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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      7  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      8  *
      9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     12  * Library General Public License for more details.
     13  *
     14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
     15  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
     16  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     17  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
     18  */
     20 #include "config.h"
     21 #include "core/rendering/RootInlineBox.h"
     23 #include "core/dom/Document.h"
     24 #include "core/rendering/EllipsisBox.h"
     25 #include "core/rendering/HitTestResult.h"
     26 #include "core/rendering/InlineTextBox.h"
     27 #include "core/rendering/PaintInfo.h"
     28 #include "core/rendering/RenderBlockFlow.h"
     29 #include "core/rendering/RenderFlowThread.h"
     30 #include "core/rendering/RenderInline.h"
     31 #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
     32 #include "core/rendering/VerticalPositionCache.h"
     33 #include "platform/text/BidiResolver.h"
     34 #include "wtf/unicode/Unicode.h"
     36 using namespace std;
     38 namespace WebCore {
     40 struct SameSizeAsRootInlineBox : public InlineFlowBox {
     41     unsigned variables[5];
     42     void* pointers[4];
     43 };
     45 COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RootInlineBox) == sizeof(SameSizeAsRootInlineBox), RootInlineBox_should_stay_small);
     47 typedef WTF::HashMap<const RootInlineBox*, EllipsisBox*> EllipsisBoxMap;
     48 static EllipsisBoxMap* gEllipsisBoxMap = 0;
     50 RootInlineBox::RootInlineBox(RenderBlockFlow* block)
     51     : InlineFlowBox(block)
     52     , m_lineBreakPos(0)
     53     , m_lineBreakObj(0)
     54     , m_lineTop(0)
     55     , m_lineBottom(0)
     56     , m_lineTopWithLeading(0)
     57     , m_lineBottomWithLeading(0)
     58 {
     59     setIsHorizontal(block->isHorizontalWritingMode());
     60 }
     63 void RootInlineBox::destroy()
     64 {
     65     detachEllipsisBox();
     66     InlineFlowBox::destroy();
     67 }
     69 void RootInlineBox::detachEllipsisBox()
     70 {
     71     if (hasEllipsisBox()) {
     72         EllipsisBox* box = gEllipsisBoxMap->take(this);
     73         box->setParent(0);
     74         box->destroy();
     75         setHasEllipsisBox(false);
     76     }
     77 }
     79 RenderLineBoxList* RootInlineBox::rendererLineBoxes() const
     80 {
     81     return block()->lineBoxes();
     82 }
     84 void RootInlineBox::clearTruncation()
     85 {
     86     if (hasEllipsisBox()) {
     87         detachEllipsisBox();
     88         InlineFlowBox::clearTruncation();
     89     }
     90 }
     92 bool RootInlineBox::isHyphenated() const
     93 {
     94     for (InlineBox* box = firstLeafChild(); box; box = box->nextLeafChild()) {
     95         if (box->isInlineTextBox()) {
     96             if (toInlineTextBox(box)->hasHyphen())
     97                 return true;
     98         }
     99     }
    101     return false;
    102 }
    104 int RootInlineBox::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType) const
    105 {
    106     return boxModelObject()->baselinePosition(baselineType, isFirstLineStyle(), isHorizontal() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
    107 }
    109 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::lineHeight() const
    110 {
    111     return boxModelObject()->lineHeight(isFirstLineStyle(), isHorizontal() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
    112 }
    114 bool RootInlineBox::lineCanAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int lineBoxEdge, int ellipsisWidth)
    115 {
    116     // First sanity-check the unoverflowed width of the whole line to see if there is sufficient room.
    117     int delta = ltr ? lineBoxEdge - blockEdge : blockEdge - lineBoxEdge;
    118     if (logicalWidth() - delta < ellipsisWidth)
    119         return false;
    121     // Next iterate over all the line boxes on the line.  If we find a replaced element that intersects
    122     // then we refuse to accommodate the ellipsis.  Otherwise we're ok.
    123     return InlineFlowBox::canAccommodateEllipsis(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth);
    124 }
    126 float RootInlineBox::placeEllipsis(const AtomicString& ellipsisStr,  bool ltr, float blockLeftEdge, float blockRightEdge, float ellipsisWidth,
    127                                   InlineBox* markupBox)
    128 {
    129     // Create an ellipsis box.
    130     EllipsisBox* ellipsisBox = new EllipsisBox(renderer(), ellipsisStr, this,
    131         ellipsisWidth - (markupBox ? markupBox->logicalWidth() : 0), logicalHeight(),
    132         x(), y(), !prevRootBox(), isHorizontal(), markupBox);
    134     if (!gEllipsisBoxMap)
    135         gEllipsisBoxMap = new EllipsisBoxMap();
    136     gEllipsisBoxMap->add(this, ellipsisBox);
    137     setHasEllipsisBox(true);
    139     // FIXME: Do we need an RTL version of this?
    140     if (ltr && (logicalLeft() + logicalWidth() + ellipsisWidth) <= blockRightEdge) {
    141         ellipsisBox->setLogicalLeft(logicalLeft() + logicalWidth());
    142         return logicalWidth() + ellipsisWidth;
    143     }
    145     // Now attempt to find the nearest glyph horizontally and place just to the right (or left in RTL)
    146     // of that glyph.  Mark all of the objects that intersect the ellipsis box as not painting (as being
    147     // truncated).
