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      1 /*
      2 *******************************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (C) 1997-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
      4 * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
      5 *******************************************************************************
      6 *
      7 * File TIMEZONE.CPP
      8 *
      9 * Modification History:
     10 *
     11 *   Date        Name        Description
     12 *   12/05/96    clhuang     Creation.
     13 *   04/21/97    aliu        General clean-up and bug fixing.
     14 *   05/08/97    aliu        Fixed Hashtable code per code review.
     15 *   07/09/97    helena      Changed createInstance to createDefault.
     16 *   07/29/97    aliu        Updated with all-new list of 96 UNIX-derived
     17 *                           TimeZones.  Changed mechanism to load from static
     18 *                           array rather than resource bundle.
     19 *   07/07/1998  srl         Bugfixes from the Java side: UTC GMT CAT NST
     20 *                           Added getDisplayName API
     21 *                           going to add custom parsing.
     22 *
     23 *                           ISSUES:
     24 *                               - should getDisplayName cache something?
     25 *                               - should custom time zones be cached? [probably]
     26 *  08/10/98     stephen     Brought getDisplayName() API in-line w/ conventions
     27 *  08/19/98     stephen     Changed createTimeZone() to never return 0
     28 *  09/02/98     stephen     Added getOffset(monthLen) and hasSameRules()
     29 *  09/15/98     stephen     Added getStaticClassID()
     30 *  02/22/99     stephen     Removed character literals for EBCDIC safety
     31 *  05/04/99     stephen     Changed initDefault() for Mutex issues
     32 *  07/12/99     helena      HPUX 11 CC Port.
     33 *  12/03/99     aliu        Moved data out of static table into icudata.dll.
     34 *                           Substantial rewrite of zone lookup, default zone, and
     35 *                           available IDs code.  Misc. cleanup.
     36 *********************************************************************************/
     38 #include "unicode/utypeinfo.h"  // for 'typeid' to work
     40 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     41 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
     43 #ifdef U_DEBUG_TZ
     44 # include <stdio.h>
     45 # include "uresimp.h" // for debugging
     47 static void debug_tz_loc(const char *f, int32_t l)
     48 {
     49   fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", f, l);
     50 }
     52 static void debug_tz_msg(const char *pat, ...)
     53 {
     54   va_list ap;
     55   va_start(ap, pat);
     56   vfprintf(stderr, pat, ap);
     57   fflush(stderr);
     58 }
     59 static char gStrBuf[256];
     60 #define U_DEBUG_TZ_STR(x) u_austrncpy(gStrBuf,x,sizeof(gStrBuf)-1)
     61 // must use double parens, i.e.:  U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("four is: %d",4));
     62 #define U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(x) {debug_tz_loc(__FILE__,__LINE__);debug_tz_msg x;}
     63 #else
     64 #define U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(x)
     65 #endif
     69 #include "unicode/simpletz.h"
     70 #include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
     71 #include "unicode/calendar.h"
     72 #include "unicode/gregocal.h"
     73 #include "unicode/ures.h"
     74 #include "gregoimp.h"
     75 #include "uresimp.h" // struct UResourceBundle
     76 #include "olsontz.h"
     77 #include "mutex.h"
     78 #include "unicode/udata.h"
     79 #include "ucln_in.h"
     80 #include "cstring.h"
     81 #include "cmemory.h"
     82 #include "unicode/strenum.h"
     83 #include "uassert.h"
     84 #include "zonemeta.h"
     86 #define kZONEINFO "zoneinfo64"
     87 #define kREGIONS  "Regions"
     88 #define kZONES    "Zones"
     89 #define kRULES    "Rules"
     90 #define kNAMES    "Names"
     91 #define kTZVERSION  "TZVersion"
     92 #define kLINKS    "links"
     93 #define kMAX_CUSTOM_HOUR    23
     94 #define kMAX_CUSTOM_MIN     59
     95 #define kMAX_CUSTOM_SEC     59
     96 #define MINUS 0x002D
     97 #define PLUS 0x002B
     98 #define ZERO_DIGIT 0x0030
     99 #define COLON 0x003A
    101 // Static data and constants
    103 static const UChar         WORLD[] = {0x30, 0x30, 0x31, 0x00}; /* "001" */
    105 static const UChar         GMT_ID[] = {0x47, 0x4D, 0x54, 0x00}; /* "GMT" */
    106 static const UChar         Z_STR[] = {0x7A, 0x00}; /* "z" */
    107 static const UChar         ZZZZ_STR[] = {0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x00}; /* "zzzz" */
    108 static const UChar         Z_UC_STR[] = {0x5A, 0x00}; /* "Z" */
    109 static const UChar         ZZZZ_UC_STR[] = {0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x00}; /* "ZZZZ" */
    110 static const UChar         V_STR[] = {0x76, 0x00}; /* "v" */
    111 static const UChar         VVVV_STR[] = {0x76, 0x76, 0x76, 0x76, 0x00}; /* "vvvv" */
    112 static const UChar         V_UC_STR[] = {0x56, 0x00}; /* "V" */
    113 static const UChar         VVVV_UC_STR[] = {0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x00}; /* "VVVV" */
    114 static const int32_t       GMT_ID_LENGTH = 3;
    116 static UMTX                             LOCK;
    117 static UMTX                             TZSET_LOCK;
    119 static U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER TimeZone*  _GMT = NULL; // cf. TimeZone::GMT
    121 static char TZDATA_VERSION[16];
    122 static UBool TZDataVersionInitialized = FALSE;
    125 static UBool U_CALLCONV timeZone_cleanup(void)
    126 {
    127     delete DEFAULT_ZONE;
    128     DEFAULT_ZONE = NULL;
    130     delete _GMT;
    131     _GMT = NULL;
    133     uprv_memset(TZDATA_VERSION, 0, sizeof(TZDATA_VERSION));
    134     TZDataVersionInitialized = FALSE;
    136     if (LOCK) {
    137         umtx_destroy(&LOCK);
    138         LOCK = NULL;
    139     }
    140     if (TZSET_LOCK) {
    141         umtx_destroy(&TZSET_LOCK);
    142         TZSET_LOCK = NULL;
    143     }
    145     return TRUE;
    146 }
    147 U_CDECL_END
    151 /**
    152  * The Olson data is stored the "zoneinfo" resource bundle.
