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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "device/nfc/nfc_ndef_record.h"
      7 #include <map>
      9 #include "base/logging.h"
     11 using base::DictionaryValue;
     12 using base::ListValue;
     14 namespace device {
     16 namespace {
     18 typedef std::map<std::string, base::Value::Type> FieldValueMap;
     20 bool CheckFieldsAreValid(
     21     const FieldValueMap& required_fields,
     22     const FieldValueMap& optional_fields,
     23     const DictionaryValue* data) {
     24   size_t required_count = 0;
     25   for (DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*data);
     26        !iter.IsAtEnd(); iter.Advance()) {
     27     FieldValueMap::const_iterator field_iter =
     28         required_fields.find(iter.key());
     29     if (field_iter == required_fields.end()) {
     30       // Field wasn't one of the required fields. Check if optional.
     31       field_iter = optional_fields.find(iter.key());
     33       if (field_iter == optional_fields.end()) {
     34         // If the field isn't one of the optional fields either, then it's
     35         // invalid.
     36         VLOG(1) << "Tried to populate record with invalid field: "
     37                 << iter.key();
     38         return false;
     39       }
     40     } else {
     41       required_count++;
     42     }
     43     // The field is invalid, if the type of its value is incorrect.
     44     if (field_iter->second != iter.value().GetType()) {
     45       VLOG(1) << "Provided value for field \"" << iter.key() << "\" has type "
     46               << iter.value().GetType() << ", expected: "
     47               << field_iter->second;
     48       return false;
     49     }
     50   }
     51   // Check for required fields.
     52   if (required_count != required_fields.size()) {
     53     VLOG(1) << "Provided data did not contain all required fields for "
     54             << "requested NDEF type.";
     55     return false;
     56   }
     57   return true;
     58 }
     60 // Verifies that the contents of |data| conform to the fields of NDEF type
     61 // "Text".
     62 bool HandleTypeText(const DictionaryValue* data) {
     63   VLOG(1) << "Populating record with type \"Text\".";
     64   FieldValueMap required_fields;
     65   required_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldText] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
     66   FieldValueMap optional_fields;
     67   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldEncoding] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
     68   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldLanguageCode] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
     69   if (!CheckFieldsAreValid(required_fields, optional_fields, data)) {
     70     VLOG(1) << "Failed to populate record.";
     71     return false;
     72   }
     73   return true;
     74 }
     76 // Verifies that the contents of |data| conform to the fields of NDEF type
     77 // "SmartPoster".
     78 bool HandleTypeSmartPoster(const DictionaryValue* data) {
     79   VLOG(1) << "Populating record with type \"SmartPoster\".";
     80   FieldValueMap required_fields;
     81   required_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldURI] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
     82   FieldValueMap optional_fields;
     83   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldAction] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
     84   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldMimeType] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
     85   // base::Value restricts the number types to BOOL, INTEGER, and DOUBLE only.
     86   // uint32 will automatically get converted to a double. "target size" is
     87   // really a uint32 but we define it as a double for this reason.
     88   // (See dbus/values_util.h).
     89   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldTargetSize] = base::Value::TYPE_DOUBLE;
     90   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldTitles] = base::Value::TYPE_LIST;
     91   if (!CheckFieldsAreValid(required_fields, optional_fields, data)) {
     92     VLOG(1) << "Failed to populate record.";
     93     return false;
     94   }
     95   // Verify that the "titles" field was formatted correctly, if it exists.
     96   const ListValue* titles = NULL;
     97   if (data->GetList(NfcNdefRecord::kFieldTitles, &titles)) {
     98     if (titles->empty()) {
     99       VLOG(1) << "\"titles\" field of SmartPoster is empty.";
    100       return false;
    101     }
    102     for (ListValue::const_iterator iter = titles->begin();
    103          iter != titles->end(); ++iter) {
    104       const DictionaryValue* title_data = NULL;
    105       if (!(*iter)->GetAsDictionary(&title_data)) {
    106         VLOG(1) << "\"title\" entry for SmartPoster contains an invalid value "
    107                 << "type";
    108         return false;
    109       }
    110       if (!HandleTypeText(title_data)) {
    111         VLOG(1) << "Badly formatted \"title\" entry for SmartPoster.";
    112         return false;
    113       }
    114     }
    115   }
    116   return true;
    117 }
    119 // Verifies that the contents of |data| conform to the fields of NDEF type
    120 // "URI".
    121 bool HandleTypeUri(const DictionaryValue* data) {
    122   VLOG(1) << "Populating record with type \"URI\".";
    123   FieldValueMap required_fields;
    124   required_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldURI] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
    125   FieldValueMap optional_fields;
    126   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldMimeType] = base::Value::TYPE_STRING;
    127   optional_fields[NfcNdefRecord::kFieldTargetSize] = base::Value::TYPE_DOUBLE;
    128   if (!CheckFieldsAreValid(required_fields, optional_fields, data)) {
    129     VLOG(1) << "Failed to populate record.";
    130     return false;
    131   }
    132   return true;
    133 }
    135 }  // namespace
    137 // static
    138 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldEncoding[] = "encoding";
    139 // static
    140 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldLanguageCode[] = "languageCode";
    141 // static
    142 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldText[] = "text";
    143 // static
    144 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldURI[] = "uri";
    145 // static
    146 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldMimeType[] = "mimeType";
    147 // static
    148 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldTargetSize[] = "targetSize";
    149 // static
    150 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldTitles[] = "titles";
    151 // static
    152 const char NfcNdefRecord::kFieldAction[] = "action";
    153 // static
    154 const char NfcNdefRecord::kEncodingUtf8[] = "UTF-8";
    155 // static
    156 const char NfcNdefRecord::kEncodingUtf16[] = "UTF-16";
    157 // static
    158 const char NfcNdefRecord::kSmartPosterActionDo[] = "do";
    159 // static
    160 const char NfcNdefRecord::kSmartPosterActionSave[] = "save";
    161 // static
    162 const char NfcNdefRecord::kSmartPosterActionOpen[] = "open";
    164 NfcNdefRecord::NfcNdefRecord() : type_(kTypeUnknown) {
    165 }
    167 NfcNdefRecord::~NfcNdefRecord() {
    168 }
    170 bool NfcNdefRecord::IsPopulated() const {
    171   return type_ != kTypeUnknown;
    172 }
    174 bool NfcNdefRecord::Populate(Type type, const DictionaryValue* data) {
    175   if (IsPopulated())
    176     return false;
    178   DCHECK(data_.empty());
    180   // At this time, only "Text", "URI", and "SmartPoster" are supported.
    181   bool result = false;
    182   switch (type) {
    183     case kTypeText:
    184       result = HandleTypeText(data);
    185       break;
    186     case kTypeSmartPoster:
    187       result = HandleTypeSmartPoster(data);
    188       break;
    189     case kTypeURI:
    190       result = HandleTypeUri(data);
    191       break;
    192     default:
    193       VLOG(1) << "Unsupported NDEF type: " << type;
    194       break;
    195   }
    196   if (!result)
    197     return false;
    198   type_ = type;
    199   data_.MergeDictionary(data);
    200   return true;
    201 }
    203 NfcNdefMessage::NfcNdefMessage() {
    204 }
    206 NfcNdefMessage::~NfcNdefMessage() {
    207 }
    209 void NfcNdefMessage::AddRecord(NfcNdefRecord* record) {
    210   records_.push_back(record);
    211 }
    213 }  // namespace device