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      1 /*
      2 ** Copyright (c) 2011-2012 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
      3 **
      4 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 **
      8 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 **
     10 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 ** limitations under the License.
     15 */
     17 /*#error uncomment this for compiler test!*/
     19 #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     20 #define LOG_NDDEBUG 0
     21 #define LOG_NIDEBUG 0
     22 #define LOG_TAG "QCameraHWI_Still"
     23 #include <utils/Log.h>
     24 #include <utils/threads.h>
     25 #include <fcntl.h>
     26 #include <sys/mman.h>
     27 #include <media/mediarecorder.h>
     28 #include <math.h>
     29 #include "QCameraHAL.h"
     30 #include "QCameraHWI.h"
     32 #define THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_WIDTH 512
     33 #define THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 384
     35 /* following code implement the still image capture & encoding logic of this class*/
     36 namespace android {
     38 typedef enum {
     51     /*Add any new state above*/
     53 } snapshot_state_type_t;
     56 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     57 // Constants
     58 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     59 static const int PICTURE_FORMAT_JPEG = 1;
     60 static const int PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW = 2;
     61 static const int POSTVIEW_SMALL_HEIGHT = 144;
     63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     64 /* static functions*/
     65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     69 /* TBD: Temp: to be removed*/
     70 static pthread_mutex_t g_s_mutex;
     71 static int g_status = 0;
     72 static pthread_cond_t g_s_cond_v;
     74 static void mm_app_snapshot_done()
     75 {
     76   pthread_mutex_lock(&g_s_mutex);
     77   g_status = TRUE;
     78   pthread_cond_signal(&g_s_cond_v);
     79   pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_s_mutex);
     80 }
     82 static void mm_app_snapshot_wait()
     83 {
     84         pthread_mutex_lock(&g_s_mutex);
     85         if(FALSE == g_status) pthread_cond_wait(&g_s_cond_v, &g_s_mutex);
     86         pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_s_mutex);
     87     g_status = FALSE;
     88 }
     90 static int mm_app_dump_snapshot_frame(char *filename,
     91                                       const void *buffer,
     92                                       uint32_t len)
     93 {
     94     char bufp[128];
     95     int file_fdp;
     96     int rc = 0;
     98     file_fdp = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777);
    100     if (file_fdp < 0) {
    101         rc = -1;
    102         goto end;
    103     }
    104     write(file_fdp,
    105         (const void *)buffer, len);
    106     close(file_fdp);
    107 end:
    108     return rc;
    109 }
    111 /* Callback received when a frame is available after snapshot*/
    112 static void snapshot_notify_cb(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *recvd_frame,
    113                                void *user_data)
    114 {
    115     QCameraStream_Snapshot *pme = (QCameraStream_Snapshot *)user_data;
    117     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    119     if (pme != NULL) {
    120         pme->receiveRawPicture(recvd_frame);
    121     }
    122     else{
    123         LOGW("%s: Snapshot obj NULL in callback", __func__);
    124     }
    126     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    128 }
    130 /* Once we give frame for encoding, we get encoded jpeg image
    131    fragments by fragment. We'll need to store them in a buffer
    132    to form complete JPEG image */
    133 static void snapshot_jpeg_fragment_cb(uint8_t *ptr,
    134                                       uint32_t size,
    135                                       void *user_data)
    136 {
    137     QCameraStream_Snapshot *pme = (QCameraStream_Snapshot *)user_data;
    139     LOGE("%s: E",__func__);
    140     if (pme != NULL) {
    141         pme->receiveJpegFragment(ptr,size);
    142     }
    143     else
    144         LOGW("%s: Receive jpeg fragment cb obj Null", __func__);
    146     LOGD("%s: X",__func__);
    147 }
    149 /* This callback is received once the complete JPEG encoding is done */
    150 static void snapshot_jpeg_cb(jpeg_event_t event, void *user_data)
    151 {
    152     QCameraStream_Snapshot *pme = (QCameraStream_Snapshot *)user_data;
    153     LOGE("%s: E ",__func__);
    155     if (event != JPEG_EVENT_DONE) {
    156         if (event == JPEG_EVENT_THUMBNAIL_DROPPED) {
    157             LOGE("%s: Error in thumbnail encoding (event: %d)!!!",
    158                  __func__, event);
    159             LOGD("%s: X",__func__);
    160             return;
    161         }
    162         else {
    163             LOGE("%s: Error (event: %d) while jpeg encoding!!!",
    164                  __func__, event);
    165         }
    166     }
    168     if (pme != NULL) {
    169        pme->receiveCompleteJpegPicture(event);
    170        LOGE(" Completed issuing JPEG callback");
    171        /* deinit only if we are done taking requested number of snapshots */
    172        if (pme->getSnapshotState() == SNAPSHOT_STATE_JPEG_COMPLETE_ENCODE_DONE) {
    173            LOGE(" About to issue deinit callback");
    174        /* If it's ZSL Mode, we don't deinit now. We'll stop the polling thread and
    175           deinit the channel/buffers only when we change the mode from zsl to
    176           non-zsl. */
    177            if (!(pme->isZSLMode())) {
    178                pme->stop();
    179            }
    180         }
    181     }
    182     else
    183         LOGW("%s: Receive jpeg cb Obj Null", __func__);
    186     LOGD("%s: X",__func__);
    188 }
    190 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    191 /* private functions*/
    192 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    194 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    195 receiveJpegFragment(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t size)
    196 {
    197     LOGE("%s: E", __func__);
    198 #if 0
    199     if (mJpegHeap != NULL) {
    200         LOGE("%s: Copy jpeg...", __func__);
    201         memcpy((uint8_t *)mJpegHeap->mHeap->base()+ mJpegOffset, ptr, size);
    202         mJpegOffset += size;
    203     }
    204     else {
    205         LOGE("%s: mJpegHeap is NULL!", __func__);
    206     }
    207     #else
    208     if(mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.camera_memory[0] != NULL && ptr != NULL && size > 0) {
    209         memcpy((uint8_t *)((uint32_t)mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.camera_memory[0]->data + mJpegOffset), ptr, size);
    210         mJpegOffset += size;
    213         /*
    214                 memcpy((uint8_t *)((uint32_t)mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.camera_memory[0]->data + mJpegOffset), ptr, size);
    215                 mJpegOffset += size;
    216         */
    217     } else {
    218         LOGE("%s: mJpegHeap is NULL!", __func__);
    219     }
    222     #endif
    224     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    225 }
    228 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    229 receiveCompleteJpegPicture(jpeg_event_t event)
    230 {
    231     int msg_type = CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE;
    232     LOGE("%s: E", __func__);
    233     camera_memory_t *encodedMem = NULL;
    234     camera_data_callback jpg_data_cb = NULL;
    235     bool fail_cb_flag = false;
    237     //Mutex::Autolock l(&snapshotLock);
    238     mStopCallbackLock.lock( );
    239     if(!mActive && !isLiveSnapshot()) {
    240         LOGE("%s : Cancel Picture",__func__);
    241         fail_cb_flag = true;
    242         goto end;
    243     }
    245     if(mCurrentFrameEncoded!=NULL /*&& !isLiveSnapshot()*/){
    246         LOGV("<DEBUG>: Calling buf done for snapshot buffer");
    247         cam_evt_buf_done(mCameraId, mCurrentFrameEncoded);
    248     }
    249     mHalCamCtrl->dumpFrameToFile(mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.camera_memory[0]->data, mJpegOffset, (char *)"debug", (char *)"jpg", 0);
    251 end:
    252     msg_type = CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE;
    253     if (mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & msg_type)) {
    254         jpg_data_cb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
    255     }else{
    256         LOGE("%s: JPEG callback was cancelled--not delivering image.", __func__);
    257     }
    258     setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_JPEG_ENCODE_DONE);
    259     mNumOfRecievedJPEG++;
    260     mHalCamCtrl->deinitExifData();
    262     /* free the resource we allocated to maintain the structure */
    263     //mm_camera_do_munmap(main_fd, (void *)main_buffer_addr, mSnapshotStreamBuf.frame_len);
    264     if(mCurrentFrameEncoded) {
    265         free(mCurrentFrameEncoded);
    266         mCurrentFrameEncoded = NULL;
    267     }
    269     /* Before leaving check the jpeg queue. If it's not empty give the available
    270        frame for encoding*/
    271     if (!mSnapshotQueue.isEmpty()) {
    272         LOGI("%s: JPEG Queue not empty. Dequeue and encode.", __func__);
    273         mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* buf =
    274             (mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *)mSnapshotQueue.dequeue();
    275         //encodeDisplayAndSave(buf, 1);
    276         if ( NO_ERROR != encodeDisplayAndSave(buf, 1)){
    277           fail_cb_flag = true;
    278         }
    279     }  else if (mNumOfSnapshot == mNumOfRecievedJPEG )  { /* finished */
    280       LOGD("%s: Before omxJpegFinish", __func__);
    281       omxJpegFinish();
    282       LOGD("%s: After omxJpegFinish", __func__);
    283         /* getRemainingSnapshots call will give us number of snapshots still
    284            remaining after flushing current zsl buffer once*/
    285       LOGD("%s: Complete JPEG Encoding Done!", __func__);
    287       mBurstModeFlag = false;
    288       mSnapshotQueue.flush();
    289       mNumOfRecievedJPEG = 0;
    290       /* in case of zsl, we need to reset some of the zsl attributes */
    291       if (isZSLMode()){
    292           LOGD("%s: Resetting the ZSL attributes", __func__);
    293           setZSLChannelAttribute();
    294       }
    295       if (!isZSLMode() && !isLiveSnapshot()){
    296          //Stop polling before calling datacb for if not ZSL mode
    297          stopPolling();
    298       }
    300     } else {
    301         LOGD("%s: mNumOfRecievedJPEG(%d), mNumOfSnapshot(%d)", __func__, mNumOfRecievedJPEG, mNumOfSnapshot);
    302     }
    303     if(fail_cb_flag && mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb &&
    304         (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE)) {
    305         /* get picture failed. Give jpeg callback with NULL data
    306          * to the application to restore to preview mode
    307          */
    308         jpg_data_cb  = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
    309     }
    310     if(!fail_cb_flag) {
    311         camera_memory_t *encodedMem = mHalCamCtrl->mGetMemory(
    312             mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.fd[0], mJpegOffset, 1, mHalCamCtrl);
    313         if (!encodedMem || !encodedMem->data) {
    314             LOGE("%s: mGetMemory failed.\n", __func__);
    315         }
    316         memcpy(encodedMem->data, mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.camera_memory[0]->data, mJpegOffset );
    317         mStopCallbackLock.unlock( );
    318         if ((mActive || isLiveSnapshot()) && jpg_data_cb != NULL) {
    319             LOGV("%s: Calling upperlayer callback to store JPEG image", __func__);
    320             jpg_data_cb (msg_type,encodedMem, 0, NULL,mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
    321         }
    322         encodedMem->release( encodedMem );
    323         jpg_data_cb = NULL;
    324     }else{
    325         LOGV("Image Encoding Failed... Notify Upper layer");
    326         mStopCallbackLock.unlock( );
    327         if((mActive || isLiveSnapshot()) && jpg_data_cb != NULL) {
    328             jpg_data_cb (CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE,NULL, 0, NULL,
    329                          mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
    330         }
    331     }
    332     //reset jpeg_offset
    333     mJpegOffset = 0;
    334     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    335 }
    337 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    338 configSnapshotDimension(cam_ctrl_dimension_t* dim)
    339 {
    340     bool matching = true;
    341     cam_format_t img_format;
    342     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    343     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    345     LOGI("%s:Passed picture size: %d X %d", __func__,
    346          dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height);
    347     LOGI("%s:Passed postview size: %d X %d", __func__,
    348          dim->ui_thumbnail_width, dim->ui_thumbnail_height);
    350     /* First check if the picture resolution is the same, if not, change it*/
    351     mHalCamCtrl->getPictureSize(&mPictureWidth, &mPictureHeight);
    352     LOGD("%s: Picture size received: %d x %d", __func__,
    353          mPictureWidth, mPictureHeight);
    354     /*Current VFE software design requires picture size >= display size for ZSL*/
    355     if (isZSLMode()){
    356       mPostviewWidth = dim->display_width;
    357       mPostviewHeight = dim->display_height;
    358     } else {
    359       mPostviewWidth = mHalCamCtrl->mParameters.getInt(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);
    360       mPostviewHeight =  mHalCamCtrl->mParameters.getInt(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT);
    361     }
    362     /*If application requested thumbnail size to be (0,0)
    363        then configure second outout to a default size.
