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      1 /*
      2 *******************************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (C) 1996-2010, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 *******************************************************************************
      6 *   file name:  ucol_res.cpp
      7 *   encoding:   US-ASCII
      8 *   tab size:   8 (not used)
      9 *   indentation:4
     10 *
     11 * Description:
     12 * This file contains dependencies that the collation run-time doesn't normally
     13 * need. This mainly contains resource bundle usage and collation meta information
     14 *
     15 * Modification history
     16 * Date        Name      Comments
     17 * 1996-1999   various members of ICU team maintained C API for collation framework
     18 * 02/16/2001  synwee    Added internal method getPrevSpecialCE
     19 * 03/01/2001  synwee    Added maxexpansion functionality.
     20 * 03/16/2001  weiv      Collation framework is rewritten in C and made UCA compliant
     21 * 12/08/2004  grhoten   Split part of ucol.cpp into ucol_res.cpp
     22 */
     24 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     27 #include "unicode/uloc.h"
     28 #include "unicode/coll.h"
     29 #include "unicode/tblcoll.h"
     30 #include "unicode/caniter.h"
     31 #include "unicode/uscript.h"
     32 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
     34 #include "ucol_bld.h"
     35 #include "ucol_imp.h"
     36 #include "ucol_tok.h"
     37 #include "ucol_elm.h"
     38 #include "uresimp.h"
     39 #include "ustr_imp.h"
     40 #include "cstring.h"
     41 #include "umutex.h"
     42 #include "ucln_in.h"
     43 #include "ustrenum.h"
     44 #include "putilimp.h"
     45 #include "utracimp.h"
     46 #include "cmemory.h"
     47 #include "uenumimp.h"
     48 #include "ulist.h"
     52 static void ucol_setReorderCodesFromParser(UCollator *coll, UColTokenParser *parser, UErrorCode *status);
     54 // static UCA. There is only one. Collators don't use it.
     55 // It is referenced only in ucol_initUCA and ucol_cleanup
     56 static UCollator* _staticUCA = NULL;
     57 // static pointer to udata memory. Inited in ucol_initUCA
     58 // used for cleanup in ucol_cleanup
     59 static UDataMemory* UCA_DATA_MEM = NULL;
     62 static UBool U_CALLCONV
     63 ucol_res_cleanup(void)
     64 {
     65     if (UCA_DATA_MEM) {
     66         udata_close(UCA_DATA_MEM);
     67         UCA_DATA_MEM = NULL;
     68     }
     69     if (_staticUCA) {
     70         ucol_close(_staticUCA);
     71         _staticUCA = NULL;
     72     }
     73     return TRUE;
     74 }
     76 static UBool U_CALLCONV
     77 isAcceptableUCA(void * /*context*/,
     78              const char * /*type*/, const char * /*name*/,
     79              const UDataInfo *pInfo){
     80   /* context, type & name are intentionally not used */
     81     if( pInfo->size>=20 &&
     82         pInfo->isBigEndian==U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN &&
     83         pInfo->charsetFamily==U_CHARSET_FAMILY &&
     84         pInfo->dataFormat[0]==UCA_DATA_FORMAT_0 &&   /* dataFormat="UCol" */
     85         pInfo->dataFormat[1]==UCA_DATA_FORMAT_1 &&
     86         pInfo->dataFormat[2]==UCA_DATA_FORMAT_2 &&
     87         pInfo->dataFormat[3]==UCA_DATA_FORMAT_3 &&
     88         pInfo->formatVersion[0]==UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_0 &&
     89         pInfo->formatVersion[1]>=UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_1// &&
     90         //pInfo->formatVersion[1]==UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_1 &&
     91         //pInfo->formatVersion[2]==UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_2 && // Too harsh
     92         //pInfo->formatVersion[3]==UCA_FORMAT_VERSION_3 && // Too harsh
     93         ) {
     94         UVersionInfo UCDVersion;
     95         u_getUnicodeVersion(UCDVersion);
     96         return (UBool)(pInfo->dataVersion[0]==UCDVersion[0]
     97             && pInfo->dataVersion[1]==UCDVersion[1]);
     98             //&& pInfo->dataVersion[2]==ucaDataInfo.dataVersion[2]
     99             //&& pInfo->dataVersion[3]==ucaDataInfo.dataVersion[3]);
    100     } else {
    101         return FALSE;
    102     }
    103 }
    104 U_CDECL_END
    106 /* do not close UCA returned by ucol_initUCA! */
    107 UCollator *
    108 ucol_initUCA(UErrorCode *status) {
    109     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    110         return NULL;
    111     }
    112     UBool needsInit;
    113     UMTX_CHECK(NULL, (_staticUCA == NULL), needsInit);
    115     if(needsInit) {
    116         UDataMemory *result = udata_openChoice(U_ICUDATA_COLL, UCA_DATA_TYPE, UCA_DATA_NAME, isAcceptableUCA, NULL, status);
    118         if(U_SUCCESS(*status)){
    119             UCollator *newUCA = ucol_initCollator((const UCATableHeader *)udata_getMemory(result), NULL, NULL, status);
    120             if(U_SUCCESS(*status)){
    121                 // Initalize variables for implicit generation
    122                 uprv_uca_initImplicitConstants(status);
    124                 umtx_lock(NULL);
    125                 if(_staticUCA == NULL) {
    126                     UCA_DATA_MEM = result;
    127                     _staticUCA = newUCA;
    128                     newUCA = NULL;
    129                     result = NULL;
    130                 }
    131                 umtx_unlock(NULL);
    133                 ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_UCOL_RES, ucol_res_cleanup);
    134                 if(newUCA != NULL) {
    135                     ucol_close(newUCA);
    136                     udata_close(result);
    137                 }
    138             }else{
    139                 ucol_close(newUCA);
    140                 udata_close(result);
    141             }
    142         }
    143         else {
    144             udata_close(result);
    145         }
    146     }
    147     return _staticUCA;
    148 }
    150 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
    151 ucol_forgetUCA(void)
    152 {
    153     _staticUCA = NULL;
    154     UCA_DATA_MEM = NULL;
    155 }
    157 /****************************************************************************/
    158 /* Following are the open/close functions                                   */
    159 /*                                                                          */
    160 /****************************************************************************/
    161 static UCollator*
    162 tryOpeningFromRules(UResourceBundle *collElem, UErrorCode *status) {
    163     int32_t rulesLen = 0;
    164     const UChar *rules = ures_getStringByKey(collElem, "Sequence", &rulesLen, status);
    165     return ucol_openRules(rules, rulesLen, UCOL_DEFAULT, UCOL_DEFAULT, NULL, status);
    166 }
    169 // API in ucol_imp.h
    171 U_CFUNC UCollator*
    172 ucol_open_internal(const char *loc,
    173                    UErrorCode *status)
    174 {
    175     UErrorCode intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    176     const UCollator* UCA = ucol_initUCA(status);
    178     /* New version */
    179     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return 0;
    183     UCollator *result = NULL;
    184     UResourceBundle *b = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, loc, status);
    186     /* we try to find stuff from keyword */
    187     UResourceBundle *collations = ures_getByKey(b, "collations", NULL, status);
    188     UResourceBundle *collElem = NULL;
    189     char keyBuffer[256];
    190     // if there is a keyword, we pick it up and try to get elements
    191     if(!uloc_getKeywordValue(loc, "collation", keyBuffer, 256, status) ||
    192         !uprv_strcmp(keyBuffer,"default")) { /* Treat 'zz@collation=default' as 'zz'. */
    193         // no keyword. we try to find the default setting, which will give us the keyword value
    194         intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    195         // finding default value does not affect collation fallback status
    196         UResourceBundle *defaultColl = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(collations, "default", NULL, &intStatus);
    197         if(U_SUCCESS(intStatus)) {
    198             int32_t defaultKeyLen = 0;
    199             const UChar *defaultKey = ures_getString(defaultColl, &defaultKeyLen, &intStatus);
    200             u_UCharsToChars(defaultKey, keyBuffer, defaultKeyLen);
    201             keyBuffer[defaultKeyLen] = 0;
    202         } else {
    203             *status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
    204             return NULL;
    205         }
    206         ures_close(defaultColl);
    207     }
    208     collElem = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(collations, keyBuffer, collations, status);
    209     collations = NULL; // We just reused the collations object as collElem.
