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      1 <h2 id="manifest">Manifest</h2>
      3 <p>
      4 You must declare the "declarativeWebRequest" permission in the
      5 <a href="manifest.html">extension manifest</a> to use this API,
      6 along with <a href="declare_permissions.html">host permissions</a>.
      7 </p>
      9 <pre data-filename="manifest.json">
     10 {
     11   "name": "My extension",
     12   ...
     13 <b>  "permissions": [
     14     "declarativeWebRequest",
     15     "*://*/*"
     16   ]</b>,
     17   ...
     18 }
     19 </pre>
     21 <p>
     22 Note that certain types of non-sensitive actions do not require host
     23 permissions:
     24 <ul>
     25   <li><code>CancelRequest</code>
     26   <li><code>IgnoreRules</code>
     27   <li><code>RedirectToEmptyDocument</code>
     28   <li><code>RedirectToTransparentImage</code>
     29 </ul>
     30 </p>
     31 <p>
     32 The <code>SendMessageToExtension</code> action requires host permissions
     33 for any hosts whose network requests you want to trigger a message.
     34 </p>
     35 <p>
     36 All other actions require host permissions to all URLs.
     37 </p>
     38 <p>
     39 As an example, if <code>"*://*.google.com/*"</code> is the only host permission
     40 an extension has, than such an extension may set up a rule to
     41 <ul>
     42   <li> cancel a request to "http://www.google.com" or "http://anything.else.com"
     43   <li> send a message when navigating to "http://www.google.com" but not to
     44 "http://something.else.com"
     45 </ul>
     46 The extension cannot set up a rule to redirect "http://www.google.com" to
     47 "http://mail.google.com".
     48 </p>
     50 <h2 id="rules">Rules</h2>
     52 <p>
     53 The Declarative Web Request API follows the concepts of the <a
     54   href="events.html#declarative">Declarative API</a>. You can register rules to
     55 the <code>chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onRequest</code> event object.
     56 </p>
     58 <p>
     59 The Declarative Web Request API supports a single type of match criteria, the
     60 <code>RequestMatcher</code>. The <code>RequestMatcher</code> matches network
     61 requests if and only if all listed criteria are met. The following
     62 <code>RequestMatcher</code> would match a network request when the user enters
     63 "http://www.example.com" in the URL bar:
     64 </p>
     66 <pre>
     67 var matcher = new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
     68   url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com', schemes: ['http'] },
     69   resourceType: ['main_frame']
     70   });
     71 </pre>
     73 <p>
     74 Requests to "https://www.example.com" would be rejected by the
     75 <code>RequestMatcher</code> due to the scheme. Also all requests for an embedded
     76 iframe would be rejected due to the <code>resourceType</code>.
     77 </p>
     79 <p class="note">
     80 <strong>Note:</strong> All conditions and actions are created via a constructor
     81 as shown in the example above.
     82 <p>
     84 <p>
     85 In order to cancel all requests to "example.com", you can define a rule as
     86 follows:
     87 </p>
     88 <pre>
     89 var rule = {
     90   conditions: [
     91     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
     92       url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com' } })
     93   ],
     94   actions: [
     95     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()
     96   ]};
     97 </pre>
     99 <p>
    100 In order to cancel all requests to "example.com" and "foobar.com", you can add a
    101 second condition, as each condition is sufficient to trigger all specified
    102 actions:
    103 </p>
    104 <pre>
    105 var rule2 = {
    106   conditions: [
    107     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
    108       url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com' } }),
    109     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
    110       url: { hostSuffix: 'foobar.com' } })
    111   ],
    112   actions: [
    113     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()
    114   ]};
    115 </pre>
    117 <p>
    118 Register rules as follows:
    119 </p>
    120 <pre>
    121 chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onRequest.addRules([rule2]);
    122 </pre>
    124 <p class="note">
    125 <strong>Note:</strong> You should always register or unregister rules in bulk rather than
    126 individually because each of these operations recreates internal data
    127 structures.  This re-creation is computationally expensive but facilitates a
    128 very fast URL matching algorithm for hundreds of thousands of URLs. The
    129 <a href="events.html#performance">Performance section</a> of the $ref:[events
    130 Events] API provides further performance tips.
    131 </p>
    134 <h2 id="evaluation">Evaluation of conditions and actions</h2>
    136 <p>
    137 The Declarative Web Request API follows the
    138 <a href="webRequest.html#life_cycle">Life cycle model for web requests</a> of
    139 the <a href="webRequest.html">Web Request API</a>. This means that conditions
    140 can only be tested at specific stages of a web request and, likewise, actions
    141 can also only be executed at specific stages. The following tables list the
    142 request stages that are compatible with conditions and actions.
