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      1 //===--- InclusionRewriter.cpp - Rewrite includes into their expansions ---===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This code rewrites include invocations into their expansions.  This gives you
     11 // a file with all included files merged into it.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     15 #include "clang/Rewrite/Frontend/Rewriters.h"
     16 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
     17 #include "clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOutputOptions.h"
     18 #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
     19 #include "clang/Lex/Pragma.h"
     20 #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
     21 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     24 using namespace clang;
     25 using namespace llvm;
     27 namespace {
     29 class InclusionRewriter : public PPCallbacks {
     30   /// Information about which #includes were actually performed,
     31   /// created by preprocessor callbacks.
     32   struct FileChange {
     33     const Module *Mod;
     34     SourceLocation From;
     35     FileID Id;
     36     SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType;
     37     FileChange(SourceLocation From, const Module *Mod) : Mod(Mod), From(From) {
     38     }
     39   };
     40   Preprocessor &PP; ///< Used to find inclusion directives.
     41   SourceManager &SM; ///< Used to read and manage source files.
     42   raw_ostream &OS; ///< The destination stream for rewritten contents.
     43   const llvm::MemoryBuffer *PredefinesBuffer; ///< The preprocessor predefines.
     44   bool ShowLineMarkers; ///< Show #line markers.
     45   bool UseLineDirective; ///< Use of line directives or line markers.
     46   typedef std::map<unsigned, FileChange> FileChangeMap;
     47   FileChangeMap FileChanges; ///< Tracks which files were included where.
     48   /// Used transitively for building up the FileChanges mapping over the
     49   /// various \c PPCallbacks callbacks.
     50   FileChangeMap::iterator LastInsertedFileChange;
     51 public:
     52   InclusionRewriter(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream &OS, bool ShowLineMarkers);
     53   bool Process(FileID FileId, SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType);
     54   void setPredefinesBuffer(const llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf) {
     55     PredefinesBuffer = Buf;
     56   }
     57 private:
     58   virtual void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
     59                            SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,
     60                            FileID PrevFID);
     61   virtual void FileSkipped(const FileEntry &ParentFile,
     62                            const Token &FilenameTok,
     63                            SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType);
     64   virtual void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
     65                                   const Token &IncludeTok,
     66                                   StringRef FileName,
     67                                   bool IsAngled,
     68                                   CharSourceRange FilenameRange,
     69                                   const FileEntry *File,
     70                                   StringRef SearchPath,
     71                                   StringRef RelativePath,
     72                                   const Module *Imported);
     73   void WriteLineInfo(const char *Filename, int Line,
     74                      SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,
     75                      StringRef EOL, StringRef Extra = StringRef());
     76   void WriteImplicitModuleImport(const Module *Mod, StringRef EOL);
     77   void OutputContentUpTo(const MemoryBuffer &FromFile,
     78                          unsigned &WriteFrom, unsigned WriteTo,
     79                          StringRef EOL, int &lines,
     80                          bool EnsureNewline = false);
     81   void CommentOutDirective(Lexer &DirectivesLex, const Token &StartToken,
     82                            const MemoryBuffer &FromFile, StringRef EOL,
     83                            unsigned &NextToWrite, int &Lines);
     84   bool HandleHasInclude(FileID FileId, Lexer &RawLex,
     85                         const DirectoryLookup *Lookup, Token &Tok,
     86                         bool &FileExists);
     87   const FileChange *FindFileChangeLocation(SourceLocation Loc) const;
     88   StringRef NextIdentifierName(Lexer &RawLex, Token &RawToken);
     89 };
     91 }  // end anonymous namespace
     93 /// Initializes an InclusionRewriter with a \p PP source and \p OS destination.
     94 InclusionRewriter::InclusionRewriter(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream &OS,
     95                                      bool ShowLineMarkers)
     96     : PP(PP), SM(PP.getSourceManager()), OS(OS), PredefinesBuffer(0),
     97     ShowLineMarkers(ShowLineMarkers),
     98     LastInsertedFileChange(FileChanges.end()) {
     99   // If we're in microsoft mode, use normal #line instead of line markers.
