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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/session/session_manager.h"
      7 #include <string>
      9 #include "base/base_paths.h"
     10 #include "base/bind.h"
     11 #include "base/command_line.h"
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     13 #include "base/path_service.h"
     14 #include "base/prefs/pref_member.h"
     15 #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
     16 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     17 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
     18 #include "base/sys_info.h"
     19 #include "base/task_runner_util.h"
     20 #include "base/threading/worker_pool.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/app_mode/app_mode_utils.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
     24 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/boot_times_loader.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/input_method_util.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/demo_mode/demo_app_launcher.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/profile_auth_data.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/saml/saml_offline_signin_limiter.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/saml/saml_offline_signin_limiter_factory.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/signin/oauth2_login_manager.h"
     31 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/signin/oauth2_login_manager_factory.h"
     32 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/supervised_user_manager.h"
     33 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/user.h"
     34 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/user_manager.h"
     35 #include "chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h"
     36 #include "chrome/browser/google/google_brand_chromeos.h"
     37 #include "chrome/browser/lifetime/application_lifetime.h"
     38 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     39 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h"
     40 #include "chrome/browser/rlz/rlz.h"
     41 #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_factory.h"
     42 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     43 #include "chrome/common/logging_chrome.h"
     44 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     45 #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h"
     46 #include "chromeos/cryptohome/cryptohome_util.h"
     47 #include "chromeos/dbus/cryptohome_client.h"
     48 #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h"
     49 #include "chromeos/dbus/session_manager_client.h"
     50 #include "chromeos/ime/input_method_manager.h"
     51 #include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_manager_base.h"
     52 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
     54 namespace chromeos {
     56 namespace {
     58 void InitLocaleAndInputMethodsForNewUser(PrefService* prefs) {
     59   // First, we'll set kLanguagePreloadEngines.
     60   std::string locale = g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale();
     61   input_method::InputMethodManager* manager =
     62       input_method::InputMethodManager::Get();
     63   std::vector<std::string> input_method_ids;
     64   manager->GetInputMethodUtil()->GetFirstLoginInputMethodIds(
     65       locale, manager->GetCurrentInputMethod(), &input_method_ids);
     67   // Save the input methods in the user's preferences.
     68   StringPrefMember language_preload_engines;
     69   language_preload_engines.Init(prefs::kLanguagePreloadEngines, prefs);
     70   language_preload_engines.SetValue(JoinString(input_method_ids, ','));
     71   BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker("IMEStarted", false);
     73   // Second, we'll set kLanguagePreferredLanguages.
     74   std::vector<std::string> language_codes;
     76   // The current locale should be on the top.
     77   language_codes.push_back(locale);
     79   // Add input method IDs based on the input methods, as there may be
     80   // input methods that are unrelated to the current locale. Example: the
     81   // hardware keyboard layout xkb:us::eng is used for logging in, but the
     82   // UI language is set to French. In this case, we should set "fr,en"
     83   // to the preferred languages preference.
     84   std::vector<std::string> candidates;
     85   manager->GetInputMethodUtil()->GetLanguageCodesFromInputMethodIds(
     86       input_method_ids, &candidates);
     87   for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
     88     const std::string& candidate = candidates[i];
     89     // Skip if it's already in language_codes.
     90     if (std::count(language_codes.begin(), language_codes.end(),
     91                    candidate) == 0) {
     92       language_codes.push_back(candidate);
     93     }
     94   }
     96   // Save the preferred languages in the user's preferences.
     97   StringPrefMember language_preferred_languages;
     98   language_preferred_languages.Init(prefs::kLanguagePreferredLanguages, prefs);
     99   language_preferred_languages.SetValue(JoinString(language_codes, ','));
    100 }
    102 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
    103 // Flag file that disables RLZ tracking, when present.
