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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk;
     19 import static com.android.SdkConstants.DOT_XML;
     20 import static com.android.SdkConstants.EXT_JAR;
     21 import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES;
     23 import com.android.SdkConstants;
     24 import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
     25 import com.android.annotations.Nullable;
     26 import com.android.ddmlib.IDevice;
     27 import com.android.ide.common.rendering.LayoutLibrary;
     28 import com.android.ide.common.sdk.LoadStatus;
     29 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtConstants;
     30 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
     31 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.build.DexWrapper;
     32 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.common.CommonXmlEditor;
     33 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
     34 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper;
     35 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.LibraryClasspathContainerInitializer;
     36 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.ProjectHelper;
     37 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.GlobalProjectMonitor;
     38 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.GlobalProjectMonitor.IFileListener;
     39 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.GlobalProjectMonitor.IProjectListener;
     40 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.GlobalProjectMonitor.IResourceEventListener;
     41 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.ProjectState.LibraryDifference;
     42 import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.ProjectState.LibraryState;
     43 import com.android.io.StreamException;
     44 import com.android.prefs.AndroidLocation.AndroidLocationException;
     45 import com.android.sdklib.AndroidVersion;
     46 import com.android.sdklib.BuildToolInfo;
     47 import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
     48 import com.android.sdklib.SdkManager;
     49 import com.android.sdklib.devices.DeviceManager;
     50 import com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager;
     51 import com.android.sdklib.internal.project.ProjectProperties;
     52 import com.android.sdklib.internal.project.ProjectProperties.PropertyType;
     53 import com.android.sdklib.internal.project.ProjectPropertiesWorkingCopy;
     54 import com.android.sdklib.repository.FullRevision;
     55 import com.android.utils.ILogger;
     56 import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
     58 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
     59 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
     60 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
     61 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarkerDelta;
     62 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
     63 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
     64 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
     65 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
     66 import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
     67 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
     68 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
     69 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
     70 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
     71 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
     72 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
     73 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job;
     74 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
     75 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
     76 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
     77 import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
     78 import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorDescriptor;
     79 import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
     80 import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
     81 import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
     82 import org.eclipse.ui.IFileEditorInput;
     83 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
     84 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite;
     85 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
     86 import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
     87 import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
     88 import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
     90 import java.io.File;
     91 import java.io.IOException;
     92 import java.net.MalformedURLException;
     93 import java.net.URL;
     94 import java.util.ArrayList;
     95 import java.util.Arrays;
     96 import java.util.Collection;
     97 import java.util.HashMap;
     98 import java.util.HashSet;
     99 import java.util.List;
    100 import java.util.Map;
    101 import java.util.Map.Entry;
    102 import java.util.Set;
    103 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
    105 /**
    106  * Central point to load, manipulate and deal with the Android SDK. Only one SDK can be used
    107  * at the same time.
    108  *
    109  * To start using an SDK, call {@link #loadSdk(String)} which returns the instance of
    110  * the Sdk object.
    111  *
    112  * To get the list of platforms or add-ons present in the SDK, call {@link #getTargets()}.
    113  */
    114 public final class Sdk  {
    115     private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
    117     private final static Object LOCK = new Object();
    119     private static Sdk sCurrentSdk = null;
    121     /**
    122      * Map associating {@link IProject} and their state {@link ProjectState}.
    123      * <p/>This <b>MUST NOT</b> be accessed directly. Instead use {@link #getProjectState(IProject)}.
    124      */
    125     private final static HashMap<IProject, ProjectState> sProjectStateMap =
    126             new HashMap<IProject, ProjectState>();
    128     /**
    129      * Data bundled using during the load of Target data.
    130      * <p/>This contains the {@link LoadStatus} and a list of projects that attempted
    131      * to compile before the loading was finished. Those projects will be recompiled
    132      * at the end of the loading.
    133      */
    134     private final static class TargetLoadBundle {
    135         LoadStatus status;
    136         final HashSet<IJavaProject> projectsToReload = new HashSet<IJavaProject>();
    137     }
    139     private final SdkManager mManager;
    140     private final Map<String, DexWrapper> mDexWrappers = Maps.newHashMap();
    141     private final AvdManager mAvdManager;
    142     private final DeviceManager mDeviceManager;
    144     /** Map associating an {@link IAndroidTarget} to an {@link AndroidTargetData} */
    145     private final HashMap<IAndroidTarget, AndroidTargetData> mTargetDataMap =
    146         new HashMap<IAndroidTarget, AndroidTargetData>();
    147     /** Map associating an {@link IAndroidTarget} and its {@link TargetLoadBundle}. */
    148     private final HashMap<IAndroidTarget, TargetLoadBundle> mTargetDataStatusMap =
    149         new HashMap<IAndroidTarget, TargetLoadBundle>();
    151     /**
    152      * If true the target data will never load anymore. The only way to reload them is to
    153      * completely reload the SDK with {@link #loadSdk(String)}
    154      */
    155     private boolean mDontLoadTargetData = false;
    157     private final String mDocBaseUrl;
    159     /**
    160      * Classes implementing this interface will receive notification when targets are changed.
    161      */
    162     public interface ITargetChangeListener {
    163         /**
    164          * Sent when project has its target changed.
    165          */
    166         void onProjectTargetChange(IProject changedProject);
    168         /**
    169          * Called when the targets are loaded (either the SDK finished loading when Eclipse starts,
    170          * or the SDK is changed).
    171          */
    172         void onTargetLoaded(IAndroidTarget target);
    174         /**
    175          * Called when the base content of the SDK is parsed.
    176          */
    177         void onSdkLoaded();
    178     }
    180     /**
    181      * Basic abstract implementation of the ITargetChangeListener for the case where both
    182      * {@link #onProjectTargetChange(IProject)} and {@link #onTargetLoaded(IAndroidTarget)}
    183      * use the same code based on a simple test requiring to know the current IProject.
    184      */
    185     public static abstract class TargetChangeListener implements ITargetChangeListener {
    186         /**
    187          * Returns the {@link IProject} associated with the listener.
    188          */
    189         public abstract IProject getProject();
    191         /**
    192          * Called when the listener needs to take action on the event. This is only called
    193          * if {@link #getProject()} and the {@link IAndroidTarget} associated with the project
    194          * match the values received in {@link #onProjectTargetChange(IProject)} and
    195          * {@link #onTargetLoaded(IAndroidTarget)}.
    196          */
    197         public abstract void reload();
    199         @Override
    200         public void onProjectTargetChange(IProject changedProject) {
    201             if (changedProject != null && changedProject.equals(getProject())) {
    202                 reload();
    203             }
    204         }
    206         @Override
    207         public void onTargetLoaded(IAndroidTarget target) {
    208             IProject project = getProject();
    209             if (target != null && target.equals(Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(project))) {
    210                 reload();
    211             }
    212         }
    214         @Override
    215         public void onSdkLoaded() {
    216             // do nothing;
    217         }
    218     }
    220     /**
    221      * Returns the lock object used to synchronize all operations dealing with SDK, targets and
    222      * projects.
