Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in page_sets
      1 {
      2   "description": "Key mobile sites",
      3   "archive_data_file": "data/key_mobile_sites.json",
      4   "credentials_path": "data/credentials.json",
      5   "user_agent_type": "mobile",
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      7   "pages": [
      8     {
      9       "url": "http://www.androidpolice.com/2012/10/03/rumor-evidence-mounts-that-an-lg-optimus-g-nexus-is-coming-along-with-a-nexus-phone-certification-program/",
     10       "why": "crbug.com/242544"
     11     },
     12     {
     13       "url": "http://nytimes.com/",
     14       "why": "Top news site"
     15     },
     16     {
     17       "url": "http://iphone.capitolvolkswagen.com/index.htm#new-inventory_p_2Fsb-new_p_2Ehtm_p_3Freset_p_3DInventoryListing",
     18       "why": "Typical mobile business site",
     19       "navigate_steps": [
     20         { "action": "navigate" },
     21         { "action": "wait", "condition": "element", "text": "Next 35" },
     22         { "action": "wait", "javascript": "document.body.scrollHeight > 2560"}
     23       ]
     24     },
     25     {
     26       "url": "http://gsp.ro",
     27       "why": "crbug.com/149958"
     28     },
     29     {
     30       "url": "http://cuteoverload.com",
     31       "why": "Image-heavy site"
     32     },
     33     {
     34       "url": "http://theverge.com",
     35       "why": "Top tech blog"
     36     },
     37     {
     38       "disabled": "Does not work with rasterize_and_record benchmark on N5; crbug.com/317141",
     39       "url": "http://www.theverge.com/2012/10/28/3568746/amazon-7-inch-fire-hd-ipad-mini-ad-ballsy",
     40       "why": "Top tech blog",
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     42         { "action": "navigate" },
     43         { "action": "wait", "javascript": "window.Chorus !== undefined && window.Chorus.Comments !== undefined && window.Chorus.Comments.Json !== undefined && (window.Chorus.Comments.loaded || window.Chorus.Comments.Json.load_comments())" }
     44       ]
     45     },
     46     {
     47       "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/03/politics/michelle-obama-debate/index.html",
     48       "why": "Top news site",
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     50         { "action": "navigate" },
     51         { "action": "wait", "seconds": 8 }
     52       ]
     53     },
     54     {
     55       "url": "http://digg.com",
     56       "why": "Top tech site"
     57     },
     58     {
     59       "url": "https://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=barack+obama",
     60       "why": "Top Google property; a Google tab is often open"
     61     },
     62     {
     63       "url": "https://plus.google.com/app/basic/110031535020051778989/posts?source=apppromo",
     64       "why": "Social; top Google property; Public profile; infinite scrolls",
     65       "smoothness": {
     66         "action": "scroll",
     67         "scroll_is_infinite": true
     68       }
     69     },
     70     {
     71       "url": "https://facebook.com/barackobama",
     72       "why": "#1 (Alexa global)",
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     74         { "action": "navigate" },
     75         { "action": "wait", "javascript": "document.getElementById('u_0_c') !== null && document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight" }
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     78     {
     79       "url": "http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9hBpF_Zj4OA",
     80       "why": "#3 (Alexa global)",
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     82         { "action": "navigate"},
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     86     {
     87       "name": "Blogger",
     88       "url": "http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/",
     89       "why": "#11 (Alexa global), google property; some blogger layouts have infinite scroll but more interesting"
     90     },
     91     {
     92       "name": "Wordpress",
     93       "url": "http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/freshly-pressed-editors-picks-for-august-2012/",
     94       "why": "#18 (Alexa global), Picked an interesting post"
     95     },
     96     {
     97       "name": "LinkedIn",
     98       "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/linustorvalds",
     99       "why": "#12 (Alexa global),Public profile",
    100       "navigate_steps": [
    101         { "action": "navigate" },
    102         { "action": "wait", "javascript": "document.getElementById('profile-view-scroller') !== null" }
    103       ]
    104     },
    105     {
    106       "name": "Wikipedia (1 tab)",
    107       "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia",
    108       "why": "#6 (Alexa) most visited worldwide, picked an interesting page"
    109     },
    110     {
    111       "disabled": "Forbidden (Rate Limit Exceeded)",
    112       "name": "Twitter",
    113       "url": "http://twitter.com/katyperry",
    114       "why": "#8 (Alexa global), picked an interesting page"
    115     },
    116     {
    117       "name": "Pinterest",
    118       "url": "http://pinterest.com",
    119       "why": "#37 (Alexa global)"
