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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/web_resource/notification_promo.h"
      7 #include <cmath>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "base/bind.h"
     11 #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
     12 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     13 #include "base/rand_util.h"
     14 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     16 #include "base/sys_info.h"
     17 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     18 #include "base/time/time.h"
     19 #include "base/values.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/web_resource/promo_resource_service.h"
     22 #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h"
     23 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     24 #include "components/user_prefs/pref_registry_syncable.h"
     25 #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
     26 #include "net/base/url_util.h"
     27 #include "ui/base/device_form_factor.h"
     28 #include "url/gurl.h"
     30 using content::UserMetricsAction;
     32 namespace {
     34 const int kDefaultGroupSize = 100;
     36 const char promo_server_url[] = "https://clients3.google.com/crsignal/client";
     38 // The name of the preference that stores the promotion object.
     39 const char kPrefPromoObject[] = "promo";
     41 // Keys in the kPrefPromoObject dictionary; used only here.
     42 const char kPrefPromoText[] = "text";
     43 const char kPrefPromoPayload[] = "payload";
     44 const char kPrefPromoStart[] = "start";
     45 const char kPrefPromoEnd[] = "end";
     46 const char kPrefPromoNumGroups[] = "num_groups";
     47 const char kPrefPromoSegment[] = "segment";
     48 const char kPrefPromoIncrement[] = "increment";
     49 const char kPrefPromoIncrementFrequency[] = "increment_frequency";
     50 const char kPrefPromoIncrementMax[] = "increment_max";
     51 const char kPrefPromoMaxViews[] = "max_views";
     52 const char kPrefPromoGroup[] = "group";
     53 const char kPrefPromoViews[] = "views";
     54 const char kPrefPromoClosed[] = "closed";
     56 // Returns a string suitable for the Promo Server URL 'osname' value.
     57 std::string PlatformString() {
     58 #if defined(OS_WIN)
     59   return "win";
     60 #elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
     61   ui::DeviceFormFactor form_factor = ui::GetDeviceFormFactor();
     62   return std::string("android-") +
     63       (form_factor == ui::DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR_TABLET ? "tablet" : "phone");
     64 #elif defined(OS_IOS)
     65   ui::DeviceFormFactor form_factor = ui::GetDeviceFormFactor();
     66   return std::string("ios-") +
     67       (form_factor == ui::DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR_TABLET ? "tablet" : "phone");
     68 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
     69   return "mac";
     70 #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
     71   return "chromeos";
     72 #elif defined(OS_LINUX)
     73   return "linux";
     74 #else
     75   return "none";
     76 #endif
     77 }
     79 // Returns a string suitable for the Promo Server URL 'dist' value.
     80 const char* ChannelString() {
     81 #if defined (OS_WIN)
     82   // GetChannel hits the registry on Windows. See http://crbug.com/70898.
     83   // TODO(achuith): Move NotificationPromo::PromoServerURL to the blocking pool.
     84   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
     85 #endif
     86   const chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel =
     87       chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel();
     88   switch (channel) {
     89     case chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_CANARY:
     90       return "canary";
     91     case chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_DEV:
     92       return "dev";
     93     case chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_BETA:
     94       return "beta";
     95     case chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_STABLE:
     96       return "stable";
     97     default:
     98       return "none";
     99   }
    100 }
    102 struct PromoMapEntry {
    103   NotificationPromo::PromoType promo_type;
    104   const char* promo_type_str;
    105 };
    107 const PromoMapEntry kPromoMap[] = {
    108     { NotificationPromo::NO_PROMO, "" },
    109     { NotificationPromo::NTP_NOTIFICATION_PROMO, "ntp_notification_promo" },
    110     { NotificationPromo::NTP_BUBBLE_PROMO, "ntp_bubble_promo" },
    111     { NotificationPromo::MOBILE_NTP_SYNC_PROMO, "mobile_ntp_sync_promo" },
    112 };
    114 // Convert PromoType to appropriate string.
    115 const char* PromoTypeToString(NotificationPromo::PromoType promo_type) {
    116   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPromoMap); ++i) {
    117     if (kPromoMap[i].promo_type == promo_type)
    118       return kPromoMap[i].promo_type_str;
    119   }
    120   NOTREACHED();
    121   return "";
    122 }
    124 // Deep-copies a node, replacing any "value" that is a key
    125 // into "strings" dictionary with its value from "strings".
