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      1 // Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/v8.h"
      7 #include "src/accessors.h"
      8 #include "src/codegen.h"
      9 #include "src/deoptimizer.h"
     10 #include "src/disasm.h"
     11 #include "src/full-codegen.h"
     12 #include "src/global-handles.h"
     13 #include "src/macro-assembler.h"
     14 #include "src/prettyprinter.h"
     17 namespace v8 {
     18 namespace internal {
     20 static MemoryChunk* AllocateCodeChunk(MemoryAllocator* allocator) {
     21   return allocator->AllocateChunk(Deoptimizer::GetMaxDeoptTableSize(),
     22                                   OS::CommitPageSize(),
     23 #if defined(__native_client__)
     24   // The Native Client port of V8 uses an interpreter,
     25   // so code pages don't need PROT_EXEC.
     26                                   NOT_EXECUTABLE,
     27 #else
     28                                   EXECUTABLE,
     29 #endif
     30                                   NULL);
     31 }
     34 DeoptimizerData::DeoptimizerData(MemoryAllocator* allocator)
     35     : allocator_(allocator),
     36       deoptimized_frame_info_(NULL),
     37       current_(NULL) {
     38   for (int i = 0; i < Deoptimizer::kBailoutTypesWithCodeEntry; ++i) {
     39     deopt_entry_code_entries_[i] = -1;
     40     deopt_entry_code_[i] = AllocateCodeChunk(allocator);
     41   }
     42 }
     45 DeoptimizerData::~DeoptimizerData() {
     46   for (int i = 0; i < Deoptimizer::kBailoutTypesWithCodeEntry; ++i) {
     47     allocator_->Free(deopt_entry_code_[i]);
     48     deopt_entry_code_[i] = NULL;
     49   }
     50 }
     53 void DeoptimizerData::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v) {
     54   if (deoptimized_frame_info_ != NULL) {
     55     deoptimized_frame_info_->Iterate(v);
     56   }
     57 }
     60 Code* Deoptimizer::FindDeoptimizingCode(Address addr) {
     61   if (function_->IsHeapObject()) {
     62     // Search all deoptimizing code in the native context of the function.
     63     Context* native_context = function_->context()->native_context();
     64     Object* element = native_context->DeoptimizedCodeListHead();
     65     while (!element->IsUndefined()) {
     66       Code* code = Code::cast(element);
     67       CHECK(code->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
     68       if (code->contains(addr)) return code;
     69       element = code->next_code_link();
     70     }
     71   }
     72   return NULL;
     73 }
     76 // We rely on this function not causing a GC.  It is called from generated code
     77 // without having a real stack frame in place.
     78 Deoptimizer* Deoptimizer::New(JSFunction* function,
     79                               BailoutType type,
     80                               unsigned bailout_id,
     81                               Address from,
     82                               int fp_to_sp_delta,
     83                               Isolate* isolate) {
     84   Deoptimizer* deoptimizer = new Deoptimizer(isolate,
     85                                              function,
     86                                              type,
     87                                              bailout_id,
     88                                              from,
     89                                              fp_to_sp_delta,
     90                                              NULL);
     91   CHECK(isolate->deoptimizer_data()->current_ == NULL);
     92   isolate->deoptimizer_data()->current_ = deoptimizer;
     93   return deoptimizer;
     94 }
     97 // No larger than 2K on all platforms
     98 static const int kDeoptTableMaxEpilogueCodeSize = 2 * KB;
    101 size_t Deoptimizer::GetMaxDeoptTableSize() {
    102   int entries_size =
    103       Deoptimizer::kMaxNumberOfEntries * Deoptimizer::table_entry_size_;
    104   int commit_page_size = static_cast<int>(OS::CommitPageSize());
    105   int page_count = ((kDeoptTableMaxEpilogueCodeSize + entries_size - 1) /
    106                     commit_page_size) + 1;
    107   return static_cast<size_t>(commit_page_size * page_count);
    108 }
    111 Deoptimizer* Deoptimizer::Grab(Isolate* isolate) {
    112   Deoptimizer* result = isolate->deoptimizer_data()->current_;
    113   CHECK_NE(result, NULL);
    114   result->DeleteFrameDescriptions();
    115   isolate->deoptimizer_data()->current_ = NULL;
    116   return result;
    117 }
    120 int Deoptimizer::ConvertJSFrameIndexToFrameIndex(int jsframe_index) {
    121   if (jsframe_index == 0) return 0;
    123   int frame_index = 0;
    124   while (jsframe_index >= 0) {
    125     FrameDescription* frame = output_[frame_index];
    126     if (frame->GetFrameType() == StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT) {
    127       jsframe_index--;
    128     }
    129     frame_index++;
    130   }
    132   return frame_index - 1;
    133 }
    136 DeoptimizedFrameInfo* Deoptimizer::DebuggerInspectableFrame(
    137     JavaScriptFrame* frame,
    138     int jsframe_index,
    139     Isolate* isolate) {
    140   CHECK(frame->is_optimized());
    141   CHECK(isolate->deoptimizer_data()->deoptimized_frame_info_ == NULL);
    143   // Get the function and code from the frame.
    144   JSFunction* function = frame->function();
    145   Code* code = frame->LookupCode();
    147   // Locate the deoptimization point in the code. As we are at a call the
    148   // return address must be at a place in the code with deoptimization support.
    149   SafepointEntry safepoint_entry = code->GetSafepointEntry(frame->pc());
    150   int deoptimization_index = safepoint_entry.deoptimization_index();
    151   CHECK_NE(deoptimization_index, Safepoint::kNoDeoptimizationIndex);
    153   // Always use the actual stack slots when calculating the fp to sp
    154   // delta adding two for the function and context.
    155   unsigned stack_slots = code->stack_slots();
    156   unsigned fp_to_sp_delta = (stack_slots * kPointerSize) +
    157       StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp;
    159   Deoptimizer* deoptimizer = new Deoptimizer(isolate,
    160                                              function,
    161                                              Deoptimizer::DEBUGGER,
    162                                              deoptimization_index,
    163                                              frame->pc(),
    164                                              fp_to_sp_delta,
    165                                              code);
    166   Address tos = frame->fp() - fp_to_sp_delta;
    167   deoptimizer->FillInputFrame(tos, frame);
    169   // Calculate the output frames.
    170   Deoptimizer::ComputeOutputFrames(deoptimizer);
    172   // Create the GC safe output frame information and register it for GC
    173   // handling.
    174   CHECK_LT(jsframe_index, deoptimizer->jsframe_count());
    176   // Convert JS frame index into frame index.
    177   int frame_index = deoptimizer->ConvertJSFrameIndexToFrameIndex(jsframe_index);
    179   bool has_arguments_adaptor =
    180       frame_index > 0 &&
    181       deoptimizer->output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFrameType() ==
    182       StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR;
    184   int construct_offset = has_arguments_adaptor ? 2 : 1;
    185   bool has_construct_stub =
    186       frame_index >= construct_offset &&
    187       deoptimizer->output_[frame_index - construct_offset]->GetFrameType() ==
    188       StackFrame::CONSTRUCT;
    190   DeoptimizedFrameInfo* info = new DeoptimizedFrameInfo(deoptimizer,
    191                                                         frame_index,
    192                                                         has_arguments_adaptor,
    193                                                         has_construct_stub);
    194   isolate->deoptimizer_data()->deoptimized_frame_info_ = info;
    196   // Get the "simulated" top and size for the requested frame.
    197   FrameDescription* parameters_frame =
    198       deoptimizer->output_[
    199           has_arguments_adaptor ? (frame_index - 1) : frame_index];
    201   uint32_t parameters_size = (info->parameters_count() + 1) * kPointerSize;
    202   Address parameters_top = reinterpret_cast<Address>(
    203       parameters_frame->GetTop() + (parameters_frame->GetFrameSize() -
    204                                     parameters_size));
    206   uint32_t expressions_size = info->expression_count() * kPointerSize;
    207   Address expressions_top = reinterpret_cast<Address>(
    208       deoptimizer->output_[frame_index]->GetTop());
    210   // Done with the GC-unsafe frame descriptions. This re-enables allocation.
    211   deoptimizer->DeleteFrameDescriptions();
    213   // Allocate a heap number for the doubles belonging to this frame.
    214   deoptimizer->MaterializeHeapNumbersForDebuggerInspectableFrame(
    215       parameters_top, parameters_size, expressions_top, expressions_size, info);
    217   // Finished using the deoptimizer instance.
    218   delete deoptimizer;
    220   return info;
    221 }
    224 void Deoptimizer::DeleteDebuggerInspectableFrame(DeoptimizedFrameInfo* info,
    225                                                  Isolate* isolate) {
    226   CHECK_EQ(isolate->deoptimizer_data()->deoptimized_frame_info_, info);
    227   delete info;
    228   isolate->deoptimizer_data()->deoptimized_frame_info_ = NULL;
    229 }
    232 void Deoptimizer::GenerateDeoptimizationEntries(MacroAssembler* masm,
    233                                                 int count,
    234                                                 BailoutType type) {
    235   TableEntryGenerator generator(masm, type, count);
    236   generator.Generate();
    237 }
    240 void Deoptimizer::VisitAllOptimizedFunctionsForContext(
    241     Context* context, OptimizedFunctionVisitor* visitor) {
    242   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    244   CHECK(context->IsNativeContext());
    246   visitor->EnterContext(context);
    248   // Visit the list of optimized functions, removing elements that
    249   // no longer refer to optimized code.
    250   JSFunction* prev = NULL;
    251   Object* element = context->OptimizedFunctionsListHead();
    252   while (!element->IsUndefined()) {
    253     JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(element);
    254     Object* next = function->next_function_link();
    255     if (function->code()->kind() != Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION ||
    256         (visitor->VisitFunction(function),
    257          function->code()->kind() != Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION)) {
    258       // The function no longer refers to optimized code, or the visitor
    259       // changed the code to which it refers to no longer be optimized code.
    260       // Remove the function from this list.
    261       if (prev != NULL) {
    262         prev->set_next_function_link(next);
    263       } else {
    264         context->SetOptimizedFunctionsListHead(next);
    265       }
    266       // The visitor should not alter the link directly.
    267       CHECK_EQ(function->next_function_link(), next);
    268       // Set the next function link to undefined to indicate it is no longer
    269       // in the optimized functions list.
    270       function->set_next_function_link(context->GetHeap()->undefined_value());
    271     } else {
    272       // The visitor should not alter the link directly.
    273       CHECK_EQ(function->next_function_link(), next);
    274       // preserve this element.
    275       prev = function;
    276     }
    277     element = next;
    278   }
    280   visitor->LeaveContext(context);
    281 }
    284 void Deoptimizer::VisitAllOptimizedFunctions(
    285     Isolate* isolate,
    286     OptimizedFunctionVisitor* visitor) {
    287   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    289   // Run through the list of all native contexts.
    290   Object* context = isolate->heap()->native_contexts_list();
    291   while (!context->IsUndefined()) {
    292     VisitAllOptimizedFunctionsForContext(Context::cast(context), visitor);
    293     context = Context::cast(context)->get(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK);
    294   }
    295 }
    298 // Unlink functions referring to code marked for deoptimization, then move
    299 // marked code from the optimized code list to the deoptimized code list,
    300 // and patch code for lazy deopt.
    301 void Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext(Context* context) {
    302   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    304   // A "closure" that unlinks optimized code that is going to be
    305   // deoptimized from the functions that refer to it.
    306   class SelectedCodeUnlinker: public OptimizedFunctionVisitor {
    307    public:
    308     virtual void EnterContext(Context* context) { }  // Don't care.
    309     virtual void LeaveContext(Context* context)  { }  // Don't care.
    310     virtual void VisitFunction(JSFunction* function) {
    311       Code* code = function->code();
    312       if (!code->marked_for_deoptimization()) return;
    314       // Unlink this function and evict from optimized code map.
    315       SharedFunctionInfo* shared = function->shared();
    316       function->set_code(shared->code());
    318       if (FLAG_trace_deopt) {
    319         CodeTracer::Scope scope(code->GetHeap()->isolate()->GetCodeTracer());
    320         PrintF(scope.file(), "[deoptimizer unlinked: ");
    321         function->PrintName(scope.file());
    322         PrintF(scope.file(),
    323                " / %" V8PRIxPTR "]\n", reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function));
    324       }
    325     }
    326   };
    328   // Unlink all functions that refer to marked code.
    329   SelectedCodeUnlinker unlinker;
    330   VisitAllOptimizedFunctionsForContext(context, &unlinker);
    332   Isolate* isolate = context->GetHeap()->isolate();
    333 #ifdef DEBUG
    334   Code* topmost_optimized_code = NULL;
    335   bool safe_to_deopt_topmost_optimized_code = false;
    336   // Make sure all activations of optimized code can deopt at their current PC.
    337   // The topmost optimized code has special handling because it cannot be
    338   // deoptimized due to weak object dependency.
    339   for (StackFrameIterator it(isolate, isolate->thread_local_top());
    340        !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
    341     StackFrame::Type type = it.frame()->type();
    342     if (type == StackFrame::OPTIMIZED) {
    343       Code* code = it.frame()->LookupCode();
    344       if (FLAG_trace_deopt) {
    345         JSFunction* function =
    346             static_cast<OptimizedFrame*>(it.frame())->function();
    347         CodeTracer::Scope scope(isolate->GetCodeTracer());
    348         PrintF(scope.file(), "[deoptimizer found activation of function: ");
    349         function->PrintName(scope.file());
    350         PrintF(scope.file(),
    351                " / %" V8PRIxPTR "]\n", reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function));
    352       }
    353       SafepointEntry safepoint = code->GetSafepointEntry(it.frame()->pc());
    354       int deopt_index = safepoint.deoptimization_index();
    355       bool safe_to_deopt = deopt_index != Safepoint::kNoDeoptimizationIndex;
    356       CHECK(topmost_optimized_code == NULL || safe_to_deopt);
    357       if (topmost_optimized_code == NULL) {
    358         topmost_optimized_code = code;
    359         safe_to_deopt_topmost_optimized_code = safe_to_deopt;
    360       }
    361     }
    362   }
    363 #endif
    365   // Move marked code from the optimized code list to the deoptimized
    366   // code list, collecting them into a ZoneList.
    367   Zone zone(isolate);
    368   ZoneList<Code*> codes(10, &zone);
    370   // Walk over all optimized code objects in this native context.
    371   Code* prev = NULL;
    372   Object* element = context->OptimizedCodeListHead();
    373   while (!element->IsUndefined()) {
    374     Code* code = Code::cast(element);
    375     CHECK_EQ(code->kind(), Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
    376     Object* next = code->next_code_link();
    377     if (code->marked_for_deoptimization()) {
    378       // Put the code into the list for later patching.
    379       codes.Add(code, &zone);
    381       if (prev != NULL) {
    382         // Skip this code in the optimized code list.
    383         prev->set_next_code_link(next);
    384       } else {
    385         // There was no previous node, the next node is the new head.
    386         context->SetOptimizedCodeListHead(next);
    387       }
    389       // Move the code to the _deoptimized_ code list.
    390       code->set_next_code_link(context->DeoptimizedCodeListHead());
    391       context->SetDeoptimizedCodeListHead(code);
    392     } else {
    393       // Not marked; preserve this element.
    394       prev = code;
    395     }
    396     element = next;
    397   }
    399   // TODO(titzer): we need a handle scope only because of the macro assembler,
    400   // which is only used in EnsureCodeForDeoptimizationEntry.
    401   HandleScope scope(isolate);
    403   // Now patch all the codes for deoptimization.
    404   for (int i = 0; i < codes.length(); i++) {
    405 #ifdef DEBUG
    406     if (codes[i] == topmost_optimized_code) {
    407       ASSERT(safe_to_deopt_topmost_optimized_code);
    408     }
    409 #endif
    410     // It is finally time to die, code object.
    411     // Do platform-specific patching to force any activations to lazy deopt.
    412     PatchCodeForDeoptimization(isolate, codes[i]);
    414     // We might be in the middle of incremental marking with compaction.
    415     // Tell collector to treat this code object in a special way and
    416     // ignore all slots that might have been recorded on it.
    417     isolate->heap()->mark_compact_collector()->InvalidateCode(codes[i]);
    418   }
    419 }
    422 void Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeAll(Isolate* isolate) {
    423   if (FLAG_trace_deopt) {
    424     CodeTracer::Scope scope(isolate->GetCodeTracer());
    425     PrintF(scope.file(), "[deoptimize all code in all contexts]\n");
    426   }
    427   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    428   // For all contexts, mark all code, then deoptimize.
