/external/eigen/doc/snippets/ |
Cwise_square.cpp | 2 cout << v.square() << endl;
MatrixBase_array_const.cpp | 4 cout << "sum of the squares: " << v.array().square().sum() << endl;
TopicAliasing_cwise.cpp | 14 arr = arr.square(); 19 mat = (2 * mat - MatrixXf::Identity(2,2)).array().square();
/external/eigen/test/ |
dontalign.cpp | 31 SquareMatrixType square = SquareMatrixType::Random(rows,rows); local 34 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(v, square * square.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(v)); 35 square = square.inverse().eval(); 36 a = square * a; 37 square = square*square; 38 v = square * v [all...] |
product.h | 45 square = RowSquareMatrixType::Random(rows, rows), local 69 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square*(m1 + m2), square*m1+square*m2); 70 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square*(m1 - m2), square*m1-square*m2); 73 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(s1*(square*m1), (s1*square)*m1); 74 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(s1*(square*m1), square*(m1*s1)) [all...] |
miscmatrices.cpp | 31 square(v1.asDiagonal()); 32 if(r==r2) VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square(r,r2), v1[r]); 33 else VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN(square(r,r2), static_cast<Scalar>(1)); 34 square = MatrixType::Zero(rows, rows); 35 square.diagonal() = VectorType::Ones(rows); 36 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square, MatrixType::Identity(rows, rows));
integer_types.cpp | 73 square = SquareMatrixType::Random(rows, rows); local 131 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square * (m1 + m2), square * m1 + square * m2); 132 VERIFY_IS_APPROX((m1 + m2).transpose() * square, m1.transpose() * square + m2.transpose() * square);
adjoint.cpp | 31 square = SquareMatrixType::Random(rows, rows); local 70 ref = NumTraits<Scalar>::IsInteger ? 0 : (std::max)((std::max)(v1.norm(),v2.norm()),(std::max)((square * v2).norm(),(square.adjoint() * v1).norm())); 71 VERIFY(test_isApproxWithRef(v1.dot(square * v2), (square.adjoint() * v1).dot(v2), ref));
/external/eigen/test/eigen2/ |
eigen2_miscmatrices.cpp | 31 square = v1.asDiagonal(); local 32 if(r==r2) VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square(r,r2), v1[r]); 33 else VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN(square(r,r2), static_cast<Scalar>(1)); 34 square = MatrixType::Zero(rows, rows); 35 square.diagonal() = VectorType::Ones(rows); 36 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square, MatrixType::Identity(rows, rows));
product.h | 47 square = RowSquareMatrixType::Random(rows, rows), local 73 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square*(m1 + m2), square*m1+square*m2); 74 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(square*(m1 - m2), square*m1-square*m2); 77 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(s1*(square*m1), (s1*square)*m1); 78 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(s1*(square*m1), square*(m1*s1)) [all...] |
eigen2_basicstuff.cpp | 28 square = Matrix<Scalar, MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime, MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime>::Random(rows, rows); local 71 square.col(r) = square.row(r).eval(); 74 rv = square.row(r); 75 cv = square.col(r);
eigen2_cwiseop.cpp | 39 square = Matrix<Scalar, MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime, MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime>::Random(rows, rows); local 80 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.cwise().pow(2), m1.cwise().square()); 101 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m3.cwise().square(), m1.cwise().abs()); 102 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.cwise().square().cwise().sqrt(), m1.cwise().abs()); 105 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.cwise().pow(2), m1.cwise().square()); 112 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(mones, m1.cwise().sin().cwise().square() + m1.cwise().cos().cwise().square());
