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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll (at) kde.org)
      3  * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
      4  * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      5  *
      6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      9  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     10  *
     11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     14  * Library General Public License for more details.
     15  *
     16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
     17  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
     18  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     19  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
     20  *
     21  */
     23 #ifndef StringImpl_h
     24 #define StringImpl_h
     26 #include <limits.h>
     27 #include "wtf/ASCIICType.h"
     28 #include "wtf/Forward.h"
     29 #include "wtf/HashMap.h"
     30 #include "wtf/StringHasher.h"
     31 #include "wtf/Vector.h"
     32 #include "wtf/WTFExport.h"
     33 #include "wtf/unicode/Unicode.h"
     35 #if USE(CF)
     36 typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
     37 #endif
     39 #ifdef __OBJC__
     40 @class NSString;
     41 #endif
     43 namespace WTF {
     45 struct AlreadyHashed;
     46 struct CStringTranslator;
     47 template<typename CharacterType> struct HashAndCharactersTranslator;
     48 struct HashAndUTF8CharactersTranslator;
     49 struct LCharBufferTranslator;
     50 struct CharBufferFromLiteralDataTranslator;
     51 struct SubstringTranslator;
     52 struct UCharBufferTranslator;
     53 template<typename> class RetainPtr;
     55 enum TextCaseSensitivity { TextCaseSensitive, TextCaseInsensitive };
     57 enum StripBehavior { StripExtraWhiteSpace, DoNotStripWhiteSpace };
     59 typedef bool (*CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)(UChar);
     60 typedef bool (*IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)(UChar);
     61 typedef HashMap<unsigned, StringImpl*, AlreadyHashed> StaticStringsTable;
     63 // Define STRING_STATS to turn on run time statistics of string sizes and memory usage
     64 #undef STRING_STATS
     66 #ifdef STRING_STATS
     67 struct StringStats {
     68     inline void add8BitString(unsigned length)
     69     {
     70         ++m_totalNumberStrings;
     71         ++m_number8BitStrings;
     72         m_total8BitData += length;
     73     }
     75     inline void add16BitString(unsigned length)
     76     {
     77         ++m_totalNumberStrings;
     78         ++m_number16BitStrings;
     79         m_total16BitData += length;
     80     }
     82     void removeString(StringImpl*);
     83     void printStats();
     85     static const unsigned s_printStringStatsFrequency = 5000;
     86     static unsigned s_stringRemovesTillPrintStats;
     88     unsigned m_totalNumberStrings;
     89     unsigned m_number8BitStrings;
     90     unsigned m_number16BitStrings;
     91     unsigned long long m_total8BitData;
     92     unsigned long long m_total16BitData;
     93 };
     95 void addStringForStats(StringImpl*);
     96 void removeStringForStats(StringImpl*);
     98 #define STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING(length) StringImpl::stringStats().add8BitString(length); addStringForStats(this)
     99 #define STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING(length) StringImpl::stringStats().add16BitString(length); addStringForStats(this)
    100 #define STRING_STATS_REMOVE_STRING(string) StringImpl::stringStats().removeString(string); removeStringForStats(this)
    101 #else
    102 #define STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING(length) ((void)0)
    103 #define STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING(length) ((void)0)
    104 #define STRING_STATS_REMOVE_STRING(string) ((void)0)
    105 #endif
    107 // You can find documentation about this class in this doc:
    108 // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kOCUlJdh2WJMJGDf-WoEQhmnjKLaOYRbiHz5TiGJl14/edit?usp=sharing
    109 class WTF_EXPORT StringImpl {
    110     WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(StringImpl);
    111     friend struct WTF::CStringTranslator;
    112     template<typename CharacterType> friend struct WTF::HashAndCharactersTranslator;
    113     friend struct WTF::HashAndUTF8CharactersTranslator;
    114     friend struct WTF::CharBufferFromLiteralDataTranslator;
    115     friend struct WTF::LCharBufferTranslator;
    116     friend struct WTF::SubstringTranslator;
    117     friend struct WTF::UCharBufferTranslator;
    119 private:
    120     // StringImpls are allocated out of the WTF buffer partition.
