1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/contacts/gdata_contacts_service.h" 6 7 #include <cstring> 8 #include <map> 9 #include <string> 10 #include <utility> 11 12 #include "base/json/json_value_converter.h" 13 #include "base/json/json_writer.h" 14 #include "base/logging.h" 15 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" 16 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" 17 #include "base/stl_util.h" 18 #include "base/strings/string_util.h" 19 #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h" 20 #include "base/time/time.h" 21 #include "base/timer/timer.h" 22 #include "base/values.h" 23 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/contacts/contact.pb.h" 24 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" 25 #include "google_apis/drive/gdata_contacts_requests.h" 26 #include "google_apis/drive/gdata_errorcode.h" 27 #include "google_apis/drive/request_sender.h" 28 #include "google_apis/drive/time_util.h" 29 30 using content::BrowserThread; 31 32 namespace contacts { 33 34 namespace { 35 36 // Download outcomes reported via the "Contacts.FullUpdateResult" and 37 // "Contacts.IncrementalUpdateResult" histograms. 38 enum HistogramResult { 39 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0, 40 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_GROUPS_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE = 1, 41 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_GROUPS_PARSE_FAILURE = 2, 42 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_MY_CONTACTS_GROUP_NOT_FOUND = 3, 43 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_CONTACTS_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE = 4, 44 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_CONTACTS_PARSE_FAILURE = 5, 45 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_PHOTO_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE = 6, 46 HISTOGRAM_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 7, 47 }; 48 49 // Maximum number of profile photos that we'll download per second. 50 // At values above 10, Google starts returning 503 errors. 51 const int kMaxPhotoDownloadsPerSecond = 10; 52 53 // Give up after seeing more than this many transient errors while trying to 54 // download a photo for a single contact. 55 const int kMaxTransientPhotoDownloadErrorsPerContact = 2; 56 57 // Hardcoded system group ID for the "My Contacts" group, per 58 // https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/#contact_group_entry. 59 const char kMyContactsSystemGroupId[] = "Contacts"; 60 61 // Top-level field in a contact groups feed containing the list of entries. 62 const char kGroupEntryField[] = "feed.entry"; 63 64 // Field in group entries containing the system group ID (e.g. ID "Contacts" 65 // for the "My Contacts" system group). See 66 // https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/#contact_group_entry 67 // for more details. 68 const char kSystemGroupIdField[] = "gContact$systemGroup.id"; 69 70 // Field in the top-level object containing the contacts feed. 71 const char kFeedField[] = "feed"; 72 73 // Field in the contacts feed containing a list of category information, along 74 // with fields within the dictionaries contained in the list and expected 75 // values. 76 const char kCategoryField[] = "category"; 77 const char kCategorySchemeField[] = "scheme"; 78 const char kCategorySchemeValue[] = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind"; 79 const char kCategoryTermField[] = "term"; 80 const char kCategoryTermValue[] = 81 "http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact"; 82 83 // Field in the contacts feed containing a list of contact entries. 84 const char kEntryField[] = "entry"; 85 86 // Field in group and contact entries containing the item's ID. 87 const char kIdField[] = "id.$t"; 88 89 // Top-level fields in contact entries. 90 const char kDeletedField[] = "gd$deleted"; 91 const char kFullNameField[] = "gd$name.gd$fullName.$t"; 92 const char kGivenNameField[] = "gd$name.gd$givenName.$t"; 93 const char kAdditionalNameField[] = "gd$name.gd$additionalName.$t"; 94 const char kFamilyNameField[] = "gd$name.gd$familyName.$t"; 95 const char kNamePrefixField[] = "gd$name.gd$namePrefix.$t"; 96 const char kNameSuffixField[] = "gd$name.gd$nameSuffix.$t"; 97 const char kEmailField[] = "gd$email"; 98 const char kPhoneField[] = "gd$phoneNumber"; 99 const char kPostalAddressField[] = "gd$structuredPostalAddress"; 100 const char kInstantMessagingField[] = "gd$im"; 101 const char kLinkField[] = "link"; 102 const char kUpdatedField[] = "updated.