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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "content/renderer/webcrypto/webcrypto_impl.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <string>
      9 #include <vector>
     11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     12 #include "base/json/json_writer.h"
     13 #include "base/logging.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     16 #include "content/public/renderer/content_renderer_client.h"
     17 #include "content/renderer/renderer_webkitplatformsupport_impl.h"
     18 #include "content/renderer/webcrypto/webcrypto_util.h"
     19 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     20 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebArrayBuffer.h"
     21 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCryptoAlgorithm.h"
     22 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCryptoAlgorithmParams.h"
     23 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCryptoKey.h"
     25 namespace content {
     27 namespace {
     29 std::vector<uint8> HexStringToBytes(const std::string& hex) {
     30   std::vector<uint8> bytes;
     31   base::HexStringToBytes(hex, &bytes);
     32   return bytes;
     33 }
     35 void ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(const std::string& expected_hex,
     36                                  const blink::WebArrayBuffer& array_buffer) {
     38       expected_hex.c_str(),
     39       base::HexEncode(array_buffer.data(), array_buffer.byteLength()).c_str());
     40 }
     42 std::vector<uint8> MakeJsonVector(const std::string& json_string) {
     43   return std::vector<uint8>(json_string.begin(), json_string.end());
     44 }
     46 std::vector<uint8> MakeJsonVector(const base::DictionaryValue& dict) {
     47   std::string json;
     48   base::JSONWriter::Write(&dict, &json);
     49   return MakeJsonVector(json);
     50 }
     52 // Helper for ImportJwkFailures and ImportJwkOctFailures. Restores the JWK JSON
     53 // dictionary to a good state
     54 void RestoreJwkOctDictionary(base::DictionaryValue* dict) {
     55   dict->Clear();
     56   dict->SetString("kty", "oct");
     57   dict->SetString("alg", "A128CBC");
     58   dict->SetString("use", "enc");
     59   dict->SetBoolean("extractable", false);
     60   dict->SetString("k", "GADWrMRHwQfoNaXU5fZvTg==");
     61 }
     63 #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
     65 // Helper for ImportJwkRsaFailures. Restores the JWK JSON
     66 // dictionary to a good state
     67 void RestoreJwkRsaDictionary(base::DictionaryValue* dict) {
     68   dict->Clear();
     69   dict->SetString("kty", "RSA");
     70   dict->SetString("alg", "RSA1_5");
     71   dict->SetString("use", "enc");
     72   dict->SetBoolean("extractable", false);
     73   dict->SetString("n",
     74       "qLOyhK-OtQs4cDSoYPFGxJGfMYdjzWxVmMiuSBGh4KvEx-CwgtaTpef87Wdc9GaFEncsDLxk"
     75       "p0LGxjD1M8jMcvYq6DPEC_JYQumEu3i9v5fAEH1VvbZi9cTg-rmEXLUUjvc5LdOq_5OuHmtm"
     76       "e7PUJHYW1PW6ENTP0ibeiNOfFvs");
     77   dict->SetString("e", "AQAB");
     78 }
     80 blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
     81     blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId algorithm_id,
     82     unsigned modulus_length,
     83     const std::vector<uint8>& public_exponent) {
     84   DCHECK(algorithm_id == blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5 ||
     85          algorithm_id == blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5 ||
     86          algorithm_id == blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaOaep);
     87   return blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::adoptParamsAndCreate(
     88       algorithm_id,
     89       new blink::WebCryptoRsaKeyGenParams(
     90           modulus_length,
     91           webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(public_exponent),
     92           public_exponent.size()));
     93 }
     95 // Determines if two ArrayBuffers have identical content.
     96 bool ArrayBuffersEqual(
     97     const blink::WebArrayBuffer& a,
     98     const blink::WebArrayBuffer& b) {
     99   return a.byteLength() == b.byteLength() &&
    100          memcmp(a.data(), b.data(), a.byteLength()) == 0;
    101 }
    103 // Given a vector of WebArrayBuffers, determines if there are any copies.
    104 bool CopiesExist(std::vector<blink::WebArrayBuffer> bufs) {
    105   for (size_t i = 0; i < bufs.size(); ++i) {
    106     for (size_t j = i + 1; j < bufs.size(); ++j) {
    107       if (ArrayBuffersEqual(bufs[i], bufs[j]))
    108         return true;
    109     }
    110   }
    111   return false;
    112 }
    114 #endif  // #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
    116 }  // namespace
    118 class WebCryptoImplTest : public testing::Test {
    119  protected:
    120   blink::WebCryptoKey ImportSecretKeyFromRawHexString(
    121       const std::string& key_hex,
    122       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    123       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage) {
    124     std::vector<uint8> key_raw = HexStringToBytes(key_hex);
    126     blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    127     bool extractable = true;
    128     EXPECT_TRUE(crypto_.ImportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw,
    129                                           webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(key_raw),
    130                                           key_raw.size(),
    131                                           algorithm,
    132                                           extractable,
    133                                           usage,
    134                                           &key));
    136     EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret, key.type());
    137     EXPECT_FALSE(key.isNull());
    138     EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
    139     return key;
    140   }
    142   // Forwarding methods to gain access to protected methods of
    143   // WebCryptoImpl.
    145   bool DigestInternal(
    146       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    147       const std::vector<uint8>& data,
    148       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    149     return crypto_.DigestInternal(
    150         algorithm, webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(data), data.size(), buffer);
    151   }
    153   bool GenerateKeyInternal(
    154       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    155       blink::WebCryptoKey* key) {
    156     bool extractable = true;
    157     blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = 0;
    158     return crypto_.GenerateKeyInternal(algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, key);
    159   }
    161   bool GenerateKeyPairInternal(
    162       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    163       bool extractable,
    164       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask,
    165       blink::WebCryptoKey* public_key,
    166       blink::WebCryptoKey* private_key) {
    167     return crypto_.GenerateKeyPairInternal(
    168         algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, public_key, private_key);
    169   }
    171   bool ImportKeyInternal(
    172       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormat format,
    173       const std::vector<uint8>& key_data,
    174       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    175       bool extractable,
    176       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask,
    177       blink::WebCryptoKey* key) {
    178     return crypto_.ImportKeyInternal(format,
    179                                      webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(key_data),
    180                                      key_data.size(),
    181                                      algorithm,
    182                                      extractable,
    183                                      usage_mask,
    184                                      key);
    185   }
    187   bool ExportKeyInternal(
    188       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormat format,
    189       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    190       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    191     return crypto_.ExportKeyInternal(format, key, buffer);
    192   }
    194   bool SignInternal(
    195       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    196       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    197       const std::vector<uint8>& data,
    198       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    199     return crypto_.SignInternal(
    200         algorithm, key, webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(data), data.size(), buffer);
    201   }
    203   bool VerifySignatureInternal(
    204       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    205       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    206       const unsigned char* signature,
    207       unsigned signature_size,
    208       const std::vector<uint8>& data,
    209       bool* signature_match) {
    210     return crypto_.VerifySignatureInternal(algorithm,
    211                                            key,
    212                                            signature,
    213                                            signature_size,
    214                                            webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(data),
    215                                            data.size(),
    216                                            signature_match);
    217   }
    219   bool EncryptInternal(
    220       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    221       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    222       const unsigned char* data,
    223       unsigned data_size,
    224       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    225     return crypto_.EncryptInternal(algorithm, key, data, data_size, buffer);
    226   }
    228   bool EncryptInternal(
    229       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    230       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    231       const std::vector<uint8>& data,
    232       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    233     return crypto_.EncryptInternal(
    234         algorithm, key, webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(data), data.size(), buffer);
    235   }
    237   bool DecryptInternal(
    238       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    239       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    240       const unsigned char* data,
    241       unsigned data_size,
    242       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    243     return crypto_.DecryptInternal(algorithm, key, data, data_size, buffer);
    244   }
    246   bool DecryptInternal(
    247       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    248       const blink::WebCryptoKey& key,
    249       const std::vector<uint8>& data,
    250       blink::WebArrayBuffer* buffer) {
    251     return crypto_.DecryptInternal(
    252         algorithm, key, webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(data), data.size(), buffer);
    253   }
    255   bool ImportKeyJwk(
    256       const std::vector<uint8>& key_data,
    257       const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
    258       bool extractable,
    259       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask,
    260       blink::WebCryptoKey* key) {
    261     return crypto_.ImportKeyJwk(webcrypto::Uint8VectorStart(key_data),
    262                                 key_data.size(),
    263                                 algorithm,
    264                                 extractable,
    265                                 usage_mask,
    266                                 key);
    267   }
    269  private:
    270   WebCryptoImpl crypto_;
    271 };
    273 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, DigestSampleSets) {
    274   // The results are stored here in hex format for readability.
