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      1 /*
      2 ******************************************************************************
      3 *
      4 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2012, International Business Machines
      5 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      6 *
      7 ******************************************************************************
      8 *
      9 *  FILE NAME : icuplug.h
     10 *
     11 *   Date         Name        Description
     12 *   10/29/2009   sl          New.
     13 ******************************************************************************
     14 */
     16 /**
     17  * \file
     18  * \brief C API: ICU Plugin API
     19  *
     20  * <h2>C API: ICU Plugin API</h2>
     21  *
     22  * <p>C API allowing run-time loadable modules that extend or modify ICU functionality.</p>
     23  *
     24  * <h3>Loading and Configuration</h3>
     25  *
     26  * <p>At ICU startup time, the environment variable "ICU_PLUGINS" will be
     27  * queried for a directory name.  If it is not set, the preprocessor symbol
     28  * "DEFAULT_ICU_PLUGINS" will be checked for a default value.</p>
     29  *
     30  * <p>Within the above-named directory, the file  "icuplugins##.txt" will be
     31  * opened, if present, where ## is the major+minor number of the currently
     32  * running ICU (such as, 44 for ICU 4.4, thus icuplugins44.txt)</p>
     33  *
     34  * <p>The configuration file has this format:</p>
     35  *
     36  * <ul>
     37  * <li>Hash (#) begins a comment line</li>
     38  *
     39  * <li>Non-comment lines have two or three components:
     41  *
     42  * <li>Tabs or spaces separate the three items.</li>
     43  *
     44  * <li>LIBRARYNAME is the name of a shared library, either a short name if
     45  * it is on the loader path,  or a full pathname.</li>
     46  *
     47  * <li>ENTRYPOINT is the short (undecorated) symbol name of the plugin's
     48  * entrypoint, as above.</li>
     49  *
     50  * <li>CONFIGURATION is the entire rest of the line . It's passed as-is to
     51  * the plugin.</li>
     52  * </ul>
     53  *
     54  * <p>An example configuration file is, in its entirety:</p>
     55  *
     56  * \code
     57  * # this is icuplugins44.txt
     58  * testplug.dll    myPlugin        hello=world
     59  * \endcode
     60  * <p>Plugins are categorized as "high" or "low" level.  Low level are those
     61  * which must be run BEFORE high level plugins, and before any operations
     62  * which cause ICU to be 'initialized'.  If a plugin is low level but
     63  * causes ICU to allocate memory or become initialized, that plugin is said
     64  * to cause a 'level change'. </p>
     65  *
     66  * <p>At load time, ICU first queries all plugins to determine their level,
     67  * then loads all 'low' plugins first, and then loads all 'high' plugins.
     68  * Plugins are otherwise loaded in the order listed in the configuration file.</p>
     69  *
     70  * <h3>Implementing a Plugin</h3>
     71  * \code
     72  * U_CAPI UPlugTokenReturn U_EXPORT2
     73  * myPlugin (UPlugData *plug, UPlugReason reason, UErrorCode *status) {
     74  *   if(reason==UPLUG_REASON_QUERY) {
     75  *      uplug_setPlugName(plug, "Simple Plugin");
     76  *      uplug_setPlugLevel(plug, UPLUG_LEVEL_HIGH);
     77  *    } else if(reason==UPLUG_REASON_LOAD) {
     78  *       ... Set up some ICU things here....
     79  *    } else if(reason==UPLUG_REASON_UNLOAD) {
     80  *       ... unload, clean up ...
     81  *    }
     82  *   return UPLUG_TOKEN;
     83  *  }
     84  * \endcode
     85  *
     86  * <p>The UPlugData*  is an opaque pointer to the plugin-specific data, and is
     87  * used in all other API calls.</p>
     88  *
     89  * <p>The API contract is:</p>
     90  * <ol><li>The plugin MUST always return UPLUG_TOKEN as a return value- to
     91  * indicate that it is a valid plugin.</li>
     92  *
     93  * <li>When the 'reason' parameter is set to UPLUG_REASON_QUERY,  the
     94  * plugin MUST call uplug_setPlugLevel() to indicate whether it is a high
     95  * level or low level plugin.</li>
     96  *
     97  * <li>When the 'reason' parameter is UPLUG_REASON_QUERY, the plugin
     98  * SHOULD call uplug_setPlugName to indicate a human readable plugin name.</li></ol>
     99  *
    100  *
    101  * \internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    102  */
    105 #ifndef ICUPLUG_H
    106 #define ICUPLUG_H
    108 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
    111 /* === Basic types === */
    113 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
    114 /**
    115  * @{
    116  * Opaque structure passed to/from a plugin.
