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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard;
     19 import android.graphics.Rect;
     20 import android.text.TextUtils;
     21 import android.util.Log;
     23 import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.TouchPositionCorrection;
     24 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants;
     25 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.JniUtils;
     27 import java.util.Arrays;
     29 public class ProximityInfo {
     30     private static final String TAG = ProximityInfo.class.getSimpleName();
     31     private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
     33     // Must be equal to MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE in native/jni/src/defines.h
     34     public static final int MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE = 16;
     35     /** Number of key widths from current touch point to search for nearest keys. */
     36     private static final float SEARCH_DISTANCE = 1.2f;
     37     private static final Key[] EMPTY_KEY_ARRAY = new Key[0];
     38     private static final float DEFAULT_TOUCH_POSITION_CORRECTION_RADIUS = 0.15f;
     40     private final int mGridWidth;
     41     private final int mGridHeight;
     42     private final int mGridSize;
     43     private final int mCellWidth;
     44     private final int mCellHeight;
     45     // TODO: Find a proper name for mKeyboardMinWidth
     46     private final int mKeyboardMinWidth;
     47     private final int mKeyboardHeight;
     48     private final int mMostCommonKeyWidth;
     49     private final int mMostCommonKeyHeight;
     50     private final Key[] mKeys;
     51     private final Key[][] mGridNeighbors;
     52     private final String mLocaleStr;
     54     ProximityInfo(final String localeStr, final int gridWidth, final int gridHeight,
     55             final int minWidth, final int height, final int mostCommonKeyWidth,
     56             final int mostCommonKeyHeight, final Key[] keys,
     57             final TouchPositionCorrection touchPositionCorrection) {
     58         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(localeStr)) {
     59             mLocaleStr = "";
     60         } else {
     61             mLocaleStr = localeStr;
     62         }
     63         mGridWidth = gridWidth;
     64         mGridHeight = gridHeight;
     65         mGridSize = mGridWidth * mGridHeight;
     66         mCellWidth = (minWidth + mGridWidth - 1) / mGridWidth;
     67         mCellHeight = (height + mGridHeight - 1) / mGridHeight;
     68         mKeyboardMinWidth = minWidth;
     69         mKeyboardHeight = height;
     70         mMostCommonKeyHeight = mostCommonKeyHeight;
     71         mMostCommonKeyWidth = mostCommonKeyWidth;
     72         mKeys = keys;
     73         mGridNeighbors = new Key[mGridSize][];
     74         if (minWidth == 0 || height == 0) {
     75             // No proximity required. Keyboard might be more keys keyboard.
     76             return;
     77         }
     78         computeNearestNeighbors();
     79         mNativeProximityInfo = createNativeProximityInfo(touchPositionCorrection);
     80     }
     82     private long mNativeProximityInfo;
     83     static {
     84         JniUtils.loadNativeLibrary();
     85     }
     87     // TODO: Stop passing proximityCharsArray
     88     private static native long setProximityInfoNative(String locale,
     89             int displayWidth, int displayHeight, int gridWidth, int gridHeight,
     90             int mostCommonKeyWidth, int mostCommonKeyHeight, int[] proximityCharsArray,
     91             int keyCount, int[] keyXCoordinates, int[] keyYCoordinates, int[] keyWidths,
     92             int[] keyHeights, int[] keyCharCodes, float[] sweetSpotCenterXs,
     93             float[] sweetSpotCenterYs, float[] sweetSpotRadii);
     95     private static native void releaseProximityInfoNative(long nativeProximityInfo);
     97     private static boolean needsProximityInfo(final Key key) {
     98         // Don't include special keys into ProximityInfo.
