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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_action_manager.h"
      7 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
      8 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/system_indicator/system_indicator_manager.h"
      9 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/system_indicator/system_indicator_manager_factory.h"
     10 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_action.h"
     11 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
     12 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/incognito_helpers.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     15 #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_action/action_info.h"
     16 #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_action/page_action_handler.h"
     17 #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_action/script_badge_handler.h"
     18 #include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_dependency_manager.h"
     19 #include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_keyed_service_factory.h"
     20 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
     21 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
     22 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
     23 #include "extensions/common/feature_switch.h"
     25 namespace extensions {
     27 namespace {
     29 // BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory for ExtensionActionManager.
     30 class ExtensionActionManagerFactory : public BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory {
     31  public:
     32   // BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory implementation:
     33   static ExtensionActionManager* GetForProfile(Profile* profile) {
     34     return static_cast<ExtensionActionManager*>(
     35         GetInstance()->GetServiceForBrowserContext(profile, true));
     36   }
     38   static ExtensionActionManagerFactory* GetInstance();
     40  private:
     41   friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<ExtensionActionManagerFactory>;
     43   ExtensionActionManagerFactory()
     44       : BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory(
     45           "ExtensionActionManager",
     46           BrowserContextDependencyManager::GetInstance()) {
     47   }
     49   virtual BrowserContextKeyedService* BuildServiceInstanceFor(
     50       content::BrowserContext* profile) const OVERRIDE {
     51     return new ExtensionActionManager(static_cast<Profile*>(profile));
     52   }
     54   virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContextToUse(
     55       content::BrowserContext* context) const OVERRIDE {
     56     return chrome::GetBrowserContextRedirectedInIncognito(context);
     57   }
     58 };
     60 ExtensionActionManagerFactory*
     61 ExtensionActionManagerFactory::GetInstance() {
     62   return Singleton<ExtensionActionManagerFactory>::get();
     63 }
     65 }  // namespace
     67 ExtensionActionManager::ExtensionActionManager(Profile* profile)
     68     : profile_(profile) {
     69   CHECK_EQ(profile, profile->GetOriginalProfile())
     70       << "Don't instantiate this with an incognito profile.";
     71   registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UNLOADED,
     72                  content::Source<Profile>(profile));
     73 }
     75 ExtensionActionManager::~ExtensionActionManager() {
     76   // Don't assert that the ExtensionAction maps are empty because Extensions are
     77   // sometimes (only in tests?) not unloaded before the Profile is destroyed.
     78 }
     80 ExtensionActionManager* ExtensionActionManager::Get(Profile* profile) {
     81   return ExtensionActionManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
     82 }
     84 void ExtensionActionManager::Observe(
     85     int type,
     86     const content::NotificationSource& source,
     87     const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
     88   switch (type) {
     89     case chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UNLOADED: {
     90       const Extension* extension =
     91           content::Details<UnloadedExtensionInfo>(details)->extension;
     92       page_actions_.erase(extension->id());
     93       browser_actions_.erase(extension->id());
     94       script_badges_.erase(extension->id());
     95       system_indicators_.erase(extension->id());
     96       break;
     97     }
     98   }
     99 }
    101 namespace {
    103 // Returns map[extension_id] if that entry exists. Otherwise, if
    104 // action_info!=NULL, creates an ExtensionAction from it, fills in the map, and
    105 // returns that.  Otherwise (action_info==NULL), returns NULL.
    106 ExtensionAction* GetOrCreateOrNull(
    107     std::map<std::string, linked_ptr<ExtensionAction> >* map,
    108     const std::string& extension_id,
    109     ActionInfo::Type action_type,
    110     const ActionInfo* action_info,
    111     Profile* profile) {
    112   std::map<std::string, linked_ptr<ExtensionAction> >::const_iterator it =
    113       map->find(extension_id);
    114   if (it != map->end())
    115     return it->second.get();
    116   if (!action_info)
    117     return NULL;
    119   // Only create action info for enabled extensions.
    120   // This avoids bugs where actions are recreated just after being removed
    121   // in response to NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UNLOADED in
    122   // ExtensionActionManager::Observe()
    123   ExtensionService* service =
    124       ExtensionSystem::Get(profile)->extension_service();
    125   if (!service->GetExtensionById(extension_id, false))
    126     return NULL;
    128   linked_ptr<ExtensionAction> action(new ExtensionAction(
    129       extension_id, action_type, *action_info));
    130   (*map)[extension_id] = action;
    131   return action.get();
    132 }
    134 }  // namespace
    136 ExtensionAction* ExtensionActionManager::GetPageAction(
    137     const extensions::Extension& extension) const {
    138   // The action box changes the meaning of the page action area, so we
    139   // need to convert page actions into browser actions.
    140   if (FeatureSwitch::script_badges()->IsEnabled())
    141     return NULL;
    142   return GetOrCreateOrNull(&page_actions_, extension.id(),
    143                            ActionInfo::TYPE_PAGE,
    144                            ActionInfo::GetPageActionInfo(&extension),
    145                            profile_);
    146 }
    148 ExtensionAction* ExtensionActionManager::GetBrowserAction(
    149     const extensions::Extension& extension) const {
    150   const ActionInfo* action_info = ActionInfo::GetBrowserActionInfo(&extension);
    151   ActionInfo::Type action_type = ActionInfo::TYPE_BROWSER;
    152   if (FeatureSwitch::script_badges()->IsEnabled() &&
    153       ActionInfo::GetPageActionInfo(&extension)) {
    154     // The action box changes the meaning of the page action area, so we
    155     // need to convert page actions into browser actions.
    156     action_info = ActionInfo::GetPageActionInfo(&extension);
    157     action_type = ActionInfo::TYPE_PAGE;
    158   }
    159   return GetOrCreateOrNull(&browser_actions_, extension.id(),
    160                            action_type, action_info, profile_);
    161 }
    163 ExtensionAction* ExtensionActionManager::GetSystemIndicator(
    164     const extensions::Extension& extension) const {
    165   // If it does not already exist, create the SystemIndicatorManager for the
    166   // given profile.  This could return NULL if the system indicator area is
    167   // unavailable on the current system.  If so, return NULL to signal that
    168   // the system indicator area is unusable.
    169   if (!extensions::SystemIndicatorManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile_))
    170     return NULL;
    172   return GetOrCreateOrNull(&system_indicators_, extension.id(),
    173                            ActionInfo::TYPE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR,
    174                            ActionInfo::GetSystemIndicatorInfo(&extension),
    175                            profile_);
    176 }
    178 ExtensionAction* ExtensionActionManager::GetScriptBadge(
    179     const extensions::Extension& extension) const {
    180   return GetOrCreateOrNull(&script_badges_, extension.id(),
    181                            ActionInfo::TYPE_SCRIPT_BADGE,
    182                            ActionInfo::GetScriptBadgeInfo(&extension),
    183                            profile_);
    184 }
    186 }  // namespace extensions