    429   Object* context = isolate->heap()->native_contexts_list();
    430   while (!context->IsUndefined()) {
    431     Context* native_context = Context::cast(context);
    432     MarkAllCodeForContext(native_context);
    433     DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext(native_context);
    434     context = native_context->get(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK);
    435   }
    436 }
    439 void Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeMarkedCode(Isolate* isolate) {
    440   if (FLAG_trace_deopt) {
    441     CodeTracer::Scope scope(isolate->GetCodeTracer());
    442     PrintF(scope.file(), "[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]\n");
    443   }
    444   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    445   // For all contexts, deoptimize code already marked.
    446   Object* context = isolate->heap()->native_contexts_list();
    447   while (!context->IsUndefined()) {
    448     Context* native_context = Context::cast(context);
    449     DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext(native_context);
    450     context = native_context->get(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK);
    451   }
    452 }
    455 void Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeGlobalObject(JSObject* object) {
    456   if (FLAG_trace_deopt) {
    457     CodeTracer::Scope scope(object->GetHeap()->isolate()->GetCodeTracer());
    458     PrintF(scope.file(), "[deoptimize global object @ 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR "]\n",
    459         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object));
    460   }
    461   if (object->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
    462     Object* proto = object->GetPrototype();
    463     CHECK(proto->IsJSGlobalObject());
    464     Context* native_context = GlobalObject::cast(proto)->native_context();
    465     MarkAllCodeForContext(native_context);
    466     DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext(native_context);
    467   } else if (object->IsGlobalObject()) {
    468     Context* native_context = GlobalObject::cast(object)->native_context();
    469     MarkAllCodeForContext(native_context);
    470     DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext(native_context);
    471   }
    472 }
    475 void Deoptimizer::MarkAllCodeForContext(Context* context) {
    476   Object* element = context->OptimizedCodeListHead();
    477   while (!element->IsUndefined()) {
    478     Code* code = Code::cast(element);
    479     CHECK_EQ(code->kind(), Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
    480     code->set_marked_for_deoptimization(true);
    481     element = code->next_code_link();
    482   }
    483 }
    486 void Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeFunction(JSFunction* function) {
    487   Code* code = function->code();
    488   if (code->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION) {
    489     // Mark the code for deoptimization and unlink any functions that also
    490     // refer to that code. The code cannot be shared across native contexts,
    491     // so we only need to search one.
    492     code->set_marked_for_deoptimization(true);
    493     DeoptimizeMarkedCodeForContext(function->context()->native_context());
    494   }
    495 }
    498 void Deoptimizer::ComputeOutputFrames(Deoptimizer* deoptimizer) {
    499   deoptimizer->DoComputeOutputFrames();
    500 }
    503 bool Deoptimizer::TraceEnabledFor(BailoutType deopt_type,
    504                                   StackFrame::Type frame_type) {
    505   switch (deopt_type) {
    506     case EAGER:
    507     case SOFT:
    508     case LAZY:
    509     case DEBUGGER:
    510       return (frame_type == StackFrame::STUB)
    511           ? FLAG_trace_stub_failures
    512           : FLAG_trace_deopt;
    513   }
    514   FATAL("Unsupported deopt type");
    515   return false;
    516 }
    519 const char* Deoptimizer::MessageFor(BailoutType type) {
    520   switch (type) {
    521     case EAGER: return "eager";
    522     case SOFT: return "soft";
    523     case LAZY: return "lazy";
    524     case DEBUGGER: return "debugger";
    525   }
    526   FATAL("Unsupported deopt type");
    527   return NULL;
    528 }
    531 Deoptimizer::Deoptimizer(Isolate* isolate,
    532                          JSFunction* function,
    533                          BailoutType type,
    534                          unsigned bailout_id,
    535                          Address from,
    536                          int fp_to_sp_delta,
    537                          Code* optimized_code)
    538     : isolate_(isolate),
    539       function_(function),
    540       bailout_id_(bailout_id),
    541       bailout_type_(type),
    542       from_(from),
    543       fp_to_sp_delta_(fp_to_sp_delta),
    544       has_alignment_padding_(0),
    545       input_(NULL),
    546       output_count_(0),
    547       jsframe_count_(0),
    548       output_(NULL),
    549       deferred_objects_tagged_values_(0),
    550       deferred_objects_double_values_(0),
    551       deferred_objects_(0),
    552       deferred_heap_numbers_(0),
    553       jsframe_functions_(0),
    554       jsframe_has_adapted_arguments_(0),
    555       materialized_values_(NULL),
    556       materialized_objects_(NULL),
    557       materialization_value_index_(0),
    558       materialization_object_index_(0),
    559       trace_scope_(NULL) {
    560   // For COMPILED_STUBs called from builtins, the function pointer is a SMI
    561   // indicating an internal frame.
    562   if (function->IsSmi()) {
    563     function = NULL;
    564   }
    565   ASSERT(from != NULL);
    566   if (function != NULL && function->IsOptimized()) {
    567     function->shared()->increment_deopt_count();
    568     if (bailout_type_ == Deoptimizer::SOFT) {
    569       isolate->counters()->soft_deopts_executed()->Increment();
    570       // Soft deopts shouldn't count against the overall re-optimization count
    571       // that can eventually lead to disabling optimization for a function.
    572       int opt_count = function->shared()->opt_count();
    573       if (opt_count > 0) opt_count--;
    574       function->shared()->set_opt_count(opt_count);
    575     }
    576   }
    577   compiled_code_ = FindOptimizedCode(function, optimized_code);
    579 #if DEBUG
    580   ASSERT(compiled_code_ != NULL);
    581   if (type == EAGER || type == SOFT || type == LAZY) {
    582     ASSERT(compiled_code_->kind() != Code::FUNCTION);
    583   }
    584 #endif
    586   StackFrame::Type frame_type = function == NULL
    587       ? StackFrame::STUB
    588       : StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT;
    589   trace_scope_ = TraceEnabledFor(type, frame_type) ?
    590       new CodeTracer::Scope(isolate->GetCodeTracer()) : NULL;
    591 #ifdef DEBUG
    592   CHECK(AllowHeapAllocation::IsAllowed());
    593   disallow_heap_allocation_ = new DisallowHeapAllocation();
    594 #endif  // DEBUG
    595   unsigned size = ComputeInputFrameSize();
    596   input_ = new(size) FrameDescription(size, function);
    597   input_->SetFrameType(frame_type);
    598 }
    601 Code* Deoptimizer::FindOptimizedCode(JSFunction* function,
    602                                      Code* optimized_code) {
    603   switch (bailout_type_) {
    604     case Deoptimizer::SOFT:
    605     case Deoptimizer::EAGER:
    606     case Deoptimizer::LAZY: {
    607       Code* compiled_code = FindDeoptimizingCode(from_);
    608       return (compiled_code == NULL)
    609           ? static_cast<Code*>(isolate_->FindCodeObject(from_))
    610           : compiled_code;
    611     }
    612     case Deoptimizer::DEBUGGER:
    613       ASSERT(optimized_code->contains(from_));
    614       return optimized_code;
    615   }
    616   FATAL("Could not find code for optimized function");
    617   return NULL;
    618 }
    621 void Deoptimizer::PrintFunctionName() {
    622   if (function_->IsJSFunction()) {
    623     function_->PrintName(trace_scope_->file());
    624   } else {
    625     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    626            "%s", Code::Kind2String(compiled_code_->kind()));
    627   }
    628 }
    631 Deoptimizer::~Deoptimizer() {
    632   ASSERT(input_ == NULL && output_ == NULL);
    633   ASSERT(disallow_heap_allocation_ == NULL);
    634   delete trace_scope_;
    635 }
    638 void Deoptimizer::DeleteFrameDescriptions() {
    639   delete input_;
    640   for (int i = 0; i < output_count_; ++i) {
    641     if (output_[i] != input_) delete output_[i];
    642   }
    643   delete[] output_;
    644   input_ = NULL;
    645   output_ = NULL;
    646 #ifdef DEBUG
    647   CHECK(!AllowHeapAllocation::IsAllowed());
    648   CHECK(disallow_heap_allocation_ != NULL);
    649   delete disallow_heap_allocation_;
    650   disallow_heap_allocation_ = NULL;
    651 #endif  // DEBUG
    652 }
    655 Address Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizationEntry(Isolate* isolate,
    656                                             int id,
    657                                             BailoutType type,
    658                                             GetEntryMode mode) {
    659   CHECK_GE(id, 0);
    660   if (id >= kMaxNumberOfEntries) return NULL;
    661   if (mode == ENSURE_ENTRY_CODE) {
    662     EnsureCodeForDeoptimizationEntry(isolate, type, id);
    663   } else {
    665   }
    666   DeoptimizerData* data = isolate->deoptimizer_data();
    667   CHECK_LT(type, kBailoutTypesWithCodeEntry);
    668   MemoryChunk* base = data->deopt_entry_code_[type];
    669   return base->area_start() + (id * table_entry_size_);
    670 }
    673 int Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizationId(Isolate* isolate,
    674                                      Address addr,
    675                                      BailoutType type) {
    676   DeoptimizerData* data = isolate->deoptimizer_data();
    677   MemoryChunk* base = data->deopt_entry_code_[type];
    678   Address start = base->area_start();
    679   if (base == NULL ||
    680       addr < start ||
    681       addr >= start + (kMaxNumberOfEntries * table_entry_size_)) {
    682     return kNotDeoptimizationEntry;
    683   }
    684   ASSERT_EQ(0,
    685             static_cast<int>(addr - start) % table_entry_size_);
    686   return static_cast<int>(addr - start) / table_entry_size_;
    687 }
    690 int Deoptimizer::GetOutputInfo(DeoptimizationOutputData* data,
    691                                BailoutId id,
    692                                SharedFunctionInfo* shared) {
    693   // TODO(kasperl): For now, we do a simple linear search for the PC
    694   // offset associated with the given node id. This should probably be
    695   // changed to a binary search.
    696   int length = data->DeoptPoints();
    697   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    698     if (data->AstId(i) == id) {
    699       return data->PcAndState(i)->value();
    700     }
    701   }
    702   PrintF(stderr, "[couldn't find pc offset for node=%d]\n", id.ToInt());
    703   PrintF(stderr, "[method: %s]\n", shared->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
    704   // Print the source code if available.
    705   HeapStringAllocator string_allocator;
    706   StringStream stream(&string_allocator);
    707   shared->SourceCodePrint(&stream, -1);
    708   PrintF(stderr, "[source:\n%s\n]", stream.ToCString().get());
    710   FATAL("unable to find pc offset during deoptimization");
    711   return -1;
    712 }
    715 int Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizedCodeCount(Isolate* isolate) {
    716   int length = 0;
    717   // Count all entries in the deoptimizing code list of every context.
    718   Object* context = isolate->heap()->native_contexts_list();
    719   while (!context->IsUndefined()) {
    720     Context* native_context = Context::cast(context);
    721     Object* element = native_context->DeoptimizedCodeListHead();
    722     while (!element->IsUndefined()) {
    723       Code* code = Code::cast(element);
    724       ASSERT(code->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
    725       length++;
    726       element = code->next_code_link();
    727     }
    728     context = Context::cast(context)->get(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK);
    729   }
    730   return length;
    731 }
    734 // We rely on this function not causing a GC.  It is called from generated code
    735 // without having a real stack frame in place.
    736 void Deoptimizer::DoComputeOutputFrames() {
    737   // Print some helpful diagnostic information.
    738   if (FLAG_log_timer_events &&
    739       compiled_code_->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION) {
    740     LOG(isolate(), CodeDeoptEvent(compiled_code_));
    741   }
    742   ElapsedTimer timer;
    744   // Determine basic deoptimization information.  The optimized frame is
    745   // described by the input data.
    746   DeoptimizationInputData* input_data =
    747       DeoptimizationInputData::cast(compiled_code_->deoptimization_data());
    749   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
    750     timer.Start();
    751     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    752            "[deoptimizing (DEOPT %s): begin 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ",
    753            MessageFor(bailout_type_),
    754            reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function_));
    755     PrintFunctionName();
    756     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    757            " (opt #%d) @%d, FP to SP delta: %d]\n",
    758            input_data->OptimizationId()->value(),
    759            bailout_id_,
    760            fp_to_sp_delta_);
    761     if (bailout_type_ == EAGER || bailout_type_ == SOFT) {
    762       compiled_code_->PrintDeoptLocation(trace_scope_->file(), bailout_id_);
    763     }
    764   }
    766   BailoutId node_id = input_data->AstId(bailout_id_);
    767   ByteArray* translations = input_data->TranslationByteArray();
    768   unsigned translation_index =
    769       input_data->TranslationIndex(bailout_id_)->value();
    771   // Do the input frame to output frame(s) translation.
    772   TranslationIterator iterator(translations, translation_index);
    773   Translation::Opcode opcode =
    774       static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator.Next());
    775   ASSERT(Translation::BEGIN == opcode);
    776   USE(opcode);
    777   // Read the number of output frames and allocate an array for their
    778   // descriptions.
    779   int count = iterator.Next();
    780   iterator.Next();  // Drop JS frames count.
    781   ASSERT(output_ == NULL);
    782   output_ = new FrameDescription*[count];
    783   for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    784     output_[i] = NULL;
    785   }
    786   output_count_ = count;
    788   Register fp_reg = JavaScriptFrame::fp_register();
    789   stack_fp_ = reinterpret_cast<Address>(
    790       input_->GetRegister(fp_reg.code()) +
    791           has_alignment_padding_ * kPointerSize);
    793   // Translate each output frame.
    794   for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    795     // Read the ast node id, function, and frame height for this output frame.
    796     Translation::Opcode opcode =
    797         static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator.Next());
    798     switch (opcode) {
    799       case Translation::JS_FRAME:
    800         DoComputeJSFrame(&iterator, i);
    801         jsframe_count_++;
    802         break;
    803       case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME:
    804         DoComputeArgumentsAdaptorFrame(&iterator, i);
    805         break;
    806       case Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME:
    807         DoComputeConstructStubFrame(&iterator, i);
    808         break;
    809       case Translation::GETTER_STUB_FRAME:
    810         DoComputeAccessorStubFrame(&iterator, i, false);
    811         break;
    812       case Translation::SETTER_STUB_FRAME:
    813         DoComputeAccessorStubFrame(&iterator, i, true);
    814         break;
    815       case Translation::COMPILED_STUB_FRAME:
    816         DoComputeCompiledStubFrame(&iterator, i);
    817         break;
    818       case Translation::BEGIN:
    819       case Translation::REGISTER:
    820       case Translation::INT32_REGISTER:
    821       case Translation::UINT32_REGISTER:
    822       case Translation::DOUBLE_REGISTER:
    823       case Translation::STACK_SLOT:
    824       case Translation::INT32_STACK_SLOT:
    825       case Translation::UINT32_STACK_SLOT:
    826       case Translation::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT:
    827       case Translation::LITERAL:
    828       case Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT:
    829       default:
    830         FATAL("Unsupported translation");
    831         break;
    832     }
    833   }
    835   // Print some helpful diagnostic information.
    836   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
    837     double ms = timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF();
    838     int index = output_count_ - 1;  // Index of the topmost frame.
    839     JSFunction* function = output_[index]->GetFunction();
    840     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    841            "[deoptimizing (%s): end 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ",
    842            MessageFor(bailout_type_),
    843            reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function));
    844     PrintFunctionName();
    845     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    846            " @%d => node=%d, pc=0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ", state=%s, alignment=%s,"
    847            " took %0.3f ms]\n",
    848            bailout_id_,
    849            node_id.ToInt(),
    850            output_[index]->GetPc(),
    851            FullCodeGenerator::State2String(
    852                static_cast<FullCodeGenerator::State>(
    853                    output_[index]->GetState()->value())),
    854            has_alignment_padding_ ? "with padding" : "no padding",
    855            ms);
    856   }
    857 }
    860 void Deoptimizer::DoComputeJSFrame(TranslationIterator* iterator,
    861                                    int frame_index) {
    862   BailoutId node_id = BailoutId(iterator->Next());
    863   JSFunction* function;
    864   if (frame_index != 0) {
    865     function = JSFunction::cast(ComputeLiteral(iterator->Next()));
    866   } else {
    867     int closure_id = iterator->Next();
    868     USE(closure_id);
    869     CHECK_EQ(Translation::kSelfLiteralId, closure_id);
    870     function = function_;
    871   }
    872   unsigned height = iterator->Next();
    873   unsigned height_in_bytes = height * kPointerSize;
    874   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
    875     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), "  translating ");
    876     function->PrintName(trace_scope_->file());
    877     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    878            " => node=%d, height=%d\n", node_id.ToInt(), height_in_bytes);
    879   }
    881   // The 'fixed' part of the frame consists of the incoming parameters and
    882   // the part described by JavaScriptFrameConstants.