    275   //
    276   // TODO(bryaneyler): Eventually, all these sample test sets should be replaced
    277   // with the sets here: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/index.html#03
    278   //
    279   // Results were generated using the command sha{1,224,256,384,512}sum.
    280   struct TestCase {
    281     blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId algorithm;
    282     const std::string hex_input;
    283     const char* hex_result;
    284   };
    286   const TestCase kTests[] = {
    287     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1, "",
    288       "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709"
    289     },
    290     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha224, "",
    291       "d14a028c2a3a2bc9476102bb288234c415a2b01f828ea62ac5b3e42f"
    292     },
    293     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256, "",
    294       "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
    295     },
    296     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha384, "",
    297       "38b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114be07434c0cc7bf63f6e1da274e"
    298       "debfe76f65fbd51ad2f14898b95b"
    299     },
    300     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha512, "",
    301       "cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0"
    302       "d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e",
    303     },
    304     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1, "00",
    305       "5ba93c9db0cff93f52b521d7420e43f6eda2784f",
    306     },
    307     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha224, "00",
    308       "fff9292b4201617bdc4d3053fce02734166a683d7d858a7f5f59b073",
    309     },
    310     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256, "00",
    311       "6e340b9cffb37a989ca544e6bb780a2c78901d3fb33738768511a30617afa01d",
    312     },
    313     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha384, "00",
    314       "bec021b4f368e3069134e012c2b4307083d3a9bdd206e24e5f0d86e13d6636655933"
    315       "ec2b413465966817a9c208a11717",
    316     },
    317     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha512, "00",
    318       "b8244d028981d693af7b456af8efa4cad63d282e19ff14942c246e50d9351d22704a"
    319       "802a71c3580b6370de4ceb293c324a8423342557d4e5c38438f0e36910ee",
    320     },
    321     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1, "000102030405",
    322       "868460d98d09d8bbb93d7b6cdd15cc7fbec676b9",
    323     },
    324     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha224, "000102030405",
    325       "7d92e7f1cad1818ed1d13ab41f04ebabfe1fef6bb4cbeebac34c29bc",
    326     },
    327     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256, "000102030405",
    328       "17e88db187afd62c16e5debf3e6527cd006bc012bc90b51a810cd80c2d511f43",
    329     },
    330     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha384, "000102030405",
    331       "79f4738706fce9650ac60266675c3cd07298b09923850d525604d040e6e448adc7dc"
    332       "22780d7e1b95bfeaa86a678e4552",
    333     },
    334     { blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha512, "000102030405",
    335       "2f3831bccc94cf061bcfa5f8c23c1429d26e3bc6b76edad93d9025cb91c903af6cf9"
    336       "c935dc37193c04c2c66e7d9de17c358284418218afea2160147aaa912f4c",
    337     },
    338   };
    340   for (size_t test_index = 0; test_index < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kTests);
    341        ++test_index) {
    342     SCOPED_TRACE(test_index);
    343     const TestCase& test = kTests[test_index];
    345     blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    346         webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(test.algorithm);
    347     std::vector<uint8> input = HexStringToBytes(test.hex_input);
    349     blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
    350     ASSERT_TRUE(DigestInternal(algorithm, input, &output));
    351     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(test.hex_result, output);
    352   }
    353 }
    355 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, HMACSampleSets) {
    356   struct TestCase {
    357     blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId algorithm;
    358     const char* key;
    359     const char* message;
    360     const char* mac;
    361   };
    363   const TestCase kTests[] = {
    364     // Empty sets.  Result generated via OpenSSL commandline tool.  These
    365     // particular results are also posted on the Wikipedia page examples:
    366     // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash-based_message_authentication_code
    367     {
    368       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1,
    369       "",
    370       "",
    371       // openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac "" < /dev/null
    372       "fbdb1d1b18aa6c08324b7d64b71fb76370690e1d",
    373     },
    374     {
    375       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256,
    376       "",
    377       "",
    378       // openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "" < /dev/null
    379       "b613679a0814d9ec772f95d778c35fc5ff1697c493715653c6c712144292c5ad",
    380     },
    381     // For this data, see http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/index.html#07
    382     // Download:
    383     // http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/documents/mac/hmactestvectors.zip
    384     // L=20 set 45
    385     {
    386       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1,
    387       // key
    388       "59785928d72516e31272",
    389       // message
    390       "a3ce8899df1022e8d2d539b47bf0e309c66f84095e21438ec355bf119ce5fdcb4e73a6"
    391       "19cdf36f25b369d8c38ff419997f0c59830108223606e31223483fd39edeaa4d3f0d21"
    392       "198862d239c9fd26074130ff6c86493f5227ab895c8f244bd42c7afce5d147a20a5907"
    393       "98c68e708e964902d124dadecdbda9dbd0051ed710e9bf",
    394       // mac
    395       "3c8162589aafaee024fc9a5ca50dd2336fe3eb28",
    396     },
    397     // L=20 set 299
    398     {
    399       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1,
    400       // key
    401       "ceb9aedf8d6efcf0ae52bea0fa99a9e26ae81bacea0cff4d5eecf201e3bca3c3577480"
    402       "621b818fd717ba99d6ff958ea3d59b2527b019c343bb199e648090225867d994607962"
    403       "f5866aa62930d75b58f6",
    404       // message
    405       "99958aa459604657c7bf6e4cdfcc8785f0abf06ffe636b5b64ecd931bd8a4563055924"
    406       "21fc28dbcccb8a82acea2be8e54161d7a78e0399a6067ebaca3f2510274dc9f92f2c8a"
    407       "e4265eec13d7d42e9f8612d7bc258f913ecb5a3a5c610339b49fb90e9037b02d684fc6"
    408       "0da835657cb24eab352750c8b463b1a8494660d36c3ab2",
    409       // mac
    410       "4ac41ab89f625c60125ed65ffa958c6b490ea670",
    411     },
    412     // L=32, set 30
    413     {
    414       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256,
    415       // key
    416       "9779d9120642797f1747025d5b22b7ac607cab08e1758f2f3a46c8be1e25c53b8c6a8f"
    417       "58ffefa176",
    418       // message
    419       "b1689c2591eaf3c9e66070f8a77954ffb81749f1b00346f9dfe0b2ee905dcc288baf4a"
    420       "92de3f4001dd9f44c468c3d07d6c6ee82faceafc97c2fc0fc0601719d2dcd0aa2aec92"
    421       "d1b0ae933c65eb06a03c9c935c2bad0459810241347ab87e9f11adb30415424c6c7f5f"
    422       "22a003b8ab8de54f6ded0e3ab9245fa79568451dfa258e",
    423       // mac
    424       "769f00d3e6a6cc1fb426a14a4f76c6462e6149726e0dee0ec0cf97a16605ac8b",
    425     },
    426     // L=32, set 224
    427     {
    428       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256,
    429       // key
    430       "4b7ab133efe99e02fc89a28409ee187d579e774f4cba6fc223e13504e3511bef8d4f63"
    431       "8b9aca55d4a43b8fbd64cf9d74dcc8c9e8d52034898c70264ea911a3fd70813fa73b08"
    432       "3371289b",
    433       // message
    434       "138efc832c64513d11b9873c6fd4d8a65dbf367092a826ddd587d141b401580b798c69"
    435       "025ad510cff05fcfbceb6cf0bb03201aaa32e423d5200925bddfadd418d8e30e18050e"
    436       "b4f0618eb9959d9f78c1157d4b3e02cd5961f138afd57459939917d9144c95d8e6a94c"
    437       "8f6d4eef3418c17b1ef0b46c2a7188305d9811dccb3d99",
    438       // mac
    439       "4f1ee7cb36c58803a8721d4ac8c4cf8cae5d8832392eed2a96dc59694252801b",
    440     },
    441   };
    443   for (size_t test_index = 0; test_index < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kTests);
    444        ++test_index) {
    445     SCOPED_TRACE(test_index);
    446     const TestCase& test = kTests[test_index];
    448     blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    449         webcrypto::CreateHmacAlgorithmByHashId(test.algorithm);
    451     blink::WebCryptoKey key = ImportSecretKeyFromRawHexString(
    452         test.key, algorithm, blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign);
    454     // Verify exported raw key is identical to the imported data
    455     blink::WebArrayBuffer raw_key;
    456     EXPECT_TRUE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw, key, &raw_key));
    457     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(test.key, raw_key);
    459     std::vector<uint8> message_raw = HexStringToBytes(test.message);
    461     blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
    463     ASSERT_TRUE(SignInternal(algorithm, key, message_raw, &output));
    465     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(test.mac, output);
    467     bool signature_match = false;
    468     EXPECT_TRUE(VerifySignatureInternal(
    469         algorithm,
    470         key,
    471         static_cast<const unsigned char*>(output.data()),
    472         output.byteLength(),
    473         message_raw,
    474         &signature_match));
    475     EXPECT_TRUE(signature_match);
    477     // Ensure truncated signature does not verify by passing one less byte.