    153  * Sub-resources are organized into three ranges of data: Zones, final
    154  * rules, and country tables.  There is also a meta-data resource
    155  * which has 3 integers: The number of zones, rules, and countries,
    156  * respectively.  The country count includes the non-country 'Default'.
    157  */
    158 static int32_t OLSON_ZONE_COUNT = 0;  // count of zones
    160 /**
    161  * Given a pointer to an open "zoneinfo" resource, load up the Olson
    162  * meta-data. Return TRUE if successful.
    163  */
    164 static UBool getOlsonMeta(const UResourceBundle* top) {
    165     if (OLSON_ZONE_COUNT == 0) {
    166         UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    167         UResourceBundle res;
    168         ures_initStackObject(&res);
    169         ures_getByKey(top, kZONES, &res, &ec);
    170         if(U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    171             OLSON_ZONE_COUNT = ures_getSize(&res);
    172             U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("OZC%d\n",OLSON_ZONE_COUNT));
    173         }
    174         ures_close(&res);
    175     }
    176     return (OLSON_ZONE_COUNT > 0);
    177 }
    179 /**
    180  * Load up the Olson meta-data. Return TRUE if successful.
    181  */
    182 static UBool getOlsonMeta() {
    183     if (OLSON_ZONE_COUNT == 0) {
    184         UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    185         UResourceBundle *top = ures_openDirect(0, kZONEINFO, &ec);
    186         if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    187             getOlsonMeta(top);
    188         }
    189         ures_close(top);
    190     }
    191     return (OLSON_ZONE_COUNT > 0);
    192 }
    194 static int32_t findInStringArray(UResourceBundle* array, const UnicodeString& id, UErrorCode &status)
    195 {
    196     UnicodeString copy;
    197     const UChar *u;
    198     int32_t len;
    200     int32_t start = 0;
    201     int32_t limit = ures_getSize(array);
    202     int32_t mid;
    203     int32_t lastMid = INT32_MAX;
    204     if(U_FAILURE(status) || (limit < 1)) {
    205         return -1;
    206     }
    207     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("fisa: Looking for %s, between %d and %d\n", U_DEBUG_TZ_STR(UnicodeString(id).getTerminatedBuffer()), start, limit));
    209     for (;;) {
    210         mid = (int32_t)((start + limit) / 2);
    211         if (lastMid == mid) {   /* Have we moved? */
    212             break;  /* We haven't moved, and it wasn't found. */
    213         }
    214         lastMid = mid;
    215         u = ures_getStringByIndex(array, mid, &len, &status);
    216         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    217             break;
    218         }
    219         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("tz: compare to %s, %d .. [%d] .. %d\n", U_DEBUG_TZ_STR(u), start, mid, limit));
    220         copy.setTo(TRUE, u, len);
    221         int r = id.compare(copy);
    222         if(r==0) {
    223             U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("fisa: found at %d\n", mid));
    224             return mid;
    225         } else if(r<0) {
    226             limit = mid;
    227         } else {
    228             start = mid;
    229         }
    230     }
    231     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("fisa: not found\n"));
    232     return -1;
    233 }
    235 /**
    236  * Fetch a specific zone by name.  Replaces the getByKey call.
    237  * @param top Top timezone resource
    238  * @param id Time zone ID
    239  * @param oldbundle Bundle for reuse (or NULL).   see 'ures_open()'
    240  * @return the zone's bundle if found, or undefined if error.  Reuses oldbundle.
    241  */
    242 static UResourceBundle* getZoneByName(const UResourceBundle* top, const UnicodeString& id, UResourceBundle *oldbundle, UErrorCode& status) {
    243     // load the Rules object
    244     UResourceBundle *tmp = ures_getByKey(top, kNAMES, NULL, &status);
    246     // search for the string
    247     int32_t idx = findInStringArray(tmp, id, status);
    249     if((idx == -1) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    250         // not found
    251         status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
    252         //ures_close(oldbundle);
    253         //oldbundle = NULL;
    254     } else {
    255         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("gzbn: oldbundle= size %d, type %d, %s\n", ures_getSize(tmp), ures_getType(tmp), u_errorName(status)));
    256         tmp = ures_getByKey(top, kZONES, tmp, &status); // get Zones object from top
    257         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("gzbn: loaded ZONES, size %d, type %d, path %s %s\n", ures_getSize(tmp), ures_getType(tmp), ures_getPath(tmp), u_errorName(status)));
    258         oldbundle = ures_getByIndex(tmp, idx, oldbundle, &status); // get nth Zone object
    259         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("gzbn: loaded z#%d, size %d, type %d, path %s, %s\n", idx, ures_getSize(oldbundle), ures_getType(oldbundle), ures_getPath(oldbundle),  u_errorName(status)));
    260     }
    261     ures_close(tmp);
    262     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    263         //ures_close(oldbundle);
    264         return NULL;
    265     } else {
    266         return oldbundle;
    267     }
    268 }
    271 UResourceBundle* TimeZone::loadRule(const UResourceBundle* top, const UnicodeString& ruleid, UResourceBundle* oldbundle, UErrorCode& status) {
    272     char key[64];
    273     ruleid.extract(0, sizeof(key)-1, key, (int32_t)sizeof(key)-1, US_INV);
    274     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("loadRule(%s)\n", key));
    275     UResourceBundle *r = ures_getByKey(top, kRULES, oldbundle, &status);
    276     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("loadRule(%s) -> kRULES [%s]\n", key, u_errorName(status)));
    277     r = ures_getByKey(r, key, r, &status);
    278     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("loadRule(%s) -> item [%s]\n", key, u_errorName(status)));
    279     return r;
    280 }
    282 /**
    283  * Given an ID, open the appropriate resource for the given time zone.
    284  * Dereference aliases if necessary.
    285  * @param id zone id
    286  * @param res resource, which must be ready for use (initialized but not open)
    287  * @param ec input-output error code
    288  * @return top-level resource bundle
    289  */
    290 static UResourceBundle* openOlsonResource(const UnicodeString& id,
    291                                           UResourceBundle& res,
    292                                           UErrorCode& ec)
    293 {
    294 #if U_DEBUG_TZ
    295     char buf[128];
    296     id.extract(0, sizeof(buf)-1, buf, sizeof(buf), "");
    297 #endif
    298     UResourceBundle *top = ures_openDirect(0, kZONEINFO, &ec);
    299     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("pre: res sz=%d\n", ures_getSize(&res)));
    300     /* &res = */ getZoneByName(top, id, &res, ec);
    301     // Dereference if this is an alias.  Docs say result should be 1
    302     // but it is 0 in 2.8 (?).
