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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // This file contains unit tests for InterceptionManager.
      6 // The tests require private information so the whole interception.cc file is
      7 // included from this file.
      9 #include <windows.h>
     11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     12 #include "sandbox/win/src/interception.h"
     13 #include "sandbox/win/src/interceptors.h"
     14 #include "sandbox/win/src/interception_internal.h"
     15 #include "sandbox/win/src/target_process.h"
     16 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     18 namespace sandbox {
     20 // Walks the settings buffer, verifying that the values make sense and counting
     21 // objects.
     22 // Arguments:
     23 // buffer (in): the buffer to walk.
     24 // size (in): buffer size
     25 // num_dlls (out): count of the dlls on the buffer.
     26 // num_function (out): count of intercepted functions.
     27 // num_names (out): count of named interceptor functions.
     28 void WalkBuffer(void* buffer, size_t size, int* num_dlls, int* num_functions,
     29                 int* num_names) {
     30   ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != buffer);
     31   ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != num_functions);
     32   ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != num_names);
     33   *num_dlls = *num_functions = *num_names = 0;
     34   SharedMemory *memory = reinterpret_cast<SharedMemory*>(buffer);
     36   ASSERT_GT(size, sizeof(SharedMemory));
     37   DllPatchInfo *dll = &memory->dll_list[0];
     39   for (int i = 0; i < memory->num_intercepted_dlls; i++) {
     40     ASSERT_NE(0u, wcslen(dll->dll_name));
     41     ASSERT_EQ(0u, dll->record_bytes % sizeof(size_t));
     42     ASSERT_EQ(0u, dll->offset_to_functions % sizeof(size_t));
     43     ASSERT_NE(0, dll->num_functions);
     45     FunctionInfo *function = reinterpret_cast<FunctionInfo*>(
     46       reinterpret_cast<char*>(dll) + dll->offset_to_functions);
     48     for (int j = 0; j < dll->num_functions; j++) {
     49       ASSERT_EQ(0u, function->record_bytes % sizeof(size_t));
     51       char* name = function->function;
     52       size_t length = strlen(name);
     53       ASSERT_NE(0u, length);
     54       name += length + 1;
     56       // look for overflows
     57       ASSERT_GT(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer) + size, name + strlen(name));
     59       // look for a named interceptor
     60       if (strlen(name)) {
     61         (*num_names)++;
     62         EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == function->interceptor_address);
     63       } else {
     64         EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != function->interceptor_address);
     65       }
     67       (*num_functions)++;
     68       function = reinterpret_cast<FunctionInfo*>(
     69         reinterpret_cast<char*>(function) + function->record_bytes);
     70     }
     72     (*num_dlls)++;
     73     dll = reinterpret_cast<DllPatchInfo*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(dll) +
     74                                           dll->record_bytes);
     75   }
     76 }
     78 TEST(InterceptionManagerTest, BufferLayout1) {
     79   wchar_t exe_name[MAX_PATH];
     80   ASSERT_NE(0u, GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe_name, MAX_PATH - 1));
     82   TargetProcess *target = MakeTestTargetProcess(::GetCurrentProcess(),
     83                                                 ::GetModuleHandle(exe_name));
     85   InterceptionManager interceptions(target, true);
     87   // Any pointer will do for a function pointer.
     88   void* function = &interceptions;
     90   // We don't care about the interceptor id.