    211     UResourceBundle *binary = NULL;
    212     UResourceBundle *reorderRes = NULL;
    214     if(*status == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) { /* We didn't find the tailoring data, we fallback to the UCA */
    215         *status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
    216         result = ucol_initCollator(UCA->image, result, UCA, status);
    217         if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    218             goto clean;
    219         }
    220         // if we use UCA, real locale is root
    221         ures_close(b);
    222         b = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "", status);
    223         ures_close(collElem);
    224         collElem = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "", status);
    225         if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    226             goto clean;
    227         }
    228         result->hasRealData = FALSE;
    229     } else if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    230         intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    232         binary = ures_getByKey(collElem, "%%CollationBin", NULL, &intStatus);
    234         if(intStatus == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) { /* we didn't find the binary image, we should use the rules */
    235             binary = NULL;
    236             result = tryOpeningFromRules(collElem, status);
    237             if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    238                 goto clean;
    239             }
    240         } else if(U_SUCCESS(intStatus)) { /* otherwise, we'll pick a collation data that exists */
    241             int32_t len = 0;
    242             const uint8_t *inData = ures_getBinary(binary, &len, status);
    243             if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    244                 goto clean;
    245             }
    246             UCATableHeader *colData = (UCATableHeader *)inData;
    247             if(uprv_memcmp(colData->UCAVersion, UCA->image->UCAVersion, sizeof(UVersionInfo)) != 0 ||
    248                 uprv_memcmp(colData->UCDVersion, UCA->image->UCDVersion, sizeof(UVersionInfo)) != 0 ||
    249                 colData->version[0] != UCOL_BUILDER_VERSION)
    250             {
    251                 *status = U_DIFFERENT_UCA_VERSION;
    252                 result = tryOpeningFromRules(collElem, status);
    253             } else {
    254                 if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
    255                     goto clean;
    256                 }
    257                 if((uint32_t)len > (paddedsize(sizeof(UCATableHeader)) + paddedsize(sizeof(UColOptionSet)))) {
    258                     result = ucol_initCollator((const UCATableHeader *)inData, result, UCA, status);
    259                     if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
    260                         goto clean;
    261                     }
    262                     result->hasRealData = TRUE;
    263                 } else {
    264                     result = ucol_initCollator(UCA->image, result, UCA, status);
    265                     ucol_setOptionsFromHeader(result, (UColOptionSet *)(inData+((const UCATableHeader *)inData)->options), status);
    266                     if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
    267                         goto clean;
    268                     }
    269                     result->hasRealData = FALSE;
    270                 }
    271                 result->freeImageOnClose = FALSE;
    273                 reorderRes = ures_getByKey(collElem, "%%ReorderCodes", NULL, &intStatus);
    274                 if (U_SUCCESS(intStatus)) {
    275                     int32_t reorderCodesLen = 0;
    276                     const int32_t* reorderCodes = ures_getIntVector(reorderRes, &reorderCodesLen, status);
    277                     ucol_setReorderCodes(result, reorderCodes, reorderCodesLen, status);
    278                     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    279                         goto clean;
    280                     }
    281                 }
    282             }
    284         } else { // !U_SUCCESS(binaryStatus)
    285             if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    286                 *status = intStatus; // propagate underlying error
    287             }
    288             goto clean;
    289         }
    290         intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    291         result->rules = ures_getStringByKey(collElem, "Sequence", &result->rulesLength, &intStatus);
    292         result->freeRulesOnClose = FALSE;
    293     } else { /* There is another error, and we're just gonna clean up */
    294         goto clean;
    295     }
    297     intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    298     result->ucaRules = ures_getStringByKey(b,"UCARules",NULL,&intStatus);
    300     if(loc == NULL) {
    301         loc = ures_getLocaleByType(b, ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, status);
    302     }
    303     result->requestedLocale = uprv_strdup(loc);
    304     /* test for NULL */
    305     if (result->requestedLocale == NULL) {
    306         *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    307         goto clean;
    308     }
    309     loc = ures_getLocaleByType(collElem, ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, status);
    310     result->actualLocale = uprv_strdup(loc);
    311     /* test for NULL */
    312     if (result->actualLocale == NULL) {
    313         *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    314         goto clean;
    315     }
    316     loc = ures_getLocaleByType(b, ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, status);
    317     result->validLocale = uprv_strdup(loc);
    318     /* test for NULL */
    319     if (result->validLocale == NULL) {
    320         *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    321         goto clean;
    322     }
    324     ures_close(b);
    325     ures_close(collElem);
    326     ures_close(binary);
    327     ures_close(reorderRes);
    328     return result;
    330 clean:
    331     ures_close(b);
    332     ures_close(collElem);
    333     ures_close(binary);
    334     ures_close(reorderRes);
    335     ucol_close(result);
    336     return NULL;
    337 }
    339 U_CAPI UCollator*
    340 ucol_open(const char *loc,
    341           UErrorCode *status)
    342 {
    343     U_NAMESPACE_USE
    346     UTRACE_DATA1(UTRACE_INFO, "locale = \"%s\"", loc);
    347     UCollator *result = NULL;
    350     result = Collator::createUCollator(loc, status);
    351     if (result == NULL)
    352 #endif
    353     {
    354         result = ucol_open_internal(loc, status);
    355     }
    356     UTRACE_EXIT_PTR_STATUS(result, *status);
    357     return result;
    358 }
    361 UCollator*
    362 ucol_openRulesForImport( const UChar        *rules,
    363                          int32_t            rulesLength,
    364                          UColAttributeValue normalizationMode,
    365                          UCollationStrength strength,
    366                          UParseError        *parseError,