     99         return key.getCode() >= Constants.CODE_SPACE;
    100     }
    102     private static int getProximityInfoKeysCount(final Key[] keys) {
    103         int count = 0;
    104         for (final Key key : keys) {
    105             if (needsProximityInfo(key)) {
    106                 count++;
    107             }
    108         }
    109         return count;
    110     }
    112     private long createNativeProximityInfo(final TouchPositionCorrection touchPositionCorrection) {
    113         final Key[][] gridNeighborKeys = mGridNeighbors;
    114         final int[] proximityCharsArray = new int[mGridSize * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE];
    115         Arrays.fill(proximityCharsArray, Constants.NOT_A_CODE);
    116         for (int i = 0; i < mGridSize; ++i) {
    117             final int proximityCharsLength = gridNeighborKeys[i].length;
    118             int infoIndex = i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE;
    119             for (int j = 0; j < proximityCharsLength; ++j) {
    120                 final Key neighborKey = gridNeighborKeys[i][j];
    121                 // Excluding from proximityCharsArray
    122                 if (!needsProximityInfo(neighborKey)) {
    123                     continue;
    124                 }
    125                 proximityCharsArray[infoIndex] = neighborKey.getCode();
    126                 infoIndex++;
    127             }
    128         }
    129         if (DEBUG) {
    130             final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    131             for (int i = 0; i < mGridSize; i++) {
    132                 sb.setLength(0);
    133                 for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE; j++) {
    134                     final int code = proximityCharsArray[i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE + j];
    135                     if (code == Constants.NOT_A_CODE) {
    136                         break;
    137                     }
    138                     if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(" ");
    139                     sb.append(Constants.printableCode(code));
    140                 }
    141                 Log.d(TAG, "proxmityChars["+i+"]: " + sb);
    142             }
    143         }
    145         final Key[] keys = mKeys;
    146         final int keyCount = getProximityInfoKeysCount(keys);
    147         final int[] keyXCoordinates = new int[keyCount];
    148         final int[] keyYCoordinates = new int[keyCount];
    149         final int[] keyWidths = new int[keyCount];
    150         final int[] keyHeights = new int[keyCount];
    151         final int[] keyCharCodes = new int[keyCount];
    152         final float[] sweetSpotCenterXs;
    153         final float[] sweetSpotCenterYs;
    154         final float[] sweetSpotRadii;
    156         for (int infoIndex = 0, keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keys.length; keyIndex++) {
    157             final Key key = keys[keyIndex];
    158             // Excluding from key coordinate arrays
    159             if (!needsProximityInfo(key)) {
    160                 continue;
    161             }
    162             keyXCoordinates[infoIndex] = key.getX();
    163             keyYCoordinates[infoIndex] = key.getY();
    164             keyWidths[infoIndex] = key.getWidth();
    165             keyHeights[infoIndex] = key.getHeight();
    166             keyCharCodes[infoIndex] = key.getCode();
    167             infoIndex++;
    168         }
    170         if (touchPositionCorrection != null && touchPositionCorrection.isValid()) {
    171             if (DEBUG) {
    172                 Log.d(TAG, "touchPositionCorrection: ON");
    173             }
    174             sweetSpotCenterXs = new float[keyCount];
    175             sweetSpotCenterYs = new float[keyCount];
    176             sweetSpotRadii = new float[keyCount];
    177             final int rows = touchPositionCorrection.getRows();
    178             final float defaultRadius = DEFAULT_TOUCH_POSITION_CORRECTION_RADIUS
    179                     * (float)Math.hypot(mMostCommonKeyWidth, mMostCommonKeyHeight);
    180             for (int infoIndex = 0, keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keys.length; keyIndex++) {
    181                 final Key key = keys[keyIndex];
    182                 // Excluding from touch position correction arrays
    183                 if (!needsProximityInfo(key)) {
    184                     continue;
    185                 }
    186                 final Rect hitBox = key.getHitBox();
    187                 sweetSpotCenterXs[infoIndex] = hitBox.exactCenterX();