    223      */
    224     @NonNull
    225     public static final Object getLock() {
    226         return LOCK;
    227     }
    229     /**
    230      * Loads an SDK and returns an {@link Sdk} object if success.
    231      * <p/>If the SDK failed to load, it displays an error to the user.
    232      * @param sdkLocation the OS path to the SDK.
    233      */
    234     @Nullable
    235     public static Sdk loadSdk(String sdkLocation) {
    236         synchronized (LOCK) {
    237             if (sCurrentSdk != null) {
    238                 sCurrentSdk.dispose();
    239                 sCurrentSdk = null;
    240             }
    242             final AtomicBoolean hasWarning = new AtomicBoolean();
    243             final AtomicBoolean hasError = new AtomicBoolean();
    244             final ArrayList<String> logMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
    245             ILogger log = new ILogger() {
    246                 @Override
    247                 public void error(@Nullable Throwable throwable, @Nullable String errorFormat,
    248                         Object... arg) {
    249                     hasError.set(true);
    250                     if (errorFormat != null) {
    251                         logMessages.add(String.format("Error: " + errorFormat, arg));
    252                     }
    254                     if (throwable != null) {
    255                         logMessages.add(throwable.getMessage());
    256                     }
    257                 }
    259                 @Override
    260                 public void warning(@NonNull String warningFormat, Object... arg) {
    261                     hasWarning.set(true);
    262                     logMessages.add(String.format("Warning: " + warningFormat, arg));
    263                 }
    265                 @Override
    266                 public void info(@NonNull String msgFormat, Object... arg) {
    267                     logMessages.add(String.format(msgFormat, arg));
    268                 }
    270                 @Override
    271                 public void verbose(@NonNull String msgFormat, Object... arg) {
    272                     info(msgFormat, arg);
    273                 }
    274             };
    276             // get an SdkManager object for the location
    277             SdkManager manager = SdkManager.createManager(sdkLocation, log);
    278             try {
    279                 if (manager == null) {
    280                     hasError.set(true);
    281                 } else {
    282                     // create the AVD Manager
    283                     AvdManager avdManager = null;
    284                     try {
    285                         avdManager = AvdManager.getInstance(manager, log);
    286                     } catch (AndroidLocationException e) {
    287                         log.error(e, "Error parsing the AVDs");
    288                     }
    289                     sCurrentSdk = new Sdk(manager, avdManager);
    290                     return sCurrentSdk;
    291                 }
    292             } finally {
    293                 if (hasError.get() || hasWarning.get()) {
    294                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
    295                             String.format("%s when loading the SDK:\n",
    296                                     hasError.get() ? "Error" : "Warning"));
    297                     for (String msg : logMessages) {
    298                         sb.append('\n');
    299                         sb.append(msg);
    300                     }
    301                     if (hasError.get()) {
    302                         AdtPlugin.printErrorToConsole("Android SDK", sb.toString());
    303                         AdtPlugin.displayError("Android SDK", sb.toString());
    304                     } else {
    305                         AdtPlugin.printToConsole("Android SDK", sb.toString());
    306                     }
    307                 }
    308             }
    309             return null;
    310         }
    311     }
    313     /**
    314      * Returns the current {@link Sdk} object.
    315      */
    316     @Nullable
    317     public static Sdk getCurrent() {
    318         synchronized (LOCK) {
    319             return sCurrentSdk;
    320         }
    321     }
    323     /**
    324      * Returns the location (OS path) of the current SDK.
    325      */
    326     public String getSdkLocation() {
    327         return mManager.getLocation();
    328     }
    330     /**
    331      * Returns a <em>new</em> {@link SdkManager} that can parse the SDK located
    332      * at the current {@link #getSdkLocation()}.
    333      * <p/>
    334      * Implementation detail: The {@link Sdk} has its own internal manager with
    335      * a custom logger which is not designed to be useful for outsiders. Callers
    336      * who need their own {@link SdkManager} for parsing will often want to control
    337      * the logger for their own need.
    338      * <p/>
    339      * This is just a convenient method equivalent to writing:
    340      * <pre>SdkManager.createManager(Sdk.getCurrent().getSdkLocation(), log);</pre>
    341      *
    342      * @param log The logger for the {@link SdkManager}.
    343      * @return A new {@link SdkManager} parsing the same location.
    344      */
    345     public @Nullable SdkManager getNewSdkManager(@NonNull ILogger log) {
    346         return SdkManager.createManager(getSdkLocation(), log);
    347     }
    349     /**
    350      * Returns the URL to the local documentation.
    351      * Can return null if no documentation is found in the current SDK.
    352      *
    353      * @return A file:// URL on the local documentation folder if it exists or null.
    354      */
    355     @Nullable
    356     public String getDocumentationBaseUrl() {
    357         return mDocBaseUrl;
    358     }
    360     /**
    361      * Returns the list of targets that are available in the SDK.
    362      */
    363     public IAndroidTarget[] getTargets() {
    364         return mManager.getTargets();
    365     }
    367     /**
    368      * Queries the underlying SDK Manager to check whether the platforms or addons
    369      * directories have changed on-disk. Does not reload the SDK.
    370      * <p/>
    371      * This is a quick test based on the presence of the directories, their timestamps
    372      * and a quick checksum of the source.properties files. It's possible to have
    373      * false positives (e.g. if a file is manually modified in a platform) or false
    374      * negatives (e.g. if a platform data file is changed manually in a 2nd level
    375      * directory without altering the source.properties.)
    376      */
    377     public boolean haveTargetsChanged() {
    378         return mManager.hasChanged();
    379     }
    381     /**
    382      * Returns a target from a hash that was generated by {@link IAndroidTarget#hashString()}.
    383      *
    384      * @param hash the {@link IAndroidTarget} hash string.
    385      * @return The matching {@link IAndroidTarget} or null.
    386      */
    387     @Nullable
    388     public IAndroidTarget getTargetFromHashString(@NonNull String hash) {
    389         return mManager.getTargetFromHashString(hash);
    390     }
    392     @Nullable
    393     public BuildToolInfo getBuildToolInfo(@Nullable String buildToolVersion) {
    394         if (buildToolVersion != null) {
    395             try {
    396                 return mManager.getBuildTool(FullRevision.parseRevision(buildToolVersion));
    397             } catch (Exception e) {
    398                 // ignore, return null below.
    399             }
    400         }
    402         return null;
    403     }
    405     @Nullable
    406     public BuildToolInfo getLatestBuildTool() {
    407         return mManager.getLatestBuildTool();
    408     }
    410     /**
    411      * Initializes a new project with a target. This creates the <code>project.properties</code>
    412      * file.
    413      * @param project the project to initialize
    414      * @param target the project's target.
    415      * @throws IOException if creating the file failed in any way.
    416      * @throws StreamException if processing the project property file fails
    417      */
    418     public void initProject(@Nullable IProject project, @Nullable IAndroidTarget target)
    419             throws IOException, StreamException {
    420         if (project == null || target == null) {
    421             return;
    422         }
    424         synchronized (LOCK) {
    425             // check if there's already a state?