    367                          GetCollationRulesFunction  importFunc,
    368                          void* context,
    369                          UErrorCode         *status)
    370 {
    371     UColTokenParser src;
    372     UColAttributeValue norm;
    373     UParseError tErr;
    375     if(status == NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)){
    376         return 0;
    377     }
    379     if(rules == NULL || rulesLength < -1) {
    380         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    381         return 0;
    382     }
    384     if(rulesLength == -1) {
    385         rulesLength = u_strlen(rules);
    386     }
    388     if(parseError == NULL){
    389         parseError = &tErr;
    390     }
    392     switch(normalizationMode) {
    393     case UCOL_OFF:
    394     case UCOL_ON:
    395     case UCOL_DEFAULT:
    396         norm = normalizationMode;
    397         break;
    398     default:
    399         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    400         return 0;
    401     }
    403     UCollator *result = NULL;
    404     UCATableHeader *table = NULL;
    405     UCollator *UCA = ucol_initUCA(status);
    407     if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
    408         return NULL;
    409     }
    411     ucol_tok_initTokenList(&src, rules, rulesLength, UCA, importFunc, context, status);
    412     ucol_tok_assembleTokenList(&src,parseError, status);
    414     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    415         /* if status is U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, src->current points at the offending option */
    416         /* if status is U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR, src->current points after the problematic part of the rules */
    417         /* so something might be done here... or on lower level */
    418 #ifdef UCOL_DEBUG
    419         if(*status == U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
    420             fprintf(stderr, "bad option starting at offset %i\n", (int)(src.current-src.source));
    421         } else {
    422             fprintf(stderr, "invalid rule just before offset %i\n", (int)(src.current-src.source));
    423         }
    424 #endif
    425         goto cleanup;
    426     }
    428     if(src.resultLen > 0 || src.removeSet != NULL) { /* we have a set of rules, let's make something of it */
    429         /* also, if we wanted to remove some contractions, we should make a tailoring */
    430         table = ucol_assembleTailoringTable(&src, status);
    431         if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    432             // builder version
    433             table->version[0] = UCOL_BUILDER_VERSION;
    434             // no tailoring information on this level
    435             table->version[1] = table->version[2] = table->version[3] = 0;
    436             // set UCD version
    437             u_getUnicodeVersion(table->UCDVersion);
    438             // set UCA version
    439             uprv_memcpy(table->UCAVersion, UCA->image->UCAVersion, sizeof(UVersionInfo));
    440             result = ucol_initCollator(table, 0, UCA, status);
    441             if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    442                 goto cleanup;
    443             }
    444             result->hasRealData = TRUE;
    445             result->freeImageOnClose = TRUE;
    446         }
    447     } else { /* no rules, but no error either */
    448         // must be only options
    449         // We will init the collator from UCA
    450         result = ucol_initCollator(UCA->image, 0, UCA, status);
    451         // Check for null result
    452         if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    453             goto cleanup;
    454         }
    455         // And set only the options
    456         UColOptionSet *opts = (UColOptionSet *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UColOptionSet));
    457         /* test for NULL */
    458         if (opts == NULL) {
    459             *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    460             goto cleanup;
    461         }
    462         uprv_memcpy(opts, src.opts, sizeof(UColOptionSet));
    463         ucol_setOptionsFromHeader(result, opts, status);
    464         ucol_setReorderCodesFromParser(result, &src, status);
    465         result->freeOptionsOnClose = TRUE;
    466         result->hasRealData = FALSE;
    467         result->freeImageOnClose = FALSE;
    468     }
    470     if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    471         UChar *newRules;
    472         result->dataVersion[0] = UCOL_BUILDER_VERSION;
    473         if(rulesLength > 0) {
    474             newRules = (UChar *)uprv_malloc((rulesLength+1)*U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
    475             /* test for NULL */
    476             if (newRules == NULL) {
    477                 *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    478                 goto cleanup;
    479             }
    480             uprv_memcpy(newRules, rules, rulesLength*U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
    481             newRules[rulesLength]=0;
    482             result->rules = newRules;
    483             result->rulesLength = rulesLength;
    484             result->freeRulesOnClose = TRUE;
    485         }
    486         result->ucaRules = NULL;
    487         result->actualLocale = NULL;
    488         result->validLocale = NULL;
    489         result->requestedLocale = NULL;
    490         ucol_buildPermutationTable(result, status);
    491         ucol_setAttribute(result, UCOL_STRENGTH, strength, status);
    492         ucol_setAttribute(result, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, status);
    493     } else {
    494 cleanup:
    495         if(result != NULL) {
    496             ucol_close(result);
    497         } else {
    498             if(table != NULL) {
    499                 uprv_free(table);
    500             }
    501         }
    502         result = NULL;
    503     }
    505     ucol_tok_closeTokenList(&src);
    507     return result;
    508 }
    510 U_CAPI UCollator* U_EXPORT2
    511 ucol_openRules( const UChar        *rules,
    512                int32_t            rulesLength,
    513                UColAttributeValue normalizationMode,
    514                UCollationStrength strength,
    515                UParseError        *parseError,
    516                UErrorCode         *status)
    517 {
    518     return ucol_openRulesForImport(rules,
    519                                    rulesLength,
    520                                    normalizationMode,
    521                                    strength,
    522                                    parseError,
    523                                    ucol_tok_getRulesFromBundle,
    524                                    NULL,
    525                                    status);
    526 }
    528 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    529 ucol_getRulesEx(const UCollator *coll, UColRuleOption delta, UChar *buffer, int32_t bufferLen) {
    530     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    531     int32_t len = 0;