    364        Jpeg encoder will drop thumbnail as reflected in encodeParams.
    365     */
    366     mDropThumbnail = false;
    367     if (mPostviewWidth == 0 && mPostviewHeight == 0) {
    368          mPostviewWidth = THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
    369          mPostviewHeight = THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
    370          mDropThumbnail = true;
    371     }
    373     LOGD("%s: Postview size received: %d x %d", __func__,
    374          mPostviewWidth, mPostviewHeight);
    376     matching = (mPictureWidth == dim->picture_width) &&
    377         (mPictureHeight == dim->picture_height);
    378     matching &= (dim->ui_thumbnail_width == mPostviewWidth) &&
    379         (dim->ui_thumbnail_height == mPostviewHeight);
    381     /* picture size currently set do not match with the one wanted
    382        by user.*/
    383     if (!matching) {
    384         if (mPictureWidth < mPostviewWidth || mPictureHeight < mPostviewHeight) {
    385             //Changes to Handle VFE limitation.
    386             mActualPictureWidth = mPictureWidth;
    387             mActualPictureHeight = mPictureHeight;
    388             mPictureWidth = mPostviewWidth;
    389             mPictureHeight = mPostviewHeight;
    390             mJpegDownscaling = TRUE;
    391         }else{
    392             mJpegDownscaling = FALSE;
    393         }
    394         dim->picture_width  = mPictureWidth;
    395         dim->picture_height = mPictureHeight;
    396         dim->ui_thumbnail_height = mThumbnailHeight = mPostviewHeight;
    397         dim->ui_thumbnail_width = mThumbnailWidth = mPostviewWidth;
    398     }
    399     #if 0
    400     img_format = mHalCamCtrl->getPreviewFormat();
    401     if (img_format) {
    402         matching &= (img_format == dim->main_img_format);
    403         if (!matching) {
    404             dim->main_img_format = img_format;
    405             dim->thumb_format = img_format;
    406         }
    407     }
    408     #endif
    409     if (!matching) {
    410          LOGD("%s: Image Sizes before set parm call: main: %dx%d thumbnail: %dx%d",
    411               __func__,
    412               dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height,
    413               dim->ui_thumbnail_width, dim->ui_thumbnail_height);
    415         ret = cam_config_set_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION,dim);
    416         if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
    417             LOGE("%s: error - can't config snapshot parms!", __func__);
    418             ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    419             goto end;
    420         }
    421     }
    422     /* set_parm will return corrected dimension based on aspect ratio and
    423        ceiling size */
    424     mPictureWidth = dim->picture_width;
    425     mPictureHeight = dim->picture_height;
    426     mPostviewHeight = mThumbnailHeight = dim->ui_thumbnail_height;
    427     mPostviewWidth = mThumbnailWidth = dim->ui_thumbnail_width;
    428     mPictureFormat= dim->main_img_format;
    429     mThumbnailFormat = dim->thumb_format;
    431     LOGD("%s: Image Format: %d", __func__, dim->main_img_format);
    432     LOGI("%s: Image Sizes: main: %dx%d thumbnail: %dx%d", __func__,
    433          dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height,
    434          dim->ui_thumbnail_width, dim->ui_thumbnail_height);
    435 end:
    436     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    437     return ret;
    438 }
    440 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    441 initRawSnapshotChannel(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim,
    442                        int num_of_snapshots)
    443 {
    444     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    445     mm_camera_ch_image_fmt_parm_t fmt;
    446     mm_camera_channel_attr_t ch_attr;
    448     mm_camera_raw_streaming_type_t raw_stream_type =
    451     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    453     /* Initialize stream - set format, acquire channel */
    454     /*TBD: Currently we only support single raw capture*/
    455     LOGE("num_of_snapshots = %d",num_of_snapshots);
    456     if (num_of_snapshots == 1) {
    457         raw_stream_type = MM_CAMERA_RAW_STREAMING_CAPTURE_SINGLE;
    458     }
    460     /* Set channel attribute */
    461     LOGD("%s: Set Raw Snapshot Channel attribute", __func__);
    462     memset(&ch_attr, 0, sizeof(ch_attr));
    463     ch_attr.type = MM_CAMERA_CH_ATTR_RAW_STREAMING_TYPE;
    464     ch_attr.raw_streaming_mode = raw_stream_type;
    466     if( NO_ERROR !=
    467         cam_ops_ch_set_attr(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW, &ch_attr)) {
    468         LOGD("%s: Failure setting Raw channel attribute.", __func__);
    469         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    470         goto end;
    471     }
    473     memset(&fmt, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_ch_image_fmt_parm_t));
    474     fmt.ch_type = MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW;
    475     fmt.def.fmt = CAMERA_BAYER_SBGGR10;
    476     fmt.def.dim.width = dim->raw_picture_width;
    477     fmt.def.dim.height = dim->raw_picture_height;
    480     LOGV("%s: Raw snapshot channel fmt: %d", __func__,
    481          fmt.def.fmt);
    482     LOGV("%s: Raw snapshot resolution: %dX%d", __func__,
    483          dim->raw_picture_width, dim->raw_picture_height);
    485     LOGD("%s: Set Raw Snapshot channel image format", __func__);
    486     ret = cam_config_set_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_CH_IMAGE_FMT, &fmt);
    487     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
    488         LOGE("%s: Set Raw Snapshot Channel format err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
    489         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    490         goto end;
    491     }
    493 end:
    494     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
    495         handleError();
    496     }
    497     LOGE("%s: X", __func__);
    498     return ret;
    500 }
    502 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    503 setZSLChannelAttribute(void)
    504 {
    505     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    506     mm_camera_channel_attr_t ch_attr;
    507     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    509     memset(&ch_attr, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_channel_attr_t));
    510     ch_attr.type = MM_CAMERA_CH_ATTR_BUFFERING_FRAME;
    511     ch_attr.buffering_frame.look_back = mHalCamCtrl->getZSLBackLookCount();
    512     ch_attr.buffering_frame.water_mark = mHalCamCtrl->getZSLQueueDepth();
    513     ch_attr.buffering_frame.interval = mHalCamCtrl->getZSLBurstInterval( );
    514     LOGE("%s: ZSL queue_depth = %d, back_look_count = %d", __func__,
    515          ch_attr.buffering_frame.water_mark,
    516          ch_attr.buffering_frame.look_back);
    517     if( NO_ERROR !=
    518         cam_ops_ch_set_attr(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT, &ch_attr)) {
    519         LOGD("%s: Failure setting ZSL channel attribute.", __func__);
    520         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    521         goto end;
    522     }
    523 end:
    524     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    525     return ret;
    526 }
    528 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    529 initSnapshotFormat(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim)
    530 {
    531     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    532     mm_camera_ch_image_fmt_parm_t fmt;
    534     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    536     /* For ZSL mode we'll need to set channel attribute */
    537     if (isZSLMode()) {
    538         ret = setZSLChannelAttribute();
    539         if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
    540             goto end;
    541         }
    542     }
    544     memset(&fmt, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_ch_image_fmt_parm_t));
    545     fmt.ch_type = MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT;
    546     fmt.snapshot.main.fmt = dim->main_img_format;
    547     fmt.snapshot.main.dim.width = dim->picture_width;
    548     fmt.snapshot.main.dim.height = dim->picture_height;
    550     fmt.snapshot.thumbnail.fmt = dim->thumb_format;
    551     fmt.snapshot.thumbnail.dim.width = dim->ui_thumbnail_width;
    552     fmt.snapshot.thumbnail.dim.height = dim->ui_thumbnail_height;
    554     LOGV("%s: Snapshot channel fmt = main: %d thumbnail: %d", __func__,
    555          dim->main_img_format, dim->thumb_format);
    556     LOGV("%s: Snapshot channel resolution = main: %dX%d  thumbnail: %dX%d",
    557          __func__, dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height,
    558          dim->ui_thumbnail_width, dim->ui_thumbnail_height);
    560     LOGD("%s: Set Snapshot channel image format", __func__);
    561     ret = cam_config_set_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_CH_IMAGE_FMT, &fmt);
    562     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
    563         LOGE("%s: Set Snapshot Channel format err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
    564         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    565         goto end;
    566     }
    568 end:
    569     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
    570         handleError();
    571     }
    572     LOGE("%s: X", __func__);
    573     return ret;
    575 }
    577 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    578 deinitSnapshotChannel(mm_camera_channel_type_t ch_type)
    579 {
    580     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    582     /* unreg buf notify*/
    583     if (getSnapshotState() >= SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_NOTIF_REGD){
    584         if (NO_ERROR != cam_evt_register_buf_notify(mCameraId,
    585                         ch_type, NULL,(mm_camera_register_buf_cb_type_t)NULL,NULL, this)) {
    586             LOGE("%s: Failure to unregister buf notification", __func__);
    587         }
    588     }
    590     if (getSnapshotState() >= SNAPSHOT_STATE_CH_ACQUIRED) {
    591         LOGD("%s: Release snapshot channel", __func__);
    592         cam_ops_ch_release(mCameraId, ch_type);
    593     }
    595     LOGD("%s: X",__func__);
    596 }
    598 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    599 initRawSnapshotBuffers(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim, int num_of_buf)
    600 {
    601     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    602     struct msm_frame *frame;
    603     uint32_t frame_len;
    604     uint8_t num_planes;
    605     uint32_t planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
    606     mm_camera_reg_buf_t reg_buf;
    608     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    609     memset(&reg_buf,  0,  sizeof(mm_camera_reg_buf_t));
    610     memset(&mSnapshotStreamBuf, 0, sizeof(mSnapshotStreamBuf));
    612     if ((num_of_buf == 0) || (num_of_buf > MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_FRAMES)) {
    613         LOGE("%s: Invalid number of buffers (=%d) requested!", __func__, num_of_buf);
    614         ret = BAD_VALUE;
    615         goto end;
    616     }
    618     reg_buf.def.buf.mp = new mm_camera_mp_buf_t[num_of_buf];
    619     if (!reg_buf.def.buf.mp) {
    620       LOGE("%s Error allocating memory for mplanar struct ", __func__);
    621       ret = NO_MEMORY;
    622       goto end;
    623     }
    624     memset(reg_buf.def.buf.mp, 0, num_of_buf * sizeof(mm_camera_mp_buf_t));
    626     /* Get a frame len for buffer to be allocated*/
    627     frame_len = mm_camera_get_msm_frame_len(CAMERA_BAYER_SBGGR10,
    628                                             myMode,
    629                                             dim->raw_picture_width,
    630                                             dim->raw_picture_height,
    631                                             OUTPUT_TYPE_S,
    632                                             &num_planes, planes);
    634     if (mHalCamCtrl->initHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mRawMemory, num_of_buf,
    635                                         frame_len, 0, planes[0], MSM_PMEM_RAW_MAINIMG,
    636                                         &mSnapshotStreamBuf, &reg_buf.def,
    637                                         num_planes, planes) < 0) {
    638         ret = NO_MEMORY;
    639         goto end;
    640     }
    642     /* register the streaming buffers for the channel*/
    643     reg_buf.ch_type = MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW;
    644     reg_buf.def.num = mSnapshotStreamBuf.num;
    646     ret = cam_config_prepare_buf(mCameraId, &reg_buf);
    647     if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
    648         LOGV("%s:reg snapshot buf err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
    649         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    650         mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mRawMemory);
    651         goto end;
    652     }
    654     /* If we have reached here successfully, we have allocated buffer.
