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      1 #!/usr/bin/python2.4
      2 #
      3 #
      4 # Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
      5 #
      6 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9 #
     10 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11 #
     12 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16 # limitations under the License.
     18 """Utilities for generating code coverage reports for Android tests."""
     20 # Python imports
     21 import glob
     22 import optparse
     23 import os
     25 # local imports
     26 import android_build
     27 import android_mk
     28 import coverage_target
     29 import coverage_targets
     30 import errors
     31 import logger
     32 import run_command
     35 class CoverageGenerator(object):
     36   """Helper utility for obtaining code coverage results on Android.
     38   Intended to simplify the process of building,running, and generating code
     39   coverage results for a pre-defined set of tests and targets
     40   """
     42     # path to EMMA host jar, relative to Android build root
     43   _EMMA_JAR = os.path.join("external", "emma", "lib", "emma.jar")
     44   _TEST_COVERAGE_EXT = "ec"
     45   # root path of generated coverage report files, relative to Android build root
     46   _COVERAGE_REPORT_PATH = "emma"
     47   _TARGET_DEF_FILE = "coverage_targets.xml"
     48   _CORE_TARGET_PATH = os.path.join("development", "testrunner",
     49                                    _TARGET_DEF_FILE)
     50   # vendor glob file path patterns to tests, relative to android
     51   # build root
     52   _VENDOR_TARGET_PATH = os.path.join("vendor", "*", "tests", "testinfo",
     53                                      _TARGET_DEF_FILE)
     55   # path to root of target build intermediates
     56   _TARGET_INTERMEDIATES_BASE_PATH = os.path.join("target", "common",
     57                                                  "obj")
     59   def __init__(self, adb_interface):
     60     self._root_path = android_build.GetTop()
     61     self._out_path = android_build.GetOut()
     62     self._output_root_path = os.path.join(self._out_path,
     63                                           self._COVERAGE_REPORT_PATH)
     64     self._emma_jar_path = os.path.join(self._root_path, self._EMMA_JAR)
     65     self._adb = adb_interface
     66     self._targets_manifest = self._ReadTargets()
     68   def ExtractReport(self,
     69                     test_suite_name,
     70                     target,
     71                     device_coverage_path,
     72                     output_path=None,
     73                     test_qualifier=None):
     74     """Extract runtime coverage data and generate code coverage report.
     76     Assumes test has just been executed.
     77     Args:
     78       test_suite_name: name of TestSuite to generate coverage data for
     79       target: the CoverageTarget to use as basis for coverage calculation
     80       device_coverage_path: location of coverage file on device
     81       output_path: path to place output files in. If None will use
     82         <android_out_path>/<_COVERAGE_REPORT_PATH>/<target>/<test[-qualifier]>
     83       test_qualifier: designates mode test was run with. e.g size=small.
     84         If not None, this will be used to customize output_path as shown above.
     86     Returns:
     87       absolute file path string of generated html report file.
     88     """
     89     if output_path is None:
     90       report_name = test_suite_name
     91       if test_qualifier:
     92         report_name = report_name + "-" + test_qualifier
     93       output_path = os.path.join(self._out_path,
     94                                  self._COVERAGE_REPORT_PATH,
     95                                  target.GetName(),
     96                                  report_name)
     98     coverage_local_name = "%s.%s" % (report_name,
     99                                      self._TEST_COVERAGE_EXT)
    100     coverage_local_path = os.path.join(output_path,
    101                                        coverage_local_name)
    102     if self._adb.Pull(device_coverage_path, coverage_local_path):
    104       report_path = os.path.join(output_path,
    105                                  report_name)
    106       return self._GenerateReport(report_path, coverage_local_path, [target],
    107                                   do_src=True)
    108     return None
    110   def _GenerateReport(self, report_path, coverage_file_path, targets,
    111                       do_src=True):
    112     """Generate the code coverage report.
    114     Args:
    115       report_path: absolute file path of output file, without extension
    116       coverage_file_path: absolute file path of code coverage result file
    117       targets: list of CoverageTargets to use as base for code coverage
    118           measurement.
    119       do_src: True if generate coverage report with source linked in.
    120           Note this will increase size of generated report.
    122     Returns:
    123       absolute file path to generated report file.