    532     int32_t UCAlen = 0;
    533     const UChar* ucaRules = 0;
    534     const UChar *rules = ucol_getRules(coll, &len);
    535     if(delta == UCOL_FULL_RULES) {
    536         /* take the UCA rules and append real rules at the end */
    537         /* UCA rules will be probably coming from the root RB */
    538         ucaRules = coll->ucaRules;
    539         if (ucaRules) {
    540             UCAlen = u_strlen(ucaRules);
    541         }
    542         /*
    543         ucaRules = ures_getStringByKey(coll->rb,"UCARules",&UCAlen,&status);
    544         UResourceBundle* cresb = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(coll->rb, "collations", NULL, &status);
    545         UResourceBundle*  uca = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(cresb, "UCA", NULL, &status);
    546         ucaRules = ures_getStringByKey(uca,"Sequence",&UCAlen,&status);
    547         ures_close(uca);
    548         ures_close(cresb);
    549         */
    550     }
    551     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    552         return 0;
    553     }
    554     if(buffer!=0 && bufferLen>0){
    555         *buffer=0;
    556         if(UCAlen > 0) {
    557             u_memcpy(buffer, ucaRules, uprv_min(UCAlen, bufferLen));
    558         }
    559         if(len > 0 && bufferLen > UCAlen) {
    560             u_memcpy(buffer+UCAlen, rules, uprv_min(len, bufferLen-UCAlen));
    561         }
    562     }
    563     return u_terminateUChars(buffer, bufferLen, len+UCAlen, &status);
    564 }
    566 static const UChar _NUL = 0;
    568 U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2
    569 ucol_getRules(    const    UCollator       *coll,
    570               int32_t            *length)
    571 {
    572     if(coll->rules != NULL) {
    573         *length = coll->rulesLength;
    574         return coll->rules;
    575     }
    576     else {
    577         *length = 0;
    578         return &_NUL;
    579     }
    580 }
    582 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
    583 ucol_equals(const UCollator *source, const UCollator *target) {
    584     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    585     // if pointers are equal, collators are equal
    586     if(source == target) {
    587         return TRUE;
    588     }
    589     int32_t i = 0, j = 0;
    590     // if any of attributes are different, collators are not equal
    591     for(i = 0; i < UCOL_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT; i++) {
    592         if(ucol_getAttribute(source, (UColAttribute)i, &status) != ucol_getAttribute(target, (UColAttribute)i, &status) || U_FAILURE(status)) {
    593             return FALSE;
    594         }
    595     }
    596     if (source->reorderCodesLength != target->reorderCodesLength){
    597         return FALSE;
    598     }
    599     for (i = 0; i < source->reorderCodesLength; i++) {
    600         if(source->reorderCodes[i] != target->reorderCodes[i]) {
    601             return FALSE;
    602         }
    603     }
    605     int32_t sourceRulesLen = 0, targetRulesLen = 0;
    606     const UChar *sourceRules = ucol_getRules(source, &sourceRulesLen);
    607     const UChar *targetRules = ucol_getRules(target, &targetRulesLen);
    609     if(sourceRulesLen == targetRulesLen && u_strncmp(sourceRules, targetRules, sourceRulesLen) == 0) {
    610         // all the attributes are equal and the rules are equal - collators are equal
    611         return(TRUE);
    612     }
    613     // hard part, need to construct tree from rules and see if they yield the same tailoring
    614     UBool result = TRUE;
    615     UParseError parseError;
    616     UColTokenParser sourceParser, targetParser;
    617     int32_t sourceListLen = 0, targetListLen = 0;
    618     ucol_tok_initTokenList(&sourceParser, sourceRules, sourceRulesLen, source->UCA, ucol_tok_getRulesFromBundle, NULL, &status);
    619     ucol_tok_initTokenList(&targetParser, targetRules, targetRulesLen, target->UCA, ucol_tok_getRulesFromBundle, NULL, &status);
    620     sourceListLen = ucol_tok_assembleTokenList(&sourceParser, &parseError, &status);
    621     targetListLen = ucol_tok_assembleTokenList(&targetParser, &parseError, &status);
    623     if(sourceListLen != targetListLen) {
    624         // different number of resets
    625         result = FALSE;
    626     } else {
    627         UColToken *sourceReset = NULL, *targetReset = NULL;
    628         UChar *sourceResetString = NULL, *targetResetString = NULL;
    629         int32_t sourceStringLen = 0, targetStringLen = 0;
    630         for(i = 0; i < sourceListLen; i++) {
    631             sourceReset = sourceParser.lh[i].reset;
    632             sourceResetString = sourceParser.source+(sourceReset->source & 0xFFFFFF);
    633             sourceStringLen = sourceReset->source >> 24;
    634             for(j = 0; j < sourceListLen; j++) {
    635                 targetReset = targetParser.lh[j].reset;
    636                 targetResetString = targetParser.source+(targetReset->source & 0xFFFFFF);
    637                 targetStringLen = targetReset->source >> 24;
    638                 if(sourceStringLen == targetStringLen && (u_strncmp(sourceResetString, targetResetString, sourceStringLen) == 0)) {
    639                     sourceReset = sourceParser.lh[i].first;
    640                     targetReset = targetParser.lh[j].first;
    641                     while(sourceReset != NULL && targetReset != NULL) {
    642                         sourceResetString = sourceParser.source+(sourceReset->source & 0xFFFFFF);
    643                         sourceStringLen = sourceReset->source >> 24;
    644                         targetResetString = targetParser.source+(targetReset->source & 0xFFFFFF);
    645                         targetStringLen = targetReset->source >> 24;
    646                         if(sourceStringLen != targetStringLen || (u_strncmp(sourceResetString, targetResetString, sourceStringLen) != 0)) {
    647                             result = FALSE;
    648                             goto returnResult;
    649                         }
    650                         // probably also need to check the expansions
    651                         if(sourceReset->expansion) {
    652                             if(!targetReset->expansion) {
    653                                 result = FALSE;
    654                                 goto returnResult;
    655                             } else {
    656                                 // compare expansions
    657                                 sourceResetString = sourceParser.source+(sourceReset->expansion& 0xFFFFFF);
    658                                 sourceStringLen = sourceReset->expansion >> 24;
    659                                 targetResetString = targetParser.source+(targetReset->expansion & 0xFFFFFF);
    660                                 targetStringLen = targetReset->expansion >> 24;
    661                                 if(sourceStringLen != targetStringLen || (u_strncmp(sourceResetString, targetResetString, sourceStringLen) != 0)) {
    662                                     result = FALSE;
    663                                     goto returnResult;