    303     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("Loading zone '%s' (%s, size %d) - %s\n", buf, ures_getKey((UResourceBundle*)&res), ures_getSize(&res), u_errorName(ec)));
    304     if (ures_getType(&res) == URES_INT && getOlsonMeta(top)) {
    305         int32_t deref = ures_getInt(&res, &ec) + 0;
    306         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("getInt: %s - type is %d\n", u_errorName(ec), ures_getType(&res)));
    307         UResourceBundle *ares = ures_getByKey(top, kZONES, NULL, &ec); // dereference Zones section
    308         ures_getByIndex(ares, deref, &res, &ec);
    309         ures_close(ares);
    310         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("alias to #%d (%s) - %s\n", deref, "??", u_errorName(ec)));
    311     } else {
    312         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("not an alias - size %d\n", ures_getSize(&res)));
    313     }
    314     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("%s - final status is %s\n", buf, u_errorName(ec)));
    315     return top;
    316 }
    318 // -------------------------------------
    320 const TimeZone* U_EXPORT2
    321 TimeZone::getGMT(void)
    322 {
    323     UBool needsInit;
    324     UMTX_CHECK(&LOCK, (_GMT == NULL), needsInit);   /* This is here to prevent race conditions. */
    326     // Initialize _GMT independently of other static data; it should
    327     // be valid even if we can't load the time zone UDataMemory.
    328     if (needsInit) {
    329         SimpleTimeZone *tmpGMT = new SimpleTimeZone(0, UnicodeString(TRUE, GMT_ID, GMT_ID_LENGTH));
    330         umtx_lock(&LOCK);
    331         if (_GMT == 0) {
    332             _GMT = tmpGMT;
    333             tmpGMT = NULL;
    334         }
    335         umtx_unlock(&LOCK);
    336         ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TIMEZONE, timeZone_cleanup);
    337         delete tmpGMT;
    338     }
    339     return _GMT;
    340 }
    342 // *****************************************************************************
    343 // class TimeZone
    344 // *****************************************************************************
    348 TimeZone::TimeZone()
    349     :   UObject(), fID()
    350 {
    351 }
    353 // -------------------------------------
    355 TimeZone::TimeZone(const UnicodeString &id)
    356     :   UObject(), fID(id)
    357 {
    358 }
    360 // -------------------------------------
    362 TimeZone::~TimeZone()
    363 {
    364 }
    366 // -------------------------------------
    368 TimeZone::TimeZone(const TimeZone &source)
    369     :   UObject(source), fID(source.fID)
    370 {
    371 }
    373 // -------------------------------------
    375 TimeZone &
    376 TimeZone::operator=(const TimeZone &right)
    377 {
    378     if (this != &right) fID = right.fID;
    379     return *this;
    380 }
    382 // -------------------------------------
    384 UBool
    385 TimeZone::operator==(const TimeZone& that) const
    386 {
    387     return typeid(*this) == typeid(that) &&
    388         fID == that.fID;
    389 }
    391 // -------------------------------------
    393 TimeZone* U_EXPORT2
    394 TimeZone::createTimeZone(const UnicodeString& ID)
    395 {
    396     /* We first try to lookup the zone ID in our system list.  If this
    397      * fails, we try to parse it as a custom string GMT[+-]hh:mm.  If
    398      * all else fails, we return GMT, which is probably not what the
    399      * user wants, but at least is a functioning TimeZone object.
    400      *
    401      * We cannot return NULL, because that would break compatibility
    402      * with the JDK.
    403      */
    404     TimeZone* result = createSystemTimeZone(ID);
    406     if (result == 0) {
    407         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("failed to load system time zone with id - falling to custom"));
    408         result = createCustomTimeZone(ID);
    409     }
    410     if (result == 0) {
    411         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("failed to load time zone with id - falling to GMT"));
    412         const TimeZone* temptz = getGMT();
    413         if (temptz == NULL) {
    414             result = NULL;
    415         } else {
    416             result = temptz->clone();
    417         }
    418     }
    419     return result;
    420 }
    422 /**
    423  * Lookup the given name in our system zone table.  If found,
    424  * instantiate a new zone of that name and return it.  If not
    425  * found, return 0.
    426  */
    427 TimeZone*
    428 TimeZone::createSystemTimeZone(const UnicodeString& id) {
    429     TimeZone* z = 0;
    430     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    431     UResourceBundle res;
    432     ures_initStackObject(&res);
    433     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("pre-err=%s\n", u_errorName(ec)));
    434     UResourceBundle *top = openOlsonResource(id, res, ec);
    435     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("post-err=%s\n", u_errorName(ec)));
    436     if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    437         z = new OlsonTimeZone(top, &res, ec);
    438         if (z) {
    439           z->setID(id);
    440         } else {
    441           U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("cstz: olson time zone failed to initialize - err %s\n", u_errorName(ec)));
    442         }
    443     }
    444     ures_close(&res);
    445     ures_close(top);
    446     if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
    447         U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("cstz: failed to create, err %s\n", u_errorName(ec)));
    448         delete z;
    449         z = 0;
    450     }
    451     return z;
    452 }
    454 // -------------------------------------
    456 /**
    457  * Initialize DEFAULT_ZONE from the system default time zone.  The
    458  * caller should confirm that DEFAULT_ZONE is NULL before calling.
    459  * Upon return, DEFAULT_ZONE will not be NULL, unless operator new()
    460  * returns NULL.
    461  *
    462  * Must be called OUTSIDE mutex.
    463  */
    464 void
    465 TimeZone::initDefault()
    466 {
    467     // We access system timezone data through TPlatformUtilities,
    468     // including tzset(), timezone, and tzname[].
    469     int32_t rawOffset = 0;
    470     const char *hostID;
    472     // First, try to create a system timezone, based
    473     // on the string ID in tzname[0].
    474     {
    475         // NOTE: Local mutex here. TimeZone mutex below
    476         // mutexed to avoid threading issues in the platform functions.
