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      1 %default { "chaintgt" : ".LinvokeChain" }
      2     /*
      3      * For polymorphic callsite, check whether the cached class pointer matches
      4      * the current one. If so setup the Dalvik frame and return to the
      5      * Thumb code through the link register to transfer control to the callee
      6      * method through a dedicated chaining cell.
      7      *
      8      * The predicted chaining cell is declared in ArmLIR.h with the
      9      * following layout:
     10      *
     11      *  typedef struct PredictedChainingCell {
     12      *      u4 branch;
     13      *      const ClassObject *clazz;
     14      *      const Method *method;
     15      *      u4 counter;
     16      *  } PredictedChainingCell;
     17      *
     18      * Upon returning to the callsite:
     19      *    - lr  : to branch to the chaining cell
     20      *    - lr+2: to punt to the interpreter
     21      *    - lr+4: to fully resolve the callee and may rechain.
     22      *            r3 <- class
     23      *            r9 <- counter
     24      */
     25     @ r0 = this, r1 = returnCell, r2 = predictedChainCell, rPC = dalvikCallsite
     26     ldr     r3, [r0, #offObject_clazz]  @ r3 <- this->class
     27     ldr     r8, [r2, #4]    @ r8 <- predictedChainCell->clazz
     28     ldr     r0, [r2, #8]    @ r0 <- predictedChainCell->method
     29     ldr     r9, [rSELF, #offThread_icRechainCount] @ r1 <- shared rechainCount
     30     cmp     r3, r8          @ predicted class == actual class?
     31 #if defined(WITH_JIT_TUNING)
     32     ldr     r7, .LdvmICHitCount
     33 #if defined(WORKAROUND_CORTEX_A9_745320)
     34     /* Don't use conditional loads if the HW defect exists */
     35     bne     101f
     36     ldr     r10, [r7, #0]
     37 101:
     38 #else
     39     ldreq   r10, [r7, #0]
     40 #endif
     41     add     r10, r10, #1
     42     streq   r10, [r7, #0]
     43 #endif
     44     ldreqh  r7, [r0, #offMethod_registersSize]  @ r7<- methodToCall->regsSize
     45     ldreqh  r2, [r0, #offMethod_outsSize]  @ r2<- methodToCall->outsSize
     46     beq     $chaintgt   @ predicted chain is valid
     47     ldr     r7, [r3, #offClassObject_vtable] @ r7 <- this->class->vtable
     48     cmp     r8, #0          @ initialized class or not
     49     moveq   r1, #0
     50     subne   r1, r9, #1      @ count--
     51     strne   r1, [rSELF, #offThread_icRechainCount]  @ write back to thread
     52     add     lr, lr, #4      @ return to fully-resolve landing pad
     53     /*
     54      * r1 <- count
     55      * r2 <- &predictedChainCell
     56      * r3 <- this->class
     57      * r4 <- dPC
     58      * r7 <- this->class->vtable
     59      */
     60     bx      lr