    143 </p>
    145 <p>
    146 <table>
    147   <tr>
    148     <th colspan="5">Request stages during which condition attributes can be processed.
    149   </tr>
    150   <tr>
    151     <th>Condition attribute
    152     <th>onBeforeRequest
    153     <th>onBeforeSendHeaders
    154     <th>onHeadersReceived
    155     <th>onAuthRequired
    156   </tr>
    157   <tr><td>url<td><td><td><td>
    158   <tr><td>resourceType<td><td><td><td>
    159   <tr><td>contentType<td><td><td><td>
    160   <tr><td>excludeContentType<td><td><td><td>
    161   <tr><td>responseHeaders<td><td><td><td>
    162   <tr><td>excludeResponseHeaders<td><td><td><td>
    163   <tr><td>requestHeaders<td><td><td><td>
    164   <tr><td>excludeRequestHeaders<td><td><td><td>
    165   <tr><td>thirdPartyForCookies<td><td><td><td>
    166   <tr>
    167     <th colspan="5" style="padding-top:2em">Request stages during which actions can be executed.
    168   </tr>
    169   <tr>
    170     <th>Event
    171     <th>onBeforeRequest
    172     <th>onBeforeSendHeaders
    173     <th>onHeadersReceived
    174     <th>onAuthRequired
    175   </tr>
    176   <tr><td>AddRequestCookie<td><td><td><td>
    177   <tr><td>AddResponseCookie<td><td><td><td>
    178   <tr><td>AddResponseHeader<td><td><td><td>
    179   <tr><td>CancelRequest<td><td><td><td>
    180   <tr><td>EditRequestCookie<td><td><td><td>
    181   <tr><td>EditResponseCookie<td><td><td><td>
    182   <tr><td>IgnoreRules<td><td><td><td>
    183   <tr><td>RedirectByRegEx<td><td><td><td>
    184   <tr><td>RedirectRequest<td><td><td><td>
    185   <tr><td>RedirectToEmptyDocument<td><td><td><td>
    186   <tr><td>RedirectToTransparentImage<td><td><td><td>
    187   <tr><td>RemoveRequestCookie<td><td><td><td>
    188   <tr><td>RemoveRequestHeader<td><td><td><td>
    189   <tr><td>RemoveResponseCookie<td><td><td><td>
    190   <tr><td>RemoveResponseHeader<td><td><td><td>
    191   <tr><td>SendMessageToExtension<td><td><td><td>
    192   <tr><td>SetRequestHeader<td><td><td><td>
    193 </table>
    194 </p>
    196 <p>
    197 <strong>Note:</strong> Applicable stages can be further constrained by using the
    198 "stages" attribute.
    199 </p>
    200 <p>
    201 <strong>Example:</strong> It is possible to combine a
    202 <code>new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({contentType: ["image/jpeg"]})</code>
    203 condition with a <code>new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()</code>
    204 action because both of them can be evaluated in the onHeadersReceived stage.
    205 It is, however, impossible to combine the request matcher with a
    206 <code>new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RedirectToTransparentImage()</code>
    207 because redirects cannot be executed any more by the time the content
    208 type has been determined.
    209 </p>
    211 <h2 id="precedences">Using priorities to override rules</h2>
    213 <p>
    214 Rules can be associated with priorities as described in the
    215 <a href="events.html#declarative">Events API</a>. This mechanism can be used
    216 to express exceptions. The following example will block all requests to
    217 images named "evil.jpg" except on the server "myserver.com".
    218 </p>
    220 <pre>
    221 var rule1 = {
    222   priority: 100,
    223   conditions: [
    224     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
    225         url: { pathEquals: 'evil.jpg' } })
    226   ],
    227   actions: [
    228     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()
    229   ]
    230 };
    231 var rule2 = {
    232   priority: 1000,
    233   conditions: [
    234     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
    235       url: { hostSuffix: '.myserver.com' } })
    236   ],
    237   actions: [
    238     new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.IgnoreRules({
    239       lowerPriorityThan: 1000 })
    240   ]
    241 };
    242 chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onRequest.addRules([rule1, rule2]);
    243 </pre>
    245 <p>
    246 It is important to recognize that the <code>IgnoreRules</code> action is not
    247 persisted across <a href="#evaluation">request stages</a>. All conditions of
    248 all rules are evaluated at each stage of a web request. If an
    249 <code>IgnoreRules</code> action is executed, it applies only to other actions
    250 that are executed for the same web request in the same stage.
    251 </p>