    104 const base::FilePath::CharType kRLZDisabledFlagName[] =
    105     FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".rlz_disabled");
    107 base::FilePath GetRlzDisabledFlagPath() {
    108   base::FilePath homedir;
    109   PathService::Get(base::DIR_HOME, &homedir);
    110   return homedir.Append(kRLZDisabledFlagName);
    111 }
    112 #endif
    114 }  // namespace
    116 // static
    117 SessionManager* SessionManager::GetInstance() {
    118   return Singleton<SessionManager,
    119       DefaultSingletonTraits<SessionManager> >::get();
    120 }
    122 // static
    123 void SessionManager::RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
    124   registry->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kRLZBrand, std::string());
    125   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kRLZDisabled, false);
    126 }
    128 SessionManager::SessionManager()
    129     : delegate_(NULL),
    130       has_web_auth_cookies_(false),
    131       exit_after_session_restore_(false),
    132       session_restore_strategy_(
    133           OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_SAVED_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN) {
    134   net::NetworkChangeNotifier::AddConnectionTypeObserver(this);
    135 }
    137 SessionManager::~SessionManager() {
    138   net::NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveConnectionTypeObserver(this);
    139 }
    141 void SessionManager::OnSessionRestoreStateChanged(
    142     Profile* user_profile,
    143     OAuth2LoginManager::SessionRestoreState state) {
    144   User::OAuthTokenStatus user_status = User::OAUTH_TOKEN_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
    145   OAuth2LoginManager* login_manager =
    146       OAuth2LoginManagerFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(user_profile);
    148   bool connection_error = false;
    149   switch (state) {
    150     case OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_DONE:
    151       user_status = User::OAUTH2_TOKEN_STATUS_VALID;
    152       break;
    153     case OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_FAILED:
    154       user_status = User::OAUTH2_TOKEN_STATUS_INVALID;
    155       break;
    156     case OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_CONNECTION_FAILED:
    157       connection_error = true;
    158       break;
    159     case OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_NOT_STARTED:
    160     case OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_PREPARING:
    161     case OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_IN_PROGRESS:
    162       return;
    163   }
    165   // We should not be clearing existing token state if that was a connection
    166   // error. http://crbug.com/295245
    167   if (!connection_error) {
    168     // We are in one of "done" states here.
    169     UserManager::Get()->SaveUserOAuthStatus(
    170         UserManager::Get()->GetLoggedInUser()->email(),
    171         user_status);
    172   }
    174   login_manager->RemoveObserver(this);
    175 }
    177 void SessionManager::OnNewRefreshTokenAvaiable(Profile* user_profile) {
    178   // Check if we were waiting to restart chrome.
    179   if (!exit_after_session_restore_)
    180     return;
    182   OAuth2LoginManager* login_manager =
    183       OAuth2LoginManagerFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(user_profile);
    184   login_manager->RemoveObserver(this);
    186   // Mark user auth token status as valid.
    187   UserManager::Get()->SaveUserOAuthStatus(
    188       UserManager::Get()->GetLoggedInUser()->email(),
    189       User::OAUTH2_TOKEN_STATUS_VALID);
    191   LOG(WARNING) << "Exiting after new refresh token fetched";
    193   // We need to restart cleanly in this case to make sure OAuth2 RT is actually
    194   // saved.
    195   chrome::AttemptRestart();
    196 }
    198 void SessionManager::OnConnectionTypeChanged(
    199     net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) {
    200   UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
    201   if (type == net::NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_NONE ||
    202       user_manager->IsLoggedInAsGuest() || !user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn()) {
    203     return;
    204   }
    206   // Need to iterate over all users and their OAuth2 session state.
    207   const UserList& users = user_manager->GetLoggedInUsers();
    208   for (UserList::const_iterator it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it) {
    209     Profile* user_profile = user_manager->GetProfileByUser(*it);
    210     bool should_restore_session =
    211         pending_restore_sessions_.find((*it)->email()) !=
    212             pending_restore_sessions_.end();
    213     OAuth2LoginManager* login_manager =
    214         OAuth2LoginManagerFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(user_profile);
    215     if (login_manager->state() ==
    216             OAuth2LoginManager::SESSION_RESTORE_IN_PROGRESS) {
    217       // If we come online for the first time after successful offline login,
    218       // we need to kick off OAuth token verification process again.
    219       login_manager->ContinueSessionRestore();
    220     } else if (should_restore_session) {
    221       pending_restore_sessions_.erase((*it)->email());
    222       RestoreAuthSessionImpl(user_profile, has_web_auth_cookies_);
    223     }
    224   }
    225 }
    227 void SessionManager::StartSession(const UserContext& user_context,
    228                                   scoped_refptr<Authenticator> authenticator,
    229                                   bool has_cookies,
    230                                   bool has_active_session,
    231                                   Delegate* delegate) {
    232   authenticator_ = authenticator;
    233   delegate_ = delegate;
    235   VLOG(1) << "Starting session for " << user_context.GetUserID();
    237   PreStartSession();
    238   CreateUserSession(user_context, has_cookies);
    240   if (!has_active_session)
    241     StartCrosSession();
    243   // TODO(nkostylev): Notify UserLoggedIn() after profile is actually
    244   // ready to be used (http://crbug.com/361528).
    245   NotifyUserLoggedIn();
    246   PrepareProfile();
    247 }
    249 void SessionManager::RestoreAuthenticationSession(Profile* user_profile) {
    250   UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
    251   // We don't need to restore session for demo/guest/stub/public account users.