    121     void* operator new(size_t);
    122     void* operator new(size_t, void* ptr) { return ptr; };
    123     void operator delete(void*);
    125     // Used to construct static strings, which have an special refCount that can never hit zero.
    126     // This means that the static string will never be destroyed, which is important because
    127     // static strings will be shared across threads & ref-counted in a non-threadsafe manner.
    128     enum ConstructEmptyStringTag { ConstructEmptyString };
    129     explicit StringImpl(ConstructEmptyStringTag)
    130         : m_refCount(1)
    131         , m_length(0)
    132         , m_hash(0)
    133         , m_isAtomic(false)
    134         , m_is8Bit(true)
    135         , m_isStatic(true)
    136     {
    137         // Ensure that the hash is computed so that AtomicStringHash can call existingHash()
    138         // with impunity. The empty string is special because it is never entered into
    139         // AtomicString's HashKey, but still needs to compare correctly.
    140         STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING(m_length);
    141         hash();
    142     }
    144     // FIXME: there has to be a less hacky way to do this.
    145     enum Force8Bit { Force8BitConstructor };
    146     StringImpl(unsigned length, Force8Bit)
    147         : m_refCount(1)
    148         , m_length(length)
    149         , m_hash(0)
    150         , m_isAtomic(false)
    151         , m_is8Bit(true)
    152         , m_isStatic(false)
    153     {
    154         ASSERT(m_length);
    155         STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING(m_length);
    156     }
    158     StringImpl(unsigned length)
    159         : m_refCount(1)
    160         , m_length(length)
    161         , m_hash(0)
    162         , m_isAtomic(false)
    163         , m_is8Bit(false)
    164         , m_isStatic(false)
    165     {
    166         ASSERT(m_length);
    167         STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING(m_length);
    168     }
    170     enum StaticStringTag { StaticString };
    171     StringImpl(unsigned length, unsigned hash, StaticStringTag)
    172         : m_refCount(1)
    173         , m_length(length)
    174         , m_hash(hash)
    175         , m_isAtomic(false)
    176         , m_is8Bit(true)
    177         , m_isStatic(true)
    178     {
    179     }
    181 public:
    182     ~StringImpl();
    184     static StringImpl* createStatic(const char* string, unsigned length, unsigned hash);
    185     static void freezeStaticStrings();
    186     static const StaticStringsTable& allStaticStrings();
    187     static unsigned highestStaticStringLength() { return m_highestStaticStringLength; }
    189     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create(const UChar*, unsigned length);
    190     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create(const LChar*, unsigned length);
    191     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create8BitIfPossible(const UChar*, unsigned length);
    192     template<size_t inlineCapacity>
    193     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create8BitIfPossible(const Vector<UChar, inlineCapacity>& vector)
    194     {
    195         return create8BitIfPossible(vector.data(), vector.size());
    196     }
    198     ALWAYS_INLINE static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create(const char* s, unsigned length) { return create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(s), length); }
    199     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create(const LChar*);
    200     ALWAYS_INLINE static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> create(const char* s) { return create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(s)); }
    202     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> createUninitialized(unsigned length, LChar*& data);
    203     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> createUninitialized(unsigned length, UChar*& data);
    205     // Reallocate the StringImpl. The originalString must be only owned by the PassRefPtr.
    206     // Just like the input pointer of realloc(), the originalString can't be used after this function.
    207     static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> reallocate(PassRefPtr<StringImpl> originalString, unsigned length);
    209     // If this StringImpl has only one reference, we can truncate the string by updating
    210     // its m_length property without actually re-allocating its buffer.