    664                                 }
    665                             }
    666                         } else {
    667                             if(targetReset->expansion) {
    668                                 result = FALSE;
    669                                 goto returnResult;
    670                             }
    671                         }
    672                         sourceReset = sourceReset->next;
    673                         targetReset = targetReset->next;
    674                     }
    675                     if(sourceReset != targetReset) { // at least one is not NULL
    676                         // there are more tailored elements in one list
    677                         result = FALSE;
    678                         goto returnResult;
    679                     }
    682                     break;
    683                 }
    684             }
    685             // couldn't find the reset anchor, so the collators are not equal
    686             if(j == sourceListLen) {
    687                 result = FALSE;
    688                 goto returnResult;
    689             }
    690         }
    691     }
    693 returnResult:
    694     ucol_tok_closeTokenList(&sourceParser);
    695     ucol_tok_closeTokenList(&targetParser);
    696     return result;
    698 }
    700 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    701 ucol_getDisplayName(    const    char        *objLoc,
    702                     const    char        *dispLoc,
    703                     UChar             *result,
    704                     int32_t         resultLength,
    705                     UErrorCode        *status)
    706 {
    707     U_NAMESPACE_USE
    709     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return -1;
    710     UnicodeString dst;
    711     if(!(result==NULL && resultLength==0)) {
    712         // NULL destination for pure preflighting: empty dummy string
    713         // otherwise, alias the destination buffer
    714         dst.setTo(result, 0, resultLength);
    715     }
    716     Collator::getDisplayName(Locale(objLoc), Locale(dispLoc), dst);
    717     return dst.extract(result, resultLength, *status);
    718 }
    720 U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
    721 ucol_getAvailable(int32_t index)
    722 {
    723     int32_t count = 0;
    724     const Locale *loc = Collator::getAvailableLocales(count);
    725     if (loc != NULL && index < count) {
    726         return loc[index].getName();
    727     }
    728     return NULL;
    729 }
    731 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    732 ucol_countAvailable()
    733 {
    734     int32_t count = 0;
    735     Collator::getAvailableLocales(count);
    736     return count;
    737 }
    740 U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    741 ucol_openAvailableLocales(UErrorCode *status) {
    742     U_NAMESPACE_USE
    744     // This is a wrapper over Collator::getAvailableLocales()
    745     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    746         return NULL;
    747     }
    748     StringEnumeration *s = Collator::getAvailableLocales();
    749     if (s == NULL) {
    750         *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    751         return NULL;
    752     }
    753     return uenum_openFromStringEnumeration(s, status);
    754 }
    755 #endif
    757 // Note: KEYWORDS[0] != RESOURCE_NAME - alan
    759 static const char RESOURCE_NAME[] = "collations";
    761 static const char* const KEYWORDS[] = { "collation" };
    763 #define KEYWORD_COUNT (sizeof(KEYWORDS)/sizeof(KEYWORDS[0]))
    765 U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    766 ucol_getKeywords(UErrorCode *status) {
    767     UEnumeration *result = NULL;
    768     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    769         return uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration(KEYWORDS, KEYWORD_COUNT, status);
    770     }
    771     return result;
    772 }
    774 U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    775 ucol_getKeywordValues(const char *keyword, UErrorCode *status) {
    776     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    777         return NULL;
    778     }
    779     // hard-coded to accept exactly one collation keyword
    780     // modify if additional collation keyword is added later
    781     if (keyword==NULL || uprv_strcmp(keyword, KEYWORDS[0])!=0)
    782     {
    783         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    784         return NULL;
    785     }
    786     return ures_getKeywordValues(U_ICUDATA_COLL, RESOURCE_NAME, status);
    787 }
    789 static const UEnumeration defaultKeywordValues = {
    790     NULL,
    791     NULL,
    792     ulist_close_keyword_values_iterator,
    793     ulist_count_keyword_values,
    794     uenum_unextDefault,
    795     ulist_next_keyword_value,
    796     ulist_reset_keyword_values_iterator
    797 };
    799 #include <stdio.h>
    801 U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    802 ucol_getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char* /*key*/, const char* locale,
    803                                UBool /*commonlyUsed*/, UErrorCode* status) {
    804     /* Get the locale base name. */
    805     char localeBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY] = "";
    806     uloc_getBaseName(locale, localeBuffer, sizeof(localeBuffer), status);
    808     /* Create the 2 lists
    809      * -values is the temp location for the keyword values
    810      * -results hold the actual list used by the UEnumeration object
    811      */
    812     UList *values = ulist_createEmptyList(status);
    813     UList *results = ulist_createEmptyList(status);
    814     UEnumeration *en = (UEnumeration *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));
    815     if (U_FAILURE(*status) || en == NULL) {
    816         if (en == NULL) {
    817             *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    818         } else {
    819             uprv_free(en);
    820         }
    821         ulist_deleteList(values);
    822         ulist_deleteList(results);
    823         return NULL;
    824     }
    826     memcpy(en, &defaultKeywordValues, sizeof(UEnumeration));
    827     en->context = results;
    829     /* Open the resource bundle for collation with the given locale. */
    830     UResourceBundle bundle, collations, collres, defres;
    831     ures_initStackObject(&bundle);
    832     ures_initStackObject(&collations);
    833     ures_initStackObject(&collres);
    834     ures_initStackObject(&defres);
    836     ures_openFillIn(&bundle, U_ICUDATA_COLL, localeBuffer, status);
    838     while (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    839         ures_getByKey(&bundle, RESOURCE_NAME, &collations, status);
    840         ures_resetIterator(&collations);
    841         while (U_SUCCESS(*status) && ures_hasNext(&collations)) {
    842             ures_getNextResource(&collations, &collres, status);
    843             const char *key = ures_getKey(&collres);
    844             /* If the key is default, get the string and store it in results list only
    845              * if results list is empty.