    478     EXPECT_TRUE(VerifySignatureInternal(
    479         algorithm,
    480         key,
    481         static_cast<const unsigned char*>(output.data()),
    482         output.byteLength() - 1,
    483         message_raw,
    484         &signature_match));
    485     EXPECT_FALSE(signature_match);
    487     // Ensure extra long signature does not cause issues and fails.
    488     const unsigned char kLongSignature[1024] = { 0 };
    489     EXPECT_TRUE(VerifySignatureInternal(
    490         algorithm,
    491         key,
    492         kLongSignature,
    493         sizeof(kLongSignature),
    494         message_raw,
    495         &signature_match));
    496     EXPECT_FALSE(signature_match);
    497   }
    498 }
    500 #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
    502 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, AesCbcFailures) {
    503   const std::string key_hex = "2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c";
    504   blink::WebCryptoKey key = ImportSecretKeyFromRawHexString(
    505       key_hex,
    506       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc),
    507       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt | blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt);
    509   // Verify exported raw key is identical to the imported data
    510   blink::WebArrayBuffer raw_key;
    511   EXPECT_TRUE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw, key, &raw_key));
    512   ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(key_hex, raw_key);
    514   blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
    516   // Use an invalid |iv| (fewer than 16 bytes)
    517   {
    518     std::vector<uint8> input(32);
    519     std::vector<uint8> iv;
    520     EXPECT_FALSE(EncryptInternal(
    521         webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv), key, input, &output));
    522     EXPECT_FALSE(DecryptInternal(
    523         webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv), key, input, &output));
    524   }
    526   // Use an invalid |iv| (more than 16 bytes)
    527   {
    528     std::vector<uint8> input(32);
    529     std::vector<uint8> iv(17);
    530     EXPECT_FALSE(EncryptInternal(
    531         webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv), key, input, &output));
    532     EXPECT_FALSE(DecryptInternal(
    533         webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv), key, input, &output));
    534   }
    536   // Give an input that is too large (would cause integer overflow when
    537   // narrowing to an int).
    538   {
    539     std::vector<uint8> iv(16);
    541     // Pretend the input is large. Don't pass data pointer as NULL in case that
    542     // is special cased; the implementation shouldn't actually dereference the
    543     // data.
    544     const unsigned char* input = &iv[0];
    545     unsigned input_len = INT_MAX - 3;
    547     EXPECT_FALSE(EncryptInternal(
    548         webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv), key, input, input_len, &output));
    549     EXPECT_FALSE(DecryptInternal(
    550         webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv), key, input, input_len, &output));
    551   }
    553   // Fail importing the key (too few bytes specified)
    554   {
    555     std::vector<uint8> key_raw(1);
    556     std::vector<uint8> iv(16);
    558     blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    559     EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw,
    560                                    key_raw,
    561                                    webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv),
    562                                    true,
    563                                    blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
    564                                    &key));
    565   }
    567   // Fail exporting the key in SPKI and PKCS#8 formats (not allowed for secret
    568   // keys).
    569   EXPECT_FALSE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki, key, &output));
    570   EXPECT_FALSE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8, key, &output));
    571 }
    573 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, AesCbcSampleSets) {
    574   struct TestCase {
    575     const char* key;
    576     const char* iv;
    577     const char* plain_text;
    578     const char* cipher_text;
    579   };
    581   TestCase kTests[] = {
    582     // F.2.1 (CBC-AES128.Encrypt)
    583     // http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf
    584     {
    585       // key
    586       "2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c",
    588       // iv
    589       "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f",
    591       // plain_text
    592       "6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a"
    593       "ae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e51"
    594       "30c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52ef"
    595       "f69f2445df4f9b17ad2b417be66c3710",
    597       // cipher_text
    598       "7649abac8119b246cee98e9b12e9197d"
    599       "5086cb9b507219ee95db113a917678b2"
    600       "73bed6b8e3c1743b7116e69e22229516"
    601       "3ff1caa1681fac09120eca307586e1a7"
    602       // Padding block: encryption of {0x10, 0x10, ... 0x10}) (not given by the
    603       // NIST test vector)
    604       "8cb82807230e1321d3fae00d18cc2012"
    605     },
    607     // F.2.6 CBC-AES256.Decrypt [*]
    608     // http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf
    609     //
    610     // [*] Truncated 3 bytes off the plain text, so block 4 differs from the
    611     // NIST vector.
    612     {
    613       // key
    614       "603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d7781"
    615       "1f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4",
    617       // iv
    618       "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f",
    620       // plain_text
    621       "6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a"
    622       "ae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e51"
    623       "30c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52ef"
    624       // Truncated this last block to make it more interesting.
    625       "f69f2445df4f9b17ad2b417be6",
    627       // cipher_text
    628       "f58c4c04d6e5f1ba779eabfb5f7bfbd6"
    629       "9cfc4e967edb808d679f777bc6702c7d"
    630       "39f23369a9d9bacfa530e26304231461"
    631       // This block differs from source vector (due to truncation)
    632       "c9aaf02a6a54e9e242ccbf48c59daca6"
    633     },
    635     // Taken from encryptor_unittest.cc (EncryptorTest.EmptyEncrypt())
    636     {
    637       // key
    638       "3132383d5369787465656e4279746573",
    640       // iv
    641       "5377656574205369787465656e204956",
    643       // plain_text
    644       "",
    646       // cipher_text
    647       "8518b8878d34e7185e300d0fcc426396"
    648     },
    649   };
    651   for (size_t index = 0; index < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kTests); index++) {
    652     SCOPED_TRACE(index);
    653     const TestCase& test = kTests[index];
    655     blink::WebCryptoKey key = ImportSecretKeyFromRawHexString(
    656         test.key,
    657         webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc),
    658         blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt | blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt);
    660     // Verify exported raw key is identical to the imported data
    661     blink::WebArrayBuffer raw_key;
    662     EXPECT_TRUE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw, key, &raw_key));
    663     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(test.key, raw_key);
    665     std::vector<uint8> plain_text = HexStringToBytes(test.plain_text);
    666     std::vector<uint8> iv = HexStringToBytes(test.iv);
    668     blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
    670     // Test encryption.