    211     void truncateAssumingIsolated(unsigned length)
    212     {
    213         ASSERT(hasOneRef());
    214         ASSERT(length <= m_length);
    215         m_length = length;
    216     }
    218     unsigned length() const { return m_length; }
    219     bool is8Bit() const { return m_is8Bit; }
    221     ALWAYS_INLINE const LChar* characters8() const { ASSERT(is8Bit()); return reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(this + 1); }
    222     ALWAYS_INLINE const UChar* characters16() const { ASSERT(!is8Bit()); return reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(this + 1); }
    224     template <typename CharType>
    225     ALWAYS_INLINE const CharType * getCharacters() const;
    227     size_t sizeInBytes() const;
    229     bool isAtomic() const { return m_isAtomic; }
    230     void setIsAtomic(bool isAtomic) { m_isAtomic = isAtomic; }
    232     bool isStatic() const { return m_isStatic; }
    234 private:
    235     // The high bits of 'hash' are always empty, but we prefer to store our flags
    236     // in the low bits because it makes them slightly more efficient to access.
    237     // So, we shift left and right when setting and getting our hash code.
    238     void setHash(unsigned hash) const
    239     {
    240         ASSERT(!hasHash());
    241         // Multiple clients assume that StringHasher is the canonical string hash function.
    242         ASSERT(hash == (is8Bit() ? StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters8(), m_length) : StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters16(), m_length)));
    243         m_hash = hash;
    244         ASSERT(hash); // Verify that 0 is a valid sentinel hash value.
    245     }
    247     unsigned rawHash() const
    248     {
    249         return m_hash;
    250     }
    252     void destroyIfNotStatic();
    254 public:
    255     bool hasHash() const
    256     {
    257         return rawHash() != 0;
    258     }
    260     unsigned existingHash() const
    261     {
    262         ASSERT(hasHash());
    263         return rawHash();
    264     }
    266     unsigned hash() const
    267     {
    268         if (hasHash())
    269             return existingHash();
    270         return hashSlowCase();
    271     }
    273     ALWAYS_INLINE bool hasOneRef() const
    274     {
    275         return m_refCount == 1;
    276     }
    278     ALWAYS_INLINE void ref()
    279     {
    280         ++m_refCount;
    281     }
    283     ALWAYS_INLINE void deref()
    284     {
    285         if (hasOneRef()) {
    286             destroyIfNotStatic();
    287             return;
    288         }
    290         --m_refCount;
    291     }
    293     static StringImpl* empty();
    295     // FIXME: Does this really belong in StringImpl?
    296     template <typename T> static void copyChars(T* destination, const T* source, unsigned numCharacters)
    297     {
    298         memcpy(destination, source, numCharacters * sizeof(T));
    299     }
    301     ALWAYS_INLINE static void copyChars(UChar* destination, const LChar* source, unsigned numCharacters)
    302     {
    303         for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCharacters; ++i)
    304             destination[i] = source[i];
    305     }
    307     // Some string features, like refcounting and the atomicity flag, are not
    308     // thread-safe. We achieve thread safety by isolation, giving each thread
    309     // its own copy of the string.
    310     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> isolatedCopy() const;
    312     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> substring(unsigned pos, unsigned len = UINT_MAX);
    314     UChar operator[](unsigned i) const
    315     {
    316         ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(i < m_length);
    317         if (is8Bit())
    318             return characters8()[i];
    319         return characters16()[i];
    320     }
    321     UChar32 characterStartingAt(unsigned);
    323     bool containsOnlyWhitespace();
    325     int toIntStrict(bool* ok = 0, int base = 10);
    326     unsigned toUIntStrict(bool* ok = 0, int base = 10);
    327     int64_t toInt64Strict(bool* ok = 0, int base = 10);
    328     uint64_t toUInt64Strict(bool* ok = 0, int base = 10);
    329     intptr_t toIntPtrStrict(bool* ok = 0, int base = 10);
    331     int toInt(bool* ok = 0); // ignores trailing garbage
    332     unsigned toUInt(bool* ok = 0); // ignores trailing garbage
    333     int64_t toInt64(bool* ok = 0); // ignores trailing garbage
    334     uint64_t toUInt64(bool* ok = 0); // ignores trailing garbage
    335     intptr_t toIntPtr(bool* ok = 0); // ignores trailing garbage
    337     // FIXME: Like the strict functions above, these give false for "ok" when there is trailing garbage.