    148     bool foundBox = false;
    149     float truncatedWidth = 0;
    150     float position = placeEllipsisBox(ltr, blockLeftEdge, blockRightEdge, ellipsisWidth, truncatedWidth, foundBox);
    151     ellipsisBox->setLogicalLeft(position);
    152     return truncatedWidth;
    153 }
    155 float RootInlineBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool ltr, float blockLeftEdge, float blockRightEdge, float ellipsisWidth, float &truncatedWidth, bool& foundBox)
    156 {
    157     float result = InlineFlowBox::placeEllipsisBox(ltr, blockLeftEdge, blockRightEdge, ellipsisWidth, truncatedWidth, foundBox);
    158     if (result == -1) {
    159         result = ltr ? blockRightEdge - ellipsisWidth : blockLeftEdge;
    160         truncatedWidth = blockRightEdge - blockLeftEdge;
    161     }
    162     return result;
    163 }
    165 void RootInlineBox::paintEllipsisBox(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom) const
    166 {
    167     if (hasEllipsisBox() && paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(renderer()) && renderer()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE
    168             && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
    169         ellipsisBox()->paint(paintInfo, paintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
    170 }
    172 void RootInlineBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    173 {
    174     InlineFlowBox::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
    175     paintEllipsisBox(paintInfo, paintOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
    176 }
    178 bool RootInlineBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    179 {
    180     if (hasEllipsisBox() && visibleToHitTestRequest(request)) {
    181         if (ellipsisBox()->nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, lineTop, lineBottom)) {
    182             renderer()->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
    183             return true;
    184         }
    185     }
    186     return InlineFlowBox::nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, lineTop, lineBottom);
    187 }
    189 void RootInlineBox::adjustPosition(float dx, float dy)
    190 {
    191     InlineFlowBox::adjustPosition(dx, dy);
    192     LayoutUnit blockDirectionDelta = isHorizontal() ? dy : dx; // The block direction delta is a LayoutUnit.
    193     m_lineTop += blockDirectionDelta;
    194     m_lineBottom += blockDirectionDelta;
    195     m_lineTopWithLeading += blockDirectionDelta;
    196     m_lineBottomWithLeading += blockDirectionDelta;
    197     if (hasEllipsisBox())
    198         ellipsisBox()->adjustPosition(dx, dy);
    199 }
    201 void RootInlineBox::childRemoved(InlineBox* box)
    202 {
    203     if (box->renderer() == m_lineBreakObj)
    204         setLineBreakInfo(0, 0, BidiStatus());
    206     for (RootInlineBox* prev = prevRootBox(); prev && prev->lineBreakObj() == box->renderer(); prev = prev->prevRootBox()) {
    207         prev->setLineBreakInfo(0, 0, BidiStatus());
    208         prev->markDirty();
    209     }
    210 }
    212 RenderRegion* RootInlineBox::containingRegion() const
    213 {
    214     RenderRegion* region = m_fragmentationData ? m_fragmentationData->m_containingRegion : 0;
    216 #ifndef NDEBUG
    217     if (region) {
    218         RenderFlowThread* flowThread = block()->flowThreadContainingBlock();
    219         const RenderRegionList& regionList = flowThread->renderRegionList();
    220         ASSERT(regionList.contains(region));
    221     }
    222 #endif
    224     return region;
    225 }
    227 void RootInlineBox::setContainingRegion(RenderRegion* region)
    228 {
    229     ASSERT(!isDirty());
    230     ASSERT(block()->flowThreadContainingBlock());
    231     LineFragmentationData* fragmentationData  = ensureLineFragmentationData();
    232     fragmentationData->m_containingRegion = region;
    233 }
    235 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::alignBoxesInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit heightOfBlock, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache)
    236 {
    237     // SVG will handle vertical alignment on its own.
    238     if (isSVGRootInlineBox())
    239         return 0;
    241     LayoutUnit maxPositionTop = 0;
    242     LayoutUnit maxPositionBottom = 0;
    243     int maxAscent = 0;
    244     int maxDescent = 0;
    245     bool setMaxAscent = false;
    246     bool setMaxDescent = false;
    248     // Figure out if we're in no-quirks mode.
    249     bool noQuirksMode = renderer()->document().inNoQuirksMode();
    251     m_baselineType = requiresIdeographicBaseline(textBoxDataMap) ? IdeographicBaseline : AlphabeticBaseline;
    253     computeLogicalBoxHeights(this, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom, maxAscent, maxDescent, setMaxAscent, setMaxDescent, noQuirksMode,
    254                              textBoxDataMap, baselineType(), verticalPositionCache);
    256     if (maxAscent + maxDescent < max(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom))
    257         adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(maxAscent, maxDescent, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom);
    259     LayoutUnit maxHeight = maxAscent + maxDescent;
    260     LayoutUnit lineTop = heightOfBlock;
    261     LayoutUnit lineBottom = heightOfBlock;
    262     LayoutUnit lineTopIncludingMargins = heightOfBlock;
    263     LayoutUnit lineBottomIncludingMargins = heightOfBlock;
    264     bool setLineTop = false;
    265     bool hasAnnotationsBefore = false;
    266     bool hasAnnotationsAfter = false;
    267     placeBoxesInBlockDirection(heightOfBlock, maxHeight, maxAscent, noQuirksMode, lineTop, lineBottom, setLineTop,
    268                                lineTopIncludingMargins, lineBottomIncludingMargins, hasAnnotationsBefore, hasAnnotationsAfter, baselineType());
    269     m_hasAnnotationsBefore = hasAnnotationsBefore;
    270     m_hasAnnotationsAfter = hasAnnotationsAfter;
    272     maxHeight = max<LayoutUnit>(0, maxHeight); // FIXME: Is this really necessary?
    274     setLineTopBottomPositions(lineTop, lineBottom, heightOfBlock, heightOfBlock + maxHeight);
    275     setPaginatedLineWidth(block()->availableLogicalWidthForContent(heightOfBlock));
    277     LayoutUnit annotationsAdjustment = beforeAnnotationsAdjustment();
    278     if (annotationsAdjustment) {
    279         // FIXME: Need to handle pagination here. We might have to move to the next page/column as a result of the
    280         // ruby expansion.