    671     EXPECT_TRUE(EncryptInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv),
    672                                 key,
    673                                 plain_text,
    674                                 &output));
    675     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(test.cipher_text, output);
    677     // Test decryption.
    678     std::vector<uint8> cipher_text = HexStringToBytes(test.cipher_text);
    679     EXPECT_TRUE(DecryptInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv),
    680                                 key,
    681                                 cipher_text,
    682                                 &output));
    683     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(test.plain_text, output);
    685     const unsigned kAesCbcBlockSize = 16;
    687     // Decrypt with a padding error by stripping the last block. This also ends
    688     // up testing decryption over empty cipher text.
    689     if (cipher_text.size() >= kAesCbcBlockSize) {
    690       EXPECT_FALSE(DecryptInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv),
    691                                    key,
    692                                    &cipher_text[0],
    693                                    cipher_text.size() - kAesCbcBlockSize,
    694                                    &output));
    695     }
    697     // Decrypt cipher text which is not a multiple of block size by stripping
    698     // a few bytes off the cipher text.
    699     if (cipher_text.size() > 3) {
    700       EXPECT_FALSE(DecryptInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcAlgorithm(iv),
    701                                    key,
    702                                    &cipher_text[0],
    703                                    cipher_text.size() - 3,
    704                                    &output));
    705     }
    706   }
    707 }
    709 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, GenerateKeyAes) {
    710   // Generate a small sample of AES keys.
    711   std::vector<blink::WebArrayBuffer> keys;
    712   blink::WebArrayBuffer key_bytes;
    713   for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    714     blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    715     ASSERT_TRUE(
    716         GenerateKeyInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcKeyGenAlgorithm(128), &key));
    717     EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
    718     EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret, key.type());
    719     ASSERT_TRUE(
    720         ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw, key, &key_bytes));
    721     keys.push_back(key_bytes);
    722   }
    723   // Ensure all entries in the key sample set are unique. This is a simplistic
    724   // estimate of whether the generated keys appear random.
    725   EXPECT_FALSE(CopiesExist(keys));
    726 }
    728 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, GenerateKeyAesBadLength) {
    729   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    730   EXPECT_FALSE(
    731       GenerateKeyInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcKeyGenAlgorithm(0), &key));
    732   EXPECT_FALSE(
    733       GenerateKeyInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcKeyGenAlgorithm(0), &key));
    734   EXPECT_FALSE(
    735       GenerateKeyInternal(webcrypto::CreateAesCbcKeyGenAlgorithm(129), &key));
    736 }
    738 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, GenerateKeyHmac) {
    739   // Generate a small sample of HMAC keys.
    740   std::vector<blink::WebArrayBuffer> keys;
    741   for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    742     blink::WebArrayBuffer key_bytes;
    743     blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    744     blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm = webcrypto::CreateHmacKeyGenAlgorithm(
    745         blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1, 128);
    746     ASSERT_TRUE(GenerateKeyInternal(algorithm, &key));
    747     EXPECT_FALSE(key.isNull());
    748     EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
    749     EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret, key.type());
    750   }
    751   // Ensure all entries in the key sample set are unique. This is a simplistic
    752   // estimate of whether the generated keys appear random.
    753   EXPECT_FALSE(CopiesExist(keys));
    754 }
    756 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, GenerateKeyHmacNoLength) {
    757   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    758   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    759       webcrypto::CreateHmacKeyGenAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1, 0);
    760   ASSERT_TRUE(GenerateKeyInternal(algorithm, &key));
    761   EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
    762   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret, key.type());
    763 }
    765 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportSecretKeyNoAlgorithm) {
    766   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    768   // This fails because the algorithm is null.
    769   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
    770       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw,
    771       HexStringToBytes("00000000000000000000"),
    772       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
    773       true,
    774       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
    775       &key));
    776 }
    778 #endif  //#if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
    780 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportJwkFailures) {
    782   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    783   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    784       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc);
    785   blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt;
    787   // Baseline pass: each test below breaks a single item, so we start with a
    788   // passing case to make sure each failure is caused by the isolated break.
    789   // Each breaking subtest below resets the dictionary to this passing case when
    790   // complete.
    791   base::DictionaryValue dict;
    792   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    793   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(
    794       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    796   // Fail on empty JSON.
    797   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    798       MakeJsonVector(""), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    800   // Fail on invalid JSON.
    801   const std::vector<uint8> bad_json_vec = MakeJsonVector(
    802       "{"
    803         "\"kty\"         : \"oct\","
    804         "\"alg\"         : \"HS256\","
    805         "\"use\"         : "
    806   );
    807   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(bad_json_vec, algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    809   // Fail on JWK alg present but unrecognized.
    810   dict.SetString("alg", "A127CBC");
    811   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    812       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    813   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    815   // Fail on both JWK and input algorithm missing.
    816   dict.Remove("alg", NULL);
    817   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(MakeJsonVector(dict),
    818                             blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
    819                             false,
    820                             usage_mask,
    821                             &key));
    822   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    824   // Fail on invalid kty.
    825   dict.SetString("kty", "foo");
    826   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    827       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    828   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    830   // Fail on missing kty.
    831   dict.Remove("kty", NULL);
    832   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    833       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    834   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    836   // Fail on invalid use.
    837   dict.SetString("use", "foo");
    838   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    839       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    840   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    841 }
    843 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportJwkOctFailures) {
    845   base::DictionaryValue dict;
    846   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    847   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    848       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc);
    849   blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt;
    850   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    852   // Baseline pass.
    853   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(
    854       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    855   EXPECT_EQ(algorithm.id(), key.algorithm().id());
    856   EXPECT_FALSE(key.extractable());
    857   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt, key.usages());
    858   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret, key.type());
    860   // The following are specific failure cases for when kty = "oct".
    862   // Fail on missing k.
    863   dict.Remove("k", NULL);
    864   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    865       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    866   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    868   // Fail on bad b64 encoding for k.
    869   dict.SetString("k", "Qk3f0DsytU8lfza2au #$% Htaw2xpop9GYyTuH0p5GghxTI=");
    870   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    871       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    872   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    874   // Fail on empty k.
    875   dict.SetString("k", "");
    876   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    877       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    878   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    880   // Fail on k actual length (120 bits) inconsistent with the embedded JWK alg
    881   // value (128) for an AES key.
    882   dict.SetString("k", "AVj42h0Y5aqGtE3yluKL");
    883   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    884       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    885   RestoreJwkOctDictionary(&dict);
    886 }
    888 #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
    890 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportJwkRsaFailures) {
    892   base::DictionaryValue dict;
    893   RestoreJwkRsaDictionary(&dict);
    894   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    895       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5);
    896   blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt;
    897   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    899   // An RSA public key JWK _must_ have an "n" (modulus) and an "e" (exponent)
    900   // entry, while an RSA private key must have those plus at least a "d"
    901   // (private exponent) entry.
    902   // See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-18,
    903   // section 6.3.
    905   // Baseline pass.
    906   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(
    907       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    908   EXPECT_EQ(algorithm.id(), key.algorithm().id());
    909   EXPECT_FALSE(key.extractable());
    910   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt, key.usages());
    911   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic, key.type());
    913   // The following are specific failure cases for when kty = "RSA".
    915   // Fail if either "n" or "e" is not present or malformed.
    916   const std::string kKtyParmName[] = {"n", "e"};
    917   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kKtyParmName); ++idx) {
    919     // Fail on missing parameter.
    920     dict.Remove(kKtyParmName[idx], NULL);
    921     EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    922         MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    923     RestoreJwkRsaDictionary(&dict);
    925     // Fail on bad b64 parameter encoding.
    926     dict.SetString(kKtyParmName[idx], "Qk3f0DsytU8lfza2au #$% Htaw2xpop9yTuH0");
    927     EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    928         MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    929     RestoreJwkRsaDictionary(&dict);
    931     // Fail on empty parameter.