    338     // Like the non-strict functions above, these return the value when there is trailing garbage.
    339     // It would be better if these were more consistent with the above functions instead.
    340     double toDouble(bool* ok = 0);
    341     float toFloat(bool* ok = 0);
    343     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> lower();
    344     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> upper();
    345     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> lower(const AtomicString& localeIdentifier);
    346     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> upper(const AtomicString& localeIdentifier);
    348     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> fill(UChar);
    349     // FIXME: Do we need fill(char) or can we just do the right thing if UChar is ASCII?
    350     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> foldCase();
    352     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> stripWhiteSpace();
    353     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> stripWhiteSpace(IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr);
    354     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> simplifyWhiteSpace(StripBehavior stripBehavior = StripExtraWhiteSpace);
    355     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> simplifyWhiteSpace(IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr, StripBehavior stripBehavior = StripExtraWhiteSpace);
    357     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> removeCharacters(CharacterMatchFunctionPtr);
    358     template <typename CharType>
    359     ALWAYS_INLINE PassRefPtr<StringImpl> removeCharacters(const CharType* characters, CharacterMatchFunctionPtr);
    361     size_t find(LChar character, unsigned start = 0);
    362     size_t find(char character, unsigned start = 0);
    363     size_t find(UChar character, unsigned start = 0);
    364     size_t find(CharacterMatchFunctionPtr, unsigned index = 0);
    365     size_t find(const LChar*, unsigned index = 0);
    366     ALWAYS_INLINE size_t find(const char* s, unsigned index = 0) { return find(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(s), index); }
    367     size_t find(StringImpl*);
    368     size_t find(StringImpl*, unsigned index);
    369     size_t findIgnoringCase(const LChar*, unsigned index = 0);
    370     ALWAYS_INLINE size_t findIgnoringCase(const char* s, unsigned index = 0) { return findIgnoringCase(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(s), index); }
    371     size_t findIgnoringCase(StringImpl*, unsigned index = 0);
    373     size_t findNextLineStart(unsigned index = UINT_MAX);
    375     size_t reverseFind(UChar, unsigned index = UINT_MAX);
    376     size_t reverseFind(StringImpl*, unsigned index = UINT_MAX);
    377     size_t reverseFindIgnoringCase(StringImpl*, unsigned index = UINT_MAX);
    379     size_t count(LChar) const;
    381     bool startsWith(StringImpl* str, bool caseSensitive = true) { return (caseSensitive ? reverseFind(str, 0) : reverseFindIgnoringCase(str, 0)) == 0; }
    382     bool startsWith(UChar) const;
    383     bool startsWith(const char*, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const;
    384     template<unsigned matchLength>
    385     bool startsWith(const char (&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive = true) const { return startsWith(prefix, matchLength - 1, caseSensitive); }
    387     bool endsWith(StringImpl*, bool caseSensitive = true);
    388     bool endsWith(UChar) const;
    389     bool endsWith(const char*, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const;
    390     template<unsigned matchLength>
    391     bool endsWith(const char (&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive = true) const { return endsWith(prefix, matchLength - 1, caseSensitive); }
    393     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(UChar, UChar);
    394     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(UChar, StringImpl*);
    395     ALWAYS_INLINE PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(UChar pattern, const char* replacement, unsigned replacementLength) { return replace(pattern, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(replacement), replacementLength); }
    396     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(UChar, const LChar*, unsigned replacementLength);
    397     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(UChar, const UChar*, unsigned replacementLength);
    398     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(StringImpl*, StringImpl*);
    399     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> replace(unsigned index, unsigned len, StringImpl*);
    400     PassRefPtr<StringImpl> upconvertedString();
