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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
      9 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
     10 #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
     11 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
     12 #include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_audio_renderer.h"
     13 #include "content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h"
     14 #include "media/base/audio_decoder.h"
     15 #include "media/base/audio_pull_fifo.h"
     16 #include "media/base/audio_renderer_sink.h"
     17 #include "media/base/channel_layout.h"
     19 namespace media {
     20 class AudioOutputDevice;
     21 }  // namespace media
     23 namespace webrtc {
     24 class AudioSourceInterface;
     25 class MediaStreamInterface;
     26 }  // namespace webrtc
     28 namespace content {
     30 class WebRtcAudioRendererSource;
     32 // This renderer handles calls from the pipeline and WebRtc ADM. It is used
     33 // for connecting WebRtc MediaStream with the audio pipeline.
     34 class CONTENT_EXPORT WebRtcAudioRenderer
     35     : NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public media::AudioRendererSink::RenderCallback),
     36       NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public MediaStreamAudioRenderer) {
     37  public:
     38   // This is a little utility class that holds the configured state of an audio
     39   // stream.
     40   // It is used by both WebRtcAudioRenderer and SharedAudioRenderer (see cc
     41   // file) so a part of why it exists is to avoid code duplication and track
     42   // the state in the same way in WebRtcAudioRenderer and SharedAudioRenderer.
     43   class PlayingState : public base::NonThreadSafe {
     44    public:
     45     PlayingState() : playing_(false), volume_(1.0f) {}
     47     bool playing() const {
     48       DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
     49       return playing_;
     50     }
     52     void set_playing(bool playing) {
     53       DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
     54       playing_ = playing;
     55     }
     57     float volume() const {
     58       DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
     59       return volume_;
     60     }
     62     void set_volume(float volume) {
     63       DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
     64       volume_ = volume;
     65     }
     67    private:
     68     bool playing_;
     69     float volume_;
     70   };
     72   WebRtcAudioRenderer(
     73       const scoped_refptr<webrtc::MediaStreamInterface>& media_stream,
     74       int source_render_view_id,
     75       int source_render_frame_id,
     76       int session_id,
     77       int sample_rate,
     78       int frames_per_buffer);
     80   // Initialize function called by clients like WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl.
     81   // Stop() has to be called before |source| is deleted.
     82   bool Initialize(WebRtcAudioRendererSource* source);
     84   // When sharing a single instance of WebRtcAudioRenderer between multiple
     85   // users (e.g. WebMediaPlayerMS), call this method to create a proxy object
     86   // that maintains the Play and Stop states per caller.
     87   // The wrapper ensures that Play() won't be called when the caller's state
     88   // is "playing", Pause() won't be called when the state already is "paused"
     89   // etc and similarly maintains the same state for Stop().
     90   // When Stop() is called or when the proxy goes out of scope, the proxy
     91   // will ensure that Pause() is called followed by a call to Stop(), which
     92   // is the usage pattern that WebRtcAudioRenderer requires.
     93   scoped_refptr<MediaStreamAudioRenderer> CreateSharedAudioRendererProxy(
     94       const scoped_refptr<webrtc::MediaStreamInterface>& media_stream);
     96   // Used to DCHECK on the expected state.
     97   bool IsStarted() const;
     99   // Accessors to the sink audio parameters.
    100   int channels() const { return sink_params_.channels(); }
    101   int sample_rate() const { return sink_params_.sample_rate(); }
    103  private:
    104   // MediaStreamAudioRenderer implementation.  This is private since we want
    105   // callers to use proxy objects.
    106   // TODO(tommi): Make the MediaStreamAudioRenderer implementation a pimpl?
    107   virtual void Start() OVERRIDE;
    108   virtual void Play() OVERRIDE;
    109   virtual void Pause() OVERRIDE;
    110   virtual void Stop() OVERRIDE;
    111   virtual void SetVolume(float volume) OVERRIDE;
    112   virtual base::TimeDelta GetCurrentRenderTime() const OVERRIDE;
    113   virtual bool IsLocalRenderer() const OVERRIDE;
    115   // Called when an audio renderer, either the main or a proxy, starts playing.
    116   // Here we maintain a reference count of how many renderers are currently
    117   // playing so that the shared play state of all the streams can be reflected
    118   // correctly.
    119   void EnterPlayState();
    121   // Called when an audio renderer, either the main or a proxy, is paused.
    122   // See EnterPlayState for more details.