    883   unsigned fixed_frame_size = ComputeFixedSize(function);
    884   unsigned input_frame_size = input_->GetFrameSize();
    885   unsigned output_frame_size = height_in_bytes + fixed_frame_size;
    887   // Allocate and store the output frame description.
    888   FrameDescription* output_frame =
    889       new(output_frame_size) FrameDescription(output_frame_size, function);
    890   output_frame->SetFrameType(StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT);
    892   bool is_bottommost = (0 == frame_index);
    893   bool is_topmost = (output_count_ - 1 == frame_index);
    894   CHECK(frame_index >= 0 && frame_index < output_count_);
    895   CHECK_EQ(output_[frame_index], NULL);
    896   output_[frame_index] = output_frame;
    898   // The top address for the bottommost output frame can be computed from
    899   // the input frame pointer and the output frame's height.  For all
    900   // subsequent output frames, it can be computed from the previous one's
    901   // top address and the current frame's size.
    902   Register fp_reg = JavaScriptFrame::fp_register();
    903   intptr_t top_address;
    904   if (is_bottommost) {
    905     // Determine whether the input frame contains alignment padding.
    906     has_alignment_padding_ = HasAlignmentPadding(function) ? 1 : 0;
    907     // 2 = context and function in the frame.
    908     // If the optimized frame had alignment padding, adjust the frame pointer
    909     // to point to the new position of the old frame pointer after padding
    910     // is removed. Subtract 2 * kPointerSize for the context and function slots.
    911     top_address = input_->GetRegister(fp_reg.code()) -
    912         StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp -
    913         height_in_bytes + has_alignment_padding_ * kPointerSize;
    914   } else {
    915     top_address = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetTop() - output_frame_size;
    916   }
    917   output_frame->SetTop(top_address);
    919   // Compute the incoming parameter translation.
    920   int parameter_count = function->shared()->formal_parameter_count() + 1;
    921   unsigned output_offset = output_frame_size;
    922   unsigned input_offset = input_frame_size;
    923   for (int i = 0; i < parameter_count; ++i) {
    924     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
    925     DoTranslateCommand(iterator, frame_index, output_offset);
    926   }
    927   input_offset -= (parameter_count * kPointerSize);
    929   // There are no translation commands for the caller's pc and fp, the
    930   // context, and the function.  Synthesize their values and set them up
    931   // explicitly.
    932   //
    933   // The caller's pc for the bottommost output frame is the same as in the
    934   // input frame.  For all subsequent output frames, it can be read from the
    935   // previous one.  This frame's pc can be computed from the non-optimized
    936   // function code and AST id of the bailout.
    937   output_offset -= kPCOnStackSize;
    938   input_offset -= kPCOnStackSize;
    939   intptr_t value;
    940   if (is_bottommost) {
    941     value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
    942   } else {
    943     value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetPc();
    944   }
    945   output_frame->SetCallerPc(output_offset, value);
    946   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
    947     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    948            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
    949            V8PRIxPTR  " ; caller's pc\n",
    950            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
    951   }
    953   // The caller's frame pointer for the bottommost output frame is the same
    954   // as in the input frame.  For all subsequent output frames, it can be
    955   // read from the previous one.  Also compute and set this frame's frame
    956   // pointer.
    957   output_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
    958   input_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
    959   if (is_bottommost) {
    960     value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
    961   } else {
    962     value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFp();
    963   }
    964   output_frame->SetCallerFp(output_offset, value);
    965   intptr_t fp_value = top_address + output_offset;
    966   ASSERT(!is_bottommost || (input_->GetRegister(fp_reg.code()) +
    967       has_alignment_padding_ * kPointerSize) == fp_value);
    968   output_frame->SetFp(fp_value);
    969   if (is_topmost) output_frame->SetRegister(fp_reg.code(), fp_value);
    970   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
    971     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
    972            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
    973            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's fp\n",
    974            fp_value, output_offset, value);
    975   }
    976   ASSERT(!is_bottommost || !has_alignment_padding_ ||
    977          (fp_value & kPointerSize) != 0);
    979   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
    980     // For the bottommost output frame the constant pool pointer can be gotten
    981     // from the input frame. For subsequent output frames, it can be read from
    982     // the previous frame.
    983     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
    984     input_offset -= kPointerSize;
    985     if (is_bottommost) {
    986       value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
    987     } else {
    988       value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetConstantPool();
    989     }
    990     output_frame->SetCallerConstantPool(output_offset, value);
    991     if (trace_scope_) {
    992       PrintF("    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
    993              V8PRIxPTR "; caller's constant_pool\n",
    994              top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
    995     }
    996   }
    998   // For the bottommost output frame the context can be gotten from the input
    999   // frame. For all subsequent output frames it can be gotten from the function
   1000   // so long as we don't inline functions that need local contexts.
   1001   Register context_reg = JavaScriptFrame::context_register();
   1002   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1003   input_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1004   if (is_bottommost) {
   1005     value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
   1006   } else {
   1007     value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function->context());
   1008   }
   1009   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1010   output_frame->SetContext(value);
   1011   if (is_topmost) output_frame->SetRegister(context_reg.code(), value);
   1012   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1013     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1014            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1015            V8PRIxPTR "; context\n",
   1016            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1017   }
   1019   // The function was mentioned explicitly in the BEGIN_FRAME.
   1020   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1021   input_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1022   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function);
   1023   // The function for the bottommost output frame should also agree with the
   1024   // input frame.
   1025   ASSERT(!is_bottommost || input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset) == value);
   1026   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1027   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1028     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1029            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1030            V8PRIxPTR "; function\n",
   1031            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1032   }
   1034   // Translate the rest of the frame.
   1035   for (unsigned i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
   1036     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1037     DoTranslateCommand(iterator, frame_index, output_offset);
   1038   }
   1039   CHECK_EQ(0, output_offset);
   1041   // Compute this frame's PC, state, and continuation.
   1042   Code* non_optimized_code = function->shared()->code();
   1043   FixedArray* raw_data = non_optimized_code->deoptimization_data();
   1044   DeoptimizationOutputData* data = DeoptimizationOutputData::cast(raw_data);
   1045   Address start = non_optimized_code->instruction_start();
   1046   unsigned pc_and_state = GetOutputInfo(data, node_id, function->shared());
   1047   unsigned pc_offset = FullCodeGenerator::PcField::decode(pc_and_state);
   1048   intptr_t pc_value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(start + pc_offset);
   1049   output_frame->SetPc(pc_value);
   1051   // Update constant pool.
   1052   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1053     intptr_t constant_pool_value =
   1054         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(non_optimized_code->constant_pool());
   1055     output_frame->SetConstantPool(constant_pool_value);
   1056     if (is_topmost) {
   1057       Register constant_pool_reg =
   1058           JavaScriptFrame::constant_pool_pointer_register();
   1059       output_frame->SetRegister(constant_pool_reg.code(), constant_pool_value);
   1060     }
   1061   }
   1063   FullCodeGenerator::State state =
   1064       FullCodeGenerator::StateField::decode(pc_and_state);
   1065   output_frame->SetState(Smi::FromInt(state));
   1067   // Set the continuation for the topmost frame.
   1068   if (is_topmost && bailout_type_ != DEBUGGER) {
   1069     Builtins* builtins = isolate_->builtins();
   1070     Code* continuation = builtins->builtin(Builtins::kNotifyDeoptimized);
   1071     if (bailout_type_ == LAZY) {
   1072       continuation = builtins->builtin(Builtins::kNotifyLazyDeoptimized);
   1073     } else if (bailout_type_ == SOFT) {
   1074       continuation = builtins->builtin(Builtins::kNotifySoftDeoptimized);
   1075     } else {
   1076       CHECK_EQ(bailout_type_, EAGER);
   1077     }
   1078     output_frame->SetContinuation(
   1079         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(continuation->entry()));
   1080   }
   1081 }
   1084 void Deoptimizer::DoComputeArgumentsAdaptorFrame(TranslationIterator* iterator,
   1085                                                  int frame_index) {
   1086   JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(ComputeLiteral(iterator->Next()));
   1087   unsigned height = iterator->Next();
   1088   unsigned height_in_bytes = height * kPointerSize;
   1089   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1090     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1091            "  translating arguments adaptor => height=%d\n", height_in_bytes);
   1092   }
   1094   unsigned fixed_frame_size = ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kFrameSize;
   1095   unsigned output_frame_size = height_in_bytes + fixed_frame_size;
   1097   // Allocate and store the output frame description.
   1098   FrameDescription* output_frame =
   1099       new(output_frame_size) FrameDescription(output_frame_size, function);
   1100   output_frame->SetFrameType(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR);
   1102   // Arguments adaptor can not be topmost or bottommost.
   1103   CHECK(frame_index > 0 && frame_index < output_count_ - 1);
   1104   CHECK(output_[frame_index] == NULL);
   1105   output_[frame_index] = output_frame;
   1107   // The top address of the frame is computed from the previous
   1108   // frame's top and this frame's size.
   1109   intptr_t top_address;
   1110   top_address = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetTop() - output_frame_size;
   1111   output_frame->SetTop(top_address);
   1113   // Compute the incoming parameter translation.
   1114   int parameter_count = height;
   1115   unsigned output_offset = output_frame_size;
   1116   for (int i = 0; i < parameter_count; ++i) {
   1117     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1118     DoTranslateCommand(iterator, frame_index, output_offset);
   1119   }
   1121   // Read caller's PC from the previous frame.
   1122   output_offset -= kPCOnStackSize;
   1123   intptr_t callers_pc = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetPc();
   1124   output_frame->SetCallerPc(output_offset, callers_pc);
   1125   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1126     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1127            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1128            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's pc\n",
   1129            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, callers_pc);
   1130   }
   1132   // Read caller's FP from the previous frame, and set this frame's FP.
   1133   output_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
   1134   intptr_t value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFp();
   1135   output_frame->SetCallerFp(output_offset, value);
   1136   intptr_t fp_value = top_address + output_offset;
   1137   output_frame->SetFp(fp_value);
   1138   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1139     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1140            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1141            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's fp\n",
   1142            fp_value, output_offset, value);
   1143   }
   1145   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1146     // Read the caller's constant pool from the previous frame.
   1147     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1148     value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetConstantPool();
   1149     output_frame->SetCallerConstantPool(output_offset, value);
   1150     if (trace_scope_) {
   1151       PrintF("    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1152              V8PRIxPTR "; caller's constant_pool\n",
   1153              top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1154     }
   1155   }
   1157   // A marker value is used in place of the context.
   1158   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1159   intptr_t context = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1160       Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR));
   1161   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, context);
   1162   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1163     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1164            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1165            V8PRIxPTR " ; context (adaptor sentinel)\n",
   1166            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, context);
   1167   }
   1169   // The function was mentioned explicitly in the ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME.
   1170   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1171   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function);
   1172   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1173   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1174     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1175            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1176            V8PRIxPTR " ; function\n",
   1177            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1178   }
   1180   // Number of incoming arguments.
   1181   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1182   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(height - 1));
   1183   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1184   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1185     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1186            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1187            V8PRIxPTR " ; argc (%d)\n",
   1188            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value, height - 1);
   1189   }
   1191   ASSERT(0 == output_offset);
   1193   Builtins* builtins = isolate_->builtins();
   1194   Code* adaptor_trampoline =
   1195       builtins->builtin(Builtins::kArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline);
   1196   intptr_t pc_value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1197       adaptor_trampoline->instruction_start() +
   1198       isolate_->heap()->arguments_adaptor_deopt_pc_offset()->value());
   1199   output_frame->SetPc(pc_value);
   1200   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1201     intptr_t constant_pool_value =
   1202         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(adaptor_trampoline->constant_pool());
   1203     output_frame->SetConstantPool(constant_pool_value);
   1204   }
   1205 }
   1208 void Deoptimizer::DoComputeConstructStubFrame(TranslationIterator* iterator,
   1209                                               int frame_index) {
   1210   Builtins* builtins = isolate_->builtins();
   1211   Code* construct_stub = builtins->builtin(Builtins::kJSConstructStubGeneric);
   1212   JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(ComputeLiteral(iterator->Next()));
   1213   unsigned height = iterator->Next();
   1214   unsigned height_in_bytes = height * kPointerSize;
   1215   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1216     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1217            "  translating construct stub => height=%d\n", height_in_bytes);
   1218   }
   1220   unsigned fixed_frame_size = ConstructFrameConstants::kFrameSize;
   1221   unsigned output_frame_size = height_in_bytes + fixed_frame_size;
   1223   // Allocate and store the output frame description.
   1224   FrameDescription* output_frame =
   1225       new(output_frame_size) FrameDescription(output_frame_size, function);
   1226   output_frame->SetFrameType(StackFrame::CONSTRUCT);
   1228   // Construct stub can not be topmost or bottommost.
   1229   ASSERT(frame_index > 0 && frame_index < output_count_ - 1);
   1230   ASSERT(output_[frame_index] == NULL);
   1231   output_[frame_index] = output_frame;
   1233   // The top address of the frame is computed from the previous
   1234   // frame's top and this frame's size.
   1235   intptr_t top_address;
   1236   top_address = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetTop() - output_frame_size;
   1237   output_frame->SetTop(top_address);
   1239   // Compute the incoming parameter translation.
   1240   int parameter_count = height;
   1241   unsigned output_offset = output_frame_size;
   1242   for (int i = 0; i < parameter_count; ++i) {
   1243     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1244     int deferred_object_index = deferred_objects_.length();
   1245     DoTranslateCommand(iterator, frame_index, output_offset);
   1246     // The allocated receiver of a construct stub frame is passed as the
   1247     // receiver parameter through the translation. It might be encoding
   1248     // a captured object, patch the slot address for a captured object.
   1249     if (i == 0 && deferred_objects_.length() > deferred_object_index) {
   1250       CHECK(!deferred_objects_[deferred_object_index].is_arguments());
   1251       deferred_objects_[deferred_object_index].patch_slot_address(top_address);
   1252     }
   1253   }
   1255   // Read caller's PC from the previous frame.
   1256   output_offset -= kPCOnStackSize;
   1257   intptr_t callers_pc = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetPc();
   1258   output_frame->SetCallerPc(output_offset, callers_pc);
   1259   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1260     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1261            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1262            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's pc\n",
   1263            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, callers_pc);
   1264   }
   1266   // Read caller's FP from the previous frame, and set this frame's FP.
   1267   output_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
   1268   intptr_t value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFp();
   1269   output_frame->SetCallerFp(output_offset, value);
   1270   intptr_t fp_value = top_address + output_offset;
   1271   output_frame->SetFp(fp_value);
   1272   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1273     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1274            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1275            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's fp\n",
   1276            fp_value, output_offset, value);
   1277   }
   1279   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1280     // Read the caller's constant pool from the previous frame.
   1281     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1282     value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetConstantPool();
   1283     output_frame->SetCallerConstantPool(output_offset, value);
   1284     if (trace_scope_) {
   1285       PrintF("    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1286              V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's constant pool\n",
   1287              top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1288     }
   1289   }
   1291   // The context can be gotten from the previous frame.
   1292   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1293   value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetContext();
   1294   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1295   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1296     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1297            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1298            V8PRIxPTR " ; context\n",
   1299            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1300   }
   1302   // A marker value is used in place of the function.
   1303   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1304   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::CONSTRUCT));
   1305   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1306   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1307     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1308            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1309            V8PRIxPTR " ; function (construct sentinel)\n",
   1310            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1311   }
   1313   // The output frame reflects a JSConstructStubGeneric frame.
   1314   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1315   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(construct_stub);
   1316   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1317   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1318     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1319            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1320            V8PRIxPTR " ; code object\n",
   1321            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1322   }
   1324   // Number of incoming arguments.
   1325   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1326   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(height - 1));
   1327   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1328   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1329     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1330            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1331            V8PRIxPTR " ; argc (%d)\n",
   1332            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value, height - 1);
   1333   }
   1335   // Constructor function being invoked by the stub (only present on some
   1336   // architectures, indicated by kConstructorOffset).
   1337   if (ConstructFrameConstants::kConstructorOffset != kMinInt) {
   1338     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1339     value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(function);
   1340     output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1341     if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1342       PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1343              "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1344              V8PRIxPTR " ; constructor function\n",
   1345              top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1346     }
   1347   }
   1349   // The newly allocated object was passed as receiver in the artificial
   1350   // constructor stub environment created by HEnvironment::CopyForInlining().