    100   UseLineDirective = PP.getLangOpts().MicrosoftExt;
    101 }
    103 /// Write appropriate line information as either #line directives or GNU line
    104 /// markers depending on what mode we're in, including the \p Filename and
    105 /// \p Line we are located at, using the specified \p EOL line separator, and
    106 /// any \p Extra context specifiers in GNU line directives.
    107 void InclusionRewriter::WriteLineInfo(const char *Filename, int Line,
    108                                       SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,
    109                                       StringRef EOL, StringRef Extra) {
    110   if (!ShowLineMarkers)
    111     return;
    112   if (UseLineDirective) {
    113     OS << "#line" << ' ' << Line << ' ' << '"' << Filename << '"';
    114   } else {
    115     // Use GNU linemarkers as described here:
    116     // http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Preprocessor-Output.html
    117     OS << '#' << ' ' << Line << ' ' << '"' << Filename << '"';
    118     if (!Extra.empty())
    119       OS << Extra;
    120     if (FileType == SrcMgr::C_System)
    121       // "`3' This indicates that the following text comes from a system header
    122       // file, so certain warnings should be suppressed."
    123       OS << " 3";
    124     else if (FileType == SrcMgr::C_ExternCSystem)
    125       // as above for `3', plus "`4' This indicates that the following text
    126       // should be treated as being wrapped in an implicit extern "C" block."
    127       OS << " 3 4";
    128   }
    129   OS << EOL;
    130 }
    132 void InclusionRewriter::WriteImplicitModuleImport(const Module *Mod,
    133                                                   StringRef EOL) {
    134   OS << "@import " << Mod->getFullModuleName() << ";"
    135      << " /* clang -frewrite-includes: implicit import */" << EOL;
    136 }
    138 /// FileChanged - Whenever the preprocessor enters or exits a #include file
    139 /// it invokes this handler.
    140 void InclusionRewriter::FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc,
    141                                     FileChangeReason Reason,
    142                                     SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind NewFileType,
    143                                     FileID) {
    144   if (Reason != EnterFile)
    145     return;
    146   if (LastInsertedFileChange == FileChanges.end())
    147     // we didn't reach this file (eg: the main file) via an inclusion directive
    148     return;
    149   LastInsertedFileChange->second.Id = FullSourceLoc(Loc, SM).getFileID();
    150   LastInsertedFileChange->second.FileType = NewFileType;
    151   LastInsertedFileChange = FileChanges.end();
    152 }
    154 /// Called whenever an inclusion is skipped due to canonical header protection
    155 /// macros.
    156 void InclusionRewriter::FileSkipped(const FileEntry &/*ParentFile*/,
    157                                     const Token &/*FilenameTok*/,
    158                                     SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind /*FileType*/) {
    159   assert(LastInsertedFileChange != FileChanges.end() && "A file, that wasn't "
    160     "found via an inclusion directive, was skipped");
    161   FileChanges.erase(LastInsertedFileChange);
    162   LastInsertedFileChange = FileChanges.end();
    163 }
    165 /// This should be called whenever the preprocessor encounters include
    166 /// directives. It does not say whether the file has been included, but it
    167 /// provides more information about the directive (hash location instead
    168 /// of location inside the included file). It is assumed that the matching
    169 /// FileChanged() or FileSkipped() is called after this.
    170 void InclusionRewriter::InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
    171                                            const Token &/*IncludeTok*/,
    172                                            StringRef /*FileName*/,
    173                                            bool /*IsAngled*/,
    174                                            CharSourceRange /*FilenameRange*/,
    175                                            const FileEntry * /*File*/,
    176                                            StringRef /*SearchPath*/,
    177                                            StringRef /*RelativePath*/,
    178                                            const Module *Imported) {
    179   assert(LastInsertedFileChange == FileChanges.end() && "Another inclusion "
    180     "directive was found before the previous one was processed");
    181   std::pair<FileChangeMap::iterator, bool> p = FileChanges.insert(
    182     std::make_pair(HashLoc.getRawEncoding(), FileChange(HashLoc, Imported)));
    183   assert(p.second && "Unexpected revisitation of the same include directive");
    184   if (!Imported)
    185     LastInsertedFileChange = p.first;
    186 }
    188 /// Simple lookup for a SourceLocation (specifically one denoting the hash in
    189 /// an inclusion directive) in the map of inclusion information, FileChanges.