    252   if (!user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn() ||
    253       user_manager->IsLoggedInAsGuest() ||
    254       user_manager->IsLoggedInAsPublicAccount() ||
    255       user_manager->IsLoggedInAsDemoUser() ||
    256       user_manager->IsLoggedInAsStub()) {
    257     return;
    258   }
    260   User* user = user_manager->GetUserByProfile(user_profile);
    261   DCHECK(user);
    262   if (!net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IsOffline()) {
    263     pending_restore_sessions_.erase(user->email());
    264     RestoreAuthSessionImpl(user_profile, false);
    265   } else {
    266     // Even if we're online we should wait till initial
    267     // OnConnectionTypeChanged() call. Otherwise starting fetchers too early may
    268     // end up canceling all request when initial network connection type is
    269     // processed. See http://crbug.com/121643.
    270     pending_restore_sessions_.insert(user->email());
    271   }
    272 }
    274 void SessionManager::InitRlz(Profile* profile) {
    275 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
    276   if (!g_browser_process->local_state()->HasPrefPath(prefs::kRLZBrand)) {
    277     // Read brand code asynchronously from an OEM data and repost ourselves.
    278     google_brand::chromeos::InitBrand(
    279         base::Bind(&SessionManager::InitRlz, AsWeakPtr(), profile));
    280     return;
    281   }
    282   base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
    283       base::WorkerPool::GetTaskRunner(false),
    284       FROM_HERE,
    285       base::Bind(&base::PathExists, GetRlzDisabledFlagPath()),
    286       base::Bind(&SessionManager::InitRlzImpl, AsWeakPtr(), profile));
    287 #endif
    288 }
    290 OAuth2LoginManager::SessionRestoreStrategy
    291 SessionManager::GetSigninSessionRestoreStrategy() {
    292   return session_restore_strategy_;
    293 }
    295 // static
    296 void SessionManager::SetFirstLoginPrefs(PrefService* prefs) {
    297   VLOG(1) << "Setting first login prefs";
    298   InitLocaleAndInputMethodsForNewUser(prefs);
    299 }
    301 void SessionManager::CreateUserSession(const UserContext& user_context,
    302                                        bool has_cookies) {
    303   user_context_ = user_context;
    304   has_web_auth_cookies_ = has_cookies;
    305   InitSessionRestoreStrategy();
    306 }
    308 void SessionManager::PreStartSession() {
    309   // Switch log file as soon as possible.
    310   if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS())
    311     logging::RedirectChromeLogging(*(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()));
    312 }
    314 void SessionManager::StartCrosSession() {
    315   BootTimesLoader* btl = BootTimesLoader::Get();
    316   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("StartSession-Start", false);
    317   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetSessionManagerClient()->
    318       StartSession(user_context_.GetUserID());
    319   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("StartSession-End", false);
    320 }
    322 void SessionManager:: NotifyUserLoggedIn() {
    323   BootTimesLoader* btl = BootTimesLoader::Get();
    324   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("UserLoggedIn-Start", false);
    325   UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
    326   user_manager->UserLoggedIn(user_context_.GetUserID(),
    327                              user_context_.GetUserIDHash(),
    328                              false);
    329   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("UserLoggedIn-End", false);
    330 }
    332 void SessionManager::PrepareProfile() {
    333   UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
    334   bool is_demo_session =
    335       DemoAppLauncher::IsDemoAppSession(user_context_.GetUserID());
    337   // TODO(nkostylev): Figure out whether demo session is using the right profile
    338   // path or not. See https://codereview.chromium.org/171423009
    339   g_browser_process->profile_manager()->CreateProfileAsync(
    340       user_manager->GetUserProfileDir(user_context_.GetUserID()),
    341       base::Bind(&SessionManager::OnProfileCreated, AsWeakPtr(),
    342                  user_context_.GetUserID(), is_demo_session),
    343       base::string16(), base::string16(), std::string());
    344 }
    346 void SessionManager::OnProfileCreated(const std::string& user_id,
    347                                       bool is_incognito_profile,
    348                                       Profile* profile,
    349                                       Profile::CreateStatus status) {
    350   CHECK(profile);
    352   switch (status) {
    353     case Profile::CREATE_STATUS_CREATED:
    354       // Profile created but before initializing extensions and promo resources.
    355       InitProfilePreferences(profile, user_id);
    356       break;
    357     case Profile::CREATE_STATUS_INITIALIZED:
    358       // Profile is created, extensions and promo resources are initialized.
    359       // At this point all other Chrome OS services will be notified that it is
    360       // safe to use this profile.