    117  * use the APIs to access it.
    118  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    119  */
    121 struct UPlugData;
    122 typedef struct UPlugData UPlugData;
    124 /** @} */
    126 /**
    127  * Random Token to identify a valid ICU plugin. Plugins must return this
    128  * from the entrypoint.
    129  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    130  */
    131 #define UPLUG_TOKEN 0x54762486
    133 /**
    134  * Max width of names, symbols, and configuration strings
    135  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    136  */
    137 #define UPLUG_NAME_MAX              100
    140 /**
    141  * Return value from a plugin entrypoint.
    142  * Must always be set to UPLUG_TOKEN
    143  * @see UPLUG_TOKEN
    144  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    145  */
    146 typedef uint32_t UPlugTokenReturn;
    148 /**
    149  * Reason code for the entrypoint's call
    150  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    151  */
    152 typedef enum {
    153     UPLUG_REASON_QUERY = 0,     /**< The plugin is being queried for info. **/
    154     UPLUG_REASON_LOAD = 1,     /**< The plugin is being loaded. **/
    155     UPLUG_REASON_UNLOAD = 2,   /**< The plugin is being unloaded. **/
    156     UPLUG_REASON_COUNT         /**< count of known reasons **/
    157 } UPlugReason;
    160 /**
    161  * Level of plugin loading
    162  *     INITIAL:  UNKNOWN
    163  *       QUERY:   INVALID ->  { LOW | HIGH }
    164  *     ERR -> INVALID
    165  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    166  */
    167 typedef enum {
    168     UPLUG_LEVEL_INVALID = 0,     /**< The plugin is invalid, hasn't called uplug_setLevel, or can't load. **/
    169     UPLUG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 1,     /**< The plugin is waiting to be installed. **/
    170     UPLUG_LEVEL_LOW     = 2,     /**< The plugin must be called before u_init completes **/
    171     UPLUG_LEVEL_HIGH    = 3,     /**< The plugin can run at any time. **/
    172     UPLUG_LEVEL_COUNT         /**< count of known reasons **/
    173 } UPlugLevel;
    175 /**
    176  * Entrypoint for an ICU plugin.
    177  * @param plug the UPlugData handle.
    178  * @param status the plugin's extended status code.
    179  * @return A valid plugin must return UPLUG_TOKEN
    180  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    181  */
    182 typedef UPlugTokenReturn (U_EXPORT2 UPlugEntrypoint) (
    183                   UPlugData *plug,
    184                   UPlugReason reason,
    185                   UErrorCode *status);
    187 /* === Needed for Implementing === */
    189 /**
    190  * Request that this plugin not be unloaded at cleanup time.
    191  * This is appropriate for plugins which cannot be cleaned up.
    192  * @see u_cleanup()
    193  * @param plug plugin
    194  * @param dontUnload  set true if this plugin can't be unloaded
    195  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    196  */
    197 U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2
    198 uplug_setPlugNoUnload(UPlugData *plug, UBool dontUnload);
    200 /**
    201  * Set the level of this plugin.
    202  * @param plug plugin data handle
    203  * @param level the level of this plugin
    204  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    205  */
    206 U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2
    207 uplug_setPlugLevel(UPlugData *plug, UPlugLevel level);
    209 /**
    210  * Get the level of this plugin.
    211  * @param plug plugin data handle
    212  * @return the level of this plugin
    213  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    214  */
    215 U_INTERNAL UPlugLevel U_EXPORT2
    216 uplug_getPlugLevel(UPlugData *plug);
    218 /**
    219  * Get the lowest level of plug which can currently load.
    220  * For example, if UPLUG_LEVEL_LOW is returned, then low level plugins may load
    221  * if UPLUG_LEVEL_HIGH is returned, then only high level plugins may load.
    222  * @return the lowest level of plug which can currently load
    223  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    224  */
    225 U_INTERNAL UPlugLevel U_EXPORT2
    226 uplug_getCurrentLevel(void);
    229 /**
    230  * Get plug load status
    231  * @return The error code of this plugin's load attempt.
    232  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    233  */
    234 U_INTERNAL UErrorCode U_EXPORT2
    235 uplug_getPlugLoadStatus(UPlugData *plug);
    237 /**
    238  * Set the human-readable name of this plugin.
    239  * @param plug plugin data handle
    240  * @param name the name of this plugin. The first UPLUG_NAME_MAX characters willi be copied into a new buffer.