$t"; 103 104 // Fields in entries in the |kEmailField| list. 105 const char kEmailAddressField[] = "address"; 106 107 // Fields in entries in the |kPhoneField| list. 108 const char kPhoneNumberField[] = "$t"; 109 110 // Fields in entries in the |kPostalAddressField| list. 111 const char kPostalAddressFormattedField[] = "gd$formattedAddress.$t"; 112 113 // Fields in entries in the |kInstantMessagingField| list. 114 const char kInstantMessagingAddressField[] = "address"; 115 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolField[] = "protocol"; 116 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolAimValue[] = 117 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#AIM"; 118 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolMsnValue[] = 119 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#MSN"; 120 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolYahooValue[] = 121 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#YAHOO"; 122 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolSkypeValue[] = 123 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#SKYPE"; 124 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolQqValue[] = 125 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#QQ"; 126 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolGoogleTalkValue[] = 127 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#GOOGLE_TALK"; 128 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolIcqValue[] = 129 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#ICQ"; 130 const char kInstantMessagingProtocolJabberValue[] = 131 "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#JABBER"; 132 133 // Generic fields shared between address-like items (email, postal, etc.). 134 const char kAddressPrimaryField[] = "primary"; 135 const char kAddressPrimaryTrueValue[] = "true"; 136 const char kAddressRelField[] = "rel"; 137 const char kAddressRelHomeValue[] = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#home"; 138 const char kAddressRelWorkValue[] = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work"; 139 const char kAddressRelMobileValue[] = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#mobile"; 140 const char kAddressLabelField[] = "label"; 141 142 // Fields in entries in the |kLinkField| list. 143 const char kLinkHrefField[] = "href"; 144 const char kLinkRelField[] = "rel"; 145 const char kLinkETagField[] = "gd$etag"; 146 const char kLinkRelPhotoValue[] = 147 "http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo"; 148 149 // Returns a string containing a pretty-printed JSON representation of |value|. 150 std::string PrettyPrintValue(const base::Value& value) { 151 std::string out; 152 base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions( 153 &value, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &out); 154 return out; 155 } 156 157 // Assigns the value at |path| within |dict| to |out|, returning false if the 158 // path wasn't present. Unicode byte order marks are removed from the string. 159 bool GetCleanedString(const DictionaryValue& dict, 160 const std::string& path, 161 std::string* out) { 162 if (!dict.GetString(path, out)) 163 return false; 164 165 // The Unicode byte order mark, U+FEFF, is useless in UTF-8 strings (which are 166 // interpreted one byte at a time). 167 ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(out, 0, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", ""); 168 return true; 169 } 170 171 // Returns whether an address is primary, given a dictionary representing a 172 // single address. 173 bool IsAddressPrimary(const DictionaryValue& address_dict) { 174 std::string primary; 175 address_dict.GetString(kAddressPrimaryField, &primary); 176 return primary == kAddressPrimaryTrueValue; 177 } 178 179 // Initializes an AddressType message given a dictionary representing a single 180 // address. 181 void InitAddressType(const DictionaryValue& address_dict, 182 Contact_AddressType* type) { 183 DCHECK(type); 184 type->Clear(); 185 186 std::string rel; 187 address_dict.GetString(kAddressRelField, &rel); 188 if (rel == kAddressRelHomeValue) 189 type->set_relation(Contact_AddressType_Relation_HOME); 190 else if (rel == kAddressRelWorkValue) 191 type->set_relation(Contact_AddressType_Relation_WORK); 192 else if (rel == kAddressRelMobileValue) 193 type->set_relation(Contact_AddressType_Relation_MOBILE); 194 else 195 type->set_relation(Contact_AddressType_Relation_OTHER); 196 197 GetCleanedString(address_dict, kAddressLabelField, type->mutable_label()); 198 } 199 200 // Maps the protocol from a dictionary representing a contact's IM address to a 201 // contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol value. 