    655        Set state machine.*/
    656     setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_INITIALIZED);
    658 end:
    659     /* If it's error, we'll need to do some needful */
    660     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
    661         handleError();
    662     }
    663     if (reg_buf.def.buf.mp)
    664       delete []reg_buf.def.buf.mp;
    665     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    666     return ret;
    667 }
    669 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::deinitRawSnapshotBuffers(void)
    670 {
    671     int ret = NO_ERROR;
    673     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    675     /* deinit buffers only if we have already allocated */
    676     if (getSnapshotState() >= SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_INITIALIZED ){
    678         LOGD("%s: Unpreparing Snapshot Buffer", __func__);
    679         ret = cam_config_unprepare_buf(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW);
    680         if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
    681             LOGE("%s:Unreg Raw snapshot buf err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
    682             ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    683             goto end;
    684         }
    685         mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mRawMemory);
    686     }
    688 end:
    689     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    690     return ret;
    691 }
    693 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    694 initSnapshotBuffers(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim, int num_of_buf)
    695 {
    696     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    697     struct msm_frame *frame;
    698     uint32_t frame_len, y_off, cbcr_off;
    699     uint8_t num_planes;
    700     uint32_t planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
    701     mm_camera_reg_buf_t reg_buf;
    702     int rotation = 0;
    704     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    705     memset(&reg_buf,  0,  sizeof(mm_camera_reg_buf_t));
    706     memset(&mSnapshotStreamBuf, 0, sizeof(mSnapshotStreamBuf));
    708     if ((num_of_buf == 0) || (num_of_buf > MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_FRAMES)) {
    709         LOGE("%s: Invalid number of buffers (=%d) requested!",
    710              __func__, num_of_buf);
    711         ret = BAD_VALUE;
    712         goto end;
    713     }
    715     LOGD("%s: Mode: %d Num_of_buf: %d ImageSizes: main: %dx%d thumb: %dx%d",
    716          __func__, myMode, num_of_buf,
    717          dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height,
    718          dim->ui_thumbnail_width, dim->ui_thumbnail_height);
    720     reg_buf.snapshot.main.buf.mp = new mm_camera_mp_buf_t[num_of_buf];
    721     if (!reg_buf.snapshot.main.buf.mp) {
    722           LOGE("%s Error allocating memory for mplanar struct ", __func__);
    723           ret = NO_MEMORY;
    724           goto end;
    725     }
    726     memset(reg_buf.snapshot.main.buf.mp, 0,
    727       num_of_buf * sizeof(mm_camera_mp_buf_t));
    728     if (!isFullSizeLiveshot()) {
    729       reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.buf.mp = new mm_camera_mp_buf_t[num_of_buf];
    730       if (!reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.buf.mp) {
    731         LOGE("%s Error allocating memory for mplanar struct ", __func__);
    732         ret = NO_MEMORY;
    733         goto end;
    734       }
    735       memset(reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.buf.mp, 0,
    736         num_of_buf * sizeof(mm_camera_mp_buf_t));
    737     }
    738     /* Number of buffers to be set*/
    739     /* Set the JPEG Rotation here since get_buffer_offset needs
    740      * the value of rotation.*/
    741     mHalCamCtrl->setJpegRotation(isZSLMode());
    742     if(!isZSLMode())
    743         rotation = mHalCamCtrl->getJpegRotation();
    744     else
    745         rotation = 0;
    746     if(rotation != dim->rotation) {
    747         dim->rotation = rotation;
    748         ret = cam_config_set_parm(mHalCamCtrl->mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, dim);
    749     }
    751     if(isLiveSnapshot()) {
    752         ret = cam_config_set_parm(mHalCamCtrl->mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, dim);
    753     }
    754     num_planes = 2;
    755     planes[0] = dim->picture_frame_offset.mp[0].len;
    756     planes[1] = dim->picture_frame_offset.mp[1].len;
    757     frame_len = dim->picture_frame_offset.frame_len;
    758     y_off = dim->picture_frame_offset.mp[0].offset;
    759     cbcr_off = dim->picture_frame_offset.mp[1].offset;
    760     LOGE("%s: main image: rotation = %d, yoff = %d, cbcroff = %d, size = %d, width = %d, height = %d",
    761          __func__, dim->rotation, y_off, cbcr_off, frame_len, dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height);
    762     if (mHalCamCtrl->initHeapMem (&mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory, 1, frame_len, 0, cbcr_off,
    763                                   MSM_PMEM_MAX, NULL, NULL, num_planes, planes) < 0) {
    764 		LOGE("%s: Error allocating JPEG memory", __func__);
    765 		ret = NO_MEMORY;
    766 		goto end;
    767     }
    768     if(!isLiveSnapshot()) {
    769         if (mHalCamCtrl->initHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory, num_of_buf,
    770     	   frame_len, y_off, cbcr_off, MSM_PMEM_MAINIMG, &mSnapshotStreamBuf,
    771                                      &reg_buf.snapshot.main, num_planes, planes) < 0) {
    772     				ret = NO_MEMORY;
    773                     mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory);
    774     				goto end;
    775     	};
    776         num_planes = 2;
    777         planes[0] = dim->thumb_frame_offset.mp[0].len;
    778         planes[1] = dim->thumb_frame_offset.mp[1].len;
    779         frame_len = planes[0] + planes[1];
    780         if (!isFullSizeLiveshot()) {
    781     	    y_off = dim->thumb_frame_offset.mp[0].offset;
    782                 cbcr_off = dim->thumb_frame_offset.mp[1].offset;
    783     	    LOGE("%s: thumbnail: rotation = %d, yoff = %d, cbcroff = %d, size = %d, width = %d, height = %d",
    784     		__func__, dim->rotation, y_off, cbcr_off, frame_len,
    785     		dim->thumbnail_width, dim->thumbnail_height);
    787     	    if (mHalCamCtrl->initHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mThumbnailMemory, num_of_buf,
    788     		    frame_len, y_off, cbcr_off, MSM_PMEM_THUMBNAIL, &mPostviewStreamBuf,
    789     		    &reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail, num_planes, planes) < 0) {
    790     	        ret = NO_MEMORY;
    791                     mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory);
    792                     mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory);
    793     	        goto end;
    794     	    }
    795         }
    796         /* register the streaming buffers for the channel*/
    797         reg_buf.ch_type = MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT;
    798         reg_buf.snapshot.main.num = mSnapshotStreamBuf.num;
    800         if (!isFullSizeLiveshot())
    801             reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.num = mPostviewStreamBuf.num;
    802         else
    803             reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.num = 0;
    805         ret = cam_config_prepare_buf(mCameraId, &reg_buf);
    806         if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
    807             LOGV("%s:reg snapshot buf err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
    808             ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    809             if (!isFullSizeLiveshot()){
    810                 mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mThumbnailMemory);
    811             }
    812             mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory);
    813             mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory);
    814             goto end;
    815         }
    816     }
    818     /* If we have reached here successfully, we have allocated buffer.
    819        Set state machine.*/
    820     setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_INITIALIZED);
    821 end:
    822     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
    823         handleError();
    824     }
    825     if (reg_buf.snapshot.main.buf.mp)
    826       delete []reg_buf.snapshot.main.buf.mp;
    827     if (reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.buf.mp)
    828       delete []reg_buf.snapshot.thumbnail.buf.mp;
    829     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    830     return ret;
    831 }
    833 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
    834 deinitSnapshotBuffers(void)
    835 {
    836     int ret = NO_ERROR;
    838     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    840     /* Deinit only if we have already initialized*/
    841     if (getSnapshotState() >= SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_INITIALIZED ){
    843         if(!isLiveSnapshot()) {
    844             LOGD("%s: Unpreparing Snapshot Buffer", __func__);
    845             ret = cam_config_unprepare_buf(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT);
    846             if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
    847                 LOGE("%s:unreg snapshot buf err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
    848                 ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    849                 goto end;
    850             }
    851         }
    853         /* Clear main and thumbnail heap*/
    854         if(!isLiveSnapshot()) {
    855             mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory);
    856             if (!isFullSizeLiveshot())
    857               mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mThumbnailMemory);
    858         }
    859         mHalCamCtrl->releaseHeapMem(&mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory);
    860     }
    861 end:
    862     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    863     return ret;
    864 }
    866 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::deInitBuffer(void)
    867 {
    868     mm_camera_channel_type_t ch_type;
    870     LOGI("%s: E", __func__);
    872     if( getSnapshotState() == SNAPSHOT_STATE_UNINIT) {
    873         LOGD("%s: Already deinit'd!", __func__);
    874         return;
    875     }
    877     if (mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW) {
    878       /* deinit buffer */
    879       deinitRawSnapshotBuffers();
    880     }
    881     else
    882     {
    883       if (!isZSLMode() &&
    884       ((mHalCamCtrl->getHDRMode() == HDR_MODE) || (mHalCamCtrl->isWDenoiseEnabled()))) {
    885         /*register main and thumbnail buffers at back-end for frameproc*/
    886         for (int i = 0; i < mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory.buffer_count; i++) {
    887           if (NO_ERROR != mHalCamCtrl->sendUnMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_MAIN, i, mCameraId,
    888                                                         CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_UNMAPPING)) {
    889             LOGE("%s: sending unmapping data Msg Failed", __func__);
    890           }
    891           if (NO_ERROR != mHalCamCtrl->sendUnMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_THUMBNAIL, i, mCameraId,
    892                                                         CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_UNMAPPING)) {
    893             LOGE("%s: sending unmapping data Msg Failed", __func__);
    894           }
    895         }
    896       }
    898       deinitSnapshotBuffers();
    899     }
    902     /* deinit jpeg buffer if allocated */
    903     if(mJpegHeap != NULL) mJpegHeap.clear();
    904     mJpegHeap = NULL;
    906     /* memset some global structure */
    907     memset(&mSnapshotStreamBuf, 0, sizeof(mSnapshotStreamBuf));
    908     memset(&mPostviewStreamBuf, 0, sizeof(mPostviewStreamBuf));
    909     mSnapshotQueue.flush();
    910     mWDNQueue.flush();
    912     setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_UNINIT);
    914     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    915 }
    917 /*Temp: to be removed once event handling is enabled in mm-camera.
    918   We need an event - one event for
    919   stream-off to disable OPS_SNAPSHOT*/
    920 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::runSnapshotThread(void *data)
    921 {
    922     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    924     if (mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW) {
    925        /* TBD: Temp: Needs to be removed once event handling is enabled.