    241  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    242  */
    243 U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2
    244 uplug_setPlugName(UPlugData *plug, const char *name);
    246 /**
    247  * Get the human-readable name of this plugin.
    248  * @param plug plugin data handle
    249  * @return the name of this plugin
    250  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    251  */
    252 U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
    253 uplug_getPlugName(UPlugData *plug);
    255 /**
    256  * Return the symbol name for this plugin, if known.
    257  * @param plug plugin data handle
    258  * @return the symbol name, or NULL
    259  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    260  */
    261 U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
    262 uplug_getSymbolName(UPlugData *plug);
    264 /**
    265  * Return the library name for this plugin, if known.
    266  * @param plug plugin data handle
    267  * @param status error code
    268  * @return the library name, or NULL
    269  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    270  */
    271 U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
    272 uplug_getLibraryName(UPlugData *plug, UErrorCode *status);
    274 /**
    275  * Return the library used for this plugin, if known.
    276  * Plugins could use this to load data out of their
    277  * @param plug plugin data handle
    278  * @return the library, or NULL
    279  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    280  */
    281 U_INTERNAL void * U_EXPORT2
    282 uplug_getLibrary(UPlugData *plug);
    284 /**
    285  * Return the plugin-specific context data.
    286  * @param plug plugin data handle
    287  * @return the context, or NULL if not set
    288  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    289  */
    290 U_INTERNAL void * U_EXPORT2
    291 uplug_getContext(UPlugData *plug);
    293 /**
    294  * Set the plugin-specific context data.
    295  * @param plug plugin data handle
    296  * @param context new context to set
    297  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    298  */
    299 U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2
    300 uplug_setContext(UPlugData *plug, void *context);
    303 /**
    304  * Get the configuration string, if available.
    305  * The string is in the platform default codepage.
    306  * @param plug plugin data handle
    307  * @return configuration string, or else null.
    308  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    309  */
    310 U_INTERNAL const char * U_EXPORT2
    311 uplug_getConfiguration(UPlugData *plug);
    313 /**
    314  * Return all currently installed plugins, from newest to oldest
    315  * Usage Example:
    316  * \code
    317  *    UPlugData *plug = NULL;
    318  *    while(plug=uplug_nextPlug(plug)) {
    319  *        ... do something with 'plug' ...
    320  *    }
    321  * \endcode
    322  * Not thread safe- do not call while plugs are added or removed.
    323  * @param prior pass in 'NULL' to get the first (most recent) plug,
    324  *  otherwise pass the value returned on a prior call to uplug_nextPlug
    325  * @return the next oldest plugin, or NULL if no more.
    326  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    327  */
    328 U_INTERNAL UPlugData* U_EXPORT2
    329 uplug_nextPlug(UPlugData *prior);
    331 /**
    332  * Inject a plugin as if it were loaded from a library.
    333  * This is useful for testing plugins.
    334  * Note that it will have a 'NULL' library pointer associated
    335  * with it, and therefore no llibrary will be closed at cleanup time.
    336  * Low level plugins may not be able to load, as ordering can't be enforced.
    337  * @param entrypoint entrypoint to install
    338  * @param config user specified configuration string, if available, or NULL.
    339  * @param status error result
    340  * @return the new UPlugData associated with this plugin, or NULL if error.
    341  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    342  */
    343 U_INTERNAL UPlugData* U_EXPORT2
    344 uplug_loadPlugFromEntrypoint(UPlugEntrypoint *entrypoint, const char *config, UErrorCode *status);
    347 /**
    348  * Inject a plugin from a library, as if the information came from a config file.
    349  * Low level plugins may not be able to load, and ordering can't be enforced.
    350  * @param libName DLL name to load
    351  * @param sym symbol of plugin (UPlugEntrypoint function)
    352  * @param config configuration string, or NULL
    353  * @param status error result
    354  * @return the new UPlugData associated with this plugin, or NULL if error.
    355  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    356  */
    357 U_INTERNAL UPlugData* U_EXPORT2
    358 uplug_loadPlugFromLibrary(const char *libName, const char *sym, const char *config, UErrorCode *status);
    360 /**
    361  * Remove a plugin.
    362  * Will request the plugin to be unloaded, and close the library if needed
    363  * @param plug plugin handle to close
    364  * @param status error result
    365  * @internal ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
    366  */
    367 U_INTERNAL void U_EXPORT2
    368 uplug_removePlug(UPlugData *plug, UErrorCode *status);
    369 #endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
    371 #endif