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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/http/http_auth_cache.h"
      7 #include "base/logging.h"
      8 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     10 namespace {
     12 // Helper to find the containing directory of path. In RFC 2617 this is what
     13 // they call the "last symbolic element in the absolute path".
     14 // Examples:
     15 //   "/foo/bar.txt" --> "/foo/"
     16 //   "/foo/" --> "/foo/"
     17 std::string GetParentDirectory(const std::string& path) {
     18   std::string::size_type last_slash = path.rfind("/");
     19   if (last_slash == std::string::npos) {
     20     // No slash (absolute paths always start with slash, so this must be
     21     // the proxy case which uses empty string).
     22     DCHECK(path.empty());
     23     return path;
     24   }
     25   return path.substr(0, last_slash + 1);
     26 }
     28 // Debug helper to check that |path| arguments are properly formed.
     29 // (should be absolute path, or empty string).
     30 void CheckPathIsValid(const std::string& path) {
     31   DCHECK(path.empty() || path[0] == '/');
     32 }
     34 // Return true if |path| is a subpath of |container|. In other words, is
     35 // |container| an ancestor of |path|?
     36 bool IsEnclosingPath(const std::string& container, const std::string& path) {
     37   DCHECK(container.empty() || *(container.end() - 1) == '/');
     38   return ((container.empty() && path.empty()) ||
     39           (!container.empty() && StartsWithASCII(path, container, true)));
     40 }
     42 // Debug helper to check that |origin| arguments are properly formed.
     43 void CheckOriginIsValid(const GURL& origin) {
     44   DCHECK(origin.is_valid());
     45   // Note that the scheme may be FTP when we're using a HTTP proxy.
     46   DCHECK(origin.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS() || origin.SchemeIs("ftp") ||
     47          origin.SchemeIsWSOrWSS());
     48   DCHECK(origin.GetOrigin() == origin);
     49 }
     51 // Functor used by remove_if.
     52 struct IsEnclosedBy {
     53   explicit IsEnclosedBy(const std::string& path) : path(path) { }
     54   bool operator() (const std::string& x) const {
     55     return IsEnclosingPath(path, x);
     56   }
     57   const std::string& path;
     58 };
     60 }  // namespace
     62 namespace net {
     64 HttpAuthCache::HttpAuthCache() {
     65 }
     67 HttpAuthCache::~HttpAuthCache() {
     68 }
     70 // Performance: O(n), where n is the number of realm entries.
     71 HttpAuthCache::Entry* HttpAuthCache::Lookup(const GURL& origin,
     72                                             const std::string& realm,
     73                                             HttpAuth::Scheme scheme) {
     74   CheckOriginIsValid(origin);
     76   // Linear scan through the realm entries.
     77   for (EntryList::iterator it = entries_.begin(); it != entries_.end(); ++it) {
     78     if (it->origin() == origin && it->realm() == realm &&
     79         it->scheme() == scheme)
     80       return &(*it);
     81   }
     82   return NULL;  // No realm entry found.
     83 }
     85 // Performance: O(n*m), where n is the number of realm entries, m is the number
     86 // of path entries per realm. Both n amd m are expected to be small; m is
     87 // kept small because AddPath() only keeps the shallowest entry.
     88 HttpAuthCache::Entry* HttpAuthCache::LookupByPath(const GURL& origin,
     89                                                   const std::string& path) {
     90   HttpAuthCache::Entry* best_match = NULL;
     91   size_t best_match_length = 0;
     92   CheckOriginIsValid(origin);
     93   CheckPathIsValid(path);
     95   // RFC 2617 section 2:
     96   // A client SHOULD assume that all paths at or deeper than the depth of
     97   // the last symbolic element in the path field of the Request-URI also are
     98   // within the protection space ...
     99   std::string parent_dir = GetParentDirectory(path);
    101   // Linear scan through the realm entries.
    102   for (EntryList::iterator it = entries_.begin(); it != entries_.end(); ++it) {
    103     size_t len = 0;
    104     if (it->origin() == origin && it->HasEnclosingPath(parent_dir, &len) &&
    105         (!best_match || len > best_match_length)) {
    106       best_match_length = len;
    107       best_match = &(*it);
    108     }
    109   }
    110   return best_match;
    111 }
    113 HttpAuthCache::Entry* HttpAuthCache::Add(const GURL& origin,
    114                                          const std::string& realm,
    115                                          HttpAuth::Scheme scheme,
    116                                          const std::string& auth_challenge,
    117                                          const AuthCredentials& credentials,
    118                                          const std::string& path) {
    119   CheckOriginIsValid(origin);
    120   CheckPathIsValid(path);
    122   // Check for existing entry (we will re-use it if present).