    426             ProjectState state = getProjectState(project);
    428             ProjectPropertiesWorkingCopy properties = null;
    430             if (state != null) {
    431                 properties = state.getProperties().makeWorkingCopy();
    432             }
    434             if (properties == null) {
    435                 IPath location = project.getLocation();
    436                 if (location == null) {  // can return null when the project is being deleted.
    437                     // do nothing and return null;
    438                     return;
    439                 }
    441                 properties = ProjectProperties.create(location.toOSString(), PropertyType.PROJECT);
    442             }
    444             // save the target hash string in the project persistent property
    445             properties.setProperty(ProjectProperties.PROPERTY_TARGET, target.hashString());
    446             properties.save();
    447         }
    448     }
    450     /**
    451      * Returns the {@link ProjectState} object associated with a given project.
    452      * <p/>
    453      * This method is the only way to properly get the project's {@link ProjectState}
    454      * If the project has not yet been loaded, then it is loaded.
    455      * <p/>Because this methods deals with projects, it's not linked to an actual {@link Sdk}
    456      * objects, and therefore is static.
    457      * <p/>The value returned by {@link ProjectState#getTarget()} will change as {@link Sdk} objects
    458      * are replaced.
    459      * @param project the request project
    460      * @return the ProjectState for the project.
    461      */
    462     @Nullable
    463     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
    464     public static ProjectState getProjectState(IProject project) {
    465         if (project == null) {
    466             return null;
    467         }
    469         synchronized (LOCK) {
    470             ProjectState state = sProjectStateMap.get(project);
    471             if (state == null) {
    472                 // load the project.properties from the project folder.
    473                 IPath location = project.getLocation();
    474                 if (location == null) {  // can return null when the project is being deleted.
    475                     // do nothing and return null;
    476                     return null;
    477                 }
    479                 String projectLocation = location.toOSString();
    481                 ProjectProperties properties = ProjectProperties.load(projectLocation,
    482                         PropertyType.PROJECT);
    483                 if (properties == null) {
    484                     // legacy support: look for default.properties and rename it if needed.
    485                     properties = ProjectProperties.load(projectLocation,
    486                             PropertyType.LEGACY_DEFAULT);
    488                     if (properties == null) {
    489                         AdtPlugin.log(IStatus.ERROR,
    490                                 "Failed to load properties file for project '%s'",
    491                                 project.getName());
    492                         return null;
    493                     } else {
    494                         //legacy mode.
    495                         // get a working copy with the new type "project"
    496                         ProjectPropertiesWorkingCopy wc = properties.makeWorkingCopy(
    497                                 PropertyType.PROJECT);
    498                         // and save it
    499                         try {
    500                             wc.save();
    502                             // delete the old file.
    503                             ProjectProperties.delete(projectLocation, PropertyType.LEGACY_DEFAULT);
    505                             // make sure to use the new properties
    506                             properties = ProjectProperties.load(projectLocation,
    507                                     PropertyType.PROJECT);
    508                         } catch (Exception e) {
    509                             AdtPlugin.log(IStatus.ERROR,
    510                                     "Failed to rename properties file to %1$s for project '%s2$'",
    511                                     PropertyType.PROJECT.getFilename(), project.getName());
    512                         }
    513                     }
    514                 }
    516                 state = new ProjectState(project, properties);
    517                 sProjectStateMap.put(project, state);
    519                 // try to resolve the target
    520                 if (AdtPlugin.getDefault().getSdkLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED) {
    521                     sCurrentSdk.loadTargetAndBuildTools(state);
    522                 }
    523             }
    525             return state;
    526         }
    527     }
    529     /**
    530      * Returns the {@link IAndroidTarget} object associated with the given {@link IProject}.
    531      */
    532     @Nullable
    533     public IAndroidTarget getTarget(IProject project) {
    534         if (project == null) {
    535             return null;
    536         }
    538         ProjectState state = getProjectState(project);
    539         if (state != null) {
    540             return state.getTarget();
    541         }
    543         return null;
    544     }
    546     /**
    547      * Loads the {@link IAndroidTarget} and BuildTools for a given project.
    548      * <p/>This method will get the target hash string from the project properties, and resolve
    549      * it to an {@link IAndroidTarget} object and store it inside the {@link ProjectState}.
    550      * @param state the state representing the project to load.
    551      * @return the target that was loaded.
    552      */
    553     @Nullable
    554     public IAndroidTarget loadTargetAndBuildTools(ProjectState state) {
    555         IAndroidTarget target = null;
    556         if (state != null) {
    557             String hash = state.getTargetHashString();
    558             if (hash != null) {
    559                 state.setTarget(target = getTargetFromHashString(hash));
    560             }
    562             String markerMessage = null;
    563             String buildToolInfoVersion = state.getBuildToolInfoVersion();
    564             if (buildToolInfoVersion != null) {
    565                 BuildToolInfo buildToolsInfo = getBuildToolInfo(buildToolInfoVersion);
    567                 if (buildToolsInfo != null) {
    568                     state.setBuildToolInfo(buildToolsInfo);
    569                 } else {
    570                     markerMessage = String.format("Unable to resolve %s property value '%s'",
    571                                         ProjectProperties.PROPERTY_BUILD_TOOLS,
    572                                         buildToolInfoVersion);
    573                 }
    574             } else {
    575                 // this is ok, we'll use the latest one automatically.
    576                 state.setBuildToolInfo(null);
    577             }
    579             handleBuildToolsMarker(state.getProject(), markerMessage);
    580         }
    582         return target;
    583     }
    585     /**
    586      * Adds or edit a build tools marker from the given project. This is done through a Job.
    587      * @param project the project
    588      * @param markerMessage the message. if null the marker is removed.
    589      */
    590     private void handleBuildToolsMarker(final IProject project, final String markerMessage) {
    591         Job markerJob = new Job("Android SDK: Build Tools Marker") {
    592             @Override
    593             protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    594                 try {
    595                     if (project.isAccessible()) {
    596                         // always delete existing marker first
    597                         project.deleteMarkers(AdtConstants.MARKER_BUILD_TOOLS, true,
    598                                 IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
    600                         // add the new one if needed.
    601                         if (markerMessage != null) {
    602                             BaseProjectHelper.markProject(project,
    603                                     AdtConstants.MARKER_BUILD_TOOLS,
    604                                     markerMessage, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,
    605                                     IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH);
    606                         }
    607                     }
    608                 } catch (CoreException e2) {
    609                     AdtPlugin.log(e2, null);
    610                     // Don't return e2.getStatus(); the job control will then produce
    611                     // a popup with this error, which isn't very interesting for the
    612                     // user.
    613                 }
    615                 return Status.OK_STATUS;
    616             }
    617         };
    619         // build jobs are run after other interactive jobs
    620         markerJob.setPriority(Job.BUILD);
    621         markerJob.setRule(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot());
    622         markerJob.schedule();
    623     }
    625     /**
    626      * Checks and loads (if needed) the data for a given target.
    627      * <p/> The data is loaded in a separate {@link Job}, and opened editors will be notified
    628      * through their implementation of {@link ITargetChangeListener#onTargetLoaded(IAndroidTarget)}.