202 contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol 203 GetInstantMessagingProtocol(const DictionaryValue& im_dict) { 204 std::string protocol; 205 im_dict.GetString(kInstantMessagingProtocolField, &protocol); 206 if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolAimValue) 207 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_AIM; 208 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolMsnValue) 209 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_MSN; 210 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolYahooValue) 211 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_YAHOO; 212 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolSkypeValue) 213 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_SKYPE; 214 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolQqValue) 215 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_QQ; 216 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolGoogleTalkValue) 217 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_GOOGLE_TALK; 218 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolIcqValue) 219 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_ICQ; 220 else if (protocol == kInstantMessagingProtocolJabberValue) 221 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_JABBER; 222 else 223 return contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress_Protocol_OTHER; 224 } 225 226 // Gets the photo URL from a contact's dictionary (within the "entry" list). 227 // Returns an empty string if no photo was found. 228 std::string GetPhotoUrl(const DictionaryValue& dict) { 229 const ListValue* link_list = NULL; 230 if (!dict.GetList(kLinkField, &link_list)) 231 return std::string(); 232 233 for (size_t i = 0; i < link_list->GetSize(); ++i) { 234 const DictionaryValue* link_dict = NULL; 235 if (!link_list->GetDictionary(i, &link_dict)) 236 continue; 237 238 std::string rel; 239 if (!link_dict->GetString(kLinkRelField, &rel)) 240 continue; 241 if (rel != kLinkRelPhotoValue) 242 continue; 243 244 // From https://goo.gl/7T6Od: "If a contact does not have a photo, then the 245 // photo link element has no gd:etag attribute." 246 std::string etag; 247 if (!link_dict->GetString(kLinkETagField, &etag)) 248 continue; 249 250 std::string url; 251 if (link_dict->GetString(kLinkHrefField, &url)) 252 return url; 253 } 254 return std::string(); 255 } 256 257 // Fills a Contact's fields using an entry from a GData feed. 258 bool FillContactFromDictionary(const base::DictionaryValue& dict, 259 contacts::Contact* contact) { 260 DCHECK(contact); 261 contact->Clear(); 262 263 if (!dict.GetString(kIdField, contact->mutable_contact_id())) 264 return false; 265 266 std::string updated; 267 if (dict.GetString(kUpdatedField, &updated)) { 268 base::Time update_time; 269 if (!google_apis::util::GetTimeFromString(updated, &update_time)) { 270 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to parse time \"" << updated << "\""; 271 return false; 272 } 273 contact->set_update_time(update_time.ToInternalValue()); 274 } 275 276 const base::Value* deleted_value = NULL; 277 contact->set_deleted(dict.Get(kDeletedField, &deleted_value)); 278 if (contact->deleted()) 279 return true; 280 281 GetCleanedString(dict, kFullNameField, contact->mutable_full_name()); 282 GetCleanedString(dict, kGivenNameField, contact->mutable_given_name()); 283 GetCleanedString( 284 dict, kAdditionalNameField, contact->mutable_additional_name()); 285 GetCleanedString(dict, kFamilyNameField, contact->mutable_family_name()); 286 GetCleanedString(dict, kNamePrefixField, contact->mutable_name_prefix()); 287 GetCleanedString(dict, kNameSuffixField, contact->mutable_name_suffix()); 288 289 const ListValue* email_list = NULL; 290 if (dict.GetList(kEmailField, &email_list)) { 291 for (size_t i = 0; i < email_list->GetSize(); ++i) { 292 const DictionaryValue* email_dict = NULL; 293 if (!email_list->GetDictionary(i, &email_dict)) 294 return false; 295 296 contacts::Contact_EmailAddress* email = contact->add_email_addresses(); 297 if (!GetCleanedString(*email_dict, 298 kEmailAddressField, 299 email->mutable_address())) { 300 return false; 301 } 302 email->set_primary(IsAddressPrimary(*email_dict)); 303 InitAddressType(*email_dict, email->mutable_type()); 304 } 305 } 306 307 const ListValue* phone_list = NULL; 308 if (dict.GetList(kPhoneField, &phone_list)) { 309 for (size_t i = 0; i < phone_list->GetSize(); ++i) { 310 const DictionaryValue* phone_dict = NULL; 311 if (!phone_list->GetDictionary(i, &phone_dict)) 312 return