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      1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE translationbundle>
      3 <translationbundle lang="en-GB">
      4 <translation id="777702478322588152">Prefecture</translation>
      5 <translation id="3713769522066937702">This postcode format is not recognised. Example of a valid postcode: <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>. Don't know your postcode? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"/>here<ph name="END_LINK"/>.</translation>
      6 <translation id="7393381084163773901">Street address</translation>
      7 <translation id="820600307078153032">This postcode format is not recognised. Example of a valid postcode: <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>.</translation>
      8 <translation id="1340068511406764697">You must provide a postcode, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>. Don't know your postcode? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"/>here<ph name="END_LINK"/>.</translation>
      9 <translation id="6403469950615936250">This postcode format is not recognised. Example of a valid postcode: <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>. Don't know your postcode? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"/>here<ph name="END_LINK"/>.</translation>
     10 <translation id="6327653052522436195">City</translation>
     11 <translation id="6839929833149231406">Area</translation>
     12 <translation id="3885155851504623709">Parish</translation>
     13 <translation id="8184169487503545976">This ZIP code format is not recognized. </translation>
     14 <translation id="7602447984296396718">This ZIP code does not appear to match the rest of this address. </translation>
     15 <translation id="2053553514270667976">ZIP code</translation>
     16 <translation id="7087282848513945231">County</translation>
     17 <translation id="2096368010154057602">Department</translation>
     18 <translation id="7738983109397305830">This postcode does not appear to match the rest of this address. Don't know your postcode? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"/>here<ph name="END_LINK"/>.</translation>
     19 <translation id="3174168572213147020">Island</translation>
     20 <translation id="7139724024395191329">Emirate</translation>
     21 <translation id="6970216967273061347">District</translation>
     22 <translation id="6207937957461833379">Country/Region</translation>
     23 <translation id="6777217372746654521">This address line appears to contain a post office box. Please use a street or building address.</translation>
     24 <translation id="8471101563037901452">This postcode does not appear to match the rest of this address. Don't know your postcode? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"/>here<ph name="END_LINK"/>.</translation>
     25 <translation id="9207002871037636573">You must provide a postcode, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>.</translation>
     26 <translation id="5089810972385038852">County</translation>
     27 <translation id="6735419622867539268"><ph name="FIELD_VALUE"/> is not recognised as a known value for this field.</translation>
     28 <translation id="43113324827158664">You can't leave this empty.</translation>
     29 <translation id="3050787670591910834">You must provide a postcode, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>.</translation>
     30 <translation id="6282194474023008486">Postcode</translation>
     31 <translation id="4376888869070172068">This postcode format is not recognised.</translation>
     32 <translation id="8446364922515257065">Do/Si</translation>
     33 <translation id="4518701284698680367">You must provide a postcode, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>. Don't know your postcode? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"/>here<ph name="END_LINK"/>.</translation>
     34 <translation id="3882422586004212847">This postcode format is not recognised. Example of a valid postcode: <ph name="EXAMPLE"/>.</translation>
     35 <translation id="9104066683700680171">This postcode does not appear to match the rest of this address.</translation>
     36 <translation id="5095208057601539847">Province</translation>
     37 <translation id="5327248766486351172">Name</translation>
     38 </translationbundle>