    629      * <p/>An optional project as second parameter can be given to be recompiled once the target
    630      * data is finished loading.
    631      * <p/>The return value is non-null only if the target data has already been loaded (and in this
    632      * case is the status of the load operation)
    633      * @param target the target to load.
    634      * @param project an optional project to be recompiled when the target data is loaded.
    635      * If the target is already loaded, nothing happens.
    636      * @return The load status if the target data is already loaded.
    637      */
    638     @NonNull
    639     public LoadStatus checkAndLoadTargetData(final IAndroidTarget target, IJavaProject project) {
    640         boolean loadData = false;
    642         synchronized (LOCK) {
    643             if (mDontLoadTargetData) {
    644                 return LoadStatus.FAILED;
    645             }
    647             TargetLoadBundle bundle = mTargetDataStatusMap.get(target);
    648             if (bundle == null) {
    649                 bundle = new TargetLoadBundle();
    650                 mTargetDataStatusMap.put(target,bundle);
    652                 // set status to loading
    653                 bundle.status = LoadStatus.LOADING;
    655                 // add project to bundle
    656                 if (project != null) {
    657                     bundle.projectsToReload.add(project);
    658                 }
    660                 // and set the flag to start the loading below
    661                 loadData = true;
    662             } else if (bundle.status == LoadStatus.LOADING) {
    663                 // add project to bundle
    664                 if (project != null) {
    665                     bundle.projectsToReload.add(project);
    666                 }
    668                 return bundle.status;
    669             } else if (bundle.status == LoadStatus.LOADED || bundle.status == LoadStatus.FAILED) {
    670                 return bundle.status;
    671             }
    672         }
    674         if (loadData) {
    675             Job job = new Job(String.format("Loading data for %1$s", target.getFullName())) {
    676                 @Override
    677                 protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    678                     AdtPlugin plugin = AdtPlugin.getDefault();
    679                     try {
    680                         IStatus status = new AndroidTargetParser(target).run(monitor);
    682                         IJavaProject[] javaProjectArray = null;
    684                         synchronized (LOCK) {
    685                             TargetLoadBundle bundle = mTargetDataStatusMap.get(target);
    687                             if (status.getCode() != IStatus.OK) {
    688                                 bundle.status = LoadStatus.FAILED;
    689                                 bundle.projectsToReload.clear();
    690                             } else {
    691                                 bundle.status = LoadStatus.LOADED;
    693                                 // Prepare the array of project to recompile.
    694                                 // The call is done outside of the synchronized block.
    695                                 javaProjectArray = bundle.projectsToReload.toArray(
    696                                         new IJavaProject[bundle.projectsToReload.size()]);
    698                                 // and update the UI of the editors that depend on the target data.
    699                                 plugin.updateTargetListeners(target);
    700                             }
    701                         }
    703                         if (javaProjectArray != null) {
    704                             ProjectHelper.updateProjects(javaProjectArray);
    705                         }
    707                         return status;
    708                     } catch (Throwable t) {
    709                         synchronized (LOCK) {
    710                             TargetLoadBundle bundle = mTargetDataStatusMap.get(target);
    711                             bundle.status = LoadStatus.FAILED;
    712                         }
    714                         AdtPlugin.log(t, "Exception in checkAndLoadTargetData.");    //$NON-NLS-1$
    715                         return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID,
    716                                 String.format(
    717                                         "Parsing Data for %1$s failed", //$NON-NLS-1$
    718                                         target.hashString()),
    719                                 t);
    720                     }
    721                 }
    722             };
    723             job.setPriority(Job.BUILD); // build jobs are run after other interactive jobs
    724             job.setRule(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot());
    725             job.schedule();
    726         }
    728         // The only way to go through here is when the loading starts through the Job.
    729         // Therefore the current status of the target is LOADING.
    730         return LoadStatus.LOADING;
    731     }
    733     /**
    734      * Return the {@link AndroidTargetData} for a given {@link IAndroidTarget}.
    735      */
    736     @Nullable
    737     public AndroidTargetData getTargetData(IAndroidTarget target) {
    738         synchronized (LOCK) {
    739             return mTargetDataMap.get(target);
    740         }
    741     }
    743     /**
    744      * Return the {@link AndroidTargetData} for a given {@link IProject}.
    745      */
    746     @Nullable
    747     public AndroidTargetData getTargetData(IProject project) {
    748         synchronized (LOCK) {
    749             IAndroidTarget target = getTarget(project);
    750             if (target != null) {
    751                 return getTargetData(target);
    752             }
    753         }
    755         return null;
    756     }
    758     /**
    759      * Returns a {@link DexWrapper} object to be used to execute dx commands. If dx.jar was not
    760      * loaded properly, then this will return <code>null</code>.
    761      */
    762     @Nullable
    763     public DexWrapper getDexWrapper(@Nullable BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo) {
    764         if (buildToolInfo == null) {
    765             return null;
    766         }
    767         synchronized (LOCK) {
    768             String dexLocation = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.DX_JAR);
    769             DexWrapper dexWrapper = mDexWrappers.get(dexLocation);
    771             if (dexWrapper == null) {
    772                 // load DX.
    773                 dexWrapper = new DexWrapper();
    774                 IStatus res = dexWrapper.loadDex(dexLocation);
    775                 if (res != Status.OK_STATUS) {
    776                     AdtPlugin.log(null, res.getMessage());
    777                     dexWrapper = null;
    778                 } else {
    779                     mDexWrappers.put(dexLocation, dexWrapper);
    780                 }
    781             }
    783             return dexWrapper;
    784         }
    785     }
    787     public void unloadDexWrappers() {
    788         synchronized (LOCK) {
    789             for (DexWrapper wrapper : mDexWrappers.values()) {
    790                 wrapper.unload();
    791             }
    792             mDexWrappers.clear();
    793         }
    794     }
    796     /**
    797      * Returns the {@link AvdManager}. If the AvdManager failed to parse the AVD folder, this could
    798      * be <code>null</code>.
    799      */
    800     @Nullable
    801     public AvdManager getAvdManager() {
    802         return mAvdManager;
    803     }
    805     @Nullable
    806     public static AndroidVersion getDeviceVersion(@NonNull IDevice device) {
    807         try {
    808             Map<String, String> props = device.getProperties();
    809             String apiLevel = props.get(IDevice.PROP_BUILD_API_LEVEL);
    810             if (apiLevel == null) {
    811                 return null;
    812             }
    814             return new AndroidVersion(Integer.parseInt(apiLevel),
    815                     props.get((IDevice.PROP_BUILD_CODENAME)));
    816         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    817             return null;
    818         }
    819     }
    821     @NonNull
    822     public DeviceManager getDeviceManager() {
    823         return mDeviceManager;
    824     }
    826     /**
    827      * Returns a list of {@link ProjectState} representing projects depending, directly or
    828      * indirectly on a given library project.
    829      * @param project the library project.
    830      * @return a possibly empty list of ProjectState.
    831      */
    832     @NonNull
    833     public static Set<ProjectState> getMainProjectsFor(IProject project) {
    834         synchronized (LOCK) {
    835             // first get the project directly depending on this.