    477         // Some of the locale/timezone OS functions may not be thread safe,
    478         // so the intent is that any setting from anywhere within ICU
    479         // happens while the ICU mutex is held.
    480         // The operating system might actually use ICU to implement timezones.
    481         // So we may have ICU calling ICU here, like on AIX.
    482         // In order to prevent a double lock of a non-reentrant mutex in a
    483         // different part of ICU, we use TZSET_LOCK to allow only one instance
    484         // of ICU to query these thread unsafe OS functions at any given time.
    485         Mutex lock(&TZSET_LOCK);
    487         ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TIMEZONE, timeZone_cleanup);
    488         uprv_tzset(); // Initialize tz... system data
    490         // Get the timezone ID from the host.  This function should do
    491         // any required host-specific remapping; e.g., on Windows this
    492         // function maps the Date and Time control panel setting to an
    493         // ICU timezone ID.
    494         hostID = uprv_tzname(0);
    496         // Invert sign because UNIX semantics are backwards
    497         rawOffset = uprv_timezone() * -U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
    498     }
    500     UBool initialized;
    501     UMTX_CHECK(&LOCK, (DEFAULT_ZONE != NULL), initialized);
    502     if (initialized) {
    503         /* Hrmph? Either a race condition happened, or tzset initialized ICU. */
    504         return;
    505     }
    507     TimeZone* default_zone = NULL;
    509     /* Make sure that the string is NULL terminated to prevent BoundsChecker/Purify warnings. */
    510     UnicodeString hostStrID(hostID, -1, US_INV);
    511     hostStrID.append((UChar)0);
    512     hostStrID.truncate(hostStrID.length()-1);
    513     default_zone = createSystemTimeZone(hostStrID);
    515 #ifdef U_WINDOWS
    516     // hostID points to a heap-allocated location on Windows.
    517     uprv_free(const_cast<char *>(hostID));
    518 #endif
    520     int32_t hostIDLen = hostStrID.length();
    521     if (default_zone != NULL && rawOffset != default_zone->getRawOffset()
    522         && (3 <= hostIDLen && hostIDLen <= 4))
    523     {
    524         // Uh oh. This probably wasn't a good id.
    525         // It was probably an ambiguous abbreviation
    526         delete default_zone;
    527         default_zone = NULL;
    528     }
    530     // Construct a fixed standard zone with the host's ID
    531     // and raw offset.
    532     if (default_zone == NULL) {
    533         default_zone = new SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, hostStrID);
    534     }
    536     // If we _still_ don't have a time zone, use GMT.
    537     if (default_zone == NULL) {
    538         const TimeZone* temptz = getGMT();
    539         // If we can't use GMT, get out.
    540         if (temptz == NULL) {
    541             return;
    542         }
    543         default_zone = temptz->clone();
    544     }
    546     // If DEFAULT_ZONE is still NULL, set it up.
    547     umtx_lock(&LOCK);
    548     if (DEFAULT_ZONE == NULL) {
    549         DEFAULT_ZONE = default_zone;
    550         default_zone = NULL;
    551         ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TIMEZONE, timeZone_cleanup);
    552     }
    553     umtx_unlock(&LOCK);
    555     delete default_zone;
    556 }
    558 // -------------------------------------
    560 TimeZone* U_EXPORT2
    561 TimeZone::createDefault()
    562 {
    563     /* This is here to prevent race conditions. */
    564     UBool needsInit;
    565     UMTX_CHECK(&LOCK, (DEFAULT_ZONE == NULL), needsInit);
    566     if (needsInit) {
    567         initDefault();
    568     }
    570     Mutex lock(&LOCK); // In case adoptDefault is called
    571     return (DEFAULT_ZONE != NULL) ? DEFAULT_ZONE->clone() : NULL;
    572 }
    574 // -------------------------------------
    576 void U_EXPORT2
    577 TimeZone::adoptDefault(TimeZone* zone)
    578 {
    579     if (zone != NULL)
    580     {
    581         TimeZone* old = NULL;
    583         umtx_lock(&LOCK);
    584         old = DEFAULT_ZONE;
    585         DEFAULT_ZONE = zone;
    586         umtx_unlock(&LOCK);
    588         delete old;
    589         ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TIMEZONE, timeZone_cleanup);
    590     }
    591 }
    592 // -------------------------------------
    594 void U_EXPORT2
    595 TimeZone::setDefault(const TimeZone& zone)
    596 {
    597     adoptDefault(zone.clone());
    598 }
    600 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    602 /**
    603  * This is the default implementation for subclasses that do not
    604  * override this method.  This implementation calls through to the
    605  * 8-argument getOffset() method after suitable computations, and
    606  * correctly adjusts GMT millis to local millis when necessary.
    607  */
    608 void TimeZone::getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
    609                          int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const {
    610     if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
    611         return;
    612     }
    614     rawOffset = getRawOffset();
    615     if (!local) {
    616         date += rawOffset; // now in local standard millis
    617     }
    619     // When local == TRUE, date might not be in local standard
    620     // millis.  getOffset taking 7 parameters used here assume
    621     // the given time in day is local standard time.
    622     // At STD->DST transition, there is a range of time which
    623     // does not exist.  When 'date' is in this time range
    624     // (and local == TRUE), this method interprets the specified
    625     // local time as DST.  At DST->STD transition, there is a
    626     // range of time which occurs twice.  In this case, this
    627     // method interprets the specified local time as STD.
    628     // To support the behavior above, we need to call getOffset
    629     // (with 7 args) twice when local == true and DST is
    630     // detected in the initial call.
    631     for (int32_t pass=0; ; ++pass) {
    632         int32_t year, month, dom, dow;
    633         double day = uprv_floor(date / U_MILLIS_PER_DAY);
    634         int32_t millis = (int32_t) (date - day * U_MILLIS_PER_DAY);
    636         Grego::dayToFields(day, year, month, dom, dow);
    638         dstOffset = getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, year, month, dom,
    639                               (uint8_t) dow, millis,
    640                               Grego::monthLength(year, month),
    641                               ec) - rawOffset;
    643         // Recompute if local==TRUE, dstOffset!=0.
    644         if (pass!=0 || !local || dstOffset == 0) {
    645             break;
    646         }
    647         // adjust to local standard millis
    648         date -= dstOffset;
    649     }
    650 }
    652 // -------------------------------------
    654 // New available IDs API as of ICU 2.4.  Uses StringEnumeration API.