   1351   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1352   value = output_frame->GetFrameSlot(output_frame_size - kPointerSize);
   1353   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1354   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1355     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1356            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1357            V8PRIxPTR " ; allocated receiver\n",
   1358            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1359   }
   1361   CHECK_EQ(0, output_offset);
   1363   intptr_t pc = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1364       construct_stub->instruction_start() +
   1365       isolate_->heap()->construct_stub_deopt_pc_offset()->value());
   1366   output_frame->SetPc(pc);
   1367   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1368     intptr_t constant_pool_value =
   1369         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(construct_stub->constant_pool());
   1370     output_frame->SetConstantPool(constant_pool_value);
   1371   }
   1372 }
   1375 void Deoptimizer::DoComputeAccessorStubFrame(TranslationIterator* iterator,
   1376                                              int frame_index,
   1377                                              bool is_setter_stub_frame) {
   1378   JSFunction* accessor = JSFunction::cast(ComputeLiteral(iterator->Next()));
   1379   // The receiver (and the implicit return value, if any) are expected in
   1380   // registers by the LoadIC/StoreIC, so they don't belong to the output stack
   1381   // frame. This means that we have to use a height of 0.
   1382   unsigned height = 0;
   1383   unsigned height_in_bytes = height * kPointerSize;
   1384   const char* kind = is_setter_stub_frame ? "setter" : "getter";
   1385   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1386     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1387            "  translating %s stub => height=%u\n", kind, height_in_bytes);
   1388   }
   1390   // We need 1 stack entry for the return address and enough entries for the
   1391   // StackFrame::INTERNAL (FP, context, frame type, code object and constant
   1392   // pool (if FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool)- see MacroAssembler::EnterFrame).
   1393   // For a setter stub frame we need one additional entry for the implicit
   1394   // return value, see StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreViaSetter.
   1395   unsigned fixed_frame_entries =
   1396       (StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize / kPointerSize) + 1 +
   1397       (is_setter_stub_frame ? 1 : 0);
   1398   unsigned fixed_frame_size = fixed_frame_entries * kPointerSize;
   1399   unsigned output_frame_size = height_in_bytes + fixed_frame_size;
   1401   // Allocate and store the output frame description.
   1402   FrameDescription* output_frame =
   1403       new(output_frame_size) FrameDescription(output_frame_size, accessor);
   1404   output_frame->SetFrameType(StackFrame::INTERNAL);
   1406   // A frame for an accessor stub can not be the topmost or bottommost one.
   1407   CHECK(frame_index > 0 && frame_index < output_count_ - 1);
   1408   CHECK_EQ(output_[frame_index], NULL);
   1409   output_[frame_index] = output_frame;
   1411   // The top address of the frame is computed from the previous frame's top and
   1412   // this frame's size.
   1413   intptr_t top_address = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetTop() - output_frame_size;
   1414   output_frame->SetTop(top_address);
   1416   unsigned output_offset = output_frame_size;
   1418   // Read caller's PC from the previous frame.
   1419   output_offset -= kPCOnStackSize;
   1420   intptr_t callers_pc = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetPc();
   1421   output_frame->SetCallerPc(output_offset, callers_pc);
   1422   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1423     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1424            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %u] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR
   1425            " ; caller's pc\n",
   1426            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, callers_pc);
   1427   }
   1429   // Read caller's FP from the previous frame, and set this frame's FP.
   1430   output_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
   1431   intptr_t value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetFp();
   1432   output_frame->SetCallerFp(output_offset, value);
   1433   intptr_t fp_value = top_address + output_offset;
   1434   output_frame->SetFp(fp_value);
   1435   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1436     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1437            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %u] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR
   1438            " ; caller's fp\n",
   1439            fp_value, output_offset, value);
   1440   }
   1442   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1443     // Read the caller's constant pool from the previous frame.
   1444     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1445     value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetConstantPool();
   1446     output_frame->SetCallerConstantPool(output_offset, value);
   1447     if (trace_scope_) {
   1448       PrintF("    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1449              V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's constant pool\n",
   1450              top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1451     }
   1452   }
   1454   // The context can be gotten from the previous frame.
   1455   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1456   value = output_[frame_index - 1]->GetContext();
   1457   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1458   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1459     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1460            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %u] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR
   1461            " ; context\n",
   1462            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1463   }
   1465   // A marker value is used in place of the function.
   1466   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1467   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::INTERNAL));
   1468   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1469   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1470     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1471            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %u] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR
   1472            " ; function (%s sentinel)\n",
   1473            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value, kind);
   1474   }
   1476   // Get Code object from accessor stub.
   1477   output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1478   Builtins::Name name = is_setter_stub_frame ?
   1479       Builtins::kStoreIC_Setter_ForDeopt :
   1480       Builtins::kLoadIC_Getter_ForDeopt;
   1481   Code* accessor_stub = isolate_->builtins()->builtin(name);
   1482   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(accessor_stub);
   1483   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   1484   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1485     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1486            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %u] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR
   1487            " ; code object\n",
   1488            top_address + output_offset, output_offset, value);
   1489   }
   1491   // Skip receiver.
   1492   DoTranslateObjectAndSkip(iterator);
   1494   if (is_setter_stub_frame) {
   1495     // The implicit return value was part of the artificial setter stub
   1496     // environment.
   1497     output_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1498     DoTranslateCommand(iterator, frame_index, output_offset);
   1499   }
   1501   CHECK_EQ(output_offset, 0);
   1503   Smi* offset = is_setter_stub_frame ?
   1504       isolate_->heap()->setter_stub_deopt_pc_offset() :
   1505       isolate_->heap()->getter_stub_deopt_pc_offset();
   1506   intptr_t pc = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1507       accessor_stub->instruction_start() + offset->value());
   1508   output_frame->SetPc(pc);
   1509   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1510     intptr_t constant_pool_value =
   1511         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(accessor_stub->constant_pool());
   1512     output_frame->SetConstantPool(constant_pool_value);
   1513   }
   1514 }
   1517 void Deoptimizer::DoComputeCompiledStubFrame(TranslationIterator* iterator,
   1518                                              int frame_index) {
   1519   //
   1520   //               FROM                                  TO
   1521   //    |          ....           |          |          ....           |
   1522   //    +-------------------------+          +-------------------------+
   1523   //    | JSFunction continuation |          | JSFunction continuation |
   1524   //    +-------------------------+          +-------------------------+
   1525   // |  |    saved frame (FP)     |          |    saved frame (FP)     |
   1526   // |  +=========================+<-fpreg   +=========================+<-fpreg
   1527   // |  |constant pool (if ool_cp)|          |constant pool (if ool_cp)|
   1528   // |  +-------------------------+          +-------------------------|
   1529   // |  |   JSFunction context    |          |   JSFunction context    |
   1530   // v  +-------------------------+          +-------------------------|
   1531   //    |   COMPILED_STUB marker  |          |   STUB_FAILURE marker   |
   1532   //    +-------------------------+          +-------------------------+
   1533   //    |                         |          |  caller args.arguments_ |
   1534   //    | ...                     |          +-------------------------+
   1535   //    |                         |          |  caller args.length_    |
   1536   //    |-------------------------|<-spreg   +-------------------------+
   1537   //                                         |  caller args pointer    |
   1538   //                                         +-------------------------+
   1539   //                                         |  caller stack param 1   |
   1540   //      parameters in registers            +-------------------------+
   1541   //       and spilled to stack              |           ....          |
   1542   //                                         +-------------------------+
   1543   //                                         |  caller stack param n   |
   1544   //                                         +-------------------------+<-spreg
   1545   //                                         reg = number of parameters
   1546   //                                         reg = failure handler address
   1547   //                                         reg = saved frame
   1548   //                                         reg = JSFunction context
   1549   //
   1551   CHECK(compiled_code_->is_crankshafted() &&
   1552         compiled_code_->kind() != Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
   1553   int major_key = compiled_code_->major_key();
   1554   CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor =
   1555       isolate_->code_stub_interface_descriptor(major_key);
   1557   // The output frame must have room for all pushed register parameters
   1558   // and the standard stack frame slots.  Include space for an argument
   1559   // object to the callee and optionally the space to pass the argument
   1560   // object to the stub failure handler.
   1561   CHECK_GE(descriptor->register_param_count_, 0);
   1562   int height_in_bytes = kPointerSize * descriptor->register_param_count_ +
   1563       sizeof(Arguments) + kPointerSize;
   1564   int fixed_frame_size = StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize;
   1565   int input_frame_size = input_->GetFrameSize();
   1566   int output_frame_size = height_in_bytes + fixed_frame_size;
   1567   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1568     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1569            "  translating %s => StubFailureTrampolineStub, height=%d\n",
   1570            CodeStub::MajorName(static_cast<CodeStub::Major>(major_key), false),
   1571            height_in_bytes);
   1572   }
   1574   // The stub failure trampoline is a single frame.
   1575   FrameDescription* output_frame =
   1576       new(output_frame_size) FrameDescription(output_frame_size, NULL);
   1577   output_frame->SetFrameType(StackFrame::STUB_FAILURE_TRAMPOLINE);
   1578   CHECK_EQ(frame_index, 0);
   1579   output_[frame_index] = output_frame;
   1581   // The top address for the output frame can be computed from the input
   1582   // frame pointer and the output frame's height. Subtract space for the
   1583   // context and function slots.
   1584   Register fp_reg = StubFailureTrampolineFrame::fp_register();
   1585   intptr_t top_address = input_->GetRegister(fp_reg.code()) -
   1586       StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp - height_in_bytes;
   1587   output_frame->SetTop(top_address);
   1589   // Read caller's PC (JSFunction continuation) from the input frame.
   1590   unsigned input_frame_offset = input_frame_size - kPCOnStackSize;
   1591   unsigned output_frame_offset = output_frame_size - kFPOnStackSize;
   1592   intptr_t value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_frame_offset);
   1593   output_frame->SetCallerPc(output_frame_offset, value);
   1594   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1595     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1596            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1597            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's pc\n",
   1598            top_address + output_frame_offset, output_frame_offset, value);
   1599   }
   1601   // Read caller's FP from the input frame, and set this frame's FP.
   1602   input_frame_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
   1603   value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_frame_offset);
   1604   output_frame_offset -= kFPOnStackSize;
   1605   output_frame->SetCallerFp(output_frame_offset, value);
   1606   intptr_t frame_ptr = input_->GetRegister(fp_reg.code());
   1607   output_frame->SetRegister(fp_reg.code(), frame_ptr);
   1608   output_frame->SetFp(frame_ptr);
   1609   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1610     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1611            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1612            V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's fp\n",
   1613            top_address + output_frame_offset, output_frame_offset, value);
   1614   }
   1616   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1617     // Read the caller's constant pool from the input frame.
   1618     input_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1619     value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_frame_offset);
   1620     output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1621     output_frame->SetCallerConstantPool(output_frame_offset, value);
   1622     if (trace_scope_) {
   1623       PrintF("    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1624              V8PRIxPTR " ; caller's constant_pool\n",
   1625              top_address + output_frame_offset, output_frame_offset, value);
   1626     }
   1627   }
   1629   // The context can be gotten from the input frame.
   1630   Register context_reg = StubFailureTrampolineFrame::context_register();
   1631   input_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1632   value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_frame_offset);
   1633   output_frame->SetRegister(context_reg.code(), value);
   1634   output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1635   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
   1636   CHECK(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(value)->IsContext());
   1637   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1638     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1639            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1640            V8PRIxPTR " ; context\n",
   1641            top_address + output_frame_offset, output_frame_offset, value);
   1642   }
   1644   // A marker value is used in place of the function.
   1645   output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1646   value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1647       Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::STUB_FAILURE_TRAMPOLINE));
   1648   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
   1649   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1650     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1651            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1652            V8PRIxPTR " ; function (stub failure sentinel)\n",
   1653            top_address + output_frame_offset, output_frame_offset, value);
   1654   }
   1656   intptr_t caller_arg_count = 0;
   1657   bool arg_count_known = !descriptor->stack_parameter_count_.is_valid();
   1659   // Build the Arguments object for the caller's parameters and a pointer to it.
   1660   output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1661   int args_arguments_offset = output_frame_offset;
   1662   intptr_t the_hole = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1663       isolate_->heap()->the_hole_value());
   1664   if (arg_count_known) {
   1665     value = frame_ptr + StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset +
   1666         (caller_arg_count - 1) * kPointerSize;
   1667   } else {
   1668     value = the_hole;
   1669   }
   1671   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(args_arguments_offset, value);
   1672   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1673     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1674            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1675            V8PRIxPTR " ; args.arguments %s\n",
   1676            top_address + args_arguments_offset, args_arguments_offset, value,
   1677            arg_count_known ? "" : "(the hole)");
   1678   }
   1680   output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1681   int length_frame_offset = output_frame_offset;
   1682   value = arg_count_known ? caller_arg_count : the_hole;
   1683   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(length_frame_offset, value);
   1684   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1685     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1686            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1687            V8PRIxPTR " ; args.length %s\n",
   1688            top_address + length_frame_offset, length_frame_offset, value,
   1689            arg_count_known ? "" : "(the hole)");
   1690   }
   1692   output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1693   value = frame_ptr + StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset -
   1694       (output_frame_size - output_frame_offset) + kPointerSize;
   1695   output_frame->SetFrameSlot(output_frame_offset, value);
   1696   if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1697     PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1698            "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1699            V8PRIxPTR " ; args*\n",
   1700            top_address + output_frame_offset, output_frame_offset, value);
   1701   }
   1703   // Copy the register parameters to the failure frame.
   1704   int arguments_length_offset = -1;
   1705   for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->register_param_count_; ++i) {
   1706     output_frame_offset -= kPointerSize;
   1707     DoTranslateCommand(iterator, 0, output_frame_offset);
   1709     if (!arg_count_known && descriptor->IsParameterCountRegister(i)) {
   1710       arguments_length_offset = output_frame_offset;
   1711     }
   1712   }
   1714   CHECK_EQ(output_frame_offset, 0);
   1716   if (!arg_count_known) {
   1717     CHECK_GE(arguments_length_offset, 0);
   1718     // We know it's a smi because 1) the code stub guarantees the stack
   1719     // parameter count is in smi range, and 2) the DoTranslateCommand in the
   1720     // parameter loop above translated that to a tagged value.
   1721     Smi* smi_caller_arg_count = reinterpret_cast<Smi*>(
   1722         output_frame->GetFrameSlot(arguments_length_offset));
   1723     caller_arg_count = smi_caller_arg_count->value();
   1724     output_frame->SetFrameSlot(length_frame_offset, caller_arg_count);
   1725     if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1726       PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1727              "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1728              V8PRIxPTR " ; args.length\n",
   1729              top_address + length_frame_offset, length_frame_offset,
   1730              caller_arg_count);
   1731     }
   1732     value = frame_ptr + StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset +
   1733         (caller_arg_count - 1) * kPointerSize;
   1734     output_frame->SetFrameSlot(args_arguments_offset, value);
   1735     if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1736       PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1737              "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08"
   1738              V8PRIxPTR " ; args.arguments\n",
   1739              top_address + args_arguments_offset, args_arguments_offset,
   1740              value);
   1741     }
   1742   }
   1744   // Copy the double registers from the input into the output frame.
   1745   CopyDoubleRegisters(output_frame);
   1747   // Fill registers containing handler and number of parameters.
   1748   SetPlatformCompiledStubRegisters(output_frame, descriptor);
   1750   // Compute this frame's PC, state, and continuation.
   1751   Code* trampoline = NULL;
   1752   StubFunctionMode function_mode = descriptor->function_mode_;
   1753   StubFailureTrampolineStub(isolate_,
   1754                             function_mode).FindCodeInCache(&trampoline);
   1755   ASSERT(trampoline != NULL);
   1756   output_frame->SetPc(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   1757       trampoline->instruction_start()));
   1758   if (FLAG_enable_ool_constant_pool) {
   1759     Register constant_pool_reg =
   1760         StubFailureTrampolineFrame::constant_pool_pointer_register();
   1761     intptr_t constant_pool_value =
   1762         reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(trampoline->constant_pool());
   1763     output_frame->SetConstantPool(constant_pool_value);
   1764     output_frame->SetRegister(constant_pool_reg.code(), constant_pool_value);
   1765   }
   1766   output_frame->SetState(Smi::FromInt(FullCodeGenerator::NO_REGISTERS));
   1767   Code* notify_failure =
   1768       isolate_->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kNotifyStubFailureSaveDoubles);
   1769   output_frame->SetContinuation(
   1770       reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(notify_failure->entry()));
   1771 }
   1774 Handle<Object> Deoptimizer::MaterializeNextHeapObject() {
   1775   int object_index = materialization_object_index_++;
   1776   ObjectMaterializationDescriptor desc = deferred_objects_[object_index];
   1777   const int length = desc.object_length();
   1779   if (desc.duplicate_object() >= 0) {
   1780     // Found a previously materialized object by de-duplication.