    836             Set<ProjectState> list = new HashSet<ProjectState>();
    838             // loop on all project and see if ProjectState.getLibrary returns a non null
    839             // project.
    840             for (Entry<IProject, ProjectState> entry : sProjectStateMap.entrySet()) {
    841                 if (project != entry.getKey()) {
    842                     LibraryState library = entry.getValue().getLibrary(project);
    843                     if (library != null) {
    844                         list.add(entry.getValue());
    845                     }
    846                 }
    847             }
    849             // now look for projects depending on the projects directly depending on the library.
    850             HashSet<ProjectState> result = new HashSet<ProjectState>(list);
    851             for (ProjectState p : list) {
    852                 if (p.isLibrary()) {
    853                     Set<ProjectState> set = getMainProjectsFor(p.getProject());
    854                     result.addAll(set);
    855                 }
    856             }
    858             return result;
    859         }
    860     }
    862     /**
    863      * Unload the SDK's target data.
    864      *
    865      * If <var>preventReload</var>, this effect is final until the SDK instance is changed
    866      * through {@link #loadSdk(String)}.
    867      *
    868      * The goal is to unload the targets to be able to replace existing targets with new ones,
    869      * before calling {@link #loadSdk(String)} to fully reload the SDK.
    870      *
    871      * @param preventReload prevent the data from being loaded again for the remaining live of
    872      *   this {@link Sdk} instance.
    873      */
    874     public void unloadTargetData(boolean preventReload) {
    875         synchronized (LOCK) {
    876             mDontLoadTargetData = preventReload;
    878             // dispose of the target data.
    879             for (AndroidTargetData data : mTargetDataMap.values()) {
    880                 data.dispose();
    881             }
    883             mTargetDataMap.clear();
    884         }
    885     }
    887     private Sdk(SdkManager manager, AvdManager avdManager) {
    888         mManager = manager;
    889         mAvdManager = avdManager;
    891         // listen to projects closing
    892         GlobalProjectMonitor monitor = GlobalProjectMonitor.getMonitor();
    893         // need to register the resource event listener first because the project listener
    894         // is called back during registration with project opened in the workspace.
    895         monitor.addResourceEventListener(mResourceEventListener);
    896         monitor.addProjectListener(mProjectListener);
    897         monitor.addFileListener(mFileListener,
    898                 IResourceDelta.CHANGED | IResourceDelta.ADDED | IResourceDelta.REMOVED);
    900         // pre-compute some paths
    901         mDocBaseUrl = getDocumentationBaseUrl(manager.getLocation() +
    902                 SdkConstants.OS_SDK_DOCS_FOLDER);
    904         mDeviceManager = DeviceManager.createInstance(manager.getLocation(),
    905                                                       AdtPlugin.getDefault());
    907         // update whatever ProjectState is already present with new IAndroidTarget objects.
    908         synchronized (LOCK) {
    909             for (Entry<IProject, ProjectState> entry: sProjectStateMap.entrySet()) {
    910                 loadTargetAndBuildTools(entry.getValue());
    911             }
    912         }
    913     }
    915     /**
    916      *  Cleans and unloads the SDK.
    917      */
    918     private void dispose() {
    919         GlobalProjectMonitor monitor = GlobalProjectMonitor.getMonitor();
    920         monitor.removeProjectListener(mProjectListener);
    921         monitor.removeFileListener(mFileListener);
    922         monitor.removeResourceEventListener(mResourceEventListener);
    924         // the IAndroidTarget objects are now obsolete so update the project states.
    925         synchronized (LOCK) {
    926             for (Entry<IProject, ProjectState> entry: sProjectStateMap.entrySet()) {
    927                 entry.getValue().setTarget(null);
    928             }
    930             // dispose of the target data.
    931             for (AndroidTargetData data : mTargetDataMap.values()) {
    932                 data.dispose();
    933             }
    935             mTargetDataMap.clear();
    936         }
    937     }
    939     void setTargetData(IAndroidTarget target, AndroidTargetData data) {
    940         synchronized (LOCK) {
    941             mTargetDataMap.put(target, data);
    942         }
    943     }
    945     /**
    946      * Returns the URL to the local documentation.
    947      * Can return null if no documentation is found in the current SDK.
    948      *
    949      * @param osDocsPath Path to the documentation folder in the current SDK.
    950      *  The folder may not actually exist.
    951      * @return A file:// URL on the local documentation folder if it exists or null.
    952      */
    953     private String getDocumentationBaseUrl(String osDocsPath) {
    954         File f = new File(osDocsPath);
    956         if (f.isDirectory()) {
    957             try {
    958                 // Note: to create a file:// URL, one would typically use something like
    959                 // f.toURI().toURL().toString(). However this generates a broken path on
    960                 // Windows, namely "C:\\foo" is converted to "file:/C:/foo" instead of
    961                 // "file:///C:/foo" (i.e. there should be 3 / after "file:"). So we'll
    962                 // do the correct thing manually.
    964                 String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
    965                 if (File.separatorChar != '/') {
    966                     path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
    967                 }
    969                 // For some reason the URL class doesn't add the mandatory "//" after
    970                 // the "file:" protocol name, so it has to be hacked into the path.
    971                 URL url = new URL("file", null, "//" + path);  //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    972                 String result = url.toString();
    973                 return result;
    974             } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    975                 // ignore malformed URLs
    976             }
    977         }
    979         return null;
    980     }
    982     /**
    983      * Delegate listener for project changes.
    984      */
    985     private IProjectListener mProjectListener = new IProjectListener() {
    986         @Override
    987         public void projectClosed(IProject project) {
    988             onProjectRemoved(project, false /*deleted*/);
    989         }
    991         @Override
    992         public void projectDeleted(IProject project) {
    993             onProjectRemoved(project, true /*deleted*/);
    994         }
    996         private void onProjectRemoved(IProject removedProject, boolean deleted) {
    997             if (DEBUG) {
    998                 System.out.println(">>> CLOSED: " + removedProject.getName());
    999             }
   1001             // get the target project
   1002             synchronized (LOCK) {
   1003                 // Don't use getProject() as it could create the ProjectState if it's not
   1004                 // there yet and this is not what we want. We want the current object.
   1005                 // Therefore, direct access to the map.
   1006                 ProjectState removedState = sProjectStateMap.get(removedProject);
   1007                 if (removedState != null) {
   1008                     // 1. clear the layout lib cache associated with this project
   1009                     IAndroidTarget target = removedState.getTarget();
   1010                     if (target != null) {
   1011                         // get the bridge for the target, and clear the cache for this project.
   1012                         AndroidTargetData data = mTargetDataMap.get(target);
   1013                         if (data != null) {
   1014                             LayoutLibrary layoutLib = data.getLayoutLibrary();
   1015                             if (layoutLib != null && layoutLib.getStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED) {
   1016                                 layoutLib.clearCaches(removedProject);
   1017                             }
   1018                         }
   1019                     }
   1021                     // 2. if the project is a library, make sure to update the
   1022                     // LibraryState for any project referencing it.
   1023                     // Also, record the updated projects that are libraries, to update
   1024                     // projects that depend on them.