    188                 sweetSpotCenterYs[infoIndex] = hitBox.exactCenterY();
    189                 sweetSpotRadii[infoIndex] = defaultRadius;
    190                 final int row = hitBox.top / mMostCommonKeyHeight;
    191                 if (row < rows) {
    192                     final int hitBoxWidth = hitBox.width();
    193                     final int hitBoxHeight = hitBox.height();
    194                     final float hitBoxDiagonal = (float)Math.hypot(hitBoxWidth, hitBoxHeight);
    195                     sweetSpotCenterXs[infoIndex] +=
    196                             touchPositionCorrection.getX(row) * hitBoxWidth;
    197                     sweetSpotCenterYs[infoIndex] +=
    198                             touchPositionCorrection.getY(row) * hitBoxHeight;
    199                     sweetSpotRadii[infoIndex] =
    200                             touchPositionCorrection.getRadius(row) * hitBoxDiagonal;
    201                 }
    202                 if (DEBUG) {
    203                     Log.d(TAG, String.format(
    204                             "  [%2d] row=%d x/y/r=%7.2f/%7.2f/%5.2f %s code=%s", infoIndex, row,
    205                             sweetSpotCenterXs[infoIndex], sweetSpotCenterYs[infoIndex],
    206                             sweetSpotRadii[infoIndex], (row < rows ? "correct" : "default"),
    207                             Constants.printableCode(key.getCode())));
    208                 }
    209                 infoIndex++;
    210             }
    211         } else {
    212             sweetSpotCenterXs = sweetSpotCenterYs = sweetSpotRadii = null;
    213             if (DEBUG) {
    214                 Log.d(TAG, "touchPositionCorrection: OFF");
    215             }
    216         }
    218         // TODO: Stop passing proximityCharsArray
    219         return setProximityInfoNative(mLocaleStr, mKeyboardMinWidth, mKeyboardHeight,
    220                 mGridWidth, mGridHeight, mMostCommonKeyWidth, mMostCommonKeyHeight,
    221                 proximityCharsArray, keyCount, keyXCoordinates, keyYCoordinates, keyWidths,
    222                 keyHeights, keyCharCodes, sweetSpotCenterXs, sweetSpotCenterYs, sweetSpotRadii);
    223     }
    225     public long getNativeProximityInfo() {
    226         return mNativeProximityInfo;
    227     }
    229     @Override
    230     protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
    231         try {
    232             if (mNativeProximityInfo != 0) {
    233                 releaseProximityInfoNative(mNativeProximityInfo);
    234                 mNativeProximityInfo = 0;
    235             }
    236         } finally {
    237             super.finalize();
    238         }
    239     }
    241     private void computeNearestNeighbors() {
    242         final int defaultWidth = mMostCommonKeyWidth;
    243         final int keyCount = mKeys.length;
    244         final int gridSize = mGridNeighbors.length;
    245         final int threshold = (int) (defaultWidth * SEARCH_DISTANCE);
    246         final int thresholdSquared = threshold * threshold;
    247         // Round-up so we don't have any pixels outside the grid
    248         final int lastPixelXCoordinate = mGridWidth * mCellWidth - 1;
    249         final int lastPixelYCoordinate = mGridHeight * mCellHeight - 1;
    251         // For large layouts, 'neighborsFlatBuffer' is about 80k of memory: gridSize is usually 512,
    252         // keycount is about 40 and a pointer to a Key is 4 bytes. This contains, for each cell,
    253         // enough space for as many keys as there are on the keyboard. Hence, every
    254         // keycount'th element is the start of a new cell, and each of these virtual subarrays
    255         // start empty with keycount spaces available. This fills up gradually in the loop below.
    256         // Since in the practice each cell does not have a lot of neighbors, most of this space is
    257         // actually just empty padding in this fixed-size buffer.
    258         final Key[] neighborsFlatBuffer = new Key[gridSize * keyCount];
    259         final int[] neighborCountPerCell = new int[gridSize];
    260         final int halfCellWidth = mCellWidth / 2;
    261         final int halfCellHeight = mCellHeight / 2;
    262         for (final Key key : mKeys) {
    263             if (key.isSpacer()) continue;
    265 /* HOW WE PRE-SELECT THE CELLS (iterate over only the relevant cells, instead of all of them)
    267   We want to compute the distance for keys that are in the cells that are close enough to the
    268   key border, as this method is performance-critical. These keys are represented with 'star'
    269   background on the diagram below. Let's consider the Y case first.
