- Method resolution order:
- Test
- telemetry.core.command_line.Command
- telemetry.core.command_line.ArgumentHandlerMixIn
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options)
- Add browser options that are required by this benchmark.
- Run(self, args)
- Run this test with the given options.
Class methods defined here:
- AddCommandLineArgs(cls, parser) from __builtin__.type
- CreateExpectations(cls, ps) from __builtin__.type
- Get the expectations this test will run with.
By default, it will create an empty expectations set. Override to generate
custom expectations.
- CreatePageSet(cls, options) from __builtin__.type
- Get the page set this test will run on.
By default, it will create a page set from the file at this test's
page_set attribute. Override to generate a custom page set.
- Name(cls) from __builtin__.type
- PageTestClass(cls) from __builtin__.type
- Get the PageTest for this Test.
If the Test has no PageTest, raises NotImplementedError.
- ProcessCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, args) from __builtin__.type
Data and other attributes defined here:
- options = {}
Class methods inherited from telemetry.core.command_line.Command:
- Description(cls) from __builtin__.type
Data descriptors inherited from telemetry.core.command_line.ArgumentHandlerMixIn:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)