false; 313 314 contacts::Contact_PhoneNumber* phone = contact->add_phone_numbers(); 315 if (!GetCleanedString(*phone_dict, 316 kPhoneNumberField, 317 phone->mutable_number())) { 318 return false; 319 } 320 phone->set_primary(IsAddressPrimary(*phone_dict)); 321 InitAddressType(*phone_dict, phone->mutable_type()); 322 } 323 } 324 325 const ListValue* address_list = NULL; 326 if (dict.GetList(kPostalAddressField, &address_list)) { 327 for (size_t i = 0; i < address_list->GetSize(); ++i) { 328 const DictionaryValue* address_dict = NULL; 329 if (!address_list->GetDictionary(i, &address_dict)) 330 return false; 331 332 contacts::Contact_PostalAddress* address = 333 contact->add_postal_addresses(); 334 if (!GetCleanedString(*address_dict, 335 kPostalAddressFormattedField, 336 address->mutable_address())) { 337 return false; 338 } 339 address->set_primary(IsAddressPrimary(*address_dict)); 340 InitAddressType(*address_dict, address->mutable_type()); 341 } 342 } 343 344 const ListValue* im_list = NULL; 345 if (dict.GetList(kInstantMessagingField, &im_list)) { 346 for (size_t i = 0; i < im_list->GetSize(); ++i) { 347 const DictionaryValue* im_dict = NULL; 348 if (!im_list->GetDictionary(i, &im_dict)) 349 return false; 350 351 contacts::Contact_InstantMessagingAddress* im = 352 contact->add_instant_messaging_addresses(); 353 if (!GetCleanedString(*im_dict, 354 kInstantMessagingAddressField, 355 im->mutable_address())) { 356 return false; 357 } 358 im->set_primary(IsAddressPrimary(*im_dict)); 359 InitAddressType(*im_dict, im->mutable_type()); 360 im->set_protocol(GetInstantMessagingProtocol(*im_dict)); 361 } 362 } 363 364 return true; 365 } 366 367 // Structure into which we parse the contact groups feed using 368 // JSONValueConverter. 369 struct ContactGroups { 370 struct ContactGroup { 371 // Group ID, e.g. 372 // "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/groups/user%40gmail.com/base/6". 373 std::string group_id; 374 375 // System group ID (e.g. "Contacts" for the "My Contacts" system group) if 376 // this is a system group, and empty otherwise. See http://goo.gl/oWVnN 377 // for more details. 378 std::string system_group_id; 379 }; 380 381 // Given a system group ID, returns the corresponding group ID or an empty 382 // string if the requested system group wasn't present. 383 std::string GetGroupIdForSystemGroup(const std::string& system_group_id) { 384 for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) { 385 const ContactGroup& group = *groups[i]; 386 if (group.system_group_id == system_group_id) 387 return group.group_id; 388 } 389 return std::string(); 390 } 391 392 // Given |value| corresponding to a dictionary in a contact group feed's 393 // "entry" list, fills |result| with information about the group. 394 static bool GetContactGroup(const base::Value* value, ContactGroup* result) { 395 DCHECK(value); 396 DCHECK(result); 397 const base::DictionaryValue* dict = NULL; 398 if (!value->GetAsDictionary(&dict)) 399 return false; 400 401 dict->GetString(kIdField, &result->group_id); 402 dict->GetString(kSystemGroupIdField, &result->system_group_id); 403 return true; 404 } 405 406 static void RegisterJSONConverter( 407 base::JSONValueConverter<ContactGroups>* converter) { 408 DCHECK(converter); 409 converter->RegisterRepeatedCustomValue<ContactGroup>( 410 kGroupEntryField, &ContactGroups::groups, &GetContactGroup); 411 } 412 413 ScopedVector<ContactGroup> groups; 414 }; 415 416 } // namespace 417 418 // This class handles a single request to download all of a user's contacts. 419 // 420 // First, the feed containing the user's contact groups is downloaded via 421 // GetContactGroupsRequest and examined to find the ID for the "My Contacts" 422 // group (by default, the contacts API also returns suggested contacts). The 423 // group ID is cached in GDataContactsService so that this step can be skipped 424 // by later DownloadContactRequests. 425 // 426 // Next, the contacts feed is downloaded via GetContactsRequest and parsed. 427 // Individual contacts::Contact objects are created using the data from the 428 // feed. 429 // 430 // Finally, GetContactPhotoRequests are created and used to start downloading 431 // contacts' photos in parallel. When all photos have been downloaded, the 432 // contacts are passed to the passed-in callback. 