    281         adjustBlockDirectionPosition(annotationsAdjustment);
    282         heightOfBlock += annotationsAdjustment;
    283     }
    285     LayoutUnit gridSnapAdjustment = lineSnapAdjustment();
    286     if (gridSnapAdjustment) {
    287         adjustBlockDirectionPosition(gridSnapAdjustment);
    288         heightOfBlock += gridSnapAdjustment;
    289     }
    291     return heightOfBlock + maxHeight;
    292 }
    294 float RootInlineBox::maxLogicalTop() const
    295 {
    296     float maxLogicalTop = 0;
    297     computeMaxLogicalTop(maxLogicalTop);
    298     return maxLogicalTop;
    299 }
    301 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::beforeAnnotationsAdjustment() const
    302 {
    303     LayoutUnit result = 0;
    305     if (!renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) {
    306         // Annotations under the previous line may push us down.
    307         if (prevRootBox() && prevRootBox()->hasAnnotationsAfter())
    308             result = prevRootBox()->computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(lineTop());
    310         if (!hasAnnotationsBefore())
    311             return result;
    313         // Annotations over this line may push us further down.
    314         LayoutUnit highestAllowedPosition = prevRootBox() ? min(prevRootBox()->lineBottom(), lineTop()) + result : static_cast<LayoutUnit>(block()->borderBefore());
    315         result = computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(highestAllowedPosition);
    316     } else {
    317         // Annotations under this line may push us up.
    318         if (hasAnnotationsBefore())
    319             result = computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(prevRootBox() ? prevRootBox()->lineBottom() : static_cast<LayoutUnit>(block()->borderBefore()));
    321         if (!prevRootBox() || !prevRootBox()->hasAnnotationsAfter())
    322             return result;
    324         // We have to compute the expansion for annotations over the previous line to see how much we should move.
    325         LayoutUnit lowestAllowedPosition = max(prevRootBox()->lineBottom(), lineTop()) - result;
    326         result = prevRootBox()->computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(lowestAllowedPosition);
    327     }
    329     return result;
    330 }
    332 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::lineSnapAdjustment(LayoutUnit delta) const
    333 {
    334     // If our block doesn't have snapping turned on, do nothing.
    335     // FIXME: Implement bounds snapping.
    336     if (block()->style()->lineSnap() == LineSnapNone)
    337         return 0;
    339     // Get the current line grid and offset.
    340     LayoutState* layoutState = block()->view()->layoutState();
    341     RenderBlockFlow* lineGrid = layoutState->lineGrid();
    342     LayoutSize lineGridOffset = layoutState->lineGridOffset();
    343     if (!lineGrid || lineGrid->style()->writingMode() != block()->style()->writingMode())
    344         return 0;
    346     // Get the hypothetical line box used to establish the grid.
    347     RootInlineBox* lineGridBox = lineGrid->lineGridBox();
    348     if (!lineGridBox)
    349         return 0;
    351     LayoutUnit lineGridBlockOffset = lineGrid->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? lineGridOffset.height() : lineGridOffset.width();
    352     LayoutUnit blockOffset = block()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layoutState->layoutOffset().height() : layoutState->layoutOffset().width();
    354     // Now determine our position on the grid. Our baseline needs to be adjusted to the nearest baseline multiple
    355     // as established by the line box.
    356     // FIXME: Need to handle crazy line-box-contain values that cause the root line box to not be considered. I assume
    357     // the grid should honor line-box-contain.
    358     LayoutUnit gridLineHeight = lineGridBox->lineBottomWithLeading() - lineGridBox->lineTopWithLeading();
    359     if (!gridLineHeight)
    360         return 0;
    362     LayoutUnit lineGridFontAscent = lineGrid->style()->fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    363     LayoutUnit lineGridFontHeight = lineGridBox->logicalHeight();
    364     LayoutUnit firstTextTop = lineGridBlockOffset + lineGridBox->logicalTop();
    365     LayoutUnit firstLineTopWithLeading = lineGridBlockOffset + lineGridBox->lineTopWithLeading();
    366     LayoutUnit firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + lineGridFontAscent;
    368     LayoutUnit currentTextTop = blockOffset + logicalTop() + delta;
    369     LayoutUnit currentFontAscent = block()->style()->fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    370     LayoutUnit currentBaselinePosition = currentTextTop + currentFontAscent;
    372     LayoutUnit lineGridPaginationOrigin = isHorizontal() ? layoutState->lineGridPaginationOrigin().height() : layoutState->lineGridPaginationOrigin().width();
    374     // If we're paginated, see if we're on a page after the first one. If so, the grid resets on subsequent pages.
    375     // FIXME: If the grid is an ancestor of the pagination establisher, then this is incorrect.
    376     LayoutUnit pageLogicalTop = 0;
    377     if (layoutState->isPaginated() && layoutState->pageLogicalHeight()) {
    378         pageLogicalTop = block()->pageLogicalTopForOffset(lineTopWithLeading() + delta);
    379         if (pageLogicalTop > firstLineTopWithLeading)
    380             firstTextTop = pageLogicalTop + lineGridBox->logicalTop() - lineGrid->borderBefore() - lineGrid->paddingBefore() + lineGridPaginationOrigin;
    381     }
    383     if (block()->style()->lineSnap() == LineSnapContain) {
    384         // Compute the desired offset from the text-top of a grid line.
    385         // Look at our height (logicalHeight()).
    386         // Look at the total available height. It's going to be (textBottom - textTop) + (n-1)*(multiple with leading)
    387         // where n is number of grid lines required to enclose us.