    656 class TZEnumeration : public StringEnumeration {
    657 private:
    659     // Map into to zones.  Our results are zone[map[i]] for
    660     // i=0..len-1, where zone[i] is the i-th Olson zone.  If map==NULL
    661     // then our results are zone[i] for i=0..len-1.  Len will be zero
    662     // iff the zone data could not be loaded.
    663     int32_t* map;
    664     int32_t  len;
    665     int32_t  pos;
    667     UBool getID(int32_t i) {
    668         UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    669         int32_t idLen = 0;
    670         const UChar* id = NULL;
    671         UResourceBundle *top = ures_openDirect(0, kZONEINFO, &ec);
    672         top = ures_getByKey(top, kNAMES, top, &ec); // dereference Zones section
    673         id = ures_getStringByIndex(top, i, &idLen, &ec);
    674         if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
    675             unistr.truncate(0);
    676         }
    677         else {
    678             unistr.fastCopyFrom(UnicodeString(TRUE, id, idLen));
    679         }
    680         ures_close(top);
    681         return U_SUCCESS(ec);
    682     }
    684 public:
    685     TZEnumeration() : map(NULL), len(0), pos(0) {
    686         if (getOlsonMeta()) {
    687             len = OLSON_ZONE_COUNT;
    688         }
    689     }
    691     TZEnumeration(int32_t rawOffset) : map(NULL), len(0), pos(0) {
    692         if (!getOlsonMeta()) {
    693             return;
    694         }
    696         // Allocate more space than we'll need.  The end of the array will
    697         // be blank.
    698         map = (int32_t*)uprv_malloc(OLSON_ZONE_COUNT * sizeof(int32_t));
    699         if (map == 0) {
    700             return;
    701         }
    703         uprv_memset(map, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * OLSON_ZONE_COUNT);
    705         UnicodeString s;
    706         for (int32_t i=0; i<OLSON_ZONE_COUNT; ++i) {
    707             if (getID(i)) {
    708                 // This is VERY inefficient.
    709                 TimeZone* z = TimeZone::createTimeZone(unistr);
    710                 // Make sure we get back the ID we wanted (if the ID is
    711                 // invalid we get back GMT).
    712                 if (z != 0 && z->getID(s) == unistr &&
    713                     z->getRawOffset() == rawOffset) {
    714                     map[len++] = i;
    715                 }
    716                 delete z;
    717             }
    718         }
    719     }
    721     TZEnumeration(const char* country) : map(NULL), len(0), pos(0) {
    722         if (!getOlsonMeta()) {
    723             return;
    724         }
    726         UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    727         UResourceBundle *res = ures_openDirect(0, kZONEINFO, &ec);
    728         ures_getByKey(res, kREGIONS, res, &ec);
    729         if (U_SUCCESS(ec) && ures_getType(res) == URES_ARRAY) {
    730             UChar uCountry[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    731             if (country) {
    732                 u_charsToUChars(country, uCountry, 2);
    733             } else {
    734                 u_strcpy(uCountry, WORLD);
    735             }
    737             // count matches
    738             int32_t count = 0;
    739             int32_t i;
    740             const UChar *region;
    741             for (i = 0; i < ures_getSize(res); i++) {
    742                 region = ures_getStringByIndex(res, i, NULL, &ec);
    743                 if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
    744                     break;
    745                 }
    746                 if (u_strcmp(uCountry, region) == 0) {
    747                     count++;
    748                 }
    749             }
    751             if (count > 0) {
    752                 map = (int32_t*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * count);
    753                 if (map != NULL) {
    754                     int32_t idx = 0;
    755                     for (i = 0; i < ures_getSize(res); i++) {
    756                         region = ures_getStringByIndex(res, i, NULL, &ec);
    757                         if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
    758                             break;
    759                         }
    760                         if (u_strcmp(uCountry, region) == 0) {
    761                             map[idx++] = i;
    762                         }
    763                     }
    764                     if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    765                         len = count;
    766                     } else {
    767                         uprv_free(map);
    768                         map = NULL;
    769                     }
    770                 } else {
    771                     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("Failed to load tz for region %s: %s\n", country, u_errorName(ec)));
    772                 }
    773             }
    774         }
    775         ures_close(res);
    776     }
    778   TZEnumeration(const TZEnumeration &other) : StringEnumeration(), map(NULL), len(0), pos(0) {
    779         if(other.len > 0) {
    780             if(other.map != NULL) {
    781                 map = (int32_t *)uprv_malloc(other.len * sizeof(int32_t));
    782                 if(map != NULL) {
    783                     len = other.len;
    784                     uprv_memcpy(map, other.map, len * sizeof(int32_t));
    785                     pos = other.pos;
    786                 }
    787             } else {
    788                 len = other.len;
    789                 pos = other.pos;
    790             }
    791         }
    792     }
    794     virtual ~TZEnumeration() {
    795         uprv_free(map);
    796     }
    798     virtual StringEnumeration *clone() const {
    799         return new TZEnumeration(*this);
    800     }
    802     virtual int32_t count(UErrorCode& status) const {
    803         return U_FAILURE(status) ? 0 : len;
    804     }
    806     virtual const UnicodeString* snext(UErrorCode& status) {
    807         if (U_SUCCESS(status) && pos < len) {
    808             getID((map == 0) ? pos : map[pos]);
    809             ++pos;
    810             return &unistr;
    811         }
    812         return 0;
    813     }
    815     virtual void reset(UErrorCode& /*status*/) {
    816         pos = 0;
    817     }
    819 public:
    820     static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
    821     virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
    822 };
    826 StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    827 TimeZone::createEnumeration() {
    828     return new TZEnumeration();
    829 }
    831 StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    832 TimeZone::createEnumeration(int32_t rawOffset) {
    833     return new TZEnumeration(rawOffset);
    834 }
    836 StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    837 TimeZone::createEnumeration(const char* country) {
    838     return new TZEnumeration(country);
    839 }
    841 // ---------------------------------------
    843 int32_t U_EXPORT2
    844 TimeZone::countEquivalentIDs(const UnicodeString& id) {
    845     int32_t result = 0;
    846     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    847     UResourceBundle res;
    848     ures_initStackObject(&res);
    849     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("countEquivalentIDs..\n"));
    850     UResourceBundle *top = openOlsonResource(id, res, ec);
    851     if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    852         UResourceBundle r;