    271   We want to select the cells which center falls between the top of the key minus the threshold,
    272   and the bottom of the key plus the threshold.
    273   topPixelWithinThreshold is key.mY - threshold, and bottomPixelWithinThreshold is
    274   key.mY + key.mHeight + threshold.
    276   Then we need to compute the center of the top row that we need to evaluate, as we'll iterate
    277   from there.
    279 (0,0)----> x
    280 | .-------------------------------------------.
    281 | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    282 | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|   .- top of top cell (aligned on the grid)
    283 | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    284 | |-----------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|---'                          v
    285 | |   |   |   |***|***|*_________________________ topPixelWithinThreshold    | yDeltaToGrid
    286 | |---+---+---+-----^-+-|-+---+---+---+---+---|                              ^
    287 | |   |   |   |***|*|*|*|*|***|***|   |   |   |           ______________________________________
    288 v |---+---+--threshold--|-+---+---+---+---+---|          |
    289   |   |   |   |***|*|*|*|*|***|***|   |   |   |          | Starting from key.mY, we substract
    290 y |---+---+---+---+-v-+-|-+---+---+---+---+---|          | thresholdBase and get the top pixel
    291   |   |   |   |***|**########------------------- key.mY  | within the threshold. We align that on
    292   |---+---+---+---+--#+---+-#-+---+---+---+---|          | the grid by computing the delta to the
    293   |   |   |   |***|**#|***|*#*|***|   |   |   |          | grid, and get the top of the top cell.
    294   |---+---+---+---+--#+---+-#-+---+---+---+---|          |
    295   |   |   |   |***|**########*|***|   |   |   |          | Adding half the cell height to the top
    296   |---+---+---+---+---+-|-+---+---+---+---+---|          | of the top cell, we get the middle of
    297   |   |   |   |***|***|*|*|***|***|   |   |   |          | the top cell (yMiddleOfTopCell).
    298   |---+---+---+---+---+-|-+---+---+---+---+---|          |
    299   |   |   |   |***|***|*|*|***|***|   |   |   |          |
    300   |---+---+---+---+---+-|________________________ yEnd   | Since we only want to add the key to
    301   |   |   |   |   |   |   | (bottomPixelWithinThreshold) | the proximity if it's close enough to
    302   |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|          | the center of the cell, we only need
    303   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |          | to compute for these cells where
    304   '---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'          | topPixelWithinThreshold is above the
    305                                         (positive x,y)   | center of the cell. This is the case
    306                                                          | when yDeltaToGrid is less than half
    307   [Zoomed in diagram]                                    | the height of the cell.
    308   +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+              |
    309   |       |       |       |       |       |              | On the zoomed in diagram, on the right
    310   |       |       |       |       |       |              | the topPixelWithinThreshold (represented
    311   |       |       |       |       |       |      top of  | with an = sign) is below and we can skip
    312   +-------+-------+-------+--v----+-------+ .. top cell  | this cell, while on the left it's above
    313   |       | = topPixelWT  |  |  yDeltaToGrid             | and we need to compute for this cell.
    314   |..yStart.|.....|.......|..|....|.......|... y middle  | Thus, if yDeltaToGrid is more than half
    315   |   (left)|     |       |  ^ =  |       | of top cell  | the height of the cell, we start the
    316   +-------+-|-----+-------+----|--+-------+              | iteration one cell below the top cell,
    317   |       | |     |       |    |  |       |              | else we start it on the top cell. This
    318   |.......|.|.....|.......|....|..|.....yStart (right)   | is stored in yStart.