    124     """
    125     input_metadatas = self._GatherMetadatas(targets)
    127     if do_src:
    128       src_arg = self._GatherSrcs(targets)
    129     else:
    130       src_arg = ""
    132     report_file = "%s.html" % report_path
    133     cmd1 = ("java -cp %s emma report -r html -in %s %s %s " %
    134             (self._emma_jar_path, coverage_file_path, input_metadatas, src_arg))
    135     cmd2 = "-Dreport.html.out.file=%s" % report_file
    136     self._RunCmd(cmd1 + cmd2)
    137     return report_file
    139   def _GatherMetadatas(self, targets):
    140     """Builds the emma input metadata argument from provided targets.
    142     Args:
    143       targets: list of CoverageTargets
    145     Returns:
    146       input metadata argument string
    147     """
    148     input_metadatas = ""
    149     for target in targets:
    150       input_metadata = os.path.join(self._GetBuildIntermediatePath(target),
    151                                     "coverage.em")
    152       input_metadatas += " -in %s" % input_metadata
    153     return input_metadatas
    155   def _GetBuildIntermediatePath(self, target):
    156     return os.path.join(
    157         self._out_path, self._TARGET_INTERMEDIATES_BASE_PATH, target.GetType(),
    158         "%s_intermediates" % target.GetName())
    160   def _GatherSrcs(self, targets):
    161     """Builds the emma input source path arguments from provided targets.
    163     Args:
    164       targets: list of CoverageTargets
    165     Returns:
    166       source path arguments string
    167     """
    168     src_list = []
    169     for target in targets:
    170       target_srcs = target.GetPaths()
    171       for path in target_srcs:
    172         src_list.append("-sp %s" %  os.path.join(self._root_path, path))
    173     return " ".join(src_list)
    175   def _MergeFiles(self, input_paths, dest_path):
    176     """Merges a set of emma coverage files into a consolidated file.
    178     Args:
    179       input_paths: list of string absolute coverage file paths to merge
    180       dest_path: absolute file path of destination file
    181     """
    182     input_list = []
    183     for input_path in input_paths:
    184       input_list.append("-in %s" % input_path)
    185     input_args = " ".join(input_list)
    186     self._RunCmd("java -cp %s emma merge %s -out %s" % (self._emma_jar_path,
    187                                                         input_args, dest_path))
    189   def _RunCmd(self, cmd):
    190     """Runs and logs the given os command."""
    191     run_command.RunCommand(cmd, return_output=False)
    193   def _CombineTargetCoverage(self):
    194     """Combines all target mode code coverage results.
    196     Will find all code coverage data files in direct sub-directories of
    197     self._output_root_path, and combine them into a single coverage report.
    198     Generated report is placed at self._output_root_path/android.html
    199     """
    200     coverage_files = self._FindCoverageFiles(self._output_root_path)
    201     combined_coverage = os.path.join(self._output_root_path,
    202                                      "android.%s" % self._TEST_COVERAGE_EXT)
    203     self._MergeFiles(coverage_files, combined_coverage)
    204     report_path = os.path.join(self._output_root_path, "android")
    205     # don't link to source, to limit file size
    206     self._GenerateReport(report_path, combined_coverage,
    207                          self._targets_manifest.GetTargets(), do_src=False)
    209   def _CombineTestCoverage(self):
    210     """Consolidates code coverage results for all target result directories."""
    211     target_dirs = os.listdir(self._output_root_path)
    212     for target_name in target_dirs:
    213       output_path = os.path.join(self._output_root_path, target_name)
    214       target = self._targets_manifest.GetTarget(target_name)
    215       if os.path.isdir(output_path) and target is not None:
    216         coverage_files = self._FindCoverageFiles(output_path)
    217         combined_coverage = os.path.join(output_path, "%s.%s" %
    218                                          (target_name, self._TEST_COVERAGE_EXT))
    219         self._MergeFiles(coverage_files, combined_coverage)
    220         report_path = os.path.join(output_path, target_name)
    221         self._GenerateReport(report_path, combined_coverage, [target])
    222       else:
    223         logger.Log("%s is not a valid target directory, skipping" % output_path)
    225   def _FindCoverageFiles(self, root_path):
    226     """Finds all files in <root_path>/*/*.<_TEST_COVERAGE_EXT>.