433 class GDataContactsService::DownloadContactsRequest { 434 public: 435 DownloadContactsRequest( 436 GDataContactsService* service, 437 google_apis::RequestSender* sender, 438 SuccessCallback success_callback, 439 FailureCallback failure_callback, 440 const base::Time& min_update_time) 441 : service_(service), 442 sender_(sender), 443 success_callback_(success_callback), 444 failure_callback_(failure_callback), 445 min_update_time_(min_update_time), 446 contacts_(new ScopedVector<contacts::Contact>), 447 my_contacts_group_id_(service->cached_my_contacts_group_id_), 448 num_in_progress_photo_downloads_(0), 449 photo_download_failed_(false), 450 num_photo_download_404_errors_(0), 451 total_photo_bytes_(0), 452 weak_ptr_factory_(this) { 453 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 454 DCHECK(service_); 455 DCHECK(sender_); 456 } 457 458 ~DownloadContactsRequest() { 459 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 460 service_ = NULL; 461 sender_ = NULL; 462 } 463 464 const std::string my_contacts_group_id() const { 465 return my_contacts_group_id_; 466 } 467 468 // Begins the contacts-downloading process. If the ID for the "My Contacts" 469 // group has previously been cached, then the contacts download is started. 470 // Otherwise, the contact groups download is started. 471 void Run() { 472 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 473 download_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); 474 if (!my_contacts_group_id_.empty()) { 475 StartContactsDownload(); 476 } else { 477 google_apis::GetContactGroupsRequest* operation = 478 new google_apis::GetContactGroupsRequest( 479 sender_, 480 base::Bind(&DownloadContactsRequest::HandleGroupsFeedData, 481 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); 482 if (!service_->groups_feed_url_for_testing_.is_empty()) { 483 operation->set_feed_url_for_testing( 484 service_->groups_feed_url_for_testing_); 485 } 486 sender_->StartRequestWithRetry(operation); 487 } 488 } 489 490 private: 491 // Invokes the failure callback and notifies GDataContactsService that the 492 // request is done. 493 void ReportFailure(HistogramResult histogram_result) { 494 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 495 SendHistograms(histogram_result); 496 failure_callback_.Run(); 497 service_->OnRequestComplete(this); 498 } 499 500 // Reports UMA stats after the request has completed. 501 void SendHistograms(HistogramResult result) { 502 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 503 DCHECK_GE(result, 0); 504 DCHECK_LT(result, HISTOGRAM_RESULT_MAX_VALUE); 505 506 bool success = (result == HISTOGRAM_RESULT_SUCCESS); 507 base::TimeDelta elapsed_time = 508 base::TimeTicks::Now() - download_start_time_; 509 int photo_error_percent = static_cast<int>( 510 100.0 * transient_photo_download_errors_per_contact_.size() / 511 contact_photo_urls_.size() + 0.5); 512 513 if (min_update_time_.is_null()) { 514 UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Contacts.FullUpdateResult", 515 result, HISTOGRAM_RESULT_MAX_VALUE); 516 if (success) { 517 UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("Contacts.FullUpdateDuration", 518 elapsed_time); 519 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Contacts.FullUpdateContacts", 520 contacts_->size()); 521 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Contacts.FullUpdatePhotos", 522 contact_photo_urls_.size()); 523 UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Contacts.FullUpdatePhotoBytes", 524 total_photo_bytes_); 525 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Contacts.FullUpdatePhoto404Errors", 526 num_photo_download_404_errors_); 527 UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("Contacts.FullUpdatePhotoErrorPercent", 528 photo_error_percent); 529 } 530 } else { 531 UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Contacts.IncrementalUpdateResult", 532 result, HISTOGRAM_RESULT_MAX_VALUE); 533 if (success) { 534 UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("Contacts.IncrementalUpdateDuration", 535 elapsed_time); 536 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Contacts.IncrementalUpdateContacts", 537 contacts_->size()); 538 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Contacts.IncrementalUpdatePhotos", 539 contact_photo_urls_.size()); 540 UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Contacts.IncrementalUpdatePhotoBytes", 541 total_photo_bytes_); 542 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Contacts.IncrementalUpdatePhoto404Errors", 543 num_photo_download_404_errors_); 544 UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("Contacts.IncrementalUpdatePhotoErrorPercent", 545 photo_error_percent); 546 } 547 } 548 } 549 550 // Callback for GetContactGroupsRequest calls. Starts downloading the 551 // actual contacts after finding the "My Contacts" group ID. 552 void HandleGroupsFeedData(google_apis::GDataErrorCode