function process_rgb {
    114   echo -n "|rgb"
    115   for opt in $(get_color_depth_list); do
    116     pngout_loop $file -c3 $opt
    117   done
    118   pngout_loop $file -c2
    119   pngout_loop $file -c6
    120 }
    122 # Usage: huffman_blocks <file>
    123 # Optimize the huffman blocks.
    124 function huffman_blocks {
    125   local file=$1
    126   echo -n "|huffman"
    127   local size=$(stat -c%s $file)
    128   local min_block_size=$DEFAULT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
    129   local limit_blocks=$DEFAULT_LIMIT_BLOCKS
    131   if [ $size -gt $LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD ]; then
    132     min_block_size=$LARGE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
    133     limit_blocks=$LARGE_LIMIT_BLOCKS
    134   fi
    135   let max_blocks=$size/$min_block_size
    136   if [ $max_blocks -gt $limit_blocks ]; then
    137     max_blocks=$limit_blocks
    138   fi
    140   for i in $(seq 2 $max_blocks); do
    141     throbber
    142     pngout -q -k1 -ks -s1 -n$i $file
    143   done
    144 }
    146 # Usage: random_huffman_table_trial <file>
    147 # Try compressing by randomizing the initial huffman table.
    148 #
    149 # TODO(oshima): Try adjusting different parameters for large files to
    150 # reduce runtime.
    151 function random_huffman_table_trial {
    152   echo -n "|random"
    153   local file=$1
    154   local old_size=$(stat -c%s $file)
    155   local trials_count=$DEFAULT_RANDOM_TRIALS
    157   if [ $old_size -gt $LARGE_FILE_THRESHOLD ]; then
    158     trials_count=$LARGE_RANDOM_TRIALS
    159   fi
    160   for i in $(seq 1 $trials_count); do
    161     throbber
    162     pngout -q -k1 -ks -s0 -r $file
    163   done
    164   local new_size=$(stat -c%s $file)
    165   if [ $new_size -lt $old_size ]; then
    166     random_huffman_table_trial $file
    167   fi
    168 }
    170 # Usage: final_comprssion <file>
    171 # Further compress using optipng and advdef.
    172 # TODO(oshima): Experiment with 256.
    173 function final_compression {
    174   echo -n "|final"
    175   local file=$1
    176   if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL == 2 ]; then
    177     for i in 32k 16k 8k 4k 2k 1k 512; do
    178       throbber
    179       optipng -q -nb -nc -zw$i -zc1-9 -zm1-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 $file
    180     done
    181   fi
    182   for i in $(seq 1 4); do
    183     throbber
    184     advdef -q -z -$i $file
    185   done
    186   echo -ne "\r"
    187 }
    189 # Usage: get_color_type <file>
    190 # Returns the color type name of the png file. Here is the list of names
    191 # for each color type codes.
    192 # 0 : grayscale
    193 # 2 : RGB
    194 # 3 : colormap
    195 # 4 : gray+alpha
    196 # 6 : RGBA
    197 # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics#Color_depth
    198 # for details about the color type code.
    199 function get_color_type {
    200   local file=$1
    201   echo $(file $file | awk -F, '{print $3}' | awk '{print $2}')
    202 }
    204 # Usage: optimize_size <file>
    205 # Performs png file optimization.
    206 function optimize_size {
    207   tput el
    208   local file=$1
    209   echo -n "$file "
    211   advdef -q -z -4 $file
    213   pngout -q -s4 -c0 -force $file $file.tmp.png
    214   if [ -f $file.tmp.png ]; then
    215     rm $file.tmp.png
    216     process_grayscale $file
    217     process_grayscale_alpha $file
    218   else
    219     pngout -q -s4 -c4 -force $file $file.tmp.png
    220     if [ -f $file.tmp.png ]; then
    221       rm $file.tmp.png
    222       process_grayscale_alpha $file
    223     else
    224       process_rgb $file
    225     fi
    226   fi
    228   echo -n "|filter"
    229   local old_color_type=$(get_color_type $file)
    230   optipng -q -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5 $file -out $file.tmp.png
    231   local new_color_type=$(get_color_type $file.tmp.png)
    232   # optipng may corrupt a png file when reducing the color type
    233   # to grayscale/grayscale+alpha. Just skip such cases until
    234   # the bug is fixed. See crbug.com/174505, crbug.com/174084.