    320   Since we only want to go up to bottomPixelWithinThreshold, and we only iterate on the center
    321   of the keys, we can stop as soon as the y value exceeds bottomPixelThreshold, so we don't
    322   have to align this on the center of the key. Hence, we don't need a separate value for
    323   bottomPixelWithinThreshold and call this yEnd right away.
    324 */
    325             final int keyX = key.getX();
    326             final int keyY = key.getY();
    327             final int topPixelWithinThreshold = keyY - threshold;
    328             final int yDeltaToGrid = topPixelWithinThreshold % mCellHeight;
    329             final int yMiddleOfTopCell = topPixelWithinThreshold - yDeltaToGrid + halfCellHeight;
    330             final int yStart = Math.max(halfCellHeight,
    331                     yMiddleOfTopCell + (yDeltaToGrid <= halfCellHeight ? 0 : mCellHeight));
    332             final int yEnd = Math.min(lastPixelYCoordinate, keyY + key.getHeight() + threshold);
    334             final int leftPixelWithinThreshold = keyX - threshold;
    335             final int xDeltaToGrid = leftPixelWithinThreshold % mCellWidth;
    336             final int xMiddleOfLeftCell = leftPixelWithinThreshold - xDeltaToGrid + halfCellWidth;
    337             final int xStart = Math.max(halfCellWidth,
    338                     xMiddleOfLeftCell + (xDeltaToGrid <= halfCellWidth ? 0 : mCellWidth));
    339             final int xEnd = Math.min(lastPixelXCoordinate, keyX + key.getWidth() + threshold);
    341             int baseIndexOfCurrentRow = (yStart / mCellHeight) * mGridWidth + (xStart / mCellWidth);
    342             for (int centerY = yStart; centerY <= yEnd; centerY += mCellHeight) {
    343                 int index = baseIndexOfCurrentRow;
    344                 for (int centerX = xStart; centerX <= xEnd; centerX += mCellWidth) {
    345                     if (key.squaredDistanceToEdge(centerX, centerY) < thresholdSquared) {
    346                         neighborsFlatBuffer[index * keyCount + neighborCountPerCell[index]] = key;
    347                         ++neighborCountPerCell[index];
    348                     }
    349                     ++index;
    350                 }
    351                 baseIndexOfCurrentRow += mGridWidth;
    352             }
    353         }
    355         for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; ++i) {
    356             final int base = i * keyCount;
    357             mGridNeighbors[i] =
    358                     Arrays.copyOfRange(neighborsFlatBuffer, base, base + neighborCountPerCell[i]);
    359         }
    360     }
    362     public void fillArrayWithNearestKeyCodes(final int x, final int y, final int primaryKeyCode,
    363             final int[] dest) {
    364         final int destLength = dest.length;
    365         if (destLength < 1) {
    366             return;
    367         }
    368         int index = 0;
    369         if (primaryKeyCode > Constants.CODE_SPACE) {
    370             dest[index++] = primaryKeyCode;
    371         }
    372         final Key[] nearestKeys = getNearestKeys(x, y);
    373         for (Key key : nearestKeys) {
    374             if (index >= destLength) {
    375                 break;
    376             }
    377             final int code = key.getCode();
    378             if (code <= Constants.CODE_SPACE) {
    379                 break;
    380             }
    381             dest[index++] = code;
    382         }
    383         if (index < destLength) {
    384             dest[index] = Constants.NOT_A_CODE;
    385         }
    386     }
    388     public Key[] getNearestKeys(final int x, final int y) {
    389         if (mGridNeighbors == null) {
    390             return EMPTY_KEY_ARRAY;
    391         }
    392         if (x >= 0 && x < mKeyboardMinWidth && y >= 0 && y < mKeyboardHeight) {
    393             int index = (y / mCellHeight) * mGridWidth + (x / mCellWidth);
    394             if (index < mGridSize) {
    395                 return mGridNeighbors[index];
    396             }
    397         }
    398         return EMPTY_KEY_ARRAY;
    399     }
    400 }