    932     dict.SetString(kKtyParmName[idx], "");
    933     EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    934         MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    935     RestoreJwkRsaDictionary(&dict);
    936   }
    938   // Fail if "d" parameter is present, implying the JWK is a private key, which
    939   // is not supported.
    940   dict.SetString("d", "Qk3f0Dsyt");
    941   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
    942       MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    943   RestoreJwkRsaDictionary(&dict);
    944 }
    946 #endif  // #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
    948 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportJwkInputConsistency) {
    949   // The Web Crypto spec says that if a JWK value is present, but is
    950   // inconsistent with the input value, the operation must fail.
    952   // Consistency rules when JWK value is not present: Inputs should be used.
    953   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    954   bool extractable = false;
    955   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
    956       webcrypto::CreateHmacAlgorithmByHashId(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256);
    957   blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageVerify;
    958   base::DictionaryValue dict;
    959   dict.SetString("kty", "oct");
    960   dict.SetString("k", "l3nZEgZCeX8XRwJdWyK3rGB8qwjhdY8vOkbIvh4lxTuMao9Y_--hdg");
    961   std::vector<uint8> json_vec = MakeJsonVector(dict);
    962   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(json_vec, algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &key));
    963   EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
    964   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypeSecret, key.type());
    965   EXPECT_EQ(extractable, key.extractable());
    966   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdHmac, key.algorithm().id());
    967   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256,
    968             key.algorithm().hmacParams()->hash().id());
    969   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageVerify, key.usages());
    970   key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
    972   // Consistency rules when JWK value exists: Fail if inconsistency is found.
    974   // Pass: All input values are consistent with the JWK values.
    975   dict.Clear();
    976   dict.SetString("kty", "oct");
    977   dict.SetString("alg", "HS256");
    978   dict.SetString("use", "sig");
    979   dict.SetBoolean("extractable", false);
    980   dict.SetString("k", "l3nZEgZCeX8XRwJdWyK3rGB8qwjhdY8vOkbIvh4lxTuMao9Y_--hdg");
    981   json_vec = MakeJsonVector(dict);
    982   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(json_vec, algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &key));
    984   // Extractable cases:
    985   // 1. input=T, JWK=F ==> fail (inconsistent)
    986   // 4. input=F, JWK=F ==> pass, result extractable is F
    987   // 2. input=T, JWK=T ==> pass, result extractable is T
    988   // 3. input=F, JWK=T ==> pass, result extractable is F
    989   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(json_vec, algorithm, true, usage_mask, &key));
    990   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(json_vec, algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    991   EXPECT_FALSE(key.extractable());
    992   dict.SetBoolean("extractable", true);
    993   EXPECT_TRUE(
    994       ImportKeyJwk(MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, true, usage_mask, &key));
    995   EXPECT_TRUE(key.extractable());
    996   EXPECT_TRUE(
    997       ImportKeyJwk(MakeJsonVector(dict), algorithm, false, usage_mask, &key));
    998   EXPECT_FALSE(key.extractable());
    999   dict.SetBoolean("extractable", true);  // restore previous value
   1001   // Fail: Input algorithm (AES-CBC) is inconsistent with JWK value
   1002   // (HMAC SHA256).
   1003   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
   1004       json_vec,
   1005       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc),
   1006       extractable,
   1007       usage_mask,
   1008       &key));
   1010   // Fail: Input algorithm (HMAC SHA1) is inconsistent with JWK value
   1011   // (HMAC SHA256).
   1012   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
   1013       json_vec,
   1014       webcrypto::CreateHmacAlgorithmByHashId(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha1),
   1015       extractable,
   1016       usage_mask,
   1017       &key));
   1019   // Pass: JWK alg valid but input algorithm isNull: use JWK algorithm value.
   1020   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(json_vec,
   1021                            blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
   1022                            extractable,
   1023                            usage_mask,
   1024                            &key));
   1025   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdHmac, algorithm.id());
   1027   // Pass: JWK alg missing but input algorithm specified: use input value
   1028   dict.Remove("alg", NULL);
   1029   EXPECT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(
   1030       MakeJsonVector(dict),
   1031       webcrypto::CreateHmacAlgorithmByHashId(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256),
   1032       extractable,
   1033       usage_mask,
   1034       &key));
   1035   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdHmac, algorithm.id());
   1036   dict.SetString("alg", "HS256");
   1038   // Fail: Input usage_mask (encrypt) is not a subset of the JWK value
   1039   // (sign|verify)
   1040   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyJwk(
   1041       json_vec, algorithm, extractable, blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt, &key));
   1043   // Fail: Input usage_mask (encrypt|sign|verify) is not a subset of the JWK
   1044   // value (sign|verify)
   1045   usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt | blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign |
   1046                blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageVerify;
   1047   EXPECT_FALSE(
   1048       ImportKeyJwk(json_vec, algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &key));
   1049   usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign | blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageVerify;
   1051   // TODO(padolph): kty vs alg consistency tests: Depending on the kty value,
   1052   // only certain alg values are permitted. For example, when kty = "RSA" alg
   1053   // must be of the RSA family, or when kty = "oct" alg must be symmetric
   1054   // algorithm.
   1055 }
   1057 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportJwkHappy) {
   1059   // This test verifies the happy path of JWK import, including the application
   1060   // of the imported key material.
   1062   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1063   bool extractable = false;
   1064   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
   1065       webcrypto::CreateHmacAlgorithmByHashId(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdSha256);
   1066   blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign;
   1068   // Import a symmetric key JWK and HMAC-SHA256 sign()
   1069   // Uses the first SHA256 test vector from the HMAC sample set above.
   1071   base::DictionaryValue dict;
   1072   dict.SetString("kty", "oct");
   1073   dict.SetString("alg", "HS256");
   1074   dict.SetString("use", "sig");
   1075   dict.SetBoolean("extractable", false);
   1076   dict.SetString("k", "l3nZEgZCeX8XRwJdWyK3rGB8qwjhdY8vOkbIvh4lxTuMao9Y_--hdg");
   1077   std::vector<uint8> json_vec = MakeJsonVector(dict);
   1079   ASSERT_TRUE(ImportKeyJwk(json_vec, algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &key));
   1081   const std::vector<uint8> message_raw = HexStringToBytes(
   1082       "b1689c2591eaf3c9e66070f8a77954ffb81749f1b00346f9dfe0b2ee905dcc288baf4a"
   1083       "92de3f4001dd9f44c468c3d07d6c6ee82faceafc97c2fc0fc0601719d2dcd0aa2aec92"
   1084       "d1b0ae933c65eb06a03c9c935c2bad0459810241347ab87e9f11adb30415424c6c7f5f"
   1085       "22a003b8ab8de54f6ded0e3ab9245fa79568451dfa258e");
   1087   blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
   1089   ASSERT_TRUE(SignInternal(algorithm, key, message_raw, &output));
   1091   const std::string mac_raw =
   1092       "769f00d3e6a6cc1fb426a14a4f76c6462e6149726e0dee0ec0cf97a16605ac8b";
   1094   ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(mac_raw, output);
   1096   // TODO(padolph): Import an RSA public key JWK and use it
   1097 }
   1099 #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
   1101 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportExportSpki) {
   1102   // openssl genrsa -out pair.pem 2048
   1103   // openssl rsa -in pair.pem -out pubkey.der -outform DER -pubout
   1104   // xxd -p pubkey.der
   1105   const std::string hex_rsa_spki_der =
   1106       "30820122300d06092a864886f70d01010105000382010f003082010a0282"
   1107       "010100f19e40f94e3780858701577a571cca000cb9795db89ddf8e98ab0e"
   1108       "5eecfa47516cb08dc591cae5ab7fa43d6db402e95991d4a2de52e7cd3a66"
   1109       "4f58284be2eb4675d5a849a2582c585d2b3c6c225a8f2c53a0414d5dbd06"
   1110       "172371cefdf953e9ec3000fc9ad000743023f74e82d12aa93917a2c9b832"
   1111       "696085ee0711154cf98a6d098f44cee00ea3b7584236503a5483ba8b6792"
   1112       "fee588d1a8f4a0618333c4cb3447d760b43d5a0d9ed6ef79763df670cd8b"
   1113       "5eb869a20833f1e3e6d8b88240a5d4335c73fd20487f2a7d112af8692357"
   1114       "6425e44a273e5ad2e93d6b50a28e65f9e133958e4f0c7d12e0adc90fedd4"
   1115       "f6b6848e7b6900666642a08b520a6534a35d4f0203010001";
   1117   // Passing case: Import a valid RSA key in SPKI format.