    853         ures_initStackObject(&r);
    854         ures_getByKey(&res, kLINKS, &r, &ec);
    855         ures_getIntVector(&r, &result, &ec);
    856         ures_close(&r);
    857     }
    858     ures_close(&res);
    859     ures_close(top);
    860     return result;
    861 }
    863 // ---------------------------------------
    865 const UnicodeString U_EXPORT2
    866 TimeZone::getEquivalentID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t index) {
    867     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("gEI(%d)\n", index));
    868     UnicodeString result;
    869     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    870     UResourceBundle res;
    871     ures_initStackObject(&res);
    872     UResourceBundle *top = openOlsonResource(id, res, ec);
    873     int32_t zone = -1;
    874     if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    875         UResourceBundle r;
    876         ures_initStackObject(&r);
    877         int32_t size;
    878         ures_getByKey(&res, kLINKS, &r, &ec);
    879         const int32_t* v = ures_getIntVector(&r, &size, &ec);
    880         if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    881             if (index >= 0 && index < size && getOlsonMeta()) {
    882                 zone = v[index];
    883             }
    884         }
    885         ures_close(&r);
    886     }
    887     ures_close(&res);
    888     if (zone >= 0) {
    889         UResourceBundle *ares = ures_getByKey(top, kNAMES, NULL, &ec); // dereference Zones section
    890         if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    891             int32_t idLen = 0;
    892             const UChar* id = ures_getStringByIndex(ares, zone, &idLen, &ec);
    893             result.fastCopyFrom(UnicodeString(TRUE, id, idLen));
    894             U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("gei(%d) -> %d, len%d, %s\n", index, zone, result.length(), u_errorName(ec)));
    895         }
    896         ures_close(ares);
    897     }
    898     ures_close(top);
    899 #if defined(U_DEBUG_TZ)
    900     if(result.length() ==0) {
    901       U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("equiv [__, #%d] -> 0 (%s)\n", index, u_errorName(ec)));
    902     }
    903 #endif
    904     return result;
    905 }
    907 // ---------------------------------------
    909 // These two methods are used by ZoneMeta class only.
    911 const UChar*
    912 TimeZone::dereferOlsonLink(const UnicodeString& id) {
    913     const UChar *result = NULL;
    914     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    915     UResourceBundle *rb = ures_openDirect(NULL, kZONEINFO, &ec);
    917     // resolve zone index by name
    918     UResourceBundle *names = ures_getByKey(rb, kNAMES, NULL, &ec);
    919     int32_t idx = findInStringArray(names, id, ec);
    920     result = ures_getStringByIndex(names, idx, NULL, &ec);
    922     // open the zone bundle by index
    923     ures_getByKey(rb, kZONES, rb, &ec);
    924     ures_getByIndex(rb, idx, rb, &ec);
    926     if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    927         if (ures_getType(rb) == URES_INT) {
    928             // this is a link - dereference the link
    929             int32_t deref = ures_getInt(rb, &ec);
    930             const UChar* tmp = ures_getStringByIndex(names, deref, NULL, &ec);
    931             if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    932                 result = tmp;
    933             }
    934         }
    935     }
    937     ures_close(names);
    938     ures_close(rb);
    940     return result;
    941 }
    943 const UChar*
    944 TimeZone::getRegion(const UnicodeString& id) {
    945     const UChar *result = WORLD;
    946     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    947     UResourceBundle *rb = ures_openDirect(NULL, kZONEINFO, &ec);
    949     // resolve zone index by name
    950     UResourceBundle *res = ures_getByKey(rb, kNAMES, NULL, &ec);
    951     int32_t idx = findInStringArray(res, id, ec);
    953     // get region mapping
    954     ures_getByKey(rb, kREGIONS, res, &ec);
    955     const UChar *tmp = ures_getStringByIndex(res, idx, NULL, &ec);
    956     if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
    957         result = tmp;
    958     }
    960     ures_close(res);
    961     ures_close(rb);
    963     return result;
    964 }
    966 // ---------------------------------------
    969 UnicodeString&
    970 TimeZone::getDisplayName(UnicodeString& result) const
    971 {
    972     return getDisplayName(FALSE,LONG,Locale::getDefault(), result);
    973 }
    975 UnicodeString&
    976 TimeZone::getDisplayName(const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const
    977 {
    978     return getDisplayName(FALSE, LONG, locale, result);
    979 }
    981 UnicodeString&
    982 TimeZone::getDisplayName(UBool daylight, EDisplayType style, UnicodeString& result)  const
    983 {
    984     return getDisplayName(daylight,style, Locale::getDefault(), result);
    985 }
    986 //--------------------------------------
    987 int32_t
    988 TimeZone::getDSTSavings()const {
    989     if (useDaylightTime()) {
    990         return 3600000;
    991     }
    992     return 0;
    993 }
    994 //---------------------------------------
    995 UnicodeString&
    996 TimeZone::getDisplayName(UBool daylight, EDisplayType style, const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const
    997 {
    998     // SRL TODO: cache the SDF, just like java.
    999     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   1000 #ifdef U_DEBUG_TZ
   1001     char buf[128];
   1002     fID.extract(0, sizeof(buf)-1, buf, sizeof(buf), "");
   1003 #endif
   1005     // select the proper format string
   1006     UnicodeString pat;
   1007     switch(style){
   1008     case LONG:
   1009         pat = ZZZZ_STR;
   1010         break;
   1011     case SHORT_GENERIC:
   1012         pat = V_STR;
   1013         break;
   1014     case LONG_GENERIC:
   1015         pat = VVVV_STR;
   1016         break;
   1017     case SHORT_GMT:
   1018         pat = Z_UC_STR;
   1019         break;
   1020     case LONG_GMT:
   1021         pat = ZZZZ_UC_STR;
   1022         break;
   1023     case SHORT_COMMONLY_USED:
   1024         //pat = V_UC_STR;
   1025         pat = Z_STR;
   1026         break;
   1027     case GENERIC_LOCATION:
   1028         pat = VVVV_UC_STR;
   1029         break;
   1030     default: // SHORT
   1031         //pat = Z_STR;
   1032         pat = V_UC_STR;
   1033         break;
   1034     }
   1036     SimpleDateFormat format(pat, locale, status);
   1037     U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("getDisplayName(%s)\n", buf));
   1038     if(!U_SUCCESS(status))
   1039     {
   1040 #ifdef U_DEBUG_TZ
   1041       char buf2[128];
   1042       result.extract(0, sizeof(buf2)-1, buf2, sizeof(buf2), "");
   1043       U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("getDisplayName(%s) -> %s\n", buf, buf2));
   1044 #endif
   1045       return result.remove();
   1046     }
   1048     UDate d = Calendar::getNow();
   1049     int32_t  rawOffset;
   1050     int32_t  dstOffset;
   1051     this->getOffset(d, FALSE, rawOffset, dstOffset, status);
   1052     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1053         return result.remove();
   1054     }
   1056     if ((daylight && dstOffset != 0) ||
   1057         (!daylight && dstOffset == 0) ||
   1058         (style == SHORT_GENERIC) ||
   1059         (style == LONG_GENERIC)
   1060        ) {
   1061         // Current time and the request (daylight / not daylight) agree.