   1781     object_index = desc.duplicate_object();
   1782     materialized_objects_->Add(Handle<Object>());
   1783   } else if (desc.is_arguments() && ArgumentsObjectIsAdapted(object_index)) {
   1784     // Use the arguments adapter frame we just built to materialize the
   1785     // arguments object. FunctionGetArguments can't throw an exception.
   1786     Handle<JSFunction> function = ArgumentsObjectFunction(object_index);
   1787     Handle<JSObject> arguments = Handle<JSObject>::cast(
   1788         Accessors::FunctionGetArguments(function));
   1789     materialized_objects_->Add(arguments);
   1790     // To keep consistent object counters, we still materialize the
   1791     // nested values (but we throw them away).
   1792     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1793       MaterializeNextValue();
   1794     }
   1795   } else if (desc.is_arguments()) {
   1796     // Construct an arguments object and copy the parameters to a newly
   1797     // allocated arguments object backing store.
   1798     Handle<JSFunction> function = ArgumentsObjectFunction(object_index);
   1799     Handle<JSObject> arguments =
   1800         isolate_->factory()->NewArgumentsObject(function, length);
   1801     Handle<FixedArray> array = isolate_->factory()->NewFixedArray(length);
   1802     ASSERT_EQ(array->length(), length);
   1803     arguments->set_elements(*array);
   1804     materialized_objects_->Add(arguments);
   1805     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1806       Handle<Object> value = MaterializeNextValue();
   1807       array->set(i, *value);
   1808     }
   1809   } else {
   1810     // Dispatch on the instance type of the object to be materialized.
   1811     // We also need to make sure that the representation of all fields
   1812     // in the given object are general enough to hold a tagged value.
   1813     Handle<Map> map = Map::GeneralizeAllFieldRepresentations(
   1814         Handle<Map>::cast(MaterializeNextValue()));
   1815     switch (map->instance_type()) {
   1816       case HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE: {
   1817         // Reuse the HeapNumber value directly as it is already properly
   1818         // tagged and skip materializing the HeapNumber explicitly.
   1819         Handle<Object> object = MaterializeNextValue();
   1820         if (object_index < prev_materialized_count_) {
   1821           materialized_objects_->Add(Handle<Object>(
   1822               previously_materialized_objects_->get(object_index), isolate_));
   1823         } else {
   1824           materialized_objects_->Add(object);
   1825         }
   1826         materialization_value_index_ += kDoubleSize / kPointerSize - 1;
   1827         break;
   1828       }
   1829       case JS_OBJECT_TYPE: {
   1830         Handle<JSObject> object =
   1831             isolate_->factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map, NOT_TENURED, false);
   1832         if (object_index < prev_materialized_count_) {
   1833           materialized_objects_->Add(Handle<Object>(
   1834               previously_materialized_objects_->get(object_index), isolate_));
   1835         } else {
   1836           materialized_objects_->Add(object);
   1837         }
   1838         Handle<Object> properties = MaterializeNextValue();
   1839         Handle<Object> elements = MaterializeNextValue();
   1840         object->set_properties(FixedArray::cast(*properties));
   1841         object->set_elements(FixedArrayBase::cast(*elements));
   1842         for (int i = 0; i < length - 3; ++i) {
   1843           Handle<Object> value = MaterializeNextValue();
   1844           FieldIndex index = FieldIndex::ForPropertyIndex(object->map(), i);
   1845           object->FastPropertyAtPut(index, *value);
   1846         }
   1847         break;
   1848       }
   1849       case JS_ARRAY_TYPE: {
   1850         Handle<JSArray> object =
   1851             isolate_->factory()->NewJSArray(0, map->elements_kind());
   1852         if (object_index < prev_materialized_count_) {
   1853           materialized_objects_->Add(Handle<Object>(
   1854               previously_materialized_objects_->get(object_index), isolate_));
   1855         } else {
   1856           materialized_objects_->Add(object);
   1857         }
   1858         Handle<Object> properties = MaterializeNextValue();
   1859         Handle<Object> elements = MaterializeNextValue();
   1860         Handle<Object> length = MaterializeNextValue();
   1861         object->set_properties(FixedArray::cast(*properties));
   1862         object->set_elements(FixedArrayBase::cast(*elements));
   1863         object->set_length(*length);
   1864         break;
   1865       }
   1866       default:
   1867         PrintF(stderr,
   1868                "[couldn't handle instance type %d]\n", map->instance_type());
   1869         FATAL("Unsupported instance type");
   1870     }
   1871   }
   1873   return materialized_objects_->at(object_index);
   1874 }
   1877 Handle<Object> Deoptimizer::MaterializeNextValue() {
   1878   int value_index = materialization_value_index_++;
   1879   Handle<Object> value = materialized_values_->at(value_index);
   1880   if (*value == isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()) {
   1881     value = MaterializeNextHeapObject();
   1882   }
   1883   return value;
   1884 }
   1887 void Deoptimizer::MaterializeHeapObjects(JavaScriptFrameIterator* it) {
   1888   ASSERT_NE(DEBUGGER, bailout_type_);
   1890   MaterializedObjectStore* materialized_store =
   1891       isolate_->materialized_object_store();
   1892   previously_materialized_objects_ = materialized_store->Get(stack_fp_);
   1893   prev_materialized_count_ = previously_materialized_objects_.is_null() ?
   1894       0 : previously_materialized_objects_->length();
   1896   // Walk all JavaScript output frames with the given frame iterator.
   1897   for (int frame_index = 0; frame_index < jsframe_count(); ++frame_index) {
   1898     if (frame_index != 0) it->Advance();
   1899     JavaScriptFrame* frame = it->frame();
   1900     jsframe_functions_.Add(handle(frame->function(), isolate_));
   1901     jsframe_has_adapted_arguments_.Add(frame->has_adapted_arguments());
   1902   }
   1904   // Handlify all tagged object values before triggering any allocation.
   1905   List<Handle<Object> > values(deferred_objects_tagged_values_.length());
   1906   for (int i = 0; i < deferred_objects_tagged_values_.length(); ++i) {
   1907     values.Add(Handle<Object>(deferred_objects_tagged_values_[i], isolate_));
   1908   }
   1910   // Play it safe and clear all unhandlified values before we continue.
   1911   deferred_objects_tagged_values_.Clear();
   1913   // Materialize all heap numbers before looking at arguments because when the
   1914   // output frames are used to materialize arguments objects later on they need
   1915   // to already contain valid heap numbers.
   1916   for (int i = 0; i < deferred_heap_numbers_.length(); i++) {
   1917     HeapNumberMaterializationDescriptor<Address> d = deferred_heap_numbers_[i];
   1918     Handle<Object> num = isolate_->factory()->NewNumber(d.value());
   1919     if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1920       PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1921              "Materialized a new heap number %p [%e] in slot %p\n",
   1922              reinterpret_cast<void*>(*num),
   1923              d.value(),
   1924              d.destination());
   1925     }
   1926     Memory::Object_at(d.destination()) = *num;
   1927   }
   1929   // Materialize all heap numbers required for arguments/captured objects.
   1930   for (int i = 0; i < deferred_objects_double_values_.length(); i++) {
   1931     HeapNumberMaterializationDescriptor<int> d =
   1932         deferred_objects_double_values_[i];
   1933     Handle<Object> num = isolate_->factory()->NewNumber(d.value());
   1934     if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1935       PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1936              "Materialized a new heap number %p [%e] for object at %d\n",
   1937              reinterpret_cast<void*>(*num),
   1938              d.value(),
   1939              d.destination());
   1940     }
   1941     ASSERT(values.at(d.destination())->IsTheHole());
   1942     values.Set(d.destination(), num);
   1943   }
   1945   // Play it safe and clear all object double values before we continue.
   1946   deferred_objects_double_values_.Clear();
   1948   // Materialize arguments/captured objects.
   1949   if (!deferred_objects_.is_empty()) {
   1950     List<Handle<Object> > materialized_objects(deferred_objects_.length());
   1951     materialized_objects_ = &materialized_objects;
   1952     materialized_values_ = &values;
   1954     while (materialization_object_index_ < deferred_objects_.length()) {
   1955       int object_index = materialization_object_index_;
   1956       ObjectMaterializationDescriptor descriptor =
   1957           deferred_objects_.at(object_index);
   1959       // Find a previously materialized object by de-duplication or
   1960       // materialize a new instance of the object if necessary. Store
   1961       // the materialized object into the frame slot.
   1962       Handle<Object> object = MaterializeNextHeapObject();
   1963       if (descriptor.slot_address() != NULL) {
   1964         Memory::Object_at(descriptor.slot_address()) = *object;
   1965       }
   1966       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   1967         if (descriptor.is_arguments()) {
   1968           PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1969                  "Materialized %sarguments object of length %d for %p: ",
   1970                  ArgumentsObjectIsAdapted(object_index) ? "(adapted) " : "",
   1971                  Handle<JSObject>::cast(object)->elements()->length(),
   1972                  reinterpret_cast<void*>(descriptor.slot_address()));
   1973         } else {
   1974           PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   1975                  "Materialized captured object of size %d for %p: ",
   1976                  Handle<HeapObject>::cast(object)->Size(),
   1977                  reinterpret_cast<void*>(descriptor.slot_address()));
   1978         }
   1979         object->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   1980         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), "\n");
   1981       }
   1982     }
   1984     CHECK_EQ(materialization_object_index_, materialized_objects_->length());
   1985     CHECK_EQ(materialization_value_index_, materialized_values_->length());
   1986   }
   1988   if (prev_materialized_count_ > 0) {
   1989     materialized_store->Remove(stack_fp_);
   1990   }
   1991 }
   1994 void Deoptimizer::MaterializeHeapNumbersForDebuggerInspectableFrame(
   1995     Address parameters_top,
   1996     uint32_t parameters_size,
   1997     Address expressions_top,
   1998     uint32_t expressions_size,
   1999     DeoptimizedFrameInfo* info) {
   2000   CHECK_EQ(DEBUGGER, bailout_type_);
   2001   Address parameters_bottom = parameters_top + parameters_size;
   2002   Address expressions_bottom = expressions_top + expressions_size;
   2003   for (int i = 0; i < deferred_heap_numbers_.length(); i++) {
   2004     HeapNumberMaterializationDescriptor<Address> d = deferred_heap_numbers_[i];
   2006     // Check of the heap number to materialize actually belong to the frame
   2007     // being extracted.
   2008     Address slot = d.destination();
   2009     if (parameters_top <= slot && slot < parameters_bottom) {
   2010       Handle<Object> num = isolate_->factory()->NewNumber(d.value());
   2012       int index = (info->parameters_count() - 1) -
   2013           static_cast<int>(slot - parameters_top) / kPointerSize;
   2015       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2016         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2017                "Materializing a new heap number %p [%e] in slot %p"
   2018                "for parameter slot #%d\n",
   2019                reinterpret_cast<void*>(*num),
   2020                d.value(),
   2021                d.destination(),
   2022                index);
   2023       }
   2025       info->SetParameter(index, *num);
   2026     } else if (expressions_top <= slot && slot < expressions_bottom) {
   2027       Handle<Object> num = isolate_->factory()->NewNumber(d.value());
   2029       int index = info->expression_count() - 1 -
   2030           static_cast<int>(slot - expressions_top) / kPointerSize;
   2032       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2033         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2034                "Materializing a new heap number %p [%e] in slot %p"
   2035                "for expression slot #%d\n",
   2036                reinterpret_cast<void*>(*num),
   2037                d.value(),
   2038                d.destination(),
   2039                index);
   2040       }
   2042       info->SetExpression(index, *num);
   2043     }
   2044   }
   2045 }
   2048 static const char* TraceValueType(bool is_smi) {
   2049   if (is_smi) {
   2050     return "smi";
   2051   }
   2053   return "heap number";
   2054 }
   2057 void Deoptimizer::DoTranslateObjectAndSkip(TranslationIterator* iterator) {
   2058   Translation::Opcode opcode =
   2059       static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator->Next());
   2061   switch (opcode) {
   2062     case Translation::BEGIN:
   2063     case Translation::JS_FRAME:
   2064     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME:
   2065     case Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME:
   2066     case Translation::GETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   2067     case Translation::SETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   2068     case Translation::COMPILED_STUB_FRAME: {
   2069       FATAL("Unexpected frame start translation opcode");
   2070       return;
   2071     }
   2073     case Translation::REGISTER:
   2074     case Translation::INT32_REGISTER:
   2075     case Translation::UINT32_REGISTER:
   2076     case Translation::DOUBLE_REGISTER:
   2077     case Translation::STACK_SLOT:
   2078     case Translation::INT32_STACK_SLOT:
   2079     case Translation::UINT32_STACK_SLOT:
   2080     case Translation::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT:
   2081     case Translation::LITERAL: {
   2082       // The value is not part of any materialized object, so we can ignore it.
   2083       iterator->Skip(Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(opcode));
   2084       return;
   2085     }
   2087     case Translation::DUPLICATED_OBJECT: {
   2088       int object_index = iterator->Next();
   2089       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2090         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), "      skipping object ");
   2091         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2092                " ; duplicate of object #%d\n", object_index);
   2093       }
   2094       AddObjectDuplication(0, object_index);
   2095       return;
   2096     }
   2098     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT:
   2099     case Translation::CAPTURED_OBJECT: {
   2100       int length = iterator->Next();
   2101       bool is_args = opcode == Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT;
   2102       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2103         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), "    skipping object ");
   2104         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2105                " ; object (length = %d, is_args = %d)\n", length, is_args);
   2106       }
   2108       AddObjectStart(0, length, is_args);
   2110       // We save the object values on the side and materialize the actual
   2111       // object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2112       int object_index = deferred_objects_.length() - 1;
   2113       for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   2114         DoTranslateObject(iterator, object_index, i);
   2115       }
   2116       return;
   2117     }
   2118   }
   2120   FATAL("Unexpected translation opcode");
   2121 }
   2124 void Deoptimizer::DoTranslateObject(TranslationIterator* iterator,
   2125                                     int object_index,
   2126                                     int field_index) {
   2127   disasm::NameConverter converter;
   2128   Address object_slot = deferred_objects_[object_index].slot_address();
   2130   Translation::Opcode opcode =
   2131       static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator->Next());
   2133   switch (opcode) {
   2134     case Translation::BEGIN:
   2135     case Translation::JS_FRAME:
   2136     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME:
   2137     case Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME:
   2138     case Translation::GETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   2139     case Translation::SETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   2140     case Translation::COMPILED_STUB_FRAME:
   2141       FATAL("Unexpected frame start translation opcode");
   2142       return;
   2144     case Translation::REGISTER: {
   2145       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2146       intptr_t input_value = input_->GetRegister(input_reg);
   2147       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2148         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2149                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2150                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2151                field_index);
   2152         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2153                "0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ; %s ", input_value,
   2154                converter.NameOfCPURegister(input_reg));
   2155         reinterpret_cast<Object*>(input_value)->ShortPrint(
   2156             trace_scope_->file());
   2157         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2158                "\n");
   2159       }
   2160       AddObjectTaggedValue(input_value);
   2161       return;
   2162     }
   2164     case Translation::INT32_REGISTER: {
   2165       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2166       intptr_t value = input_->GetRegister(input_reg);
   2167       bool is_smi = Smi::IsValid(value);
   2168       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2169         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2170                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2171                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2172                field_index);
   2173         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2174                "%" V8PRIdPTR " ; %s (%s)\n", value,
   2175                converter.NameOfCPURegister(input_reg),
   2176                TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2177       }
   2178       if (is_smi) {
   2179         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2180             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2181         AddObjectTaggedValue(tagged_value);
   2182       } else {
   2183         double double_value = static_cast<double>(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
   2184         AddObjectDoubleValue(double_value);
   2185       }
   2186       return;
   2187     }
   2189     case Translation::UINT32_REGISTER: {
   2190       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2191       uintptr_t value = static_cast<uintptr_t>(input_->GetRegister(input_reg));
   2192       bool is_smi = (value <= static_cast<uintptr_t>(Smi::kMaxValue));
   2193       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2194         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2195                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2196                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2197                field_index);
   2198         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2199                "%" V8PRIdPTR " ; uint %s (%s)\n", value,
   2200                converter.NameOfCPURegister(input_reg),
   2201                TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2202       }
   2203       if (is_smi) {
   2204         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2205             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2206         AddObjectTaggedValue(tagged_value);
   2207       } else {
   2208         double double_value = static_cast<double>(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
   2209         AddObjectDoubleValue(double_value);
   2210       }
   2211       return;
   2212     }
   2214     case Translation::DOUBLE_REGISTER: {
   2215       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2216       double value = input_->GetDoubleRegister(input_reg);
   2217       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2218         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2219                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2220                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2221                field_index);
   2222         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2223                "%e ; %s\n", value,
   2224                DoubleRegister::AllocationIndexToString(input_reg));
   2225       }
   2226       AddObjectDoubleValue(value);
   2227       return;
   2228     }
   2230     case Translation::STACK_SLOT: {
   2231       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2232       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2233       intptr_t input_value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
   2234       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2235         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2236                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2237                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2238                field_index);
   2239         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2240                "0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ; [sp + %d] ", input_value, input_offset);
   2241         reinterpret_cast<Object*>(input_value)->ShortPrint(
   2242             trace_scope_->file());
   2243         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2244                "\n");
   2245       }
   2246       AddObjectTaggedValue(input_value);
   2247       return;
   2248     }
   2250     case Translation::INT32_STACK_SLOT: {
   2251       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2252       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2253       intptr_t value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
   2254       bool is_smi = Smi::IsValid(value);
   2255       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2256         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2257                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2258                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2259                field_index);
   2260         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2261                "%" V8PRIdPTR " ; [sp + %d] (%s)\n",
   2262                value, input_offset, TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2263       }
   2264       if (is_smi) {
   2265         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2266             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2267         AddObjectTaggedValue(tagged_value);
   2268       } else {
   2269         double double_value = static_cast<double>(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
   2270         AddObjectDoubleValue(double_value);
   2271       }
   2272       return;
   2273     }
   2275     case Translation::UINT32_STACK_SLOT: {
   2276       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2277       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2278       uintptr_t value =
   2279           static_cast<uintptr_t>(input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset));
   2280       bool is_smi = (value <= static_cast<uintptr_t>(Smi::kMaxValue));
   2281       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2282         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2283                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2284                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2285                field_index);
   2286         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2287                "%" V8PRIdPTR " ; [sp + %d] (uint %s)\n",
   2288                value, input_offset, TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2289       }
   2290       if (is_smi) {
   2291         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2292             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2293         AddObjectTaggedValue(tagged_value);
   2294       } else {
   2295         double double_value = static_cast<double>(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
   2296         AddObjectDoubleValue(double_value);
   2297       }
   2298       return;
   2299     }
   2301     case Translation::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT: {
   2302       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2303       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2304       double value = input_->GetDoubleFrameSlot(input_offset);
   2305       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2306         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2307                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2308                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2309                field_index);
   2310         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2311                "%e ; [sp + %d]\n", value, input_offset);
   2312       }
   2313       AddObjectDoubleValue(value);
   2314       return;
   2315     }
   2317     case Translation::LITERAL: {
   2318       Object* literal = ComputeLiteral(iterator->Next());
   2319       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2320         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2321                "      object @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2322                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2323                field_index);
   2324         literal->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   2325         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2326                " ; literal\n");
   2327       }
   2328       intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(literal);
   2329       AddObjectTaggedValue(value);
   2330       return;
   2331     }
   2333     case Translation::DUPLICATED_OBJECT: {
   2334       int object_index = iterator->Next();
   2335       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2336         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2337                "      nested @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2338                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2339                field_index);
   2340         isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   2341         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2342                " ; duplicate of object #%d\n", object_index);
   2343       }
   2344       // Use the materialization marker value as a sentinel and fill in
   2345       // the object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2346       intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   2347           isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker());
   2348       AddObjectDuplication(0, object_index);
   2349       AddObjectTaggedValue(value);
   2350       return;
   2351     }
   2353     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT:
   2354     case Translation::CAPTURED_OBJECT: {
   2355       int length = iterator->Next();
   2356       bool is_args = opcode == Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT;
   2357       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2358         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2359                "      nested @0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [field #%d] <- ",
   2360                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(object_slot),
   2361                field_index);
   2362         isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   2363         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2364                " ; object (length = %d, is_args = %d)\n", length, is_args);
   2365       }
   2366       // Use the materialization marker value as a sentinel and fill in
   2367       // the object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2368       intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   2369           isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker());
   2370       AddObjectStart(0, length, is_args);
   2371       AddObjectTaggedValue(value);
   2372       // We save the object values on the side and materialize the actual
   2373       // object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2374       int object_index = deferred_objects_.length() - 1;
   2375       for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   2376         DoTranslateObject(iterator, object_index, i);
   2377       }
   2378       return;
   2379     }
   2380   }
   2382   FATAL("Unexpected translation opcode");
   2383 }
   2386 void Deoptimizer::DoTranslateCommand(TranslationIterator* iterator,
   2387                                      int frame_index,
   2388                                      unsigned output_offset) {
   2389   disasm::NameConverter converter;
   2390   // A GC-safe temporary placeholder that we can put in the output frame.
   2391   const intptr_t kPlaceholder = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(0));
   2393   Translation::Opcode opcode =
   2394       static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator->Next());
   2396   switch (opcode) {
   2397     case Translation::BEGIN:
   2398     case Translation::JS_FRAME:
   2399     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME:
   2400     case Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME:
   2401     case Translation::GETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   2402     case Translation::SETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   2403     case Translation::COMPILED_STUB_FRAME:
   2404       FATAL("Unexpected translation opcode");
   2405       return;
   2407     case Translation::REGISTER: {
   2408       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2409       intptr_t input_value = input_->GetRegister(input_reg);
   2410       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2411         PrintF(
   2412             trace_scope_->file(),
   2413             "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ; %s ",
   2414             output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2415             output_offset,
   2416             input_value,
   2417             converter.NameOfCPURegister(input_reg));
   2418         reinterpret_cast<Object*>(input_value)->ShortPrint(
   2419             trace_scope_->file());
   2420         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), "\n");
   2421       }
   2422       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, input_value);
   2423       return;
   2424     }
   2426     case Translation::INT32_REGISTER: {
   2427       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2428       intptr_t value = input_->GetRegister(input_reg);
   2429       bool is_smi = Smi::IsValid(value);
   2430       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2431         PrintF(
   2432             trace_scope_->file(),
   2433             "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- %" V8PRIdPTR " ; %s (%s)\n",
   2434             output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2435             output_offset,
   2436             value,
   2437             converter.NameOfCPURegister(input_reg),
   2438             TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2439       }
   2440       if (is_smi) {
   2441         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2442             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2443         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, tagged_value);
   2444       } else {
   2445         // We save the untagged value on the side and store a GC-safe
   2446         // temporary placeholder in the frame.
   2447         AddDoubleValue(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2448                        static_cast<double>(static_cast<int32_t>(value)));
   2449         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, kPlaceholder);
   2450       }
   2451       return;
   2452     }
   2454     case Translation::UINT32_REGISTER: {
   2455       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2456       uintptr_t value = static_cast<uintptr_t>(input_->GetRegister(input_reg));
   2457       bool is_smi = value <= static_cast<uintptr_t>(Smi::kMaxValue);
   2458       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2459         PrintF(
   2460             trace_scope_->file(),
   2461             "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- %" V8PRIuPTR
   2462             " ; uint %s (%s)\n",
   2463             output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2464             output_offset,
   2465             value,
   2466             converter.NameOfCPURegister(input_reg),
   2467             TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2468       }
   2469       if (is_smi) {
   2470         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2471             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2472         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, tagged_value);
   2473       } else {
   2474         // We save the untagged value on the side and store a GC-safe
   2475         // temporary placeholder in the frame.
   2476         AddDoubleValue(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2477                        static_cast<double>(static_cast<uint32_t>(value)));
   2478         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, kPlaceholder);
   2479       }
   2480       return;
   2481     }
   2483     case Translation::DOUBLE_REGISTER: {
   2484       int input_reg = iterator->Next();
   2485       double value = input_->GetDoubleRegister(input_reg);
   2486       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2487         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2488                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- %e ; %s\n",
   2489                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2490                output_offset,
   2491                value,
   2492                DoubleRegister::AllocationIndexToString(input_reg));
   2493       }
   2494       // We save the untagged value on the side and store a GC-safe
   2495       // temporary placeholder in the frame.
   2496       AddDoubleValue(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset, value);
   2497       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, kPlaceholder);
   2498       return;
   2499     }
   2501     case Translation::STACK_SLOT: {
   2502       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2503       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2504       intptr_t input_value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
   2505       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2506         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2507                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": ",
   2508                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset);
   2509         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2510                "[top + %d] <- 0x%08" V8PRIxPTR " ; [sp + %d] ",
   2511                output_offset,
   2512                input_value,
   2513                input_offset);
   2514         reinterpret_cast<Object*>(input_value)->ShortPrint(
   2515             trace_scope_->file());
   2516         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), "\n");
   2517       }
   2518       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, input_value);
   2519       return;
   2520     }
   2522     case Translation::INT32_STACK_SLOT: {
   2523       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2524       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2525       intptr_t value = input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset);
   2526       bool is_smi = Smi::IsValid(value);
   2527       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2528         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2529                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": ",
   2530                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset);
   2531         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2532                "[top + %d] <- %" V8PRIdPTR " ; [sp + %d] (%s)\n",
   2533                output_offset,
   2534                value,
   2535                input_offset,
   2536                TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2537       }
   2538       if (is_smi) {
   2539         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2540             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2541         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, tagged_value);
   2542       } else {
   2543         // We save the untagged value on the side and store a GC-safe
   2544         // temporary placeholder in the frame.
   2545         AddDoubleValue(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2546                        static_cast<double>(static_cast<int32_t>(value)));
   2547         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, kPlaceholder);
   2548       }
   2549       return;
   2550     }
   2552     case Translation::UINT32_STACK_SLOT: {
   2553       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2554       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2555       uintptr_t value =
   2556           static_cast<uintptr_t>(input_->GetFrameSlot(input_offset));
   2557       bool is_smi = value <= static_cast<uintptr_t>(Smi::kMaxValue);
   2558       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2559         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2560                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": ",
   2561                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset);
   2562         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2563                "[top + %d] <- %" V8PRIuPTR " ; [sp + %d] (uint32 %s)\n",
   2564                output_offset,
   2565                value,
   2566                input_offset,
   2567                TraceValueType(is_smi));
   2568       }
   2569       if (is_smi) {
   2570         intptr_t tagged_value =
   2571             reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)));
   2572         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, tagged_value);
   2573       } else {
   2574         // We save the untagged value on the side and store a GC-safe
   2575         // temporary placeholder in the frame.
   2576         AddDoubleValue(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2577                        static_cast<double>(static_cast<uint32_t>(value)));
   2578         output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, kPlaceholder);
   2579       }
   2580       return;
   2581     }
   2583     case Translation::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT: {
   2584       int input_slot_index = iterator->Next();
   2585       unsigned input_offset = input_->GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(input_slot_index);
   2586       double value = input_->GetDoubleFrameSlot(input_offset);
   2587       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2588         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2589                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- %e ; [sp + %d]\n",
   2590                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2591                output_offset,
   2592                value,
   2593                input_offset);
   2594       }
   2595       // We save the untagged value on the side and store a GC-safe
   2596       // temporary placeholder in the frame.
   2597       AddDoubleValue(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset, value);
   2598       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, kPlaceholder);
   2599       return;
   2600     }
   2602     case Translation::LITERAL: {
   2603       Object* literal = ComputeLiteral(iterator->Next());
   2604       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2605         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2606                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- ",
   2607                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2608                output_offset);
   2609         literal->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   2610         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(), " ; literal\n");
   2611       }
   2612       intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(literal);
   2613       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   2614       return;
   2615     }
   2617     case Translation::DUPLICATED_OBJECT: {
   2618       int object_index = iterator->Next();
   2619       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2620         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2621                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- ",
   2622                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2623                output_offset);
   2624         isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   2625         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2626                " ; duplicate of object #%d\n", object_index);
   2627       }
   2628       // Use the materialization marker value as a sentinel and fill in
   2629       // the object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2630       intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   2631           isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker());
   2632       AddObjectDuplication(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2633                            object_index);
   2634       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   2635       return;
   2636     }
   2638     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT:
   2639     case Translation::CAPTURED_OBJECT: {
   2640       int length = iterator->Next();
   2641       bool is_args = opcode == Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT;
   2642       if (trace_scope_ != NULL) {
   2643         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2644                "    0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ": [top + %d] <- ",
   2645                output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2646                output_offset);
   2647         isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker()->ShortPrint(trace_scope_->file());
   2648         PrintF(trace_scope_->file(),
   2649                " ; object (length = %d, is_args = %d)\n", length, is_args);
   2650       }
   2651       // Use the materialization marker value as a sentinel and fill in
   2652       // the object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2653       intptr_t value = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
   2654           isolate_->heap()->arguments_marker());
   2655       AddObjectStart(output_[frame_index]->GetTop() + output_offset,
   2656                      length, is_args);
   2657       output_[frame_index]->SetFrameSlot(output_offset, value);
   2658       // We save the object values on the side and materialize the actual
   2659       // object after the deoptimized frame is built.
   2660       int object_index = deferred_objects_.length() - 1;
   2661       for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   2662         DoTranslateObject(iterator, object_index, i);
   2663       }
   2664       return;
   2665     }
   2666   }
   2667 }
   2670 unsigned Deoptimizer::ComputeInputFrameSize() const {
   2671   unsigned fixed_size = ComputeFixedSize(function_);
   2672   // The fp-to-sp delta already takes the context, constant pool pointer and the
   2673   // function into account so we have to avoid double counting them.
   2674   unsigned result = fixed_size + fp_to_sp_delta_ -
   2675       StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp;
   2676   if (compiled_code_->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION) {
   2677     unsigned stack_slots = compiled_code_->stack_slots();
   2678     unsigned outgoing_size = ComputeOutgoingArgumentSize();
   2679     CHECK(result == fixed_size + (stack_slots * kPointerSize) + outgoing_size);
   2680   }
   2681   return result;
   2682 }
   2685 unsigned Deoptimizer::ComputeFixedSize(JSFunction* function) const {
   2686   // The fixed part of the frame consists of the return address, frame
   2687   // pointer, function, context, and all the incoming arguments.
   2688   return ComputeIncomingArgumentSize(function) +
   2689       StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize;
   2690 }
   2693 unsigned Deoptimizer::ComputeIncomingArgumentSize(JSFunction* function) const {
   2694   // The incoming arguments is the values for formal parameters and
   2695   // the receiver. Every slot contains a pointer.
   2696   if (function->IsSmi()) {
   2697     CHECK_EQ(Smi::cast(function), Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::STUB));
   2698     return 0;
   2699   }
   2700   unsigned arguments = function->shared()->formal_parameter_count() + 1;
   2701   return arguments * kPointerSize;
   2702 }
   2705 unsigned Deoptimizer::ComputeOutgoingArgumentSize() const {
   2706   DeoptimizationInputData* data = DeoptimizationInputData::cast(
   2707       compiled_code_->deoptimization_data());
   2708   unsigned height = data->ArgumentsStackHeight(bailout_id_)->value();
   2709   return height * kPointerSize;
   2710 }
   2713 Object* Deoptimizer::ComputeLiteral(int index) const {
   2714   DeoptimizationInputData* data = DeoptimizationInputData::cast(
   2715       compiled_code_->deoptimization_data());
   2716   FixedArray* literals = data->LiteralArray();
   2717   return literals->get(index);
   2718 }
   2721 void Deoptimizer::AddObjectStart(intptr_t slot, int length, bool is_args) {
   2722   ObjectMaterializationDescriptor object_desc(
   2723       reinterpret_cast<Address>(slot), jsframe_count_, length, -1, is_args);
   2724   deferred_objects_.Add(object_desc);
   2725 }
   2728 void Deoptimizer::AddObjectDuplication(intptr_t slot, int object_index) {
   2729   ObjectMaterializationDescriptor object_desc(
   2730       reinterpret_cast<Address>(slot), jsframe_count_, -1, object_index, false);
   2731   deferred_objects_.Add(object_desc);
   2732 }
   2735 void Deoptimizer::AddObjectTaggedValue(intptr_t value) {
   2736   deferred_objects_tagged_values_.Add(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(value));
   2737 }
   2740 void Deoptimizer::AddObjectDoubleValue(double value) {
   2741   deferred_objects_tagged_values_.Add(isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value());
   2742   HeapNumberMaterializationDescriptor<int> value_desc(
   2743       deferred_objects_tagged_values_.length() - 1, value);
   2744   deferred_objects_double_values_.Add(value_desc);
   2745 }
   2748 void Deoptimizer::AddDoubleValue(intptr_t slot_address, double value) {
   2749   HeapNumberMaterializationDescriptor<Address> value_desc(
   2750       reinterpret_cast<Address>(slot_address), value);
   2751   deferred_heap_numbers_.Add(value_desc);
   2752 }
   2755 void Deoptimizer::EnsureCodeForDeoptimizationEntry(Isolate* isolate,
   2756                                                    BailoutType type,
   2757                                                    int max_entry_id) {
   2758   // We cannot run this if the serializer is enabled because this will
   2759   // cause us to emit relocation information for the external
   2760   // references. This is fine because the deoptimizer's code section
   2761   // isn't meant to be serialized at all.