    126 // E.g. for
    127 //   {promo_action_args:['MSG_SHORT']} + strings:{MSG_SHORT:'yes'}
    128 // it will return
    129 //   {promo_action_args:['yes']}
    130 // |node| - a value to be deep copied and resolved.
    131 // |strings| - a dictionary of strings to be used for resolution.
    132 // Returns a _new_ object that is a deep copy with replacements.
    133 // TODO(aruslan): http://crbug.com/144320 Consider moving it to values.cc/h.
    134 base::Value* DeepCopyAndResolveStrings(
    135     const base::Value* node,
    136     const base::DictionaryValue* strings) {
    137   switch (node->GetType()) {
    138     case base::Value::TYPE_LIST: {
    139       const base::ListValue* list = static_cast<const base::ListValue*>(node);
    140       base::ListValue* copy = new base::ListValue;
    141       for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it = list->begin();
    142            it != list->end();
    143            ++it) {
    144         base::Value* child_copy = DeepCopyAndResolveStrings(*it, strings);
    145         copy->Append(child_copy);
    146       }
    147       return copy;
    148     }
    150     case Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY: {
    151       const base::DictionaryValue* dict =
    152           static_cast<const base::DictionaryValue*>(node);
    153       base::DictionaryValue* copy = new base::DictionaryValue;
    154       for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*dict);
    155            !it.IsAtEnd();
    156            it.Advance()) {
    157         base::Value* child_copy = DeepCopyAndResolveStrings(&it.value(),
    158                                                             strings);
    159         copy->SetWithoutPathExpansion(it.key(), child_copy);
    160       }
    161       return copy;
    162     }
    164     case Value::TYPE_STRING: {
    165       std::string value;
    166       bool rv = node->GetAsString(&value);
    167       DCHECK(rv);
    168       std::string actual_value;
    169       if (!strings || !strings->GetString(value, &actual_value))
    170         actual_value = value;
    171       return new base::StringValue(actual_value);
    172     }
    174     default:
    175       // For everything else, just make a copy.
    176       return node->DeepCopy();
    177   }
    178 }
    180 void AppendQueryParameter(GURL* url,
    181                           const std::string& param,
    182                           const std::string& value) {
    183   *url = net::AppendQueryParameter(*url, param, value);
    184 }
    186 }  // namespace
    188 NotificationPromo::NotificationPromo()
    189     : prefs_(g_browser_process->local_state()),
    190       promo_type_(NO_PROMO),
    191       promo_payload_(new base::DictionaryValue()),
    192       start_(0.0),
    193       end_(0.0),
    194       num_groups_(kDefaultGroupSize),
    195       initial_segment_(0),
    196       increment_(1),
    197       time_slice_(0),
    198       max_group_(0),
    199       max_views_(0),
    200       group_(0),
    201       views_(0),
    202       closed_(false),
    203       new_notification_(false) {
    204   DCHECK(prefs_);
    205 }
    207 NotificationPromo::~NotificationPromo() {}
    209 void NotificationPromo::InitFromJson(const DictionaryValue& json,
    210                                      PromoType promo_type) {
    211   promo_type_ = promo_type;
    212   const ListValue* promo_list = NULL;
    213   DVLOG(1) << "InitFromJson " << PromoTypeToString(promo_type_);
    214   if (!json.GetList(PromoTypeToString(promo_type_), &promo_list))
    215     return;
    217   // No support for multiple promos yet. Only consider the first one.
    218   const DictionaryValue* promo = NULL;
    219   if (!promo_list->GetDictionary(0, &promo))
    220     return;
    222   // Date.
    223   const ListValue* date_list = NULL;
    224   if (promo->GetList("date", &date_list)) {
    225     const DictionaryValue* date;
    226     if (date_list->GetDictionary(0, &date)) {
    227       std::string time_str;
    228       base::Time time;
    229       if (date->GetString("start", &time_str) &&
    230           base::Time::FromString(time_str.c_str(), &time)) {
    231         start_ = time.ToDoubleT();
    232         DVLOG(1) << "start str=" << time_str
    233                  << ", start_="<< base::DoubleToString(start_);
    234       }
    235       if (date->GetString("end", &time_str) &&
    236           base::Time::FromString(time_str.c_str(), &time)) {
    237         end_ = time.ToDoubleT();
    238         DVLOG(1) << "end str =" << time_str
    239                  << ", end_=" << base::DoubleToString(end_);
    240       }
    241     }
    242   }
    244   // Grouping.