    388         if (logicalHeight() <= lineGridFontHeight)
    389             firstTextTop += (lineGridFontHeight - logicalHeight()) / 2;
    390         else {
    391             LayoutUnit numberOfLinesWithLeading = ceilf(static_cast<float>(logicalHeight() - lineGridFontHeight) / gridLineHeight);
    392             LayoutUnit totalHeight = lineGridFontHeight + numberOfLinesWithLeading * gridLineHeight;
    393             firstTextTop += (totalHeight - logicalHeight()) / 2;
    394         }
    395         firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + currentFontAscent;
    396     } else
    397         firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + lineGridFontAscent;
    399     // If we're above the first line, just push to the first line.
    400     if (currentBaselinePosition < firstBaselinePosition)
    401         return delta + firstBaselinePosition - currentBaselinePosition;
    403     // Otherwise we're in the middle of the grid somewhere. Just push to the next line.
    404     LayoutUnit baselineOffset = currentBaselinePosition - firstBaselinePosition;
    405     LayoutUnit remainder = roundToInt(baselineOffset) % roundToInt(gridLineHeight);
    406     LayoutUnit result = delta;
    407     if (remainder)
    408         result += gridLineHeight - remainder;
    410     // If we aren't paginated we can return the result.
    411     if (!layoutState->isPaginated() || !layoutState->pageLogicalHeight() || result == delta)
    412         return result;
    414     // We may end up shifted to a new page. We need to do a re-snap when that happens.
    415     LayoutUnit newPageLogicalTop = block()->pageLogicalTopForOffset(lineBottomWithLeading() + result);
    416     if (newPageLogicalTop == pageLogicalTop)
    417         return result;
    419     // Put ourselves at the top of the next page to force a snap onto the new grid established by that page.
    420     return lineSnapAdjustment(newPageLogicalTop - (blockOffset + lineTopWithLeading()));
    421 }
    423 GapRects RootInlineBox::lineSelectionGap(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
    424                                          LayoutUnit selTop, LayoutUnit selHeight, const PaintInfo* paintInfo)
    425 {
    426     RenderObject::SelectionState lineState = selectionState();
    428     bool leftGap, rightGap;
    429     block()->getSelectionGapInfo(lineState, leftGap, rightGap);
    431     GapRects result;
    433     InlineBox* firstBox = firstSelectedBox();
    434     InlineBox* lastBox = lastSelectedBox();
    435     if (leftGap)
    436         result.uniteLeft(block()->logicalLeftSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock,
    437                                                           firstBox->parent()->renderer(), firstBox->logicalLeft(), selTop, selHeight, paintInfo));
    438     if (rightGap)
    439         result.uniteRight(block()->logicalRightSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock,
    440                                                             lastBox->parent()->renderer(), lastBox->logicalRight(), selTop, selHeight, paintInfo));
    442     // When dealing with bidi text, a non-contiguous selection region is possible.
    443     // e.g. The logical text aaaAAAbbb (capitals denote RTL text and non-capitals LTR) is layed out
    444     // visually as 3 text runs |aaa|bbb|AAA| if we select 4 characters from the start of the text the
    445     // selection will look like (underline denotes selection):
    446     // |aaa|bbb|AAA|
    447     //  ___       _
    448     // We can see that the |bbb| run is not part of the selection while the runs around it are.
    449     if (firstBox && firstBox != lastBox) {
    450         // Now fill in any gaps on the line that occurred between two selected elements.
    451         LayoutUnit lastLogicalLeft = firstBox->logicalRight();
    452         bool isPreviousBoxSelected = firstBox->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    453         for (InlineBox* box = firstBox->nextLeafChild(); box; box = box->nextLeafChild()) {
    454             if (box->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone) {
    455                 LayoutRect logicalRect(lastLogicalLeft, selTop, box->logicalLeft() - lastLogicalLeft, selHeight);
    456                 logicalRect.move(renderer()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetFromRootBlock : LayoutSize(offsetFromRootBlock.height(), offsetFromRootBlock.width()));
    457                 LayoutRect gapRect = rootBlock->logicalRectToPhysicalRect(rootBlockPhysicalPosition, logicalRect);
    458                 if (isPreviousBoxSelected && gapRect.width() > 0 && gapRect.height() > 0) {
    459                     if (paintInfo && box->parent()->renderer()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)
    460                         paintInfo->context->fillRect(gapRect, box->parent()->renderer()->selectionBackgroundColor());
    461                     // VisibleSelection may be non-contiguous, see comment above.
    462                     result.uniteCenter(gapRect);
    463                 }
    464                 lastLogicalLeft = box->logicalRight();
    465             }
    466             if (box == lastBox)
    467                 break;
    468             isPreviousBoxSelected = box->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    469         }
    470     }
    472     return result;
    473 }
    475 RenderObject::SelectionState RootInlineBox::selectionState()
    476 {
    477     // Walk over all of the selected boxes.
    478     RenderObject::SelectionState state = RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    479     for (InlineBox* box = firstLeafChild(); box; box = box->nextLeafChild()) {
    480         RenderObject::SelectionState boxState = box->selectionState();
    481         if ((boxState == RenderObject::SelectionStart && state == RenderObject::SelectionEnd) ||
    482             (boxState == RenderObject::SelectionEnd && state == RenderObject::SelectionStart))
    483             state = RenderObject::SelectionBoth;
    484         else if (state == RenderObject::SelectionNone ||
    485                  ((boxState == RenderObject::SelectionStart || boxState == RenderObject::SelectionEnd) &&
    486                   (state == RenderObject::SelectionNone || state == RenderObject::SelectionInside)))
    487             state = boxState;
    488         else if (boxState == RenderObject::SelectionNone && state == RenderObject::SelectionStart) {
    489             // We are past the end of the selection.