   1118   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1119   ASSERT_TRUE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1120       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1121       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_spki_der),
   1122       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5),
   1123       true,
   1124       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1125       &key));
   1126   EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
   1127   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic, key.type());
   1128   EXPECT_TRUE(key.extractable());
   1129   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt, key.usages());
   1131   // Failing case: Empty SPKI data
   1132   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1133       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1134       std::vector<uint8>(),
   1135       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
   1136       true,
   1137       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1138       &key));
   1140   // Failing case: Import RSA key with NULL input algorithm. This is not
   1141   // allowed because the SPKI ASN.1 format for RSA keys is not specific enough
   1142   // to map to a Web Crypto algorithm.
   1143   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1144       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1145       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_spki_der),
   1146       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
   1147       true,
   1148       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1149       &key));
   1151   // Failing case: Bad DER encoding.
   1152   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1153       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1154       HexStringToBytes("618333c4cb"),
   1155       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5),
   1156       true,
   1157       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1158       &key));
   1160   // Failing case: Import RSA key but provide an inconsistent input algorithm.
   1161   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1162       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1163       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_spki_der),
   1164       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc),
   1165       true,
   1166       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1167       &key));
   1169   // Passing case: Export a previously imported RSA public key in SPKI format
   1170   // and compare to original data.
   1171   blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
   1172   ASSERT_TRUE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki, key, &output));
   1173   ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(hex_rsa_spki_der, output);
   1175   // Failing case: Try to export a previously imported RSA public key in raw
   1176   // format (not allowed for a public key).
   1177   EXPECT_FALSE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatRaw, key, &output));
   1179   // Failing case: Try to export a non-extractable key
   1180   ASSERT_TRUE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1181       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1182       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_spki_der),
   1183       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5),
   1184       false,
   1185       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1186       &key));
   1187   EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
   1188   EXPECT_FALSE(key.extractable());
   1189   EXPECT_FALSE(ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki, key, &output));
   1190 }
   1192 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, ImportPkcs8) {
   1194   // The following is a DER-encoded PKCS#8 representation of the RSA key from
   1195   // Example 1 of NIST's "Test vectors for RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature".
   1196   // ftp://ftp.rsa.com/pub/rsalabs/tmp/pkcs1v15sign-vectors.txt
   1197   const std::string hex_rsa_pkcs8_der =
   1198       "30820275020100300D06092A864886F70D01010105000482025F3082025B020100028181"
   1199       "00A56E4A0E701017589A5187DC7EA841D156F2EC0E36AD52A44DFEB1E61F7AD991D8C510"
   1200       "56FFEDB162B4C0F283A12A88A394DFF526AB7291CBB307CEABFCE0B1DFD5CD9508096D5B"
   1201       "2B8B6DF5D671EF6377C0921CB23C270A70E2598E6FF89D19F105ACC2D3F0CB35F29280E1"
   1202       "386B6F64C4EF22E1E1F20D0CE8CFFB2249BD9A2137020301000102818033A5042A90B27D"
   1203       "4F5451CA9BBBD0B44771A101AF884340AEF9885F2A4BBE92E894A724AC3C568C8F97853A"
   1204       "D07C0266C8C6A3CA0929F1E8F11231884429FC4D9AE55FEE896A10CE707C3ED7E734E447"
   1205       "27A39574501A532683109C2ABACABA283C31B4BD2F53C3EE37E352CEE34F9E503BD80C06"
   1206       "22AD79C6DCEE883547C6A3B325024100E7E8942720A877517273A356053EA2A1BC0C94AA"
   1207       "72D55C6E86296B2DFC967948C0A72CBCCCA7EACB35706E09A1DF55A1535BD9B3CC34160B"
   1208       "3B6DCD3EDA8E6443024100B69DCA1CF7D4D7EC81E75B90FCCA874ABCDE123FD2700180AA"
   1209       "90479B6E48DE8D67ED24F9F19D85BA275874F542CD20DC723E6963364A1F9425452B269A"
   1210       "6799FD024028FA13938655BE1F8A159CBACA5A72EA190C30089E19CD274A556F36C4F6E1"
   1211       "9F554B34C077790427BBDD8DD3EDE2448328F385D81B30E8E43B2FFFA02786197902401A"
   1212       "8B38F398FA712049898D7FB79EE0A77668791299CDFA09EFC0E507ACB21ED74301EF5BFD"
   1213       "48BE455EAEB6E1678255827580A8E4E8E14151D1510A82A3F2E729024027156ABA4126D2"
   1214       "4A81F3A528CBFB27F56886F840A9F6E86E17A44B94FE9319584B8E22FDDE1E5A2E3BD8AA"
   1215       "5BA8D8584194EB2190ACF832B847F13A3D24A79F4D";
   1217   // Passing case: Import a valid RSA key in PKCS#8 format.
   1218   blink::WebCryptoKey key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1219   ASSERT_TRUE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1220       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8,
   1221       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_pkcs8_der),
   1222       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5),
   1223       true,
   1224       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign,
   1225       &key));
   1226   EXPECT_TRUE(key.handle());
   1227   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePrivate, key.type());
   1228   EXPECT_TRUE(key.extractable());
   1229   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign, key.usages());
   1231   // Failing case: Empty PKCS#8 data
   1232   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1233       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8,
   1234       std::vector<uint8>(),
   1235       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
   1236       true,
   1237       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign,
   1238       &key));
   1240   // Failing case: Import RSA key with NULL input algorithm. This is not
   1241   // allowed because the PKCS#8 ASN.1 format for RSA keys is not specific enough
   1242   // to map to a Web Crypto algorithm.
   1243   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1244       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8,
   1245       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_pkcs8_der),
   1246       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm::createNull(),
   1247       true,
   1248       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign,
   1249       &key));
   1251   // Failing case: Bad DER encoding.
   1252   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1253       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8,
   1254       HexStringToBytes("618333c4cb"),
   1255       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5),
   1256       true,
   1257       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign,
   1258       &key));
   1260   // Failing case: Import RSA key but provide an inconsistent input algorithm.
   1261   EXPECT_FALSE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1262       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8,
   1263       HexStringToBytes(hex_rsa_pkcs8_der),
   1264       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdAesCbc),
   1265       true,
   1266       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageSign,
   1267       &key));
   1268 }
   1270 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, GenerateKeyPairRsa) {
   1271   // Note: using unrealistic short key lengths here to avoid bogging down tests.
   1273   // Successful WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5 key generation.
   1274   const unsigned modulus_length = 256;
   1275   const std::vector<uint8> public_exponent = HexStringToBytes("010001");
   1276   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1277       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5,
   1278       modulus_length,
   1279       public_exponent);
   1280   bool extractable = false;
   1281   const blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask = 0;
   1282   blink::WebCryptoKey public_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1283   blink::WebCryptoKey private_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1284   EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1285       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1286   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1287   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1288   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic, public_key.type());
   1289   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePrivate, private_key.type());
   1290   EXPECT_EQ(true, public_key.extractable());
   1291   EXPECT_EQ(extractable, private_key.extractable());
   1292   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, public_key.usages());
   1293   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, private_key.usages());
   1295   // Fail with bad modulus.
   1296   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1297       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5, 0, public_exponent);
   1298   EXPECT_FALSE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1299       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1301   // Fail with bad exponent: larger than unsigned long.
