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      1 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """Utilities for performing pixel-by-pixel image comparision."""
      7 import itertools
      8 import StringIO
      9 from PIL import Image
     12 def _AreTheSameSize(images):
     13   """Returns whether a set of images are the size size.
     15   Args:
     16     images: a list of images to compare.
     18   Returns:
     19     boolean.
     21   Raises:
     22     Exception: One image or fewer is passed in.
     23   """
     24   if len(images) > 1:
     25     return all(images[0].size == img.size for img in images[1:])
     26   else:
     27     raise Exception('No images passed in.')
     30 def _GetDifferenceWithMask(image1, image2, mask=None,
     31                            masked_color=(225, 225, 225, 255),
     32                            same_color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
     33                            different_color=(210, 0, 0, 255)):
     34   """Returns an image representing the difference between the two images.
     36   This function computes the difference between two images taking into
     37   account a mask if it is provided. The final three arguments represent
     38   the coloration of the generated image.
     40   Args:
     41     image1: the first image to compare.
     42     image2: the second image to compare.
     43     mask: an optional mask image consisting of only black and white pixels
     44       where white pixels indicate the portion of the image to be masked out.
     45     masked_color: the color of a masked section in the resulting image.
     46     same_color: the color of an unmasked section that is the same.
     47       between images 1 and 2 in the resulting image.
     48     different_color: the color of an unmasked section that is different
     49       between images 1 and 2 in the resulting image.
     51   Returns:
     52     A 2-tuple with an image representing the unmasked difference between the
     53     two input images and the number of different pixels.
     55   Raises:
     56     Exception: if image1, image2, and mask are not the same size.
     57   """
     58   image_mask = mask
     59   if not mask:
     60     image_mask = Image.new('RGBA', image1.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
     61   if not _AreTheSameSize([image1, image2, image_mask]):
     62     raise Exception('images and mask must be the same size.')
     63   image_diff = Image.new('RGBA', image1.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
     64   data = []
     65   diff_pixels = 0
     66   for m, px1, px2 in itertools.izip(image_mask.getdata(),
     67                                     image1.getdata(),
     68                                     image2.getdata()):
     69     if m == (255, 255, 255, 255):
     70       data.append(masked_color)
     71     elif px1 == px2:
     72       data.append(same_color)
     73     else:
     74       data.append(different_color)
     75       diff_pixels += 1
     77   image_diff.putdata(data)
     78   return (image_diff, diff_pixels)
     81 def CreateMask(images):
     82   """Computes a mask for a set of images.
     84   Returns a difference mask that is computed from the images
     85   which are passed in. The mask will have a white pixel
     86   anywhere that the input images differ and a black pixel
     87   everywhere else.
     89   Args:
     90     images: list of images to compute the mask from.
     92   Returns:
     93     an image of only black and white pixels where white pixels represent
     94       areas in the input images that have differences.
     96   Raises:
     97     Exception: if the images passed in are not of the same size.
     98     Exception: if fewer than one image is passed in.
     99   """
    100   if not images:
    101     raise Exception('mask must be created from one or more images.')
    102   mask = Image.new('RGBA', images[0].size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
    103   image = images[0]
    104   for other_image in images[1:]:
    105     mask = _GetDifferenceWithMask(
    106         image,
    107         other_image,
    108         mask,
    109         masked_color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
    110         same_color=(0, 0, 0, 255),
    111         different_color=(255, 255, 255, 255))[0]
    112   return mask
    115 def AddMasks(masks):
    116   """Combines a list of mask images into one mask image.
    118   Args:
    119     masks: a list of mask-images.
    121   Returns:
    122     a new mask that represents the sum of the masked
    123       regions of the passed in list of mask-images.
    125   Raises:
    126     Exception: if masks is an empty list, or if masks are not the same size.
    127   """
    128   if not masks:
    129     raise Exception('masks must be a list containing at least one image.')
    130   if len(masks) > 1 and not _AreTheSameSize(masks):
    131     raise Exception('masks in list must be of the same size.')
    132   white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    133   black = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    134   masks_data = [mask.getdata() for mask in masks]
    135   image = Image.new('RGBA', masks[0].size, black)
    136   image.putdata([white if white in px_set else black
    137                  for px_set in itertools.izip(*masks_data)])
    138   return image
    141 def ConvertDiffToMask(diff):
    142   """Converts a Diff image into a Mask image.
    144   Args:
    145     diff: the diff image to convert.
    147   Returns:
    148     a new mask image where everything that was masked or different in the diff
    149     is now masked.
    150   """
    151   white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    152   black = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    153   diff_data = diff.getdata()
    154   image = Image.new('RGBA', diff.size, black)
    155   image.putdata([black if px == white else white for px in diff_data])
    156   return image
    159 def VisualizeImageDifferences(image1, image2, mask=None):
    160   """Returns an image repesenting the unmasked differences between two images.
    162   Iterates through the pixel values of two images and an optional
    163   mask. If the pixel values are the same, or the pixel is masked,
    164   (0,0,0) is stored for that pixel. Otherwise, (255,255,255) is stored.