    490             state = RenderObject::SelectionBoth;
    491         }
    492         if (state == RenderObject::SelectionBoth)
    493             break;
    494     }
    496     return state;
    497 }
    499 InlineBox* RootInlineBox::firstSelectedBox()
    500 {
    501     for (InlineBox* box = firstLeafChild(); box; box = box->nextLeafChild()) {
    502         if (box->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone)
    503             return box;
    504     }
    506     return 0;
    507 }
    509 InlineBox* RootInlineBox::lastSelectedBox()
    510 {
    511     for (InlineBox* box = lastLeafChild(); box; box = box->prevLeafChild()) {
    512         if (box->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone)
    513             return box;
    514     }
    516     return 0;
    517 }
    519 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::selectionTop() const
    520 {
    521     LayoutUnit selectionTop = m_lineTop;
    523     if (m_hasAnnotationsBefore)
    524         selectionTop -= !renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() ? computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(m_lineTop) : computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(m_lineTop);
    526     if (renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode())
    527         return selectionTop;
    529     LayoutUnit prevBottom = prevRootBox() ? prevRootBox()->selectionBottom() : block()->borderBefore() + block()->paddingBefore();
    530     if (prevBottom < selectionTop && block()->containsFloats()) {
    531         // This line has actually been moved further down, probably from a large line-height, but possibly because the
    532         // line was forced to clear floats.  If so, let's check the offsets, and only be willing to use the previous
    533         // line's bottom if the offsets are greater on both sides.
    534         LayoutUnit prevLeft = block()->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(prevBottom, false);
    535         LayoutUnit prevRight = block()->logicalRightOffsetForLine(prevBottom, false);
    536         LayoutUnit newLeft = block()->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(selectionTop, false);
    537         LayoutUnit newRight = block()->logicalRightOffsetForLine(selectionTop, false);
    538         if (prevLeft > newLeft || prevRight < newRight)
    539             return selectionTop;
    540     }
    542     return prevBottom;
    543 }
    545 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock() const
    546 {
    547     LayoutUnit top = selectionTop();
    549     RenderObject::SelectionState blockSelectionState = root()->block()->selectionState();
    550     if (blockSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionInside && blockSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionEnd)
    551         return top;
    553     LayoutSize offsetToBlockBefore;
    554     if (RenderBlock* block = root()->block()->blockBeforeWithinSelectionRoot(offsetToBlockBefore)) {
    555         if (RootInlineBox* lastLine = block->lastRootBox()) {
    556             RenderObject::SelectionState lastLineSelectionState = lastLine->selectionState();
    557             if (lastLineSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionInside && lastLineSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionStart)
    558                 return top;
    560             LayoutUnit lastLineSelectionBottom = lastLine->selectionBottom() + offsetToBlockBefore.height();
    561             top = max(top, lastLineSelectionBottom);
    562         }
    563     }
    565     return top;
    566 }
    568 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::selectionBottom() const
    569 {
    570     LayoutUnit selectionBottom = m_lineBottom;
    572     if (m_hasAnnotationsAfter)
    573         selectionBottom += !renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() ? computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(m_lineBottom) : computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(m_lineBottom);
    575     if (!renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() || !nextRootBox())
    576         return selectionBottom;
    578     LayoutUnit nextTop = nextRootBox()->selectionTop();
    579     if (nextTop > selectionBottom && block()->containsFloats()) {
    580         // The next line has actually been moved further over, probably from a large line-height, but possibly because the
    581         // line was forced to clear floats.  If so, let's check the offsets, and only be willing to use the next
    582         // line's top if the offsets are greater on both sides.
    583         LayoutUnit nextLeft = block()->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(nextTop, false);
    584         LayoutUnit nextRight = block()->logicalRightOffsetForLine(nextTop, false);
    585         LayoutUnit newLeft = block()->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(selectionBottom, false);
    586         LayoutUnit newRight = block()->logicalRightOffsetForLine(selectionBottom, false);
    587         if (nextLeft > newLeft || nextRight < newRight)
    588             return selectionBottom;
    589     }
    591     return nextTop;
    592 }
    594 int RootInlineBox::blockDirectionPointInLine() const
    595 {
    596     return !block()->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? max(lineTop(), selectionTop()) : min(lineBottom(), selectionBottom());
    597 }
    599 RenderBlockFlow* RootInlineBox::block() const
    600 {
    601     return toRenderBlockFlow(renderer());
    602 }
    604 static bool isEditableLeaf(InlineBox* leaf)
    605 {
    606     return leaf && leaf->renderer() && leaf->renderer()->node() && leaf->renderer()->node()->rendererIsEditable();
    607 }
    609 InlineBox* RootInlineBox::closestLeafChildForPoint(const IntPoint& pointInContents, bool onlyEditableLeaves)
    610 {
    611     return closestLeafChildForLogicalLeftPosition(block()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? pointInContents.x() : pointInContents.y(), onlyEditableLeaves);
    612 }
    614 InlineBox* RootInlineBox::closestLeafChildForLogicalLeftPosition(int leftPosition, bool onlyEditableLeaves)
    615 {
    616     InlineBox* firstLeaf = firstLeafChild();
    617     InlineBox* lastLeaf = lastLeafChild();
    619     if (firstLeaf != lastLeaf) {
    620         if (firstLeaf->isLineBreak())
    621             firstLeaf = firstLeaf->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
    622         else if (lastLeaf->isLineBreak())
    623             lastLeaf = lastLeaf->prevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
    624     }
    626     if (firstLeaf == lastLeaf && (!onlyEditableLeaves || isEditableLeaf(firstLeaf)))
    627         return firstLeaf;
    629     // Avoid returning a list marker when possible.