    926           We cannot call mm-camera interface to stop snapshot from callback
    927           function as it causes deadlock. Hence handling it here temporarily
    928           in this thread. Later mm-camera intf will give us event in separate
    929           thread context */
    930         mm_app_snapshot_wait();
    931         /* Send command to stop snapshot polling thread*/
    932         stop();
    933     }
    934     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    935 }
    937 /*Temp: to be removed once event handling is enabled in mm-camera*/
    938 static void *snapshot_thread(void *obj)
    939 {
    940     QCameraStream_Snapshot *pme = (QCameraStream_Snapshot *)obj;
    941     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
    942     if (pme != 0) {
    943         pme->runSnapshotThread(obj);
    944     }
    945     else LOGW("not starting snapshot thread: the object went away!");
    946     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
    947     return NULL;
    948 }
    950 /*Temp: to be removed later*/
    951 static pthread_t mSnapshotThread;
    953 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::initJPEGSnapshot(int num_of_snapshots)
    954 {
    955     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
    956     cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim;
    957     mm_camera_op_mode_type_t op_mode;
    959     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
    961     if (isFullSizeLiveshot())
    962       goto end;
    964     LOGD("%s: Get current dimension", __func__);
    965     /* Query mm_camera to get current dimension */
    966     memset(&dim, 0, sizeof(cam_ctrl_dimension_t));
    967     ret = cam_config_get_parm(mCameraId,
    968                               MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dim);
    969     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
    970         LOGE("%s: error - can't get preview dimension!", __func__);
    971         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    972         goto end;
    973     }
    975     /* Set camera op mode to MM_CAMERA_OP_MODE_CAPTURE */
    976     LOGD("Setting OP_MODE_CAPTURE");
    977     op_mode = MM_CAMERA_OP_MODE_CAPTURE;
    978     if( NO_ERROR != cam_config_set_parm(mCameraId,
    979             MM_CAMERA_PARM_OP_MODE, &op_mode)) {
    980         LOGE("%s: MM_CAMERA_OP_MODE_CAPTURE failed", __func__);
    981         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
    982         goto end;
    983     }
    985     /* config the parmeters and see if we need to re-init the stream*/
    986     LOGI("%s: Configure Snapshot Dimension", __func__);
    987     ret = configSnapshotDimension(&dim);
    988     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
    989         LOGE("%s: Setting snapshot dimension failed", __func__);
    990         goto end;
    991     }
    993     /* Initialize stream - set format, acquire channel */
    994     ret = initSnapshotFormat(&dim);
    995     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
    996         LOGE("%s: error - can't init nonZSL stream!", __func__);
    997         goto end;
    998     }
   1000     ret = initSnapshotBuffers(&dim, num_of_snapshots);
   1001     if ( NO_ERROR != ret ){
   1002         LOGE("%s: Failure allocating memory for Snapshot buffers", __func__);
   1003         goto end;
   1004     }
   1006     if (!isZSLMode() &&
   1007     ((mHalCamCtrl->getHDRMode() == HDR_MODE) || (mHalCamCtrl->isWDenoiseEnabled()))) {
   1008       /*register main and thumbnail buffers at back-end for frameproc*/
   1009         for (int i = 0; i < num_of_snapshots; i++) {
   1010           if (NO_ERROR != mHalCamCtrl->sendMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_MAIN, i,
   1011           mSnapshotStreamBuf.frame[i].fd, mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory.size, mCameraId,
   1012                                                       CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_MAPPING)) {
   1013             LOGE("%s: sending mapping data Msg Failed", __func__);
   1014           }
   1015           if (NO_ERROR != mHalCamCtrl->sendMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_THUMBNAIL, i,
   1016           mPostviewStreamBuf.frame[i].fd, mHalCamCtrl->mThumbnailMemory.size, mCameraId,
   1017                                                       CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_MAPPING)) {
   1018             LOGE("%s: sending mapping data Msg Failed", __func__);
   1019           }
   1020         }
   1021     }
   1023 end:
   1024     /* Based on what state we are in, we'll need to handle error -
   1025        like deallocating memory if we have already allocated */
   1026     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1027         handleError();
   1028     }
   1029     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   1030     return ret;
   1032 }
   1034 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::initRawSnapshot(int num_of_snapshots)
   1035 {
   1036     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1037     cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim;
   1038     bool initSnapshot = false;
   1039     mm_camera_op_mode_type_t op_mode;
   1041     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   1043     /* Set camera op mode to MM_CAMERA_OP_MODE_CAPTURE */
   1044     LOGD("%s: Setting OP_MODE_CAPTURE", __func__);
   1045     op_mode = MM_CAMERA_OP_MODE_CAPTURE;
   1046     if( NO_ERROR != cam_config_set_parm(mCameraId,
   1047             MM_CAMERA_PARM_OP_MODE, &op_mode)) {
   1048         LOGE("%s: MM_CAMERA_OP_MODE_CAPTURE failed", __func__);
   1049         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1050         goto end;
   1051     }
   1053     /* For raw snapshot, we do not know the dimension as it
   1054        depends on sensor to sensor. We call getDimension which will
   1055        give us raw width and height */
   1056     memset(&dim, 0, sizeof(cam_ctrl_dimension_t));
   1057     ret = cam_config_get_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dim);
   1058     if (MM_CAMERA_OK != ret) {
   1059       LOGE("%s: error - can't get dimension!", __func__);
   1060       LOGE("%s: X", __func__);
   1061       goto end;
   1062     }
   1063     LOGD("%s: Raw Snapshot dimension: %dx%d", __func__,
   1064          dim.raw_picture_width,
   1065          dim.raw_picture_height);
   1068     ret = initRawSnapshotChannel(&dim, num_of_snapshots);
   1069     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   1070         LOGE("%s: error - can't init nonZSL stream!", __func__);
   1071         goto end;
   1072     }
   1074     ret = initRawSnapshotBuffers(&dim, num_of_snapshots);
   1075     if ( NO_ERROR != ret ){
   1076         LOGE("%s: Failure allocating memory for Raw Snapshot buffers",
   1077              __func__);
   1078         goto end;
   1079     }
   1080     setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_INITIALIZED);
   1082 end:
   1083     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1084         handleError();
   1085     }
   1086     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   1087     return ret;
   1088 }
   1090 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::initFullLiveshot(void)
   1091 {
   1092     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1093     cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim;
   1094     bool matching = true;
   1096     memset(&dim, 0, sizeof(cam_ctrl_dimension_t));
   1097     ret = cam_config_get_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dim);
   1098     if (MM_CAMERA_OK != ret) {
   1099       LOGE("%s: error - can't get dimension!", __func__);
   1100       return ret;
   1101     }
   1102 #if 1
   1103     /* First check if the picture resolution is the same, if not, change it*/
   1104     mHalCamCtrl->getPictureSize(&mPictureWidth, &mPictureHeight);
   1105     LOGD("%s: Picture size received: %d x %d", __func__,
   1106          mPictureWidth, mPictureHeight);
   1108     //Use main image as input to encoder to generate thumbnail
   1109     mThumbnailWidth = dim.picture_width;
   1110     mThumbnailHeight = dim.picture_height;
   1111     matching = (mPictureWidth == dim.picture_width) &&
   1112         (mPictureHeight == dim.picture_height);
   1114     //Actual thumbnail size requested
   1115     mPostviewWidth = mHalCamCtrl->mParameters.getInt(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);
   1116     mPostviewHeight =  mHalCamCtrl->mParameters.getInt(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT);
   1118     mDropThumbnail = false;
   1119     if (mPostviewWidth == 0 && mPostviewHeight == 0) {
   1120          mPostviewWidth = THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
   1121          mPostviewHeight = THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
   1122          mDropThumbnail = true;
   1123     }
   1125     if (!matching) {
   1126         dim.picture_width  = mPictureWidth;
   1127         dim.picture_height = mPictureHeight;
   1128         dim.ui_thumbnail_height = mThumbnailHeight;
   1129         dim.ui_thumbnail_width = mThumbnailWidth;
   1130     }
   1131     LOGD("%s: Picture size to set: %d x %d", __func__,
   1132          dim.picture_width, dim.picture_height);
   1133     ret = cam_config_set_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION,&dim);
   1134 #endif
   1135     /* Initialize stream - set format, acquire channel */
   1136     ret = initSnapshotFormat(&dim);
   1137     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   1138         LOGE("%s: error - can't init nonZSL stream!", __func__);
   1139         return ret;
   1140     }
   1141     ret = initSnapshotBuffers(&dim, 1);
   1142     if ( NO_ERROR != ret ){
   1143         LOGE("%s: Failure allocating memory for Snapshot buffers", __func__);
   1144         return ret;
   1145     }
   1147     return ret;
   1148 }
   1150 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::initZSLSnapshot(void)
   1151 {
   1152     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1153     cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim;
   1154     mm_camera_op_mode_type_t op_mode;
   1156     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   1158     LOGD("%s: Get current dimension", __func__);
   1159     /* Query mm_camera to get current dimension */
   1160     memset(&dim, 0, sizeof(cam_ctrl_dimension_t));
   1161     ret = cam_config_get_parm(mCameraId,
   1162                               MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dim);
   1163     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   1164         LOGE("%s: error - can't get preview dimension!", __func__);
   1165         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1166         goto end;
   1167     }
   1169     /* config the parmeters and see if we need to re-init the stream*/
   1170     LOGD("%s: Configure Snapshot Dimension", __func__);
   1171     ret = configSnapshotDimension(&dim);
   1172     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1173         LOGE("%s: Setting snapshot dimension failed", __func__);
   1174         goto end;
   1175     }
   1177     /* Initialize stream - set format, acquire channel */
   1178     ret = initSnapshotFormat(&dim);
   1179     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   1180         LOGE("%s: error - can't init nonZSL stream!", __func__);
   1181         goto end;
   1182     }
   1184     /* For ZSL we'll have to allocate buffers for internal queue
   1185        maintained by mm-camera lib plus around 3 buffers used for
   1186        data handling by lower layer.*/
   1188     ret = initSnapshotBuffers(&dim, mHalCamCtrl->getZSLQueueDepth() + 3);
   1189     if ( NO_ERROR != ret ){
   1190         LOGE("%s: Failure allocating memory for Snapshot buffers", __func__);
   1191         goto end;
   1192     }
   1194 end:
   1195     /* Based on what state we are in, we'll need to handle error -
   1196        like deallocating memory if we have already allocated */
   1197     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1198         handleError();
   1199     }
   1200     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   1201     return ret;
   1203 }
   1205 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1206 takePictureJPEG(void)
   1207 {
   1208     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1210     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
   1212     /* Take snapshot */
   1213     LOGD("%s: Call MM_CAMERA_OPS_SNAPSHOT", __func__);
   1214     if (NO_ERROR != cam_ops_action(mCameraId,
   1215                                               TRUE,
   1216                                               MM_CAMERA_OPS_SNAPSHOT,
   1217                                               this)) {
   1218            LOGE("%s: Failure taking snapshot", __func__);
   1219            ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1220            goto end;
   1221     }
   1223     /* TBD: Temp: to be removed once event callback
   1224        is implemented in mm-camera lib  */
   1225     pthread_attr_t attr;
   1226     pthread_attr_init(&attr);
   1227     pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
   1228     pthread_create(&mSnapshotThread,&attr,
   1229                    snapshot_thread, (void *)this);
   1231 end:
   1232     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1233         handleError();
   1234     }
   1236     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1237     return ret;
   1239 }
   1241 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1242 takePictureRaw(void)
   1243 {
   1244     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1246     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
   1248     /* Take snapshot */
   1249     LOGD("%s: Call MM_CAMERA_OPS_SNAPSHOT", __func__);
   1250     if (NO_ERROR != cam_ops_action(mCameraId,
   1251                                   TRUE,
   1252                                   MM_CAMERA_OPS_RAW,
   1253                                   this)) {
   1254            LOGE("%s: Failure taking snapshot", __func__);
   1255            ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1256            goto end;
   1257     }
   1259     /* TBD: Temp: to be removed once event callback
   1260        is implemented in mm-camera lib  */
   1261     /* Wait for snapshot frame callback to return*/
   1262     pthread_attr_t attr;
   1263     pthread_attr_init(&attr);
   1264     pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
   1265     pthread_create(&mSnapshotThread,&attr,
   1266                    snapshot_thread, (void *)this);
   1268 end:
   1269     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1270         handleError();
   1271     }
   1272     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1273     return ret;
   1275 }
   1277 /* This is called from vide stream object */
   1278 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1279 takePictureLiveshot(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame,
   1280                     cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim,
   1281                     int frame_len)
   1282 {
   1283     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1284     common_crop_t crop_info;
   1285     //common_crop_t crop;
   1286     uint32_t aspect_ratio;
   1287     camera_notify_callback notifyCb;
   1288     camera_data_callback dataCb;
   1290     LOGI("%s: E", __func__);
   1292     /* set flag to indicate we are doing livesnapshot */
   1293     resetSnapshotCounters( );
   1294     setModeLiveSnapshot(true);
   1296     if(!mHalCamCtrl->mShutterSoundPlayed) {
   1297         notifyShutter(&crop_info, TRUE);
   1298     }
   1299     notifyShutter(&crop_info, FALSE);
   1300     mHalCamCtrl->mShutterSoundPlayed = FALSE;
   1302     // send upperlayer callback for raw image (data or notify, not both)
   1303     if((mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb) && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE)){
   1304       dataCb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
   1305     } else {
   1306       dataCb = NULL;
   1307     }
   1308     if((mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb) && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY)){
   1309       notifyCb = mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb;
   1310     } else {
   1311       notifyCb = NULL;
   1312     }
   1314     LOGI("%s:Passed picture size: %d X %d", __func__,
   1315          dim->picture_width, dim->picture_height);
   1316     LOGI("%s:Passed thumbnail size: %d X %d", __func__,
   1317          dim->ui_thumbnail_width, dim->ui_thumbnail_height);
   1319     mPictureWidth = dim->picture_width;
   1320     mPictureHeight = dim->picture_height;
   1321     mThumbnailWidth = dim->ui_thumbnail_width;
   1322     mThumbnailHeight = dim->ui_thumbnail_height;
   1323     mPictureFormat = dim->main_img_format;
   1324     mThumbnailFormat = dim->thumb_format;
   1326     memset(&crop_info, 0, sizeof(common_crop_t));
   1327     crop_info.in1_w = mPictureWidth;
   1328     crop_info.in1_h = mPictureHeight;
   1329     /* For low power live snapshot the thumbnail output size is set to default size.