    165   This ultimately produces an image where unmasked differences between
    166   the two images are white pixels, and everything else is black.
    168   Args:
    169     image1: an RGB image
    170     image2: another RGB image of the same size as image1.
    171     mask: an optional RGB image consisting of only white and black pixels
    172       where the white pixels represent the parts of the images to be masked
    173       out.
    175   Returns:
    176     A 2-tuple with an image representing the unmasked difference between the
    177     two input images and the number of different pixels.
    179   Raises:
    180     Exception: if the two images and optional mask are different sizes.
    181   """
    182   return _GetDifferenceWithMask(image1, image2, mask)
    185 def InflateMask(image, passes):
    186   """A function that adds layers of pixels around the white edges of a mask.
    188   This function evaluates a 'frontier' of valid pixels indices. Initially,
    189     this frontier contains all indices in the image. However, with each pass
    190     only the pixels' indices which were added to the mask by inflation
    191     are added to the next pass's frontier. This gives the algorithm a
    192     large upfront cost that scales negligably when the number of passes
    193     is increased.
    195   Args:
    196     image: the RGBA PIL.Image mask to inflate.
    197     passes: the number of passes to inflate the image by.
    199   Returns:
    200     A RGBA PIL.Image.
    201   """
    202   inflated = Image.new('RGBA', image.size)
    203   new_dataset = list(image.getdata())
    204   old_dataset = list(image.getdata())
    206   frontier = set(range(len(old_dataset)))
    207   new_frontier = set()
    209   l = [-1, 1]
    211   def _ShadeHorizontal(index, px):
    212     col = index % image.size[0]
    213     if px == (255, 255, 255, 255):
    214       for x in l:
    215         if 0 <= col + x < image.size[0]:
    216           if old_dataset[index + x] != (255, 255, 255, 255):
    217             new_frontier.add(index + x)
    218           new_dataset[index + x] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    220   def _ShadeVertical(index, px):
    221     row = index / image.size[0]
    222     if px == (255, 255, 255, 255):
    223       for x in l:
    224         if 0 <= row + x < image.size[1]:
    225           if old_dataset[index + image.size[0] * x] != (255, 255, 255, 255):
    226             new_frontier.add(index + image.size[0] * x)
    227           new_dataset[index + image.size[0] * x] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    229   for _ in range(passes):
    230     for index in frontier:
    231       _ShadeHorizontal(index, old_dataset[index])
    232       _ShadeVertical(index, old_dataset[index])
    233     old_dataset, new_dataset = new_dataset, new_dataset
    234     frontier, new_frontier = new_frontier, set()
    235   inflated.putdata(new_dataset)
    236   return inflated
    239 def TotalDifferentPixels(image1, image2, mask=None):
    240   """Computes the number of different pixels between two images.
    242   Args:
    243     image1: the first RGB image to be compared.
    244     image2: the second RGB image to be compared.
    245     mask: an optional RGB image of only black and white pixels
    246       where white pixels indicate the parts of the image to be masked out.
    248   Returns:
    249     the number of differing pixels between the images.
    251   Raises:
    252     Exception: if the images to be compared and the mask are not the same size.
    253   """
    254   image_mask = mask
    255   if not mask:
    256     image_mask = Image.new('RGBA', image1.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
    257   if _AreTheSameSize([image1, image2, image_mask]):
    258     total_diff = 0
    259     for px1, px2, m in itertools.izip(image1.getdata(),
    260                                       image2.getdata(),
    261                                       image_mask.getdata()):
    262       if m == (255, 255, 255, 255):
    263         continue
    264       elif px1 != px2:
    265         total_diff += 1
    266       else:
    267         continue
    268     return total_diff
    269   else:
    270     raise Exception('images and mask must be the same size')
    273 def SameImage(image1, image2, mask=None):
    274   """Returns a boolean representing whether the images are the same.
    276   Returns a boolean indicating whether two images are similar
    277   enough to be considered the same. Essentially wraps the
    278   TotalDifferentPixels function.
    281   Args:
    282     image1: an RGB image to compare.
    283     image2: an RGB image to compare.
    284     mask: an optional image of only black and white pixels
    285     where white pixels are masked out
    287   Returns:
    288     True if the images are similar, False otherwise.
    290   Raises:
    291     Exception: if the images (and mask) are different sizes.
    292   """
    293   different_pixels = TotalDifferentPixels(image1, image2, mask)
    294   return different_pixels == 0
    297 def EncodePNG(image):
    298   """Returns the PNG file-contents of the image.
    300   Args:
    301     image: an RGB image to be encoded.
    303   Returns:
    304     a base64 encoded string representing the image.
    305   """
    306   f = StringIO.StringIO()
    307   image.save(f, 'PNG')
    308   encoded_image = f.getvalue()
    309   f.close()
    310   return encoded_image
    313 def DecodePNG(png):
    314   """Returns a RGB image from PNG file-contents.
    316   Args:
    317     encoded_image: PNG file-contents of an RGB image.
    319   Returns:
    320     an RGB image
    321   """
    322   return Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(png))