    190 const InclusionRewriter::FileChange *
    191 InclusionRewriter::FindFileChangeLocation(SourceLocation Loc) const {
    192   FileChangeMap::const_iterator I = FileChanges.find(Loc.getRawEncoding());
    193   if (I != FileChanges.end())
    194     return &I->second;
    195   return NULL;
    196 }
    198 /// Detect the likely line ending style of \p FromFile by examining the first
    199 /// newline found within it.
    200 static StringRef DetectEOL(const MemoryBuffer &FromFile) {
    201   // detect what line endings the file uses, so that added content does not mix
    202   // the style
    203   const char *Pos = strchr(FromFile.getBufferStart(), '\n');
    204   if (Pos == NULL)
    205     return "\n";
    206   if (Pos + 1 < FromFile.getBufferEnd() && Pos[1] == '\r')
    207     return "\n\r";
    208   if (Pos - 1 >= FromFile.getBufferStart() && Pos[-1] == '\r')
    209     return "\r\n";
    210   return "\n";
    211 }
    213 /// Writes out bytes from \p FromFile, starting at \p NextToWrite and ending at
    214 /// \p WriteTo - 1.
    215 void InclusionRewriter::OutputContentUpTo(const MemoryBuffer &FromFile,
    216                                           unsigned &WriteFrom, unsigned WriteTo,
    217                                           StringRef EOL, int &Line,
    218                                           bool EnsureNewline) {
    219   if (WriteTo <= WriteFrom)
    220     return;
    221   if (&FromFile == PredefinesBuffer) {
    222     // Ignore the #defines of the predefines buffer.
    223     WriteFrom = WriteTo;
    224     return;
    225   }
    226   OS.write(FromFile.getBufferStart() + WriteFrom, WriteTo - WriteFrom);
    227   // count lines manually, it's faster than getPresumedLoc()
    228   Line += std::count(FromFile.getBufferStart() + WriteFrom,
    229                      FromFile.getBufferStart() + WriteTo, '\n');
    230   if (EnsureNewline) {
    231     char LastChar = FromFile.getBufferStart()[WriteTo - 1];
    232     if (LastChar != '\n' && LastChar != '\r')
    233       OS << EOL;
    234   }
    235   WriteFrom = WriteTo;
    236 }
    238 /// Print characters from \p FromFile starting at \p NextToWrite up until the
    239 /// inclusion directive at \p StartToken, then print out the inclusion
    240 /// inclusion directive disabled by a #if directive, updating \p NextToWrite
    241 /// and \p Line to track the number of source lines visited and the progress
    242 /// through the \p FromFile buffer.
    243 void InclusionRewriter::CommentOutDirective(Lexer &DirectiveLex,
    244                                             const Token &StartToken,
    245                                             const MemoryBuffer &FromFile,
    246                                             StringRef EOL,
    247                                             unsigned &NextToWrite, int &Line) {
    248   OutputContentUpTo(FromFile, NextToWrite,
    249     SM.getFileOffset(StartToken.getLocation()), EOL, Line);
    250   Token DirectiveToken;
    251   do {
    252     DirectiveLex.LexFromRawLexer(DirectiveToken);
    253   } while (!DirectiveToken.is(tok::eod) && DirectiveToken.isNot(tok::eof));
    254   OS << "#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */" << EOL;
    255   OutputContentUpTo(FromFile, NextToWrite,
    256     SM.getFileOffset(DirectiveToken.getLocation()) + DirectiveToken.getLength(),
    257     EOL, Line);
    258   OS << "#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */" << EOL;
    259 }
    261 /// Find the next identifier in the pragma directive specified by \p RawToken.