eigen2_adjoint.cpp | 34 square = SquareMatrixType::Random(rows, rows); local 64 VERIFY(ei_isApprox(v1.eigen2_dot(square * v2), (square.adjoint() * v1).eigen2_dot(v2), largerEps));
/external/eigen/bench/ |
vdw_new.cpp | 26 .cwise().square() 27 .cwise().square()
benchmarkXcwise.cpp | 31 m = VECTYPE::Ones(VECSIZE) + 0.00005 * (m.cwise().square() + m/4);
/external/chromium_org/ppapi/examples/2d/ |
paint_manager_example.cc | 17 // Number of pixels to each side of the center of the square that we draw. 20 // We identify our square by the center point. This computes the rect for the 21 // square given that point. 55 // Update the square on a mouse down. 64 // Update the square on a drag. 112 // Paint the square black. Because we're lazy, we do this outside of the 114 pp::Rect square = SquareForPoint(last_x_, last_y_); local 116 square.x() - paint_bounds.x(), 117 square.y() - paint_bounds.y(), 118 square.width() [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/ppapi/examples/input/ |
pointer_event_input.cc | 17 // Number of pixels to each side of the center of the square that we draw. 20 // We identify our square by the center point. This computes the rect for the 21 // square given that point. 55 // Update the square on a mouse down. 64 // Update the square on a drag. 74 // Update the square on a touch down. 130 // Paint the square black. Because we're lazy, we do this outside of the 132 pp::Rect square = SquareForPoint(last_x_, last_y_); local 134 square.x() - paint_bounds.x(), 135 square.y() - paint_bounds.y() [all...] |
/external/ceres-solver/internal/ceres/ |
cgnr_linear_operator.h | 99 VectorRef(y, n).array() += ConstVectorRef(D_, n).array().square() *
/external/clang/test/CXX/dcl.dcl/dcl.spec/dcl.constexpr/ |
p1.cpp | 100 constexpr int square(int x); // expected-note {{declared here}} 110 : x(square(a)), y(square(a)) // expected-note {{undefined function 'square' cannot be used in a constant expression}} 115 constexpr int square(int x) { function
/external/chromium_org/ppapi/tests/ |
test_graphics_2d.h | 55 // Validates that the given image is a single color with a square of another 59 const pp::Rect& square, uint32_t square_color) const; 61 // Validates that the given device context is a single color with a square of 64 const pp::Rect& square, uint32_t square_color) const;
/frameworks/wilhelm/tests/sandbox/ |
intbufq.c | 60 frame_t square[SQUARE_FRAMES]; variable 157 square[i].left = (i % (unsigned) (sr / hz)) < 50 ? 32767 : -32768; 158 square[i].right = square[i].left; 193 buffer = square; 194 size = sizeof(square);
/frameworks/base/packages/Keyguard/src/com/android/keyguard/ |
KeyguardCircleFramedDrawable.java | 69 final int square = Math.min(width, height); local 71 final Rect cropRect = new Rect((width - square) / 2, (height - square) / 2, square, square);
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/users/ |
CircleFramedDrawable.java | 90 final int square = Math.min(width, height); local 92 final Rect cropRect = new Rect((width - square) / 2, (height - square) / 2, square, square);
/external/libvpx/libvpx/vp9/encoder/x86/ |
vp9_variance_impl_mmx.asm | 112 pmaddwd mm0, mm0 ; square and accumulate 113 pmaddwd mm2, mm2 ; square and accumulate 136 pmaddwd mm0, mm0 ; square and accumulate 137 pmaddwd mm2, mm2 ; square and accumulate 159 pmaddwd mm0, mm0 ; square and accumulate 160 pmaddwd mm2, mm2 ; square and accumulate 182 pmaddwd mm0, mm0 ; square and accumulate 183 pmaddwd mm2, mm2 ; square and accumulate 205 pmaddwd mm0, mm0 ; square and accumulate 206 pmaddwd mm2, mm2 ; square and accumulat [all...] |
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ |
ECCurve.java | 138 ECFieldElement alpha = x.multiply(x.square().add(a)).add(b); 488 yp = yp.square(); 493 ECFieldElement beta = xp.add(a).add(b.multiply(xp.square().invert())); 541 ECFieldElement w2 = w.square(); 542 z = z.square().add(w2.multiply(t)); 549 gamma = z.square().add(z);