   1330        In case of live snapshot video buffer = thumbnail buffer. For higher resolutions
   1331        the thumnail will be dropped if its more than 64KB. To avoid thumbnail drop
   1332        set thumbnail as configured by application. This will be a size lower than video size*/
   1333     mDropThumbnail = false;
   1334     if(mHalCamCtrl->thumbnailWidth == 0 &&  mHalCamCtrl->thumbnailHeight == 0) {
   1335         LOGE("Live Snapshot thumbnail will be dropped as indicated by application");
   1336         mDropThumbnail = true;
   1337    }
   1338     crop_info.out1_w = mHalCamCtrl->thumbnailWidth;
   1339     crop_info.out1_h =  mHalCamCtrl->thumbnailHeight;
   1340     ret = encodeData(recvd_frame, &crop_info, frame_len, 0);
   1341     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1342         LOGE("%s: Failure configuring JPEG encoder", __func__);
   1344         /* Failure encoding this frame. Just notify upper layer
   1345            about it.*/
   1346         if(mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb &&
   1347             (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & MEDIA_RECORDER_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE)) {
   1348             /* get picture failed. Give jpeg callback with NULL data
   1349              * to the application to restore to preview mode
   1350              */
   1351         }
   1352         setModeLiveSnapshot(false);
   1353         goto end;
   1354     }
   1356     if (dataCb) {
   1357       dataCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE, mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory.camera_memory[0],
   1358                            1, NULL, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1359     }
   1360     if (notifyCb) {
   1361       notifyCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY, 0, 0, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1362     }
   1364 end:
   1365     LOGI("%s: X", __func__);
   1366     return ret;
   1367 }
   1369 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1370 takePictureZSL(void)
   1371 {
   1372     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1373     mm_camera_ops_parm_get_buffered_frame_t param;
   1375     LOGE("%s: E", __func__);
   1377     memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
   1378     param.ch_type = MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT;
   1380     /* Take snapshot */
   1381     LOGE("%s: Call MM_CAMERA_OPS_GET_BUFFERED_FRAME", __func__);
   1383     mNumOfSnapshot = mHalCamCtrl->getNumOfSnapshots();
   1384     if (NO_ERROR != cam_ops_action(mCameraId,
   1385                                           TRUE,
   1386                                           MM_CAMERA_OPS_GET_BUFFERED_FRAME,
   1387                                           &param)) {
   1388            LOGE("%s: Failure getting zsl frame(s)", __func__);
   1389            ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1390            goto end;
   1391     }
   1393     /* TBD: Temp: to be removed once event callback
   1394        is implemented in mm-camera lib  */
   1395 /*    pthread_attr_t attr;
   1396     pthread_attr_init(&attr);
   1397     pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
   1398     pthread_create(&mSnapshotThread,&attr,
   1399                    snapshot_thread, (void *)this);
   1400 */
   1401 end:
   1402     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1403     return ret;
   1404 }
   1406 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1407 startStreamZSL(void)
   1408 {
   1409     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1411     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
   1413     /* Start ZSL - it'll start queuing the frames */
   1414     LOGD("%s: Call MM_CAMERA_OPS_ZSL", __func__);
   1415     if (NO_ERROR != cam_ops_action(mCameraId,
   1416                                           TRUE,
   1417                                           MM_CAMERA_OPS_ZSL,
   1418                                           this)) {
   1419            LOGE("%s: Failure starting ZSL stream", __func__);
   1420            ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1421            goto end;
   1422     }
   1424 end:
   1425     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1426     return ret;
   1428 }
   1430 status_t  QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1431 encodeData(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame,
   1432            common_crop_t *crop_info,
   1433            int frame_len,
   1434            bool enqueued)
   1435 {
   1436     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1437     cam_ctrl_dimension_t dimension;
   1438     struct msm_frame *postviewframe;
   1439     struct msm_frame *mainframe;
   1440     common_crop_t crop;
   1441     cam_point_t main_crop_offset;
   1442     cam_point_t thumb_crop_offset;
   1443     int width, height;
   1444     uint8_t *thumbnail_buf;
   1445     uint32_t thumbnail_fd;
   1447     omx_jpeg_encode_params encode_params;
   1449     /* If it's the only frame, we directly pass to encoder.
   1450        If not, we'll queue it and check during next jpeg .
   1451        Also, if the queue isn't empty then we need to queue this
   1452        one too till its turn comes (only if it's not already
   1453        queued up there)*/
   1454     LOGD("%s: getSnapshotState()=%d, enqueued =%d, Q empty=%d", __func__, getSnapshotState(), enqueued, mSnapshotQueue.isEmpty());
   1455     LOGD("%s: mNumOfRecievedJPEG=%d, mNumOfSnapshot =%d", __func__, mNumOfRecievedJPEG, mNumOfSnapshot);
   1456     if((getSnapshotState() == SNAPSHOT_STATE_JPEG_ENCODING) ||
   1457        (!mSnapshotQueue.isEmpty() && !enqueued)){ /*busy and new buffer*/
   1458         /* encoding is going on. Just queue the frame for now.*/
   1459         LOGD("%s: JPEG encoding in progress."
   1460              "Enqueuing frame id(%d) for later processing.", __func__,
   1461              recvd_frame->snapshot.main.idx);
   1462         mSnapshotQueue.enqueue((void *)recvd_frame);
   1463     } else if (enqueued ||
   1464        (mNumOfRecievedJPEG != mNumOfSnapshot  && mNumOfRecievedJPEG != 0)) { /*not busy, not first*/
   1465       LOGD("%s: JPG not busy, not first frame.", __func__);
   1467       // For full-size live shot, use mainimage to generate thumbnail
   1468       if (isFullSizeLiveshot()) {
   1469           postviewframe = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame;
   1470       } else {
   1471           postviewframe = recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame;
   1472       }
   1473       mainframe = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame;
   1474       cam_config_get_parm(mHalCamCtrl->mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dimension);
   1475       LOGD("%s: main_fmt =%d, tb_fmt =%d", __func__, dimension.main_img_format, dimension.thumb_format);
   1476       /*since this is the continue job, we only care about the input buffer*/
   1477       encode_params.thumbnail_buf = (uint8_t *)postviewframe->buffer;
   1478       encode_params.thumbnail_fd = postviewframe->fd;
   1479       encode_params.snapshot_buf = (uint8_t *)mainframe->buffer;
   1480       encode_params.snapshot_fd = mainframe->fd;
   1481       encode_params.dimension = &dimension;
   1482       /*update exif parameters in HAL*/
   1483       mHalCamCtrl->setExifTags();
   1485       encode_params.exif_data = mHalCamCtrl->getExifData();
   1486       encode_params.exif_numEntries = mHalCamCtrl->getExifTableNumEntries();
   1487       if (!omxJpegEncodeNext(&encode_params)){
   1488           LOGE("%s: Failure! JPEG encoder returned error.", __func__);
   1489           ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1490           goto end;
   1491       }
   1492       /* Save the pointer to the frame sent for encoding. we'll need it to
   1493          tell kernel that we are done with the frame.*/
   1494       mCurrentFrameEncoded = recvd_frame;
   1495       setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_JPEG_ENCODING);
   1496     } else {  /*not busy and new buffer (first job)*/
   1498       LOGD("%s: JPG Idle and  first frame.", __func__);
   1500         // For full-size live shot, use mainimage to generate thumbnail
   1501         if (isFullSizeLiveshot()){
   1502             postviewframe = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame;
   1503         } else {
   1504             postviewframe = recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame;
   1505         }
   1506         mainframe = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame;
   1507         cam_config_get_parm(mHalCamCtrl->mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dimension);
   1508         LOGD("%s: main_fmt =%d, tb_fmt =%d", __func__, dimension.main_img_format, dimension.thumb_format);
   1510         dimension.orig_picture_dx = mPictureWidth;
   1511         dimension.orig_picture_dy = mPictureHeight;
   1513         if(!mDropThumbnail) {
   1514             if(isZSLMode()) {
   1515                 LOGI("Setting input thumbnail size to previewWidth= %d   previewheight= %d in ZSL mode",
   1516                      mHalCamCtrl->mPreviewWidth, mHalCamCtrl->mPreviewHeight);
   1517                 dimension.thumbnail_width = width = mHalCamCtrl->mPreviewWidth;
   1518                 dimension.thumbnail_height = height = mHalCamCtrl->mPreviewHeight;
   1519             } else {
   1520                 dimension.thumbnail_width = width = mThumbnailWidth;
   1521                 dimension.thumbnail_height = height = mThumbnailHeight;
   1522             }
   1523         } else {
   1524             dimension.thumbnail_width = width = 0;
   1525             dimension.thumbnail_height = height = 0;
   1526         }
   1527         dimension.main_img_format = mPictureFormat;
   1528         dimension.thumb_format = mThumbnailFormat;
   1530         /*TBD: Move JPEG handling to the mm-camera library */
   1531         LOGD("Setting callbacks, initializing encoder and start encoding.");
   1532         LOGD(" Passing my obj: %x", (unsigned int) this);
   1533         set_callbacks(snapshot_jpeg_fragment_cb, snapshot_jpeg_cb, this,
   1534              mHalCamCtrl->mJpegMemory.camera_memory[0]->data, &mJpegOffset);
   1535         omxJpegStart();
   1536 	if (mHalCamCtrl->getJpegQuality())
   1537           mm_jpeg_encoder_setMainImageQuality(mHalCamCtrl->getJpegQuality());
   1538 	else
   1539 	   mm_jpeg_encoder_setMainImageQuality(85);
   1541         LOGE("%s: Dimension to encode: main: %dx%d thumbnail: %dx%d", __func__,
   1542              dimension.orig_picture_dx, dimension.orig_picture_dy,
   1543              dimension.thumbnail_width, dimension.thumbnail_height);
   1545         /*TBD: Pass 0 as cropinfo for now as v4l2 doesn't provide
   1546           cropinfo. It'll be changed later.*/
   1547         memset(&crop,0,sizeof(common_crop_t));
   1548         memset(&main_crop_offset,0,sizeof(cam_point_t));
   1549         memset(&thumb_crop_offset,0,sizeof(cam_point_t));
   1551         /* Setting crop info */
   1553         /*Main image*/
   1554         crop.in2_w=mCrop.snapshot.main_crop.width;// dimension.picture_width
   1555         crop.in2_h=mCrop.snapshot.main_crop.height;// dimension.picture_height;
   1556         if (!mJpegDownscaling) {
   1557             crop.out2_w = mPictureWidth;
   1558             crop.out2_h = mPictureHeight;
   1559         } else {
   1560             crop.out2_w = mActualPictureWidth;
   1561             crop.out2_h = mActualPictureHeight;
   1562             if (!crop.in2_w || !crop.in2_h) {
   1563                 crop.in2_w = mPictureWidth;
   1564                 crop.in2_h = mPictureHeight;
   1565             }
   1566         }
   1567         main_crop_offset.x=mCrop.snapshot.main_crop.left;
   1568         main_crop_offset.y=mCrop.snapshot.main_crop.top;
   1569         /*Thumbnail image*/
   1570         crop.in1_w=mCrop.snapshot.thumbnail_crop.width; //dimension.thumbnail_width;
   1571         crop.in1_h=mCrop.snapshot.thumbnail_crop.height; // dimension.thumbnail_height;
   1572         if(isLiveSnapshot() || isFullSizeLiveshot()) {
   1573             crop.out1_w= mHalCamCtrl->thumbnailWidth;
   1574             crop.out1_h=  mHalCamCtrl->thumbnailHeight;
   1575             LOGD("Thumbnail width= %d  height= %d for livesnapshot", crop.out1_w, crop.out1_h);
   1576         } else {
   1577             crop.out1_w = width;
   1578             crop.out1_h = height;
   1579         }
   1580         thumb_crop_offset.x=mCrop.snapshot.thumbnail_crop.left;
   1581         thumb_crop_offset.y=mCrop.snapshot.thumbnail_crop.top;
   1583         //update exif parameters in HAL
   1584         mHalCamCtrl->initExifData();
   1586         /*Fill in the encode parameters*/
   1587         encode_params.dimension = (const cam_ctrl_dimension_t *)&dimension;