    846              */
    847             if (uprv_strcmp(key, "default") == 0) {
    848                 if (ulist_getListSize(results) == 0) {
    849                     char *defcoll = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY);
    850                     int32_t defcollLength = ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY;
    852                     ures_getNextResource(&collres, &defres, status);
    854 			/* optimize - use the utf-8 string */
    855                     ures_getUTF8String(&defres, defcoll, &defcollLength, TRUE, status);
    856 #else
    857                     {
    858                        const UChar* defString = ures_getString(&defres, &defcollLength, status);
    859                        if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    860 			   if(defcollLength+1 > ULOC_KEYWORDS_CAPACITY) {
    861 				*status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    862 			   } else {
    863                            	u_UCharsToChars(defString, defcoll, defcollLength+1);
    864 			   }
    865                        }
    866                     }
    867 #endif
    869                     ulist_addItemBeginList(results, defcoll, TRUE, status);
    870                 }
    871             } else {
    872                 ulist_addItemEndList(values, key, FALSE, status);
    873             }
    874         }
    876         /* If the locale is "" this is root so exit. */
    877         if (uprv_strlen(localeBuffer) == 0) {
    878             break;
    879         }
    880         /* Get the parent locale and open a new resource bundle. */
    881         uloc_getParent(localeBuffer, localeBuffer, sizeof(localeBuffer), status);
    882         ures_openFillIn(&bundle, U_ICUDATA_COLL, localeBuffer, status);
    883     }
    885     ures_close(&defres);
    886     ures_close(&collres);
    887     ures_close(&collations);
    888     ures_close(&bundle);
    890     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    891         char *value = NULL;
    892         ulist_resetList(values);
    893         while ((value = (char *)ulist_getNext(values)) != NULL) {
    894             if (!ulist_containsString(results, value, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(value))) {
    895                 ulist_addItemEndList(results, value, FALSE, status);
    896                 if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    897                     break;
    898                 }
    899             }
    900         }
    901     }
    903     ulist_deleteList(values);
    905     if (U_FAILURE(*status)){
    906         uenum_close(en);
    907         en = NULL;
    908     } else {
    909         ulist_resetList(results);
    910     }
    912     return en;
    913 }
    915 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    916 ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent(char* result, int32_t resultCapacity,
    917                              const char* keyword, const char* locale,
    918                              UBool* isAvailable, UErrorCode* status)
    919 {
    920     // N.B.: Resource name is "collations" but keyword is "collation"
    921     return ures_getFunctionalEquivalent(result, resultCapacity, U_ICUDATA_COLL,
    922         "collations", keyword, locale,
    923         isAvailable, TRUE, status);
    924 }
    926 /* returns the locale name the collation data comes from */
    927 U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
    928 ucol_getLocale(const UCollator *coll, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode *status) {
    929     return ucol_getLocaleByType(coll, type, status);
    930 }
    932 U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
    933 ucol_getLocaleByType(const UCollator *coll, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode *status) {
    934     const char *result = NULL;
    935     if(status == NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    936         return NULL;
    937     }
    939     UTRACE_DATA1(UTRACE_INFO, "coll=%p", coll);
    941     switch(type) {
    942     case ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE:
    943         result = coll->actualLocale;
    944         break;
    945     case ULOC_VALID_LOCALE:
    946         result = coll->validLocale;
    947         break;
    948     case ULOC_REQUESTED_LOCALE:
    949         result = coll->requestedLocale;
    950         break;
    951     default:
    952         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    953     }
    954     UTRACE_DATA1(UTRACE_INFO, "result = %s", result);
    955     UTRACE_EXIT_STATUS(*status);
    956     return result;
    957 }
    959 U_CFUNC void U_EXPORT2
    960 ucol_setReqValidLocales(UCollator *coll, char *requestedLocaleToAdopt, char *validLocaleToAdopt, char *actualLocaleToAdopt)
    961 {
    962     if (coll) {
    963         if (coll->validLocale) {
    964             uprv_free(coll->validLocale);
    965         }
    966         coll->validLocale = validLocaleToAdopt;
    967         if (coll->requestedLocale) { // should always have
    968             uprv_free(coll->requestedLocale);
    969         }
    970         coll->requestedLocale = requestedLocaleToAdopt;
    971         if (coll->actualLocale) {
    972             uprv_free(coll->actualLocale);
    973         }
    974         coll->actualLocale = actualLocaleToAdopt;
    975     }
    976 }
    978 U_CAPI USet * U_EXPORT2
    979 ucol_getTailoredSet(const UCollator *coll, UErrorCode *status)
    980 {
    981     U_NAMESPACE_USE
    983     if(status == NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    984         return NULL;
    985     }
    986     if(coll == NULL || coll->UCA == NULL) {
    987         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    988         return NULL;
    989     }
    990     UParseError parseError;
    991     UColTokenParser src;
    992     int32_t rulesLen = 0;
    993     const UChar *rules = ucol_getRules(coll, &rulesLen);
    994     UBool startOfRules = TRUE;
    995     // we internally use the C++ class, for the following reasons:
    996     // 1. we need to utilize canonical iterator, which is a C++ only class
    997     // 2. canonical iterator returns UnicodeStrings - USet cannot take them
    998     // 3. USet is internally really UnicodeSet, C is just a wrapper
    999     UnicodeSet *tailored = new UnicodeSet();
   1000     UnicodeString pattern;
   1001     UnicodeString empty;
   1002     CanonicalIterator it(empty, *status);
   1005     // The idea is to tokenize the rule set. For each non-reset token,
   1006     // we add all the canonicaly equivalent FCD sequences
   1007     ucol_tok_initTokenList(&src, rules, rulesLen, coll->UCA, ucol_tok_getRulesFromBundle, NULL, status);
   1008     while (ucol_tok_parseNextToken(&src, startOfRules, &parseError, status) != NULL) {
   1009         startOfRules = FALSE;
   1010         if(src.parsedToken.strength != UCOL_TOK_RESET) {
   1011             const UChar *stuff = src.source+(src.parsedToken.charsOffset);
   1012             it.setSource(UnicodeString(stuff, src.parsedToken.charsLen), *status);
   1013             pattern = it.next();
   1014             while(!pattern.isBogus()) {
   1015                 if(Normalizer::quickCheck(pattern, UNORM_FCD, *status) != UNORM_NO) {
   1016                     tailored->add(pattern);
   1017                 }
   1018                 pattern = it.next();
   1019             }
   1020         }
   1021     }
   1022     ucol_tok_closeTokenList(&src);
   1023     return (USet *)tailored;
   1024 }
   1026 /*
   1027  * Collation Reordering
   1028  */
   1030 static void ucol_setReorderCodesFromParser(UCollator *coll, UColTokenParser *parser, UErrorCode *status) {
   1031     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   1032         return;
   1033     }
