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      1 %verify "executed"
      2 %verify "forward, backward, self"
      3     /*
      4      * Unconditional branch, 32-bit offset.
      5      *
      6      * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
      7      * double to get a byte offset.
      8      *
      9      * Unlike most opcodes, this one is allowed to branch to itself, so
     10      * our "backward branch" test must be "<=0" instead of "<0".  Because
     11      * we need the V bit set, we'll use an adds to convert from Dalvik
     12      * offset to byte offset.
     13      */
     14     /* goto/32 +AAAAAAAA */
     15     FETCH(r0, 1)                        @ r0<- aaaa (lo)
     16     FETCH(r1, 2)                        @ r1<- AAAA (hi)
     17     orr     r0, r0, r1, lsl #16         @ r0<- AAAAaaaa
     18     adds    r1, r0, r0                  @ r1<- byte offset
     19 #if defined(WITH_JIT)
     20     ldr     r0, [rSELF, #offThread_pJitProfTable]
     21     ldrle   rIBASE, [rSELF, #offThread_curHandlerTable] @ refresh handler base
     22     FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB(r1)           @ update rPC, load rINST
     23     ble     common_testUpdateProfile    @ (r0) hot trace head?
     24 #else
     25     FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB(r1)           @ update rPC, load rINST
     26     ldrle   rIBASE, [rSELF, #offThread_curHandlerTable] @ refresh handler base
     27 #endif
     28     GET_INST_OPCODE(ip)                 @ extract opcode from rINST
     29     GOTO_OPCODE(ip)                     @ jump to next instruction