   1588         //if (!isFullSizeLiveshot()) {
   1589             encode_params.thumbnail_buf = (uint8_t *)postviewframe->buffer;
   1590             encode_params.thumbnail_fd = postviewframe->fd;
   1591             encode_params.thumbnail_offset = postviewframe->phy_offset;
   1592             encode_params.thumb_crop_offset = &thumb_crop_offset;
   1593         //}
   1594         encode_params.snapshot_buf = (uint8_t *)mainframe->buffer;
   1595         encode_params.snapshot_fd = mainframe->fd;
   1596         encode_params.snapshot_offset = mainframe->phy_offset;
   1597         encode_params.scaling_params = &crop;
   1598         encode_params.exif_data = mHalCamCtrl->getExifData();
   1599         encode_params.exif_numEntries = mHalCamCtrl->getExifTableNumEntries();
   1601         if (isLiveSnapshot() && !isFullSizeLiveshot())
   1602             encode_params.a_cbcroffset = mainframe->cbcr_off;
   1603         else
   1604             encode_params.a_cbcroffset = -1;
   1605         encode_params.main_crop_offset = &main_crop_offset;
   1607 	    if (mDropThumbnail)
   1608             encode_params.hasThumbnail = 0;
   1609         else
   1610             encode_params.hasThumbnail = 1;
   1611         encode_params.thumb_crop_offset = &thumb_crop_offset;
   1612         encode_params.main_format = dimension.main_img_format;
   1613         encode_params.thumbnail_format = dimension.thumb_format;
   1615         if (!omxJpegEncode(&encode_params)){
   1616             LOGE("%s: Failure! JPEG encoder returned error.", __func__);
   1617             ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   1618             goto end;
   1619         }
   1621         /* Save the pointer to the frame sent for encoding. we'll need it to
   1622            tell kernel that we are done with the frame.*/
   1623         mCurrentFrameEncoded = recvd_frame;
   1624         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_JPEG_ENCODING);
   1625     }
   1627 end:
   1628     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1629     return ret;
   1630 }
   1632 /* Called twice - 1st to play shutter sound and 2nd to configure
   1633    overlay/surfaceflinger for postview */
   1634 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::notifyShutter(common_crop_t *crop,
   1635                                            bool mPlayShutterSoundOnly)
   1636 {
   1637     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
   1638     if(!mActive && !isLiveSnapshot()) {
   1639       LOGE("__debbug: Snapshot thread stopped \n");
   1640       return;
   1641     }
   1642     if(mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb)
   1643       mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb(CAMERA_MSG_SHUTTER, 0, mPlayShutterSoundOnly,
   1644                                  mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1645     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1646 }
   1648 status_t  QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1649 encodeDisplayAndSave(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame,
   1650                      bool enqueued)
   1651 {
   1652     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   1653     struct msm_frame *postview_frame;
   1654     struct ion_flush_data cache_inv_data;
   1655     int ion_fd;
   1656     int buf_index = 0;
   1657     ssize_t offset_addr = 0;
   1658     common_crop_t dummy_crop;
   1659     /* send frame for encoding */
   1660     LOGE("%s: Send frame for encoding", __func__);
   1661     /*TBD: Pass 0 as cropinfo for now as v4l2 doesn't provide
   1662       cropinfo. It'll be changed later.*/
   1663     if(!mActive) {
   1664         LOGE("Cancel Picture.. Stop is called");
   1665         return NO_ERROR;
   1666     }
   1667     if(isZSLMode()){
   1668       LOGE("%s: set JPEG rotation in ZSL mode", __func__);
   1669       mHalCamCtrl->setJpegRotation(isZSLMode());
   1670     }
   1671 #ifdef USE_ION
   1672     /*Clean out(Write-back) cache before sending for JPEG*/
   1673     memset(&cache_inv_data, 0, sizeof(struct ion_flush_data));
   1675     cache_inv_data.vaddr = (void*)recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame->buffer;
   1676     cache_inv_data.fd = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame->fd;
   1677     cache_inv_data.handle = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame->fd_data.handle;
   1678     cache_inv_data.length = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame->ion_alloc.len;
   1679     ion_fd = recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame->ion_dev_fd;
   1680     if(ion_fd > 0) {
   1681       if(ioctl(ion_fd, ION_IOC_CLEAN_INV_CACHES, &cache_inv_data) < 0)
   1682           LOGE("%s: Cache Invalidate failed\n", __func__);
   1683       else {
   1684           LOGD("%s: Successful cache invalidate\n", __func__);
   1685 	  if(!isFullSizeLiveshot()) {
   1686             ion_fd = recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame->ion_dev_fd;
   1687             cache_inv_data.vaddr = (void*)recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame->buffer;
   1688             cache_inv_data.fd = recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame->fd;
   1689             cache_inv_data.handle = recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame->fd_data.handle;
   1690             cache_inv_data.length = recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame->ion_alloc.len;
   1691             if(ioctl(ion_fd, ION_IOC_CLEAN_INV_CACHES, &cache_inv_data) < 0)
   1692               LOGE("%s: Cache Invalidate failed\n", __func__);
   1693             else
   1694               LOGD("%s: Successful cache invalidate\n", __func__);
   1695           }
   1696       }
   1697     }
   1698 #endif
   1699     memset(&dummy_crop,0,sizeof(common_crop_t));
   1700     ret = encodeData(recvd_frame, &dummy_crop, mSnapshotStreamBuf.frame_len,
   1701                      enqueued);
   1702     if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
   1703         LOGE("%s: Failure configuring JPEG encoder", __func__);
   1705         goto end;
   1706     }
   1708     /* Display postview image*/
   1709     /* If it's burst mode, we won't be displaying postview of all the captured
   1710        images - only the first one */
   1711     LOGD("%s: Burst mode flag  %d", __func__, mBurstModeFlag);
   1713 end:
   1714     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1715     return ret;
   1716 }
   1718 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::receiveRawPicture(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame)
   1719 {
   1720     int buf_index = 0;
   1721     common_crop_t crop;
   1722     int rc = NO_ERROR;
   1724     camera_notify_callback         notifyCb;
   1725     camera_data_callback           dataCb, jpgDataCb;
   1727     LOGD("%s: E ", __func__);
   1728     mStopCallbackLock.lock( );
   1729     if(!mActive) {
   1730         mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1731         LOGD("%s: Stop receiving raw pic ", __func__);
   1732         return NO_ERROR;
   1733     }
   1735     mHalCamCtrl->dumpFrameToFile(recvd_frame->snapshot.main.frame, HAL_DUMP_FRM_MAIN);
   1736     if (!isFullSizeLiveshot())
   1737         mHalCamCtrl->dumpFrameToFile(recvd_frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame,
   1738                                      HAL_DUMP_FRM_THUMBNAIL);
   1740     /* If it's raw snapshot, we just want to tell upperlayer to save the image*/
   1741     if(mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW) {
   1742         LOGD("%s: Call notifyShutter 2nd time in case of RAW", __func__);
   1743         mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1744         if(!mHalCamCtrl->mShutterSoundPlayed) {
   1745             notifyShutter(&crop, TRUE);
   1746         }
   1747         notifyShutter(&crop, FALSE);
   1748         mHalCamCtrl->mShutterSoundPlayed = FALSE;
   1750         mStopCallbackLock.lock( );
   1751         LOGD("%s: Sending Raw Snapshot Callback to Upperlayer", __func__);
   1752         buf_index = recvd_frame->def.idx;
   1754         if (mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb && mActive &&
   1755             (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE)){
   1756           dataCb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
   1757         } else {
   1758           dataCb = NULL;
   1759         }
   1760         mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1762         if(dataCb) {
   1763             dataCb(
   1764                 CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE,
   1765                 mHalCamCtrl->mRawMemory.camera_memory[buf_index], 0, NULL,
   1766                 mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1767         }
   1768         /* TBD: Temp: To be removed once event handling is enabled */
   1769         mm_app_snapshot_done();
   1770     } else {
   1771         /*TBD: v4l2 doesn't have support to provide cropinfo along with
   1772           frame. We'll need to query.*/
   1773         memset(&crop, 0, sizeof(common_crop_t));
   1775         /*maftab*/
   1776         #if 0
   1777         crop.in1_w=mCrop.snapshot.thumbnail_crop.width;
   1778         crop.in1_h=mCrop.snapshot.thumbnail_crop.height;
   1779         crop.out1_w=mThumbnailWidth;
   1780         crop.out1_h=mThumbnailHeight;
   1781         #endif
   1783         LOGD("%s: Call notifyShutter 2nd time", __func__);
   1784         /* The recvd_frame structre we receive from lower library is a local
   1785            variable. So we'll need to save this structure so that we won't
   1786            be later pointing to garbage data when that variable goes out of
   1787            scope */
   1788         mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* frame =
   1789             (mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *)malloc(sizeof(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t));
   1790         if (frame == NULL) {
   1791             LOGE("%s: Error allocating memory to save received_frame structure.", __func__);
   1792             cam_evt_buf_done(mCameraId, recvd_frame);
   1793             mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1794             return BAD_VALUE;
   1795         }
   1796         memcpy(frame, recvd_frame, sizeof(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t));
   1798         //mStopCallbackLock.lock();
   1800         // only in ZSL mode and Wavelet Denoise is enabled, we will send frame to deamon to do WDN
   1801         if (isZSLMode() && mHalCamCtrl->isWDenoiseEnabled()) {
   1802             if(mIsDoingWDN){
   1803                 mWDNQueue.enqueue((void *)frame);
   1804                 LOGD("%s: Wavelet denoise is going on, queue frame", __func__);
   1805                 rc = NO_ERROR;
   1806             } else {
   1807                 LOGD("%s: Start Wavelet denoise", __func__);
   1808                 mIsDoingWDN = TRUE; // set the falg to TRUE because we are going to do WDN
   1810                 // No WDN is going on so far, we will start it here
   1811                 rc = doWaveletDenoise(frame);
   1812                 if ( NO_ERROR != rc ) {
   1813                     LOGE("%s: Error while doing wavelet denoise", __func__);
   1814                     mIsDoingWDN = FALSE;
   1815                 }
   1816             }
   1817         }
   1818         else {
   1819           LOGD("%s: encodeDisplayAndSave ", __func__);
   1820             rc = encodeDisplayAndSave(frame, 0);
   1821         }
   1824         // send upperlayer callback for raw image (data or notify, not both)
   1825         if((mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb) && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE)){
   1826           dataCb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
   1827         } else {
   1828           dataCb = NULL;
   1829         }
   1830         if((mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb) && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY)){
   1831           notifyCb = mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb;
   1832         } else {
   1833           notifyCb = NULL;
   1834         }
   1836         mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1837         if(!mHalCamCtrl->mShutterSoundPlayed) {
   1838             notifyShutter(&crop, TRUE);
   1839         }
   1840         notifyShutter(&crop, FALSE);
   1841         mHalCamCtrl->mShutterSoundPlayed = FALSE;
   1844         if (rc != NO_ERROR)
   1845         {
   1846             LOGE("%s: Error while encoding/displaying/saving image", __func__);
   1847             cam_evt_buf_done(mCameraId, recvd_frame);
   1849             if(mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb &&
   1850                 (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE)) {
   1851                 /* get picture failed. Give jpeg callback with NULL data