error, 553 scoped_ptr<base::Value> feed_data) { 554 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 555 if (error != google_apis::HTTP_SUCCESS) { 556 LOG(WARNING) << "Got error " << error << " while downloading groups"; 557 ReportFailure(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_GROUPS_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE); 558 return; 559 } 560 561 VLOG(2) << "Got groups feed data:\n" 562 << PrettyPrintValue(*(feed_data.get())); 563 ContactGroups groups; 564 base::JSONValueConverter<ContactGroups> converter; 565 if (!converter.Convert(*feed_data, &groups)) { 566 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to parse groups feed"; 567 ReportFailure(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_GROUPS_PARSE_FAILURE); 568 return; 569 } 570 571 my_contacts_group_id_ = 572 groups.GetGroupIdForSystemGroup(kMyContactsSystemGroupId); 573 if (!my_contacts_group_id_.empty()) { 574 StartContactsDownload(); 575 } else { 576 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to find ID for \"My Contacts\" group"; 577 ReportFailure(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_MY_CONTACTS_GROUP_NOT_FOUND); 578 } 579 } 580 581 // Starts a download of the contacts from the "My Contacts" group. 582 void StartContactsDownload() { 583 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 584 google_apis::GetContactsRequest* operation = 585 new google_apis::GetContactsRequest( 586 sender_, 587 my_contacts_group_id_, 588 min_update_time_, 589 base::Bind(&DownloadContactsRequest::HandleContactsFeedData, 590 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); 591 if (!service_->contacts_feed_url_for_testing_.is_empty()) { 592 operation->set_feed_url_for_testing( 593 service_->contacts_feed_url_for_testing_); 594 } 595 sender_->StartRequestWithRetry(operation); 596 } 597 598 // Callback for GetContactsRequest calls. 599 void HandleContactsFeedData(google_apis::GDataErrorCode error, 600 scoped_ptr<base::Value> feed_data) { 601 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 602 if (error != google_apis::HTTP_SUCCESS) { 603 LOG(WARNING) << "Got error " << error << " while downloading contacts"; 604 ReportFailure(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_CONTACTS_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE); 605 return; 606 } 607 608 VLOG(2) << "Got contacts feed data:\n" 609 << PrettyPrintValue(*(feed_data.get())); 610 if (!ProcessContactsFeedData(*feed_data.get())) { 611 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to process contacts feed data"; 612 ReportFailure(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_CONTACTS_PARSE_FAILURE); 613 return; 614 } 615 616 StartPhotoDownloads(); 617 photo_download_timer_.Start( 618 FROM_HERE, service_->photo_download_timer_interval_, 619 this, &DownloadContactsRequest::StartPhotoDownloads); 620 CheckCompletion(); 621 } 622 623 // Processes the raw contacts feed from |feed_data| and fills |contacts_|. 624 // Returns true on success. 625 bool ProcessContactsFeedData(const base::Value& feed_data) { 626 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 627 const DictionaryValue* toplevel_dict = NULL; 628 if (!feed_data.GetAsDictionary(&toplevel_dict)) { 629 LOG(WARNING) << "Top-level object is not a dictionary"; 630 return false; 631 } 632 633 const DictionaryValue* feed_dict = NULL; 634 if (!toplevel_dict->GetDictionary(kFeedField, &feed_dict)) { 635 LOG(WARNING) << "Feed dictionary missing"; 636 return false; 637 } 638 639 // Check the category field to confirm that this is actually a contact feed. 640 const ListValue* category_list = NULL; 641 if (!feed_dict->GetList(kCategoryField, &category_list)) { 642 LOG(WARNING) << "Category list missing"; 643 return false; 644 } 645 const DictionaryValue* category_dict = NULL; 646 if (category_list->GetSize() != 1 || 647 !category_list->GetDictionary(0, &category_dict)) { 648 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to get dictionary from category list of size " 649 << category_list->GetSize(); 650 return false; 651 } 652 std::string category_scheme, category_term; 653 if (!category_dict->GetString(kCategorySchemeField, &category_scheme) || 654 !category_dict->GetString(kCategoryTermField, &category_term) || 655 category_scheme != kCategorySchemeValue || 656 category_term != kCategoryTermValue) { 657 LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected category (scheme was \"" << category_scheme 658 << "\", term was \"" << category_term << "\")"; 659 return false; 660 } 661 662 // A missing entry list means no entries (maybe we're doing an incremental 663 // update and nothing has changed). 