    262 StringRef InclusionRewriter::NextIdentifierName(Lexer &RawLex,
    263                                                 Token &RawToken) {
    264   RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(RawToken);
    265   if (RawToken.is(tok::raw_identifier))
    266     PP.LookUpIdentifierInfo(RawToken);
    267   if (RawToken.is(tok::identifier))
    268     return RawToken.getIdentifierInfo()->getName();
    269   return StringRef();
    270 }
    272 // Expand __has_include and __has_include_next if possible. If there's no
    273 // definitive answer return false.
    274 bool InclusionRewriter::HandleHasInclude(
    275     FileID FileId, Lexer &RawLex, const DirectoryLookup *Lookup, Token &Tok,
    276     bool &FileExists) {
    277   // Lex the opening paren.
    278   RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok);
    279   if (Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren))
    280     return false;
    282   RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok);
    284   SmallString<128> FilenameBuffer;
    285   StringRef Filename;
    286   // Since the raw lexer doesn't give us angle_literals we have to parse them
    287   // ourselves.
    288   // FIXME: What to do if the file name is a macro?
    289   if (Tok.is(tok::less)) {
    290     RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok);
    292     FilenameBuffer += '<';
    293     do {
    294       if (Tok.is(tok::eod)) // Sanity check.
    295         return false;
    297       if (Tok.is(tok::raw_identifier))
    298         PP.LookUpIdentifierInfo(Tok);
    300       // Get the string piece.
    301       SmallVector<char, 128> TmpBuffer;
    302       bool Invalid = false;
    303       StringRef TmpName = PP.getSpelling(Tok, TmpBuffer, &Invalid);
    304       if (Invalid)
    305         return false;
    307       FilenameBuffer += TmpName;
    309       RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok);
    310     } while (Tok.isNot(tok::greater));
    312     FilenameBuffer += '>';
    313     Filename = FilenameBuffer;
    314   } else {
    315     if (Tok.isNot(tok::string_literal))
    316       return false;
    318     bool Invalid = false;
    319     Filename = PP.getSpelling(Tok, FilenameBuffer, &Invalid);
    320     if (Invalid)
    321       return false;
    322   }
    324   // Lex the closing paren.
    325   RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok);
    326   if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren))
    327     return false;
    329   // Now ask HeaderInfo if it knows about the header.
    330   // FIXME: Subframeworks aren't handled here. Do we care?
    331   bool isAngled = PP.GetIncludeFilenameSpelling(Tok.getLocation(), Filename);
    332   const DirectoryLookup *CurDir;
    333   const FileEntry *File = PP.getHeaderSearchInfo().LookupFile(
    334       Filename, isAngled, 0, CurDir,
    335       PP.getSourceManager().getFileEntryForID(FileId), 0, 0, 0, false);
    337   FileExists = File != 0;
    338   return true;
    339 }
    341 /// Use a raw lexer to analyze \p FileId, inccrementally copying parts of it
    342 /// and including content of included files recursively.
    343 bool InclusionRewriter::Process(FileID FileId,
    344                                 SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType)
    345 {
    346   bool Invalid;
    347   const MemoryBuffer &FromFile = *SM.getBuffer(FileId, &Invalid);
    348   if (Invalid) // invalid inclusion
    349     return false;
    350   const char *FileName = FromFile.getBufferIdentifier();
    351   Lexer RawLex(FileId, &FromFile, PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts());
    352   RawLex.SetCommentRetentionState(false);
    354   StringRef EOL = DetectEOL(FromFile);
    356   // Per the GNU docs: "1" indicates the start of a new file.
    357   WriteLineInfo(FileName, 1, FileType, EOL, " 1");
    359   if (SM.getFileIDSize(FileId) == 0)
    360     return false;
    362   // The next byte to be copied from the source file
    363   unsigned NextToWrite = 0;
    364   int Line = 1; // The current input file line number.
    366   Token RawToken;
    367   RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(RawToken);
    369   // TODO: Consider adding a switch that strips possibly unimportant content,
    370   // such as comments, to reduce the size of repro files.