   1025                     for (ProjectState projectState : sProjectStateMap.values()) {
   1026                         LibraryState libState = projectState.getLibrary(removedProject);
   1027                         if (libState != null) {
   1028                             // Close the library right away.
   1029                             // This remove links between the LibraryState and the projectState.
   1030                             // This is because in case of a rename of a project, projectClosed and
   1031                             // projectOpened will be called before any other job is run, so we
   1032                             // need to make sure projectOpened is closed with the main project
   1033                             // state up to date.
   1034                             libState.close();
   1036                             // record that this project changed, and in case it's a library
   1037                             // that its parents need to be updated as well.
   1038                             markProject(projectState, projectState.isLibrary());
   1039                         }
   1040                     }
   1042                     // now remove the project for the project map.
   1043                     sProjectStateMap.remove(removedProject);
   1044                 }
   1045             }
   1047             if (DEBUG) {
   1048                 System.out.println("<<<");
   1049             }
   1050         }
   1052         @Override
   1053         public void projectOpened(IProject project) {
   1054             onProjectOpened(project);
   1055         }
   1057         @Override
   1058         public void projectOpenedWithWorkspace(IProject project) {
   1059             // no need to force recompilation when projects are opened with the workspace.
   1060             onProjectOpened(project);
   1061         }
   1063         @Override
   1064         public void allProjectsOpenedWithWorkspace() {
   1065             // Correct currently open editors
   1066             fixOpenLegacyEditors();
   1067         }
   1069         private void onProjectOpened(final IProject openedProject) {
   1071             ProjectState openedState = getProjectState(openedProject);
   1072             if (openedState != null) {
   1073                 if (DEBUG) {
   1074                     System.out.println(">>> OPENED: " + openedProject.getName());
   1075                 }
   1077                 synchronized (LOCK) {
   1078                     final boolean isLibrary = openedState.isLibrary();
   1079                     final boolean hasLibraries = openedState.hasLibraries();
   1081                     if (isLibrary || hasLibraries) {
   1082                         boolean foundLibraries = false;
   1083                         // loop on all the existing project and update them based on this new
   1084                         // project
   1085                         for (ProjectState projectState : sProjectStateMap.values()) {
   1086                             if (projectState != openedState) {
   1087                                 // If the project has libraries, check if this project
   1088                                 // is a reference.
   1089                                 if (hasLibraries) {
   1090                                     // ProjectState#needs() both checks if this is a missing library
   1091                                     // and updates LibraryState to contains the new values.
   1092                                     // This must always be called.
   1093                                     LibraryState libState = openedState.needs(projectState);
   1095                                     if (libState != null) {
   1096                                         // found a library! Add the main project to the list of
   1097                                         // modified project
   1098                                         foundLibraries = true;
   1099                                     }
   1100                                 }
   1102                                 // if the project is a library check if the other project depend
   1103                                 // on it.
   1104                                 if (isLibrary) {
   1105                                     // ProjectState#needs() both checks if this is a missing library
   1106                                     // and updates LibraryState to contains the new values.
   1107                                     // This must always be called.
   1108                                     LibraryState libState = projectState.needs(openedState);
   1110                                     if (libState != null) {
   1111                                         // There's a dependency! Add the project to the list of
   1112                                         // modified project, but also to a list of projects
   1113                                         // that saw one of its dependencies resolved.
   1114                                         markProject(projectState, projectState.isLibrary());
   1115                                     }
   1116                                 }
   1117                             }
   1118                         }
   1120                         // if the project has a libraries and we found at least one, we add
   1121                         // the project to the list of modified project.
   1122                         // Since we already went through the parent, no need to update them.
   1123                         if (foundLibraries) {
   1124                             markProject(openedState, false /*updateParents*/);
   1125                         }
   1126                     }
   1127                 }
   1129                 // Correct file editor associations.
   1130                 fixEditorAssociations(openedProject);
   1132                 // Fix classpath entries in a job since the workspace might be locked now.
   1133                 Job fixCpeJob = new Job("Adjusting Android Project Classpath") {
   1134                     @Override
   1135                     protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
   1136                         try {
   1137                             ProjectHelper.fixProjectClasspathEntries(
   1138                                     JavaCore.create(openedProject));
   1139                         } catch (JavaModelException e) {
   1140                             AdtPlugin.log(e, "error fixing classpath entries");
   1141                             // Don't return e2.getStatus(); the job control will then produce
   1142                             // a popup with this error, which isn't very interesting for the
   1143                             // user.
   1144                         }
   1146                         return Status.OK_STATUS;
   1147                     }
   1148                 };
   1150                 // build jobs are run after other interactive jobs
   1151                 fixCpeJob.setPriority(Job.BUILD);
   1152                 fixCpeJob.setRule(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot());
   1153                 fixCpeJob.schedule();
   1156                 if (DEBUG) {
   1157                     System.out.println("<<<");
   1158                 }
   1159             }
   1160         }
   1162         @Override
   1163         public void projectRenamed(IProject project, IPath from) {
   1164             // we don't actually care about this anymore.
   1165         }
   1166     };
   1168     /**
   1169      * Delegate listener for file changes.
   1170      */
   1171     private IFileListener mFileListener = new IFileListener() {
   1172         @Override
   1173         public void fileChanged(final @NonNull IFile file, @NonNull IMarkerDelta[] markerDeltas,
   1174                 int kind, @Nullable String extension, int flags, boolean isAndroidPRoject) {
   1175             if (!isAndroidPRoject) {
   1176                 return;
   1177             }
   1179             if (SdkConstants.FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES.equals(file.getName()) &&
   1180                     file.getParent() == file.getProject()) {
   1181                 try {
   1182                     // reload the content of the project.properties file and update
   1183                     // the target.
   1184                     IProject iProject = file.getProject();
   1186                     ProjectState state = Sdk.getProjectState(iProject);
   1188                     // get the current target and build tools
   1189                     IAndroidTarget oldTarget = state.getTarget();
   1191                     // get the current library flag
   1192                     boolean wasLibrary = state.isLibrary();
   1194                     LibraryDifference diff = state.reloadProperties();
   1196                     // load the (possibly new) target.
   1197                     IAndroidTarget newTarget = loadTargetAndBuildTools(state);
   1199                     // reload the libraries if needed
   1200                     if (diff.hasDiff()) {
   1201                         if (diff.added) {
   1202                             synchronized (LOCK) {
   1203                                 for (ProjectState projectState : sProjectStateMap.values()) {
   1204                                     if (projectState != state) {
   1205                                         // need to call needs to do the libraryState link,
   1206                                         // but no need to look at the result, as we'll compare
   1207                                         // the result of getFullLibraryProjects()
   1208                                         // this is easier to due to indirect dependencies.
   1209                                         state.needs(projectState);
   1210                                     }
   1211                                 }
   1212                             }
   1213                         }
   1215                         markProject(state, wasLibrary || state.isLibrary());
   1216                     }
   1218                     // apply the new target if needed.
