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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/http/http_auth_handler_mock.h"
      7 #include "base/bind.h"
      8 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
      9 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     10 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
     11 #include "net/http/http_request_info.h"
     12 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     14 namespace net {
     16 HttpAuthHandlerMock::HttpAuthHandlerMock()
     17   : resolve_(RESOLVE_INIT),
     18     weak_factory_(this),
     19     generate_async_(false),
     20     generate_rv_(OK),
     21     auth_token_(NULL),
     22     first_round_(true),
     23     connection_based_(false),
     24     allows_default_credentials_(false),
     25     allows_explicit_credentials_(true) {
     26 }
     28 HttpAuthHandlerMock::~HttpAuthHandlerMock() {
     29 }
     31 void HttpAuthHandlerMock::SetResolveExpectation(Resolve resolve) {
     32   EXPECT_EQ(RESOLVE_INIT, resolve_);
     33   resolve_ = resolve;
     34 }
     36 bool HttpAuthHandlerMock::NeedsCanonicalName() {
     37   switch (resolve_) {
     38     case RESOLVE_SYNC:
     39     case RESOLVE_ASYNC:
     40       return true;
     41     case RESOLVE_SKIP:
     42       resolve_ = RESOLVE_TESTED;
     43       return false;
     44     default:
     45       NOTREACHED();
     46       return false;
     47   }
     48 }
     50 int HttpAuthHandlerMock::ResolveCanonicalName(
     51     HostResolver* host_resolver, const CompletionCallback& callback) {
     52   EXPECT_NE(RESOLVE_TESTED, resolve_);
     53   int rv = OK;
     54   switch (resolve_) {
     55     case RESOLVE_SYNC:
     56       resolve_ = RESOLVE_TESTED;
     57       break;
     58     case RESOLVE_ASYNC:
     59       EXPECT_TRUE(callback_.is_null());
     60       rv = ERR_IO_PENDING;
     61       callback_ = callback;
     62       base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
     63           FROM_HERE,
     64           base::Bind(&HttpAuthHandlerMock::OnResolveCanonicalName,
     65                      weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
     66       break;
     67     default:
     68       NOTREACHED();
     69       break;
     70   }
     71   return rv;
     72 }
     74 void HttpAuthHandlerMock::SetGenerateExpectation(bool async, int rv) {
     75   generate_async_ = async;
     76   generate_rv_ = rv;
     77 }
     79 HttpAuth::AuthorizationResult HttpAuthHandlerMock::HandleAnotherChallenge(
     80     HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge) {
     81   // If we receive an empty challenge for a connection based scheme, or a second
     82   // challenge for a non connection based scheme, assume it's a rejection.
     83   if (!is_connection_based() || challenge->base64_param().empty())
     84     return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_REJECT;
     85   if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(challenge->scheme(), "mock"))
     86     return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_INVALID;
     87   return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_ACCEPT;
     88 }
     90 bool HttpAuthHandlerMock::NeedsIdentity() {
     91   return first_round_;
     92 }
     94 bool HttpAuthHandlerMock::AllowsDefaultCredentials() {
     95   return allows_default_credentials_;
     96 }
     98 bool HttpAuthHandlerMock::AllowsExplicitCredentials() {
     99   return allows_explicit_credentials_;
    100 }
    102 bool HttpAuthHandlerMock::Init(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge) {
    103   auth_scheme_ = HttpAuth::AUTH_SCHEME_MOCK;
    104   score_ = 1;
    105   properties_ = connection_based_ ? IS_CONNECTION_BASED : 0;
    106   return true;
    107 }
    109 int HttpAuthHandlerMock::GenerateAuthTokenImpl(
    110     const AuthCredentials* credentials,
    111     const HttpRequestInfo* request,
    112     const CompletionCallback& callback,
    113     std::string* auth_token) {
    114   first_round_ = false;
    115   request_url_ = request->url;
    116   if (generate_async_) {
    117     EXPECT_TRUE(callback_.is_null());
    118     EXPECT_TRUE(auth_token_ == NULL);
    119     callback_ = callback;
    120     auth_token_ = auth_token;
    121     base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
    122         FROM_HERE,
    123         base::Bind(&HttpAuthHandlerMock::OnGenerateAuthToken,
    124                    weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
    125     return ERR_IO_PENDING;
    126   } else {
    127     if (generate_rv_ == OK)
    128       *auth_token = "auth_token";
    129     return generate_rv_;
    130   }
    131 }
    133 void HttpAuthHandlerMock::OnResolveCanonicalName() {
    134   EXPECT_EQ(RESOLVE_ASYNC, resolve_);
    135   EXPECT_TRUE(!callback_.is_null());
    136   resolve_ = RESOLVE_TESTED;
    137   CompletionCallback callback = callback_;
    138   callback_.Reset();
    139   callback.Run(OK);
    140 }
    142 void HttpAuthHandlerMock::OnGenerateAuthToken() {
    143   EXPECT_TRUE(generate_async_);
    144   EXPECT_TRUE(!callback_.is_null());
    145   if (generate_rv_ == OK)
    146     *auth_token_ = "auth_token";
    147   auth_token_ = NULL;
    148   CompletionCallback callback = callback_;
    149   callback_.Reset();
    150   callback.Run(generate_rv_);
    151 }
    153 HttpAuthHandlerMock::Factory::Factory()
    154     : do_init_from_challenge_(false) {
    155   // TODO(cbentzel): Default do_init_from_challenge_ to true.
    156 }
    158 HttpAuthHandlerMock::Factory::~Factory() {
    159 }
    161 void HttpAuthHandlerMock::Factory::AddMockHandler(
    162     HttpAuthHandler* handler, HttpAuth::Target target) {
    163   handlers_[target].push_back(handler);
    164 }
    166 int HttpAuthHandlerMock::Factory::CreateAuthHandler(
    167     HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge,
    168     HttpAuth::Target target,
    169     const GURL& origin,
    170     CreateReason reason,
    171     int nonce_count,
    172     const BoundNetLog& net_log,
    173     scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandler>* handler) {
    174   if (handlers_[target].empty())
    175     return ERR_UNEXPECTED;
    176   scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandler> tmp_handler(handlers_[target][0]);
    177   std::vector<HttpAuthHandler*>& handlers = handlers_[target].get();
    178   handlers.erase(handlers.begin());
    179   if (do_init_from_challenge_ &&
    180       !tmp_handler->InitFromChallenge(challenge, target, origin, net_log))
    181     return ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE;
    182   handler->swap(tmp_handler);
    183   return OK;
    184 }
    186 }  // namespace net