    123   HttpAuthCache::Entry* entry = Lookup(origin, realm, scheme);
    124   if (!entry) {
    125     // Failsafe to prevent unbounded memory growth of the cache.
    126     if (entries_.size() >= kMaxNumRealmEntries) {
    127       LOG(WARNING) << "Num auth cache entries reached limit -- evicting";
    128       entries_.pop_back();
    129     }
    131     entries_.push_front(Entry());
    132     entry = &entries_.front();
    133     entry->origin_ = origin;
    134     entry->realm_ = realm;
    135     entry->scheme_ = scheme;
    136   }
    137   DCHECK_EQ(origin, entry->origin_);
    138   DCHECK_EQ(realm, entry->realm_);
    139   DCHECK_EQ(scheme, entry->scheme_);
    141   entry->auth_challenge_ = auth_challenge;
    142   entry->credentials_ = credentials;
    143   entry->nonce_count_ = 1;
    144   entry->AddPath(path);
    146   return entry;
    147 }
    149 HttpAuthCache::Entry::~Entry() {
    150 }
    152 void HttpAuthCache::Entry::UpdateStaleChallenge(
    153     const std::string& auth_challenge) {
    154   auth_challenge_ = auth_challenge;
    155   nonce_count_ = 1;
    156 }
    158 HttpAuthCache::Entry::Entry()
    159     : scheme_(HttpAuth::AUTH_SCHEME_MAX),
    160       nonce_count_(0) {
    161 }
    163 void HttpAuthCache::Entry::AddPath(const std::string& path) {
    164   std::string parent_dir = GetParentDirectory(path);
    165   if (!HasEnclosingPath(parent_dir, NULL)) {
    166     // Remove any entries that have been subsumed by the new entry.
    167     paths_.remove_if(IsEnclosedBy(parent_dir));
    169     // Failsafe to prevent unbounded memory growth of the cache.
    170     if (paths_.size() >= kMaxNumPathsPerRealmEntry) {
    171       LOG(WARNING) << "Num path entries for " << origin()
    172                    << " has grown too large -- evicting";
    173       paths_.pop_back();
    174     }
    176     // Add new path.
    177     paths_.push_front(parent_dir);
    178   }
    179 }
    181 bool HttpAuthCache::Entry::HasEnclosingPath(const std::string& dir,
    182                                             size_t* path_len) {
    183   DCHECK(GetParentDirectory(dir) == dir);
    184   for (PathList::const_iterator it = paths_.begin(); it != paths_.end();
    185        ++it) {
    186     if (IsEnclosingPath(*it, dir)) {
    187       // No element of paths_ may enclose any other element.
    188       // Therefore this path is the tightest bound.  Important because
    189       // the length returned is used to determine the cache entry that
    190       // has the closest enclosing path in LookupByPath().
    191       if (path_len)
    192         *path_len = it->length();
    193       return true;
    194     }
    195   }
    196   return false;
    197 }
    199 bool HttpAuthCache::Remove(const GURL& origin,
    200                            const std::string& realm,
    201                            HttpAuth::Scheme scheme,
    202                            const AuthCredentials& credentials) {
    203   for (EntryList::iterator it = entries_.begin(); it != entries_.end(); ++it) {
    204     if (it->origin() == origin && it->realm() == realm &&
    205         it->scheme() == scheme) {
    206       if (credentials.Equals(it->credentials())) {
    207         entries_.erase(it);
    208         return true;
    209       }
    210       return false;
    211     }
    212   }
    213   return false;
    214 }
    216 bool HttpAuthCache::UpdateStaleChallenge(const GURL& origin,
    217                                          const std::string& realm,
    218                                          HttpAuth::Scheme scheme,
    219                                          const std::string& auth_challenge) {
    220   HttpAuthCache::Entry* entry = Lookup(origin, realm, scheme);
    221   if (!entry)
    222     return false;
    223   entry->UpdateStaleChallenge(auth_challenge);
    224   return true;
    225 }
    227 void HttpAuthCache::UpdateAllFrom(const HttpAuthCache& other) {
    228   for (EntryList::const_iterator it = other.entries_.begin();
    229        it != other.entries_.end(); ++it) {
    230     // Add an Entry with one of the original entry's paths.
    231     DCHECK(it->paths_.size() > 0);
    232     Entry* entry = Add(it->origin(), it->realm(), it->scheme(),
    233                        it->auth_challenge(), it->credentials(),
    234                        it->paths_.back());
    235     // Copy all other paths.
    236     for (Entry::PathList::const_reverse_iterator it2 = ++it->paths_.rbegin();
    237          it2 != it->paths_.rend(); ++it2)
    238       entry->AddPath(*it2);
    239     // Copy nonce count (for digest authentication).
    240     entry->nonce_count_ = it->nonce_count_;
    241   }
    242 }
    244 }  // namespace net