    361       UserProfileInitialized(profile, is_incognito_profile);
    362       break;
    363     case Profile::CREATE_STATUS_LOCAL_FAIL:
    364     case Profile::CREATE_STATUS_REMOTE_FAIL:
    365     case Profile::CREATE_STATUS_CANCELED:
    366     case Profile::MAX_CREATE_STATUS:
    367       NOTREACHED();
    368       break;
    369   }
    370 }
    372 void SessionManager::InitProfilePreferences(Profile* profile,
    373                                             const std::string& user_id) {
    374   if (UserManager::Get()->IsCurrentUserNew())
    375     SetFirstLoginPrefs(profile->GetPrefs());
    377   if (UserManager::Get()->IsLoggedInAsLocallyManagedUser()) {
    378     User* active_user = UserManager::Get()->GetActiveUser();
    379     std::string managed_user_sync_id =
    380         UserManager::Get()->GetSupervisedUserManager()->
    381             GetUserSyncId(active_user->email());
    382     profile->GetPrefs()->SetString(prefs::kSupervisedUserId,
    383                                    managed_user_sync_id);
    384   } else if (UserManager::Get()->IsLoggedInAsRegularUser()) {
    385     // Make sure that the google service username is properly set (we do this
    386     // on every sign in, not just the first login, to deal with existing
    387     // profiles that might not have it set yet).
    388     SigninManagerBase* signin_manager =
    389         SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    390     signin_manager->SetAuthenticatedUsername(user_id);
    391   }
    392 }
    394 void SessionManager::UserProfileInitialized(Profile* profile,
    395                                             bool is_incognito_profile) {
    396   if (is_incognito_profile) {
    397     profile->OnLogin();
    398     // Send the notification before creating the browser so additional objects
    399     // that need the profile (e.g. the launcher) can be created first.
    400     content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    402         content::NotificationService::AllSources(),
    403         content::Details<Profile>(profile));
    405     if (delegate_)
    406       delegate_->OnProfilePrepared(profile);
    408     return;
    409   }
    411   BootTimesLoader* btl = BootTimesLoader::Get();
    412   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("UserProfileGotten", false);
    414   if (user_context_.IsUsingOAuth()) {
    415     // Transfer proxy authentication cache, cookies (optionally) and server
    416     // bound certs from the profile that was used for authentication.  This
    417     // profile contains cookies that auth extension should have already put in
    418     // place that will ensure that the newly created session is authenticated
    419     // for the websites that work with the used authentication schema.
    420     ProfileAuthData::Transfer(
    421         authenticator_->authentication_profile(),
    422         profile,
    423         has_web_auth_cookies_,  // transfer_cookies
    424         base::Bind(&SessionManager::CompleteProfileCreateAfterAuthTransfer,
    425                    AsWeakPtr(),
    426                    profile));
    427     return;
    428   }
    430   FinalizePrepareProfile(profile);
    431 }
    433 void SessionManager::CompleteProfileCreateAfterAuthTransfer(Profile* profile) {
    434   RestoreAuthSessionImpl(profile, has_web_auth_cookies_);
    435   FinalizePrepareProfile(profile);
    436 }
    438 void SessionManager::FinalizePrepareProfile(Profile* profile) {
    439   BootTimesLoader* btl = BootTimesLoader::Get();
    441   // Own TPM device if, for any reason, it has not been done in EULA screen.
    442   CryptohomeClient* client = DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCryptohomeClient();
    443   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("TPMOwn-Start", false);
    444   if (cryptohome_util::TpmIsEnabled() && !cryptohome_util::TpmIsBeingOwned()) {
    445     if (cryptohome_util::TpmIsOwned()) {
    446       client->CallTpmClearStoredPasswordAndBlock();
    447     } else {
    448       client->TpmCanAttemptOwnership(EmptyVoidDBusMethodCallback());
    449     }
    450   }
    451   btl->AddLoginTimeMarker("TPMOwn-End", false);
    453   UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
    454   if (user_manager->IsLoggedInAsRegularUser()) {
    455     SAMLOfflineSigninLimiter* saml_offline_signin_limiter =
    456         SAMLOfflineSigninLimiterFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    457     if (saml_offline_signin_limiter)
    458       saml_offline_signin_limiter->SignedIn(user_context_.GetAuthFlow());
    459   }
    461   profile->OnLogin();
    463   // Send the notification before creating the browser so additional objects
    464   // that need the profile (e.g. the launcher) can be created first.
    465   content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    467       content::NotificationService::AllSources(),
    468       content::Details<Profile>(profile));
    470   // Initialize RLZ only for primary user.