664 const ListValue* entry_list = NULL; 665 if (!feed_dict->GetList(kEntryField, &entry_list)) 666 return true; 667 668 contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.reserve(entry_list->GetSize()); 669 670 for (ListValue::const_iterator entry_it = entry_list->begin(); 671 entry_it != entry_list->end(); ++entry_it) { 672 const size_t index = (entry_it - entry_list->begin()); 673 const DictionaryValue* contact_dict = NULL; 674 if (!(*entry_it)->GetAsDictionary(&contact_dict)) { 675 LOG(WARNING) << "Entry " << index << " isn't a dictionary"; 676 return false; 677 } 678 679 scoped_ptr<contacts::Contact> contact(new contacts::Contact); 680 if (!FillContactFromDictionary(*contact_dict, contact.get())) { 681 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to fill entry " << index; 682 return false; 683 } 684 685 VLOG(1) << "Got contact " << index << ":" 686 << " id=" << contact->contact_id() 687 << " full_name=\"" << contact->full_name() << "\"" 688 << " update_time=" << contact->update_time(); 689 690 std::string photo_url = GetPhotoUrl(*contact_dict); 691 if (!photo_url.empty()) { 692 if (!service_->rewrite_photo_url_callback_for_testing_.is_null()) { 693 photo_url = 694 service_->rewrite_photo_url_callback_for_testing_.Run(photo_url); 695 } 696 contact_photo_urls_[contact.get()] = photo_url; 697 contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.push_back(contact.get()); 698 } 699 700 contacts_->push_back(contact.release()); 701 } 702 703 return true; 704 } 705 706 // If we're done downloading photos, invokes a callback and deletes |this|. 707 // Otherwise, starts one or more downloads of URLs from 708 // |contacts_needing_photo_downloads_|. 709 void CheckCompletion() { 710 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 711 if (contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.empty() && 712 num_in_progress_photo_downloads_ == 0) { 713 VLOG(1) << "Done downloading photos; invoking callback"; 714 photo_download_timer_.Stop(); 715 if (photo_download_failed_) { 716 ReportFailure(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_PHOTO_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE ); 717 } else { 718 SendHistograms(HISTOGRAM_RESULT_SUCCESS); 719 success_callback_.Run(contacts_.Pass()); 720 service_->OnRequestComplete(this); 721 } 722 return; 723 } 724 } 725 726 // Starts photo downloads for contacts in |contacts_needing_photo_downloads_|. 727 // Should be invoked only once per second. 728 void StartPhotoDownloads() { 729 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 730 while (!contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.empty() && 731 (num_in_progress_photo_downloads_ < 732 service_->max_photo_downloads_per_second_)) { 733 contacts::Contact* contact = contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.back(); 734 contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.pop_back(); 735 DCHECK(contact_photo_urls_.count(contact)); 736 std::string url = contact_photo_urls_[contact]; 737 738 VLOG(1) << "Starting download of photo " << url << " for " 739 << contact->contact_id(); 740 sender_->StartRequestWithRetry( 741 new google_apis::GetContactPhotoRequest( 742 sender_, 743 GURL(url), 744 base::Bind(&DownloadContactsRequest::HandlePhotoData, 745 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), 746 contact))); 747 num_in_progress_photo_downloads_++; 748 } 749 } 750 751 // Callback for GetContactPhotoRequest calls. Updates the associated 752 // Contact and checks for completion. 753 void HandlePhotoData(contacts::Contact* contact, 754 google_apis::GDataErrorCode error, 755 scoped_ptr<std::string> download_data) { 756 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 757 VLOG(1) << "Got photo data for " << contact->contact_id() 758 << " (error=" << error << " size=" << download_data->size() << ")"; 759 num_in_progress_photo_downloads_--; 760 761 if (error == google_apis::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR || 762 error == google_apis::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { 763 int num_errors = ++transient_photo_download_errors_per_contact_[contact]; 764 if (num_errors <= kMaxTransientPhotoDownloadErrorsPerContact) { 765 LOG(WARNING) << "Got error " << error << " while downloading photo " 766 << "for " << contact->contact_id() << "; retrying"; 767 contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.push_back(contact); 768 return; 769 } 770 } 771 772 if (error == google_apis::HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { 773 LOG(WARNING) << "Got error " << error << " while downloading photo " 774 << "for " << contact->contact_id() << "; skipping"; 775 num_photo_download_404_errors_++; 776 CheckCompletion(); 777 return; 778 } 779 780 if (error != google_apis::HTTP_SUCCESS) { 781 LOG(WARNING) << "Got error " << error << " while downloading photo " 782 << "for " << contact->contact_id() << "; giving up"; 783 photo_download_failed_ = true; 784 // Make sure we don't start any more downloads. 