   1852                  * to the application to restore to preview mode
   1853                  */
   1854                 jpgDataCb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
   1855             } else {
   1856               jpgDataCb = NULL;
   1857            	}
   1858             LOGE("%s: encode err so data cb", __func__);
   1859             //mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1860             if (dataCb) {
   1861               dataCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE, mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory.camera_memory[0],
   1862                                    1, NULL, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1863             }
   1864             if (notifyCb) {
   1865               notifyCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY, 0, 0, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1866             }
   1867             if (jpgDataCb) {
   1868               jpgDataCb(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE,
   1869                                        NULL, 0, NULL,
   1870                                        mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1871             }
   1873             if (frame != NULL) {
   1874                 free(frame);
   1875             }
   1876         } else {
   1878           //mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   1879           if (dataCb) {
   1880             dataCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE, mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory.camera_memory[0],
   1881                                  1, NULL, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1882           }
   1883           if (notifyCb) {
   1884             notifyCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY, 0, 0, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   1885           }
   1886         }
   1887     }
   1889     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1890     return NO_ERROR;
   1891 }
   1893 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
   1894 // Helper Functions
   1895 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
   1896 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::handleError()
   1897 {
   1898     mm_camera_channel_type_t ch_type;
   1899     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
   1901     /* Depending upon the state we'll have to
   1902        handle error */
   1903     switch(getSnapshotState()) {
   1905         if(mJpegHeap != NULL) mJpegHeap.clear();
   1906         mJpegHeap = NULL;
   1908     case SNAPSHOT_STATE_YUV_RECVD:
   1910         stopPolling();
   1913         if (mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_JPEG) {
   1914             deinitSnapshotBuffers();
   1915         }else
   1916         {
   1917             deinitRawSnapshotBuffers();
   1918         }
   1921         if (mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_JPEG) {
   1922             deinitSnapshotChannel(MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT);
   1923         }else
   1924         {
   1925             deinitSnapshotChannel(MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW);
   1926         }
   1927     default:
   1928         /* Set the state to ERROR */
   1929         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_ERROR);
   1930         break;
   1931     }
   1933     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   1934 }
   1936 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::setSnapshotState(int state)
   1937 {
   1938     LOGD("%s: Setting snapshot state to: %d",
   1939          __func__, state);
   1940     mSnapshotState = state;
   1941 }
   1943 int QCameraStream_Snapshot::getSnapshotState()
   1944 {
   1945     return mSnapshotState;
   1946 }
   1948 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::setModeLiveSnapshot(bool value)
   1949 {
   1950     mModeLiveSnapshot = value;
   1951 }
   1953 bool QCameraStream_Snapshot::isLiveSnapshot(void)
   1954 {
   1955     return mModeLiveSnapshot;
   1956 }
   1957 bool QCameraStream_Snapshot::isZSLMode()
   1958 {
   1959     return (myMode & CAMERA_ZSL_MODE);
   1960 }
   1962 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::setFullSizeLiveshot(bool value)
   1963 {
   1964     mFullLiveshot = value;
   1965 }
   1967 bool QCameraStream_Snapshot::isFullSizeLiveshot()
   1968 {
   1969     return mFullLiveshot;
   1970 }
   1972 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::resetSnapshotCounters(void )
   1973 {
   1974   mNumOfSnapshot = mHalCamCtrl->getNumOfSnapshots();
   1975   if (mNumOfSnapshot <= 0) {
   1976       mNumOfSnapshot = 1;
   1977   }
   1978   mNumOfRecievedJPEG = 0;
   1979   LOGD("%s: Number of images to be captured: %d", __func__, mNumOfSnapshot);
   1980 }
   1982 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   1983 // Constructor and Destructor
   1984 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   1985 QCameraStream_Snapshot::
   1986 QCameraStream_Snapshot(int cameraId, camera_mode_t mode)
   1987   : QCameraStream(cameraId,mode),
   1988     mSnapshotFormat(PICTURE_FORMAT_JPEG),
   1989     mPictureWidth(0), mPictureHeight(0),
   1990     mPictureFormat(CAMERA_YUV_420_NV21),
   1991     mPostviewWidth(0), mPostviewHeight(0),
   1992     mThumbnailWidth(0), mThumbnailHeight(0),
   1993     mThumbnailFormat(CAMERA_YUV_420_NV21),
   1994     mJpegOffset(0),
   1995     mSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_UNINIT),
   1996     mNumOfSnapshot(1),
   1997     mModeLiveSnapshot(false),
   1998     mBurstModeFlag(false),
   1999     mActualPictureWidth(0),
   2000     mActualPictureHeight(0),
   2001     mJpegDownscaling(false),
   2002     mJpegHeap(NULL),
   2003     mDisplayHeap(NULL),
   2004     mPostviewHeap(NULL),
   2005     mCurrentFrameEncoded(NULL),
   2006     mJpegSessionId(0),
   2007     mFullLiveshot(false),
   2008     mDropThumbnail(false)
   2009   {
   2010     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2012     /*initialize snapshot queue*/
   2013     mSnapshotQueue.init();
   2015     /*initialize WDN queue*/
   2016     mWDNQueue.init();
   2017     mIsDoingWDN = FALSE;
   2019     memset(&mSnapshotStreamBuf, 0, sizeof(mSnapshotStreamBuf));
   2020     memset(&mPostviewStreamBuf, 0, sizeof(mPostviewStreamBuf));
   2021     mSnapshotBufferNum = 0;
   2022     mMainSize = 0;
   2023     mThumbSize = 0;
   2024     for(int i = 0; i < mMaxSnapshotBufferCount; i++) {
   2025         mMainfd[i] = 0;
   2026         mThumbfd[i] = 0;
   2027         mCameraMemoryPtrMain[i] = NULL;
   2028         mCameraMemoryPtrThumb[i] = NULL;
   2029     }
   2030     /*load the jpeg lib*/
   2031     mJpegSessionId = omxJpegOpen( );
   2032     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2033   }
   2036 QCameraStream_Snapshot::~QCameraStream_Snapshot() {
   2037     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2039     /* deinit snapshot queue */
   2040     if (mSnapshotQueue.isInitialized()) {
   2041         mSnapshotQueue.deinit();
   2042     }
   2043     /* deinit snapshot queue */
   2044     if (mWDNQueue.isInitialized()) {
   2045         mWDNQueue.deinit();
   2046     }
   2048     if(mActive) {
   2049         stop();
   2050     }
   2051     if(mInit) {
   2052         release();
   2053     }
   2054     mInit = false;
   2055     mActive = false;
   2056     if (mJpegSessionId > 0) {
   2057       omxJpegClose( );
   2058       mJpegSessionId = 0;
   2059     }
   2060     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2062 }
   2064 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   2065 // Public Members
   2066 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   2067 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::init()
   2068 {
   2069     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   2070     mm_camera_op_mode_type_t op_mode;
   2072     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2073     /* Check the state. If we have already started snapshot
   2074        process just return*/
   2075     if (getSnapshotState() != SNAPSHOT_STATE_UNINIT) {
   2076         ret = isZSLMode() ? NO_ERROR : INVALID_OPERATION;
   2077         LOGE("%s: Trying to take picture while snapshot is in progress",
   2078              __func__);
   2079         goto end;
   2080     }
   2081     mInit = true;
   2083 end:
   2084     /*if (ret == NO_ERROR) {
   2085         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_INITIALIZED);
   2086     }*/
   2087     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2088     return ret;
   2089 }
   2091 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::start(void) {
   2092     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   2094     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2096     Mutex::Autolock lock(mStopCallbackLock);
   2098     /* Keep track of number of snapshots to take - in case of
   2099        multiple snapshot/burst mode */
   2101 	if(mHalCamCtrl->isRawSnapshot()) {
   2102         LOGD("%s: Acquire Raw Snapshot Channel", __func__);
   2103         ret = cam_ops_ch_acquire(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW);
   2104         if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   2105             LOGE("%s: Failure Acquiring Raw Snapshot Channel error =%d\n",
   2106                  __func__, ret);
   2107             ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2108             goto end;
   2109         }
   2110         /* Snapshot channel is acquired */
   2111         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_CH_ACQUIRED);
   2112         LOGD("%s: Register buffer notification. My object: %x",
   2113              __func__, (unsigned int) this);
   2114         (void) cam_evt_register_buf_notify(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW,
   2115                                         snapshot_notify_cb,
   2116                                         MM_CAMERA_REG_BUF_CB_INFINITE,
   2117                                         0,
   2118                                         this);
   2119         /* Set the state to buffer notification completed */
   2120         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_NOTIF_REGD);
   2121     }else{
   2122         LOGD("%s: Acquire Snapshot Channel", __func__);
   2123         ret = cam_ops_ch_acquire(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT);
   2124         if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   2125             LOGE("%s: Failure Acquiring Snapshot Channel error =%d\n", __func__, ret);
   2126             ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2127             goto end;
   2128         }
   2129         /* Snapshot channel is acquired */
   2130         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_CH_ACQUIRED);
   2131         LOGD("%s: Register buffer notification. My object: %x",
   2132              __func__, (unsigned int) this);
   2133         (void) cam_evt_register_buf_notify(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT,
   2134                                         snapshot_notify_cb,
   2135                                         MM_CAMERA_REG_BUF_CB_INFINITE,
   2136                                         0,
   2137                                         this);
   2138         /* Set the state to buffer notification completed */
   2139         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_BUF_NOTIF_REGD);
   2140     }
   2142     if (isZSLMode()) {
   2143         prepareHardware();
   2144         ret = initZSLSnapshot();
   2145         if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
   2146             LOGE("%s : Error while Initializing ZSL snapshot",__func__);
   2147             goto end;
   2148         }
   2149         mHalCamCtrl->setExifTags();
   2150         /* In case of ZSL, start will only start snapshot stream and
   2151            continuously queue the frames in a queue. When user clicks
   2152            shutter we'll call get buffer from the queue and pass it on */
   2153         ret = startStreamZSL();
   2154         goto end;
   2155     }
   2157     if (isFullSizeLiveshot())
   2158       ret = initFullLiveshot();
   2160     /* Check if it's a raw snapshot or JPEG*/
   2161     if(mHalCamCtrl->isRawSnapshot()) {
   2162         mSnapshotFormat = PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW;
   2163         ret = initRawSnapshot(mNumOfSnapshot);
   2164     }else{
   2165         //JPEG
   2166         mSnapshotFormat = PICTURE_FORMAT_JPEG;
   2167         ret = initJPEGSnapshot(mNumOfSnapshot);
   2168     }
   2169     if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
   2170         LOGE("%s : Error while Initializing snapshot",__func__);
   2171         goto end;
   2172     }
   2174     //Update Exiftag values.