   1219                     if (newTarget != oldTarget) {
   1220                         IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(
   1221                                 file.getProject());
   1222                         if (javaProject != null) {
   1223                             ProjectHelper.updateProject(javaProject);
   1224                         }
   1226                         // update the editors to reload with the new target
   1227                         AdtPlugin.getDefault().updateTargetListeners(iProject);
   1228                     }
   1229                 } catch (CoreException e) {
   1230                     // This can't happen as it's only for closed project (or non existing)
   1231                     // but in that case we can't get a fileChanged on this file.
   1232                 }
   1233             } else if (kind == IResourceDelta.ADDED || kind == IResourceDelta.REMOVED) {
   1234                 // check if it's an add/remove on a jar files inside libs
   1235                 if (EXT_JAR.equals(extension) &&
   1236                         file.getProjectRelativePath().segmentCount() == 2 &&
   1237                         file.getParent().getName().equals(SdkConstants.FD_NATIVE_LIBS)) {
   1238                     // need to update the project and whatever depend on it.
   1240                     processJarFileChange(file);
   1241                 }
   1242             }
   1243         }
   1245         private void processJarFileChange(final IFile file) {
   1246             try {
   1247                 IProject iProject = file.getProject();
   1249                 if (iProject.hasNature(AdtConstants.NATURE_DEFAULT) == false) {
   1250                     return;
   1251                 }
   1253                 List<IJavaProject> projectList = new ArrayList<IJavaProject>();
   1254                 IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(iProject);
   1255                 if (javaProject != null) {
   1256                     projectList.add(javaProject);
   1257                 }
   1259                 ProjectState state = Sdk.getProjectState(iProject);
   1261                 if (state != null) {
   1262                     Collection<ProjectState> parents = state.getFullParentProjects();
   1263                     for (ProjectState s : parents) {
   1264                         javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(s.getProject());
   1265                         if (javaProject != null) {
   1266                             projectList.add(javaProject);
   1267                         }
   1268                     }
   1270                     ProjectHelper.updateProjects(
   1271                             projectList.toArray(new IJavaProject[projectList.size()]));
   1272                 }
   1273             } catch (CoreException e) {
   1274                 // This can't happen as it's only for closed project (or non existing)
   1275                 // but in that case we can't get a fileChanged on this file.
   1276             }
   1277         }
   1278     };
   1280     /** List of modified projects. This is filled in
   1281      * {@link IProjectListener#projectOpened(IProject)},
   1282      * {@link IProjectListener#projectOpenedWithWorkspace(IProject)},
   1283      * {@link IProjectListener#projectClosed(IProject)}, and
   1284      * {@link IProjectListener#projectDeleted(IProject)} and processed in
   1285      * {@link IResourceEventListener#resourceChangeEventEnd()}.
   1286      */
   1287     private final List<ProjectState> mModifiedProjects = new ArrayList<ProjectState>();
   1288     private final List<ProjectState> mModifiedChildProjects = new ArrayList<ProjectState>();
   1290     private void markProject(ProjectState projectState, boolean updateParents) {
   1291         if (mModifiedProjects.contains(projectState) == false) {
   1292             if (DEBUG) {
   1293                 System.out.println("\tMARKED: " + projectState.getProject().getName());
   1294             }
   1295             mModifiedProjects.add(projectState);
   1296         }
   1298         // if the project is resolved also add it to this list.
   1299         if (updateParents) {
   1300             if (mModifiedChildProjects.contains(projectState) == false) {
   1301                 if (DEBUG) {
   1302                     System.out.println("\tMARKED(child): " + projectState.getProject().getName());
   1303                 }
   1304                 mModifiedChildProjects.add(projectState);
   1305             }
   1306         }
   1307     }
   1309     /**
   1310      * Delegate listener for resource changes. This is called before and after any calls to the
   1311      * project and file listeners (for a given resource change event).
   1312      */
   1313     private IResourceEventListener mResourceEventListener = new IResourceEventListener() {
   1314         @Override
   1315         public void resourceChangeEventStart() {
   1316             mModifiedProjects.clear();
   1317             mModifiedChildProjects.clear();
   1318         }
   1320         @Override
   1321         public void resourceChangeEventEnd() {
   1322             if (mModifiedProjects.size() == 0) {
   1323                 return;
   1324             }
   1326             // first make sure all the parents are updated
   1327             updateParentProjects();
   1329             // for all modified projects, update their library list
   1330             // and gather their IProject
   1331             final List<IJavaProject> projectList = new ArrayList<IJavaProject>();
   1332             for (ProjectState state : mModifiedProjects) {
   1333                 state.updateFullLibraryList();
   1334                 projectList.add(JavaCore.create(state.getProject()));
   1335             }
   1337             Job job = new Job("Android Library Update") { //$NON-NLS-1$
   1338                 @Override
   1339                 protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
   1340                     LibraryClasspathContainerInitializer.updateProjects(
   1341                             projectList.toArray(new IJavaProject[projectList.size()]));
   1343                     for (IJavaProject javaProject : projectList) {
   1344                         try {
   1345                             javaProject.getProject().build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD,
   1346                                     monitor);
   1347                         } catch (CoreException e) {
   1348                             // pass
   1349                         }
   1350                     }
   1351                     return Status.OK_STATUS;
   1352                 }
   1353             };
   1354             job.setPriority(Job.BUILD);
   1355             job.setRule(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot());
   1356             job.schedule();
   1357         }
   1358     };
   1360     /**
   1361      * Updates all existing projects with a given list of new/updated libraries.
   1362      * This loops through all opened projects and check if they depend on any of the given
   1363      * library project, and if they do, they are linked together.
   1364      */
   1365     private void updateParentProjects() {
   1366         if (mModifiedChildProjects.size() == 0) {
   1367             return;
   1368         }
   1370         ArrayList<ProjectState> childProjects = new ArrayList<ProjectState>(mModifiedChildProjects);
   1371         mModifiedChildProjects.clear();
   1372         synchronized (LOCK) {
   1373             // for each project for which we must update its parent, we loop on the parent
   1374             // projects and adds them to the list of modified projects. If they are themselves
   1375             // libraries, we add them too.
   1376             for (ProjectState state : childProjects) {
   1377                 if (DEBUG) {
   1378                     System.out.println(">>> Updating parents of " + state.getProject().getName());
   1379                 }
   1380                 List<ProjectState> parents = state.getParentProjects();
   1381                 for (ProjectState parent : parents) {
   1382                     markProject(parent, parent.isLibrary());
   1383                 }
   1384                 if (DEBUG) {
   1385                     System.out.println("<<<");
   1386                 }
   1387             }
   1388         }
   1390         // done, but there may be parents that are also libraries. Need to update their parents.
   1391         updateParentProjects();
   1392     }
   1394     /**
   1395      * Fix editor associations for the given project, if not already done.
   1396      * <p/>
   1397      * Eclipse has a per-file setting for which editor should be used for each file
   1398      * (see {@link IDE#setDefaultEditor(IFile, String)}).
   1399      * We're using this flag to pick between the various XML editors (layout, drawable, etc)
   1400      * since they all have the same file name extension.
   1401      * <p/>
   1402      * Unfortunately, the file setting can be "wrong" for two reasons:
   1403      * <ol>
   1404      *   <li> The editor type was added <b>after</b> a file had been seen by the IDE.