    245   const DictionaryValue* grouping = NULL;
    246   if (promo->GetDictionary("grouping", &grouping)) {
    247     grouping->GetInteger("buckets", &num_groups_);
    248     grouping->GetInteger("segment", &initial_segment_);
    249     grouping->GetInteger("increment", &increment_);
    250     grouping->GetInteger("increment_frequency", &time_slice_);
    251     grouping->GetInteger("increment_max", &max_group_);
    253     DVLOG(1) << "num_groups_ = " << num_groups_
    254              << ", initial_segment_ = " << initial_segment_
    255              << ", increment_ = " << increment_
    256              << ", time_slice_ = " << time_slice_
    257              << ", max_group_ = " << max_group_;
    258   }
    260   // Strings.
    261   const DictionaryValue* strings = NULL;
    262   promo->GetDictionary("strings", &strings);
    264   // Payload.
    265   const DictionaryValue* payload = NULL;
    266   if (promo->GetDictionary("payload", &payload)) {
    267     base::Value* ppcopy = DeepCopyAndResolveStrings(payload, strings);
    268     DCHECK(ppcopy && ppcopy->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY));
    269     promo_payload_.reset(static_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(ppcopy));
    270   }
    272   if (!promo_payload_->GetString("promo_message_short", &promo_text_) &&
    273       strings) {
    274     // For compatibility with the legacy desktop version,
    275     // if no |payload.promo_message_short| is specified,
    276     // the first string in |strings| is used.
    277     DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*strings);
    278     iter.value().GetAsString(&promo_text_);
    279   }
    280   DVLOG(1) << "promo_text_=" << promo_text_;
    282   promo->GetInteger("max_views", &max_views_);
    283   DVLOG(1) << "max_views_ " << max_views_;
    285   CheckForNewNotification();
    286 }
    288 void NotificationPromo::CheckForNewNotification() {
    289   NotificationPromo old_promo;
    290   old_promo.InitFromPrefs(promo_type_);
    291   const double old_start = old_promo.start_;
    292   const double old_end = old_promo.end_;
    293   const std::string old_promo_text = old_promo.promo_text_;
    295   new_notification_ =
    296       old_start != start_ || old_end != end_ || old_promo_text != promo_text_;
    297   if (new_notification_)
    298     OnNewNotification();
    299 }
    301 void NotificationPromo::OnNewNotification() {
    302   DVLOG(1) << "OnNewNotification";
    303   // Create a new promo group.
    304   group_ = base::RandInt(0, num_groups_ - 1);
    305   WritePrefs();
    306 }
    308 // static
    309 void NotificationPromo::RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
    310   registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(kPrefPromoObject);
    311 }
    313 // static
    314 void NotificationPromo::RegisterProfilePrefs(
    315     user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) {
    316   // TODO(dbeam): Registered only for migration. Remove in M28 when
    317   // we're reasonably sure all prefs are gone.
    318   // http://crbug.com/168887
    319   registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
    320       kPrefPromoObject, user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
    321 }
    323 // static
    324 void NotificationPromo::MigrateUserPrefs(PrefService* user_prefs) {
    325   user_prefs->ClearPref(kPrefPromoObject);
    326 }
    328 void NotificationPromo::WritePrefs() {
    329   base::DictionaryValue* ntp_promo = new base::DictionaryValue;
    330   ntp_promo->SetString(kPrefPromoText, promo_text_);
    331   ntp_promo->Set(kPrefPromoPayload, promo_payload_->DeepCopy());
    332   ntp_promo->SetDouble(kPrefPromoStart, start_);
    333   ntp_promo->SetDouble(kPrefPromoEnd, end_);
    335   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoNumGroups, num_groups_);
    336   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoSegment, initial_segment_);
    337   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoIncrement, increment_);
    338   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoIncrementFrequency, time_slice_);
    339   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoIncrementMax, max_group_);
    341   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoMaxViews, max_views_);
    343   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoGroup, group_);
    344   ntp_promo->SetInteger(kPrefPromoViews, views_);
    345   ntp_promo->SetBoolean(kPrefPromoClosed, closed_);
    347   base::ListValue* promo_list = new base::ListValue;
    348   promo_list->Set(0, ntp_promo);  // Only support 1 promo for now.