   2175     mHalCamCtrl->setExifTags();
   2177     if (mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW) {
   2178         ret = takePictureRaw();
   2179         goto end;
   2180     }
   2181     else{
   2182         ret = takePictureJPEG();
   2183         goto end;
   2184     }
   2186 end:
   2187     if (ret == NO_ERROR) {
   2188         setSnapshotState(SNAPSHOT_STATE_IMAGE_CAPTURE_STRTD);
   2189         mActive = true;
   2190     } else {
   2191         deInitBuffer();
   2192     }
   2194     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2195     return ret;
   2196   }
   2198 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::stopPolling(void)
   2199 {
   2200     mm_camera_ops_type_t ops_type;
   2202     if (mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_JPEG) {
   2203         ops_type = isZSLMode() ? MM_CAMERA_OPS_ZSL : MM_CAMERA_OPS_SNAPSHOT;
   2204     }else
   2205         ops_type = MM_CAMERA_OPS_RAW;
   2207     if( NO_ERROR != cam_ops_action(mCameraId, FALSE,
   2208                                           ops_type, this)) {
   2209         LOGE("%s: Failure stopping snapshot", __func__);
   2210     }
   2211 }
   2213 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::stop(void)
   2214 {
   2215     mm_camera_ops_type_t ops_type;
   2216     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   2218     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2219     //Mutex::Autolock l(&snapshotLock);
   2221     if(!mActive) {
   2222       LOGV("%s: Not Active return now", __func__);
   2223       return;
   2224     }
   2225     mActive = false;
   2226     Mutex::Autolock lock(mStopCallbackLock);
   2227     if (getSnapshotState() != SNAPSHOT_STATE_UNINIT) {
   2228         /* Stop polling for further frames */
   2229         stopPolling();
   2231         if(getSnapshotState() == SNAPSHOT_STATE_JPEG_ENCODING) {
   2232             LOGV("Destroy Jpeg Instance");
   2233             omxJpegAbort();
   2234         }
   2236         /* Depending upon current state, we'll need to allocate-deallocate-deinit*/
   2237         deInitBuffer();
   2238     }
   2240     if(mSnapshotFormat == PICTURE_FORMAT_RAW) {
   2241         ret= QCameraStream::deinitChannel(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW);
   2242         if(ret != MM_CAMERA_OK) {
   2243           LOGE("%s:Deinit RAW channel failed=%d\n", __func__, ret);
   2244         }
   2245         (void)cam_evt_register_buf_notify(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_RAW,
   2246                                             NULL,
   2247                                             (mm_camera_register_buf_cb_type_t)NULL,
   2248                                             NULL,
   2249                                             NULL);
   2250     } else {
   2251         ret= QCameraStream::deinitChannel(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT);
   2252         if(ret != MM_CAMERA_OK) {
   2253           LOGE("%s:Deinit Snapshot channel failed=%d\n", __func__, ret);
   2254         }
   2255         (void)cam_evt_register_buf_notify(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT,
   2256                                             NULL,
   2257                                             (mm_camera_register_buf_cb_type_t)NULL,
   2258                                             NULL,
   2259                                             NULL);
   2260     }
   2262     /* release is generally called in case of explicit call from
   2263        upper-layer during disconnect. So we need to deinit everything
   2264        whatever state we are in */
   2265     LOGV("Calling omxjpegjoin from release\n");
   2266     omxJpegFinish();
   2267 #if 0
   2268     omxJpegClose();
   2269 #endif
   2270     mFullLiveshot = false;
   2271     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2273 }
   2275 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::release()
   2276 {
   2277     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   2278     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2279     //Mutex::Autolock l(&snapshotLock);
   2281     if(isLiveSnapshot()) {
   2282         deInitBuffer();
   2283     }
   2284     if(!mInit){
   2285         LOGE("%s : Stream not Initalized",__func__);
   2286         return;
   2287     }
   2289     if(mActive) {
   2290       this->stop();
   2291       mActive = FALSE;
   2292     }
   2294     /* release is generally called in case of explicit call from
   2295        upper-layer during disconnect. So we need to deinit everything
   2296        whatever state we are in */
   2298     //deinit();
   2299     mInit = false;
   2300     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2302 }
   2304 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::prepareHardware()
   2305 {
   2306     LOGV("%s: E", __func__);
   2308     /* Prepare snapshot*/
   2309     cam_ops_action(mCameraId,
   2310                           TRUE,
   2311                           MM_CAMERA_OPS_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT,
   2312                           this);
   2313     LOGV("%s: X", __func__);
   2314 }
   2316 sp<IMemoryHeap> QCameraStream_Snapshot::getRawHeap() const
   2317 {
   2318     return ((mDisplayHeap != NULL) ? mDisplayHeap->mHeap : NULL);
   2319 }
   2321 QCameraStream*
   2322 QCameraStream_Snapshot::createInstance(int cameraId,
   2323                                       camera_mode_t mode)
   2324 {
   2326   QCameraStream* pme = new QCameraStream_Snapshot(cameraId, mode);
   2328   return pme;
   2329 }
   2331 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::deleteInstance(QCameraStream *p)
   2332 {
   2333   if (p){
   2334     p->release();
   2335     delete p;
   2336     p = NULL;
   2337   }
   2338 }
   2340 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::notifyWDenoiseEvent(cam_ctrl_status_t status, void * cookie)
   2341 {
   2342     camera_notify_callback         notifyCb;
   2343     camera_data_callback           dataCb, jpgDataCb;
   2344     int rc = NO_ERROR;
   2345     mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *frame = (mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *)cookie;
   2347     LOGI("%s: WDN Done status (%d) received",__func__,status);
   2348     Mutex::Autolock lock(mStopCallbackLock);
   2349     if (frame == NULL) {
   2350         LOGE("%s: cookie is returned NULL", __func__);
   2351     } else {
   2352         // first unmapping the fds
   2353         mHalCamCtrl->sendUnMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_MAIN, frame->snapshot.main.idx, mCameraId,
   2354                                       CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_UNMAPPING);
   2355         mHalCamCtrl->sendUnMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_THUMBNAIL, frame->snapshot.thumbnail.idx, mCameraId,
   2356                                       CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_UNMAPPING);
   2358         // then do JPEG encoding
   2359         rc = encodeDisplayAndSave(frame, 0);
   2360     }
   2362     // send upperlayer callback for raw image (data or notify, not both)
   2363     if((mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb) && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE)){
   2364       dataCb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
   2365     } else {
   2366       dataCb = NULL;
   2367     }
   2368     if((mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb) && (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY)){
   2369       notifyCb = mHalCamCtrl->mNotifyCb;
   2370     } else {
   2371       notifyCb = NULL;
   2372     }
   2373     if(mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb &&
   2374         (mHalCamCtrl->mMsgEnabled & CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE)) {
   2375         /* get picture failed. Give jpeg callback with NULL data
   2376          * to the application to restore to preview mode
   2377          */
   2378         jpgDataCb = mHalCamCtrl->mDataCb;
   2379     } else {
   2380       jpgDataCb = NULL;
   2381     }
   2383     // launch next WDN if there is more in WDN Queue
   2384     lauchNextWDenoiseFromQueue();
   2386     mStopCallbackLock.unlock();
   2388     if (rc != NO_ERROR)
   2389     {
   2390         LOGE("%s: Error while encoding/displaying/saving image", __func__);
   2391         if (frame) {
   2392             cam_evt_buf_done(mCameraId, frame);
   2393         }
   2395         if (dataCb) {
   2396           dataCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE, mHalCamCtrl->mSnapshotMemory.camera_memory[0],
   2397                                1, NULL, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   2398         }
   2399         if (notifyCb) {
   2400           notifyCb(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY, 0, 0, mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   2401         }
   2402         if (jpgDataCb) {
   2403           jpgDataCb(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE,
   2404                                    NULL, 0, NULL,
   2405                                    mHalCamCtrl->mCallbackCookie);
   2406         }
   2408         if (frame != NULL) {
   2409             free(frame);
   2410         }
   2411     }
   2412 }
   2414 void QCameraStream_Snapshot::lauchNextWDenoiseFromQueue()
   2415 {
   2416     do {
   2417         mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *frame = NULL;
   2418         if ( mWDNQueue.isEmpty() ||
   2419              (NULL == (frame = (mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *)mWDNQueue.dequeue())) ) {
   2420             // set the flag back to FALSE when no WDN going on
   2421             mIsDoingWDN = FALSE;
   2422             break;
   2423         }
   2425         if ( NO_ERROR != doWaveletDenoise(frame) ) {
   2426             LOGE("%s: Error while doing wavelet denoise", __func__);
   2427             if (frame != NULL) {
   2428                 free(frame);
   2429             }
   2430         } else {
   2431             // we sent out req for WDN, so we can break here
   2432             LOGD("%s: Send out req for doing wavelet denoise, return here", __func__);
   2433             break;
   2434         }
   2435     } while (TRUE);
   2436 }
   2438 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::doWaveletDenoise(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* frame)
   2439 {
   2440     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
   2441     cam_sock_packet_t packet;
   2442     cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim;
   2444     LOGD("%s: E", __func__);
   2446     // get dim on the fly
   2447     memset(&dim, 0, sizeof(cam_ctrl_dimension_t));
   2448     ret = cam_config_get_parm(mCameraId, MM_CAMERA_PARM_DIMENSION, &dim);
   2449     if (NO_ERROR != ret) {
   2450         LOGE("%s: error - can't get dimension!", __func__);
   2451         return FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2452     }
   2454     // send main frame mapping through domain socket
   2455     if (NO_ERROR != mHalCamCtrl->sendMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_MAIN,
   2456                                                 frame->snapshot.main.idx,
   2457                                                 frame->snapshot.main.frame->fd,
   2458                                                 dim.picture_frame_offset.frame_len, mCameraId,
   2459                                                 CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_MAPPING)) {
   2460         LOGE("%s: sending main frame mapping buf msg Failed", __func__);
   2461         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2462         goto end;
   2463     }
   2465     // send thumbnail frame mapping through domain socket
   2466     if (NO_ERROR != mHalCamCtrl->sendMappingBuf(MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_THUMBNAIL,
   2467                                                 frame->snapshot.thumbnail.idx,
   2468                                                 frame->snapshot.thumbnail.frame->fd,
   2469                                                 dim.display_frame_offset.frame_len, mCameraId,
   2470                                                 CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_FD_MAPPING)) {
   2471         LOGE("%s: sending thumbnail frame mapping buf msg Failed", __func__);
   2472         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2473         goto end;
   2474     }
   2476     // ask deamon to start wdn operation
   2477     if (NO_ERROR != sendWDenoiseStartMsg(frame)) {
   2478         LOGE("%s: sending thumbnail frame mapping buf msg Failed", __func__);
   2479         ret = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2480         goto end;
   2481     }
   2483 end:
   2484     LOGD("%s: X", __func__);
   2485     return ret;
   2486 }
   2488 status_t QCameraStream_Snapshot::sendWDenoiseStartMsg(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t * frame)
   2489 {
   2490     cam_sock_packet_t packet;
   2491     memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(cam_sock_packet_t));
   2492     packet.msg_type = CAM_SOCK_MSG_TYPE_WDN_START;
   2493     packet.payload.wdn_start.cookie = (unsigned long)frame;
   2494     packet.payload.wdn_start.num_frames = MM_MAX_WDN_NUM;
   2495     packet.payload.wdn_start.ext_mode[0] = MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_MAIN;
   2496     packet.payload.wdn_start.ext_mode[1] = MSM_V4L2_EXT_CAPTURE_MODE_THUMBNAIL;
   2497     packet.payload.wdn_start.frame_idx[0] = frame->snapshot.main.idx;
   2498     packet.payload.wdn_start.frame_idx[1] = frame->snapshot.thumbnail.idx;
   2499     if ( cam_ops_sendmsg(mCameraId, &packet, sizeof(packet), 0) <= 0 ) {
   2500         LOGE("%s: sending start wavelet denoise msg failed", __func__);
   2501         return FAILED_TRANSACTION;
   2502     }
   2503     return NO_ERROR;
   2504 }
   2506 }; // namespace android