    630     if (leftPosition <= firstLeaf->logicalLeft() && !firstLeaf->renderer()->isListMarker() && (!onlyEditableLeaves || isEditableLeaf(firstLeaf)))
    631         // The leftPosition coordinate is less or equal to left edge of the firstLeaf.
    632         // Return it.
    633         return firstLeaf;
    635     if (leftPosition >= lastLeaf->logicalRight() && !lastLeaf->renderer()->isListMarker() && (!onlyEditableLeaves || isEditableLeaf(lastLeaf)))
    636         // The leftPosition coordinate is greater or equal to right edge of the lastLeaf.
    637         // Return it.
    638         return lastLeaf;
    640     InlineBox* closestLeaf = 0;
    641     for (InlineBox* leaf = firstLeaf; leaf; leaf = leaf->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak()) {
    642         if (!leaf->renderer()->isListMarker() && (!onlyEditableLeaves || isEditableLeaf(leaf))) {
    643             closestLeaf = leaf;
    644             if (leftPosition < leaf->logicalRight())
    645                 // The x coordinate is less than the right edge of the box.
    646                 // Return it.
    647                 return leaf;
    648         }
    649     }
    651     return closestLeaf ? closestLeaf : lastLeaf;
    652 }
    654 BidiStatus RootInlineBox::lineBreakBidiStatus() const
    655 {
    656     return BidiStatus(static_cast<WTF::Unicode::Direction>(m_lineBreakBidiStatusEor), static_cast<WTF::Unicode::Direction>(m_lineBreakBidiStatusLastStrong), static_cast<WTF::Unicode::Direction>(m_lineBreakBidiStatusLast), m_lineBreakContext);
    657 }
    659 void RootInlineBox::setLineBreakInfo(RenderObject* obj, unsigned breakPos, const BidiStatus& status)
    660 {
    661     // When setting lineBreakObj, the RenderObject must not be a RenderInline
    662     // with no line boxes, otherwise all sorts of invariants are broken later.
    663     // This has security implications because if the RenderObject does not
    664     // point to at least one line box, then that RenderInline can be deleted
    665     // later without resetting the lineBreakObj, leading to use-after-free.
    666     ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!obj || obj->isText() || !(obj->isRenderInline() && obj->isBox() && !toRenderBox(obj)->inlineBoxWrapper()));
    668     m_lineBreakObj = obj;
    669     m_lineBreakPos = breakPos;
    670     m_lineBreakBidiStatusEor = status.eor;
    671     m_lineBreakBidiStatusLastStrong = status.lastStrong;
    672     m_lineBreakBidiStatusLast = status.last;
    673     m_lineBreakContext = status.context;
    674 }
    676 EllipsisBox* RootInlineBox::ellipsisBox() const
    677 {
    678     if (!hasEllipsisBox())
    679         return 0;
    680     return gEllipsisBoxMap->get(this);
    681 }
    683 void RootInlineBox::removeLineBoxFromRenderObject()
    684 {
    685     block()->lineBoxes()->removeLineBox(this);
    686 }
    688 void RootInlineBox::extractLineBoxFromRenderObject()
    689 {
    690     block()->lineBoxes()->extractLineBox(this);
    691 }
    693 void RootInlineBox::attachLineBoxToRenderObject()
    694 {
    695     block()->lineBoxes()->attachLineBox(this);
    696 }
    698 LayoutRect RootInlineBox::paddedLayoutOverflowRect(LayoutUnit endPadding) const
    699 {
    700     LayoutRect lineLayoutOverflow = layoutOverflowRect(lineTop(), lineBottom());
    701     if (!endPadding)
    702         return lineLayoutOverflow;
    704     if (isHorizontal()) {
    705         if (isLeftToRightDirection())
    706             lineLayoutOverflow.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(max<LayoutUnit>(lineLayoutOverflow.maxX(), logicalRight() + endPadding));
    707         else
    708             lineLayoutOverflow.shiftXEdgeTo(min<LayoutUnit>(lineLayoutOverflow.x(), logicalLeft() - endPadding));
    709     } else {
    710         if (isLeftToRightDirection())
    711             lineLayoutOverflow.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(max<LayoutUnit>(lineLayoutOverflow.maxY(), logicalRight() + endPadding));
    712         else
    713             lineLayoutOverflow.shiftYEdgeTo(min<LayoutUnit>(lineLayoutOverflow.y(), logicalLeft() - endPadding));
    714     }
    716     return lineLayoutOverflow;
    717 }
    719 static void setAscentAndDescent(int& ascent, int& descent, int newAscent, int newDescent, bool& ascentDescentSet)
    720 {
    721     if (!ascentDescentSet) {
    722         ascentDescentSet = true;
    723         ascent = newAscent;
    724         descent = newDescent;
    725     } else {
    726         ascent = max(ascent, newAscent);
    727         descent = max(descent, newDescent);
    728     }
    729 }
    731 void RootInlineBox::ascentAndDescentForBox(InlineBox* box, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, int& ascent, int& descent,
    732                                            bool& affectsAscent, bool& affectsDescent) const
    733 {
    734     bool ascentDescentSet = false;
    736     // Replaced boxes will return 0 for the line-height if line-box-contain says they are
    737     // not to be included.
    738     if (box->renderer()->isReplaced()) {
    739         if (renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->lineBoxContain() & LineBoxContainReplaced) {
    740             ascent = box->baselinePosition(baselineType());
    741             descent = box->lineHeight() - ascent;
    743             // Replaced elements always affect both the ascent and descent.
