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      1 ; Test the allocation of frames in cases where we do not need to save
      2 ; registers in the prologue.
      3 ;
      4 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s
      6 declare void @foo(i32 *)
      8 ; The CFA offset is 160 (the caller-allocated part of the frame) + 168.
      9 define void @f1(i64 %x) {
     10 ; CHECK-LABEL: f1:
     11 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, -168
     12 ; CHECK: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 328
     13 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 160(%r15)
     14 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, 168
     15 ; CHECK: br %r14
     16   %y = alloca i64, align 8
     17   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %y
     18   ret void
     19 }
     21 ; Check frames of size 32760, which is the largest size that can be both
     22 ; allocated and freed using AGHI.  This size is big enough to require
     23 ; two emergency spill slots at 160(%r15), for instructions with unsigned
     24 ; 12-bit offsets that end up being out of range.  Fill the remaining
     25 ; 32760 - 176 bytes by allocating (32760 - 176) / 8 = 4073 doublewords.
     26 define void @f2(i64 %x) {
     27 ; CHECK-LABEL: f2:
     28 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, -32760
     29 ; CHECK: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32920
     30 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 176(%r15)
     31 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, 32760
     32 ; CHECK: br %r14
     33   %y = alloca [4073 x i64], align 8
     34   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds [4073 x i64]* %y, i64 0, i64 0
     35   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %ptr
     36   ret void
     37 }
     39 ; Allocate one more doubleword.  This is the one frame size that we can
     40 ; allocate using AGHI but must free using AGFI.
     41 define void @f3(i64 %x) {
     42 ; CHECK-LABEL: f3:
     43 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, -32768
     44 ; CHECK: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32928
     45 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 176(%r15)
     46 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, 32768
     47 ; CHECK: br %r14
     48   %y = alloca [4074 x i64], align 8
     49   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds [4074 x i64]* %y, i64 0, i64 0
     50   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %ptr
     51   ret void
     52 }
     54 ; Allocate another doubleword on top of that.  The allocation and free
     55 ; must both use AGFI.
     56 define void @f4(i64 %x) {
     57 ; CHECK-LABEL: f4:
     58 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, -32776
     59 ; CHECK: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32936
     60 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 176(%r15)
     61 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, 32776
     62 ; CHECK: br %r14
     63   %y = alloca [4075 x i64], align 8
     64   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds [4075 x i64]* %y, i64 0, i64 0
     65   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %ptr
     66   ret void
     67 }
     69 ; The largest size that can be both allocated and freed using AGFI.
     70 ; At this point the frame is too big to represent properly in the CFI.
     71 define void @f5(i64 %x) {
     72 ; CHECK-LABEL: f5:
     73 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, -2147483640
     74 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 176(%r15)
     75 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, 2147483640
     76 ; CHECK: br %r14
     77   %y = alloca [268435433 x i64], align 8
     78   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds [268435433 x i64]* %y, i64 0, i64 0
     79   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %ptr
     80   ret void
     81 }
     83 ; The only frame size that can be allocated using a single AGFI but which
     84 ; must be freed using two instructions.
     85 define void @f6(i64 %x) {
     86 ; CHECK-LABEL: f6:
     87 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, -2147483648
     88 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 176(%r15)
     89 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, 2147483640
     90 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, 8
     91 ; CHECK: br %r14
     92   %y = alloca [268435434 x i64], align 8
     93   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds [268435434 x i64]* %y, i64 0, i64 0
     94   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %ptr
     95   ret void
     96 }
     98 ; The smallest frame size that needs two instructions to both allocate
     99 ; and free the frame.
    100 define void @f7(i64 %x) {
    101 ; CHECK-LABEL: f7:
    102 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, -2147483648
    103 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, -8
    104 ; CHECK: stg %r2, 176(%r15)
    105 ; CHECK: agfi %r15, 2147483640
    106 ; CHECK: aghi %r15, 16
    107 ; CHECK: br %r14
    108   %y = alloca [268435435 x i64], align 8
    109   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds [268435435 x i64]* %y, i64 0, i64 0
    110   store volatile i64 %x, i64* %ptr
    111   ret void
    112 }
    114 ; Make sure that LA can be rematerialized.
    115 define void @f8() {
    116 ; CHECK-LABEL: f8:
    117 ; CHECK: la %r2, 164(%r15)
    118 ; CHECK: brasl %r14, foo@PLT
    119 ; CHECK: la %r2, 164(%r15)
    120 ; CHECK: brasl %r14, foo@PLT
    121 ; CHECK: br %r14
    122   %ptr = alloca i32
    123   call void @foo(i32 *%ptr)
    124   call void @foo(i32 *%ptr)
    125   ret void
    126 }