   1062         format.setTimeZone(*this);
   1063         return format.format(d, result);
   1064     }
   1066     // Create a new SimpleTimeZone as a stand-in for this zone; the
   1067     // stand-in will have no DST, or DST during July, but the same ID and offset,
   1068     // and hence the same display name.
   1069     // We don't cache these because they're small and cheap to create.
   1070     UnicodeString tempID;
   1071     getID(tempID);
   1072     SimpleTimeZone *tz = NULL;
   1073     if(daylight && useDaylightTime()){
   1074         // The display name for daylight saving time was requested, but currently not in DST
   1075         // Set a fixed date (July 1) in this Gregorian year
   1076         GregorianCalendar cal(*this, status);
   1077         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1078             return result.remove();
   1079         }
   1080         cal.set(UCAL_MONTH, UCAL_JULY);
   1081         cal.set(UCAL_DATE, 1);
   1083         // Get July 1 date
   1084         d = cal.getTime(status);
   1086         // Check if it is in DST
   1087         if (cal.get(UCAL_DST_OFFSET, status) == 0) {
   1088             // We need to create a fake time zone
   1089             tz = new SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, tempID,
   1090                                 UCAL_JUNE, 1, 0, 0,
   1091                                 UCAL_AUGUST, 1, 0, 0,
   1092                                 getDSTSavings(), status);
   1093             if (U_FAILURE(status) || tz == NULL) {
   1094                 if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
   1095                     status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1096                 }
   1097                 return result.remove();
   1098             }
   1099             format.adoptTimeZone(tz);
   1100         } else {
   1101             format.setTimeZone(*this);
   1102         }
   1103     } else {
   1104         // The display name for standard time was requested, but currently in DST
   1105         // or display name for daylight saving time was requested, but this zone no longer
   1106         // observes DST.
   1107         tz = new SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, tempID);
   1108         if (U_FAILURE(status) || tz == NULL) {
   1109             if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
   1110                 status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1111             }
   1112             return result.remove();
   1113         }
   1114         format.adoptTimeZone(tz);
   1115     }
   1117     format.format(d, result, status);
   1118     return  result;
   1119 }
   1121 /**
   1122  * Parse a custom time zone identifier and return a corresponding zone.
   1123  * @param id a string of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, or
   1124  * GMT[+-]hh.
   1125  * @return a newly created SimpleTimeZone with the given offset and
   1126  * no Daylight Savings Time, or null if the id cannot be parsed.
   1127 */
   1128 TimeZone*
   1129 TimeZone::createCustomTimeZone(const UnicodeString& id)
   1130 {
   1131     int32_t sign, hour, min, sec;
   1132     if (parseCustomID(id, sign, hour, min, sec)) {
   1133         UnicodeString customID;
   1134         formatCustomID(hour, min, sec, (sign < 0), customID);
   1135         int32_t offset = sign * ((hour * 60 + min) * 60 + sec) * 1000;
   1136         return new SimpleTimeZone(offset, customID);
   1137     }
   1138     return NULL;
   1139 }
   1141 UnicodeString&
   1142 TimeZone::getCustomID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& normalized, UErrorCode& status) {
   1143     normalized.remove();
   1144     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1145         return normalized;
   1146     }
   1147     int32_t sign, hour, min, sec;
   1148     if (parseCustomID(id, sign, hour, min, sec)) {
   1149         formatCustomID(hour, min, sec, (sign < 0), normalized);
   1150     }
   1151     return normalized;
   1152 }
   1154 UBool
   1155 TimeZone::parseCustomID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& sign,
   1156                         int32_t& hour, int32_t& min, int32_t& sec) {
   1157     static const int32_t         kParseFailed = -99999;
   1159     NumberFormat* numberFormat = 0;
   1160     UnicodeString idUppercase = id;
   1161     idUppercase.toUpper();
   1163     if (id.length() > GMT_ID_LENGTH &&
   1164         idUppercase.startsWith(GMT_ID))
   1165     {
   1166         ParsePosition pos(GMT_ID_LENGTH);
   1167         sign = 1;
   1168         hour = 0;
   1169         min = 0;
   1170         sec = 0;
   1172         if (id[pos.getIndex()] == MINUS /*'-'*/) {
   1173             sign = -1;
   1174         } else if (id[pos.getIndex()] != PLUS /*'+'*/) {
   1175             return FALSE;
   1176         }
   1177         pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 1);
   1179         UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   1180         numberFormat = NumberFormat::createInstance(success);
   1181         if(U_FAILURE(success)){
   1182             return FALSE;
   1183         }
   1184         numberFormat->setParseIntegerOnly(TRUE);
   1186         // Look for either hh:mm, hhmm, or hh
   1187         int32_t start = pos.getIndex();
   1188         Formattable n(kParseFailed);
   1189         numberFormat->parse(id, n, pos);
   1190         if (pos.getIndex() == start) {
   1191             delete numberFormat;
   1192             return FALSE;
   1193         }
   1194         hour = n.getLong();
   1196         if (pos.getIndex() < id.length()) {
   1197             if (pos.getIndex() - start > 2
   1198                 || id[pos.getIndex()] != COLON) {
   1199                 delete numberFormat;
   1200                 return FALSE;
   1201             }
   1202             // hh:mm
   1203             pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 1);
   1204             int32_t oldPos = pos.getIndex();
   1205             n.setLong(kParseFailed);
   1206             numberFormat->parse(id, n, pos);
   1207             if ((pos.getIndex() - oldPos) != 2) {
   1208                 // must be 2 digits
   1209                 delete numberFormat;
   1210                 return FALSE;
   1211             }
   1212             min = n.getLong();