    235   # The issue is reported in
    236   # https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3603630&group_id=151404&atid=780913
    237   if [[ $old_color_type == "RGBA" && $new_color_type =~ gray.* ]] ; then
    238     rm $file.tmp.png
    239     echo -n "[skip opting]"
    240   else
    241     mv $file.tmp.png $file
    242   fi
    243   pngout -q -k1 -s1 $file
    245   huffman_blocks $file
    247   # TODO(oshima): Experiment with strategy 1.
    248   echo -n "|strategy"
    249   if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL == 2 ]; then
    250     for i in 3 2 0; do
    251       pngout -q -k1 -ks -s$i $file
    252     done
    253   else
    254     pngout -q -k1 -ks -s1 $file
    255   fi
    257   if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL == 2 ]; then
    258     random_huffman_table_trial $file
    259   fi
    261   final_compression $file
    262 }
    264 # Usage: process_file <file>
    265 function process_file {
    266   local file=$1
    267   local name=$(basename $file)
    268   # -rem alla removes all ancillary chunks except for tRNS
    269   pngcrush -d $TMP_DIR -brute -reduce -rem alla $file > /dev/null
    271   if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL != 0 ]; then
    272     optimize_size $TMP_DIR/$name
    273   fi
    274 }
    276 # Usage: optimize_file <file>
    277 function optimize_file {
    278   local file=$1
    279   if $using_cygwin ; then
    280     file=$(cygpath -w $file)
    281   fi
    283   local name=$(basename $file)
    284   local old=$(stat -c%s $file)
    285   local tmp_file=$TMP_DIR/$name
    287   process_file $file
    289   local new=$(stat -c%s $tmp_file)
    290   let diff=$old-$new
    291   let percent=($diff*100)/$old
    292   let TOTAL_FILE+=1
    294   tput el
    295   if [ $new -lt $old ]; then
    296     echo -ne "$file : $old => $new ($diff bytes : $percent %)\n"
    297     mv "$tmp_file" "$file"
    298     let TOTAL_OLD_BYTES+=$old
    299     let TOTAL_NEW_BYTES+=$new
    300     let PROCESSED_FILE+=1
    301   else
    302     if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL == 0 ]; then
    303       echo -ne "$file : skipped\r"
    304     fi
    305     rm $tmp_file
    306   fi
    307 }
    309 function optimize_dir {
    310   local dir=$1
    311   if $using_cygwin ; then
    312     dir=$(cygpath -w $dir)
    313   fi
    315   for f in $(find $dir -name "*.png"); do
    316     optimize_file $f
    317   done
    318 }
    320 function install_if_not_installed {
    321   local program=$1
    322   local package=$2
    323   which $program > /dev/null 2>&1
    324   if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    325     if $using_cygwin ; then
    326       echo "Couldn't find $program. " \
    327            "Please run cygwin's setup.exe and install the $package package."
    328       exit 1
    329     else
    330       read -p "Couldn't find $program. Do you want to install? (y/n)"
    331       [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] && sudo apt-get install $package
    332       [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] || exit
    333     fi
    334   fi
    335 }
    337 function fail_if_not_installed {
    338   local program=$1
    339   local url=$2
    340   which $program > /dev/null 2>&1
    341   if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    342     echo "Couldn't find $program. Please download and install it from $url ."
    343     exit 1
    344   fi
    345 }
    347 function show_help {
    348   local program=$(basename $0)
    349   echo \
    350 "Usage: $program [options] dir ...
    352 $program is a utility to reduce the size of png files by removing
    353 unnecessary chunks and compressing the image.
    355 Options:
    356   -o<optimize_level>  Specify optimization level: (default is 1)
    357       0  Just run pngcrush. It removes unnecessary chunks and perform basic
    358          optimization on the encoded data.