    120     },
    121     {
    122       "disabled": "Fails often; crbug.com/249722",
    123       "name": "ESPN",
    124       "url": "http://espn.go.com",
    125       "why": "#1 sports"
    126     },
    127     {
    128       "url": "http://news.yahoo.com",
    129       "why": "#1 news worldwide (Alexa global)"
    130     },
    131     {
    132       "url": "http://www.cnn.com",
    133       "why": "#2 news worldwide"
    134     },
    135     {
    136       "url": "http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/s/ref=is_box_?k=nicolas+cage",
    137       "why": "#1 world commerce website by visits; #3 commerce in the US by time spent"
    138     },
    139     {
    140       "url": "http://shop.mobileweb.ebay.com/searchresults?kw=viking+helmet",
    141       "why": "#1 commerce website by time spent by users in US"
    142     },
    143     {
    144       "url": "http://www.booking.com/searchresults.html?src=searchresults&latitude=65.0500&longitude=25.4667",
    145       "why": "#1 Alexa recreation"
    146     },
    147     {
    148       "url": "http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110117024343AAopj8f",
    149       "why": "#1 Alexa reference",
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    151         { "action": "navigate" },
    152         { "action": "wait", "condition": "element", "text": "Other Answers (1 - 20 of 149)" },
    153         { "action": "click_element", "text": "Other Answers (1 - 20 of 149)" }
    154       ]
    155     },
    156     {
    157       "url": "http://sports.yahoo.com/",
    158       "why": "#1 Alexa sports"
    159     },
    160     {
    161       "url": "http://techcrunch.com",
    162       "why": "Top tech blog"
    163     },
    164     {
    165       "url": "https://mail.google.com/mail/",
    166       "why": "productivity, top google properties",
    167       "credentials": "google",
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    181         }
    182       ]
    183     },
    184     {
    185       "url": "http://mlb.com/",
    186       "why": "#6 Alexa sports"
    187     },
    188     {
    189       "url": "http://www.sfgate.com/",
    190       "why": "#14 Alexa California"
    191     },
    192     {
    193       "url": "http://slashdot.org/",
    194       "why": "crbug.com/169827"
    195     },
    196     {
    197       "url": "http://worldjournal.com/",
    198       "why": "Non-latin character set"
    199     },
    200     {
    201       "url": "http://www.wowwiki.com/World_of_Warcraft:_Mists_of_Pandaria",
    202       "why": "Mobile wiki"
    203     },
    204     {
    205       "url": "http://online.wsj.com/home-page",
    206       "why": "#15 Alexa news"
    207     },
    208     {
    209       "url": "http://www.deviantart.com/",
    210       "why": "Image-heavy mobile site"
    211     },
    212     {
    213       "url": "http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=barack+obama&rsv_bp=0&rsv_spt=3&rsv_sug3=9&rsv_sug=0&rsv_sug4=3824&rsv_sug1=3&inputT=4920",
    214       "why": "Top search engine"
    215     },
    216     {
    217       "url": "http://www.bing.com/search?q=sloths",
    218       "why": "Top search engine"
    219     },
    220     {
    221       "url": "http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1g96ve",
    222       "why": "#5 Alexa news"
    223     },
    224     {
    225       "url": "http://www.boingboing.net",
    226       "why": "Problematic use of fixed position elements"
    227     },
    228     {
    229       "disabled": "Page behaves non-deterministically, replaced with test version for now",
    230       "url": "http://groupcloned.com",
    231       "why": "crbug.com/172906",
    232       "navigate_steps": [
    233         { "action": "navigate" },
    234         { "action": "wait", "seconds": 5 },
    235         { "action": "wait", "javascript": "document.getElementById('element-19') !== null && document.getElementById('element-19').contentDocument.getElementById('element-22') !== null && document.getElementById('element-19').contentDocument.getElementsByClassName('container list-item gc-list-item stretched').length !== 0" }
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    240         "scroll_distance_function": "function() { return Math.max(0, 1250 + document.getElementById('element-19').contentDocument.getElementById('element-22').getBoundingClientRect().top); }"
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    243     {
    244       "url": "http://groupcloned.com/test/list-images-variable/index.html",
    245       "why": "crbug.com/172906",
    246       "navigate_steps": [
    247         { "action": "navigate" },
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    254       }
    255     },
    256     {
    257       "disabled": "Doesn't scroll; crbug.com/249736",
    258       "url": "http://forecast.io",
    259       "why": "crbug.com/231413"
    260     },
    261     {
    262       "url": "http://mobile-news.sandbox.google.com/news/pt1",
    263       "why": "Google News: accelerated scrolling version"
    264     },
    265     {
    266       "url": "http://mobile-news.sandbox.google.com/news/pt0",
    267       "why": "Google News: this iOS version is slower than accelerated scrolling",
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    281 }