   1035     coll->reorderCodesLength = 0;
   1036     if (coll->reorderCodes != NULL) {
   1037         uprv_free(coll->reorderCodes);
   1038     }
   1040     if (parser->reorderCodesLength == 0 || parser->reorderCodes == NULL) {
   1041         return;
   1042     }
   1044     coll->reorderCodesLength = parser->reorderCodesLength;
   1045     coll->reorderCodes = (int32_t*) uprv_malloc(coll->reorderCodesLength * sizeof(int32_t));
   1046     uprv_memcpy(coll->reorderCodes, parser->reorderCodes, coll->reorderCodesLength * sizeof(int32_t));
   1047 }
   1049 static int ucol_getLeadBytesForReorderCode(UCollator *coll, int reorderCode, uint16_t* returnLeadBytes, int returnCapacity) {
   1050     uint16_t reorderCodeIndexLength = *((uint16_t*) ((uint8_t *)coll->UCA->image + coll->UCA->image->scriptToLeadByte));
   1051     uint16_t* reorderCodeIndex = (uint16_t*) ((uint8_t *)coll->UCA->image + coll->UCA->image->scriptToLeadByte + 2 *sizeof(uint16_t));
   1053     // TODO - replace with a binary search
   1054     // reorder code index is 2 uint16_t's - reorder code + offset
   1055     for (int i = 0; i < reorderCodeIndexLength; i++) {
   1056         if (reorderCode == reorderCodeIndex[i*2]) {
   1057             uint16_t dataOffset = reorderCodeIndex[(i*2) + 1];
   1058             if ((dataOffset & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
   1059                 // offset isn't offset but instead is a single data element
   1060                 if (returnCapacity >= 1) {
   1061                     returnLeadBytes[0] = dataOffset & ~0x8000;
   1062                     return 1;
   1063                 }
   1064                 return 0;
   1065             }
   1066             uint16_t* dataOffsetBase = (uint16_t*) ((uint8_t *)reorderCodeIndex + reorderCodeIndexLength * (2 * sizeof(uint16_t)));
   1067             uint16_t leadByteCount = *(dataOffsetBase + dataOffset);
   1068             leadByteCount = leadByteCount > returnCapacity ? returnCapacity : leadByteCount;
   1069             uprv_memcpy(returnLeadBytes, dataOffsetBase + dataOffset + 1, leadByteCount * sizeof(uint16_t));
   1070             return leadByteCount;
   1071         }
   1072     }
   1073     return 0;
   1074 }
   1076 static int ucol_getReorderCodesForLeadByte(UCollator *coll, int leadByte, int16_t* returnReorderCodes, int returnCapacity) {
   1077     int leadByteIndexLength = *((uint16_t*) ((uint8_t *)coll->UCA->image + coll->UCA->image->leadByteToScript));
   1078     uint16_t* leadByteIndex = (uint16_t*) ((uint8_t *)coll->UCA->image + coll->UCA->image->leadByteToScript + 2 *sizeof(uint16_t));
   1079     if (leadByte >= leadByteIndexLength) {
   1080         return 0;
   1081     }
   1083     if ((leadByteIndex[leadByte] & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
   1084         // offset isn't offset but instead is a single data element
   1085         if (returnCapacity >= 1) {
   1086             returnReorderCodes[0] = leadByteIndex[leadByte] & ~0x8000;
   1087             return 1;
   1088         }
   1089         return 0;
   1090     }
   1091     uint16_t* dataOffsetBase = (uint16_t*) ((uint8_t *)leadByteIndex + leadByteIndexLength * (2 * sizeof(uint16_t)));
   1092     uint16_t reorderCodeCount = *(dataOffsetBase + leadByteIndex[leadByte]);
   1093     reorderCodeCount = reorderCodeCount > returnCapacity ? returnCapacity : reorderCodeCount;
   1094     uprv_memcpy(returnReorderCodes, dataOffsetBase + leadByteIndex[leadByte] + 1, reorderCodeCount * sizeof(uint16_t));
   1095     return reorderCodeCount;
   1096 }
   1098 // used to mark ignorable reorder code slots
   1099 static const int32_t UCOL_REORDER_CODE_IGNORE = UCOL_REORDER_CODE_LIMIT + 1;
   1101 void ucol_buildPermutationTable(UCollator *coll, UErrorCode *status) {
   1102     uint16_t leadBytesSize = 256;
   1103     uint16_t leadBytes[256];
   1104     int32_t internalReorderCodesLength = coll->reorderCodesLength + (UCOL_REORDER_CODE_LIMIT - UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST);
   1105     int32_t* internalReorderCodes;
   1107     // The lowest byte that hasn't been assigned a mapping
   1108     int toBottom = 0x03;
   1109     // The highest byte that hasn't been assigned a mapping - don't include the special or trailing
   1110     int toTop = 0xe4;
   1112     // are we filling from the bottom?
   1113     bool fromTheBottom = true;
   1115     // lead bytes that have alread been assigned to the permutation table
   1116     bool newLeadByteUsed[256];
   1117     // permutation table slots that have already been filled
   1118     bool permutationSlotFilled[256];
   1120     // nothing to do
   1121     if(U_FAILURE(*status) || coll == NULL || coll->reorderCodesLength == 0) {
   1122         if (coll != NULL) {
   1123             if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable != NULL) {
   1124                 uprv_free(coll->leadBytePermutationTable);
   1125                 coll->leadBytePermutationTable = NULL;
   1126             }
   1127             coll->reorderCodesLength = 0;
   1128         }
   1129         return;
   1130     }
   1132     if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable == NULL) {
   1133         coll->leadBytePermutationTable = (uint8_t*)uprv_malloc(256*sizeof(uint8_t));
   1134         if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable == NULL) {
   1135             *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1136             return;
   1137         }
   1138     }
   1140     // prefill the reordering codes with the leading entries
   1141     internalReorderCodes = (int32_t*)uprv_malloc(internalReorderCodesLength * sizeof(int32_t));
   1142     if (internalReorderCodes == NULL) {
   1143         *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1144         if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable != NULL) {
   1145             uprv_free(coll->leadBytePermutationTable);
   1146             coll->leadBytePermutationTable = NULL;
   1147         }
   1148         return;
   1149     }
   1151     for (uint32_t codeIndex = 0; codeIndex < (UCOL_REORDER_CODE_LIMIT - UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST); codeIndex++) {
   1152         internalReorderCodes[codeIndex] = UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST + codeIndex;
   1153     }
   1154     for (int32_t codeIndex = 0; codeIndex < coll->reorderCodesLength; codeIndex++) {
   1155         uint32_t reorderCodesCode = coll->reorderCodes[codeIndex];
   1156         internalReorderCodes[codeIndex + (UCOL_REORDER_CODE_LIMIT - UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST)] = reorderCodesCode;
   1157         if (reorderCodesCode >= UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST && reorderCodesCode < UCOL_REORDER_CODE_LIMIT) {
   1158             internalReorderCodes[reorderCodesCode - UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST] = UCOL_REORDER_CODE_IGNORE;
   1159         }
   1160     }
   1162     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
   1163         if (i < toBottom || i > toTop) {
   1164             permutationSlotFilled[i] = true;
   1165             newLeadByteUsed[i] = true;
   1166             coll->leadBytePermutationTable[i] = i;
   1167         } else {
   1168             permutationSlotFilled[i] = false;
   1169             newLeadByteUsed[i] = false;
   1170             coll->leadBytePermutationTable[i] = 0;
   1171         }
   1172     }
   1174     /* Start from the front of the list and place each script we encounter at the
   1175      * earliest possible locatation in the permutation table. If we encounter
   1176      * UNKNOWN, start processing from the back, and place each script in the last
   1177      * possible location. At each step, we also need to make sure that any scripts
   1178      * that need to not be moved are copied to their same location in the final table.