    402 #if USE(CF)
    403     RetainPtr<CFStringRef> createCFString();
    404 #endif
    405 #ifdef __OBJC__
    406     operator NSString*();
    407 #endif
    409 #ifdef STRING_STATS
    410     ALWAYS_INLINE static StringStats& stringStats() { return m_stringStats; }
    411 #endif
    413 private:
    414     template<typename CharType> static size_t allocationSize(unsigned length)
    415     {
    416         RELEASE_ASSERT(length <= ((std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - sizeof(StringImpl)) / sizeof(CharType)));
    417         return sizeof(StringImpl) + length * sizeof(CharType);
    418     }
    420     template <class UCharPredicate> PassRefPtr<StringImpl> stripMatchedCharacters(UCharPredicate);
    421     template <typename CharType, class UCharPredicate> PassRefPtr<StringImpl> simplifyMatchedCharactersToSpace(UCharPredicate, StripBehavior);
    422     NEVER_INLINE unsigned hashSlowCase() const;
    424 #ifdef STRING_STATS
    425     static StringStats m_stringStats;
    426 #endif
    428     static unsigned m_highestStaticStringLength;
    430 #ifndef NDEBUG
    431     void assertHashIsCorrect()
    432     {
    433         ASSERT(hasHash());
    434         ASSERT(existingHash() == StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters8(), length()));
    435     }
    436 #endif
    438 private:
    439     unsigned m_refCount;
    440     unsigned m_length;
    441     mutable unsigned m_hash : 24;
    442     unsigned m_isAtomic : 1;
    443     unsigned m_is8Bit : 1;
    444     unsigned m_isStatic : 1;
    445 };
    447 template <>
    448 ALWAYS_INLINE const LChar* StringImpl::getCharacters<LChar>() const { return characters8(); }
    450 template <>
    451 ALWAYS_INLINE const UChar* StringImpl::getCharacters<UChar>() const { return characters16(); }
    453 WTF_EXPORT bool equal(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
    454 WTF_EXPORT bool equal(const StringImpl*, const LChar*);
    455 inline bool equal(const StringImpl* a, const char* b) { return equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b)); }
    456 WTF_EXPORT bool equal(const StringImpl*, const LChar*, unsigned);
    457 WTF_EXPORT bool equal(const StringImpl*, const UChar*, unsigned);
    458 inline bool equal(const StringImpl* a, const char* b, unsigned length) { return equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b), length); }
    459 inline bool equal(const LChar* a, StringImpl* b) { return equal(b, a); }
    460 inline bool equal(const char* a, StringImpl* b) { return equal(b, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(a)); }
    461 WTF_EXPORT bool equalNonNull(const StringImpl* a, const StringImpl* b);
    463 template<typename CharType>
    464 ALWAYS_INLINE bool equal(const CharType* a, const CharType* b, unsigned length) { return !memcmp(a, b, length * sizeof(CharType)); }
    466 ALWAYS_INLINE bool equal(const LChar* a, const UChar* b, unsigned length)
    467 {
    468     for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    469         if (a[i] != b[i])
    470             return false;
    471     }
    472     return true;
    473 }
    475 ALWAYS_INLINE bool equal(const UChar* a, const LChar* b, unsigned length) { return equal(b, a, length); }
    477 WTF_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringCase(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
    478 WTF_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringCase(const StringImpl*, const LChar*);
    479 inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const LChar* a, const StringImpl* b) { return equalIgnoringCase(b, a); }
    480 WTF_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringCase(const LChar*, const LChar*, unsigned);
    481 WTF_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringCase(const UChar*, const LChar*, unsigned);
    482 inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const UChar* a, const char* b, unsigned length) { return equalIgnoringCase(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b), length); }
    483 inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const LChar* a, const UChar* b, unsigned length) { return equalIgnoringCase(b, a, length); }
    484 inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const char* a, const UChar* b, unsigned length) { return equalIgnoringCase(b, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(a), length); }
    485 inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const char* a, const LChar* b, unsigned length) { return equalIgnoringCase(b, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(a), length); }
    486 inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const UChar* a, const UChar* b, int length)
    487 {
    488     ASSERT(length >= 0);