    744             affectsAscent = true;
    745             affectsDescent = true;
    746         }
    747         return;
    748     }
    750     Vector<const SimpleFontData*>* usedFonts = 0;
    751     GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow = 0;
    752     if (box->isText()) {
    753         GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.find(toInlineTextBox(box));
    754         usedFonts = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? 0 : &it->value.first;
    755         glyphOverflow = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? 0 : &it->value.second;
    756     }
    758     bool includeLeading = includeLeadingForBox(box);
    759     bool includeFont = includeFontForBox(box);
    761     bool setUsedFont = false;
    762     bool setUsedFontWithLeading = false;
    764     if (usedFonts && !usedFonts->isEmpty() && (includeFont || (box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->lineHeight().isNegative() && includeLeading))) {
    765         usedFonts->append(box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->font().primaryFont());
    766         for (size_t i = 0; i < usedFonts->size(); ++i) {
    767             const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = usedFonts->at(i)->fontMetrics();
    768             int usedFontAscent = fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType());
    769             int usedFontDescent = fontMetrics.descent(baselineType());
    770             int halfLeading = (fontMetrics.lineSpacing() - fontMetrics.height()) / 2;
    771             int usedFontAscentAndLeading = usedFontAscent + halfLeading;
    772             int usedFontDescentAndLeading = fontMetrics.lineSpacing() - usedFontAscentAndLeading;
    773             if (includeFont) {
    774                 setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, usedFontAscent, usedFontDescent, ascentDescentSet);
    775                 setUsedFont = true;
    776             }
    777             if (includeLeading) {
    778                 setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, usedFontAscentAndLeading, usedFontDescentAndLeading, ascentDescentSet);
    779                 setUsedFontWithLeading = true;
    780             }
    781             if (!affectsAscent)
    782                 affectsAscent = usedFontAscent - box->logicalTop() > 0;
    783             if (!affectsDescent)
    784                 affectsDescent = usedFontDescent + box->logicalTop() > 0;
    785         }
    786     }
    788     // If leading is included for the box, then we compute that box.
    789     if (includeLeading && !setUsedFontWithLeading) {
    790         int ascentWithLeading = box->baselinePosition(baselineType());
    791         int descentWithLeading = box->lineHeight() - ascentWithLeading;
    792         setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, ascentWithLeading, descentWithLeading, ascentDescentSet);
    794         // Examine the font box for inline flows and text boxes to see if any part of it is above the baseline.
    795         // If the top of our font box relative to the root box baseline is above the root box baseline, then
    796         // we are contributing to the maxAscent value. Descent is similar. If any part of our font box is below
    797         // the root box's baseline, then we contribute to the maxDescent value.
    798         affectsAscent = ascentWithLeading - box->logicalTop() > 0;
    799         affectsDescent = descentWithLeading + box->logicalTop() > 0;
    800     }
    802     if (includeFontForBox(box) && !setUsedFont) {
    803         int fontAscent = box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    804         int fontDescent = box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().descent(baselineType());
    805         setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, fontAscent, fontDescent, ascentDescentSet);
    806         affectsAscent = fontAscent - box->logicalTop() > 0;
    807         affectsDescent = fontDescent + box->logicalTop() > 0;
    808     }
    810     if (includeGlyphsForBox(box) && glyphOverflow && glyphOverflow->computeBounds) {
    811         setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, glyphOverflow->top, glyphOverflow->bottom, ascentDescentSet);
    812         affectsAscent = glyphOverflow->top - box->logicalTop() > 0;
    813         affectsDescent = glyphOverflow->bottom + box->logicalTop() > 0;
    814         glyphOverflow->top = min(glyphOverflow->top, max(0, glyphOverflow->top - box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType())));
    815         glyphOverflow->bottom = min(glyphOverflow->bottom, max(0, glyphOverflow->bottom - box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().descent(baselineType())));
    816     }
    818     if (includeMarginForBox(box)) {
    819         LayoutUnit ascentWithMargin = box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    820         LayoutUnit descentWithMargin = box->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().descent(baselineType());
    821         if (box->parent() && !box->renderer()->isText()) {
    822             ascentWithMargin += box->boxModelObject()->borderBefore() + box->boxModelObject()->paddingBefore() + box->boxModelObject()->marginBefore();
    823             descentWithMargin += box->boxModelObject()->borderAfter() + box->boxModelObject()->paddingAfter() + box->boxModelObject()->marginAfter();
    824         }
    825         setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, ascentWithMargin, descentWithMargin, ascentDescentSet);
    827         // Treat like a replaced element, since we're using the margin box.
    828         affectsAscent = true;
    829         affectsDescent = true;
    830     }
    831 }
    833 LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::verticalPositionForBox(InlineBox* box, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache)
    834 {
    835     if (box->renderer()->isText())
    836         return box->parent()->logicalTop();
    838     RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = box->boxModelObject();
    839     ASSERT(renderer->isInline());
    840     if (!renderer->isInline())
    841         return 0;
    843     // This method determines the vertical position for inline elements.
    844     bool firstLine = isFirstLineStyle();
    845     if (firstLine && !renderer->document().styleEngine()->usesFirstLineRules())
    846         firstLine = false;
    848     // Check the cache.