    371   while (RawToken.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    372     if (RawToken.is(tok::hash) && RawToken.isAtStartOfLine()) {
    373       RawLex.setParsingPreprocessorDirective(true);
    374       Token HashToken = RawToken;
    375       RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(RawToken);
    376       if (RawToken.is(tok::raw_identifier))
    377         PP.LookUpIdentifierInfo(RawToken);
    378       if (RawToken.getIdentifierInfo() != NULL) {
    379         switch (RawToken.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID()) {
    380           case tok::pp_include:
    381           case tok::pp_include_next:
    382           case tok::pp_import: {
    383             CommentOutDirective(RawLex, HashToken, FromFile, EOL, NextToWrite,
    384               Line);
    385             StringRef LineInfoExtra;
    386             if (const FileChange *Change = FindFileChangeLocation(
    387                 HashToken.getLocation())) {
    388               if (Change->Mod) {
    389                 WriteImplicitModuleImport(Change->Mod, EOL);
    391               // else now include and recursively process the file
    392               } else if (Process(Change->Id, Change->FileType)) {
    393                 // and set lineinfo back to this file, if the nested one was
    394                 // actually included
    395                 // `2' indicates returning to a file (after having included
    396                 // another file.
    397                 LineInfoExtra = " 2";
    398               }
    399             }
    400             // fix up lineinfo (since commented out directive changed line
    401             // numbers) for inclusions that were skipped due to header guards
    402             WriteLineInfo(FileName, Line, FileType, EOL, LineInfoExtra);
    403             break;
    404           }
    405           case tok::pp_pragma: {
    406             StringRef Identifier = NextIdentifierName(RawLex, RawToken);
    407             if (Identifier == "clang" || Identifier == "GCC") {
    408               if (NextIdentifierName(RawLex, RawToken) == "system_header") {
    409                 // keep the directive in, commented out
    410                 CommentOutDirective(RawLex, HashToken, FromFile, EOL,
    411                   NextToWrite, Line);
    412                 // update our own type
    413                 FileType = SM.getFileCharacteristic(RawToken.getLocation());
    414                 WriteLineInfo(FileName, Line, FileType, EOL);
    415               }
    416             } else if (Identifier == "once") {
    417               // keep the directive in, commented out
    418               CommentOutDirective(RawLex, HashToken, FromFile, EOL,
    419                 NextToWrite, Line);
    420               WriteLineInfo(FileName, Line, FileType, EOL);
    421             }
    422             break;
    423           }
    424           case tok::pp_if:
    425           case tok::pp_elif: {
    426             bool elif = (RawToken.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID() ==
    427                          tok::pp_elif);
    428             // Rewrite special builtin macros to avoid pulling in host details.
    429             do {
    430               // Walk over the directive.
    431               RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(RawToken);
    432               if (RawToken.is(tok::raw_identifier))
    433                 PP.LookUpIdentifierInfo(RawToken);
    435               if (RawToken.is(tok::identifier)) {
    436                 bool HasFile;
    437                 SourceLocation Loc = RawToken.getLocation();
    439                 // Rewrite __has_include(x)
    440                 if (RawToken.getIdentifierInfo()->isStr("__has_include")) {
    441                   if (!HandleHasInclude(FileId, RawLex, 0, RawToken, HasFile))
    442                     continue;
    443                   // Rewrite __has_include_next(x)
    444                 } else if (RawToken.getIdentifierInfo()->isStr(
    445                                "__has_include_next")) {
    446                   const DirectoryLookup *Lookup = PP.GetCurDirLookup();
    447                   if (Lookup)
    448                     ++Lookup;
    450                   if (!HandleHasInclude(FileId, RawLex, Lookup, RawToken,
    451                                         HasFile))
    452                     continue;
    453                 } else {
    454                   continue;
    455                 }
    456                 // Replace the macro with (0) or (1), followed by the commented
    457                 // out macro for reference.