   1213             if (pos.getIndex() < id.length()) {
   1214                 if (id[pos.getIndex()] != COLON) {
   1215                     delete numberFormat;
   1216                     return FALSE;
   1217                 }
   1218                 // [:ss]
   1219                 pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 1);
   1220                 oldPos = pos.getIndex();
   1221                 n.setLong(kParseFailed);
   1222                 numberFormat->parse(id, n, pos);
   1223                 if (pos.getIndex() != id.length()
   1224                         || (pos.getIndex() - oldPos) != 2) {
   1225                     delete numberFormat;
   1226                     return FALSE;
   1227                 }
   1228                 sec = n.getLong();
   1229             }
   1230         } else {
   1231             // Supported formats are below -
   1232             //
   1233             // HHmmss
   1234             // Hmmss
   1235             // HHmm
   1236             // Hmm
   1237             // HH
   1238             // H
   1240             int32_t length = pos.getIndex() - start;
   1241             if (length <= 0 || 6 < length) {
   1242                 // invalid length
   1243                 delete numberFormat;
   1244                 return FALSE;
   1245             }
   1246             switch (length) {
   1247                 case 1:
   1248                 case 2:
   1249                     // already set to hour
   1250                     break;
   1251                 case 3:
   1252                 case 4:
   1253                     min = hour % 100;
   1254                     hour /= 100;
   1255                     break;
   1256                 case 5:
   1257                 case 6:
   1258                     sec = hour % 100;
   1259                     min = (hour/100) % 100;
   1260                     hour /= 10000;
   1261                     break;
   1262             }
   1263         }
   1265         delete numberFormat;
   1267         if (hour > kMAX_CUSTOM_HOUR || min > kMAX_CUSTOM_MIN || sec > kMAX_CUSTOM_SEC) {
   1268             return FALSE;
   1269         }
   1270         return TRUE;
   1271     }
   1272     return FALSE;
   1273 }
   1275 UnicodeString&
   1276 TimeZone::formatCustomID(int32_t hour, int32_t min, int32_t sec,
   1277                          UBool negative, UnicodeString& id) {
   1278     // Create time zone ID - GMT[+|-]hhmm[ss]
   1279     id.setTo(GMT_ID);
   1280     if (hour | min | sec) {
   1281         if (negative) {
   1282             id += (UChar)MINUS;
   1283         } else {
   1284             id += (UChar)PLUS;
   1285         }
   1287         if (hour < 10) {
   1288             id += (UChar)ZERO_DIGIT;
   1289         } else {
   1290             id += (UChar)(ZERO_DIGIT + hour/10);
   1291         }
   1292         id += (UChar)(ZERO_DIGIT + hour%10);
   1293         id += (UChar)COLON;
   1294         if (min < 10) {
   1295             id += (UChar)ZERO_DIGIT;
   1296         } else {
   1297             id += (UChar)(ZERO_DIGIT + min/10);
   1298         }
   1299         id += (UChar)(ZERO_DIGIT + min%10);
   1301         if (sec) {
   1302             id += (UChar)COLON;
   1303             if (sec < 10) {
   1304                 id += (UChar)ZERO_DIGIT;
   1305             } else {
   1306                 id += (UChar)(ZERO_DIGIT + sec/10);
   1307             }
   1308             id += (UChar)(ZERO_DIGIT + sec%10);
   1309         }
   1310     }
   1311     return id;
   1312 }
   1315 UBool
   1316 TimeZone::hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const
   1317 {
   1318     return (getRawOffset() == other.getRawOffset() &&
   1319             useDaylightTime() == other.useDaylightTime());
   1320 }
   1322 const char*
   1323 TimeZone::getTZDataVersion(UErrorCode& status)
   1324 {
   1325     /* This is here to prevent race conditions. */
   1326     UBool needsInit;
   1327     UMTX_CHECK(&LOCK, !TZDataVersionInitialized, needsInit);
   1328     if (needsInit) {
   1329         int32_t len = 0;
   1330         UResourceBundle *bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, kZONEINFO, &status);
   1331         const UChar *tzver = ures_getStringByKey(bundle, kTZVERSION,
   1332             &len, &status);
   1334         if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
   1335             if (len >= (int32_t)sizeof(TZDATA_VERSION)) {
   1336                 // Ensure that there is always space for a trailing nul in TZDATA_VERSION
   1337                 len = sizeof(TZDATA_VERSION) - 1;
   1338             }
   1339             umtx_lock(&LOCK);
   1340             if (!TZDataVersionInitialized) {
   1341                 u_UCharsToChars(tzver, TZDATA_VERSION, len);
   1342                 TZDataVersionInitialized = TRUE;
   1343             }
   1344             umtx_unlock(&LOCK);
   1345             ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TIMEZONE, timeZone_cleanup);
   1346         }
   1348         ures_close(bundle);
   1349     }
   1350     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1351         return NULL;
   1352     }
   1353     return (const char*)TZDATA_VERSION;
   1354 }
   1356 UnicodeString&
   1357 TimeZone::getCanonicalID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& canonicalID, UErrorCode& status)
   1358 {
   1359     UBool isSystemID = FALSE;
   1360     return getCanonicalID(id, canonicalID, isSystemID, status);
   1361 }
   1363 UnicodeString&
   1364 TimeZone::getCanonicalID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& canonicalID, UBool& isSystemID,
   1365                          UErrorCode& status)
   1366 {
   1367     canonicalID.remove();
   1368     isSystemID = FALSE;
   1369     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
   1370         return canonicalID;
   1371     }
   1372     ZoneMeta::getCanonicalSystemID(id, canonicalID, status);
   1373     if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
   1374         isSystemID = TRUE;
   1375     } else {
   1376         // Not a system ID
   1377         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   1378         getCustomID(id, canonicalID, status);
   1379     }
   1380     return canonicalID;
   1381 }
   1385 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
   1387 //eof