   1302   unsigned exponent_length = sizeof(unsigned long) + 1;  // NOLINT
   1303   const std::vector<uint8> long_exponent(exponent_length, 0x01);
   1304   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1305       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5, modulus_length, long_exponent);
   1306   EXPECT_FALSE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1307       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1309   // Fail with bad exponent: empty.
   1310   const std::vector<uint8> empty_exponent;
   1311   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1312       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5,
   1313       modulus_length,
   1314       empty_exponent);
   1315   EXPECT_FALSE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1316       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1318   // Fail with bad exponent: all zeros.
   1319   std::vector<uint8> exponent_with_leading_zeros(15, 0x00);
   1320   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1321       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5,
   1322       modulus_length,
   1323       exponent_with_leading_zeros);
   1324   EXPECT_FALSE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1325       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1327   // Key generation success using exponent with leading zeros.
   1328   exponent_with_leading_zeros.insert(exponent_with_leading_zeros.end(),
   1329                                      public_exponent.begin(),
   1330                                      public_exponent.end());
   1331   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1332       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5,
   1333       modulus_length,
   1334       exponent_with_leading_zeros);
   1335   EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1336       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1337   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1338   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1339   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic, public_key.type());
   1340   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePrivate, private_key.type());
   1341   EXPECT_EQ(true, public_key.extractable());
   1342   EXPECT_EQ(extractable, private_key.extractable());
   1343   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, public_key.usages());
   1344   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, private_key.usages());
   1346   // Successful WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaOaep key generation.
   1347   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1348       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaOaep, modulus_length, public_exponent);
   1349   EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1350       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1351   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1352   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1353   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic, public_key.type());
   1354   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePrivate, private_key.type());
   1355   EXPECT_EQ(true, public_key.extractable());
   1356   EXPECT_EQ(extractable, private_key.extractable());
   1357   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, public_key.usages());
   1358   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, private_key.usages());
   1360   // Successful WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5 key generation.
   1361   algorithm = webcrypto::CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(
   1362       blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5,
   1363       modulus_length,
   1364       public_exponent);
   1365   EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1366       algorithm, extractable, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1367   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1368   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1369   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic, public_key.type());
   1370   EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebCryptoKeyTypePrivate, private_key.type());
   1371   EXPECT_EQ(true, public_key.extractable());
   1372   EXPECT_EQ(extractable, private_key.extractable());
   1373   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, public_key.usages());
   1374   EXPECT_EQ(usage_mask, private_key.usages());
   1376   // Fail SPKI export of private key. This is an ExportKey test, but do it here
   1377   // since it is expensive to generate an RSA key pair and we already have a
   1378   // private key here.
   1379   blink::WebArrayBuffer output;
   1380   EXPECT_FALSE(
   1381       ExportKeyInternal(blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki, private_key, &output));
   1382 }
   1384 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, RsaEsRoundTrip) {
   1385   // Note: using unrealistic short key length here to avoid bogging down tests.
   1387   // Create a key pair.
   1388   const unsigned kModulusLength = 256;
   1389   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
   1390       CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5,
   1391                                kModulusLength,
   1392                                HexStringToBytes("010001"));
   1393   const blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask =
   1394       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt | blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt;
   1395   blink::WebCryptoKey public_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1396   blink::WebCryptoKey private_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1397   EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1398       algorithm, false, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1399   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1400   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1402   // Make a maximum-length data message. RSAES can operate on messages up to
   1403   // length of k - 11 bytes, where k is the octet length of the RSA modulus.
   1404   const unsigned kMaxMsgSizeBytes = kModulusLength / 8 - 11;
   1405   // There are two hex chars for each byte.
   1406   const unsigned kMsgHexSize = kMaxMsgSizeBytes * 2;
   1407   char max_data_hex[kMsgHexSize+1];
   1408   std::fill(&max_data_hex[0], &max_data_hex[0] + kMsgHexSize, 'a');
   1409   max_data_hex[kMsgHexSize] = '\0';
   1411   // Verify encrypt / decrypt round trip on a few messages. Note that RSA
   1412   // encryption does not support empty input.
   1413   algorithm =
   1414       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5);
   1415   const char* const kTestDataHex[] = {
   1416       "ff",
   1417       "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f",
   1418       max_data_hex
   1419   };
   1420   blink::WebArrayBuffer encrypted_data;
   1421   blink::WebArrayBuffer decrypted_data;
   1422   for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kTestDataHex); ++i) {
   1423     SCOPED_TRACE(i);
   1424     ASSERT_TRUE(EncryptInternal(
   1425         algorithm,
   1426         public_key,
   1427         HexStringToBytes(kTestDataHex[i]),
   1428         &encrypted_data));
   1429     EXPECT_EQ(kModulusLength/8, encrypted_data.byteLength());
   1430     ASSERT_TRUE(DecryptInternal(
   1431         algorithm,
   1432         private_key,
   1433         reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(encrypted_data.data()),
   1434         encrypted_data.byteLength(),
   1435         &decrypted_data));
   1436     ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(kTestDataHex[i], decrypted_data);
   1437   }
   1438 }
   1440 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, RsaEsKnownAnswer) {
   1441   // Because the random data in PKCS1.5 padding makes the encryption output non-
   1442   // deterministic, we cannot easily do a typical known-answer test for RSA
   1443   // encryption / decryption. Instead we will take a known-good encrypted
   1444   // message, decrypt it, re-encrypt it, then decrypt again, verifying that the
   1445   // original known cleartext is the result.
   1447   // The RSA public and private keys used for this test are produced by the
   1448   // openssl command line:
   1449   // % openssl genrsa -out pair.pem 1024
   1450   // % openssl rsa -in pair.pem -out spki.der -outform DER -pubout
   1451   // % openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in pair.pem -out
   1452   //     pkcs8.der -nocrypt
   1453   // % xxd -p spki.der
   1454   // % xxd -p pkcs8.der
   1455   const std::string rsa_spki_der_hex =
   1456       "30819f300d06092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100a8"
   1457       "d30894b93f376f7822229bfd2483e50da944c4ab803ca31979e0f47e70bf"
   1458       "683c687c6b3e80f280a237cea3643fd1f7f10f7cc664dbc2ecd45be53e1c"
   1459       "9b15a53c37dbdad846c0f8340c472abc7821e4aa7df185867bf38228ac3e"
   1460       "cc1d97d3c8b57e21ea6ba57b2bc3814a436e910ee8ab64a0b7743a927e94"
   1461       "4d3420401f7dd50203010001";
   1462   const std::string rsa_pkcs8_der_hex =
   1463       "30820276020100300d06092a864886f70d0101010500048202603082025c"
   1464       "02010002818100a8d30894b93f376f7822229bfd2483e50da944c4ab803c"
   1465       "a31979e0f47e70bf683c687c6b3e80f280a237cea3643fd1f7f10f7cc664"
   1466       "dbc2ecd45be53e1c9b15a53c37dbdad846c0f8340c472abc7821e4aa7df1"
   1467       "85867bf38228ac3ecc1d97d3c8b57e21ea6ba57b2bc3814a436e910ee8ab"
   1468       "64a0b7743a927e944d3420401f7dd5020301000102818100896cdffb50a0"
   1469       "691bd00ad9696933243a7c5861a64684e8d74b91aed0d76c28234da9303e"
   1470       "8c6ea2f89b141a9d5ea9a4ddd3d8eb9503dcf05ba0b1fd76060b281e3ae4"
   1471       "b9d497fb5519bdf1127db8ad412d6a722686c78df3e3002acca960c6b2a2"
   1472       "42a83ace5410693c03ce3d74cb9c9a7bacc8e271812920d1f53fee9312ef"
   1473       "4eb1024100d09c14418ce92af7cc62f7cdc79836d8c6e3d0d33e7229cc11"
   1474       "d732cbac75aa4c56c92e409a3ccbe75d4ce63ac5adca33080690782c6371"
   1475       "e3628134c3534ca603024100cf2d3206f6deea2f39b70351c51f85436200"
   1476       "5aa8f643e49e22486736d536e040dc30a2b4f9be3ab212a88d1891280874"
   1477       "b9a170cdeb22eaf61c27c4b082c7d1470240638411a5b3b307ec6e744802"
   1478       "c2d4ba556f8bfe72c7b76e790b89bd91ac13f5c9b51d04138d80b3450c1d"
   1479       "4337865601bf96748b36c8f627be719f71ac3c70b441024065ce92cfe34e"
   1480       "a58bf173a2b8f3024b4d5282540ac581957db3e11a7f528535ec098808dc"
   1481       "a0013ffcb3b88a25716757c86c540e07d2ad8502cdd129118822c30f0240"
   1482       "420a4983040e9db46eb29f1315a0d7b41cf60428f7460fce748e9a1a7d22"
   1483       "d7390fa328948e7e9d1724401374e99d45eb41474781201378a4330e8e80"
   1484       "8ce63551";
   1486   // Similarly, the cleartext and public key encrypted ciphertext for this test
   1487   // are also produced by openssl. Note that since we are using a 1024-bit key,
   1488   // the cleartext size must be less than or equal to 117 bytes (modulusLength /
   1489   // 8 - 11).