    359       1  Optimize png files using pngout/optipng and advdef. This can further
    360          reduce addtional 5~30%. This is the default level.
    361       2  Aggressively optimize the size of png files. This may produce
    362          addtional 1%~5% reduction.  Warning: this is *VERY*
    363          slow and can take hours to process all files.
    364   -r<revision> If this is specified, the script processes only png files
    365                changed since this revision. The <dir> options will be used
    366                to narrow down the files under specific directories.
    367   -h  Print this help text."
    368   exit 1
    369 }
    371 if [ ! -e ../.gclient ]; then
    372   echo "$0 must be run in src directory"
    373   exit 1
    374 fi
    376 if [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 6)" == "CYGWIN" ]; then
    377   using_cygwin=true
    378 else
    379   using_cygwin=false
    380 fi
    383 # Parse options
    384 while getopts o:r:h opts
    385 do
    386   case $opts in
    387     r)
    388       COMMIT=$(git svn find-rev r$OPTARG | tail -1) || exit
    389       if [ -z "$COMMIT" ] ; then
    390         echo "Revision $OPTARG not found"
    391         show_help
    392       fi
    393       ;;
    394     o)
    395       if [[ ! "$OPTARG" =~ [012] ]] ; then
    396         show_help
    397       fi
    399       ;;
    400     [h?])
    401       show_help;;
    402   esac
    403 done
    405 # Remove options from argument list.
    406 shift $(($OPTIND -1))
    408 # Make sure we have all necessary commands installed.
    409 install_if_not_installed pngcrush pngcrush
    410 if [ $OPTIMIZE_LEVEL -ge 1 ]; then
    411   install_if_not_installed optipng optipng
    413   if $using_cygwin ; then
    414     fail_if_not_installed advdef "http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/comp-readme.html"
    415   else
    416     install_if_not_installed advdef advancecomp
    417   fi
    419   if $using_cygwin ; then
    420     pngout_url="http://www.advsys.net/ken/utils.htm"
    421   else
    422     pngout_url="http://www.jonof.id.au/kenutils"
    423   fi
    424   fail_if_not_installed pngout $pngout_url
    425 fi
    427 # Create tmp directory for crushed png file.
    428 TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
    429 if $using_cygwin ; then
    430   TMP_DIR=$(cygpath -w $TMP_DIR)
    431 fi
    433 # Make sure we cleanup temp dir
    434 trap "rm -rf $TMP_DIR" EXIT
    436 # If no directories are specified, optimize all directories.
    437 DIRS=$@
    438 set ${DIRS:=$ALL_DIRS}
    440 echo "Optimize level=$OPTIMIZE_LEVEL"
    441 if [ -n "$COMMIT" ] ; then
    442  ALL_FILES=$(git diff --name-only $COMMIT HEAD $DIRS | grep "png$")
    444  echo "Processing ${#ALL_FILES_LIST[*]} files"
    445  for f in $ALL_FILES; do
    446    if [ -f $f ] ; then
    447      optimize_file $f
    448    else
    449      echo "Skipping deleted file: $f";
    450    fi
    451  done
    452 else
    453   for d in $DIRS; do
    454     echo "Optimizing png files in $d"
    455     optimize_dir $d
    456     echo
    457   done
    458 fi
    460 # Print the results.
    461 if [ $PROCESSED_FILE == 0 ]; then
    462   echo "Did not find any files (out of $TOTAL_FILE files)" \
    463        "that could be optimized" \
    464        "in $(date -u -d @$SECONDS +%T)s"
    465 else
    466   let diff=$TOTAL_OLD_BYTES-$TOTAL_NEW_BYTES
    467   let percent=$diff*100/$TOTAL_OLD_BYTES
    468   echo "Processed $PROCESSED_FILE files (out of $TOTAL_FILE files)" \
    469        "in $(date -u -d @$SECONDS +%T)s"
    470   echo "Result : $TOTAL_OLD_BYTES => $TOTAL_NEW_BYTES bytes" \
    471        "($diff bytes : $percent %)"
    472 fi