   1405      *        For example, we added new editors for animations and for drawables around
   1406      *        ADT 12, but any file seen by ADT in earlier versions will continue to use
   1407      *        the vanilla Eclipse XML editor instead.
   1408      *   <li> A bug in ADT 14 and ADT 15 (see issue 21124) meant that files created in new
   1409      *        folders would end up with wrong editor associations. Even though that bug
   1410      *        is fixed in ADT 16, the fix only affects new files, it cannot retroactively
   1411      *        fix editor associations that were set incorrectly by ADT 14 or 15.
   1412      * </ol>
   1413      * <p/>
   1414      * This method attempts to fix the editor bindings retroactively by scanning all the
   1415      * resource XML files and resetting the editor associations.
   1416      * Since this is a potentially slow operation, this is only done "once"; we use a
   1417      * persistent project property to avoid looking repeatedly. In the future if we add
   1418      * additional editors, we can rev the scanned version value.
   1419      */
   1420     private void fixEditorAssociations(final IProject project) {
   1421         QualifiedName KEY = new QualifiedName(AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "editorbinding"); //$NON-NLS-1$
   1423         try {
   1424             String value = project.getPersistentProperty(KEY);
   1425             int currentVersion = 0;
   1426             if (value != null) {
   1427                 try {
   1428                     currentVersion = Integer.parseInt(value);
   1429                 } catch (Exception ingore) {
   1430                 }
   1431             }
   1433             // The target version we're comparing to. This must be incremented each time
   1434             // we change the processing here so that a new version of the plugin would
   1435             // try to fix existing user projects.
   1436             final int targetVersion = 2;
   1438             if (currentVersion >= targetVersion) {
   1439                 return;
   1440             }
   1442             // Set to specific version such that we can rev the version in the future
   1443             // to trigger further scanning
   1444             project.setPersistentProperty(KEY, Integer.toString(targetVersion));
   1446             // Now update the actual editor associations.
   1447             Job job = new Job("Update Android editor bindings") { //$NON-NLS-1$
   1448                 @Override
   1449                 protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
   1450                     try {
   1451                         for (IResource folderResource : project.getFolder(FD_RES).members()) {
   1452                             if (folderResource instanceof IFolder) {
   1453                                 IFolder folder = (IFolder) folderResource;
   1455                                 for (IResource resource : folder.members()) {
   1456                                     if (resource instanceof IFile &&
   1457                                             resource.getName().endsWith(DOT_XML)) {
   1458                                         fixXmlFile((IFile) resource);
   1459                                     }
   1460                                 }
   1461                             }
   1462                         }
   1464                         // TODO change AndroidManifest.xml ID too
   1466                     } catch (CoreException e) {
   1467                         AdtPlugin.log(e, null);
   1468                     }
   1470                     return Status.OK_STATUS;
   1471                 }
   1473                 /**
   1474                  * Attempt to fix the editor ID for the given /res XML file.
   1475                  */
   1476                 private void fixXmlFile(final IFile file) {
   1477                     // Fix the default editor ID for this resource.
   1478                     // This has no effect on currently open editors.
   1479                     IEditorDescriptor desc = IDE.getDefaultEditor(file);
   1481                     if (desc == null || !CommonXmlEditor.ID.equals(desc.getId())) {
   1482                         IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
   1483                     }
   1484                 }
   1485             };
   1486             job.setPriority(Job.BUILD);
   1487             job.schedule();
   1488         } catch (CoreException e) {
   1489             AdtPlugin.log(e, null);
   1490         }
   1491     }
   1493     /**
   1494      * Tries to fix all currently open Android legacy editors.
   1495      * <p/>
   1496      * If an editor is found to match one of the legacy ids, we'll try to close it.
   1497      * If that succeeds, we try to reopen it using the new common editor ID.
   1498      * <p/>
   1499      * This method must be run from the UI thread.
   1500      */
   1501     private void fixOpenLegacyEditors() {
   1503         AdtPlugin adt = AdtPlugin.getDefault();
   1504         if (adt == null) {
   1505             return;
   1506         }
   1508         final IPreferenceStore store = adt.getPreferenceStore();
   1509         int currentValue = store.getInt(AdtPrefs.PREFS_FIX_LEGACY_EDITORS);
   1510         // The target version we're comparing to. This must be incremented each time
   1511         // we change the processing here so that a new version of the plugin would
   1512         // try to fix existing editors.
   1513         final int targetValue = 1;
   1515         if (currentValue >= targetValue) {
   1516             return;
   1517         }
   1519         // To be able to close and open editors we need to make sure this is done
   1520         // in the UI thread, which this isn't invoked from.
   1521         PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
   1522             @Override
   1523             public void run() {
   1524                 HashSet<String> legacyIds =
   1525                     new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(CommonXmlEditor.LEGACY_EDITOR_IDS));
   1527                 for (IWorkbenchWindow win : PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows()) {
   1528                     for (IWorkbenchPage page : win.getPages()) {
   1529                         for (IEditorReference ref : page.getEditorReferences()) {
   1530                             try {
   1531                                 IEditorInput input = ref.getEditorInput();
   1532                                 if (input instanceof IFileEditorInput) {
   1533                                     IFile file = ((IFileEditorInput)input).getFile();
   1534                                     IEditorPart part = ref.getEditor(true /*restore*/);
   1535                                     if (part != null) {
   1536                                         IWorkbenchPartSite site = part.getSite();
   1537                                         if (site != null) {
   1538                                             String id = site.getId();
   1539                                             if (legacyIds.contains(id)) {
   1540                                                 // This editor matches one of legacy editor IDs.
   1541                                                 fixEditor(page, part, input, file, id);
   1542                                             }
   1543                                         }
   1544                                     }
   1545                                 }
   1546                             } catch (Exception e) {
   1547                                 // ignore
   1548                             }
   1549                         }
   1550                     }
   1551                 }
   1553                 // Remember that we managed to do fix all editors
   1554                 store.setValue(AdtPrefs.PREFS_FIX_LEGACY_EDITORS, targetValue);
   1555             }
   1557             private void fixEditor(
   1558                     IWorkbenchPage page,
   1559                     IEditorPart part,
   1560                     IEditorInput input,
   1561                     IFile file,
   1562                     String id) {
   1563                 IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
   1565                 boolean ok = page.closeEditor(part, true /*save*/);
   1567                 AdtPlugin.log(IStatus.INFO,
   1568                     "Closed legacy editor ID %s for %s: %s", //$NON-NLS-1$
   1569                     id,
   1570                     file.getFullPath(),
   1571                     ok ? "Success" : "Failed");//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
   1573                 if (ok) {
   1574                     // Try to reopen it with the new ID
   1575                     try {
   1576                         page.openEditor(input, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
   1577                     } catch (PartInitException e) {
   1578                         AdtPlugin.log(e,
   1579                             "Failed to reopen %s",          //$NON-NLS-1$
   1580                             file.getFullPath());
   1581                     }
   1582                 }
   1583             }
   1584         });
   1585     }
   1586 }