    458                 OutputContentUpTo(FromFile, NextToWrite, SM.getFileOffset(Loc),
    459                                   EOL, Line);
    460                 OS << '(' << (int) HasFile << ")/*";
    461                 OutputContentUpTo(FromFile, NextToWrite,
    462                                   SM.getFileOffset(RawToken.getLocation()) +
    463                                   RawToken.getLength(),
    464                                   EOL, Line);
    465                 OS << "*/";
    466               }
    467             } while (RawToken.isNot(tok::eod));
    468             if (elif) {
    469               OutputContentUpTo(FromFile, NextToWrite,
    470                                 SM.getFileOffset(RawToken.getLocation()) +
    471                                     RawToken.getLength(),
    472                                 EOL, Line, /*EnsureNewLine*/ true);
    473               WriteLineInfo(FileName, Line, FileType, EOL);
    474             }
    475             break;
    476           }
    477           case tok::pp_endif:
    478           case tok::pp_else: {
    479             // We surround every #include by #if 0 to comment it out, but that
    480             // changes line numbers. These are fixed up right after that, but
    481             // the whole #include could be inside a preprocessor conditional
    482             // that is not processed. So it is necessary to fix the line
    483             // numbers one the next line after each #else/#endif as well.
    484             RawLex.SetKeepWhitespaceMode(true);
    485             do {
    486               RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(RawToken);
    487             } while (RawToken.isNot(tok::eod) && RawToken.isNot(tok::eof));
    488             OutputContentUpTo(
    489                 FromFile, NextToWrite,
    490                 SM.getFileOffset(RawToken.getLocation()) + RawToken.getLength(),
    491                 EOL, Line, /*EnsureNewLine*/ true);
    492             WriteLineInfo(FileName, Line, FileType, EOL);
    493             RawLex.SetKeepWhitespaceMode(false);
    494           }
    495           default:
    496             break;
    497         }
    498       }
    499       RawLex.setParsingPreprocessorDirective(false);
    500     }
    501     RawLex.LexFromRawLexer(RawToken);
    502   }
    503   OutputContentUpTo(FromFile, NextToWrite,
    504     SM.getFileOffset(SM.getLocForEndOfFile(FileId)), EOL, Line,
    505     /*EnsureNewline*/true);
    506   return true;
    507 }
    509 /// InclusionRewriterInInput - Implement -frewrite-includes mode.
    510 void clang::RewriteIncludesInInput(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream *OS,
    511                                    const PreprocessorOutputOptions &Opts) {
    512   SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
    513   InclusionRewriter *Rewrite = new InclusionRewriter(PP, *OS,
    514                                                      Opts.ShowLineMarkers);
    515   PP.addPPCallbacks(Rewrite);
    516   // Ignore all pragmas, otherwise there will be warnings about unknown pragmas
    517   // (because there's nothing to handle them).
    518   PP.AddPragmaHandler(new EmptyPragmaHandler());
    519   // Ignore also all pragma in all namespaces created
    520   // in Preprocessor::RegisterBuiltinPragmas().
    521   PP.AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new EmptyPragmaHandler());
    522   PP.AddPragmaHandler("clang", new EmptyPragmaHandler());
    524   // First let the preprocessor process the entire file and call callbacks.
    525   // Callbacks will record which #include's were actually performed.
    526   PP.EnterMainSourceFile();
    527   Token Tok;
    528   // Only preprocessor directives matter here, so disable macro expansion
    529   // everywhere else as an optimization.
    530   // TODO: It would be even faster if the preprocessor could be switched
    531   // to a mode where it would parse only preprocessor directives and comments,
    532   // nothing else matters for parsing or processing.
    533   PP.SetMacroExpansionOnlyInDirectives();
    534   do {
    535     PP.Lex(Tok);
    536   } while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof));
    537   Rewrite->setPredefinesBuffer(SM.getBuffer(PP.getPredefinesFileID()));
    538   Rewrite->Process(PP.getPredefinesFileID(), SrcMgr::C_User);
    539   Rewrite->Process(SM.getMainFileID(), SrcMgr::C_User);
    540   OS->flush();
    541 }