   2762   CHECK(type == EAGER || type == SOFT || type == LAZY);
   2763   DeoptimizerData* data = isolate->deoptimizer_data();
   2764   int entry_count = data->deopt_entry_code_entries_[type];
   2765   if (max_entry_id < entry_count) return;
   2766   entry_count = Max(entry_count, Deoptimizer::kMinNumberOfEntries);
   2767   while (max_entry_id >= entry_count) entry_count *= 2;
   2768   CHECK(entry_count <= Deoptimizer::kMaxNumberOfEntries);
   2770   MacroAssembler masm(isolate, NULL, 16 * KB);
   2771   masm.set_emit_debug_code(false);
   2772   GenerateDeoptimizationEntries(&masm, entry_count, type);
   2773   CodeDesc desc;
   2774   masm.GetCode(&desc);
   2775   ASSERT(!RelocInfo::RequiresRelocation(desc));
   2777   MemoryChunk* chunk = data->deopt_entry_code_[type];
   2778   CHECK(static_cast<int>(Deoptimizer::GetMaxDeoptTableSize()) >=
   2779         desc.instr_size);
   2780   chunk->CommitArea(desc.instr_size);
   2781   CopyBytes(chunk->area_start(), desc.buffer,
   2782       static_cast<size_t>(desc.instr_size));
   2783   CPU::FlushICache(chunk->area_start(), desc.instr_size);
   2785   data->deopt_entry_code_entries_[type] = entry_count;
   2786 }
   2789 FrameDescription::FrameDescription(uint32_t frame_size,
   2790                                    JSFunction* function)
   2791     : frame_size_(frame_size),
   2792       function_(function),
   2793       top_(kZapUint32),
   2794       pc_(kZapUint32),
   2795       fp_(kZapUint32),
   2796       context_(kZapUint32),
   2797       constant_pool_(kZapUint32) {
   2798   // Zap all the registers.
   2799   for (int r = 0; r < Register::kNumRegisters; r++) {
   2800     // TODO(jbramley): It isn't safe to use kZapUint32 here. If the register
   2801     // isn't used before the next safepoint, the GC will try to scan it as a
   2802     // tagged value. kZapUint32 looks like a valid tagged pointer, but it isn't.
   2803     SetRegister(r, kZapUint32);
   2804   }
   2806   // Zap all the slots.
   2807   for (unsigned o = 0; o < frame_size; o += kPointerSize) {
   2808     SetFrameSlot(o, kZapUint32);
   2809   }
   2810 }
   2813 int FrameDescription::ComputeFixedSize() {
   2814   return StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSize +
   2815       (ComputeParametersCount() + 1) * kPointerSize;
   2816 }
   2819 unsigned FrameDescription::GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(int slot_index) {
   2820   if (slot_index >= 0) {
   2821     // Local or spill slots. Skip the fixed part of the frame
   2822     // including all arguments.
   2823     unsigned base = GetFrameSize() - ComputeFixedSize();
   2824     return base - ((slot_index + 1) * kPointerSize);
   2825   } else {
   2826     // Incoming parameter.
   2827     int arg_size = (ComputeParametersCount() + 1) * kPointerSize;
   2828     unsigned base = GetFrameSize() - arg_size;
   2829     return base - ((slot_index + 1) * kPointerSize);
   2830   }
   2831 }
   2834 int FrameDescription::ComputeParametersCount() {
   2835   switch (type_) {
   2836     case StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT:
   2837       return function_->shared()->formal_parameter_count();
   2838     case StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR: {
   2839       // Last slot contains number of incomming arguments as a smi.
   2840       // Can't use GetExpression(0) because it would cause infinite recursion.
   2841       return reinterpret_cast<Smi*>(*GetFrameSlotPointer(0))->value();
   2842     }
   2843     case StackFrame::STUB:
   2844       return -1;  // Minus receiver.
   2845     default:
   2846       FATAL("Unexpected stack frame type");
   2847       return 0;
   2848   }
   2849 }
   2852 Object* FrameDescription::GetParameter(int index) {
   2853   CHECK_GE(index, 0);
   2854   CHECK_LT(index, ComputeParametersCount());
   2855   // The slot indexes for incoming arguments are negative.
   2856   unsigned offset = GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(index - ComputeParametersCount());
   2857   return reinterpret_cast<Object*>(*GetFrameSlotPointer(offset));
   2858 }
   2861 unsigned FrameDescription::GetExpressionCount() {
   2862   CHECK_EQ(StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT, type_);
   2863   unsigned size = GetFrameSize() - ComputeFixedSize();
   2864   return size / kPointerSize;
   2865 }
   2868 Object* FrameDescription::GetExpression(int index) {
   2869   ASSERT_EQ(StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT, type_);
   2870   unsigned offset = GetOffsetFromSlotIndex(index);
   2871   return reinterpret_cast<Object*>(*GetFrameSlotPointer(offset));
   2872 }
   2875 void TranslationBuffer::Add(int32_t value, Zone* zone) {
   2876   // Encode the sign bit in the least significant bit.
   2877   bool is_negative = (value < 0);
   2878   uint32_t bits = ((is_negative ? -value : value) << 1) |
   2879       static_cast<int32_t>(is_negative);
   2880   // Encode the individual bytes using the least significant bit of
   2881   // each byte to indicate whether or not more bytes follow.
   2882   do {
   2883     uint32_t next = bits >> 7;
   2884     contents_.Add(((bits << 1) & 0xFF) | (next != 0), zone);
   2885     bits = next;
   2886   } while (bits != 0);
   2887 }
   2890 int32_t TranslationIterator::Next() {
   2891   // Run through the bytes until we reach one with a least significant
   2892   // bit of zero (marks the end).
   2893   uint32_t bits = 0;
   2894   for (int i = 0; true; i += 7) {
   2895     ASSERT(HasNext());
   2896     uint8_t next = buffer_->get(index_++);
   2897     bits |= (next >> 1) << i;
   2898     if ((next & 1) == 0) break;
   2899   }
   2900   // The bits encode the sign in the least significant bit.
   2901   bool is_negative = (bits & 1) == 1;
   2902   int32_t result = bits >> 1;
   2903   return is_negative ? -result : result;
   2904 }
   2907 Handle<ByteArray> TranslationBuffer::CreateByteArray(Factory* factory) {
   2908   int length = contents_.length();
   2909   Handle<ByteArray> result = factory->NewByteArray(length, TENURED);
   2910   MemCopy(result->GetDataStartAddress(), contents_.ToVector().start(), length);
   2911   return result;
   2912 }
   2915 void Translation::BeginConstructStubFrame(int literal_id, unsigned height) {
   2916   buffer_->Add(CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME, zone());
   2917   buffer_->Add(literal_id, zone());
   2918   buffer_->Add(height, zone());
   2919 }
   2922 void Translation::BeginGetterStubFrame(int literal_id) {
   2923   buffer_->Add(GETTER_STUB_FRAME, zone());
   2924   buffer_->Add(literal_id, zone());
   2925 }
   2928 void Translation::BeginSetterStubFrame(int literal_id) {
   2929   buffer_->Add(SETTER_STUB_FRAME, zone());
   2930   buffer_->Add(literal_id, zone());
   2931 }
   2934 void Translation::BeginArgumentsAdaptorFrame(int literal_id, unsigned height) {
   2935   buffer_->Add(ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME, zone());
   2936   buffer_->Add(literal_id, zone());
   2937   buffer_->Add(height, zone());
   2938 }
   2941 void Translation::BeginJSFrame(BailoutId node_id,
   2942                                int literal_id,
   2943                                unsigned height) {
   2944   buffer_->Add(JS_FRAME, zone());
   2945   buffer_->Add(node_id.ToInt(), zone());
   2946   buffer_->Add(literal_id, zone());
   2947   buffer_->Add(height, zone());
   2948 }
   2951 void Translation::BeginCompiledStubFrame() {
   2952   buffer_->Add(COMPILED_STUB_FRAME, zone());
   2953 }
   2956 void Translation::BeginArgumentsObject(int args_length) {
   2957   buffer_->Add(ARGUMENTS_OBJECT, zone());
   2958   buffer_->Add(args_length, zone());
   2959 }
   2962 void Translation::BeginCapturedObject(int length) {
   2963   buffer_->Add(CAPTURED_OBJECT, zone());
   2964   buffer_->Add(length, zone());
   2965 }
   2968 void Translation::DuplicateObject(int object_index) {
   2969   buffer_->Add(DUPLICATED_OBJECT, zone());
   2970   buffer_->Add(object_index, zone());
   2971 }
   2974 void Translation::StoreRegister(Register reg) {
   2975   buffer_->Add(REGISTER, zone());
   2976   buffer_->Add(reg.code(), zone());
   2977 }
   2980 void Translation::StoreInt32Register(Register reg) {
   2981   buffer_->Add(INT32_REGISTER, zone());
   2982   buffer_->Add(reg.code(), zone());
   2983 }
   2986 void Translation::StoreUint32Register(Register reg) {
   2987   buffer_->Add(UINT32_REGISTER, zone());
   2988   buffer_->Add(reg.code(), zone());
   2989 }
   2992 void Translation::StoreDoubleRegister(DoubleRegister reg) {
   2993   buffer_->Add(DOUBLE_REGISTER, zone());
   2994   buffer_->Add(DoubleRegister::ToAllocationIndex(reg), zone());
   2995 }
   2998 void Translation::StoreStackSlot(int index) {
   2999   buffer_->Add(STACK_SLOT, zone());
   3000   buffer_->Add(index, zone());
   3001 }
   3004 void Translation::StoreInt32StackSlot(int index) {
   3005   buffer_->Add(INT32_STACK_SLOT, zone());
   3006   buffer_->Add(index, zone());
   3007 }
   3010 void Translation::StoreUint32StackSlot(int index) {
   3011   buffer_->Add(UINT32_STACK_SLOT, zone());
   3012   buffer_->Add(index, zone());
   3013 }
   3016 void Translation::StoreDoubleStackSlot(int index) {
   3017   buffer_->Add(DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT, zone());
   3018   buffer_->Add(index, zone());
   3019 }
   3022 void Translation::StoreLiteral(int literal_id) {
   3023   buffer_->Add(LITERAL, zone());
   3024   buffer_->Add(literal_id, zone());
   3025 }
   3028 void Translation::StoreArgumentsObject(bool args_known,
   3029                                        int args_index,
   3030                                        int args_length) {
   3031   buffer_->Add(ARGUMENTS_OBJECT, zone());
   3032   buffer_->Add(args_known, zone());
   3033   buffer_->Add(args_index, zone());
   3034   buffer_->Add(args_length, zone());
   3035 }
   3038 int Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(Opcode opcode) {
   3039   switch (opcode) {
   3040     case GETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   3041     case SETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   3042     case DUPLICATED_OBJECT:
   3043     case ARGUMENTS_OBJECT:
   3044     case CAPTURED_OBJECT:
   3045     case REGISTER:
   3046     case INT32_REGISTER:
   3047     case UINT32_REGISTER:
   3048     case DOUBLE_REGISTER:
   3049     case STACK_SLOT:
   3050     case INT32_STACK_SLOT:
   3051     case UINT32_STACK_SLOT:
   3052     case DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT:
   3053     case LITERAL:
   3054     case COMPILED_STUB_FRAME:
   3055       return 1;
   3056     case BEGIN:
   3058     case CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME:
   3059       return 2;
   3060     case JS_FRAME:
   3061       return 3;
   3062   }
   3063   FATAL("Unexpected translation type");
   3064   return -1;
   3065 }
   3068 #if defined(OBJECT_PRINT) || defined(ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER)
   3070 const char* Translation::StringFor(Opcode opcode) {
   3071 #define TRANSLATION_OPCODE_CASE(item)   case item: return #item;
   3072   switch (opcode) {
   3074   }
   3076   UNREACHABLE();
   3077   return "";
   3078 }
   3080 #endif
   3083 // We can't intermix stack decoding and allocations because
   3084 // deoptimization infrastracture is not GC safe.
   3085 // Thus we build a temporary structure in malloced space.
   3086 SlotRef SlotRefValueBuilder::ComputeSlotForNextArgument(
   3087     Translation::Opcode opcode,
   3088     TranslationIterator* iterator,
   3089     DeoptimizationInputData* data,
   3090     JavaScriptFrame* frame) {
   3091   switch (opcode) {
   3092     case Translation::BEGIN:
   3093     case Translation::JS_FRAME:
   3094     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME:
   3095     case Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME:
   3096     case Translation::GETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   3097     case Translation::SETTER_STUB_FRAME:
   3098       // Peeled off before getting here.
   3099       break;
   3101     case Translation::DUPLICATED_OBJECT: {
   3102       return SlotRef::NewDuplicateObject(iterator->Next());
   3103     }
   3105     case Translation::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT:
   3106       return SlotRef::NewArgumentsObject(iterator->Next());
   3108     case Translation::CAPTURED_OBJECT: {
   3109       return SlotRef::NewDeferredObject(iterator->Next());
   3110     }
   3112     case Translation::REGISTER:
   3113     case Translation::INT32_REGISTER:
   3114     case Translation::UINT32_REGISTER:
   3115     case Translation::DOUBLE_REGISTER:
   3116       // We are at safepoint which corresponds to call.  All registers are
   3117       // saved by caller so there would be no live registers at this
   3118       // point. Thus these translation commands should not be used.
   3119       break;
   3121     case Translation::STACK_SLOT: {
   3122       int slot_index = iterator->Next();
   3123       Address slot_addr = SlotAddress(frame, slot_index);
   3124       return SlotRef(slot_addr, SlotRef::TAGGED);
   3125     }
   3127     case Translation::INT32_STACK_SLOT: {
   3128       int slot_index = iterator->Next();
   3129       Address slot_addr = SlotAddress(frame, slot_index);
   3130       return SlotRef(slot_addr, SlotRef::INT32);
   3131     }
   3133     case Translation::UINT32_STACK_SLOT: {
   3134       int slot_index = iterator->Next();
   3135       Address slot_addr = SlotAddress(frame, slot_index);
   3136       return SlotRef(slot_addr, SlotRef::UINT32);
   3137     }
   3139     case Translation::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT: {
   3140       int slot_index = iterator->Next();
   3141       Address slot_addr = SlotAddress(frame, slot_index);
   3142       return SlotRef(slot_addr, SlotRef::DOUBLE);
   3143     }
   3145     case Translation::LITERAL: {
   3146       int literal_index = iterator->Next();
   3147       return SlotRef(data->GetIsolate(),
   3148                      data->LiteralArray()->get(literal_index));
   3149     }
   3151     case Translation::COMPILED_STUB_FRAME:
   3152       UNREACHABLE();
   3153       break;
   3154   }
   3156   FATAL("We should never get here - unexpected deopt info.");
   3157   return SlotRef();
   3158 }
   3161 SlotRefValueBuilder::SlotRefValueBuilder(JavaScriptFrame* frame,
   3162                                          int inlined_jsframe_index,
   3163                                          int formal_parameter_count)
   3164     : current_slot_(0), args_length_(-1), first_slot_index_(-1) {
   3165   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
   3167   int deopt_index = Safepoint::kNoDeoptimizationIndex;
   3168   DeoptimizationInputData* data =
   3169       static_cast<OptimizedFrame*>(frame)->GetDeoptimizationData(&deopt_index);
   3170   TranslationIterator it(data->TranslationByteArray(),
   3171                          data->TranslationIndex(deopt_index)->value());
   3172   Translation::Opcode opcode = static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(it.Next());
   3173   CHECK_EQ(opcode, Translation::BEGIN);
   3174   it.Next();  // Drop frame count.