    489     return !Unicode::umemcasecmp(a, b, length);
    490 }
    491 WTF_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringCaseNonNull(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
    493 WTF_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringNullity(StringImpl*, StringImpl*);
    495 template<typename CharacterType>
    496 inline size_t find(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, CharacterType matchCharacter, unsigned index = 0)
    497 {
    498     while (index < length) {
    499         if (characters[index] == matchCharacter)
    500             return index;
    501         ++index;
    502     }
    503     return kNotFound;
    504 }
    506 ALWAYS_INLINE size_t find(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, LChar matchCharacter, unsigned index = 0)
    507 {
    508     return find(characters, length, static_cast<UChar>(matchCharacter), index);
    509 }
    511 inline size_t find(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, UChar matchCharacter, unsigned index = 0)
    512 {
    513     if (matchCharacter & ~0xFF)
    514         return kNotFound;
    515     return find(characters, length, static_cast<LChar>(matchCharacter), index);
    516 }
    518 inline size_t find(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, CharacterMatchFunctionPtr matchFunction, unsigned index = 0)
    519 {
    520     while (index < length) {
    521         if (matchFunction(characters[index]))
    522             return index;
    523         ++index;
    524     }
    525     return kNotFound;
    526 }
    528 inline size_t find(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, CharacterMatchFunctionPtr matchFunction, unsigned index = 0)
    529 {
    530     while (index < length) {
    531         if (matchFunction(characters[index]))
    532             return index;
    533         ++index;
    534     }
    535     return kNotFound;
    536 }
    538 template<typename CharacterType>
    539 inline size_t findNextLineStart(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, unsigned index = 0)
    540 {
    541     while (index < length) {
    542         CharacterType c = characters[index++];
    543         if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r'))
    544             continue;
    546         // There can only be a start of a new line if there are more characters
    547         // beyond the current character.
    548         if (index < length) {
    549             // The 3 common types of line terminators are 1. \r\n (Windows),
    550             // 2. \r (old MacOS) and 3. \n (Unix'es).
    552             if (c == '\n')
    553                 return index; // Case 3: just \n.
    555             CharacterType c2 = characters[index];
    556             if (c2 != '\n')
    557                 return index; // Case 2: just \r.
    559             // Case 1: \r\n.
    560             // But, there's only a start of a new line if there are more
    561             // characters beyond the \r\n.
    562             if (++index < length)
    563                 return index;
    564         }
    565     }
    566     return kNotFound;
    567 }
    569 template<typename CharacterType>
    570 inline size_t reverseFindLineTerminator(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, unsigned index = UINT_MAX)
    571 {
    572     if (!length)
    573         return kNotFound;
    574     if (index >= length)
    575         index = length - 1;
    576     CharacterType c = characters[index];
    577     while ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {
    578         if (!index--)
    579             return kNotFound;
    580         c = characters[index];
    581     }
    582     return index;
    583 }
    585 template<typename CharacterType>
    586 inline size_t reverseFind(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, CharacterType matchCharacter, unsigned index = UINT_MAX)
    587 {
    588     if (!length)
    589         return kNotFound;
    590     if (index >= length)
    591         index = length - 1;
    592     while (characters[index] != matchCharacter) {
    593         if (!index--)
    594             return kNotFound;
    595     }
    596     return index;
    597 }
    599 ALWAYS_INLINE size_t reverseFind(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, LChar matchCharacter, unsigned index = UINT_MAX)
    600 {
    601     return reverseFind(characters, length, static_cast<UChar>(matchCharacter), index);
    602 }
    604 inline size_t reverseFind(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, UChar matchCharacter, unsigned index = UINT_MAX)
    605 {
    606     if (matchCharacter & ~0xFF)
    607         return kNotFound;
    608     return reverseFind(characters, length, static_cast<LChar>(matchCharacter), index);