   1490   // % openssl rand -out cleartext.bin 64
   1491   // % openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey spki.der -keyform DER -pubin -in
   1492   //     cleartext.bin -out ciphertext.bin
   1493   // % xxd -p cleartext.bin
   1494   // % xxd -p ciphertext.bin
   1495   const std::string cleartext_hex =
   1496       "ec358ed141c45d7e03d4c6338aebad718e8bcbbf8f8ee6f8d9f4b9ef06d8"
   1497       "84739a398c6bcbc688418b2ff64761dc0ccd40e7d52bed03e06946d0957a"
   1498       "eef9e822";
   1499   const std::string ciphertext_hex =
   1500       "6106441c2b7a4b1a16260ed1ae4fe6135247345dc8e674754bbda6588c6c"
   1501       "0d95a3d4d26bb34cdbcbe327723e80343bd7a15cd4c91c3a44e6cb9c6cd6"
   1502       "7ad2e8bf41523188d9b36dc364a838642dcbc2c25e85dfb2106ba47578ca"
   1503       "3bbf8915055aea4fa7c3cbfdfbcc163f04c234fb6d847f39bab9612ecbee"
   1504       "04626e945c3ccf42";
   1506   // Import the public key.
   1507   const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
   1508       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5);
   1509   blink::WebCryptoKey public_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1510   ASSERT_TRUE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1511       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatSpki,
   1512       HexStringToBytes(rsa_spki_der_hex),
   1513       algorithm,
   1514       true,
   1515       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt,
   1516       &public_key));
   1517   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1518   EXPECT_TRUE(public_key.handle());
   1520   // Import the private key.
   1521   blink::WebCryptoKey private_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1522   ASSERT_TRUE(ImportKeyInternal(
   1523       blink::WebCryptoKeyFormatPkcs8,
   1524       HexStringToBytes(rsa_pkcs8_der_hex),
   1525       algorithm,
   1526       true,
   1527       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt,
   1528       &private_key));
   1529   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1530   EXPECT_TRUE(private_key.handle());
   1532   // Decrypt the known-good ciphertext with the private key. As a check we must
   1533   // get the known original cleartext.
   1534   blink::WebArrayBuffer decrypted_data;
   1535   ASSERT_TRUE(DecryptInternal(
   1536       algorithm,
   1537       private_key,
   1538       HexStringToBytes(ciphertext_hex),
   1539       &decrypted_data));
   1540   EXPECT_FALSE(decrypted_data.isNull());
   1541   ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(cleartext_hex, decrypted_data);
   1543   // Encrypt this decrypted data with the public key.
   1544   blink::WebArrayBuffer encrypted_data;
   1545   ASSERT_TRUE(EncryptInternal(
   1546       algorithm,
   1547       public_key,
   1548       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(decrypted_data.data()),
   1549       decrypted_data.byteLength(),
   1550       &encrypted_data));
   1551   EXPECT_EQ(128u, encrypted_data.byteLength());
   1553   // Finally, decrypt the newly encrypted result with the private key, and
   1554   // compare to the known original cleartext.
   1555   decrypted_data.reset();
   1556   ASSERT_TRUE(DecryptInternal(
   1557       algorithm,
   1558       private_key,
   1559       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(encrypted_data.data()),
   1560       encrypted_data.byteLength(),
   1561       &decrypted_data));
   1562   EXPECT_FALSE(decrypted_data.isNull());
   1563   ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(cleartext_hex, decrypted_data);
   1564 }
   1566 TEST_F(WebCryptoImplTest, RsaEsFailures) {
   1567   // Note: using unrealistic short key length here to avoid bogging down tests.
   1569   // Create a key pair.
   1570   const unsigned kModulusLength = 256;
   1571   blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm algorithm =
   1572       CreateRsaKeyGenAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5,
   1573                                kModulusLength,
   1574                                HexStringToBytes("010001"));
   1575   const blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask =
   1576       blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt | blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt;
   1577   blink::WebCryptoKey public_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1578   blink::WebCryptoKey private_key = blink::WebCryptoKey::createNull();
   1579   EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateKeyPairInternal(
   1580       algorithm, false, usage_mask, &public_key, &private_key));
   1581   EXPECT_FALSE(public_key.isNull());
   1582   EXPECT_FALSE(private_key.isNull());
   1584   // Fail encrypt with a private key.
   1585   algorithm =
   1586       webcrypto::CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5);
   1587   blink::WebArrayBuffer encrypted_data;
   1588   const std::string message_hex_str("0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
   1589   const std::vector<uint8> message_hex(HexStringToBytes(message_hex_str));
   1590   EXPECT_FALSE(
   1591       EncryptInternal(algorithm, private_key, message_hex, &encrypted_data));
   1593   // Fail encrypt with empty message.
   1594   EXPECT_FALSE(EncryptInternal(
   1595       algorithm, public_key, std::vector<uint8>(), &encrypted_data));
   1597   // Fail encrypt with message too large. RSAES can operate on messages up to
   1598   // length of k - 11 bytes, where k is the octet length of the RSA modulus.
   1599   const unsigned kMaxMsgSizeBytes = kModulusLength / 8 - 11;
   1600   EXPECT_FALSE(EncryptInternal(algorithm,
   1601                                public_key,
   1602                                std::vector<uint8>(kMaxMsgSizeBytes + 1, '0'),
   1603                                &encrypted_data));
   1605   // Generate encrypted data.
   1606   EXPECT_TRUE(
   1607       EncryptInternal(algorithm, public_key, message_hex, &encrypted_data));
   1609   // Fail decrypt with a public key.
   1610   blink::WebArrayBuffer decrypted_data;
   1611   EXPECT_FALSE(DecryptInternal(
   1612       algorithm,
   1613       public_key,
   1614       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(encrypted_data.data()),
   1615       encrypted_data.byteLength(),
   1616       &decrypted_data));
   1618   // Corrupt encrypted data; ensure decrypt fails because padding was disrupted.
   1619   std::vector<uint8> corrupted_data(
   1620       static_cast<uint8*>(encrypted_data.data()),
   1621       static_cast<uint8*>(encrypted_data.data()) + encrypted_data.byteLength());
   1622   corrupted_data[corrupted_data.size() / 2] ^= 0x01;
   1623   EXPECT_FALSE(
   1624       DecryptInternal(algorithm, private_key, corrupted_data, &decrypted_data));
   1626   // TODO(padolph): Are there other specific data corruption scenarios to
   1627   // consider?
   1629   // Do a successful decrypt with good data just for confirmation.
   1630   EXPECT_TRUE(DecryptInternal(
   1631       algorithm,
   1632       private_key,
   1633       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(encrypted_data.data()),
   1634       encrypted_data.byteLength(),
   1635       &decrypted_data));
   1636   ExpectArrayBufferMatchesHex(message_hex_str, decrypted_data);
   1637 }
   1639 #endif  // #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL)
   1641 }  // namespace content