    350   base::DictionaryValue promo_dict;
    351   promo_dict.MergeDictionary(prefs_->GetDictionary(kPrefPromoObject));
    352   promo_dict.Set(PromoTypeToString(promo_type_), promo_list);
    353   prefs_->Set(kPrefPromoObject, promo_dict);
    354   DVLOG(1) << "WritePrefs " << promo_dict;
    355 }
    357 void NotificationPromo::InitFromPrefs(PromoType promo_type) {
    358   promo_type_ = promo_type;
    359   const base::DictionaryValue* promo_dict =
    360       prefs_->GetDictionary(kPrefPromoObject);
    361   if (!promo_dict)
    362     return;
    364   const base::ListValue* promo_list = NULL;
    365   promo_dict->GetList(PromoTypeToString(promo_type_), &promo_list);
    366   if (!promo_list)
    367     return;
    369   const base::DictionaryValue* ntp_promo = NULL;
    370   promo_list->GetDictionary(0, &ntp_promo);
    371   if (!ntp_promo)
    372     return;
    374   ntp_promo->GetString(kPrefPromoText, &promo_text_);
    375   const base::DictionaryValue* promo_payload = NULL;
    376   if (ntp_promo->GetDictionary(kPrefPromoPayload, &promo_payload))
    377     promo_payload_.reset(promo_payload->DeepCopy());
    379   ntp_promo->GetDouble(kPrefPromoStart, &start_);
    380   ntp_promo->GetDouble(kPrefPromoEnd, &end_);
    382   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoNumGroups, &num_groups_);
    383   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoSegment, &initial_segment_);
    384   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoIncrement, &increment_);
    385   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoIncrementFrequency, &time_slice_);
    386   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoIncrementMax, &max_group_);
    388   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoMaxViews, &max_views_);
    390   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoGroup, &group_);
    391   ntp_promo->GetInteger(kPrefPromoViews, &views_);
    392   ntp_promo->GetBoolean(kPrefPromoClosed, &closed_);
    393 }
    395 bool NotificationPromo::CheckAppLauncher() const {
    396 #if !defined(ENABLE_APP_LIST)
    397   return true;
    398 #else
    399   bool is_app_launcher_promo = false;
    400   if (!promo_payload_->GetBoolean("is_app_launcher_promo",
    401                                   &is_app_launcher_promo))
    402     return true;
    403   return !is_app_launcher_promo ||
    404          !prefs_->GetBoolean(prefs::kAppLauncherIsEnabled);
    405 #endif  // !defined(ENABLE_APP_LIST)
    406 }
    408 bool NotificationPromo::CanShow() const {
    409   return !closed_ &&
    410          !promo_text_.empty() &&
    411          !ExceedsMaxGroup() &&
    412          !ExceedsMaxViews() &&
    413          CheckAppLauncher() &&
    414          base::Time::FromDoubleT(StartTimeForGroup()) < base::Time::Now() &&
    415          base::Time::FromDoubleT(EndTime()) > base::Time::Now();
    416 }
    418 // static
    419 void NotificationPromo::HandleClosed(PromoType promo_type) {
    420   content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("NTPPromoClosed"));
    421   NotificationPromo promo;
    422   promo.InitFromPrefs(promo_type);
    423   if (!promo.closed_) {
    424     promo.closed_ = true;
    425     promo.WritePrefs();
    426   }
    427 }
    429 // static
    430 bool NotificationPromo::HandleViewed(PromoType promo_type) {
    431   content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("NTPPromoShown"));
    432   NotificationPromo promo;
    433   promo.InitFromPrefs(promo_type);
    434   ++promo.views_;
    435   promo.WritePrefs();
    436   return promo.ExceedsMaxViews();
    437 }
    439 bool NotificationPromo::ExceedsMaxGroup() const {
    440   return (max_group_ == 0) ? false : group_ >= max_group_;
    441 }
    443 bool NotificationPromo::ExceedsMaxViews() const {
    444   return (max_views_ == 0) ? false : views_ >= max_views_;
    445 }
    447 // static
    448 GURL NotificationPromo::PromoServerURL() {
    449   GURL url(promo_server_url);
    450   AppendQueryParameter(&url, "dist", ChannelString());
    451   AppendQueryParameter(&url, "osname", PlatformString());
    452   AppendQueryParameter(&url, "branding", chrome::VersionInfo().Version());
    453   AppendQueryParameter(&url, "osver", base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersion());
    454   DVLOG(1) << "PromoServerURL=" << url.spec();
    455   // Note that locale param is added by WebResourceService.
    456   return url;
    457 }
    459 double NotificationPromo::StartTimeForGroup() const {
    460   if (group_ < initial_segment_)
    461     return start_;
    462   return start_ +
    463       std::ceil(static_cast<float>(group_ - initial_segment_ + 1) / increment_)
    464       * time_slice_;
    465 }
    467 double NotificationPromo::EndTime() const {
    468   return end_;
    469 }