    609 }
    611 inline size_t StringImpl::find(LChar character, unsigned start)
    612 {
    613     if (is8Bit())
    614         return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, character, start);
    615     return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, character, start);
    616 }
    618 ALWAYS_INLINE size_t StringImpl::find(char character, unsigned start)
    619 {
    620     return find(static_cast<LChar>(character), start);
    621 }
    623 inline size_t StringImpl::find(UChar character, unsigned start)
    624 {
    625     if (is8Bit())
    626         return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, character, start);
    627     return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, character, start);
    628 }
    630 inline unsigned lengthOfNullTerminatedString(const UChar* string)
    631 {
    632     size_t length = 0;
    633     while (string[length] != UChar(0))
    634         ++length;
    635     RELEASE_ASSERT(length <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
    636     return static_cast<unsigned>(length);
    637 }
    639 template<size_t inlineCapacity>
    640 bool equalIgnoringNullity(const Vector<UChar, inlineCapacity>& a, StringImpl* b)
    641 {
    642     if (!b)
    643         return !a.size();
    644     if (a.size() != b->length())
    645         return false;
    646     if (b->is8Bit())
    647         return equal(a.data(), b->characters8(), b->length());
    648     return equal(a.data(), b->characters16(), b->length());
    649 }
    651 template<typename CharacterType1, typename CharacterType2>
    652 static inline int codePointCompare(unsigned l1, unsigned l2, const CharacterType1* c1, const CharacterType2* c2)
    653 {
    654     const unsigned lmin = l1 < l2 ? l1 : l2;
    655     unsigned pos = 0;
    656     while (pos < lmin && *c1 == *c2) {
    657         ++c1;
    658         ++c2;
    659         ++pos;
    660     }
    662     if (pos < lmin)
    663         return (c1[0] > c2[0]) ? 1 : -1;
    665     if (l1 == l2)
    666         return 0;
    668     return (l1 > l2) ? 1 : -1;
    669 }
    671 static inline int codePointCompare8(const StringImpl* string1, const StringImpl* string2)
    672 {
    673     return codePointCompare(string1->length(), string2->length(), string1->characters8(), string2->characters8());
    674 }
    676 static inline int codePointCompare16(const StringImpl* string1, const StringImpl* string2)
    677 {
    678     return codePointCompare(string1->length(), string2->length(), string1->characters16(), string2->characters16());
    679 }
    681 static inline int codePointCompare8To16(const StringImpl* string1, const StringImpl* string2)
    682 {
    683     return codePointCompare(string1->length(), string2->length(), string1->characters8(), string2->characters16());
    684 }
    686 static inline int codePointCompare(const StringImpl* string1, const StringImpl* string2)
    687 {
    688     if (!string1)
    689         return (string2 && string2->length()) ? -1 : 0;
    691     if (!string2)
    692         return string1->length() ? 1 : 0;
    694     bool string1Is8Bit = string1->is8Bit();
    695     bool string2Is8Bit = string2->is8Bit();
    696     if (string1Is8Bit) {
    697         if (string2Is8Bit)
    698             return codePointCompare8(string1, string2);
    699         return codePointCompare8To16(string1, string2);
    700     }
    701     if (string2Is8Bit)
    702         return -codePointCompare8To16(string2, string1);
    703     return codePointCompare16(string1, string2);
    704 }
    706 static inline bool isSpaceOrNewline(UChar c)
    707 {
    708     // Use isASCIISpace() for basic Latin-1.
    709     // This will include newlines, which aren't included in Unicode DirWS.
    710     return c <= 0x7F ? WTF::isASCIISpace(c) : WTF::Unicode::direction(c) == WTF::Unicode::WhiteSpaceNeutral;
    711 }
    713 inline PassRefPtr<StringImpl> StringImpl::isolatedCopy() const
    714 {
    715     if (is8Bit())
    716         return create(characters8(), m_length);
    717     return create(characters16(), m_length);
    718 }
    720 struct StringHash;
    722 // StringHash is the default hash for StringImpl* and RefPtr<StringImpl>
    723 template<typename T> struct DefaultHash;
    724 template<> struct DefaultHash<StringImpl*> {
    725     typedef StringHash Hash;
    726 };
    727 template<> struct DefaultHash<RefPtr<StringImpl> > {
    728     typedef StringHash Hash;
    729 };
    731 }
    733 using WTF::StringImpl;
    734 using WTF::equal;
    735 using WTF::equalNonNull;
    736 using WTF::TextCaseSensitivity;
    737 using WTF::TextCaseSensitive;
    738 using WTF::TextCaseInsensitive;
    740 #endif