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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef MEDIA_BASE_AUDIO_BUFFER_H_
      6 #define MEDIA_BASE_AUDIO_BUFFER_H_
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "base/memory/aligned_memory.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     13 #include "base/time/time.h"
     14 #include "media/base/media_export.h"
     15 #include "media/base/sample_format.h"
     17 namespace media {
     18 class AudioBus;
     20 // An audio buffer that takes a copy of the data passed to it, holds it, and
     21 // copies it into an AudioBus when needed. Also supports an end of stream
     22 // marker.
     23 class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioBuffer
     24     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioBuffer> {
     25  public:
     26   // Alignment of each channel's data; this must match what ffmpeg expects
     27   // (which may be 0, 16, or 32, depending on the processor). Selecting 32 in
     28   // order to work on all processors.
     29   enum { kChannelAlignment = 32 };
     31   // Create an AudioBuffer whose channel data is copied from |data|. For
     32   // interleaved data, only the first buffer is used. For planar data, the
     33   // number of buffers must be equal to |channel_count|. |frame_count| is the
     34   // number of frames in each buffer. |data| must not be null and |frame_count|
     35   // must be >= 0.
     36   //
     37   // TODO(jrummell): Compute duration rather than pass it in.
     38   static scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> CopyFrom(SampleFormat sample_format,
     39                                              int channel_count,
     40                                              int frame_count,
     41                                              const uint8* const* data,
     42                                              const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
     43                                              const base::TimeDelta duration);
     45   // Create an AudioBuffer with |frame_count| frames. Buffer is allocated, but
     46   // not initialized. Timestamp and duration are set to kNoTimestamp().
     47   static scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> CreateBuffer(SampleFormat sample_format,
     48                                                  int channel_count,
     49                                                  int frame_count);
     51   // Create an empty AudioBuffer with |frame_count| frames.
     52   static scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> CreateEmptyBuffer(
     53       int channel_count,
     54       int frame_count,
     55       const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
     56       const base::TimeDelta duration);
     58   // Create a AudioBuffer indicating we've reached end of stream.
     59   // Calling any method other than end_of_stream() on the resulting buffer
     60   // is disallowed.
     61   static scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> CreateEOSBuffer();
     63   // Copy frames into |dest|. |frames_to_copy| is the number of frames to copy.
     64   // |source_frame_offset| specifies how many frames in the buffer to skip
     65   // first. |dest_frame_offset| is the frame offset in |dest|. The frames are
     66   // converted from their source format into planar float32 data (which is all
     67   // that AudioBus handles).
     68   void ReadFrames(int frames_to_copy,
     69                   int source_frame_offset,
     70                   int dest_frame_offset,
     71                   AudioBus* dest);
     73   // Trim an AudioBuffer by removing |frames_to_trim| frames from the start.
     74   // Timestamp and duration are adjusted to reflect the fewer frames.
     75   // Note that repeated calls to TrimStart() may result in timestamp() and
     76   // duration() being off by a few microseconds due to rounding issues.
     77   void TrimStart(int frames_to_trim);
     79   // Trim an AudioBuffer by removing |frames_to_trim| frames from the end.
     80   // Duration is adjusted to reflect the fewer frames.
     81   void TrimEnd(int frames_to_trim);
     83   // Return the number of channels.
     84   int channel_count() const { return channel_count_; }
     86   // Return the number of frames held.
     87   int frame_count() const { return adjusted_frame_count_; }
     89   // Access to constructor parameters.
     90   base::TimeDelta timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
     91   base::TimeDelta duration() const { return duration_; }
     93   // TODO(jrummell): Remove set_timestamp() and set_duration() once
     94   // DecryptingAudioDecoder::EnqueueFrames() is changed to set them when
     95   // creating the buffer. See http://crbug.com/255261.
     96   void set_timestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp) { timestamp_ = timestamp; }
     97   void set_duration(base::TimeDelta duration) { duration_ = duration; }
     99   // If there's no data in this buffer, it represents end of stream.
    100   bool end_of_stream() const { return end_of_stream_; }
    102   // Access to the raw buffer for ffmpeg to write directly to. Data for planar
    103   // data is grouped by channel. There is only 1 entry for interleaved formats.
    104   const std::vector<uint8*>& channel_data() const { return channel_data_; }
    106  private:
    107   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioBuffer>;
    109   // Allocates aligned contiguous buffer to hold all channel data (1 block for
    110   // interleaved data, |channel_count| blocks for planar data), copies
    111   // [data,data+data_size) to the allocated buffer(s). If |data| is null, no
    112   // data is copied. If |create_buffer| is false, no data buffer is created (or
    113   // copied to).
    114   AudioBuffer(SampleFormat sample_format,
    115               int channel_count,
    116               int frame_count,
    117               bool create_buffer,
    118               const uint8* const* data,
    119               const base::TimeDelta timestamp,
    120               const base::TimeDelta duration);
    122   virtual ~AudioBuffer();
    124   const SampleFormat sample_format_;
    125   const int channel_count_;
    126   int adjusted_frame_count_;
    127   int trim_start_;
    128   const bool end_of_stream_;
    129   base::TimeDelta timestamp_;
    130   base::TimeDelta duration_;
    132   // Contiguous block of channel data.
    133   scoped_ptr_malloc<uint8, base::ScopedPtrAlignedFree> data_;
    135   // For planar data, points to each channels data.
    136   std::vector<uint8*> channel_data_;
    139 };
    141 }  // namespace media
    143 #endif  // MEDIA_BASE_AUDIO_BUFFER_H_