     91   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"ntdll.dll", "NtCreateFile",
     92                                       INTERCEPTION_SERVICE_CALL, function,
     93                                       OPEN_KEY_ID);
     94   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"kernel32.dll", "CreateFileEx",
     95                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
     96   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"kernel32.dll", "SomeFileEx",
     97                                       INTERCEPTION_SMART_SIDESTEP, function,
     98                                       OPEN_KEY_ID);
     99   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"user32.dll", "FindWindow",
    100                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    101   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"kernel32.dll", "CreateMutex",
    102                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    103   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"user32.dll", "PostMsg",
    104                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    105   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"user32.dll", "PostMsg",
    106                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, "replacement",
    107                                       OPEN_KEY_ID);
    108   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"comctl.dll", "SaveAsDlg",
    109                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    110   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"ntdll.dll", "NtClose",
    111                                       INTERCEPTION_SERVICE_CALL, function,
    112                                       OPEN_KEY_ID);
    113   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"ntdll.dll", "NtOpenFile",
    114                                       INTERCEPTION_SIDESTEP, function,
    115                                       OPEN_KEY_ID);
    116   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"some.dll", "Superfn",
    117                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    118   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"comctl.dll", "SaveAsDlg",
    119                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, "a", OPEN_KEY_ID);
    120   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"comctl.dll", "SaveAsDlg",
    121                                       INTERCEPTION_SIDESTEP, "ab", OPEN_KEY_ID);
    122   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"comctl.dll", "SaveAsDlg",
    123                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, "abc", OPEN_KEY_ID);
    124   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"a.dll", "p",
    125                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    126   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"b.dll",
    127                                       "TheIncredibleCallToSaveTheWorld",
    128                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    129   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"a.dll", "BIsLame",
    130                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    131   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"a.dll", "ARules",
    132                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_KEY_ID);
    134   // Verify that all interceptions were added
    135   ASSERT_EQ(18, interceptions.interceptions_.size());
    137   size_t buffer_size = interceptions.GetBufferSize();
    138   scoped_ptr<BYTE[]> local_buffer(new BYTE[buffer_size]);
    140   ASSERT_TRUE(interceptions.SetupConfigBuffer(local_buffer.get(),
    141                                               buffer_size));
    143   // At this point, the interceptions should have been separated into two
    144   // groups: one group with the local ("cold") interceptions, consisting of
    145   // everything from ntdll and stuff set as INTRECEPTION_SERVICE_CALL, and
    146   // another group with the interceptions belonging to dlls that will be "hot"
    147   // patched on the client. The second group lives on local_buffer, and the
    148   // first group remains on the list of interceptions (inside the object
    149   // "interceptions"). There are 3 local interceptions (of ntdll); the
    150   // other 15 have to be sent to the child to be performed "hot".
    151   EXPECT_EQ(3, interceptions.interceptions_.size());
    153   int num_dlls, num_functions, num_names;
    154   WalkBuffer(local_buffer.get(), buffer_size, &num_dlls, &num_functions,
    155              &num_names);
    157   // The 15 interceptions on the buffer (to the child) should be grouped on 6
    158   // dlls. Only four interceptions are using an explicit name for the
    159   // interceptor function.
    160   EXPECT_EQ(6, num_dlls);
    161   EXPECT_EQ(15, num_functions);
    162   EXPECT_EQ(4, num_names);
    163 }
    165 TEST(InterceptionManagerTest, BufferLayout2) {
    166   wchar_t exe_name[MAX_PATH];
    167   ASSERT_NE(0u, GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe_name, MAX_PATH - 1));
    169   TargetProcess *target = MakeTestTargetProcess(::GetCurrentProcess(),
    170                                                 ::GetModuleHandle(exe_name));
    172   InterceptionManager interceptions(target, true);
    174   // Any pointer will do for a function pointer.
    175   void* function = &interceptions;
    176   interceptions.AddToUnloadModules(L"some01.dll");
    177   // We don't care about the interceptor id.
    178   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"ntdll.dll", "NtCreateFile",
    179                                       INTERCEPTION_SERVICE_CALL, function,
    180                                       OPEN_FILE_ID);
    181   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"kernel32.dll", "CreateFileEx",
    182                                       INTERCEPTION_EAT, function, OPEN_FILE_ID);
    183   interceptions.AddToUnloadModules(L"some02.dll");
    184   interceptions.AddToPatchedFunctions(L"kernel32.dll", "SomeFileEx",
    185                                       INTERCEPTION_SMART_SIDESTEP, function,
    186                                       OPEN_FILE_ID);
    187   // Verify that all interceptions were added
    188   ASSERT_EQ(5, interceptions.interceptions_.size());
    190   size_t buffer_size = interceptions.GetBufferSize();
    191   scoped_ptr<BYTE[]> local_buffer(new BYTE[buffer_size]);
    193   ASSERT_TRUE(interceptions.SetupConfigBuffer(local_buffer.get(),
    194                                               buffer_size));
    196   // At this point, the interceptions should have been separated into two
    197   // groups: one group with the local ("cold") interceptions, and another
    198   // group with the interceptions belonging to dlls that will be "hot"
    199   // patched on the client. The second group lives on local_buffer, and the
    200   // first group remains on the list of interceptions, in this case just one.
    201   EXPECT_EQ(1, interceptions.interceptions_.size());
    203   int num_dlls, num_functions, num_names;
    204   WalkBuffer(local_buffer.get(), buffer_size, &num_dlls, &num_functions,
    205              &num_names);
    207   EXPECT_EQ(3, num_dlls);
    208   EXPECT_EQ(4, num_functions);
    209   EXPECT_EQ(0, num_names);
    210 }
    212 }  // namespace sandbox