   1179      */
   1180     for (int reorderCodesIndex = 0; reorderCodesIndex < internalReorderCodesLength; reorderCodesIndex++) {
   1181         int32_t next = internalReorderCodes[reorderCodesIndex];
   1182         if (next == UCOL_REORDER_CODE_IGNORE) {
   1183             continue;
   1184         }
   1185         if (next == USCRIPT_UNKNOWN) {
   1186             if (fromTheBottom == false) {
   1187                 // double turnaround
   1188                 *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1189                 if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable != NULL) {
   1190                     uprv_free(coll->leadBytePermutationTable);
   1191                     coll->leadBytePermutationTable = NULL;
   1192                 }
   1193                 coll->reorderCodesLength = 0;
   1194                 if (internalReorderCodes != NULL) {
   1195                     uprv_free(internalReorderCodes);
   1196                 }
   1197                 return;
   1198             }
   1199             fromTheBottom = false;
   1200             continue;
   1201         }
   1203         uint16_t leadByteCount = ucol_getLeadBytesForReorderCode(coll, next, leadBytes, leadBytesSize);
   1204         if (fromTheBottom) {
   1205             for (int leadByteIndex = 0; leadByteIndex < leadByteCount; leadByteIndex++) {
   1206                 // don't place a lead byte twice in the permutation table
   1207                 if (permutationSlotFilled[leadBytes[leadByteIndex]]) {
   1208                     // lead byte already used
   1209                     *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1210                     if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable != NULL) {
   1211                         uprv_free(coll->leadBytePermutationTable);
   1212                         coll->leadBytePermutationTable = NULL;
   1213                     }
   1214                     coll->reorderCodesLength = 0;
   1215                     if (internalReorderCodes != NULL) {
   1216                         uprv_free(internalReorderCodes);
   1217                     }
   1218                     return;
   1219                 }
   1221                 coll->leadBytePermutationTable[leadBytes[leadByteIndex]] = toBottom;
   1222                 newLeadByteUsed[toBottom] = true;
   1223                 permutationSlotFilled[leadBytes[leadByteIndex]] = true;
   1224                 toBottom++;
   1225             }
   1226         } else {
   1227             for (int leadByteIndex = leadByteCount - 1; leadByteIndex >= 0; leadByteIndex--) {
   1228                 // don't place a lead byte twice in the permutation table
   1229                 if (permutationSlotFilled[leadBytes[leadByteIndex]]) {
   1230                     // lead byte already used
   1231                     *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1232                     if (coll->leadBytePermutationTable != NULL) {
   1233                         uprv_free(coll->leadBytePermutationTable);
   1234                         coll->leadBytePermutationTable = NULL;
   1235                     }
   1236                     coll->reorderCodesLength = 0;
   1237                     if (internalReorderCodes != NULL) {
   1238                         uprv_free(internalReorderCodes);
   1239                     }
   1240                     return;
   1241                 }
   1243                 coll->leadBytePermutationTable[leadBytes[leadByteIndex]] = toTop;
   1244                 newLeadByteUsed[toTop] = true;
   1245                 permutationSlotFilled[leadBytes[leadByteIndex]] = true;
   1246                 toTop--;
   1247             }
   1248         }
   1249     }
   1251 #ifdef REORDER_DEBUG
   1252     fprintf(stdout, "\n@@@@ Partial Script Reordering Table\n");
   1253     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
   1254         fprintf(stdout, "\t%02x = %02x\n", i, coll->leadBytePermutationTable[i]);
   1255     }
   1256     fprintf(stdout, "\n@@@@ Lead Byte Used Table\n");
   1257     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
   1258         fprintf(stdout, "\t%02x = %02x\n", i, newLeadByteUsed[i]);
   1259     }
   1260     fprintf(stdout, "\n@@@@ Permutation Slot Filled Table\n");
   1261     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
   1262         fprintf(stdout, "\t%02x = %02x\n", i, permutationSlotFilled[i]);
   1263     }
   1264 #endif
   1266     /* Copy everything that's left over */
   1267     int reorderCode = 0;
   1268     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
   1269         if (!permutationSlotFilled[i]) {
   1270             while (reorderCode < 256 && newLeadByteUsed[reorderCode]) {
   1271                 reorderCode++;
   1272             }
   1273             coll->leadBytePermutationTable[i] = reorderCode;
   1274             permutationSlotFilled[i] = true;
   1275             newLeadByteUsed[reorderCode] = true;
   1276         }
   1277     }
   1279 #ifdef REORDER_DEBUG
   1280     fprintf(stdout, "\n@@@@ Script Reordering Table\n");
   1281     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
   1282         fprintf(stdout, "\t%02x = %02x\n", i, coll->leadBytePermutationTable[i]);
   1283     }
   1284 #endif
   1286     if (internalReorderCodes != NULL) {
   1287         uprv_free(internalReorderCodes);
   1288     }
   1290     // force a regen of the latin one table since it is affected by the script reordering
   1291     coll->latinOneRegenTable = TRUE;
   1292     ucol_updateInternalState(coll, status);
   1293 }
   1295 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */