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__cxa_finalize __cxa_atexit __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 _ZN9LocApiV029getZppFixER11GpsLocation __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase5closeEv _ZTVN8loc_core10LocApiBaseE _ZdlPv loc_get_v02_event_name __android_log_print loc_logger get_timestamp loc_sync_process_ind __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard FROM_MODEM _ZN9LocApiV025closeEv locClientClose _ZN9LocApiV02D2Ev _ZN9LocApiV02D1Ev _ZN9LocApiV02D0Ev _ZN9LocApiV0211setXtraDataEPci __memcpy_chk loc_sync_send_req loc_get_v02_client_status_name loc_get_v02_qmi_status_name _ZN9LocApiV0217requestXtraServerEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase16reportXtraServerEPKcS2_S2_i _ZN9LocApiV0221initDataServiceClientEv ds_client_init _ZN9LocApiV0220openAndStartDataCallEv ds_client_open_call ds_client_start_call _ZN9LocApiV0212stopDataCallEv ds_client_stop_call _ZN9LocApiV0213injecCertFileEPciPKc memset _ZN9LocApiV0217setExtPowerConfigEi _ZN9LocApiV0214injectPositionEddf _ZN9LocApiV0216deleteAidingDataEt _ZN9LocApiV029setServerEji15loc_server_type _ZN9LocApiV0213atlOpenStatusEiiPcst strlcpy _ZN9LocApiV0214atlCloseStatusEii _ZN9LocApiV0214setSUPLVersionEj _ZN9LocApiV0212setLPPConfigEj _ZN9LocApiV0222setSensorControlConfigEi _ZN9LocApiV0219setSensorPropertiesEbfbfbfbfbf _ZN9LocApiV0226setSensorPerfControlConfigEiiiiiiiiii _ZN9LocApiV0219setAGLONASSProtocolEm _ZN9LocApiV029getZppFixER11GpsLocationRj _ZN9LocApiV0210setGpsLockEj _ZN9LocApiV0210getGpsLockEv _ZN9LocApiV027stopFixEv locClientSendReq _ZN9LocApiV027setTimeExxi _ZN7android15elapsedRealtimeEv _ZN9LocApiV0216informNiResponseEiPKv memcpy _ZN9LocApiV028startFixERK10LocPosMode _ZNK10LocPosMode4logvEv _ZN9LocApiV029setServerEPKci _ZN9LocApiV0215setPositionModeERK10LocPosMode _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase11isInSessionEv _ZN9LocApiV0213closeDataCallEv ds_client_close_call _ZN9LocApiV02C2EPKN8loc_core7MsgTaskEj _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBaseC2EPKNS_7MsgTaskEjPNS_11ContextBaseE loc_sync_req_init _ZN9LocApiV02C1EPKN8loc_core7MsgTaskEj _ZN9LocApiV02C2EPKN8loc_core7MsgTaskEjPNS0_11ContextBaseE _ZN9LocApiV02C1EPKN8loc_core7MsgTaskEjPNS0_11ContextBaseE getLocApi _Znwj _ZN9LocApiV0211convertMaskEj _ZN9LocApiV024openEj locClientOpen locClientRegisterEventMask _ZN9LocApiV0210convertErrE23locClientStatusEnumType _ZN9LocApiV0214reportPositionEPK36qmiLocEventPositionReportIndMsgT_v02 sqrt _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase14reportPositionER11UlpLocationR19GpsLocationExtendedPv15loc_sess_statusj _ZN9LocApiV028reportSvEPK32qmiLocEventGnssSvInfoIndMsgT_v02 _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase8reportSvER11GpsSvStatusR19GpsLocationExtendedPv _ZN9LocApiV0217reportEngineStateEPK33qmiLocEventEngineStateIndMsgT_v02 _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase12reportStatusEt _ZN9LocApiV0221reportFixSessionStateEPK37qmiLocEventFixSessionStateIndMsgT_v02 _ZN9LocApiV0210reportNmeaEPK26qmiLocEventNmeaIndMsgT_v02 strlen _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase10reportNmeaEPKci _ZN9LocApiV0216reportAtlRequestEPK49qmiLocEventLocationServerConnectionReqIndMsgT_v02 _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase13requestSuplESEi _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase10requestATLEit _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase10releaseATLEi _ZN9LocApiV0219reportXtraServerUrlEPK46qmiLocEventInjectPredictedOrbitsReqIndMsgT_v02 _ZN9LocApiV0217convertNiEncodingE33qmiLocNiDataCodingSchemeEnumT_v02 _ZN9LocApiV0225convertNiNotifyVerifyTypeEP17GpsNiNotification29qmiLocNiNotifyVerifyEnumT_v02 _ZN9LocApiV0215reportNiRequestEPK39qmiLocEventNiNotifyVerifyReqIndMsgT_v02 _ZN8loc_core7hexcodeEPciPKci strlcat _ZN8loc_core13decodeAddressEPciPKci malloc _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase15requestNiNotifyER17GpsNiNotificationPKv _ZN9LocApiV027eventCbEPvj26locClientEventIndUnionType _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase15requestXtraDataEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase11requestTimeEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase15requestLocationEv _ZN9LocApiV027errorCbEPv22locClientErrorEnumType _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase21handleEngineDownEventEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase19handleEngineUpEventEv _ZN9LocApiV0218ds_client_event_cbE26ds_client_status_enum_type _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase20reportDataCallOpenedEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase20reportDataCallClosedEv _ZTV9LocApiV02 ds_client_cb globalCallbacks _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase10getSiblingEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase14getLocApiProxyEv _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase10enableDataEi _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase6setAPNEPci _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase22setSensorControlConfigEii _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase13getWwanZppFixER11GpsLocation _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase22getBestAvailableZppFixER11GpsLocation _ZN8loc_core10LocApiBase22getBestAvailableZppFixER11GpsLocationRj loc_get_name_from_val qmi_client_release free TO_MODEM qmi_client_send_msg_sync locClientOpenInstance calloc loc_get_service_object_internal_v02 qmi_client_notifier_init qmi_client_get_service_instance qmi_client_get_any_service gettimeofday pthread_mutex_lock pthread_cond_timedwait pthread_mutex_unlock qmi_client_init qmi_client_register_error_cb loc_get_target locClientSupportMsgCheck locClientGetSizeByRespIndId locClientGetSizeByEventIndId memcmp qmi_client_message_decode loc_sync_array loc_read_conf pthread_mutex_init pthread_cond_init pthread_cond_signal loc_sync_call_mutex loc_qmi_idl_service_object_v02 common_qmi_idl_type_table_object_v01 _edata __bss_start _end libc.so libcutils.so libgps.utils.so libloc_core.so libloc_ds_api.so libm.so libqmi_cci.so libqmi_common_so.so libqmi_csi.so libstdc++.so libutils.so libloc_api_v02.so 
setServer injectPosition reportFixSessionState setSensorPerfControlConfig convertMask globalEventCb ds_client_event_cb setSUPLVersion closeDataCall eventCb stopFix setXtraData reportEngineState reportSv deleteAidingData setTime setServer informNiResponse stopDataCall setExtPowerConfig reportNiRequest ee setLPPConfig open setSensorProperties openAndStartDataCall globalRespCb atlCloseStatus initDataServiceClient errorCb getZppFix setAGLONASSProtocol reportNmea reportPosition globalErrorCb atlOpenStatus setPositionMode startFix setGpsLock LocSvc_ApiV02 I/%s:%d] %s V/%s:%d] client = %p, event id = %d, client cookie ptr = %p E/%s:%d] NULL object passed : client = %p, event id = %d I/[%s] %s %s line %d %s I/%s %s line %d %s V/%s:%d] client = %p, resp id = %d, client cookie ptr = %p E/%s:%d] NULL object passed : client = %p, resp id = %d D/%s:%d]: xtra size = %d D/[%s:%d] part %d/%d, len = %d, total injected = %d E/%s:%d]: failed status = %s, inject_pos_ind.status = %s, part num = %d, ind.partNum = %d D/%s:%d]: XTRA injected length: %d D/%s:%d]: ret = %d D/%s:%d]: Request to start Emergency call sent E/%s:%d]: Unable to bring up emergency call using DS. result = %d E/%s:%d]: Could not start emergency call. Retry after delay E/%s:%d]: Unable to bring up emergency call using DS. ret = %d D/%s:%d]: Request to Close SUPL ES call sent E/%s:%d]: Conn handle not found for SUPL ES E/%s:%d]: Could not close SUPL ES call. Ret: %d D/[LocApiV02]injecCertFile+, lenth = %d V/[LocApiV02]injecCertFile+, lenth = %d E/[LocApiV02]injecCertFile failed, status = %d, ind..status = %d D/[LocApiV02]injecCertFile- I/%s:%d]: Ext Pwr Config (isBatteryCharging)(%u) E/%s:%d]: Invalid ext power state = %d! E/%s:%d]: Error status = %d, ind..status = %d D/%s:%d]: Lat, Lon, Acc=%.2lf E/%s:%d]: error! status = %s, inject_pos_ind.status = %s V/%s:%d]: Delete GPS SV info for index %d to %dand sv id %d to %d V/%s:%d]: Delete GLO SV info for index %d to %dand sv id %d to %d E/%s:%d]: error! status = %s, delete_resp.status = %s D/%s:%d]:, ip = %u, port = %d E/%s:%d]: error status = %s, set_server_ind.status = %s D/%s:%d]: ATL open handle = %d, is_succ = %d, APN = [%s], bearer = %d E/%s:%d]:invalid bearer type E/%s:%d]: Error status = %s, ind..status = %s D/%s:%d]: ATL close handle = %d, is_succ = %d D/%s:%d]: supl version = %d D/%s:%d]: lpp profile = %d D/%s:%d]: sensors disabled = %d I/%s:%d]: sensors prop: gyroBiasRandomWalk = %f, accelRandomWalk = %f, angleRandomWalk = %f, rateRandomWalk = %f, velocityRandomWalk = %f D/%s:%d]: Sensor Perf Control Config (performanceControlMode)(%u) accel(#smp,#batches) (%u,%u) gyro(#smp,#batches) (%u,%u) accel_high(#smp,#batches) (%u,%u) gyro_high(#smp,#batches) (%u,%u) algorithmConfig(%u) D/%s:%d]: aGlonassProtocolMask = 0x%x D/%s:%d]: Get ZPP Fix E/%s:%d]: error! status = %s, zpp_ind.status = %s D/Got Zpp fix location validity (lat:%d, lon:%d, timestamp:%d accuracy:%d) D/(%.7f, %.7f), timestamp %llu, accuracy %f D/%s:%d]: Set Gps Lock. Lock: %d E/%s:%d]: Set engine lock failed. status: %s, ind status:%s D/%s:%d]: exit D/%s:%d]: Enter D/%s:%d]: Lock Type: %d E/%s:%d]: Lock Type not valid D/%s:%d]: Exit D/ %s:%d]: stop called E/%s:%d]: error = %s V/%s:%d]: uncertainty = %d E/%s:%d] status = %s, ind..status = %s V/ %s:%d]: NI response: %d E/%s:%d]: error! status = %s, ni_resp_ind.status = %s V/%s:%d]: start E/%s:%d]: set opertion mode failed status = %s, ind..status = %s D/%s:%d]:, url = %s, len = %d E/%s:%d]: len = %d greater than max allowed url length D/%s:%d]: fix is in progress restarting the fix with new criteria D/%s:%d]: Release data client handle D/%s:%d]: adapter mask = %u D/%s:%d]: Enter mMask: %x; mask: %x; newMask: %x V/%s:%d]: reference to this = %p passed in E/%s:%d]: locClientOpen failed, status = %s D/%s:%d]: Exit mMask: %x; mask: %x D/Reporting postion from V2 Adapter D/%s:%d]: Ignoring position report with sess status = %d, fix id = %u V/%s:%d]: num of sv = %d V/%s:%d]: firing SV callback V/%s:%d]: state = %d D/%s:%d]: state = %d D/%s:%d]: $%c%c%c Address = V/%s:%d]: SUPL NI: client_name: %s V/%s:%d]: SUPL NI: client_name not present. V/%s:%d]: SUPL NI: requestor_id: %s V/%s:%d]: SUPL NI: requestor_id not present. E/%s:%d]: unknown request event E/%s:%d]: Error copying NI request D/%s:%d]: event id = %d D/%s:%d]: XTRA download request D/%s:%d]: Time request D/%s:%d]: Position request E/%s:%d]: Service unavailable error V/%s:%d] client = %p, error id = %d , client cookie ptr = %p E/%s:%d] NULL object passed : client = %p, error id = %d D/%s:%d]: Emergency call is up E/%s:%d]: Emergency call is stopped LocSvc_api_v02 D/%s:%d]: Service Error %d received, pCallbackData = %p V/%s:%d]: qmi error = %d, loc error = %d V/%s:%d]: result = %d, error = %d, status = %d E/%s:%d]: invalid pointer to handle E/%s:%d]: invalid handle V/locClientClose releasing handle %p, user handle %p loc client close W/%s:%d]: qmi_client_release error %d for client %p V/%s:%d]: reqId = %d W/%s:%d]: Error unknown reqId=%d V/%s:%d]: reqId=%d, len = %d E/%s:%d] error invalid request V/%s:%d] sending reqId= %d, len = %d V/%s:%d] qmi_client_send_msg_sync returned %d E/%s:%d]: send_msg_sync error: %d E/%s:%d] status %s E/%s:%d]: Invalid parameters in locClientOpen E/%s:%d]: Could not allocate memory for callback data loc client open E/%s:%d]: qmiLoc_get_service_object_v02 failed E/%s:%d]: qmi_client_notifier_init failed %d V/%s:%d]: qmi_client_get_service() rc: %d total timeout: %d D/%s:%d]: Service not up. Starting delay timer E/%s:%d]: qmi_client_get_service_list failed even thoughservice is up !!! Error %d E/%s:%d]: qmi_client_get_service_list failed after retries, final Err %d V/%s:%d]: passing the pointer %p to qmi_client_init E/%s:%d]: qmi_client_init error %d V/%s:%d]: passing the pointer %p toqmi_client_register_error_cb E/%s:%d]: could not register QCCI error callback error:%d V/%s:%d] locClientQmiCtrlPointInit returned %d E/%s:%d] locClientQmiCtrlPointInit returned %d E/%s:%d]: Error sending registration mask E/%s:%d]: Error! status = %d D/%s:%d]: returning handle = %p, user_handle=%p, status = %d I/%s:%d]: Service instance id is %d E/%s:%d]: invalid handle -- handle is NULL E/%s:%d]: invalid handle -- NULL == pCallbackData->userHandle E/%s:%d]: invalid handle -- pCallbackData != pCallbackData->pMe V/%s:%d]eLOC_CLIENT_SUCCESS == status V/%s:%d]NULL != reqPayload.pRegEventsReq V/%s:%d]: entering V/%s:%d]: length is %d ; V/%s:%d]: pResponse->resp.supported_msgs_len < %d V/%s:%d]: pResponse->resp.supported_msgs_len >= %d V/%s:%d]: the bit is %d V/%s:%d]: the pResponse->resp.supported_msgs[length] is %d V/%s:%d]: this service %d is supported V/%s:%d]: this service %d is not supported V/%s:%d] return value is %d V/%s:%d]: resp ind Id %d size = %d V/%s:%d]: event ind Id %d size = %d V/%s:%d]: Indication: msg_id=%d buf_len=%d pCallbackData = %p E/%s:%d]: invalid callback data E/%s:%d]: invalid user_handle got %p expected %p V/%s:%d]: indId %d is an event size = %d V/%s:%d]: indId %d is a resp size = %d W/%s:%d]: indId %d not found V/%s:%d]: eventId %d registered mask = 0x%04x%04x, eventMask = 0x%04x%04x W/%s:%d]: eventId %d not found W/%s:%d]: client is not registered for event %d E/%s:%d]: memory allocation failed V/%s:%d]: len = %d lat , lon , alt V/%s:%d]: len = %u , altitude assumed = %u, num SV's = %u validity = %d V/%s:%d] : W/%s:%d]: unknown ind id %d E/%s:%d]: Error handling the indication %d E/%s:%d]: Error decoding indication %d E/%s:%d]: Error indication not found %d D/%s:%d]: freeing slot %d V/ %s:%d]: /etc/gps.conf D/%s:%d]:already initialized V/%s:%d]: received indication, handle = %p ind_id = %u D/%s:%d]: loc_sync_array not in use V/%s:%d]: found slot %d selected for ind %u V/%s:%d]: copying ind payload size = %u V/%s:%d]: ind %u arrived before wait was called V/%s:%d]: returning slot %d V/%s:%d]: client handle %p, ind_id %u, req_id %u E/%s:%d]: buffer full for this synchronous req %s V/%s:%d]: select_id = %d,locClientSendReq returned %d E/%s:%d]: invalid select_id: %d W/%s:%d]: already waiting in this slot %d E/%s:%d]: slot %d, timed out for ind_id %s E/%s:%d]: loc_api_wait_for_ind failed, err %d, select id %d, status %s V/%s:%d]: success (select id %d) setSensorControlConfig getGpsLock locClientSendReq locClientOpenInstance locClientErrorCb 2 3 d 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C 0 D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U @ V W X Y h Z [ , \ ] ^ _ c d e H f g h i T j k l o p q r } v z u x w y { locClientSupportMsgCheck locClientOpen locClientGetSizeByRespIndId locClientRegisterEventMask validateRequest locClientGetSizeByEventIndId convertQmiResponseToLocStatus convertQmiErrorToLocError locClientGetSizeAndTypeByIndId locClientHandlePosReportInd isClientRegisteredForEvent locClientHandleSatReportInd checkQmiMsgsSupported locClientHandleGetServiceRevisionRespInd locClientQmiCtrlPointInit locClientHandleIndication locClientClose locClientIndCb $ % & ' l ( ) * @ + , - . / 0 1 ` @ a b h m n | x ` w loc_sync_select_ind loc_sync_req_init loc_sync_wait_for_ind loc_sync_process_ind loc_sync_send_req loc_alloc_slot loc_free_slot D D V- D D D D p D \ i # D D D D D $H 0D  ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ c d e f g h i j k l o p q r s t u v y z { } ~  A A B B B D D D D D ( D D D D D t D ` m # A A A C H D $D ,D 4D  / ? 1 @ 3 A 5 B 7 C 9 0 D ; E = F ? 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GCC: (GNU) 4.8 
.shstrtab .interp .dynsym .dynstr .hash .rel.dyn .rel.plt .text .ARM.exidx .ARM.extab .rodata .data.rel.ro.local .fini_array .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .note.gnu.gold-version .ARM.attributes .gnu_debuglink