   3176   stack_frame_id_ = frame->fp();
   3178   int jsframe_count = it.Next();
   3179   CHECK_GT(jsframe_count, inlined_jsframe_index);
   3180   int jsframes_to_skip = inlined_jsframe_index;
   3181   int number_of_slots = -1;  // Number of slots inside our frame (yet unknown)
   3182   bool should_deopt = false;
   3183   while (number_of_slots != 0) {
   3184     opcode = static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(it.Next());
   3185     bool processed = false;
   3186     if (opcode == Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME) {
   3187       if (jsframes_to_skip == 0) {
   3188         CHECK_EQ(Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(opcode), 2);
   3190         it.Skip(1);  // literal id
   3191         int height = it.Next();
   3193         // Skip the translation command for the receiver.
   3194         it.Skip(Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(
   3195             static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(it.Next())));
   3197         // We reached the arguments adaptor frame corresponding to the
   3198         // inlined function in question.  Number of arguments is height - 1.
   3199         first_slot_index_ = slot_refs_.length();
   3200         args_length_ = height - 1;
   3201         number_of_slots = height - 1;
   3202         processed = true;
   3203       }
   3204     } else if (opcode == Translation::JS_FRAME) {
   3205       if (jsframes_to_skip == 0) {
   3206         // Skip over operands to advance to the next opcode.
   3207         it.Skip(Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(opcode));
   3209         // Skip the translation command for the receiver.
   3210         it.Skip(Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(
   3211             static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(it.Next())));
   3213         // We reached the frame corresponding to the inlined function
   3214         // in question.  Process the translation commands for the
   3215         // arguments.  Number of arguments is equal to the number of
   3216         // format parameter count.
   3217         first_slot_index_ = slot_refs_.length();
   3218         args_length_ = formal_parameter_count;
   3219         number_of_slots = formal_parameter_count;
   3220         processed = true;
   3221       }
   3222       jsframes_to_skip--;
   3223     } else if (opcode != Translation::BEGIN &&
   3224                opcode != Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME &&
   3225                opcode != Translation::GETTER_STUB_FRAME &&
   3226                opcode != Translation::SETTER_STUB_FRAME &&
   3227                opcode != Translation::COMPILED_STUB_FRAME) {
   3228       slot_refs_.Add(ComputeSlotForNextArgument(opcode, &it, data, frame));
   3230       if (first_slot_index_ >= 0) {
   3231         // We have found the beginning of our frame -> make sure we count
   3232         // the nested slots of captured objects
   3233         number_of_slots--;
   3234         SlotRef& slot = slot_refs_.last();
   3235         CHECK_NE(slot.Representation(), SlotRef::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT);
   3236         number_of_slots += slot.GetChildrenCount();
   3237         if (slot.Representation() == SlotRef::DEFERRED_OBJECT ||
   3238             slot.Representation() == SlotRef::DUPLICATE_OBJECT) {
   3239           should_deopt = true;
   3240         }
   3241       }
   3243       processed = true;
   3244     }
   3245     if (!processed) {
   3246       // Skip over operands to advance to the next opcode.
   3247       it.Skip(Translation::NumberOfOperandsFor(opcode));
   3248     }
   3249   }
   3250   if (should_deopt) {
   3251     List<JSFunction*> functions(2);
   3252     frame->GetFunctions(&functions);
   3253     Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeFunction(functions[0]);
   3254   }
   3255 }
   3258 Handle<Object> SlotRef::GetValue(Isolate* isolate) {
   3259   switch (representation_) {
   3260     case TAGGED:
   3261       return Handle<Object>(Memory::Object_at(addr_), isolate);
   3263     case INT32: {
   3264       int value = Memory::int32_at(addr_);
   3265       if (Smi::IsValid(value)) {
   3266         return Handle<Object>(Smi::FromInt(value), isolate);
   3267       } else {
   3268         return isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(value);
   3269       }
   3270     }
   3272     case UINT32: {
   3273       uint32_t value = Memory::uint32_at(addr_);
   3274       if (value <= static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) {
   3275         return Handle<Object>(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value)), isolate);
   3276       } else {
   3277         return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(static_cast<double>(value));
   3278       }
   3279     }
   3281     case DOUBLE: {
   3282       double value = read_double_value(addr_);
   3283       return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(value);
   3284     }
   3286     case LITERAL:
   3287       return literal_;
   3289     default:
   3290       FATAL("We should never get here - unexpected deopt info.");
   3291       return Handle<Object>::null();
   3292   }
   3293 }
   3296 void SlotRefValueBuilder::Prepare(Isolate* isolate) {
   3297   MaterializedObjectStore* materialized_store =
   3298       isolate->materialized_object_store();
   3299   previously_materialized_objects_ = materialized_store->Get(stack_frame_id_);
   3300   prev_materialized_count_ = previously_materialized_objects_.is_null()
   3301       ? 0 : previously_materialized_objects_->length();
   3303   // Skip any materialized objects of the inlined "parent" frames.
   3304   // (Note that we still need to materialize them because they might be
   3305   // referred to as duplicated objects.)
   3306   while (current_slot_ < first_slot_index_) {
   3307     GetNext(isolate, 0);
   3308   }
   3309   CHECK_EQ(current_slot_, first_slot_index_);
   3310 }
   3313 Handle<Object> SlotRefValueBuilder::GetPreviouslyMaterialized(
   3314     Isolate* isolate, int length) {
   3315   int object_index = materialized_objects_.length();
   3316   Handle<Object> return_value = Handle<Object>(
   3317       previously_materialized_objects_->get(object_index), isolate);
   3318   materialized_objects_.Add(return_value);
   3320   // Now need to skip all the nested objects (and possibly read them from
   3321   // the materialization store, too).
   3322   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   3323     SlotRef& slot = slot_refs_[current_slot_];
   3324     current_slot_++;
   3326     // We need to read all the nested objects - add them to the
   3327     // number of objects we need to process.
   3328     length += slot.GetChildrenCount();
   3330     // Put the nested deferred/duplicate objects into our materialization
   3331     // array.
   3332     if (slot.Representation() == SlotRef::DEFERRED_OBJECT ||
   3333         slot.Representation() == SlotRef::DUPLICATE_OBJECT) {
   3334       int nested_object_index = materialized_objects_.length();
   3335       Handle<Object> nested_object = Handle<Object>(
   3336           previously_materialized_objects_->get(nested_object_index),
   3337           isolate);
   3338       materialized_objects_.Add(nested_object);
   3339     }
   3340   }
   3342   return return_value;
   3343 }
   3346 Handle<Object> SlotRefValueBuilder::GetNext(Isolate* isolate, int lvl) {
   3347   SlotRef& slot = slot_refs_[current_slot_];
   3348   current_slot_++;
   3349   switch (slot.Representation()) {
   3350     case SlotRef::TAGGED:
   3351     case SlotRef::INT32:
   3352     case SlotRef::UINT32:
   3353     case SlotRef::DOUBLE:
   3354     case SlotRef::LITERAL: {
   3355       return slot.GetValue(isolate);
   3356     }
   3357     case SlotRef::ARGUMENTS_OBJECT: {
   3358       // We should never need to materialize an arguments object,
   3359       // but we still need to put something into the array
   3360       // so that the indexing is consistent.
   3361       materialized_objects_.Add(isolate->factory()->undefined_value());
   3362       int length = slot.GetChildrenCount();
   3363       for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   3364         // We don't need the argument, just ignore it
   3365         GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3366       }
   3367       return isolate->factory()->undefined_value();
   3368     }
   3369     case SlotRef::DEFERRED_OBJECT: {
   3370       int length = slot.GetChildrenCount();
   3371       CHECK(slot_refs_[current_slot_].Representation() == SlotRef::LITERAL ||
   3372             slot_refs_[current_slot_].Representation() == SlotRef::TAGGED);
   3374       int object_index = materialized_objects_.length();
   3375       if (object_index <  prev_materialized_count_) {
   3376         return GetPreviouslyMaterialized(isolate, length);
   3377       }
   3379       Handle<Object> map_object = slot_refs_[current_slot_].GetValue(isolate);
   3380       Handle<Map> map = Map::GeneralizeAllFieldRepresentations(
   3381           Handle<Map>::cast(map_object));
   3382       current_slot_++;
   3383       // TODO(jarin) this should be unified with the code in
   3384       // Deoptimizer::MaterializeNextHeapObject()
   3385       switch (map->instance_type()) {
   3386         case HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE: {
   3387           // Reuse the HeapNumber value directly as it is already properly
   3388           // tagged and skip materializing the HeapNumber explicitly.
   3389           Handle<Object> object = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3390           materialized_objects_.Add(object);
   3391           // On 32-bit architectures, there is an extra slot there because
   3392           // the escape analysis calculates the number of slots as
   3393           // object-size/pointer-size. To account for this, we read out
   3394           // any extra slots.
   3395           for (int i = 0; i < length - 2; i++) {
   3396             GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3397           }
   3398           return object;
   3399         }
   3400         case JS_OBJECT_TYPE: {
   3401           Handle<JSObject> object =
   3402               isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map, NOT_TENURED, false);
   3403           materialized_objects_.Add(object);
   3404           Handle<Object> properties = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3405           Handle<Object> elements = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3406           object->set_properties(FixedArray::cast(*properties));
   3407           object->set_elements(FixedArrayBase::cast(*elements));
   3408           for (int i = 0; i < length - 3; ++i) {
   3409             Handle<Object> value = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3410             FieldIndex index = FieldIndex::ForPropertyIndex(object->map(), i);
   3411             object->FastPropertyAtPut(index, *value);
   3412           }
   3413           return object;
   3414         }
   3415         case JS_ARRAY_TYPE: {
   3416           Handle<JSArray> object =
   3417               isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(0, map->elements_kind());
   3418           materialized_objects_.Add(object);
   3419           Handle<Object> properties = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3420           Handle<Object> elements = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3421           Handle<Object> length = GetNext(isolate, lvl + 1);
   3422           object->set_properties(FixedArray::cast(*properties));
   3423           object->set_elements(FixedArrayBase::cast(*elements));
   3424           object->set_length(*length);
   3425           return object;
   3426         }
   3427         default:
   3428           PrintF(stderr,
   3429                  "[couldn't handle instance type %d]\n", map->instance_type());
   3430           UNREACHABLE();
   3431           break;
   3432       }
   3433       UNREACHABLE();
   3434       break;
   3435     }
   3437     case SlotRef::DUPLICATE_OBJECT: {
   3438       int object_index = slot.DuplicateObjectId();
   3439       Handle<Object> object = materialized_objects_[object_index];
   3440       materialized_objects_.Add(object);
   3441       return object;
   3442     }
   3443     default:
   3444       UNREACHABLE();
   3445       break;
   3446   }
   3448   FATAL("We should never get here - unexpected deopt slot kind.");
   3449   return Handle<Object>::null();
   3450 }
   3453 void SlotRefValueBuilder::Finish(Isolate* isolate) {
   3454   // We should have processed all the slots
   3455   CHECK_EQ(slot_refs_.length(), current_slot_);
   3457   if (materialized_objects_.length() > prev_materialized_count_) {
   3458     // We have materialized some new objects, so we have to store them
   3459     // to prevent duplicate materialization
   3460     Handle<FixedArray> array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(
   3461         materialized_objects_.length());
   3462     for (int i = 0; i < materialized_objects_.length(); i++) {
   3463       array->set(i, *(materialized_objects_.at(i)));
   3464     }
   3465     isolate->materialized_object_store()->Set(stack_frame_id_, array);
   3466   }
   3467 }
   3470 Handle<FixedArray> MaterializedObjectStore::Get(Address fp) {
   3471   int index = StackIdToIndex(fp);
   3472   if (index == -1) {
   3473     return Handle<FixedArray>::null();
   3474   }
   3475   Handle<FixedArray> array = GetStackEntries();
   3476   CHECK_GT(array->length(), index);
   3477   return Handle<FixedArray>::cast(Handle<Object>(array->get(index),
   3478                                                  isolate()));
   3479 }
   3482 void MaterializedObjectStore::Set(Address fp,
   3483     Handle<FixedArray> materialized_objects) {
   3484   int index = StackIdToIndex(fp);
   3485   if (index == -1) {
   3486     index = frame_fps_.length();
   3487     frame_fps_.Add(fp);
   3488   }
   3490   Handle<FixedArray> array = EnsureStackEntries(index + 1);
   3491   array->set(index, *materialized_objects);
   3492 }
   3495 void MaterializedObjectStore::Remove(Address fp) {
   3496   int index = StackIdToIndex(fp);
   3497   CHECK_GE(index, 0);
   3499   frame_fps_.Remove(index);
   3500   Handle<FixedArray> array = GetStackEntries();
   3501   CHECK_LT(index, array->length());
   3502   for (int i = index; i < frame_fps_.length(); i++) {
   3503     array->set(i, array->get(i + 1));
   3504   }
   3505   array->set(frame_fps_.length(), isolate()->heap()->undefined_value());
   3506 }
   3509 int MaterializedObjectStore::StackIdToIndex(Address fp) {
   3510   for (int i = 0; i < frame_fps_.length(); i++) {
   3511     if (frame_fps_[i] == fp) {
   3512       return i;
   3513     }
   3514   }
   3515   return -1;
   3516 }
   3519 Handle<FixedArray> MaterializedObjectStore::GetStackEntries() {
   3520   return Handle<FixedArray>(isolate()->heap()->materialized_objects());
   3521 }
   3524 Handle<FixedArray> MaterializedObjectStore::EnsureStackEntries(int length) {
   3525   Handle<FixedArray> array = GetStackEntries();
   3526   if (array->length() >= length) {
   3527     return array;
   3528   }
   3530   int new_length = length > 10 ? length : 10;
   3531   if (new_length < 2 * array->length()) {
   3532     new_length = 2 * array->length();
   3533   }
   3535   Handle<FixedArray> new_array =
   3536       isolate()->factory()->NewFixedArray(new_length, TENURED);
   3537   for (int i = 0; i < array->length(); i++) {
   3538     new_array->set(i, array->get(i));
   3539   }
   3540   for (int i = array->length(); i < length; i++) {
   3541     new_array->set(i, isolate()->heap()->undefined_value());
   3542   }
   3543   isolate()->heap()->public_set_materialized_objects(*new_array);
   3544   return new_array;
   3545 }
   3548 DeoptimizedFrameInfo::DeoptimizedFrameInfo(Deoptimizer* deoptimizer,
   3549                                            int frame_index,
   3550                                            bool has_arguments_adaptor,
   3551                                            bool has_construct_stub) {
   3552   FrameDescription* output_frame = deoptimizer->output_[frame_index];
   3553   function_ = output_frame->GetFunction();
   3554   has_construct_stub_ = has_construct_stub;
   3555   expression_count_ = output_frame->GetExpressionCount();
   3556   expression_stack_ = new Object*[expression_count_];
   3557   // Get the source position using the unoptimized code.
   3558   Address pc = reinterpret_cast<Address>(output_frame->GetPc());
   3559   Code* code = Code::cast(deoptimizer->isolate()->FindCodeObject(pc));
   3560   source_position_ = code->SourcePosition(pc);
   3562   for (int i = 0; i < expression_count_; i++) {
   3563     SetExpression(i, output_frame->GetExpression(i));
   3564   }
   3566   if (has_arguments_adaptor) {
   3567     output_frame = deoptimizer->output_[frame_index - 1];
   3568     CHECK_EQ(output_frame->GetFrameType(), StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR);
   3569   }
   3571   parameters_count_ = output_frame->ComputeParametersCount();
   3572   parameters_ = new Object*[parameters_count_];
   3573   for (int i = 0; i < parameters_count_; i++) {
   3574     SetParameter(i, output_frame->GetParameter(i));
   3575   }
   3576 }
   3579 DeoptimizedFrameInfo::~DeoptimizedFrameInfo() {
   3580   delete[] expression_stack_;
   3581   delete[] parameters_;
   3582 }
   3585 void DeoptimizedFrameInfo::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v) {
   3586   v->VisitPointer(BitCast<Object**>(&function_));
   3587   v->VisitPointers(parameters_, parameters_ + parameters_count_);
   3588   v->VisitPointers(expression_stack_, expression_stack_ + expression_count_);
   3589 }
   3591 } }  // namespace v8::internal