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      1 /* The run lines are below, because this test is line- and
      2    column-number sensitive. */
      3 @interface MyClass { int ivar; }
      4 - (int)myMethod:(int)arg;
      5 @end
      7 @implementation MyClass
      8 - (int)myMethod:(int)arg {
      9   @synchronized (@encode(MyClass)) { }
     10 }
     11 @end
     13 @interface A
     14 + (int)add:(int)x to:(int)y;
     15 + (int)add:(int)x to:(int)y plus:(int)z;
     16 @end
     18 void f() {
     19   @selector(add:to:);
     20 }
     22 // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:9:4 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC1 %s
     23 // CHECK-CC1: {TypedText encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
     24 // CHECK-CC1: {TypedText protocol}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder protocol-name}{RightParen )}
     25 // CHECK-CC1: {TypedText selector}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder selector}{RightParen )}
     26 // CHECK-CC1: {TypedText synchronized}{HorizontalSpace  }{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression}{RightParen )}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}
     27 // CHECK-CC1: {TypedText throw}{HorizontalSpace  }{Placeholder expression}
     28 // CHECK-CC1: {TypedText try}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}{Text @catch}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder parameter}{RightParen )}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}{Text @finally}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}
     29 // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:9:19 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC2 %s
     30 // CHECK-CC2: {TypedText encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
     31 // CHECK-CC2: {TypedText protocol}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder protocol-name}{RightParen )}
     32 // CHECK-CC2: {TypedText selector}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder selector}{RightParen )}
     33 // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:9:3 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC3 %s
     34 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType char[]}{TypedText @encode}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder type-name}{RightParen )}
     35 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType Protocol *}{TypedText @protocol}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder protocol-name}{RightParen )}
     36 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType SEL}{TypedText @selector}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder selector}{RightParen )}
     37 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @synchronized}{HorizontalSpace  }{LeftParen (}{Placeholder expression}{RightParen )}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}
     38 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @throw}{HorizontalSpace  }{Placeholder expression}
     39 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{TypedText @try}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}{Text @catch}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder parameter}{RightParen )}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}{Text @finally}{LeftBrace {}{Placeholder statements}{RightBrace }}
     40 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType SEL}{TypedText _cmd}
     41 // CHECK-CC3: ParmDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText arg}
     42 // CHECK-CC3: TypedefDecl:{TypedText Class}
     43 // CHECK-CC3: TypedefDecl:{TypedText id}
     44 // CHECK-CC3: ObjCIvarDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText ivar}
     45 // CHECK-CC3: ObjCInterfaceDecl:{TypedText MyClass}
     46 // CHECK-CC3: TypedefDecl:{TypedText SEL}
     47 // CHECK-CC3: NotImplemented:{ResultType MyClass *}{TypedText self}
     48 // RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:19:13 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC4 %s
     49 // CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText add:to:} (40)
     50 // CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText add:to:plus:} (40)
     51 // CHECK-CC4: NotImplemented:{TypedText myMethod:} (40)
     52 // RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:19:17 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-CC5 %s
     53 // CHECK-CC5: NotImplemented:{Informative add:}{TypedText to:} (40)
     54 // CHECK-CC5: NotImplemented:{Informative add:}{TypedText to:plus:} (40)