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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/quic/quic_spdy_compressor.h"
      7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      8 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     10 using std::string;
     12 namespace net {
     14 QuicSpdyCompressor::QuicSpdyCompressor()
     15     : spdy_framer_(SPDY3),
     16       header_sequence_id_(1) {
     17   spdy_framer_.set_enable_compression(true);
     18 }
     20 QuicSpdyCompressor::~QuicSpdyCompressor() {
     21 }
     23 string QuicSpdyCompressor::CompressHeadersWithPriority(
     24     QuicPriority priority,
     25     const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers) {
     26   return CompressHeadersInternal(priority, headers, true);
     27 }
     29 string QuicSpdyCompressor::CompressHeaders(
     30     const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers) {
     31   // CompressHeadersInternal ignores priority when write_priority is false.
     32   return CompressHeadersInternal(0 /* ignored */, headers, false);
     33 }
     35 string QuicSpdyCompressor::CompressHeadersInternal(
     36     QuicPriority priority,
     37     const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers,
     38     bool write_priority) {
     39   // TODO(rch): Modify the SpdyFramer to expose a
     40   // CreateCompressedHeaderBlock method, or some such.
     41   SpdyStreamId stream_id = 3;    // unused.
     42   scoped_ptr<SpdyFrame> frame(spdy_framer_.CreateHeaders(
     43       stream_id, CONTROL_FLAG_NONE, &headers));
     45   // The size of the spdy HEADER frame's fixed prefix which
     46   // needs to be stripped off from the resulting frame.
     47   const size_t header_frame_prefix_len = 12;
     48   string serialized = string(frame->data() + header_frame_prefix_len,
     49                              frame->size() - header_frame_prefix_len);
     50   uint32 serialized_len = serialized.length();
     51   char priority_str[sizeof(priority)];
     52   memcpy(&priority_str, &priority, sizeof(priority));
     53   char id_str[sizeof(header_sequence_id_)];
     54   memcpy(&id_str, &header_sequence_id_, sizeof(header_sequence_id_));
     55   char len_str[sizeof(serialized_len)];
     56   memcpy(&len_str, &serialized_len, sizeof(serialized_len));
     57   string compressed;
     58   int priority_len = write_priority ? arraysize(priority_str) : 0;
     59   compressed.reserve(
     60       priority_len + arraysize(id_str) + arraysize(len_str) + serialized_len);
     61   if (write_priority) {
     62     compressed.append(priority_str, arraysize(priority_str));
     63   }
     64   compressed.append(id_str, arraysize(id_str));
     65   compressed.append(len_str, arraysize(len_str));
     66   compressed.append(serialized);
     67   ++header_sequence_id_;
     68   return compressed;
     69 }
     71 }  // namespace net