    123   void EnterPauseState();
    125  protected:
    126   virtual ~WebRtcAudioRenderer();
    128  private:
    129   enum State {
    130     UNINITIALIZED,
    131     PLAYING,
    132     PAUSED,
    133   };
    135   // Holds raw pointers to PlaingState objects.  Ownership is managed outside
    136   // of this type.
    137   typedef std::vector<PlayingState*> PlayingStates;
    138   // Maps an audio source to a list of playing states that collectively hold
    139   // volume information for that source.
    140   typedef std::map<webrtc::AudioSourceInterface*, PlayingStates>
    141       SourcePlayingStates;
    143   // Used to DCHECK that we are called on the correct thread.
    144   base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
    146   // Flag to keep track the state of the renderer.
    147   State state_;
    149   // media::AudioRendererSink::RenderCallback implementation.
    150   // These two methods are called on the AudioOutputDevice worker thread.
    151   virtual int Render(media::AudioBus* audio_bus,
    152                      int audio_delay_milliseconds) OVERRIDE;
    153   virtual void OnRenderError() OVERRIDE;
    155   // Called by AudioPullFifo when more data is necessary.
    156   // This method is called on the AudioOutputDevice worker thread.
    157   void SourceCallback(int fifo_frame_delay, media::AudioBus* audio_bus);
    159   // Goes through all renderers for the |source| and applies the proper
    160   // volume scaling for the source based on the volume(s) of the renderer(s).
    161   void UpdateSourceVolume(webrtc::AudioSourceInterface* source);
    163   // Tracks a playing state.  The state must be playing when this method
    164   // is called.
    165   // Returns true if the state was added, false if it was already being tracked.
    166   bool AddPlayingState(webrtc::AudioSourceInterface* source,
    167                        PlayingState* state);
    168   // Removes a playing state for an audio source.
    169   // Returns true if the state was removed from the internal map, false if
    170   // it had already been removed or if the source isn't being rendered.
    171   bool RemovePlayingState(webrtc::AudioSourceInterface* source,
    172                           PlayingState* state);
    174   // Called whenever the Play/Pause state changes of any of the renderers
    175   // or if the volume of any of them is changed.
    176   // Here we update the shared Play state and apply volume scaling to all audio
    177   // sources associated with the |media_stream| based on the collective volume
    178   // of playing renderers.
    179   void OnPlayStateChanged(
    180       const scoped_refptr<webrtc::MediaStreamInterface>& media_stream,
    181       PlayingState* state);
    183   // The render view and frame in which the audio is rendered into |sink_|.
    184   const int source_render_view_id_;
    185   const int source_render_frame_id_;
    186   const int session_id_;
    188   // The sink (destination) for rendered audio.
    189   scoped_refptr<media::AudioOutputDevice> sink_;
    191   // The media stream that holds the audio tracks that this renderer renders.
    192   const scoped_refptr<webrtc::MediaStreamInterface> media_stream_;
    194   // Audio data source from the browser process.
    195   WebRtcAudioRendererSource* source_;
    197   // Protects access to |state_|, |source_|, |sink_| and |current_time_|.
    198   mutable base::Lock lock_;
    200   // Ref count for the MediaPlayers which are playing audio.
    201   int play_ref_count_;
    203   // Ref count for the MediaPlayers which have called Start() but not Stop().
    204   int start_ref_count_;
    206   // Used to buffer data between the client and the output device in cases where
    207   // the client buffer size is not the same as the output device buffer size.
    208   scoped_ptr<media::AudioPullFifo> audio_fifo_;
    210   // Contains the accumulated delay estimate which is provided to the WebRTC
    211   // AEC.
    212   int audio_delay_milliseconds_;
    214   // Delay due to the FIFO in milliseconds.
    215   int fifo_delay_milliseconds_;
    217   base::TimeDelta current_time_;
    219   // Saved volume and playing state of the root renderer.
    220   PlayingState playing_state_;
    222   // Audio params used by the sink of the renderer.
    223   media::AudioParameters sink_params_;
    225   // Maps audio sources to a list of active audio renderers.
    226   // Pointers to PlayingState objects are only kept in this map while the
    227   // associated renderer is actually playing the stream.  Ownership of the
    228   // state objects lies with the renderers and they must leave the playing state
    229   // before being destructed (PlayingState object goes out of scope).
    230   SourcePlayingStates source_playing_states_;
    233 };
    235 }  // namespace content