    849     bool isRenderInline = renderer->isRenderInline();
    850     if (isRenderInline && !firstLine) {
    851         LayoutUnit verticalPosition = verticalPositionCache.get(renderer, baselineType());
    852         if (verticalPosition != PositionUndefined)
    853             return verticalPosition;
    854     }
    856     LayoutUnit verticalPosition = 0;
    857     EVerticalAlign verticalAlign = renderer->style()->verticalAlign();
    858     if (verticalAlign == TOP || verticalAlign == BOTTOM)
    859         return 0;
    861     RenderObject* parent = renderer->parent();
    862     if (parent->isRenderInline() && parent->style()->verticalAlign() != TOP && parent->style()->verticalAlign() != BOTTOM)
    863         verticalPosition = box->parent()->logicalTop();
    865     if (verticalAlign != BASELINE) {
    866         const Font& font = parent->style(firstLine)->font();
    867         const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
    868         int fontSize = font.pixelSize();
    870         LineDirectionMode lineDirection = parent->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine;
    872         if (verticalAlign == SUB)
    873             verticalPosition += fontSize / 5 + 1;
    874         else if (verticalAlign == SUPER)
    875             verticalPosition -= fontSize / 3 + 1;
    876         else if (verticalAlign == TEXT_TOP)
    877             verticalPosition += renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection) - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType());
    878         else if (verticalAlign == MIDDLE)
    879             verticalPosition = (verticalPosition - static_cast<LayoutUnit>(fontMetrics.xHeight() / 2) - renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) / 2 + renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection)).round();
    880         else if (verticalAlign == TEXT_BOTTOM) {
    881             verticalPosition += fontMetrics.descent(baselineType());
    882             // lineHeight - baselinePosition is always 0 for replaced elements (except inline blocks), so don't bother wasting time in that case.
    883             if (!renderer->isReplaced() || renderer->isInlineBlockOrInlineTable())
    884                 verticalPosition -= (renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) - renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection));
    885         } else if (verticalAlign == BASELINE_MIDDLE)
    886             verticalPosition += -renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) / 2 + renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection);
    887         else if (verticalAlign == LENGTH) {
    888             LayoutUnit lineHeight;
    889             //Per http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#propdef-vertical-align: 'Percentages: refer to the 'line-height' of the element itself'.
    890             if (renderer->style()->verticalAlignLength().isPercent())
    891                 lineHeight = renderer->style()->computedLineHeight();
    892             else
    893                 lineHeight = renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection);
    894             verticalPosition -= valueForLength(renderer->style()->verticalAlignLength(), lineHeight, renderer->view());
    895         }
    896     }
    898     // Store the cached value.
    899     if (isRenderInline && !firstLine)
    900         verticalPositionCache.set(renderer, baselineType(), verticalPosition);
    902     return verticalPosition;
    903 }
    905 bool RootInlineBox::includeLeadingForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    906 {
    907     if (box->renderer()->isReplaced() || (box->renderer()->isText() && !box->isText()))
    908         return false;
    910     LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer()->style()->lineBoxContain();
    911     return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInline) || (box == this && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainBlock));
    912 }
    914 bool RootInlineBox::includeFontForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    915 {
    916     if (box->renderer()->isReplaced() || (box->renderer()->isText() && !box->isText()))
    917         return false;
    919     if (!box->isText() && box->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(box)->hasTextChildren())
    920         return false;
    922     // For now map "glyphs" to "font" in vertical text mode until the bounds returned by glyphs aren't garbage.
    923     LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer()->style()->lineBoxContain();
    924     return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainFont) || (!isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs));
    925 }
    927 bool RootInlineBox::includeGlyphsForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    928 {
    929     if (box->renderer()->isReplaced() || (box->renderer()->isText() && !box->isText()))
    930         return false;
    932     if (!box->isText() && box->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(box)->hasTextChildren())
    933         return false;
    935     // FIXME: We can't fit to glyphs yet for vertical text, since the bounds returned are garbage.
    936     LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer()->style()->lineBoxContain();
    937     return isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs);
    938 }
    940 bool RootInlineBox::includeMarginForBox(InlineBox* box) const
    941 {
    942     if (box->renderer()->isReplaced() || (box->renderer()->isText() && !box->isText()))
    943         return false;
    945     LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer()->style()->lineBoxContain();
    946     return lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInlineBox;
    947 }
    950 bool RootInlineBox::fitsToGlyphs() const
    951 {
    952     // FIXME: We can't fit to glyphs yet for vertical text, since the bounds returned are garbage.
    953     LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer()->style()->lineBoxContain();
    954     return isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs);
    955 }
    957 bool RootInlineBox::includesRootLineBoxFontOrLeading() const
    958 {
    959     LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer()->style()->lineBoxContain();
    960     return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainBlock) || (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInline) || (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainFont);
    961 }
    963 Node* RootInlineBox::getLogicalStartBoxWithNode(InlineBox*& startBox) const
    964 {
    965     Vector<InlineBox*> leafBoxesInLogicalOrder;
    966     collectLeafBoxesInLogicalOrder(leafBoxesInLogicalOrder);
    967     for (size_t i = 0; i < leafBoxesInLogicalOrder.size(); ++i) {
    968         if (leafBoxesInLogicalOrder[i]->renderer()->node()) {
    969             startBox = leafBoxesInLogicalOrder[i];
    970             return startBox->renderer()->node();
    971         }
    972     }
    973     startBox = 0;
    974     return 0;
    975 }
    977 Node* RootInlineBox::getLogicalEndBoxWithNode(InlineBox*& endBox) const
    978 {
    979     Vector<InlineBox*> leafBoxesInLogicalOrder;
    980     collectLeafBoxesInLogicalOrder(leafBoxesInLogicalOrder);
    981     for (size_t i = leafBoxesInLogicalOrder.size(); i > 0; --i) {
    982         if (leafBoxesInLogicalOrder[i - 1]->renderer()->node()) {
    983             endBox = leafBoxesInLogicalOrder[i - 1];
    984             return endBox->renderer()->node();
    985         }
    986     }
    987     endBox = 0;
    988     return 0;
    989 }
    991 #ifndef NDEBUG
    992 const char* RootInlineBox::boxName() const
    993 {
    994     return "RootInlineBox";
    995 }
    996 #endif
    998 } // namespace WebCore