785 contacts_needing_photo_downloads_.clear(); 786 CheckCompletion(); 787 return; 788 } 789 790 total_photo_bytes_ += download_data->size(); 791 contact->set_raw_untrusted_photo(*download_data); 792 CheckCompletion(); 793 } 794 795 typedef std::map<contacts::Contact*, std::string> ContactPhotoUrls; 796 797 GDataContactsService* service_; // not owned 798 google_apis::RequestSender* sender_; // not owned 799 800 SuccessCallback success_callback_; 801 FailureCallback failure_callback_; 802 803 base::Time min_update_time_; 804 805 scoped_ptr<ScopedVector<contacts::Contact> > contacts_; 806 807 // ID of the "My Contacts" contacts group. 808 std::string my_contacts_group_id_; 809 810 // Map from a contact to the URL at which its photo is located. 811 // Contacts without photos do not appear in this map. 812 ContactPhotoUrls contact_photo_urls_; 813 814 // Invokes StartPhotoDownloads() once per second. 815 base::RepeatingTimer<DownloadContactsRequest> photo_download_timer_; 816 817 // Contacts that have photos that we still need to start downloading. 818 // When we start a download, the contact is removed from this list. 819 std::vector<contacts::Contact*> contacts_needing_photo_downloads_; 820 821 // Number of in-progress photo downloads. 822 int num_in_progress_photo_downloads_; 823 824 // Map from a contact to the number of transient errors that we've encountered 825 // while trying to download its photo. Contacts for which no errors have been 826 // encountered aren't represented in the map. 827 std::map<contacts::Contact*, int> 828 transient_photo_download_errors_per_contact_; 829 830 // Did we encounter a fatal error while downloading a photo? 831 bool photo_download_failed_; 832 833 // How many photos did we skip due to 404 errors? 834 int num_photo_download_404_errors_; 835 836 // Total size of all photos that were downloaded. 837 size_t total_photo_bytes_; 838 839 // Time at which Run() was called. 840 base::TimeTicks download_start_time_; 841 842 // Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and 843 // invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed. 844 base::WeakPtrFactory<DownloadContactsRequest> weak_ptr_factory_; 845 846 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DownloadContactsRequest); 847 }; 848 849 GDataContactsService::GDataContactsService( 850 net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter, 851 google_apis::AuthServiceInterface* auth_service) 852 : max_photo_downloads_per_second_(kMaxPhotoDownloadsPerSecond), 853 photo_download_timer_interval_(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)) { 854 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 855 sender_.reset(new google_apis::RequestSender( 856 auth_service, 857 url_request_context_getter, 858 BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()->GetSequencedTaskRunner( 859 BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()->GetSequenceToken()).get(), 860 "" /* custom_user_agent */)); 861 } 862 863 GDataContactsService::~GDataContactsService() { 864 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 865 STLDeleteContainerPointers(requests_.begin(), requests_.end()); 866 requests_.clear(); 867 } 868 869 void GDataContactsService::DownloadContacts(SuccessCallback success_callback, 870 FailureCallback failure_callback, 871 const base::Time& min_update_time) { 872 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 873 DownloadContactsRequest* request = 874 new DownloadContactsRequest(this, 875 sender_.get(), 876 success_callback, 877 failure_callback, 878 min_update_time); 879 VLOG(1) << "Starting contacts download with request " << request; 880 requests_.insert(request); 881 request->Run(); 882 } 883 884 void GDataContactsService::OnRequestComplete(DownloadContactsRequest* request) { 885 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); 886 DCHECK(request); 887 VLOG(1) << "Download request " << request << " complete"; 888 if (!request->my_contacts_group_id().empty()) 889 cached_my_contacts_group_id_ = request->my_contacts_group_id(); 890 requests_.erase(request); 891 delete request; 892 } 893 894 } // namespace contacts 895