    228     Args:
    229       root_path: absolute file path string to search from
    230     Returns:
    231       list of absolute file path strings of coverage files
    232     """
    233     file_pattern = os.path.join(root_path, "*", "*.%s" %
    234                                 self._TEST_COVERAGE_EXT)
    235     coverage_files = glob.glob(file_pattern)
    236     return coverage_files
    238   def _ReadTargets(self):
    239     """Parses the set of coverage target data.
    241     Returns:
    242        a CoverageTargets object that contains set of parsed targets.
    243     Raises:
    244        AbortError if a fatal error occurred when parsing the target files.
    245     """
    246     core_target_path = os.path.join(self._root_path, self._CORE_TARGET_PATH)
    247     try:
    248       targets = coverage_targets.CoverageTargets()
    249       targets.Parse(core_target_path)
    250       vendor_targets_pattern = os.path.join(self._root_path,
    251                                             self._VENDOR_TARGET_PATH)
    252       target_file_paths = glob.glob(vendor_targets_pattern)
    253       for target_file_path in target_file_paths:
    254         targets.Parse(target_file_path)
    255       return targets
    256     except errors.ParseError:
    257       raise errors.AbortError
    259   def TidyOutput(self):
    260     """Runs tidy on all generated html files.
    262     This is needed to the html files can be displayed cleanly on a web server.
    263     Assumes tidy is on current PATH.
    264     """
    265     logger.Log("Tidying output files")
    266     self._TidyDir(self._output_root_path)
    268   def _TidyDir(self, dir_path):
    269     """Recursively tidy all html files in given dir_path."""
    270     html_file_pattern = os.path.join(dir_path, "*.html")
    271     html_files_iter = glob.glob(html_file_pattern)
    272     for html_file_path in html_files_iter:
    273       os.system("tidy -m -errors -quiet %s" % html_file_path)
    274     sub_dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
    275     for sub_dir_name in sub_dirs:
    276       sub_dir_path = os.path.join(dir_path, sub_dir_name)
    277       if os.path.isdir(sub_dir_path):
    278         self._TidyDir(sub_dir_path)
    280   def CombineCoverage(self):
    281     """Create combined coverage reports for all targets and tests."""
    282     self._CombineTestCoverage()
    283     self._CombineTargetCoverage()
    285   def GetCoverageTarget(self, name):
    286     """Find the CoverageTarget for given name"""
    287     target = self._targets_manifest.GetTarget(name)
    288     if target is None:
    289       msg = ["Error: test references undefined target %s." % name]
    290       msg.append(" Ensure target is defined in %s" % self._TARGET_DEF_FILE)
    291       raise errors.AbortError(msg)
    292     return target
    294   def GetCoverageTargetForPath(self, path):
    295     """Find the CoverageTarget for given file system path"""
    296     android_mk_path = os.path.join(path, "Android.mk")
    297     if os.path.exists(android_mk_path):
    298       android_mk_parser = android_mk.CreateAndroidMK(path)
    299       target = coverage_target.CoverageTarget()
    300       target.SetBuildPath(os.path.join(path, "src"))
    301       target.SetName(android_mk_parser.GetVariable(android_mk_parser.PACKAGE_NAME))
    302       target.SetType("APPS")
    303       return target
    304     else:
    305       msg = "No Android.mk found at %s" % path
    306       raise errors.AbortError(msg)
    309 def EnableCoverageBuild():
    310   """Enable building an Android target with code coverage instrumentation."""
    311   os.environ["EMMA_INSTRUMENT"] = "true"
    313 def Run():
    314   """Does coverage operations based on command line args."""
    315   # TODO: do we want to support combining coverage for a single target
    317   try:
    318     parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog --combine-coverage")
    319     parser.add_option(
    320         "-c", "--combine-coverage", dest="combine_coverage", default=False,
    321         action="store_true", help="Combine coverage results stored given "
    322         "android root path")
    323     parser.add_option(
    324         "-t", "--tidy", dest="tidy", default=False, action="store_true",
    325         help="Run tidy on all generated html files")
    327     options, args = parser.parse_args()
    329     coverage = CoverageGenerator(None)
    330     if options.combine_coverage:
    331       coverage.CombineCoverage()
    332     if options.tidy:
    333       coverage.TidyOutput()
    334   except errors.AbortError:
    335     logger.SilentLog("Exiting due to AbortError")
    337 if __name__ == "__main__":
    338   Run()