    471   if (user_manager->GetPrimaryUser() ==
    472       user_manager->GetUserByProfile(profile)) {
    473     InitRlz(profile);
    474   }
    476   // TODO(altimofeev): This pointer should probably never be NULL, but it looks
    477   // like LoginUtilsImpl::OnProfileCreated() may be getting called before
    478   // SessionManager::PrepareProfile() has set |delegate_| when Chrome is killed
    479   // during shutdown in tests -- see http://crosbug.com/18269.  Replace this
    480   // 'if' statement with a CHECK(delegate_) once the underlying issue is
    481   // resolved.
    482   if (delegate_)
    483     delegate_->OnProfilePrepared(profile);
    484 }
    486 void SessionManager::InitSessionRestoreStrategy() {
    487   CommandLine* command_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    488   bool in_app_mode = chrome::IsRunningInForcedAppMode();
    490   // Are we in kiosk app mode?
    491   if (in_app_mode) {
    492     if (command_line->HasSwitch(::switches::kAppModeOAuth2Token)) {
    493       oauth2_refresh_token_ = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(
    494           ::switches::kAppModeOAuth2Token);
    495     }
    497     if (command_line->HasSwitch(::switches::kAppModeAuthCode)) {
    498       user_context_.SetAuthCode(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(
    499           ::switches::kAppModeAuthCode));
    500     }
    502     DCHECK(!has_web_auth_cookies_);
    503     if (!user_context_.GetAuthCode().empty()) {
    504       session_restore_strategy_ = OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_AUTH_CODE;
    505     } else if (!oauth2_refresh_token_.empty()) {
    506       session_restore_strategy_ =
    507           OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_PASSED_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN;
    508     } else {
    509       session_restore_strategy_ =
    510           OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_SAVED_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN;
    511     }
    512     return;
    513   }
    515   if (has_web_auth_cookies_) {
    516     session_restore_strategy_ = OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_COOKIE_JAR;
    517   } else if (!user_context_.GetAuthCode().empty()) {
    518     session_restore_strategy_ = OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_AUTH_CODE;
    519   } else {
    520     session_restore_strategy_ =
    521         OAuth2LoginManager::RESTORE_FROM_SAVED_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN;
    522   }
    523 }
    525 void SessionManager::RestoreAuthSessionImpl(Profile* profile,
    526                                             bool restore_from_auth_cookies) {
    527   CHECK((authenticator_.get() && authenticator_->authentication_profile()) ||
    528         !restore_from_auth_cookies);
    530   if (chrome::IsRunningInForcedAppMode() ||
    531       CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
    532           chromeos::switches::kOobeSkipPostLogin)) {
    533     return;
    534   }
    536   exit_after_session_restore_ = false;
    538   // Remove legacy OAuth1 token if we have one. If it's valid, we should already
    539   // have OAuth2 refresh token in OAuth2TokenService that could be used to
    540   // retrieve all other tokens and user_context.
    541   OAuth2LoginManager* login_manager =
    542       OAuth2LoginManagerFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(profile);
    543   login_manager->AddObserver(this);
    544   login_manager->RestoreSession(
    545       authenticator_.get() && authenticator_->authentication_profile()
    546           ? authenticator_->authentication_profile()->GetRequestContext()
    547           : NULL,
    548       session_restore_strategy_,
    549       oauth2_refresh_token_,
    550       user_context_.GetAuthCode());
    551 }
    553 void SessionManager::InitRlzImpl(Profile* profile, bool disabled) {
    554 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
    555   PrefService* local_state = g_browser_process->local_state();
    556   if (disabled) {
    557     // Empty brand code means an organic install (no RLZ pings are sent).
    558     google_brand::chromeos::ClearBrandForCurrentSession();
    559   }
    560   if (disabled != local_state->GetBoolean(prefs::kRLZDisabled)) {
    561     // When switching to RLZ enabled/disabled state, clear all recorded events.
    562     RLZTracker::ClearRlzState();
    563     local_state->SetBoolean(prefs::kRLZDisabled, disabled);
    564   }
    565   // Init the RLZ library.
    566   int ping_delay = profile->GetPrefs()->GetInteger(
    567       first_run::GetPingDelayPrefName().c_str());
    568   // Negative ping delay means to send ping immediately after a first search is
    569   // recorded.
    570   RLZTracker::InitRlzFromProfileDelayed(
    571       profile, UserManager::Get()->IsCurrentUserNew(),
    572       ping_delay < 0, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(abs(ping_delay)));
    573   if (delegate_)
    574     delegate_->OnRlzInitialized();
    575 #endif
    576 }
    578 }  // namespace chromeos